special convocation conseil extraordinaire june 2014 juin 2014

JUNE 2014
The conferring of an honorary degree and
the call to the Bar of the candidates
La remise d'un grade honorifique et l'assermentation
des candidates et des candidats
JUIN 2014
London, Ontario
Monday, June 16, 2014
2:30 p.m .
Toronto, Ontario
Thursday, June 19, 2014
2:30 p.m .
Toronto, Ontario
Friday, June 20, 2014
9:00 a.m .
Toronto, Ontario
Friday, June 20, 2014
2:30 p.m .
Ottawa, Ontario
Monday, June 23, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Ottawa (Ontario)
Lundi 23 juin 2014
10 h 00
The Call to the Bar ceremony is an occasion for you, your
A. !'occasion de cette ceremonie d'assermentation, vous
family, your friends and your colleagues to celebrate your
celebrez avec votre famille, vos amis et vos collegues votre
achievement of becoming a member of the Ontario Bar.
accession au rang de membre de la profession juridique en
For many of you, this will be the fi rst time you put on
Ontario. Nombre d'entre YOUS revetiront pour la premiere
the barrister's robes - the uniform of our profession,
fois la toge d'avocat - J'uniforme de votre profession
which dates back to the i5'h century. Donning the
depuis le xve siecle. Revetir la toge souligne votre passage
barrister's robes signifies that you have crossed the
d'etudiante et d'etudiant au statut de professionnel, de
threshold, from student to professional, from pupil
pupille a pair, de dipl6mee et dipl6me en droit a membre
to peer, from law graduate to member of The Law Society
du Barreau du Haut-Canada.
of Upper Canada.
For all of the participants in the Call to the Bar
ceremony- candidates, family, friends, Benchers and
Pour toutes et tous !es participants a la ceremonie
d'assermentation - candidats, familles, amis, conseillers
et personnel du Barreau - c'est plus qu'un evenement
staff of the Law Society- it is not only a happy event,
heureux; c'est aussi une occasion de reflechir a sa
but also an occasion to reflect on the meaning of the
signification. Chaque candidat aura deja signe les roles
ceremony. Each candidate will already have signed the
de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de
Rolls of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior
justice. Chaque candidat est accueilli clans la profession
Court of Justice. Each candidate is welcomed into the
comme un egal, chacun prete le serment d'avocat et
profession as an equal, takes the Oath of the barrister
devient fonctionnaire judiciaire. Chaque candidat promet
and solicitor and becomes an officer of the court.
de chercher a assurer l'acces a la justice, d'ameliorer
Each candidate promises to ensure access to justice,
!'administration de la justice, de defendre la primaute
to improve the administration of justice, to champion
du droit et !es droits et libertes de tous. La ceremonie
the rule of law and safeguard the rights and freedoms
d'assermentation offre une occasion pour nous avocates et
of all persons. The Call to the Bar ceremony is an
avocats de reaffirmer !es valeurs de notre profession, non
opportunity for us as lawyers to re-affirm the values
seulement entre collegues, mais surtout au benefice de ceux
of our profession, not only to each other as colleagues,
et de celles qui assistent a l'evenement, soit la famille, !es
but especially to those who have come to witness
amis et le publ ic.
the event, family and friends, as well as members of
the public.
Vous avez parcouru differents chemins pour arriver
ace jour. Certains d'entre YOUS ont emprunte la route
You have taken different paths to arrive at this day.
« traditionneJle » : apres des etudes de premier cycle OU de
Some of you come to this ceremony by "conventional"
cycle superieur, puis l'ecole de droit clans une universite
means: undergraduate or graduate studies, law school
canadienne suivi d'un stage. De plus en plus, d'autres d'entre
at a Canadian university and articles of clerkship.
vous arrivent ici munis de diplomes en droit de l'etranger
Increasingly, more of you come to this day with
ou avec une experience pratique clans d'autres ressorts de
qualifications from law schools abroad, or with
common law au Canada ou clans d'autres parties du monde.
experience practising in other common law jurisdictions
Peut-etre que ce jour marque pour vous le debut d'une
in Canada or in other parts of the world. Perhaps today
nouvelle carriere. Pour certains d'entre vous, le parcours
marks for you the start of a second career. For some of
s'est fait sans trop de heurts; d'autres ont fait des sacrifices
you, the journey has been relatively painless; for others,
personnels et surmonte d'enormes obstacles. Meme si
the personal sacrifices and the struggles have been
chaque parCOurS est different, YOUS etes toutes et tOUS ici
enormous. Even though the journey for each of you has
aujourd'hui parce que vous possedez manifestement non
been different, each of you is here today because you
seulement des competences theoriques et pratiques, mais
have demonstrated not only the necessary academic and
aussi la force de caractere necessaire pour etre admis au
practical qualifications, but also the strength of character,
barreau. Yous avez tous !es droits d'etre fiers du chemin
to be admitted to the Bar. You have every right to be
proud of your achievement:.
Today's ceremony marks the end of one journey and
the beginning of another. No matter how hard or easy
La ceremonie d'aujourd'hui marque la fin d'un parcours
et le debut d'un autre. Peu importe si votre cheminement a
ete facile OU difficile pour arriver aCe jour, et peu importe
your journey has been to arrive at this day, and no matter
d'ou vous venez, vous poursuivez tous une nouvelle
what your background, you all begin a new journey
destination, en ce meme jour, au meme moment et au
today at the same time and in the same place, physically
meme endroit, au propre comme au figure. Yous avez tous
and figuratively. You have all taken the same oath and
et toutes prete le meme serment et accepte !es memes
assumed the same obligations to your future clients, to
obligations envers vos futurs clients, envers !es tribunaux
the court and to the public we all serve. In exchange, you
et ce public que nous servons tous. En echange, vous avez
have been granted the privilege to practise law in Ontario
rec;:u le privilege d'exercer le droit en Ontario en qualite
as a barrister and solicitor. You start your careers as
d'avocat. Yous entamez vos carrieres comme avocates et
lawyers in Ontario as equals. That you wear the same
avocats en Ontario atitre d'egaux. Le fait de porter la meme
barrister's robes is the visible manifestation of this
As you begin your careers in law, remember that
toge est la manifestation visible de cette egalite.
Al'aube de votre carriere en droit, rappelez-vous que
!es visages du succes et de la satisfaction professionnelle
the opportunities for success and professional satisfaction
sont aussi varies que les chemins que vous avez parcourus
are as diverse as the paths that brought you to today's
pour arriver ici aujourd'hui. Le respect des valeurs et
ceremony. Commitment to the values and ethics of our
de l'ethique de notre profession et un devouement
profession and your continued dedication to the advance-
continu envers l'apprentissage et la connaissance du droit
ment of your learning and legal knowledge will be the
constitueront !es bases d'une carriere satisfaisante et reussie,
common denominator for a rewarding and successful
peu importe ou le vent vous portera.
career in law, wherever that career may lead you.
On behalf of the Benchers and staff of The Law
Au nom des membrcs du Conseil d'administration et
du personnel du Barreau du Haut-Canada, nous vous offrons
Society of Upper Canada, we extend our heartfelt
nos plus sinceres felicitations et vous souhaitons du succes
congratulations and wish you every success in your
clans votre carriere juridique.
legal career.
Le tresorier,
Thomas G. Conway
The call to the Bar takes place in two separate procedures.
L'admission au barreau se deroule en deux temps. En
First, the Benchers of The Law Society of Upper Canada,
premier lieu, le tresorier, qui est chef du Barreau, ouvre
who are responsible for the governance of the legal
un conseil extraordinaire sur l'estrade des conseillers
profession in Ontario, are called to order on the stage in
du Barreau du Haut-Canada, qui sont responsables
a Special Convocation by the Treasurer, who is the head
de !'administration de la profession juridique en Ontario.
of the Law Society. The candidates will be presented by
Des membres du Conseil presentent !es candidates et
members of Convocation to the Treasurer who will confer
candidats au tresorier qui leur remet le diplome d'avocat-
on them the degree of Barrister-at-Law and call them to the
plaideur ou d'avocate-plaideuse et les rec;:oit au barreau de
Bar of Ontario. Convocation will then adjourn and a Special
!'Ontario. La seance du Conseil est alors levee et le greffier
Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior
convoque une session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de
Court of Justice will be convened by the Court Registrar.
!'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de justice. Le juge en chef
The Chief Justice of Ontario, or designate, will preside over
de !'Ontario,
the administering of the Oath of Allegiance, and the Oath
du serment d'allegeance et du serment par les nouveaux
to the newly called members of the Bar. The Court will
membres re<;:us au barreau. La seance de la Cour est alors
then adjourn. The graduates now are called to the Bar as
levee. Les candidates et les candidats sont maintenant
barristers and solicitors, and are authorized to practise law
avocats-plaideurs ou avocates-plaideuses et procureurs ou
in the Province of Ontario.
procureures, et sont autorises aexercer le droit clans la
la personne designee, preside ala prestation
province de !'Ontario.
Janet E. Minor
Ex-Officio Benchers/
Barbara Murchie
Membres d'offi.ce
George D. Hunter
Julian Porter, Q.C.
The Hon. Madeleine Meilleur,
Vern Krishna,
Elected Benchers/
Judith M. Potter
Membres elus
Nicholas John Pustina, Q.C.
Bob Aaron
Raj Anand, LSM
Susan Richer
The Hon. Robert P. Armstrong,
Constance Backhouse,
Linda R. Rothstein, LSM
C.M., O.Ont., LSM
Gavin MacKenzie
Ronald D. Manes
The Hon. R. Roy McMurtry,
O.C., O.Ont., Q.C., LSM
Mark Sandler
Larry Banack
Jack Braithwaite
James A. Scarfone
Christopher Bentley
W. A. Derry Millar, LSM
Christopher D. Bredt
Paul B. Schabas
Michael J. Bryant
Daniel J. Murphy, Q.C.
John E. Callaghan
Alan G. Silverstein, C.S.
The Hon. W. Dan Chilcott,
John A. Campion
Joseph J. Sullivan, C.S.
Mary Louise Dickson,
Beth Symes, C.M., LSM
John T. Clement, Q.C.
Peter C. Wardle
Paul Copeland, C.M., LSM
Heather Joy Ross
E. Susan Elliott, LSM
Clayton Ruby, C.M.
Arthur R. A. Scace, C.M., Q.C.
O.Ont., Q.C.
Adriana Doyle
Ross W. Murray, Q.C.
Alan W. Pope, Q.C.
The Hon. Allan Rock, P.C., Q.C.
Ross F. Earnshaw
Paralegal Benchers/
Abraham Feinstein, Q.C., LSM
Lawrence Alexander Eustace
Conseillers parajuristes
The Hon. Lee K. Ferrier, Q.C.
Norman W. Sterling, Q.C.
Harvey T. Strosberg, Q.C., LSM
Robert F. Evans, Q.C.
Robert Burd
Neil Finkelstein
Julian N. Falconer
Cathy Corsetti
Patrick Garret Furlong,
Peter Festeryga
Michelle Haigh
Gerald A. Swaye, Q.C., C.S.
J. James Wardlaw, Q.C., LSM
Avvy Yao-Yao Go, O.Ont.
Brian Lawrie
Gary Lloyd Gottlieb, Q.C.
Bradley H. Wright
Alan D. Gold
Marian Lippa
The Hon. John D. Ground, Q.C.
Roger D. Yachetti, Q.C.
Howard G. Hampton
David S. Young
Howard Goldblatt
Charles A. Harnick, Q.C., LSM
Thomas G. Conway
Jennifer A. Halajian
Appointed Benchers/
Susan M. Hare
Membres nommes
Carol Hartman
Marion Boyd
Jacqueline Horvat
Seymour Epstein, P.Eng.
Janet Leiper, C.S.
Michael M . Lerner
Jack Rabinovitch,
M . Virginia MacLean,
William C. McDowell
O.C., O.Ont.
Honorary Benchers/Membres honoraires
His Royal Highness Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales
Jan Richardson
Geral d Sheff
Susan T. McGrath
Baljit Sikand
Malcolm M. Mercer
Catherine Strosberg
Laurie H. Pawlitza (Emeritus)
I swear or affirm that I will be faithful and bear true
Je jure ou affirme solennellement et sincerement que
allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second,
je serai fidele et porterai allegeance aSa Majeste la Reine
Her heirs and successors according to law.
Elizabeth Deux, a ses heritiers et successeurs, conformement ala Joi.
I accept the honour and privilege, duty and responsibility
of practising law as a barrister and solicitor in the Province
J'accepte l'honneur, le privilege, Jes devoirs et !es
of Ontario. I shall protect and defend the rights and interests
responsabilites lies al'exercice du droit en qualite d'avocat
of such persons as may employ me. I shall conduct all
plaidant et de procureur clans la Province de !'Ontario.
cases faithfully and to the best of my ability. I shall neglect
Je protegerai et defendrai Jes droits et Jes interets des
no one's interest and shall faithfully serve and diligently
personnes qui m'embauchent. Je conduirai toutes !es
represent the best interests of my client. I shall not refuse
instances avec fidelite et au mieux de ma competence.
causes of complaint reasonably founded, nor shall I promote
Je ne negligerai !es interets de personne, j'assurerai
suits upon frivolous pretences. I shall not pervert the law to
un service fidele et representerai avec diligence l'interet
favour or prejudice any one, but in all things I shall conduct
veritable de mes clients. Je ne refuserai pas Jes plaintes dont
myself honestly and with integrity and civility. I shall seek
Jes fondements sont raisonnables, ni n'intenterai aucune
to ensure access to justice and access to legal services.
cause frivole. Je ne detournerai pas la Joi pour favoriser ou
I shall seek to improve the administration of justice. I shall
defavoriser qui que ce soit, mais en toutes choses, j'agirai
champion the rule of law and safeguard the rights and
avec honnetete, integrite et politesse. Je chercherai aassurer
freedoms of all persons. I shall strictly observe and uphold
l'acces ala justice et aux services juridiques. Je chercherai
the ethical standards that govern my profession. All this
aameliorer !'administration de la justice. Je mettrai de
I do swear or affirm to observe and perform to the best of
!'avant la primaute du droit et veillerai arespecter !es droits
my knowledge and ability.
et libertes de tous. Je me soumettrai strictement aux normes
de deontoJogie qui regissent ma profession. Je jure OU
affirme solennellement que je traiterai toutes ces questions
au mieux de ma connaissance et de ma competence.
The audience will rise when the Treasurer and
Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer,
Thomas G. Conway, will open Convocation.
The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws,
honoris causa, upon
David F. Smye, Q.C.
David F. Smye, Q.C., will address Convocation .
London, Ontario
Monday, June 16, 2014
2:30 p.m.
The candidates for call to the Bar will be presented to the
Treasurer by members of Convocation.
Florence Gonsalves
Danilo Popadic
Erika Sarah Webb
Robert Grad
Blake Robert Pronk
Daniel Richard Wright
Elizabeth Rae Graper
Michael Anthony Prosia
Lindsay Michelle
Dawood Asad Ahmad
Jacob Simon Wilson Aitcheson
Selin H ankali
Hannah Jordan Askew
Neil Kenneth Stuart Harris
Yasar Muammar Mohamed
Evan Eric Dalius Bawks
Kristine Nicole Jackson
Katie Elizabeth Sammon
D'Arcy Ryan Bell
Shaelyn Nicole Kavanaugh
Evan Andrew Schmid
Diego Mauricio Beltran
Konstantin e-Peter Ketsetzis
Katherine Krystyna Serniwka
Monika Bolejszo
Julianna Khou
Stephanie Anne Serniwka
Marika-Louise Boyko
Kimberly Nicole Knight
Gordon Edward Shotwell
Helen Ruth Button
Bryan Neil Kravetz
Kyle Joseph Sim pson
Lauren Alexandra Lee
Brandon Dwayne Stewart
Ailene Jeanette Ellen
Maureen Mc Caffrey Cannon
Jayme Isador Lesperance
Lindsay Annette Thomson
Norman Robert Lundale
Sabrina Joanne Van Damme
Veronica Joyce McAlea
Anamaria Maghetiu
Hilary Jean Van de Kamer
Christopher Anthony Mamo
Cole Sayer Carl Vegso
Devyn Pauline Robinson
Christopher Jordan Marshall
Priyanka Vittal
Alexandra Matushenko
Isha Wadhwa
Fabio Costante
Amanda Marie Cramm
Jennifer Anne Croswell
Thomas James Davis
Cayley Am ber De Brouwer
Brandon Klaus Duewel
Brendan James Farrer
Katelyn Alana Forget
Jean Susanne Gaspich
Roy Alexander Gentles
Brittany Cameron Gillingham
Matthew Michael Giovinazzo
Conor Alexandre Mc Guire
Jennifer Ann Mitchell
Jessica Lynne Morris
H arkamal Kaur Multani
Sara Swathy Nagalingam
James Anthony Nowlan
David Matthew Kyte Nusko
Lucas William O'Hara
Trevor Joseph Pellerine
Justin Gobin Persaud
Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario
and the Superior Court of Justice
The Honourable Lynne Leitch, Judge of the Superior Court of Justice,
will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal fo r Ontario
and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths
to the candidates and admit them as solicitors.
Dana Erin Phillips
Kelly Leanne Philpott
The audience will rise when the Treasurer and
Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer,
Thomas G. Conway, will open Convocation.
The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws,
honoris causa, upon
The Honourable Justice Stephen T. Goudge
The Honourable Justice Stephen T. Goudge
will address Convocation.
Toronto, Ontario
Thursday, June i9, 2014
2:30 p.m.
The candidates for call to the Bar will be presented to the
Treasurer by members of Convocation.
Eva Abdulla
Sarah Bismilla
King-Man Kenny Choi
Amanda Kristen Deveaux
Fabian Ryan Abele
Amy Margaret BissetKalogianis
So Yoon Choi
Nicholas John Hector
Di Castri
Elizabeth Sara Abraham
Ryan Christopher Wu Chua
Syed Rhyan Iftikhar Ahmed
Lauren Alexandra Edna
Catherine Elsie Allen
Jeremy David Bornstein
Sandra Emad Alsaffawi-David
William Anthony Bortolin
Deborah Debore Clarke
Alexei Alexeevitch Antonov
Simon Peter Borys
Jeffrey Michael Claydon
David Andrew Dueck
Muhammad Khizer Anwar
Karin Breininger
Jacqueline Leslie Cole
Camille Melissa Dunbar
Leandra Appugliesi
Andrew Thomas Antoni Brock
Joanne Elaine Collins
Matthew Jonathan Shon
Julia Kristen Guglielmin
Domenico Commisso
Graham Gordon Campbell
Maria Catherine Constantine
Christina Lidia Dykun
Andreea Atanasiu
Matthew Edward Brown
Kevin Michael Cooke
Matthew Gregory Eaton-Kent
Bryan Joseph Badali
Reginald Austin Brown
Diana Marina Cooper
David Kenneth Badham
Cameron Charles Clarence
Jerzm Cootauco
Lauren Elisabeth Anne
Michael Kevin Coristine
Yves Marc Elbaz
Patrick John Corney
Phaydra Silke Shiva Arma
Rhoda Bolade Adetunji
Aaron Joel Baer
Spencer Peter Bailey
Lindsay Alexandra Balson
Alexey Bukhtiyarov
Michael David Burgess
Ciaron Elise Burke
Elscar Hon Yen Chung
Daniel Mark Diamond
Liam James Droney
Stefan Dimitrijevic
Lindsay Paula Doucet
Peter Antony Drake
Michele Elyse Cousens
Sarah Josephine Falzon
Stephanie Dominique
Valeria Buzaker
Larissa Marie Bazoian
Kenneth Coleman Cadigan
Mitchell Joseph Croteau
Margaret Claire Bebbington
Charlotte Eileen Cameron
Luis Guillermo Cruz Rico
Pippa Danielle Feinstein
Sarah Suzanne Becker
Dana Gail Carson
Brenda Michelle Cuneo
Cary Alexander Ferguson
Teena Belent
Matthew Emmanuel Castel
Shawn Michael Cymbalisty
Francesca Donna Ferguson
Stephanie Meghan Cox
Robert McCluer Fatt
Sakina Latif Faze!
Rachel Flora Bellotti
Alyssa Jennifer Caverson
Lauren Jesse Dalton
Stephanie Rose Figliomeni
Joel Andrew Berkovitz
Jonathan Ryan Charland
Nicole Kaur Davidson
Michael Joseph Smith Finley
David William Bernstein
Eliot Dhat-Yeung Che
Paul James Davis
Tove Lena Finnestad
Alfred John Billes
Samantha Rachel Chen
Randle Charles De Falco
Ash ley Erin Fisch
Elizabeth Anne Bingh,1m
Marina Chernenko
Kaitlind Marie De Jong
Magdalena Elaine Fish
Grant Robert Arch Bishop
Alexei Chinkarenko
Shaunak Desai
Aisling Jane Flarity
Leeanne Taylor Footman
John Alexan der Fowler
Ricky Kalra
Kar Kiu Clara Lee
Edward Changsik Kang
Christina Shannon Lee-Chan
Adam Allan Fox
Ashley Bernad ette Frances
H armon
Robert Henry Karrass
Lauren Rachel Lefcoe
Robert Frasca
David Christoph er Harris
Aviv Kartuz
Alexander Ragan Levy
Hannah Leigh Freeman
Anne Marie Heenan
Michal Simanduyevna Kartuz
Chantel Sarah Levy
Charlotte Elizabeth Mabel
Stephen James Burrows
Tanya Katarya
Erica Frances Lewin
Rachel Miriam Keane
Alexandra Anne Lewis
Robert William Galloway
Nolina Hessari
Emily Victoria Keene
Taisha Am ara Lewis
Marie Renee Annabelle
Samantha Claire H iggins
Gurvinder Jeet Singh Khaira
Jennifer Yu -Yen Li
Marcus John H inkley
Khalfan Abdul Majid Khalfan
Jeanne Lichterm an
Holly Anne Gardner
Erin Rochelle Holder
Jesse Harrison Gardner
Colin Ashleigh Hollan d
Martine Shelly Wilson
Simonne Leora Horw itz
Niyousha Ghomashchi
Christopher Stephen Norris
H ousser
Christie Elizabeth Gibson
Tanya Natalie Howell
Gursharn Kaur Gill
Pamela Diane Hrick
Jameson Robert Glas
Xingbin Huang
Danielle Leigh Glatt
Serena Gohal
Christopher Jam es Kinnear
Matthew Aaron Gordon
Gordon Robert Hunter
Nailah Elizabeth GordonDecicieo
Andrei Dan iel Ilas
Ashley Elizabeth GorenGibson
Tim othy James Harm ar
Samia Ahmed Hussein
Isaac Kent Ip
Si Chun Samuel Ip
Robert David Greenway
Resa Lesley Jacob
Navjot Kaur Grewal
Adam Jay Jacobs
Rajvinder Singh Grewal
Anant Jain
Matthew Peter Griffin
Rahim Jamal
Cristina Guida
Steven Jegou
Dianne Teresa Hajdasz
Meagan Barbara Louise
Aminah Hanif
Darwin Earl John Keane
H arasym
Arina Ilon a Joanisse
Krista Johanna Kais-Prial
Mario Kalemi
Jit Singh Khassria
Meghan Alexandra Lindo
Jaqueline Crystal Kiggundu
Yonatan Lipetz
Min Suk Kim
Jam es Kenneth Little
Seth M itchell Klerer
Leonard Jacob Loewith
John Charles Kloosterm an
Meaghan Erin Jansen
Katarzyna Anna Kmiec
Anders Knudsen
Meaghan Elissa Lowe
Cecile Seen-See Ko
Jennifer Hong-Tam Luong
Denitza Koev
Kelleher James Thomas Lynch
Dorota Agata Kosinska
Richard Kyle Mac Gregor
Edward Vesseline Kossev
Stephanie Anne M acintosh
M ichelle Leah Kotzer
Krina Mahaisuria
Michael Robert Kril-Mascarin
Frances Deborah Mahon
Nathan Charles Kruger
Barbara M ajerski
Josh M ichael Kumar
Nazanin Majidi
Pramod Kumar Kumaranchat
Erica Rosina Malik
Shane Zalman Kwinter
Ryan Jason M apa
Katherine Welsh Laliberte
Bryan Jonathan Marco
Jessica Ka-Lee Lam
Joseph Thomas Marcus
Edward Joseph Lamson
Cate Simpson Martell
Kelsey Victoria Northcott
Akosua May Matthews
Sanja Mavrak
Rebeka Juliana Lauks
Emily Anne Maw
Ashley Scarlett Lavigne
Andrew Jared Max
Matthew Thomas Maynard
Rachelle Ann Oppedisano
Abigail Elizabeth Smith
Grant Michael Auerbach
Donald Laurence Pearson
Sylvie Mary Jeanne
Mc Callum Rougerie
Isida Ranxi
Sarah Elizabeth Smith
Janet Diane Mc Gill
Alessandra Ottaviano
Fabian Daniel Raso
Shawn Alois Smith
Tiffany Nicole Chantal
Mc Kenzie
Jeremy Samuel Ozier
Nurit Richulsky
Matthew Glenn Snyder
Christopher Randall Packham
Courtney Nicole Palmer
Elizabeth Stella Simone
Hardeep Kaur Soma!
Brigid Noelle McCallum
Ian Scott McCuaig
Ramandeep Kaur Pandher
Simon Vincent Robertson
Michael William Spence
Meaghan Patricia Smith
Michael Frank David Spagnolo
Stacy Lee Mcfarlane
Ria Eun Hee Park
Scott Derek Robinson
Brendan James McGill
Maria Paschalidis
Sara Tahereh Rohani
Timothy Andrew Mackiw
Rory Peter Andrew
Jeffrey Arthur Patterson
Arthur Andrew Rosenhek
Ahila Srikandarajah
Richard Craig Anthony
Max Liam Rothschild
Shawn Patrick Steele
Jordana Kyle Rotman
Andrew Earl Steinman
Shannon Marie McHugh
Simon Jewitt McNaughton
Kiara Micheline Paylor
Rupinder Kaur Saini
James Mc Kay Stevenson
Ramon Andres Meza Opazo
Ian Russell Peddle
Tanveer Eh Zain Sajan
James Christopher Stienburg
Adel Deen Javed Mian
Hayley Alexandra Peglar
Sherif Saleh
Michelle Anne Stimac
Kirsten Jane Mikadze
Ekaterina Perchenok
Douglas Armando Sarro
Martin James Stoch
Ali Nita Mirsky
Carolyn Jane Savoury
Ilana Romy Sussman
Waheed Ahmed Mirza
Carolyn Grace PerezYoussoufian
Michael Anthony Scaglione
Jeremy Milton Samuel Syrtash
Alexandra Alisha Mogyoros
Ian Jeffery Perry
Robert William Szollosy
Nara Moon
Krishana Devi Persaud
Sebastian Hermann
David Richard Morawetz
Con Neil Raymond Petrin
Katelynn Elise Schoop
Hamza Talpur
Deepa Tailor
Manraj Singh Mukkar
Mary Phan
David Samuel Segal
Jonathan Kar-Sing Tam
Gobhina Nagarajah
Christopher Mark Piattelli
Christopher Carl Selby
Mirjam Mirelle Tanguay
Setareh Nasseri
Andrea Lauren Pitts
Pamela Seto
Liron Tai Taub
Rhys Hill Newman
Jamil Shamji
Ki Lin Tay
Ci On Gideon Ng
Willow Natalie Margaret
Pivarnyik Slingerland
Aaron Daniel Shapiro
Kelly Ng
Nina Plotnik
Jonathan Lee Thoburn
Noah Jeremy Shapiro
George Joseph Poirier
Bianca Emma-Jeanne Thomas
Aleksandar Nikolic
Zackery Matthew Shaver
Stephanie Diane Pope
Danny Titolo
Ian James Noble
Melanie Marie Shields
Jessica Nunziato
Aliza Premji
Anna Leslie Robinson Tombs
Sahil Shoor
Joshua Benjamin Price
Alexandra Lesley Toten
Farhan Sameer Nurmohamed
Lauren Rachel Anne Silver
Nikolas Stefan Purcell
Leanne Evelyn Tran
Caitlin Amelia O'Connor
Brian Joseph Simo
Jared Dov Puterman
Alexa Morgan Turner
Nora Catherine Sleeth
· David Joseph Olevson
Govind Murthy Upadyayula
Ilia Valitsky
Rebecca Emily Lincoln
Matthijs Jacob Jochem
van Gaalen
Alvin Tsz Hin Wong
James Johannes Van Wyck
Wan Shun Wong
Andrea Eugenie Wong
Michael Alexander Ventola
Robert Charles Woon Sek Law
Jakub Vodsedalek
Gillian Alison Regan Wright
Adina Adriana Voicu
Robert Daniel Wulkan
Stephanie Stella Voudouris
Samantha Rebecca Wynne
Matthew Issac Wasserman
Nana Efua Ahema Yanful
Jessica Nancy Douglas
Aryan Yassavoli-Sani
Rachel Elizabeth Weiner
Glenn Yoon
Ellen Keith Weis
Emily Kate Weizel
Sydney Elise MacMillan
Michael John Wheeler
Sarah Hisun Yun
Ziad Yehia
Joshua Billy Whitford
Arseny Yanovich Zaslavsky
Alexandra Elizabeth Wilkins
Tamara Zdravkovic
Rachel Leslie Williams
Leesha Andrew Irving Zed
Tamara Celine Winegust
Nicole Diane Zeit
Alexander Nicholas Zivkov
Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario
and the Superior Court of Justice
The Honourable Alexandra Hoy, Associate Chief Justice of Ontario,
will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario
and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the
candidates and admit them as solicitors.
The audience will rise when the Treasurer and
Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer,
Thomas G. Conway, will open Convocation.
The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws,
honoris causa, upon
Prof. Martin Friedland, C.C., Q.C.
Prof. Martin Friedland, C.C., Q.C.,
will address Convocation.
Toronto, Ontario
Friday, June 20, 2014
9:00 a.m.
The candidates for call to the Bar will be presented to the
Treasurer by members of Convocation.
Rania Abboud
Kristina Bockarov
Jeffrey Robert Cook
Erin Loretta Dobbelsteyn
Danish Afroz
Monica Cop
Lynn Michelle Donnelly
Pauline Akello
Alexander Patrick
Jennifer Patricia Corbett
Mary Katherine Doran
Tressa Rose Margaret Alan
Dimitri Uditha Bollegala
Kassy Leigh Corothers
Katherine Elizabeth Drolet
Ashley May Almeida
Nicole Jacqueline Bourgeois
Andrew Peter Cosgrave
Anila Dumont
Justin William Anisman
Rosemarie P Boyd-Hurst
Vanessa Nicole Cotric
Chinedu Uchechu Aralu
Shire Raul Brandi
Anne-Marie Mooney Cotter
David Matthew Wilson
Javier Arvizu
Nicola Rose Brankley
William Michael Coutts
Scott Christopher Dybwad
Aaron Lee Atin
Jamie Shannon Bregman
Shannon Dale Crawford
Marshall Ryan Eidinger
Ryann Alyse Atkins
Scott Ronald Byers
Michael Elliott Cremasco
Jessica Erin Elie
Balsam Osama Attar Bashi
Fathima Cader
Holly Victoria Cunliffe
Alexander Neil Elkin
Talar Awakian
Anthony Tyler D'Angelo
John Bradley Evans Elliott
Adam Bryant Davis
Jamie Elsasser
Michelle Krista Baigorri
Lauren Heather Klassen
Steven Daniel Baldwin
Anne Margaret Campbell
Angela Cao
Raigam Koralege Shivaan
de Silva
Andrew George Emery
Carmen Mihaela Baru
Yuce Baykara
Emilie Jane Chamaillard
Rachael Ann Marie de Souza
Tai Eshel
Megan Elizabeth Beal
Kar-Lok Albert Chan
Arden Kathleen Deir
Nicholas Stuart Esterbauer
Liezl Mari Behm
Lindsay Anne Charles
Kyle Norman Denomme
Maximilian Michael Ettinger
Gagandeep Kaur Chatha
Stefanie Anne Di Francesco
Martin-Joe Ejikeme Ezeudu
Lauren Faye Mindy Berdock
Katherine Chau
Laura Berger
Yue Ming Chen
Matthew Francis Casey
Di Giovanni
Lin Fan
Andra Enescu
Payam Ezzatian
Rachel Anne Bernhardt
Yoo Jin Cheong
Dante Justin Di Gregorio
Jessica Jean Elisabeth Fenske
Andrea Kelly Bettello
Andrew Ho-Yan Choi
Jordan Daniel Moses Diacur
Alexis Anne Fink
Harinder Pal Si Bhullar
Robert Joon-Kyu Choi
Justin Scott Dick
George Theodor Florea
Adam Bierylo
Adrienne Hau Yin Ding
Sabrina Giulia Fuoco
Anna Binder
Po Ying Sally Chung
Bethan Jennifer Dinning
Timothy Cameron Gale
Sommer Leigh Rae
Sarah Stephanie Chung
Deidra Rae Dionne
Rosamaria Catherina Gallo
Andrew Stephen Clark
Emily Julia Dixon
Christina Dania Caristo
Daniel Angus Block
Marisa Marie Coggin
Matthew George Kenneth
Amy Elizabeth Agnos Gates
Emily Sorcha Cohen-Gallant
Stephen Jean Gaudreau
Danielle Tamara Gauer
Benjamin Sean Hutchinson
Alexandra Kocherga
Julia Justina Maria Huys
Jason Richard Kolarich
Ioana Mandru
Melissa Gentili
Ian Ward Iatzko
Jessica Anna Koper
Dhanveer Singh Mangat
Michael Barrie Gerhard
Ioana !las
Tyler Donald Koverko
Alys ha Manji
Katarina Alicia Germani
Maya Terada Inuzuka
Ivan Krm potic
Jessica Johannah GingrichLawton
Denis Ioffe
Karina Kudinova
Elena Ruxandra Iosef
Adil Ladha
Peter Demetri Alexander
Alexis Michelle Glazer-Beale
Christina Jabbour
Carla Hazel Lamb
Slonee Malhotra
Catherine Elizabeth
Shannon Nicole Godfrey
Sean Graham Jackson
Erica Jane Lamont
Evan Sayer Gold
Vikas Jaitly
Amanda Jessica Laren
Joshua Daniel Margolian
Philip Daniel Goldbach
Benjamin Edward Jefferies
Timothy Ho Wang Law
Simon Joseph Mariani
Sam Golder
Yi QingJi
Stephanie Jamie Le Cache
Ricardo Golec
Melissa Marie John
Danielle Nicole Lecours
Jason Scott Goodman
Paul Conrad Jorgensen
Tao-Yang Lee
Sean Alexander Goodman
Syed Mohammed Aynul Kabir
Yeon Joong Lee
Ted Richard Gotlieb
Maria Rahminovna Kaikova
Fanny Marie Zoe LetourneauHudon
Casey Marvin
Matthew Donald Masters
Anthony Feraas Matiya
Arkady Leigh Mc Court
Clara Genevieve Bransfield
Mc Gregor
Mili Goyal
Mani Kakkar
Frank Joseph Grande
Kimberly Anne Grange
Jennifer Natalie Kalnins
Lucille Faye Wan-Ming Ling
Cailey Marisa Greenberg
Chang Kai Jack Kan
Adrienne Almeda Lipsey
Malcolm Michael Griffiths
Irfan Kara
Min Liu
Shawna Christine Grose
Nathan Benjamin Nyman Katz
Yan Liu
Laura Jane McLaren
Andrew Mi ch ael McLean
Rachel Jessica Liang
Ann Marina Guirguis
Eric Marcotte Katzman
Andrian Lorne Lozinski
Margaretta Heinze Hanna
Simranjyot Kaur
Tetyana Luneyko
Mark Nicholas Harcourt
Nicholas Edward Kennedy
Iulia Lurye
Mina Raafat Khalil
Jessica Mary Luscombe
Anisah Saher Hassan
Danial Kharazmi
Lisa Shunna Lutwak
Andrew Healey
Money Khoromi
Alexand ra Erin Mac Kenzie
Lauren Elizabeth Hill
Lara Julie Kinkartz
Kenneth Darcy MacDermid
Nige l James Mc Kec hnie
Charles Andrew McDonald
Larissa Maria Mcintyre
Ian Gordon McKellar
Khrystina Marie McMillan
Katherine Jean Metcalfe
Patrick Michael
Daniel Jamie Millar
Carly Jill Minuk
Hayley Monique Miransky
Lida Moazzam
Daniel Alexander Himmel
Marissa Teresa Kirsh
Brodie Ryan Phillips MacRae
Sofia H irji
Jeffrey Alexander Kirshen
Fidelia Jasmine Ho
Alexander Colville Kitz
Domenic Burl! Jonathan
Alexei Klyguine
Michael Vincent Maiola
Charlotte Emily Morden
Jordan Tyler Knowles
Rafe Louis Malach
Maeve Abigail Mungovan
Day! of Promise Vivian
Holmes Skinner
Stephanie Marie Molinaro
Brittany Alexandra Moloney
Nathanial David Martin
Melanie Robin Prise
Robert Micheal Quinn
Mariam Farid Wassef
Shanoud a
Iana Namestnikova
Kevin Michael Thompson
Aleksandr Radin
Howard Andrew Shapiro
Priyanka Timblo
Ryan Stephen Tevel
Tchekaveh Nedamat
Gianfranco Raimondo
Su man Shanker Sharma
David Isaac Tobin
Andrew Kevin Nichol
Manik Raina
Lianne Hyla Sharvit
Christopher Scott Tooley
David Hamid Nuri
Kevin Michael Rawluk
Joshua Daniel Shields
Graham Michael Topa
Udo Mandy Nwobu
Jessica Leigh Roberts
Lauren Rachel Shneer
Lindsay Erin Traves
William Gregory 0
Mary Anne Roberts
Kaylee Helen Silver
Douglas Treilhard
Danijela Obradovic
Marta Rebecca Rochkin
Jagtaran Singh
Remi-Gilles Tremblay
Kerry Ellen O'Connor
Nicholas Scott Rolfe
Jayanta Kumar Singha
Robert Justin Tremblay
David Michael O'Hare
Megan Langford Rolland
Emily Marie Victoria Slinger
Nicole Adele Truman
Anthony Panacci
Stephanie Adrianna Romano
Ankush Sondh i
Ziv Tsimerman
Theodoros Panagiotoulias
Joshua David Mitchell Rosen
Deanne Michelle Sowter
Bonnie Frances Ka Tsui
David Cameron Parry
Matthew Aaron Rosen
Kristine Emily Jean Spence
Lisa Paige Turik
Ritesh Patel
Jennifer Kathryn Rosser
Maria-Christina Spingos
Charles Joshua Morgan Tuttle
Christina Barbara Pawliszyn
James Michael Roundell
Chijioke Osinachi Ukwuoma
Aaron Soloman Pearl
Lindsay Marie Rowell
Shannon Ilona Hortense
Jason Ryan Pearlstein
Cory Michael Rubin
Joshua James Magnus Stark
Alisha K Virk
Alana Katherine Penny
Sarah Rustomji
Linda Starova
Paulo Jose Silverio Pereira
Hina Saeed
Jeffrey Marc St-Aubin
Julia Alessandra Di Marco
Julian Benito Perez
Brian James Unger
Mahesh Inder Singh Sahota
Daniel Jos hua Stober
Katharine Ruth Wahl
Annamaria Perruccio
Sandeep Samra
Travis Granton Walker
Chelsea Rhion Peterdy
Thomas Edward Sanderson
Kimberley Allison Gertrud
Nicole Krista Petersen
Heather Joanne Sandgren
Charles Edward Pettypiece
Fiorina Marion Santelli
Alwyn Christopher Phillips
Pamela Jill Santora
Samantha Jo Piane
Emma Sarkisyan
Anna Natalie Monika
Karl Emil Schober
Peter R Pietraszek
Philip Lee Pollack
Megan Michelle Self
Mihiri Senaratne
Jordan Adam Sewell
Anthony Jacob Dario Pollice
Imran Mohammad Shaikh
Sean Patrick Porter
Aliya Cassandra Shamshudin
Julia Marjorie Potter
Catherine Ella Sum
Ziah Alyshah Sumar
Eva Kamouraska Tache-Green
Carleigh Anne Taggart
Petrina Sushila Wallebeck
Adrienne Jean Walls
Michael Adam Warfe
Lee James Holwerda Webb
Julia Zoe Webster
Khalid Tariq
Katie Lan Wei
Seyed Omid Mansour
Sarah Anne Willis
Geoffre y Graham Taylor
Stephen William Taylor
Diana Lauren Tebby
Andrew Telford-Keogh
Audrey Hoiyen Wong
Bryan Robert Woodman
Monique Claire Senecal
Kendall Blaire Yamagishi
Kateryna Yanovsky
Li di yaYuriyevnaYermakova
Claire Yee Mai Yick
Rebecca Michelle Young
Zeinab Yousif
Geoffrey Herman Yu
Harley Nathan Kabel Yule
Renee Irene Zatzman
David Jonathan Zeligman
Stefan Zhelev Zhelev
Alla Zhura
Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario
and the Superior Court of Justice
The Honourable Tamarin M. Dunnet, Judge of the Superior
Court of Justice, will preside over a special sitting of the Court of
Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer
the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors.
The audience will rise when the Treasurer and
Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer,
Thomas G. Conway, will open Convocation.
The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws,
honoris causa, upon
Laurie H. Pawlitza
Laurie H. Pawlitza will address Convocation.
Toronto, Ontario
Friday, June 20, 2014
2:30 p.m.
The candidates for call to the Bar will be presented to the
Treasurer by members of Convocation.
Safiya Titilayo Adenekan
Chad Michael Bass-Meldrum
Melissa Lee Crowley
Aditi Agnihotri
Oleksiy Bykov
James Alexander Cruess
Ryan Douglas Baulke
Imdad Saadat Ali
Sarah Shana Bedard
Colin Gordon CameronVendrig
Anne Karine Dabo
Zahir Ali
Kaveh Behyar
Jaime Carlisle Cardy
Elka Dadmand
Sarah Courtney Allan
Sarah Elizabeth Bertrand
Matthew Marcel Caron
Marissa Alix Daniels
Santhini Anandan
Ji tesh Bhalla
Joseph Abraham Carpio
Madeleine Zarya Cynader
Lojana Anandarajah
Gillian Anne Bishop
Carly Augustina Caruso
Jacqueline Elizabeth Natalie
Charbel Andary
Jennifer Rose Blitzer
Mark Baret James Cavdar
Michael David De Faria
Selina Andrello
Michelle Devi Boodhoo
Krishnendu Chakraborty
Georgia Andreopoulos
Jason Robert Borges
Cheuk Ying Chan
Matthew Tyler Joseph
Ceili Nicole Andrew
Caroline Marie Rachel
Majid Salim Alibhai Jutha
Jenivieve Rita Devries
Ajit Kumar Arora
Michael David Bowmile
Alisha Evdokia Athanasiou
An.drew Douglas Boyd
Lauren Ashley Mary
Anar Amin Ali Mohamed
Dews hi
Kati Elizabeth Aubin
Scott Matthew Brasil
Lauren Taryn Chen
Prabhdip Kaur Dhami
Philip Michael Aubin
Sandra Lauren Plewik Brecher
Rui Chen
Simrat K Dhamrait
Alexandra Aversa
Nathaniel Shaw Brettle
Sin Ying Cheng
John Andrew Dickieson
Temitope Tracy Ayodele
Jonathan Charles Gerard
Ravdeep Singh Chera
Nathaniel Finlay Dillon-Smith
Giselle Chi-Wei Chin
Joshua Seth Disenhouse
Julianne Brimfield
Brian Wei Fou Chung
Jessica Latham Dixon
Blair Lord Brooks
Sarah Maureen Donohue
Georgia Elizabeth Brown
Adriel Nathanael Hoi-Lap
Maria Eugenia Brunello
Andrew Phillip Cogswell
Lars Robert Brusven
Alison Carly Cohen
Jeffrey Norman Cornelius
Jennie Anne Buchanan
Jessica Erin Cohen
Andrew Franz Paul Ebejer
Ciaran Joseph Buggie
Claire Marie An Colantuoni
Elizabeth Anne Edmondson
Sezar Bune
Jennifer Ann Comand
William Alan Edwards
Alexander Laurence BurtonVulovic
Anna Karen Rookmacher
Leonard Eliezer Akiva Elias
Elsa Arismendi
Bahman Azimi
Julia Badih
Moiz Baig
Cassandra Patricia Bajan
Simran Kaur Bakshi
Paulina Teresa Balabuch
Elliot-Benjamin Balboul
Deanna Josephine Barbieri
Charles William Barnard
Norma Angelica Barron
Tyler Thomas Devenyi
Bailey Wynn Duller
Lauren Elizabeth Elliott
Sarah Jean Smith Emery
Christopher MacKay
Abbas Ali Kassam
Justine Marie Lindner
Natasha Michelle Engineer
Igor Kastelyanets
Jeremy Daniel Loeb
Lauren Tamara Enquist
Jessica Ann Hanbidge
Ajit Bahadur Kaura
Robert Joseph Logue
Menahem Michael Ettedgui
Natanz Handy
Ruchi Kaushal
Matthew John Longay
Hera Fraser Evans
Taheratul Haque
Ryan Arif Khan
Wai Leng Low
Joseph Yohav Evans
Tayyaba Khan
Chung Yin Stephanie Ma
Sarah Fagan
Charlotte Elizabeth McQuaid
Stanislav Fainzilberg
Ryan Matthew Hayes
Kyla Louise Fair
Vijay Khaneja
Kenneth Ka Yout Ma
Nita Khare
Kuen Ling Penelope Ma
Ryan Michael John Hayes
Eugene Young Kim
Lydia Wing Yan Ma
Kate Alexandra Fairbrother
Shari Maria Haynes
Aaron Kleinman
Amanda Jane Mac Naughton
Faith Megan Shaw
Cody William Hed man
Shawn Anthony Knights
Jaclyn Anne Mackenzie
Emily Ann Heersink
Noah Kochman
Erika Anna MacLeod
Lisa Marika Fenech
Allison Faith Hennick
Anurag Koshal
Alexander Cooke MacMillan
Elissa Ferrari
Roberto Ivan Alexander
Pamela Caitlin Alexandra
Kathryn Elizabeth Higgins
Jeffrey Luke Fisher
Lawrence Robert Forstner
Mark Desmond Matthew
Lance Garnet Robert Fraser
Etai Hilzenrat
Jessica Marilyn Freiman
Joshua Lee Mintz Himel
Matthew Joseph Frontini
Noah David Hobson
Stephen Hugh Robert Fulton
Andrew George Hodhod
Katherine Jessup Genest
Valarie Hogan
Faiza Ghafoor
Bradley Neil Holland
Luke Daniel Harry George
Stephen Ming Yee Wang Hsia
Hailey Lauren Gladstone
Michelle Elizabeth Hubert
Alissa Pamela Goldberg
Jennifer Ip
Claire Antoinette Gowdy
Elizabeth Anne Jackman
Jaclyn Sara Greenberg
Sajjad Jaffer
Jared Seth Grossman
Tanya Nikki Jawa
Jonathan Saul Yonatan Shaul
Abhishek Joshi
Danny Antonio Jr Gurizzan
Christopher Andrew Haber
Stacey Han-Ning Hsu
Aleksandar Jovanovic
Christopher Alexander
Nikolai Kovtouchenko
Preston James MacNeil
Lane Ian Krainyk
Courtney Alexandra Madison
Sasha Lauren Kraus
Devin James Lindsay Maguire
Richard Andrew Kreder
Jessica Brigitte Mahabir
Maymi Krishnakumar
Rojan Malekzadeh
Madhanki Kumaresan
Amelia Weiler Manera
Sarah Kwon
Chantelle Marie Lafitte
Louise Charlotte Alice
Brenna Joelle Lalonde
Monica Eliza Martalog
Christopher Donald Langan
Melissa Alexandra Martin
Stefanie Nicole Natasha
Daniel Heskel S. Masliyah
Marlene Marie Le Blanc
Andrew David John Matthews
Kaitlyn Kerr Ledingham
Kathryn Anne May
Christine Grace Lee
Brent Matthew Mc Question
Patrick John Martin
Jessica Simone Lee
Kevin Michael McCormack
Maryana Lerner Klein
Andrew Richard McLean
Samuel Benjamin Levitt
Yoram Yitshak Meartsi
Michael Benjamin Lewis
Al ice Melcov
Pamela M in Yee Liang
David Samuel Lee Mender
Ching-Che Lin
Fanming Meng
Gregory Roger Morton Parker
Stefanie Anne Rudd
Sanja Sopic
Jonathan Ross Miller
Jeffrey Franklin Pasternak
Adriana Kristine Rudensky
Domenico Antonio Sorbara
Samantha Jane Miller
Christopher Robert Payne
Giancarlo Emiliano Ruscio
Nicole Marie Soucie
Debora Alana MillerLichtenstein
Erin Laura Ashley Payne
Brent Kenneth James Ruston
Renee Yvonne Sparkes
Steven Pellegrino
David Joshua Steinhauer
Ahsan Iqbal Mian
Heidi Louise Maria Mitchell
Nedko Miroslavov Petkov
Natalie Jacqueline Marie
Kyle Anthony Patrick
Jackson Edward Nixon Phillips
Jonathan Samue l Samos h
Brooke Justine Stewart
Sukhpreet Kaur Sangha
Slavica Stojimirovic
Sarah Catherine Molyneaux
Cesare Joseph Anthony
Melissa Marie Saunders
Rebecca Anne Sutton
Taban Morshedizadeh
Samuel Edward Plett
Samuel Malcolm Schachner
Daniela Marie Taglioni
Patrick Barry Mullin
Kamila Wiktoria Podbielski
Garett John Schramm
Jared Hartley Teitel
Chanel Maria Sarah Sterie
Pietro Francesco Saverio Muto
Michael James Presta
Alexandra Jennifer Schwarz
Michael Robert Tersigni
Stephen Anthony Myher
Jenna Louise Anna Preston
Adriano Francesco Serpa
Pravin Mathew Thomas
Kavina Pritam Nagrani
Barbara Prikrylova
Tiziana Marcella Serpa
David Adam Toffoli
Sarah Anne Naiman
Zheng Qi
Michelle Anna Seto
Michael Kevin Tompkins
Elina Nakhimova
Bessie Qu
Omar Sewhdat
Amrik Ricky Toor
Raees Nakhuda
Farah Raheem
Bibi Taslenna Shairulla
Samuel Izumi Nash
Aishwarya Ramakrislman
Louis George Douglas
Yana Nedyalkova
Deryck Shaun Ramcharitar
Robert Edward Pilkington
Jeremy Theodore Nemets
Benjamin Kyle Reingold
Mark David Franklin Sheeley
Jennifer Chi-Ning Ng
Mark Philip Repath
Yn Dyi Shen
Patrick Riley Tucker
Lee Michael Nicholson
Dana Camille D. Reyes
Sarah Chantale Turgeon
Neva Marie Novakovic
Kiet Vi Truong
Chiao Shin Tsang
Warren Murray Rigby
Matthew James Bertram
Melissa Sharon Marie Novis
Adrienne Sarah Rigg
Subuhi Siddiqui
Rebecca Esther Alexandra
Scott Allen Nowoselski
Matthew Scott Ritchie
Laura Nicole Sigurdson
Peter Corum Van Esch
Andre Bernard Rivard
Gurpreet Kaur Singh
Julia Sara Bode O'Byrne
Jeffrey Phillip Rochwerg
Jagdev Singh
Quentin Christo Vander
Edward James Douglas
Roza Rokni
Yaw Otu Mankata Nyampong
Angela Romano
Brendan John O'Grady
Elisabeth Ellen Romano
Olivia Helena Carmen Oprea
Nicole Renee Singh
Caroline Angela Vecchiarelli
Manav Singhla
Roshni Rebekah Veerapen
Devon James Sivill
Elyse Lauren Velagic
Jason Corey Rosen
Paul Edward Skeggs
Gordon Duy The Vuong
Kathryn Marena O'Rourke
Alexandra Zofia Rowell
Lisa Jean Silver Slayter
Christine Barbara Wadsworth
Simone Johanna Ostrowski
Nicole Laura Rumble
Michael Tobias Wright Packer
Christina Eileen Slegtenhorst
Rebecca Eve Small Wainstein
John Duncan Snyder
Joy Abigail Wakefield
Dilmini Thiyagya Kumari
Mary Katharine Wallbridge
Leo Wei-An Wang
Caitlyn Meredith Waring
Christopher Paul Tobin Webb
Jennifer Paula Webb
Diana Caroline Weir
Daniel Michael Whalen
Andrea Mary Wheeler
Caterina Fata White
Thomas Reid Wilson
Andrew Owen Winter
Lee Alexander Wiseman
Shannon Rosalyn Wood
Kathleen Grace Woodcraft
Stuart Martin Woody
Abby Lauren Jordana Woolf
Samantha Caitlin Wright
Chia Hsuan Allisa Wu
Emily Caroline Reta Wunder
Chenyuan Yang
Samuel Charles Eyking Yorke
Erika Martha Young
Sara Yousefi
Farzin Yousefian
Christopher Chi-Kiao Yu
Ozlem Yucel
Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario
and the Superior Court of Justice
The Honourable Todd Ducharme, Judge of the Superior Court
of Justice, will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal
for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the
oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors.
The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers
L'assistance se leve lorsque le tresorier et les membres du
enter the Opera. The Treasurer, Thomas G. Conway, will
conseil entrent clans !'opera. Le tresorier, Me Thomas G.
open Convocation.
Conway, ouvre le Conseil.
The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws,
Le tresorier confere le grade de docteur honoris causa
honoris causa, upon
John H. Sims c.r.
John H. Sims, Q.C.
John H. Sims, c.r., prononce une allocution devant
John H. Sims, Q.C., will address Convocation.
le Conseil.
Ottawa, Ontario
Monday, June 23, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Ottawa (Ontario)
Lundi 23 juin 2014
10 hoo
The candidates for call to the Bar will be presented
Les membres du Conseil presentent au tresorier les
to the Treasurer by members of Convocation.
candidates et candidats a!'admission au barreau.
Aleem Nashirudin Kabirdin
Michelle Alexandra
Meara Aleksandra Mahood
Alexei Durgali
Lama Elie Abi Khaled
Darius Junior Bosse
Isabelle Cote
Iris E
Julia Agapitos
Nassim Bouchebaba
Katrina Mae Coughlin
Elsbeth Victoria Eryou
Florence Eden Suzann
Carrie-Anne Bourassa
Jennifer Stephanie CoulombeHalle
Collin Laird Fletcher
Amy Karin Alksnis
Clifford Laurence Anderson
Morna Aislinn Sheila Eileen
James Edward Anderson
Laura Ashley Brown
Michael Colin Anderson
Mathieu Rene Ansell
Stephen James BrownOkruhlik
Amy Alice Arcand
Ala Bujac
Caitlin Lee Dale
Christine Monica Arcari
Catherine Mariette Calvert
Linden Gregory Dales
Patrick Nicholas Aubry
Brent Antoni Capehart
Michael James Patrick Darcy
Stephen Geoffrey Aylward
Steven Nathaniel Davis
Vanessa Cristina Davies
Stefanie Carsley
Ingrid Ella De Freitas
Nataly Azzi
Boris Babic
Adam James Balkovec
Lauren Suzanne Barney
Jaime Enrique Basurto
Sara Bayat-Makou
Nathan Joseph Benson
Julien Bernard Bourgeois
Roman Yuri Dzioba
Nora Ariane Courtemanche
Benjamin James Robert
Brandon Ryan Crawford
Brittany Louise Forgues
Tessa Louise Mac leod
Meghan Christine Fougere
Adrienne Elizabeth Curran
Matthew Brendan Day
Elizabeth Alexandra Frederick
Renee Jasmine Fuchs
Gabriela Elizabeth Fuentealba
Jessica Daina Gagne
Lesley Aileen Gallivan
Adam George Gamwell
Guillaume Henri Benjamin
Pascal Gari h
Louis Todd Century
Laura Alice De Vries
David William Frederick Gault
Philip Hatch Chambers
Gina Emily Demczuk
Charles Jacques Genest
Melanie Anne Charbonneau
Mathieu Clovis Demilly
Jaclyn Patricia Giffen
David Yu-Hsiang Chen
Amy Lilliemay Derickx
Justin Antoni Elsdon Glinski
Monica Ah E. Cheng
Maxime Pierre Desforges
Mellington Godoy
Steven Da Cheng
Jonathan Andrew Doody
Hubert Spenser Gonzalez Eva
Meaghan Elizabeth
Gideon Christian
Michelle Morgan Doody
Laura Elizabeth Darina Griffin
Samantha Louise Berry
Victoria Alana Clark
Stephanie Rae Doucet
Moshe Zachary Grunfeld
Bianca Anna Bielecki
Pascale Helene Caroline
Christine Cloutier
Caitlin Elizabeth Downing
Erin Amanda Gwynne
Michele Louise Higgins Biss
Catherine Marie Anne
Meghan Jean Connolly
Dan a Alexandra Pritchard
Du Perron
Meghan Adrienne Dureen
Benjamin William Hagen
Mehdi-Jalalddin Hakimi
Madeline Rae Hall
Robert Norman Hall
Sara Chloe Lemieux
Chelsea Elizabeth Mitchell
Joel Herbert Reinhardt
Adam Lee Harris
Warren Andrew Leroy
Justin Javid Mohammed
Tara Amelia Roberts
Conner Gibson Harris
Janine Elise Ewart Lesperance
Dennis Michael Molnar
Christopher Dale Robertson
Maria Cristina Harris
Terry Yves Letourneau
Jamie Marie Mookerjea
Katherine Olivia Robertson
Robert Stephen Hawkshaw
Cassandra Josephine
Chelsea Rae Moore
Marc-Andre Jerome Roy
Katelin Anne Moore
Jeremy Ryan Rubenstein
Adam Jonathon Heckman
Edith Allison Blair Hicks
Richard Jonathan Lizius
Emilie Julie Morin
Heather Patricia Sagar
Lindsay Joanne Hinch
Jennifer Marie Irene Lucyk
Jamie Mouawad
Simon Samson
Brett William Hodgins
Ilana Ludwin
Seamus O'brien Murphy
Samara Brooke Secter
Shannon Elizabeth HodgsonRathwell
Nancy Tara MacDougall
Dennis Walter Myers
Mila Shah
Amir Sam Nakhjavani
Spencer Robert Samuel Shaw
Meghan Alyssa Holland
Adela Martha Maciejewski
James Sheldon Stark Holtom
Margaret Anne Maclsaac
Roma Honore
Fraser Gordon Mackinnon
Erica Catherine Hopson
Deborah Lynne Howse
Laura Ashley Hunt
Julian J Hutchinson
Shahin Jaberolansar
Ines Jelic
Shannon Marie Kack
Step hanie Wai-Yin Kam
Rhema Chi Jing Kang
Alexis Aron Guillermo Kerner
Joshua Robert Knox
Leonard Gregory James
Joel Adam Rosentzveig Korn
Laurent Kiyali Kone
Jamie-Lynn Kraft
Irena Retskaya Kramer
Julie Marie Bishop Lafleche
Ashley Cie Wing Lam
Matthew Donald Bruce
Mac Lean
Anne-Marie Celine Magneron
Elizabeth Ann Majic
Gregory Paul Mallia
Devan Adam Thomas Marr
Amelia Jayne Elizabeth Martin
Lourdes-Marie Judith Mazile
Mally Winifred Bransfield
Mc Gregor
Lauren Elizabeth Mc Murtry
Amanda Erin McGarry
Jaclyn Clysdale McNamara
Farhad Mehrabzadeh
Sonia Line Migneault
Jeffrey Michael Miller
Elizabeth Tess Mc Guire
Olivier Van Nguyen
Kaitlin Diane Short
Shub ha Ni jhawan
Erin Victoria Simpson
Mark William Noble
Jennifer Lynn Simpson
Katherine Margaret Rose
Corren Snir
Hugh Paschal O'Toole
Erin Catherine Dorothy
Zachary Samuel Ouimet
Ashley Leah Agathe Stacey
Stephanie Marie Paquette
Tara Rosalind Steinberg
Lindsey Elizabeth Park
Sean Robert Stephenson
Arnav Patel
Kyle Jeffrey Stout
Marie-Michele PellerinAuprix
Ju lie Michal Swieca
Annelise Caroline Petlock
Erica Rachel Tanny
Emilie Alain Shelton Porlier
Jayne Marlene Thompson
Cassandra Elizabeth Porter
Robert Stuart Thomson
Boris Subara
Noah Samuel Potechin
Hamed Tinafar
Marie Emerise Josee Provost
Ivy Fung-Ling Tsui
Louis Michel Yves Racine
Babette Muriel Georgina
Ayesha Isuru Raigala Dasige
David William Turner
Hary Manou Ranaivoson
Matthew Bert Yens
Marie-Josee Ranger
Genevieve Natacha Vienneau
Charles Thomas Vincent
Rachel Rebecca Ward
Ginger Mary Warner
Mary Meta Elizabeth Warren
Aisha Angela Weaver
Katherine Emma Webber
Warren Russell WhiteKnight
Jennifer Patricia Elizabeth
Johanna Albany Willows
Tolga Raymond Yalkin
Xiao Yang Yang
Shane Lawrence Zurbrigg
Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario
and the Superior Court of Justice
Session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario
et de la Cour superieure de justice
The Honourable Charles T. Hackland, Judge of the Superior
Court of Justice, will preside over a special sitting of the Court of
Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer
the oaths to the candidates and admit them as solicitors.
L'honorable Charles T. Hackland, Juge de la Cour superieure
de justice, presidera une seance extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel
de !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de justice pour faire preter
serment aux candidats et les admettre comme procureurs.
London, Ontario
Monday, June 16,
2:30 p.m.
Toronto, Ontario
Friday, June 20, 2014
2:30 p.m.
Toronto, Ontario
Thursday, June 19, 2014
2:30 p.m.
Ottawa, Ontario
Monday, June 23,
lO:oo a.m.
Toronto, Ontario
Friday, June 20, 2014
9:00 a.m.
Ottawa (Ontario)
Lundi 23 juin 2014
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