DYNAMIC OVERVOLTAGES DUE TO LOAD REJECTION IN POWER SYSTEMS by BABU RAM A Thesis submitted to the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi for the award of the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY CENTRE OF ENERGY STUDIES INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, DELHI MARCH, 1983 DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHER SHRI BALAK RAM AND MY MOTHER SHRIMAT I RAMAVAT I DEVI CERTIFICATE Certified that the thesis entitled, "Dynamic Overvoltages due to Load Rejection in Power Systems", which is being submitted by Shri Babu Ram in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Centre of Energy Studies of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi is a record of the student's own work carried out by him under our supervision and guidance.The matter embodied in this thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other Degree or Diploma. - e. ,S4L4,2tA6 Dr. S.C. Tripathy Dr. R. Balasubramanian Professor Assistant Professor Centre of Energy Studies Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi 110 016, India iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude and deep indebtedness to Professor Sarat C. Tripathy and Dr. R. Balasubramanian for their valuable guidance, right direction and attention at every stage of this work. The author is thankful to Dr. S.C. Kapoor, Deputy General Manager of B.H.E.L. for providing technical literature and data. Thanks are due to laboratory staff, in particular to Messrs Dalel Singh and V.K. Rana for their cooperation. The author is also thankful to many of his teachers and friends for their constant encouragement and help. The author gratefully acknowledges the cooperation and help given by his family members. The author is thankful to Mr. P.M.Padmanabhan Nambiar for typing the manuscript of the thesis. iv The thesis is based on the following papers published by the author 3 1. Data Acquisition and Monitoring of Micro-Alternator, J.I.E.(India), Vol. 62, pp. 101-107, Dec. 1981. 2. Real-Time Torque Angle Monitoring of Micro-Alternator, J.I.E.(India), Ref: EM-697 (Accepted for Publication, 1982). 3. Microprocessor Based Governor for Steam Turbine, J.I.E.(India), Ref : CP-690 (Accepted for Publication, 1983). 4. Interfacing of Micro-Alternator with Micro-Computer for Real-Time Monitoring, (Communicated to IJEEE (England), 1983). 5. Temporary Overvoltages Due to Load Rejection on a Series Compensated Line. , Proc. mr, tio1.130, !Jett C, No.1, 'bp. 8-15, Jan. 1983. 6. A Study of Self-excitation on a Series Compensated Line and its Control (Communicated to IEEE Summer Meeting, 1983). 7. Control of Dynamic Overvoltages due to Load RejectiOn by Static Shunt Compensation (Communicated to International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, England, 1983). ABSTRACT A method of analysis for computing dynamic overvoltages following load rejection is presented in this thesis. The method incorporates detailed dynamic models of synchronous machine, excitation system and transmission network. The problem is simulated on ICL 2960 computer system. The receiving end voltage envelopes following load rejection have been evaluated for a typical 400 kV system for different models of synchronous machines using the digital computer program. These studies reveal the need for detailed representation of machine and excitation control system as otherwise rate of decay of overvoltage response becomes considerably slower. This kind of study is very useful for choosing the voltage rating of the current limiting gap type surge arresters which have the capability to discharge repetitively a few times and reseal against dynamic overvoltages. Furthermore, the performance of excitation systems, viz. static excitation system and D.C. rotating system in the control of dynamic overvoltages due to load rejection is studied. Next, the effects of various parameters, such as line length, power factor of the load rejected and excitor—amplifier gain on dynamic overvoltages are studied. The analysis is further extended to include series compensation on transmission lines. Receiving end voltage envelopes following xi load rejection on a series compensated network are presented in this thesis for different degrees of series compensation, line loads and excitation systems. These results reveal the occurrence of self—excitation in the particular power system considered when the compensation level reaches 70 percent. Hence those studies are useful for choosing safe series compensation level for a par- ticular system. Furthermore, the performance of static compensator as a device for control of dynamic overvoltage is studied in this thesis.The regulator employed in the static compensator control scheme is a proportional plus integral type. The effect of control parameters such as gain and integration delay of P—I regulator is investigated for a typical 400 kV system. The effect of shunt reactors on dynamic overvoltages both for series compensated and nonseries compensated networks is analysed in this thesis. The performance of joint series plus static shunt compensation is also studied in this thesis. These studies are useful for selecting kind and quantum of compensation required for a particular power System. The application of this analysis for choosing economic voltage rating of surge arrester which is to be installed in an EHV station is presented. A real—time technique for on—line monitoring of overvoltages following load rejection is also presented in this thesis.This xii technique has been implemented on a microcomputer interfaced with a model synchronous generator which delivers power to a load through a model transmission lino. This technique may be used for monitoring overvoltages in a load rejection field test conducted on a real power system. CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT xiii LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF SYMBOLS xviii CHAPTER I CHAPTER II INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Dynamic Overvoltages due to Load Rejection 3 1.2 Literature Survey 4 1.3 Outline of the Thesis 5 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING FOR LOAD REJECTION OVERVOLTAGE STUDIES 8 2.1 Introduction , 8 2.2 Objectives 9 2.3 Mathematical Modelling of the System 9 2.4 Synchronous Machine Modelling 11 2.5 Rotor Electrical Equations 15 2.6 Derivation of a.-p, Equivalent Circuits of Synchronous Machine 16 2.7 Rotor Mechanical Equations 19 2.8 Transmission Network Modelling 20 2.9 Modelling of Excitation System 25 2.9.1 Static Excitation System 26 vi CONTENTS (CONTD.) Page 2.10 Numerical Example 26 2.11 Solution Procedure 28 2.12 Computation of Initial Conditions 28 2.12.1 Rotor Electrical State Variables 29 2.12.2 Network State Variables 31 2.12.3 Rotor Mechanical Equations 32 2.12.4 Rotating D.C. Excitation System 32 2.13 Discussion and Results CHAPTER III 33 2.13.1 Effect of Excitation Controls 36 2.13.2 Effect of Line Length on Dynamic Overvoltages 36 2.13.3 Effect of Load Power Factor 39 2.13.4 Effect of Amplifier Gain 39 2.14 Conclusion 41 DYNAMLC UVERVOLTAGES DUE TO LOAD REJECTION ON A SERIES COMPENSATED TRANSMISSION LINE 43 3.1 Introduction 43 3.2 Location of Series Capacitor in a Transmission Network 45 3.3 Formulation of the Problem 46 3.4 Excitation System Models 51 3.5 Numerical Example 51 3.6 Method of Solution 52 vii CONTENTS (CONTD.) Page 3.7 Discussion of Results 52 3.7.1 Effect of Quantum of Series52 Compensation 3.7.2 Ef'ect of Different Excitation57 Systems 3.7.3 Effect of Change in Line Length57 3.7.4 Effect of Change in Exciter57 Amplifier Gain 3.8 Conclusion 60 CHAPTER IVCONTROL OF DYNAMIC OVERVOLTAGES BY STATIC62 SHUNT COMPENSATION 4.1 Introduction 62 4.2 Control Strategy 63 4.3 Mathematical Modelling of the System65 4.4 Model of Static Compensator70 4.4.1 Measuring Devices70 4.4.2 Regulator 70 4.4.3 Thyristor Firing System72 4.5 Numerical Example 74 4.5.1 Static Shunt Compensator74 4.6 Solution Procedure 74 4.7 Discussion and Results 74 4.7.1 Effect of Control Parameters on75 Dynamic Overvoltages 4.7.2 Dynamic Performance of Static78 Compensator 4.8 Conclusion 78 viii CONTENTS (CONTD.) Page CHAPTER VEFFECT OF SHUNT REACTORS ON DYNAMIC 81 OVERVOLTAGES 5.1 Introduction 81 5.2 Effect of Shunt Reactors on a Non— series Capacitor Compensated Line 82 5.3 Effect of Reactors on a Series Compensated Line 84 5.4 Series Compensated Network with Static Compensator 93 5.5 Formulation of the Problem 93 5.6 Model of Static Compensator 97 5.7 Method of Solution 97 5.8 Discussion and Results 98 5.9 Conclusion 98 CHAPTER VISELECTION OF SURGE ARRESTER VOLTAGE RATING CHAPTER VII 102 6.1 Introduction 102 6.2 Choice of Voltage Rating of Surge Arrester for a Sample System 103 6.3 Choosing Size of Shunt Reactor 105 6.4 Conclusion 105 REAL—TIME MONITORING OF OVERVOLTAGES FOLLOWING LOAD REJECTION 107 7.1 Introduction 107 7.2 Experimental Set Up 108 7.3 Data Acquisition System 110 ix CONTENTS (CONTD.) Page 7.4 Microcomputer System Organization 110 7.4.1 Central Processing Unit 112 7.4.2 Memory 112 7.4.3 Input/Output Devices 112 7.5 Real—Time Programming Technique 112 7.5.1 Intermixing of PL/S with Assembly Language 112 7.5.2 Data Acquisition Subroutine 114 7.5.3 Subroutine for Packing Real—Time Data 121 746 Test Results 123 7.7 Conclusion 123 CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY 126 8.1 Conclusions 126 8.2 Summary 130 APPENDIX A ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM MATRICES 133 APPENDIX B ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM MATRICES FOR STUDIES ON SERIES COMPENSATED LINES 135 APPENDIX C ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM MATRICES FOR STUDIES ON STATIC SHUNT COMPENSATED LINES 137 APPENDIX 0 ELEMENTS OF SYSTEM MATRICES FOR STUDIES ON LINES WITH COMBINED SERIES AND STATIC SHUNT COMPENSATION 139 CHAPTER VIII APPENDIX E 141 REFERENCES 142