Construction documentation drawings are well underway

April 13, 2016
Project financing is being secured and finalized
through the California Infrastructure and
Economic Development Bank (IBank), as
approved by the City Council on March 21,
2016. Plans for demolition of the existing
buildings and clearing the site in preparation
for construction are nearing completion, with
demolition beginning in June 2016
The City Council has approved a total project budget of
$17.8 million, which includes construction, as well as
architectural design and environmental review (EIR), plus
costs for furnishings, fixtures, and equipment (FFE) for
the new facility. To date, all expenses for the project are
for costs associated with architectural design, the
environmental review, and the design review processes.
Construction documentation drawings are well
underway, scheduled for completion in July.
Design is also in progress on audio/visual
components of the facility, specialized kitchen
design, and other specialty areas.
Amount Spent
as of 4/13/16
Construction Costs
Design, Engineering,
Permits, CEQA EIR, FFE,
Signage, etc.
Arrangements are nearly finalized to lease
commercial office space to temporarily house
City Hall functions and public meeting space
for City Council, Planning Commission, Design
Review Board, and other City Councilappointed committees. Relocation to the
temporary facility is planned for early June.
Preparations for the move are in progress.
Plans for temporary relocation of the Farmers
Market are in process and will be finalized in
Owner’s Contingencies
(During construction)
Sustainability Features
Total Budget
Relocation to Temporary Facility
Beginning of June
Demolition of Existing Buildings
Construction Drawings Complete
Construction Bid Process
Award Construction Contract
Construction Begins
Project budget does not include costs for temporary relocation.
Amount does not reflect several outstanding architectural invoices.
Finalize temporary office lease and plan move.
Coordinate temporary Farmers Market relocation.
Continue preparation of construction drawings.
Award contract for demolition.
April 18, 2016
Item 13