108 CHAPTER 5 DESIGN OF UPQC FOR POWER QUALITY ENHANCEMENT USING CONVENTIONAL PI CONTROLLER 5.1 INTRODUCTION The advancement of power electronics and digital control technology has led to increase in the use of the renewable energy sources and non linear loads in the distribution systems. On the other hand, with the proliferation of the power electronic devices, nonlinear loads and unbalanced loads have degraded the power quality in the power distribution network (Bollen 1999). Owing to increasing demand and the rapid development of the high power semiconductor technology, the custom power solutions are taking place rapidly. But in a real time power system, the use of non linear loads leads to the load current harmonics, load voltage harmonics, neutral current distortion and load unbalance. So, the various custom power devices are proposed to enhance the power quality in the system by eliminating the above effects. The term custom power pertains to the use of power electronic controllers in a distribution system to deal with various power quality problems. 5.1.1 Types of Custom Power Devices There are many types of custom power devices. Some of these devices include APF, Solid State Fault Current Limiter (SSFCL), Solid-State Transfer Switches (SSTS), Static VAR Compensator (SVC), Dynamic 109 Voltage Restorer (DVR), Distribution Static Synchronous Compensators (DSTATCOM) and UPQC. The compensation type devices are used for active filtering, load balancing, power factor correction and voltage regulation. The best protection for sensitive loads from sources with inadequate quality is UPQC. UPQC is the combination of DSTATCOM and DVR. It injects series voltage and shunt currents to the system (Khadkikar et al 2006). It is a special versatile custom power device which consists of two inverters connected back-to-back and deals with load current and load voltage imperfections and balances the unbalance loads (Yash Pal et al 2012). UPQC is the best solution to compensate various power quality problems under non linear load and unbalance conditions (Han et al 2006). 5.1.2 Advantages and Configuration of UPQC In this proposed method, UPQC is used to compensate load current distortion, load voltage distortion, neutral current distortion and balance an unbalance load. The use of UPQC for non linear and voltage sensitive loads has the following advantages over other custom devices, It compensates load current and load voltage distortion and also balances unbalance loads at single installation. The voltage injected by UPQC to maintain the load end voltage at the desired value is taken from the same DC link, thus no additional DC link voltage support is required for the series compensator. UPQC maintains load end voltage at the rated value even in the presence of supply voltage sag. 110 It consists of series inverter and shunt inverter i.e. it is the combination of DVR and D-STATCOM which is shown in Figure 5.1. Figure 5.1 Configuration of UPQC DVR compensates the load voltage distortion by series compensation whereas the D-STATCOM compensates the load current distortions by providing shunt compensation. In the proposed method, the reference signal for UPQC is extracted by using SRF controller along with PLL (Fatiha Mekri et al 2008). PI conventional controller is used to maintain the voltage across the dc-link capacitor. Fuzzy-Hysteresis Current Controller (FHCC) and Fuzzy Hysteresis Voltage Controller (FHVC) are used for generating switching signals to the shunt and series inverter of UPQC respectively. 5.2 EFFECTS OF NON LINEAR LOADS WITHOUT UPQC The three phase diode bridge rectifier connected to 3P4W distribution causes the load current and load voltage distortion. The effect of the distortion is shown in Figure 5.2. The distribution system is considered as an unbalance by connecting three single phase diode rectifier with different values of loads along with one three phase diode bridge rectifier. 111 Figure 5.2 Effects of non linear loads at PCC The different loads are connected to the PCC. PCC is also called as Point of Common Connection. The load currents get distorted due to non linear loads and the other linear loads connected to the point are also getting degraded. 5.2.1 MATLAB Model of Distribution System without UPQC The effects of load currents, load voltages and neutral current are analyzed by modeling the 3P4W distribution system with diode bridge rectifier loads. The various system parameters considered for the simulation are shown in Table 5.1. The MATLAB model of system is shown in Figure 5.3. Table 5.1 Simulation parameters of 3P4W distribution system System parameters Values Three phase source voltage V LN 220/110 V Supply Frequency 50 Hz Leakage Reactance of the Transformer 0.35mH Diode bridge rectifier as non linear load Three single phase diode rectifier load Single three phase diode rectifier load 112 Figure 5.3 MATLAB model of 3P4W distribution systems without UPQC The 3P4W distribution system is simulated with diode bridge rectifier using simulink model. The voltage and current scopes are connected in each phases to display the load voltage, load current and neutral waveforms. 5.2.2 Effects of Load Currents, Load Voltages and Neutral Current The three phase load voltages (VLa, VLb and VLc ) and load currents (ILa, ILb and ILc ) waveforms which are measured in the simulink model are shown in Figure 5.4 and 5.5 respectively. The waveforms are distorted due to the impact of harmonics generated by non linear loads. 113 (a) Phase A load voltage (b) Phase B load voltage (c) Phase C load voltage Figure 5.4 Waveform and THD analysis of load voltage without UPQC 114 (a) Phase A load current (b) Phase B load current (c) Phase C load current Figure 5.5 Waveform and THD analysis of load current without UPQC 115 The load voltages and currents are highly distorted and especially third order harmonic component is more dominant. The FFT analysis shows that THD values of load voltages are: VLa is 20.22%, VLb is 22.64% and VLc is 13.37%. Similarly the THD values of load currents are: ILa is 34.37%, ILb is 38.43% and ILc is 34.09%. The magnitudes of load currents are 35.82A, 32.93A and 18.61A which are due to the unbalance of load in each phase. This leads to the flow of current in the neutral with distortion which is shown in Figure 5.6. These distortions in the load voltage and load currents degrade the performance of the distribution system. Figure 5.6 Waveform of neutral current without UPQC The magnitude of the neutral current is high and the waveform is distorted because of unbalance loading in the phase conductors and the impact of non-linear loads. To make the system balanced, the magnitude of the neutral current should be reduced. 5.3 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE PROPOSED METHOD In order to enhance the performance of the distribution system the UPQC model is proposed. UPQC is a combination of 3-leg shunt and series active filter where shunt active filter compensates the current harmonics and series active filter compensates the voltage harmonics. The block diagram of conventional PI controller based UPQC is shown in Figure 5.7. 116 Figure 5.7 Block diagram of the proposed UPQC The block diagram consists of two back to back connected series and shunt inverters, the PI controller to maintain the regulated voltage across the dc-link capacitor, SRF controller to extract the reference voltage and current signals to compensate the distortion, PLL which is used to synchronize the phase angle with SRF, FHVC and FHCC to generate the switching signals to the series and shunt inverters respectively (Bhim Singh & Venkateswaralu 2010). The equivalent model of UPQC is shown in Figure 5.8. In the equivalent model, Vs represents the source voltage, V se represents the voltage compensation by series active filter, Ish is the current compensation by the shunt active filter, VL is the voltage across the load terminal. Due to voltage and current distortion, the system may consist of harmonic components. 117 Figure 5.8 Equivalent model of UPQC To obtain the sinusoidal load voltage with amplitude V, the output voltage compensation provided by the series active filter is given by, Vse (V VLf ) Sin( t ) (5.1) where VLf phase angle of fundamental component derived from PLL. The shunt-APF acts as a controlled current source (I sh) and its output components include harmonics and reactive compensation in order to compensate the load current. 5.3.1 Design of PI Controller The PI controller is a generic control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems and other applications. PI controller algorithm involves two separate parameters, the Proportional (P) and the Integral (I). The proportional value determines the reaction to current error where as the integral value determines the reaction based on the sum of recent errors. The equation form of PI controller is given by, Y (t ) t K P .e(t ) K I e(t )dt o (5.2) 118 KP and KI represent the proportional gain and integral gain respectively; y(t) represents the output of the controller. The voltage error value e is fed to the PI controller. The transfer function model of PI controller is shown in Figure 5.9. Figure 5.9 Transfer function model of PI controller To maintain the DC-link voltage at the reference value, the DC-link capacitor needs a certain amount of real power, which is proportional to the difference between the actual and reference voltages. The power required by the dc-link capacitor can be expressed as, t Pdc K P (Vref Vact ) K I (Vref Vact )dt (5.4) 0 If the values of KP and KI are large, DC-bus voltage regulation is dominant and steady state dc-bus voltage error is low. On the other hand, if KP and KI are small, the real power unbalance gives little effect to the transient performance. Therefore, proper selection of K P and KI are essentially important to satisfy the control performance and maintain power required by capacitor. In the first approach, KP and KI values are chosen based on trial and error method. 119 5.3.2 Synchronous Reference Frame Controller The control scheme for series and shunt active filters are provided by using SRF controller. Although there are many control approaches available for the generation of reference signals. SRF controller is more preferable due to its robustness, simplicity and easy to design (Akagi 2006). It is also used to decompose the load currents IL into four parts, i.e. fundamental frequency positive sequence active current, fundamental frequency positive sequence reactive current, current at harmonic frequencies and fundamental frequency negative sequence current. With these current components, selective compensation of different combinations based on the priority can be made, which supports the limited rating of the inverter. The reference signal using SRF is extracted by transforming the threephase components into two phase components and again by transforming into three phase components after analysis using Par al 2005). PLL plays an important role in the design of SRF. PLL is used to achieve synchronization with distorted voltage and current (Awad et al 2003). Three-phase distorted voltages are given to conventional PLL which generates two quadrature unit vectors (sin cos t) to maintain synchronization with sinusoidal voltage and current. In the proposed method, conventional PLL is replaced by Modified PLL (Svensson et al 2002). During unbalanced and nonlinear load conditions the load voltage and load current consist of fundamental positive, negative and zero sequence components. In UPQC applications, the fundamental positive sequence component of the signals must be separated to compensate the load voltage and load current harmonics. In this process, the conventional PLL has poor performance under unbalanced and distorted system conditions. In order to improve the performance of filtering, a modified PLL is employed and is shown in Figure 5.10. To determine the transformation a by applying three-phase instantaneous load voltages, i.e. VLab and VLcb, where VLab = VLa-VLb and VLcb=VLc-VLb. 120 Figure 5.10 Modified PLL model The measured load voltages are multiplied by auxiliary feedback currents (Iax1 and Iax2) with unity magnitude, in which Iax1 leads 120º to Iax2 in order to obtain three-phase auxiliary instantaneous active power (P3ax). The o ded to the output of the PI controller to stabilize the output. The transformation angle is obtained the system fundamental frequency. Therefore, the integrator in order to reach the system fundamental frequency. Thus proper tuning of PI controller provides good performance under distorted and unbalanced load condition. The output of the modified PLL is shown in Figure 5.11. Figure 5.11 Output of modified PLL 121 Thus the proposed SRF control strategy produces an effective response by extracting the load current and load voltage distortion and also balances the unbalance system. 5.3.3 Control Strategy for Series Active Inverter The proposed control strategy is aimed to compute mainly the three phase reference voltages at the load terminals i.e. V La*, VLb* and VLb*. The series filter is controlled such that it injects voltages through the series transformer which cancels out the distortions and/or unbalance present in the load voltages, thus making the voltages at the PCC (VLa, VLb and VLb) perfectly balanced and sinusoidal with the desired amplitude. The flow chart of series active filter controller is shown in Figure 5.12. Figure 5.12 Flowchart of controller for series active filter 122 The three-phase load voltages VLa, VLb and VLc are transformed into Vd, Vq and Vo using the following Park transformation equation, Vd 2 VLa sin t 3 2 VLb sin( t 3 2 / 3) 2 VLc sin( t 3 Vq 2 VLa cos t 3 2 VLb cos( t 3 2 / 3) 2 VLc cos( t 3 Vo 1 VLa 3 Vd Vq Vo 1 VLb 3 1 V Lc 3 2 / 3) (5.5) 2 / 3) (5.6) (5.7) sin( t ) sin( t 2 / 3) sin( t 2 / 3) VLa 2 cos t cos( t 2 / 3) cos( t 2 / 3) VLb 3 1 1 1 VLc 2 2 2 (5.8) As per the SRF controller (Yash Pal et al 2012), distorted free, balanced and constant magnitude three- to extract the fundamental components of the instantaneous voltages which two phase into threephase components and are given as, 1 VLa 2 Vsd sin( t ) 3 VLb1 2 Vsd sin( t 3 2 / 3) (5.10) VLc1 2 Vsd sin( t 3 2 / 3) (5.11) (5.9) 123 transformation is given as, 1 V V V 1 La 1 Lb 1 Lc 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 sin( t ) cos( t ) 0 sin( t 2 / 3) cos( t 2 / 3) V sd sin( t 2 / 3) cos( t 2 / 3) (5.12) 0 The error signal (voltage compensation signal) is obtained by comparing the extracted reference voltage V La1, VLa1 and VLa1 with the actual load voltage and are given by, VLa* = VLa-VLa1 (5.13) VLb* = VLb-VLb1 (5.14) VLc* = VLc-VLc1 (5.15) The MATLAB control scheme for series active filter is shown in Figure 5.13. Figure 5.13 MATLAB scheme for series active inverter Thus the generated voltage compensation signal is given to the FHVC to generate switching pulses to the inverter of series active filter which compensates load voltage distortion. 124 5.3.4 Control Strategy for Shunt Active Inverter The proposed control algorithm uses SRF controller which decomposes the load current into different components. The shunt active filter injects the current such that the harmonic component in the load currents gets eliminated. The flow of shunt active filter is shown in Figure 5.14. Figure 5.14 Flowchart of controller for shunt active filter The important feature of shunt active filter is that it controls the DC-link voltage across the capacitor in addition to load current compensation. The three-phase load currents ILa, ILb and ILc are transformed into Id, Iq and Io using the following Park transformation equation, 125 Id 2 I La sin t 3 2 I Lb in ( t 3 Iq 2 I La cos t 3 2 I Lb cos( t 3 Io 1 I La 3 Id Iq Io 1 I Lb 3 2 / 3) 2 / 3) 2 I Lc sin( t 3 2 I Lc cos( t 3 2 / 3) (5.16) 2 / 3) (5.17) 1 I Lc 3 (5.18) sin( t ) sin( t 2 / 3) sin( t 2 / 3) I La 2 cos t cos( t 2 / 3) cos( t 2 / 3) I Lb 3 1 1 1 I Lc 2 2 2 (5.19) As per the SRF controller (Yash Pal et al 2012), distorted free, balanced and constant magnitude three- to extract the fundamental components of the instantaneous load current. The actual voltage across dc-link capacitor is compared with the reference voltage (Vdc=240V) and the error signal is given to PI controller. The output of PI controller is considered as current loss I loss. The PI controller stabilizes the error signal and then added with the fundamental DC components of load current (Id), to get the reference direct axis component (Id*). Id* = Id + Iloss (5.20) sformation is used to convert these two phase into three-phase components and given as, I 1La 2 I d sin( t ) 3 (5.21) 126 I 1Lb 2 I d sin( t 3 2 / 3) (5.22) I 1Lc 2 I d sin( t 3 2 / 3) (5.23) The matrix 1 I I I 1 La 1 Lb 1 Lc 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 sin( t ) cos( t ) 0 sin( t 2 / 3) cos( t 2 / 3) I d sin( t 2 / 3) cos( t 2 / 3) (5.24) 0 The error signal (current compensation signal) is obtained by comparing the extracted reference current ILa1, ILa1 and ILa1 with the actual load current and given by, ILa* = ILa-ILa1 (5.25) ILb* = ILb-ILb1 (5.26) ILc* = ILc-ILc1 (5.27) The MATLAB control scheme for shunt active filter is shown in Figure 5.15. Figure 5.15 MATLAB scheme for shunt active inverter 127 Thus the generated current compensation signal is given to the FHCC to generate switching pulses to the inverter of shunt active filter which compensates load current distortion and load unbalance. 5.4 FUZZY-HYSTERESIS CONTROLLER The hysteresis band controller for active power filter can be carried out to generate the switching pattern for inverter (Ram Kumar & Surya Kalavathi 2013). There are various current control methods proposed for such active power filter configurations, but in terms of quick current controllability and easy implementation, hysteresis current control method has the highest rate among other current control methods. Hysteresis band current controller has properties like robustness, excellent dynamics and fastest control with minimum hardware. In the case of positive input current, if the error between the desired reference value and the actual value exceeds the upper hysteresis band limit (+h), then the upper switch of the inverter arm is OFF and the lower switch is ON and vice versa. Even though fixed hysteresis band method is very simple and easy to implement, but it has several known disadvantages like uncontrollable high switching frequency and induced important switching losses. To improve this control, a fuzzy hysteresis band control technique is proposed as a function of the active filter and supply parameters to minimize the influence of current distortions on modulated waveform. The hysteresis band can be modulated at different points of fundamental frequency of the cycle to control the PWM switching pattern of the inverter (Rama Rao & Subhransusekhar 2010). 128 5.4.1 Design of Hysteresis Band Current and Voltage Controller for Shunt and Series Active Inverter The hysteresis band current controller is derived based on the switching intervals T1 and T2 shown in Figure 5.16. dI La dt dI La dt 1 (0.5Vdc VLa ) Lf 1 (0.5Vdc VLa ) Lf (5.28) (5.29) Figure 5.16 Hysteresis band controller From Figure 5.16, dI La T1 dt dI 1La T1 dt dI La T2 dt 1 dI La T2 dt T 1 T2 Tc 1 fc 2HB 2HB (5.30) (5.31) (5.32) 129 T1 and T2 are the respective switching intervals and fc is the switching frequency. Adding Equations (5.30) and (5.31) and substituting in Equation (5.32), it can be written as, dI La T1 dt dI La T2 dt 1 1 dI La f c dt (5.33) 0 subtracting Equation (5.31) from Equation (5.30), dI La T1 dt dI La T2 dt (T1 dI 1La T2 ) dt 4HB (5.34) substituting Equation (5.29) in Equation (5.34), (T1 dI T2 ) La dt (T1 1 dI La T2 ) dt 4 HB (5.35) substituting Equation (5.29) in Equation (5.33) and solving, (T1 T2 ) dI 1La dt f c dI La dt (5.36) substituting Equation (5.36) in Equation (5.35), HB 4 L2f 0.125Vdc 1 (VLa L f fc L f Vdc2 1 dI La dt (5.37) In general, HB j 4 L2f 0.125Vdc 1 (VLj L f fc L f Vdc2 where j=a, b, c for each phase. dI 1Lj dt (5.38) 130 Lf represents the filter inductance whose value is taken as 0.66mH (Kerrouche & Fateh et al 2009). Thus the expression for Hysteresis Band (HB) for current controller is obtained. Similarly, the expression for HB for voltage controller can be obtained as, HB j 5.4.2 4 L2f 0.125Vdc 1 (VLj L f fc Lf Vdc2 dVLj1 dt (5.39) Fuzzy-Hysteresis Band Current and Voltage Controller The Equation (5.38) implies that the HB of current controller is a function of load voltage (VLa), slope of reference current (dI La1/dt), dc-link capacitor voltage (Vdc), switching frequency (fc) and the value of filter inductance. FLC is used to determine the hysteresis band width according to the load voltage V La and the rate of change of reference current dILa1/dt. So, these two parameters are taken as two input variables and HB is considered as an output variable. In a hysteresis controller, the reference compensation current is compared with the actual current that is being injected by the compensation circuit. A positive pulse is produced if the actual current tends to decrease below the lower hysteresis limit, while a negative pulse is produced if the current exceeds the upper hysteresis limit. Thus, in a hysteresis current controller the actual compensation current is forced to stay within a particular hysteresis band. The set of linguistic values are associated with each variable. Each input variable is transformed into linguistic size with seven fuzzy subsets, PL: positive large, PM: positive medium, PS: positive small, ZE: zero, NL: negative large, NM: negative medium, NS: negative small and for the output variables are: PVS: positive 131 very small, PS: positive small, PM: positive medium, PL: positive large, PVL: positive very large. The rules of inference of fuzzy hysteresis current controller is framed using the linguistic variables and is arrayed in Table 5.2. The parameters of the FLC are the same as used in chapter 3. Table 5.2 Rules of fuzzy inference current controller dILa1/dt NB NM NS ZE NB NB NB NB NB NM NS NM NB NB NB NM NS NB NB NM ZE NB NM PS NM PM PB Vs VLa PS PM PB ZE NS ZE PS NS ZE PS PM NS ZE PS PM PB NS ZE PS PM PB PB NS ZE PS PM PB PB PB ZE PS PM PB PB PB PB The simplified model of FHCC for phase A is shown in Figure 5.17. Similar FHCC model is also obtained for phases B and C. Figure 5.17 Simplified model of FHCC for phase A 132 Thus the switching pulses are generated using FHCC for the shunt active inverter of UPQC. The six output pulses are given to the three-leg shunt inverter for current compensation. In order to compensate the load voltage distortion, a fuzzy hysteresis based voltage controller is designed. The Equation (5.39) shows that the HB of voltage controller is a function of load voltage (VLa), slope of reference voltage (dVLa1/dt), dc-link capacitor voltage (Vdc), switching frequency (fc) and the value of filter inductance. Fuzzy logic controller is used to determine the hysteresis voltage band width according to the load voltage VLa and the rate of change of reference voltage dVLa1/dt. So, these two parameters are taken as two input variables and HB is considered as an output variable. The simplified model of FHVC for phase A is shown in Figure 5.18. Similarly FHCC model is also obtained for phases B and C. Figure 5.18 Simplified model of FHVC for phase A The switching pulses are generated using FHVC for the series active inverter of UPQC. The six output pulses are given to the three-leg series inverter, which injects the compensating voltage using series transformer thereby maintaining the load voltage nearly sinusoidal. Also the proposed method balances the unbalance loads by diverting the neutral current equally to all the phase using star-point of series transformer. 133 5.5 EFFECT OF CONVENTIONAL PI-FUZZY HYSTERESIS CONTROLLER ON LOAD VOLTAGES AND CURRENTS To validate the effect of conventional PI-fuzzy hysteresis controller, a MATLAB simulink model of the proposed system is simulated and is shown in Figure 5.19. The parameters of the simulation are supply voltage Vs=110V, supply frequency=50Hz, dc-link capacitor voltage Vdc=240V, dc-link capacitance C=2500µF, filter inductance Lf =0.66mH, filter resistance Rf s=20 KHz, proportional gain KP=0.35 and integral gain KI=9.02 and the load values are the same as in Table 5.1. Figure 5.19 MATLAB model of UPQC using conventional PI controller The waveform of the load voltages after compensation are shown in Figure 5.20 (a, b & c) and load currents are shown in Figure 5.21 (a, b & c). The distortions in the load voltages are reduced. The THD values of load voltages are reduced from 20.2% to 1.98% for phase A, 22.6% to 2.64% for phase B and 13.3% to 1.84% for phase C. 134 (a) Phase A load voltage (b) Phase B load voltage (c) Phase C load voltage Figure 5.20 Waveform of load voltages with PI-fuzzy hysteresis controller 135 Similarly, the distortion in the load currents are reduced and the THD values are reduced from 34.3% to 4.89% for phase A, 38.4% to 4.08% for phase B and 34.09% to 3.52% for phase C respectively. (a) Phase A load current (b) Phase B load current Figure 5.21 (Continued) 136 (c) Phase C load current Figure 5.21 Waveform of load currents with PI-fuzzy hysteresis controller The magnitudes of the fundamental load currents before compensation are 35.82A, 32.93A and 18.61A and after compensation they are 26.50A, 25.8A and 24.62A, which are nearly balance. The effect of neutral current and DC-link capacitor voltage after compensation are shown in Figures 5.22 and 5.23. Figure 5.22 Waveform of neutral current with PI-fuzzy hysteresis controller 137 Figure 5.23 Voltage across DC-link capacitor using conventional PI controller 5.5 SUMMARY In this chapter, conventional PI with fuzzy hysteresis controller based UPQC is proposed to reduce the harmonic distortion in load voltages and currents. The various advantages of UPQC and its configurations are discussed. The effect of PI controller for maintaining DC voltage is analyzed and simulated. In order to synchronize phase angle with the load parameters, PLL is designed. SRF controller is also simulated in MATLAB which is used to extract the reference voltage and current signals. The proposed method used FLC to optimize the hysteresis band. The load voltage and current distortion get reduced to a great extent when compared with the results of without compensation. The magnitude of the neutral current is also reduced and the system becomes nearly balanced.