CHEMICAL LABELLING - Pembina Trails School Division

Correct Labeling of all chemicals is critical to work place safety, is a legal
requirement and avoids costly disposal of unknown products. There are different
labeling requirements for hazardous and non-hazardous substances and also for
chemical wastes.
Commercially available chemicals should be appropriately labelled by the
manufacturer, and will not generally require relabeling. If a label is damaged,
obscured, or chemicals are decanted into a new container or used to make a new
solution, a new label is required. The procedure indicates information that is
required for different types of chemical products, and how to print labels out.
Labeling Hazardous Substances
The following information is required by law on the label of any hazardous
substance 100ml or larger. Hazardous substances are required by law to be labelled
with the following information:
product name, chemical name
risk phrases *
hazard symbols and or dangerous
goods class label
precautionary measures to be
followed when handling or using*
first aid procedures and emergency
the label must have a hatched
reference to MSDS
details of manufacturer, importer or
If the container is smaller than 100ml the asterisked (*) information can be omitted
from the label. If the container is too small to have a label attached (i.e. 1ml
eppendorf), legislation requires that the label be tied to the container with string, or
that the container is placed in an appropriately labelled outer container.
Pembina Trails School Division
S&H Office, 165 Henlow Bay, 204-488-1767, Ext. 1292
Labeling Hazardous & Non Hazardous Chemicals
All chemicals, both hazardous and non-hazardous substance, require a label.
Although non-hazardous substances pose less of a threat to personnel there are still
labeling requirements that apply. Both types of substances are required to have a
supplier label on the original container. If no label exists or the label has been
defaced please apply a Workplace label. Non-hazardous substances are required to
be labeled with the following information if they have been removed from their
original supplier container:
Full chemical name and concentration of constituents (abbreviations and
chemical symbols/structures are not adequate)
Name of the user
This information can be written right onto the bottle with permanent marker.
Hazardous substances require a workplace label to be applied when the substance
has been removed from its original container. A generic workplace label, PTSD
workplace label or a label from WellNet can be applied. However, templates for
printing labels of various sizes are available from WellNet only. These labels can be
filled in electronically and printed onto Avery label paper. The generic workplace
labels must be filled in by hand and the PTSD workplace labels can be printed onto
Avery Labels and filled in by hand, providing a quick and easy solution to correctly
labeling chemicals. Please note that the manufacturer can also be contacted to
supply labels for the original container.
- Generic Workplace labels can be obtained from the S&H Officer or ordered from
any supplier
- Click here to access PTSD Blank Workplace Labels
- Click here to access Wellnet labels
 to print a label from the main MSDS Quick
Search Site:
o click on the Main MSDS site tab
o click on your school
o click on your department and open up the MSDS book
o type in the product name at the top and click apply on the right
o your product name will appear below, click on the action drop
down bar at the bottom of the page
o click on Workplace label
o the MSDS will appear on the left and the label on the right
o Note: if no label has been created a message will appear to
contact your system administrator. Please contact S&H Officer to
create a label.
o to print a label – choose the label size (Avery 5168, 5164, 5165, or
6873) insert the labels into the printer and print.
Pembina Trails School Division
S&H Office, 165 Henlow Bay, 204-488-1767, Ext. 1292
Labeling Chemical Wastes
All chemical wastes must be correctly labelled to ensure the safety of personnel and
to prevent costly disposal of unknown substances. Waste containers should be
labelled before waste is collected and as far as practicable chemical wastes should
be segregated. Segregation of wastes is a good safe work practice and makes
disposal of waste simpler and cheaper. All chemical waste must be labelled. For
any waste that is not labelled, a completed PTSD hazardous waste label must be
attached and contain the following information:
Generator Information:
o Name of the person collecting the waste
o Date the waste was collected
o School Name
o School Address
o School Phone #
o Department the waste belongs to
o Room # the waste was collected from
Full chemical name and concentration (abbreviations and chemical
symbols/structures are not adequate)
Hazards associated with the waste:
o Flammable
o Toxic
o Corrosive
o Reactive
o Oxidizer
o Other
Click here to print your own PTSD Hazardous waste labels
Offsite chemical waste disposal is coordinated every June through the Safety and
Health Officer and in collaboration with Miller Environmental. Items that are not
labelled and identified will not be collected by Miller.
Pembina Trails School Division
S&H Office, 165 Henlow Bay, 204-488-1767, Ext. 1292