Formation of Silicon Ultra Shallow Junction by nonmelt excimer laser treatment A. Florakis, A. Papadimitriou, N. Chatzipanagiotis, and D. Tsoukalas Department of Applied Physics, School of Applied Science National Technical University of Athens Athens, Greece Mail to: Abstract- Implementation of Plasma Doping and nanosecond laser annealing in the non-melt regime has shown to hold great promise for the realization of Ultra Shallow Junctions, designed for the sub 45nm node. This work includes extensive simulation of these two emerging techniques using the Synopsys Sentaurus Process software tool which are compared with experimental data after each process step. The results reveal consistency between simulation and experiment. It is thus concluded that existing simulation approach based mostly on Kinetic MonteCarlo method allows for sufficient physical understanding of the underlying mechanisms for these advanced process steps. I. INTRODUCTION The continuous size decrease of Complementary metaloxide-semiconductor (CMOS) devices puts severe limits to junction formation processes, such as implantation and thermal activation. The requirements for the upcoming generation of sub 45nm devices, regarding the critical parameters of junction depth, sheet resistance and abruptness, necessitate careful Source/Drain formation engineering. Several studies [1,2] have shown the merits of combining ultra low energy dopant implantation alongside to nanosecond laser annealing techniques able to deliver very limited thermal budget in Silicon bulk. The minimization of the induced energy leads to high level of electrical activation, while retaining the shape of dopant concentration profile. BF3 PLAsma Doping (PLAD), stands as a promising candidate for the replacement of the conventional ultra low energy ion implanters, due it's capability to deliver ions at energies less than O.2keV and thus creating ultra shallow as implanted concentration profiles (xj<10nm). Moreover, coimplantation of Fluorine improves junction's morphological and electrical characteristics both by enhancing the electrical activation and limiting Boron diffusion [3]. However, there are some issues that should be dealt, before the introduction of plasma implantation in full production scale. Primarily, actual implanted dose is significantly lower than the nominal one. In addition, induced dopants present a wide range in terms of energy and kind of species due to the very nature of the method. Therefore the simulation of the process is vital in order to achieve the desired as implanted characteristics. On the other hand, Excimer Laser Annealing (ELA) is ideal for the formation of shallow junctions, as the delivered light energy is transformed into heat within the first layers of 978-1-4244-4353-6/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE N. Misra and C. Grigoropoulos Department of Mechanical Engineering University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA United States the lattice due to high absorption coefficient value of Silicon at this wavelength (248nm). In addition, ultra fast temperature ramp up and ramp down rates lead to annealing times significantly smaller than the characteristic times of phenomena that are associated with diffusion, such as extended defects dissolution. This work presents simulation results compared with experimental data of the three process steps involved, namely plasma doping, laser induced heating of silicon and diffusion/activation of dopants. This comparison reveals really good agreement between the two approaches, supporting a sufficient level of understanding of physical mechanisms involved. II. EXPERIMENTS AND SIMULATIONS BF3 plasma was used for implanting boron ion in n-type silicon wafers. Nominal values of implantation energy and dose are O.4keV and 3E15cm-2 respectively. During implantation procedure, a significant amount of damage is accumulated in the first silicon layers, while the majority of Boron atoms, are not in substitutional sites, and therefore do not contribute to conductivity. In order to recrystallize silicon and activate the dopants, a KrF Excimer laser irradiation (A=248nm, FWHM=20ns) has been performed. A variety of annealing conditions, regarding the energy fluency and the number of pulses has been implemented so as to investigate the effect of these two parameters in the activation and the kinetics of boron dopants. Irradiation has been carried out at room temperature. The use of complete homogenization array resulted in a top-hut spatial distribution of the energy over a Smmx Smm area. In order to investigate the effect of the laser annealing in dopant concentration profiles, a series of SIMS measurements were performed. A possible melting of silicon leads unavoidably to boron diffusion, as Boron diffusivity in Silicon is several orders higher in liquid phase than in solid. SIMS analysis was conducted using an IMS CAMECA instrument with an O2 primary beam at 1.lkeV. The irradiation in every combination of energy fluency and number of pulses, have led to profile movement not more than 2nm. As the junction depth Xj of the as implanted sample is 13nm, irradiations resulted in the formation of highly abrupt (2.4 nm/decade) and ultra shallow (xj=15nm) junctions. The morphological characterization of the samples included Transient Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). '"'5 ~ i-.: 1E21 2 ~ lE 20 g ~ 8 ,3 2 1[37N sam.pie (OA KeV . 3E15cm. ') 1 •• - . - SF 2 Implanted ~ e. ". .. • Boron Implanted SIMS .'..... 1E19 c § III - -------' e. I' _ . .-.; ...... 1E18 ~ .\.e.... : ,.! 10 12 Depth (nm) y ,.,~ l E21 E ~ g 39N sample (O.6 KeV . 3E15cm '2- . - SF 2 Implan tated .. g o Sample ID Boron Implanted ~ . ~S~§ ----' l E20 ~ ~ made using the standard methodology. Walther et al. [5] have proposed an indirect method for plasma implantation simulation, in case that the actually implanted dose is known beforehand. By means of mass spectroscopy, they have created a distribution of Boron dose into discrete implantation energy channels for a given nominal implantation energy (0.5keV). In their approach, implantation process is divided to series of sequential Boron implantation steps according to the above mentioned dose/energy channels. By using proper normalization to our implantation data, we have calculated the corresponding concentration profiles for the implantation conditions presented in Table I (actual dose and Xj for each sample have been determined using SIMS). Plasma Implantation Specs Nominal Implantation Nominal Dose Actual Dose (cm'1) (em") Energv (eV) 37N OA 3El5 5.26 E14 39N 0.6 3El5 8.56El4 IE19 o c: e ~ 1E18 I----~--~----.--'~~ 10 15 20 Dep th (nm) Fig.1 Simulated as implan ted boron concentration profiles for the OAKeV/3El5cm,2(a) and 0.6KeV/3E15 cm,2(b) sampl es. Both Boron and BF2 implantation approaches are presented, alon g with data obtained from SIMS TEM imaging revealed the presence of an amorphous zone in the as implanted samples, which have been recrystallized after thermal treatment. AFM measurements provided additional evidence about the absence of melting of silicon, as rms surface roughness values were substantially lower comparing to that of samples sustained annealing in the melting regime. For the determination of the activation level, a series of sheet resistance measurements were conducted using Van der Pauw technique. Laser annealing resulted to significant conductivity enhancement from an initial value of 15k.QJ0, to 6800/0 for the 625mJ/cm 2 -50 pulses condition. This value of resistivity is not significantly higher from the theoretically estimated [4] minimum sheet resistance value which is equal to 550 Q/o. Both KMC and analytical approaches have been implemented for comparison reasons. As for the analytical implantation a multi-parameter analysis was carried out. Mesh dependency, use of advanced meshing and data optimization strategies, along with different implantation tables, are some of the key factors included in our investigation. However, the calculated concentration profile tail was not in agreement with SIMS measurements, as it was decaying rapidly after the first 8-9nm, for each implantation condition. On the other hand, KMC implantation was proved quite efficient, and the predicted concentration profiles were almost superimposed to that obtained by SIMS, as it can clearly be seen in Fig. 1a. and b. Again, several strategies and parameters were investigated to achieve an optimum level of agreement between experiment and simulation. However, implantation of Boron atoms did not lead to the formation of an amorphous layer as expected according to TEM imaging. Therefore, the next step was BF2 implantation instead of Boron. Obtained implantation profiles were in excellent agreement with SIMS measurements (Fig. 1a. and b). Additionally, the introduction ofBF2 creates an amorphous layer The simulation flow process consisted of three different steps; plasma implantation, laser interaction with matter and Boron diffusion and activation. Results obtained during the first two parts, are used as an input to the third. Whenever it was possible we have followed both analytical and full Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) approaches and compared it with our experimental data. For our calculations we have used the Sentaurus Process simulation tool, from Synopsys. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Plasma Doping Implantation Contrary to conventional monoenergetic ion implantation, plasma doping introduces a variety of species into silicon bulk, at a wide implantation energy spectrum. As a result, a prediction of the implanted concentration profile cannot be Fig. 2 Amorph ized zone th ickness d iagrams obtained by simulat ion along with correspond ing TEM images for a) OAKeV/3El5cm,2 and b) 0.6KeV /3E15 cm'2 as implanted samples. (amorphization threshold is considered equal to the one fourth of Silicon atom density, thus I.15E22cm-2) . The thickness of the latter is in close proximity to the thickness revealed by TEM for each condition (Fig. 2a. and b). Thickness and junction depth values obtained by simulation and experiments can be found in Table II. Junction depth and oxidc thicknesses Sample lD Junction Depth (nm) SIMS simulated Oxide thickness (nm) TEM simulated 37N 13 12 1.9 2.5 39N 18 17 3.0 3.0 '400 J-j~---;::::::====::::::;-1 E~ergr:UncY lue (mJ/cm' ! ' 200 o~ 1000 ~ 1:. 800 E 600 1l 400 (!!. {g :> en • • 417 458 • 542 ~ ~ • - . SOO 562 62S 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (ns) Fig. 3 Simulated surface temperature evolut ion for several energy fluencies. The peak temperature is reached after 34ns of the beginning of the irradiation, in every condition. E"*OYFJurIncy (rn.1Icml ) • . 37~ 417 ·· '"..., · '" •. 500 <5, F=625mJfcml _. 20,,, [ • • 34n$ 50,,, • 100n s .......... ~:: i i : i : : : -3.ODE.o,O+-,_~_ _~_~_---.j Time (ns) As already mentioned, irradiations performed using a KrF laser able to deliver pulses (FWHM=20ns) with a top-hut energy fluency spatial distribution over a 5x5mm 2 area. The energy fluency used was in the 375 to 625mJ/cm 2 range. We have then created a 2-dimensional mesh of variable density in depth, in every node of which the heat equation was solved numerically. An extensive analysis regarding time step and mesh dependency has been performed. In Fig. 3 and 4a. we present respectively surface temperature evolution with time along with the corresponding heating and cooling rates for each energy fluency condition. Since no direct temperature monitoring was possible during the experiments only indirect observations from SIMS and AFM were performed. Simulation reveals that even for the highest fluency (625mJ/cm 2) there is no melting occurrence (Tsimclting=1683K), however we are close to melting. Both SIMS and AFM measurements reveal no melting, and sheet resistance analysis showed that at this fluency, high dopant activation can be achieved. As an additional checkpoint we have used our simulation to compare our results with literature data [6,7] and a good agreement was observed. From fig. 3 it is clear that the peak temperature for each temperature is reached at about 34ns from the beginning of the irradiation. Finally, in fig. 4b. we are presenting snapshots of the temperature distribution inside the Silicon bulk, for four different times. Depth (m ICro n s) Fig. 4 a) Surface temperature ramp up and down rates. b) Temperature distribution within Silicon bulk, in four different time snapshots . The t=34ns frame corresponds to the maximum surface tempera ture obtained . B. Laser Annealing One of the key features ofKrF ELA is the high absorption coefficient of Silicon at this wavelength (1.6E6cm-'). Combined to the ability of this kind of laser to deliver large number of nanosecond pulses, ultra high ramp up and down temperature gradients can be achieved. As annealing times are significantly lower than the characteristic constants for diffusion, by keeping silicon in the solid phase, Boron diffusion can be retarded or even eliminated. Irradiations at several different energy fluency/number of pulse combinations are necessary for the achievement of optimum tradeoff between sheet resistance and diffusion. Therefore, it is important to be able to predict the influence of each condition to the evolution of the temperature distribution along the surface and the volume of the material. Moreover, the knowledge of the thermal behavior for a given condition is necessary for calculating the effect of laser annealing to boron kinetics and activation. C. Boron diffusion and activation Our analysis concluded with the modeling of the boron diffusion and activation. For that we have used as an input the temperature evolution distribution obtained by the previous analytical calculations as well as the KMC simulated implanted profile. For space economy we present here the diffusion and activation simulation results following a KMC approach which show more consistent results with experiments than analytical simulations. For the purpose of non-lattice KMC analysis, all the species involved into the diffusion and activation mechanisms, such as dopants, point defects, impurities (alone or combined), are considered as particles. In accordance to the assigned values for the occurrence of each event (prefactors and migration or binding energies), these particles can perform jumps in order to migrate, agglomerate into clusters and then remit again. For our calculation several models where involved following the computational approach of MartinBragado et al. [8]. Among them are, diffusion (through kickout mechanism [9]), activation/deactivation (either by clustering with Interstitials and Vacancies, or dopant precipitation) and clustering. In addition, formation and dissolution of extended defects, such as {3 II} defects or even Dislocation Loops and finally amorphization and recrystallization are also taken into consideration. The implementation of KMC for the simulation of multipulse annealing effect led to limited dopant profile movement (up to 2nm), for every energy fluency/number of pulses condition, in total agreement with the experimental data. Fig. 7 presents an example of the diffusion behavior for the case of 10 pulses irradiation at 625mJ/cm 2 • l .-- ~r • - As Implanted SIMS - -- As Implanted by SF : Simulation "5 "" ;;; § .. .. 10 pulses SIMS ." 10 pulsesSF: Implanted Simulation ~ lE 20 Authors would like to thank Dr. A. Halimaoui from LETI for providing the implanted wafers. § ~g lE 19 This work was funded by the European Union framework of the 1ST project 026828 PULLNANO. o U c: e S AKNOWLEGDEMENTS ret e 8 12 In the 16 Depth {nm } REFERENCES Fig. 6 Boron concentration profiles obtained by SIMS and simulation for the 625mJ/cm 2-I Opulses cond ition. Our analysis revealed significant enhancement of the electrical activation (about 1 order of magnitude difference from the lowest to the highest fluency condition). Generally, sheet resistance is reduced by increasing primarily the energy fluency and secondly the number of pulses, as it can clearly be seen in Fig. 7. Simulation results are in excellent agreement with the measured values through the Van der Pauw technique for the 50 pulses condition, however our calculations for the 10 pulses, are not in the same agreement. ·• • • ·· 0 rcooc o E 9 et ~ s: Q. g ~ 8000 oS . E · S 4000 'in ~ il s: E 9 8000 9 . E S .E · S 2000 450 500 550 Eng. B, Volumes 154-155, 5 December 2008 , Pages 39-42 . [2] 2 SOOmJ/cm 10p 2 SOOmJ/cm SOp 2 562mJ/cm 10p 2 562mJ /cm SOp 2 625mJ/cm 10p 625mJ/cm2 SOp Frank Torregrosa, Cyrille Laviron, Frederic Milesi, Miguel Hernandez, Hasna Faik, Julien Venturini "Ultra shallow P+/N junctions using plasma immersion ion implantation and laser annealing for sub 0.1 11m CMOS devices " Nucl. Instrum . Methods in Phys . Res. B, Volume 237 , Issues 1-2, August 2005, Pages 18-24 . [3] 1. Marcon, A. Merabet "Diffusion modelling of low-energy ion- implanted BF] in crystalline silicon: Study offluorine vacancy effect on boron diffusion" Mat. Sci . Eng. 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