ECU Tutoring Centers

ECU Tutoring Centers
Pirate Tutoring Center
Pirate Tutoring Center is located in the 2500 Old Cafeteria Complex.
PTC Services Available for ECU students include:
• Free Tutoring: Walk in tutoring available at the Joyner Library on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 9pm, starting September 9th. Tutoring focuses on
1000 and 2000 level courses.
• Study Skills Coaching: The Pirate Tutoring Center can help identify student
study skills strengths and improve weaknesses.
• Specialized Workshops: and other academic events are designed to help students
• Online Study Skills Assistance: Available at the Pirate Tutoring Center website, and on the PTC facebook page.
For services students should call 328-6001 for an appointment or email
Anthropology Tutors
Anthropology Department offers tutoring for students. Call 328-9430 for more
Biology Tutors
The Biology department offers Supplemental Instruction sessions for all core courses
(BIOL 1050, 1100, 1200). Students should stop by N108 Howell Science Complex for
posted tutoring hours are each semester or by calling the Biology department at
Business Tutors
Accounting Tutors: Beta Alpha Psi offers free tutoring for accounting courses on
Monday evenings from 5pm to 6:15pm in Bate 3006. Students can contact Shelly Spear,
328-6055, for independent tutors.
Finance Tutors: Students should contact 328-6670 for more information for stop by the
Departmental office at 3420A Bate Building.
Chemistry Tutors
The department of Chemistry Learning Center is located in room 343 of the Science and
Technology Building. Students can receive tutoring for CHEM 0150, 1020, 1120, 1130,
1150, and 1160. Additional tutoring can be obtained by calling the Chemistry department
office at 328-9700.
Economics Tutors
Tutoring for ECON 2113 and 2133 is available by contacting the Economics main office
in A-47 Brewster.
English 1100 and 1200 Tutors
The First Year Writing Studio helps students with English 1100 and 1200 course work.
The First-Year Writing Studio is located in 2005 Bate Building and contact number is
Foreign Language Tutors
Individual tutoring in French, German, Latin, and Spanish is offered. Students should
call Jason Walker at 328-6207 or stop by the foreign language Resource Center at 2009
Bate Building.
History Tutors
The History lab offers tutoring each semester. Contact 328-6094 or stop by the lab at D201 Brewster Building.
Math Tutors
The Math Department offers a Math Tutoring lab in 110 Austin Building. Tutoring is
available for math courses: MATH 0001, 0045, 1065, 1066, 1075, 1085, 2119, and 2122.
For more information call the math department at 328-6461.
Physics Tutors
Free tutoring is offered in PE-210 of the Howell Science Complex. Contact 328-6476 for
more information.
University Writing Center
At the University Writing Center students receive assistance with writing assignments for
any academic course. Located in 2318 of the Old Cafeteria, students can drop in any time
to meet individually with a consultant. The Center is open Monday through Thursday
9am to 5pm and Friday 11am to 3pm. Check the UWC website for other locations on
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