a Section of the American Water Works Association CAREERS CAREERS IN WATER SUPPLY IN WATER SUPPLY created by the NEWWA Youth Education Committee REACH OUT TO FUTURE WATER SUPPLY PROFESSIONALS TODAY! www.newwa.org NEWWA’s NEWLY DESIGNED “Careers in Water Supply” booklet is now available. This powerful tool will assist you in creating or expanding YOUR youth education program. A list of sixteen different water supply careers. An essential resource for use in school career days. A positive building block for utility open houses and 1 public outreach programs. ORDERING INFORMATION: Place your order for Careers in Water Supply by completing the form below and returning to NEWWA. Costs are as follows: Per Booklet Cost of Careers in Water Supply # of Booklets Ordered 1 - 249 250 - 499 500 or more Price Per Booklet* $1.60 $1.55 $1.50 *Above prices do not include shipping & handling. See chart below for shipping & handling costs. U.S. Shipping & Handling Costs for Amount of Order** If the cost of your order is $25 or less $25.01 $50 $50.01 $100 Then the shipping & handling cost is $6.50 $7.50 $9.50 $100.01 - $150.01 - $200.01 - $250.01 $150 $200 $250 $350 $11.50 $13.50 $16.00 $19.00 Over $350 7% of order **For international shipping & handling costs, please contact Linda Smith at (508) 893-7979. CAREERS IN WATER SUPPLY ORDER FORM Only available through NEWWA! Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________ NEWWA Member #: _____________ Company:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________ (UPS shipping address - no P.O. boxes) Phone: ______________________________ Fax: ____________________________E-mail:_____________________________________________________ Please complete the information below using the above charts: # of Booklets Ordered Cost Per Booklet Total Cost for Booklet(s) PLUS Shipping & Handling Total Cost Including Shipping & Handling $ Method of Payment: PO # Check (Payable NEWWA) PO Enclosed MasterCard Credit Card # Visa Exp. Date Complete this form and return to NEWWA: NEWWA 125 Hopping Brook Road Holliston, MA 01746-1471 or fax to (508) 893-9898. AMEX Signature Total Paid: $