i'.-'..^''.-^"--..'.1.- - •"":- •''-" "•."."..""•.' . \ PAGE TWELVE. THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1952 THE LEADER Program Announced the JFREEPORT By MoDoy Council " .. » / THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1952 TAMP CHATTER maintaining radar observation posts Bayville. TfoT 5-OOT; one-two-three for Rockville Cenaround the clock, and must have Sal Francavllla, Intervale, Ave., tre in the lower half. observer volunteers to detect uni- Fanningdale, FR 2-16G3-M. Miss Chance in Sixth Inning dentified planes, rockets or other The Freeport "Stars" had a missiles which could evade the radar Veterans of County chance to split the game wide-open screen. (Continued from Page 1} to start the sixth. Hoertz, batting Ryan Urges Residents All persona interested in serving as To Hold Celebration for Finley, sent a grounder scorchOf Post Neighborhoods skywatchers are invited to call C-D "President J. Alfred Valentine has The next 'three batters fanned. The ing through the infield just out of Headquarters Aircraft Warning Ser- concluded arrangements with the run was unearned. To Volunteer Services reach of the short-stop. Miranda Cyril C. Ryan, Nassau Director vice at 22 East Old Country Road, United Veterans' Organizations of Watson opened the second with got a life when right'fielder Jonga clout through short for a base and bloed dropped his high fly after a of Civil Defense said today he be- Mineola, Gardent City 3-0100 or the Nassau County 1for a monster patriotic celebration at the free Grand advanced to second on a passed long run, Hoertz reaching third and lieves people will respond to the following post supervisors: Stand at the Mineqla Fair during Patrick J. Healy, 475 Willow Ave., joint OD and U1SAP call for Ground ball. However, Dick 'Ftnley, Miranda Miranda second on the misplay, the HlOth Annual Exhibition for'FriCedarhurst, OE 92966; Observer volunteers when they fully and Pratt were strike-out victims. with three-outs to go. understand who is wanted and why. Eugene LeCluse, V i s t a Road, day evening, September 12 from 7:30 Madden issued his only two walks Under Little League rules, run(to 9:30 P.M. The programmed events As to the "who," Ryan declared, Great Neck, GR 2-4OT; of the game in the home-team's ners must hug the bases until the Henry J. OlBrien, 20 Central Drive, will be preceded by a parade to be more than 1,500 men and women half of the inning, but struckout ball reaches the catcher. Conseparticipated in by units of every volunteers continue to be needed to Port Washington, PQ 7-2230; two batters and tossed another out quently it seemed that Prabt, who stand a two hour watch per week branch of the United States Armed Edmund D. Purcell, 165 Tulip at first. hits the ball solidly should have from the Observation Post vantage Ave.i Floral Park, PL 4-6268; Forces. The committee in charge is been allowed to swing. Instead he points on taller buildings in nine Freeportera Score Two Dr. Elwyn Hoke, 15 Fairmont arranging with the War Department in Washington, D.C., for an eminent Freeport earned two runs in the tried the squeeze play, rolling the local areas. Recruitment teams are Blvd., Garden City, FL 2-S805; third. Ciotti started off by drawing ball toward the mound and Hoertz canvassing residents within short Louis P. Grlswold, 168 Split Rock officer of the Army to head the list of speakers at the Grand Stand. a walk. Vogit struck out, but Mad- was a dead-duck ait the plate, as distances of these posts. Road, Syosset 6FY 6-H51; den bunted safely advancing Ciotti Miranda took third. As to the "what", Ryan said top•Herman C. Dunker 9 East Merrlck The program will be concluded with a grand fireworks display of set to second. Medaglia*s double to lefltj Ciotti and Vogt struck out. most military authorities have as- Road Freeport, FR 9-5661; Madden fanned 9 Rockville Cen- sessed the enemy potential and are sent Ciotti home. Gardner was pieces. Edward F. Brickell, Godfrey Ave. walked and Medaglia came home tre batters, while Teuton disposed with 'the run that put Freeport of six Freeport players on strikes ahead as Wajtson was being retired, in three innings and Mormile addthird to first. Two wiffs and an in- ed seven more in the second three The players, however, will have a field out quickly disposed of Rockchance to forget their woes today ville Centre in the lower half of Little League day at Ebbets Field the period. They are to assemble at the Elks A walk to Miranda and a double clubhouse at 11:30 o'clock to be conto left by Vogt were wasted in the veyed to Brooklyn by bus to witfourth, as Pratt, Ciotti and Madden ness a double-header between the went down on strikeouts by Mor- Dodgers and the Pittsburgh Pirates mile, who had replaced Teuton. Among those who witnessed TuesDisaster Strikes in Fourth day night's game was Taley Gallucci Disaster struck in the Rockville manager of the Exchange Club nine Centre half. DeiBrita beat out a tap who was injured in an automobile to short, and was sacrificed to sec- accident on Saturday, July 5. He ond by Brian Popko, who had re- went to Connecticut to recuperate The very best of all kinds of Sea placed Woltman in left. Marrin and returned to Freeport' on Monday. N then raised a short fly to the left Food, prepared by the finest of the plate, on which Ciofcti tried for a one hand catch, knocking the GOODWIN MADE DELEGATE ball into foul territory Chefs in this line. Don't fail to Arthur C. Goodwin of Freeport Evidently thinking the ball was a foul, everyone stood still and did will attend the 23 Biennial Contry the New and Modern nothing. DeBrita stopped at third vention Oif the Lambda Chi Alpha and Marrin raced all the way to the Fraternity, which will be held at the same base, but no one recovered Waldorf-Astoria (Hotel in New York, from the coma that had settled on August 31 to September 3. He will the entire Freeport squad. No one be an official visitor from the Brookattempted to fire to Ciotti to touch lyn Poly Chapter of Lambda Chi one of the men and Marrin strolled Alpha. back to second untouched. U.S. COMMEMORATIVE FOR J. GUTENBERG, PRINTAnnual Bazaar Opens • At Bayview Avenue Lotr ED BIBLE. On September 30, a 3c commemorative stamp will be on sale at Washington, D. C. This stamp honors Johann GutBy BRUCE GORDON Wednesday, August 3, enberg, who 500 years ago printed the first book, the Holy Bible, Bellow folks . . Why. not drop down and visit the Atlantic Avenue Plans for flhe remaining months from movable type. The date of issue was selected to coincide fiectian of town sometime? .. a lot of nice stores down there .. Herb Heit- of the year were announced at a with the national observance of Bible Week in more than ,3,000 mann and BUI Woodling of BAYVIEW HARDWARE STORE are a must if dinner given in Al B. White's Fri- communities throughout the country. * own a boat in [Freeport or have any love of marine life ... they have day night by Archbishop Molloy The background of the stamp I ICKEL— URSER C In these days you have to watch the small change if you hope to keep the budget balanced. But sometimes there's economy in spending. For example, call on your Doctor be/ore he has to call on yoli! And, remember, it.costs no more to have us compound his prescriptions! CLAMS ON HALP_SHELL AUSTRIAN STAMP FOR YOUTH GROUP. Austria's latest stamp is a 1.50 schilling commemorative, honoring the meeting of the Interna- tional Union of Socialist Youth CIUSY), held in Vienna. THiis organization is widely known as strongly anti-communist, and has over five hundred thousand members in twenty-five countries, Including the United States. The stamp is colored steel blue.—-Austrian Postal Agency. BRITISH CORONATIONS. The stamps, which will be issued in honor of the Coronation of Great Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, are expected to be black centered, blcolored stamps, with Elizabeth ITs head and a Coronation symbol, and the inscription "Coronation, 2nd, June, 1963," will also appear—NSN. UJ9. POST CARD: Postmaster Jessee M. Donaldson has announced that on July 31, 1952, a new 2c red postal card will be issued. This card will bear the profile likeness of Lincoln, and will be identical, except for value and color, with the one in use prior to January 1. l^ils card will measure just 3 by 5 inches, the size of an ordinary file card. as a strictly In the heart of town GALA NEW SUMMER SEASON.B'WAY STAGE PLAYS! AIR* ^ PARSONS BLVD. AT JAMAICA JA. &-2I31 ind JA. 3 9)?Q CONDITIONED WEEK BEGINNING TUES, AUG. 5 — SEATS NOW! MATINEES WED., SAT., SUN. — ALL SEATS RESERVED Direct from B'way Beckman & Pransky present THE HILARIOUS AMERICAN-YIDDISH REVUE Original N. Y. Cast 1 SOUTH MAIN STREET, FREEPORT, WW YORK Songi by SHOLOM SECUNDA ond HY JACOBSON ^ NOW //H Error Lets In Winning: Run \\ thru Sun. Eve. — "GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES" Tickets Also on Sale at All Skouras Theatres on Long Island Reserved Seats: .60, 1.20, 2.40, 3.60, 4.80, incl. Tax. Tickets on sale at Rivoli Theatre B'way & 49th. In Long Island: Midway Thtr., Forest Hills; Calderone. Hempstead Or phone JU 6-1771 or WAntagh 2-7906. 1 LEON-CHARLES OUR SPECIALTY — SEA FOOD ORDERS — TO TAKE HOME Beautiful Rock Maple, Innerspring Mattress, like new. Exceptional Value. FReepbrt 8-7251 ing *" formerly of PETER REILLY'S RESTAURANT 51 CHURCH ST. St. Albans, Long Island next to Woolworth's Tel. PReeport 8-4640 Is-the New Proprietor of.- Falon Zippers ft Shea's Lounge LUNCHEONS SERVED DAILY "Everything Cooked PLATTERS _ • I" M SHELL CRABS MODERATE PRICES j£SJ.C!am Chowder* 150 WOODCLEFT > ' AVE Freeport, N. Y. . ' ; telFB* 8*9655 I:---;:.. tit; mM'.tf*. For Sale YOUTH BED ga - SHRIMP 4-^v'-;v"'." LS1^?:v-V<- When play was resumed, Mormile grounded out to Gardner, sending DeBrita in. Gardner threw home and when Pratt heaved the ball into left field attempting to get Marrin, the runner continued on to the plate with what proved to be 'the winning tally.. Jongbloed whiffed. Only DiBrita's run was earned. Medaglia, Gardner and Watson went down in order in the fifth, the first on a pop to third and the latter two on strikeouts. It ajso was Announcement... CUSTOM - TAILORS TCLWOMEN OPEN UNTIL 3A.M. In Freeport, It's AL shows an unfurled paper scroll. On the left of the stamp is a picture of "Gutenberg showing a proof to the elector of Bainz"; and one the right side is the following lettering:" "500th Anniversary of the printing of the first book, the Holy Bible, from movable type, by Johann Gutenberg." The original mural, which w.as used for the central subject of this stamp, is in the New York Public Library, and was painted by Edward Laning. Stamp Collectors desiring first day cancellations of this stamp may send self-addressed envelopes to the Post master, Washington 3, D. C., with money order remittance to cover the cost of the stamps to be affixed. The nap of the envelope should be sealed or turned in, and in medium weight enclosure placed inside. The outside envelope should be endorsed "First Day Covers."—NSN. Sfcywatehers Needed To Aid Radar Screen "AD Star" Nine Loses To Rockville Centre B7 RUDOLPH M. SALINGER HOPPING a wonderful supply of boating and fishing equipment there . . . While Council Friday night. Grand Knight you're down there, wander into BAYER'S BAKERY and buy some of their Daniel J. Henchey presided and delicious cheese cake . . it's really worth giving a try . . Need anything officiated as master of ceremonies. In the pharmacy line? . . A. M. Kregstein of the BAYVIEW PHARMACY The first event will be the annual Is sure to have it . . . wonderful sodas and friendly service are also fea- bazaar to be held at Sunrise Hightured here < . . Had a few words with Karl Feile of ttie ATLANTIC AVE- way and Bayview avenue from T7NE NUH3ERY .. Karl is featuring now azeleas,.Hybrids of all kinds, and Wednesday, August 3, through Satlovely trees and shrubs . . - Karl tells me that this is the time to buy for urday, August 23. There will be 14 the fall planting . . booths and other attractions. Two degrees will, be conferred For the man of the house who is delving into some weekend'carpen- during September. A drive for can1 try, lo>kaJ^und"!BIiAOKl!IR S'HiAIRIDWAHE STAKE . . . Walter has a fine didates has been going on in the assortment of all types of hardware . . . Walter and his wife are real con- various parishes and more., than 100 genial people . . . come in and talk over your hardware problems as well have indicated their intention of as to buy . . . When you're down on Woodcleft Avenue, don't forget to joining the order. stop at AL GORDON© .. . Al will fix you up a delicious meal at a very An Out-door Living Rosary is to reasonable price . . . BETITY SMITH'S, near the corner of Grove and be held at the Cure of Ars Church, Atlantic, will be celebrating its twenty-fifth year in Freeport, this August Merriok, in October and later a din. . . Betty deals only in dresses of unusual sizes—11 to 15, and 12 to 20, of ner will be given for William J. the town and country variety ... because of this specialization, she has Speckles, the retiring grand knight a very fine variety, and is now having a clearance sale . . . Know a nice at the Sunrise Village. cool way to spend an evening? . . . drive down 'to the foot of Miller On Tuesday night, November 18, avenue to Otto Kunz's SEA BREEZE . . . have a terrific lobster dinner and then take a cruise around the Freeport harbor on the yacht waiting for a service will be held In cotnemorayou at Otto's dock . . sounds swell, doesn*t it? . . and you can take the Uon of members who have passed away during the year. The annual boat ride without eating there If boating is all you want . . . visit to the Consolation Residence Pearl Judelson of th» HOBBY YARN SHOP, on Grove street, just in Amityville will be taken on Debelow Sunrise Highway, is now featuring poodle yarn of all colors for cember 14, and the annual Christmaking beautiful coats, and also a fine display of needle point . . . Pearl mas party for the children of the gives knitting instructions free to anyone who asks, adapting the person's members will be held on Sunday, individual style for the specific garment desired . . . It's really a money December 21. saving opportunity . . . The OHRQVE CARPET tPLOOR COVERING, run by Robert Sanda and Alfred Wolff, is now holding a clearance sale . . . drop In and ask them to show you their fireproof fibre rugs and fine Christian Science samples of llneoleum ... I saw some beautiful shadow boxes on all subThat love founded upon spiritual jects for you model train enthusiasts at Ralph Hirschberj's NASSAU awareness of man's inherent perHOHBY CENTER . . . Ralph's store Is also the Mecca for stamp and coin fection as the image and likeness of collectors, as well as models of all kinds . , . CAROL GREEN'S, windows God will solve human 'problems, are filled with some of the best buys in town . -. . just go through the will be. assured at Christian Science entire store and see if Jack Green, the friendly owner, doesn't have services next Sunday. The subject some real values ... of the lesson-sermon is "-Love." The golden text is from I John: Being a lover of good books, I couldn't help but notice that fine sale reaUy "He that loveth not knoweth not — - _? reduced books at John Vicedomini's VULLAGE BOOK AND <333^-(SHOP^ . ;f Joh^also haa^'eJVcs covered-rwitH' Beautiful "imported God; for Ood Js love." (4:8) Among the selections from the ceramics . . . These really make wonderful birthday and anniversary gifts . . . For a fine line, of records, from Franz Liszt's Liebstraum Bible will be: "For God hath not to bebop, be sure to visit Taley Galucci's HOUSE OF MUSIC ... I spotted, given us the spirit of fear; but of wtyjn I was there, a wonderful record of Fulton Oursler reading from power, and of love, and of a sound the Bible . . be sure to hear it . . I'm glad to see that O'SH'AUGHNESSY'S mind." (H Tim. 1:7) Passages to be read from the is going to start serving evenings from now on . . I eat lunch there quite often, myself . . (Mrs O'Shaughnessy, in my opinion, is one of Freeport's Christian Science Textbook, "Scitop chefs . . I think, if you go down there, you'll agree with me . . We're ence and Health with Key to the all eagerly awaiting the reopeningof the LEONARD SHOP . . I bet it will Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, look beautiful . . Irving Grebinar is to be congratulated for having will be: "Love Inspires,-illumines! such fine salesmen in his store, IRVING'S . '. When you stop in, be sure designates, and leads the way." "Wait patiently for divine Love to to see those beautiful Botany wool gabardine slacks . . move upon the waters of mortal Sedelle Levy of the OLOVE SHOP, informs me that she is now in mind, and form the perfect conthe midst of her non-profit summer sale of regular merchandise . . this cept." (p. 454:18-43;22-23). Is your chance, ladles, to get that beautiful handbag or umbrella, or pair of gloves or shoes at a reduction . , Louis Meyer showed me, in his establishment, the RELIABLE BEDDING COMPANY, some fine twin size LEADER ADVERTISERS foam rubber mattresses, guaranteed for twenty years at very reasonable PATBON1ZE YOUR prices . . Louis .also displays a complete line of Juvenile- furniture that is really sturdy and of fine appearance . . I've just learned that the ESQUIRE M*2ra SHOP will be the official Adam Hat agency In town, come this fall . . Come on In and ask Barney Fyvoleni, the amiable host -rto-rihow you those ever popular MacGregor sportswear . . Don't forget CENTURY'S FREHPORT THEATRE'S gala beauty con-test, Thursday evening, August 21 . .-. and, all you beautiful gals, don t forget toienrter . . prizes galore ._. see you next week , . s'long now. PAGE THIRTEEN THE LEADER » ' 1 The Prescription Center 75 West Sunrise Highway Phono FReeport -8-0001 for your savings i and home financing needs. Restaurant and 211 WEST SUNRISE HIGHWAY, FREEPORT SAVB4GS cmd LOAN ASSOCIATION focport M. Y. FfiEEPORT 8-6200 Open Weekdays From 8 A.M. to 2 A.M. Sundays 1 P.M. to 2A.M. FREEPORT Merchandise Marts HEMPSTEAD Open Thursday and Fridays Evenings Open Monday, Thursday & Friday Evenings 50 WEST MERRICK ROAD FREEPORT 8-9407 258 FULTON AVENUE HEMPSTEAD 2-1068 -