In our Children’s Centre we actively promote and teach your children Fundamental British Values How can we do this with your children in nursery? The Rule of the Law Managing Feelings & Behaviours Sometimes it is hard for children to share with others. We encourage your children to think about the feelings of others and help them to share and take turns. Learning right from wrong To keep each other safe we need to have rules. Sometimes it is hard to stop and listen so we use our shaker to make your children aware that they need to stop doing something and obey the rules. Democracy Making Decisions Together We actively encourage children to take part in activities where they are taking turns, sharing and working together with each other. Negotiating We plan and encourage children to join in with activities together with others. Sometimes this is hard and they need to negotiate how they are going to do this. Freedom for all We give children the opportunity to make choices about what they want to explore and play with. Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs Treat others as you want to be treated We help your children to appreciate and respect their own culture and the culture of others. We help children to look at cultures and traditions from other countries as well as our own. We support your children to share their experiences during our circle times. They take turns to speak and listen to each other and learn to value what others have to say. Individual Liberty Freedom for All We ensure we give your children time to speak and listen to what they say. We encourage your children to help each other.