What is a waitlist? Waitlist Etiquette Waitlist FAQ

What is a waitlist?
A waitlist is a feature in Self Service that allows students who want to enroll in a closed section
to add their name to an electronic list on a first-come, first-served basis. This automated process
notifies students via their Rowan Student Email that a seat has opened up and it is now their turn
to register for the class. After notification, the student will have 24 hours to register for the
course. If the student does not register for the course within the 24-hour period, the seat will be
offered to the next person on the waitlist.
Waitlist Etiquette
Only place your name on a wait list IF you intend to add the class once a seat becomes available.
As a courtesy to other students on a waitlist, please remove yourself from the waitlist if you are
no longer interested in enrolling in that course section.
Waitlist FAQ
Do all courses have a waitlist?
No. Not all classes will have waitlist. Each department determines whether a class will have a
When does a Waitlist open?
If a course has been set up with the Waitlist option, students will have an opportunity to select
the closed course as a waitlist during the registration process. A student will not have the option
to waitlist for a course that is not closed.
When does Waitlisting end?
Typically, waitlists end during the Add/Drop period.
How will I know when a seat becomes available?
The Registrar’s Office will notify students through their Rowan Student Email that a seat is
available and they may register for the course. If the student does not complete the registration
process within 24 hours, they will be removed from the waitlist and the next student in line will
be notified of the available seat. This is the only notification the student will receive.
Are students guaranteed a seat if they get on a waitlist?
No. Waitlisting does not guarantee a seat in the course. The student should check their position
on the waitlist regularly. If they are not moving up on the waitlist, they should contact their
academic advisor for assistance in choosing an alternative course.
Once a seat becomes available, will I automatically be registered for the course?
No. It is the student’s responsibility to register for the course by the deadline once he/she
receives the email notification. Students are strongly encouraged to check their Rowan Student
Email regularly.
What if I do not register for the course by the deadline?
Students that do not register for the course within twenty-four hours will be removed from the
Waitlist and will not be able to register for the course.
What if I miss the Waitlist notification that I can register for a class?
Waitlist notifications are automated. Students that miss the notification email from the
Registrar’s Office will need to add themselves back onto the waitlist or choose another course.
When are Waitlist notifications sent out?
Waitlist notifications are sent out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How often should I check for a Waitlist notification?
Students are strongly encouraged to check their Rowan Student Email account at least twice a
day (morning and evening).
How do I register for a course when I receive email notification that a seat is available?
 Access Rowan Self Service
 Go to Add/Drop Courses and select the appropriate term (semester).
 Change the registration status from Waitlisted to Registered.
 Click on Submit Changes
Note: Registration is available from 7am to 11pm.
Where can I see the number of students on the waitlist?
You can see waitlist information on the online class schedule. Courses with a waitlist will
display the following:
WL Cap = the total number of waitlisted seats
WL Act = the total number of students who are currently on the waitlist
WL Rem = the number of waitlist seats available
How will I know my position on the Waitlist?
Your position number will be indicated next to Waitlist Position on the Student Detail
How do I remove myself from a Waitlist?
 Go to Add/Drop Classes
 From the drop down menu under the Action column next to the course, choose Drop
 Click on Submit Changes
What if I have a hold on my account?
Holds will restrict both processes of attempting to add the Waitlisted course and the Registration
Can I add myself to more than one Waitlist?
Yes. Students can add themselves to multiple courses including one or more sections of the same
course. However, students are required to remove themselves (drop) from all other waitlisted
sections once they register for the desired section.
Can I waitlist for a class that has a time conflict with another class already on my
Yes. Time conflicts are not allowed on your schedule; however, you can choose to be on a
waitlist even if the waitlisted class has a time conflict with another course on your schedule.
When you are notified of an opening, you will have to decide which class you want. If you want
the waitlisted class, drop the other course from your schedule and add the waitlisted course.
If the instructor increases the number of seats in the course, will I be contacted?
Yes. The Registrar’s Office will notify students through their Rowan Student Email that a seat is
available and they may register for the course.
Are there any other restrictions?
 Students must meet prerequisite requirements for the waitlisted course. If you do not meet
the requirements of the course, you may still add your name to the waitlist but you will
receive an error message when you register for the course.
A student’s schedule cannot exceed 18 credit hours.
Does the student pay tuition for a Waitlisted course?
Fees will be assessed after the student officially registers into the course. Once fees are assessed,
it is the student’s responsibility to pay by the tuition due date.
SAMPLE E-MAIL from Registrar’s Office
-----Original Message----From: Registrar [mailto:registrar@rowan.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 3:48 PM
To: Doe, Jane
Subject: Waitlist Notification for 41792
Dear Jane,
You have been moved to the top of the waitlist for CRN 41792, STAT-Statistics 02261. There is
now an open space. You must register within 24 hours from the time this message was sent to
secure your space in this class. If no action is taken, the seat will then be offered to the next
student on the waitlist.
If you wish to register, follow these steps:
Access Self Service, select Add or Drop Courses for the appropriate term. Change the
registration status from WAITLISTED to Registered. Confirm your choices and complete
Registration is available from 7am to 11pm.
Do not respond to this automated message. Questions? Please contact Registrar@rowan.edu.