HAV -‐ Human Machine Interac]on (HMI) for Autonomous

Presented by Maria Nilsson viktoriains3tute HAV -­‐ Human Machine Interac2on (HMI) for Autonomous Vehicles XX MSEK Budget involving viktoria institute
… XX ?? VCC AB Volvo (?) Staffan Davidsson Maria Nilsson Selina Mårdh Trent Viktor Azra Habibovic Cristofer PaKen Purpose To understand how informa<on should be communicated between the driver and the vehicle in autonomous driving to enhance the user experience and thereby contribute to a safe, efficient and enjoyable ride CHALLENGE A new class of error which needs to be considered in the design of automated vehicles Mo2va2on and scien2fic background •  Automa2on issues from other domains may not be easily transferred to this novel area due to, e.g., different environmental variables different type of decisions different the 2me frame different the available informa2on – 
THE WAY FORWARD •  to create an transparency and a co-­‐opera2ve approach where car, environment and driver act as agents. –  In the collabora2ve approach the drivers and the vehicle act as agents with the same goal, they exchange with the other agent their own strengths, weaknesses and (un-­‐) certainty, they show their limits of performance and their state and they give each other feedback. Just like a well func2oning team. GOAL Create the HMI that allows for a coopera2ve approach. What is the role of the driver in autonomous system? •  With full automated vehicles it is yet to define the role of the driver à Define the decision making process of the driver-­‐vehicle coopera2on. Take into account, –  Trust, complacency, locus of control, Mental workload, vigilance OUTCOME Knowledge (delivered as guidelines) on driver behaviour in the context of autonomous vehicle ACTIVITIES Simulator studies That is, what/when/how should informa2on be communicated? •  With fully automated vehicles it is yet to define how informa2on should be communicated àDefine the HMI that provide means for communica2on between the driver and the vehicle (two-­‐way) (mul2modal/hap2c/visual …) OUTCOME An HMI design based on behavioural research ACTIVITIES Usability ac2vi2es with simulator and demonstrator cars How to evaluate the efficiency and emo2onal aspects of the system? •  With fully automated vehicles is is yet to define what measures to use for system evalua2on à Define the measurements that captures the efficiency and emo2onal aspects of the system. OUTCOME A test method evalua2on tool box and measures regarding HMI for autonomous vehicles ACTIVIITES User experience and a`tudes The HAV project Crea3ng the possibili3es enabling innova3ve interac3on and collabora3on between the driver and the autonomous vehicle Contacts Staffan Davidsson staffan.davidsson@volvocars.com Maria Nilsson maria.nilsson@viktoria.se 