-Tickets for the next Lunch time concert will be sold next Tuesday

The Parish Office is in the Ruah Pastoral Centre, Marian Road,
Open 10-12 Mon-Fri. Phone: 4947303, Fr. Brendan 4950444
email: ballyroanparish@gmail.com
Readers’ Rota
Pat O’Halloran
Winnie Keogh
10.00 Joan McCarthy
Douglas Thornton
Anne Walsh
12.00 Sarah Byrnes
Jim Langan
Joan Moore
-Tickets for the next Lunch time
concert will be sold next Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday in the
Ruah Centre from 10.30 – 11.15.
-The tickets for the Aoife Beary
Concert will be on sale in Shannon’s
Pharmacy and in the Ruah Centre
from 10.30 – 11.30 in the Ruah
Centre 29th March – 1st April.
-The Parish office will be open on
Thursday next after the Easter
Easter Message from Father Brendan
Firstly a very Happy Easter to you all. On this centenary of 1916 we share the
spiritual aspirations of the signatories on that day who began with:
"Irishmen and Irishwoman: In the name of God and of the dead
generations.." and concluded with: "We place the cause of the Irish Republic
under the protection of the Most High God, Whose blessing we invoke...."
May Easter revive and refresh our commitment to our country and our faith
and may we be prepared to make the sacrifices necessary to carry our
country into its second century.
As always thanks for all the help, work and support here in our parish,
particularly during the Easter ceremonies and in the preparing of the church
for this weekend and in a personal capacity for all the prayers and Masses
you've sent my families direction in the past few weeks, we are very grateful.
May the Easter message of hope and new life - help all who are in mourning
as our proclamation said - "for the dead generations". May they all rest in
peace and rise with Jesus into Glory.
Mass Intentions for the Week: Saturday Vigil 9 pm: Intentions of the parish ;
Sunday 10: Maire Warren (1st A) and Leslie Warren ; Sunday 12: Mary Gaffney (1st
A); Monday 11: Morning Prayer; Tuesday 10: Ambrose Somers (A) ; Wednesday
7.00: Padraig and Margaret Gallagher (A); Thursday 10: Dick O’Kelly (A); Friday
(First Friday) 10: Altar List for the Dead..
Notices for this Week
Easter Sunday
Morning Prayer at 11.00
-AA Meeting 8pm
First Friday, could the
members of the Padua
Society meet at 10.00
Mass before bringing
Communion to the sick.