Click on this for the first time Open

Click on this for the first time
Enter the class key and submit
Click on this
This page tells you are on the right page.
Fill in the information to create your
personal account.
Add your own email address
Click here to create account
Exit WebAssign and login again with your
username and password. You don't create another
account. At this point you do not have access to
the functions available on WebAssign. You will
continue from this page to get an access account.
Select this option because you already have an account.
Login using your account information and click on continue
Click. This takes you to the page to get the code to access your WebAssign account.
You are not required to purchase an access code,
however, without access to webassign you will not
have the online access to the practice quizzes or
Activate your webassign account.
You can choose to purchase an access
code if you have a text book without an
access account.
You choose how you will
Get an access code.
If you purchase the complete course text
book your shrink wrapped book contains
an access code.
This example assumes you have the access code with your
book. Each book contains its own unique code. This example
is specific to the student Anna Vitous. Your account is
password protected when you log in.
This is a unique code associated with your
account. Each student has a unique access code
Click here to open your account.
Your personal webassign account opens. You will find a
link to “Personal Study Plan”(PSP). This is an excellent
way to test your understanding of the material. There is a
PSP for each chapter of the book. Click on chapter 1 to
try your first quiz. This example is for Anna Vitous.
Example as if you are Anna Vitous. When Anna's account opens
she can see for chapter 1 that her chapter quiz score is 94%. If
she clicks on the “1: Introducton” link she can see here quiz
results for the different sections of chapter 1.
Click here
Anna clicks on the first chapter link and can see how well
she did for each section. You can retake the practice
quizzes and also click on the tutorials for additional