SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES FOR THE ELECTRIFICATION STRUCTURED / DATA CABLING WORKS FOR THE FEDERAL BANK'S BANK OF INDIA ZONAL OFFICE ANNEX (1st FLOOR) AT KALOOR TOWERS, K K ROAD, KALOOR Item No. Particulars of Work Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. A) MAIN PANEL / MSB, WIRING, FIXTURES & ALLIED WORKS I. MAIN SWITCH BOARD / MAIN PANEL: Supply of all materials, erection, testing and commissioning (SETC) of pre-fabricated dust tight and vermin proof switch boards (SB) fabricated out of 14 / 16 SWG CRCA sheets treated & painted with zinc cromite primer & 2 coats of powder coated paint, with all inter connections and control wiring as per K.S.E.B. / Electrical Inspectorate standards. 1 . MAIN PANEL: Incomer: 200A TPN Isolator - 1 No Outgoing: 63A TP MCCB 25KA with door handle spreaders etc - 9 Nos 1 Nos. Busbars: 40 x 10mm Al. for Phase & Neutral Metering: 0 - 500V Voltmeter - 1 No 0 - 200A Ammeter - 3 Nos RYB indication lamps - 1 set II. CABLES: 1 . Cable Laying: Supply, laying, testing, commissioning of the following PVC APVC insulated, Armoured, AYFY (Aluminium) / YYFY (Copper) LT 1.1 kv cables over false ceiling/walls/cable trenches/cable trays/hume pipes etc. including supply & fixing of suitable supports/clamps etc. as per standards as necessary. A) AYFY (Aluminium) LT cables: Rate Only Mtr. a) 31/2 C x 150 sq. mm -------- b) 31/2 C x 120 sq. mm Rate Only Mtr. -------- c) 4 C x 95 sq. mm Rate Only Mtr. -------- d) 4 C x 70 sq. mm Rate Only Mtr. -------- e) 4 C x 50 sq. mm 20 Mtr. f) 4 C x 35 sq. mm 20 Mtr. g) 4 C x 25 sq. mm 12 Mtr. h) 4 C x 16 sq. mm 40 Mtr. i) 4 C x 10 sq. mm 8 Mtr. Cond… A - 2 :A-2: Item No. Particulars of Work B) YYFY (Copper) LT cables: a) 4 C x 25 sq. mm b) 1 C x 25 sq. mm (Flexible cu. cable) Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. 12 Mtr. 10 Mtr. 2 . Cable End Termination: Supplying all materials & terminating the above Armoured AYFY / YYFY (Al./Cu.) LT cables using single compression type cable glands, Al./Cu. crimped type cable lugs sockets, respestively including gland earthing. A) Aluminium LT cables: Rate Only Mtr. a) 31/2 C x 150 sq. mm -------- b) 31/2 C x 120 sq. mm Rate Only Mtr. -------- c) 4 C x 95 sq. mm Rate Only Mtr. -------- d) 4 C x 70 sq. mm Rate Only Mtr. -------- e) 4 C x 50 sq. mm 4 Sets f) 4 C x 35 sq. mm 4 Sets g) 4 C x 25 sq. mm 4 Sets h) 4 C x 16 sq. mm 4 Sets i) 4 C x 10 sq. mm 4 Sets B) Copper LT cables: a) 4 C x 25 sq. mm 2 Sets b) 1 C x 25 sq. mm (Flexible cu. cable) 2 Sets 3 . Civil Works: A) Preparing of cable trenches up to a depth of 90cms, filling back etc. for the laying of following cables: Rate Only Mtr. a) 4 C x 6 / 10 / 16 / 25 sq. mm b) 4 C x 120 / 150 / 240 / 300 /400 sq. mm Rate Only -------- Mtr. -------- B) Supply, providing & laying heavy duty GI Pipes for cable laying in the cable trenches, including cutting to suitable lengths, suitable gromets at ends etc. complete. Rate Only Mtr. a) 50mm GI Pipes -------- b) 100mm GI Pipes Rate Only Mtr. -------Cond… A - 3 :A-3: Item No. Quantity Particulars of Work 4 . Cable Trays: Supplying of all materials & erection of vertical / horizontal type m.s. cable trays & supports fabricated out of m.s. angles (ISA), m.s. flats with sufficient width & spacing between cross members and supports at adequate intervels, including grouting of supports, etc. complete. The trays and supports shall be painted with 2 coats of good quality enamel paint over 2 coats of zinc chromate primer. a) 300mm wide with 2nos. 25x25x4 mm angles & cross25x3 mm flats @ 7mm & 450mm alternating spacing. (Apprx. Wt / Mtr. As per stds. - 5 Kgs.) b) 450mm wide with 2nos. 35x35x6 mm angles & cross25x5 mm flats @ 7mm & 450mm alt.spacing. Unit Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. 14 Mtr. 8 Mtr. (Apprx. Wt / Mtr. As per stds. - 11 Kgs.) III. EARTHING: EARTHING STATIONS: 1 . Supply of all materials & providing standard & efficient plate earthing stations using 600x600x3.15mm copper plate earth electrode with necessary earth pit pipe, excavating trenches, filling the pit with alternate layers of charcol, salt and sand, back filling, including copper strip, connection from top strip to plates, cement concrete construction or equivalent construction etc. complete as per BIS specifications & IS 3043/1987. (For HUB, RACK & SERVER) 2 . Supply, laying, interconnection of 25 x 3 mm copper flat for earthing. (For Main board & D. G. set.) 1 Nos. 4 Mtr. 3 . Supply, laying, interconnection of 6 SWG bare copper conductor for earthpits. 100 Mtr. 4 . Supply, laying, interconnection of 10 SWG bare copper conductor for earth pits. 180 Mtr. IV. MCB DISTRIBUTION BOARD: Supply, erection testing and commissioning distribution boards of following:1 . LDB - 3Phase 8 Way double door factory built Incomer : 40A 4P ELCB 30mA - 1 No Outgoing : 6/10A SP MCBs - 24 Nos of 1 Nos. 2 . PDB- 8W double door factory built (Vertical DB) Incomer : 63A 4P ELCB 30mA - 1 No Outgoing : 6/10/20/32A SP MCBs - 24 Nos 1 Nos. 3 . AC DB- 4W double door factory built (Vertical DB) Incomer : 63A 4P ELCB 30mA - 1 No Outgoing : 20/32A DP MCBs - 6 Nos 1 Nos. Cond… A - 4 :A-4: Item No. Particulars of Work Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. V. CIRCUIT WIRING: Circuit/power Wiring & termination (concealed/open) through 20 mm dia. ISI rigid PVC black conduits (Heavy duty) in/on ceiling/floor/partition/wall using PVC insulated multi stranded copper wire for P, N & bare copper conductor for continuous earthing respectively with all standard accessoies complete as per the following items: 1 . Circuit mains using 2 runs of 2.5 sq. mm with one run of 12 SWG bare copper conductor. 180 Mtr. 2 . Circuit mains using 2 runs of 1.5 sq. mm with one run of 14 SWG bare copper conductor. 120 Mtr. 3 . Power wiring & termination (for A/C units & power plugs) using 2 runs of 4 sq. mm with one run of 12 SWG bare copper conductor. 100 Mtr. 4 . Circuit wiring and termination (for UPS output) using 3 runs of 2.5 sq. mm PVC insulated multystrated wire. 280 Mtr. VI. POWER POINTS & CONTROLS: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of (SITC) the following metal clad socket outlets with top controlled by appropriate MCBs mounted in a suitable encloser, fabricated out of 14 / 16 SWG CRCA sheets treated & painted with 2 coats of primer & 2 coats of powder coated paint of approved colour. 1 . SITC of 1 no. 32A metal clad socket outlet with top controlled by 1 no. 32A / 40A 4P. MCB. 1 Nos. 2 . SITC of 1 no. 20A metal clad socket outlet with top controlled by 1 no. 20A / 32A SP. MCB. 2 No. 3 . SITC- 1 no. modular type 5/15A socket outlet with top controlled by 15A SP. Switch in combined position. 4 Nos. 4 . SITC- 1 no. modular type 5/15A socket same as It. No. V.3. but, in indipendent position. 4 Nos. 5 . SITC of 63A 4P MCB isolator mounted in a suitable MS encloser. 2 No. 6 . SITC of 40A 4P MCB isolator mounted in a suitable MS encloser. 1 No. 7 . SITC of 32A DP MCB mounted in a suitable MS encloser. 1 No. Cond… A - 5 :A-5: Item No. Particulars of Work Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. VII. POINT WIRING: Supply of all materials and point wiring using 20 mm dia. regid PVC conduits, 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated multi stranded copper wire for distribution wiring and 14 SWG bare copper conductor for earthing, control switches (modular type – LEGRAND / CRABTREE ), mounting boxes made of 16 G MS CR sheets etc. as necessary and as required for the following items as specified for the wiring. NOTE: Rates to be quoted for same controlled by flush type switches with 3mm hylam face plates (Make - ANCHOR ) 1 . 5 nos. false ceiling mounted light points group controlled Rate Only No. by 1 no. 5A sp.switch. -------- 2 . 4 nos. false ceiling mounted light points group controlled Rate Only Nos. by 1 no. 5A sp. switch. -------- 3 . 3 nos. false ceiling mounted light points group controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switch. 2 Nos. 4 . 2 nos. false ceiling mounted light points group controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switch. 12 Nos. 5 . 1 no. false ceiling mounted light point controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switch. 40 Nos. 6 . 1 no. ceiling / wall mounted light point controlled by 1no. 5A sp. switch. 6 Nos. 7 . 1 no. ceiling fan point along with 1no. 300W electronic fan regulator (step type) controlled by 1no. 5A sp. switch. 8 . 1 no. exhaust / wall fan point controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switch. 1 Nos. 2 Nos. 9 . 1 no. 5A socket outlet controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switch in combined position for raw power. 18 Nos. 10 . 2 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switches in indipendent position from UPS DB. 1 Nos. 11 . 2 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switches in combined position from UPS DB. 1 Nos. 12 . 2 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 2 no. 5A sp. switches in combined position from UPS DB. 1 Nos. 13 . 3 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switches in indipendent position from UPS DB. 20 Nos. 14 . 3 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switches in combined position from UPS DB. 1 Nos. Cond… A - 6 :A-6: Item No. Particulars of Work 15 . 3 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 3 no. 5A sp. switches in combined position from UPS DB. Quantity Unit 1 Nos. 17 . 4 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switches in combined position from UPS DB. 1 Nos. 18 . 4 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 4 no. 5A sp. switches in combined position from UPS DB. 1 Nos. 19 . 1 no. Ceiling / wall mounted light point controlled by 2nos. 5A, 2 way, sp. switches. 2 Nos. 20 . 1 no. calling bell point controlled by 1 no. bell push. 3 Nos. 4 Mtr. b) 25 mm PVC conduit (Medium) 10 Mtr. c) 32 mm PVC conduit (Medium) 4 Mtr. 2 . SITC of termination box / loose wire box for DBs of size Rate Only Nos. 400x150x100mm, painted with 2 coats of primer & 2 coats of powder coated paint of approved colour. IX. ALARM / SECURITY SYSTEM WIRING: Circuit Wiring and termination (concealed / open) through 20 / 25 mm dia. ISI rigid PVC black conduits (Medium) in /on ceiling / floor / partition / wall using PVC insulated multi stranded single core copper wire (for Security System) with all standard accessoies complete as following: 1 . Circuit wiring & termination 2 runs of 1.0 sq. mm for door sencers, panic switches and hooters etc. 2 . Circuit wiring & termination 4 runs of 1.0 sq. mm for smoke sencers etc. X. TELEPHONE WIRING & TELEPHONE POINTS : Supply of all materials & wiring of telephone terminals using PVC rigid conduits, 0.5mm tined copper wires (CAT 3) PVC mounting boxes, telephone sockets etc. complete. 1 . 20 pair jelly filled telephone cable marking PVC ferul for identification. 2 . 10 pair jelly filled telephone cable marking PVC ferul for identification. Amount Rs. Ps. 1 Nos. 16 . 4 nos. 5A socket outlets controlled by 1 no. 5A sp. switches in indipendent position from UPS DB. VIII. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: 1 . Supply & laying of the following ISI conduits (concealed/open) inon ceiling/floor/partition/wall with all standard accessoies a) 20 mm PVC conduit (Medium) Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. -------- 160 Mtr. 10 Mtr. 20 Mtr. 20 Mtr. Cond… A - 7 :A-7: Item No. Particulars of Work Quantity Unit 3 . 10 pair telephone wire 20 Mtr. 4 . 4 pair telephone wire 20 Mtr. 5 . 2 pair telephone wire 400 Mtr. 6 . Termination with RJ 11 terminal sockets (2 way) with face plates & PVC mounting boxes with water-proof teminal numbering stickers. 20 Nos. 7 . Supply and fixing of telephone MDF terminal (Krone make) suitable for 20 pair connections with 2no. m.s. boxes (300x250x100mm)fabricated out of 14 / 16 SWG CRCA sheets treated & painted with 2 coats of primer & 2 coats of powder coated paint, complete. 1 No. XI. LIGHT FITTINGS - FIXING & WIRING: Fixing, assembling & interconnecting of the following light fittings luminaires in line & level on ceiling/walls/concealed in false ceiling etc. including all accessories, materials, etc. complete, but excluding cost of light fixtures. 1 . Fixing 2x36/40W mirror optic type flourcent luminaires, including fixing of 1 to 1.5m long GI chain. Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. 8 No. 2 . Fixing 1 x 40 W wall/ceiling mounted flouresent luminaires. 12 Nos. 3 . Fixing ceiling mounted 1 / 2 x 18 W CFL lamp luminaries. 12 Nos. 4 . Fixing of 1 x 18 W wall mounted Angle Holder CFL lamp luminaires. 4 No. XII. CEILING / EXHAUST / WALL FANS - FIXING: Fixing & testing of the following ceiling / exhaust / wall fans including interconnections, body earthing etc complete. 1 . Fixing of 1 no.60W ceiling fan of 1200mm sweep with 1.5m down rods. 2 Nos. 2 . Fixing of 1 no. light / heavy duty exhaust fan of 300 mm sweep. 2 Nos. 3 . Fixing of 1no. 60W wall mounted fan. 4 . Providing and fixing m. s. fan hooks with 2 nos. anchor bolt on ceiling as per standard. 16 Nos. 2 No. Cond… A - 8 :A-8: Item No. Particulars of Work Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. XIII. FIXTURES - SUPPLY: Providing & Supplying at site of the following Luminaries (but excluding lamps), Ceiling Fans (including modular step type regulators to match the make & type of switchs), Wall Fans & Exhaust Fans including all stanard, necessary acceries etc. complete. a) LIGHT FIXTURES: Supply of Wipro make luminaires, complete with all stanard accessories, but excluding lamps. 1 . Supply of 6" size recessed down lights Wipro make WCP 23113 fittings for 1 x 13/18 W CFL lamp. 2 Nos. 2 . Supply of Wipro WCP 64236 SGW mirror optic recessed luminaires for 2nos. 36W CFL lamps . 7 Nos. 3 Supply of Wipro 2 x 36 W, WCP 63236 SGW mirror optic recessed luminaires for 2 no.36 W CFL lamps. 1 Nos. 4 . Supply of Wipro 2 x 36 W, WCP 17236 SGW mirror Rate Only Nos. optic recessed luminaires complete. 5 . Supply of Wipro 2 x 36 W, WCP 17218 SGW mirror optic recessed luminaires complete. 2 Nos. 6 . Supply of Wipro 2 x 36 W, WCP 64218 SGW mirror optic recessed luminaires complete. 8 Nos. 7 . Supply of Wipro WCF 92240 mirror optic recessed Rate Only Nos. luminaires for 2 no.36 / 40 W floursent lamps. 8 . Supply of Wipro WRF 20140 EBQ surface mounted luminaires for 1 no.36 / 40 W floursent lamps. 4 Nos. 9 . Supply of Wipro WRF 80136 EBQ surface mounted luminaires for 1 no.36 / 40 W floursent lamps. 4 Nos. b) FANS: 1 . Supply of Crompton make 1200 mm celing fan & 300 W CPL electronic regulator. 2 . Supply of Crompton make 450 mm wall fan. 3 . Supply of Crompton make 300 mm light dutyExhaust fan. 4 . Supply of Crompton make 300 mm heavy duty Exhaust fan c) LAMPS: 1 . Supply of Philips/Wipro PLET CFL 18W tube with adaptor. 2 . Supply of 36 W, Philips/Wipro make CFL lamps. -------- -------- 2 Nos. 16 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 Nos. 8 Nos. 16 Nos. Cond… A - 9 :A-9: Item No. Particulars of Work 3 . Supply of 11 W, Philips/Wipro make CFL lamps. Quantity Unit Rate Only Nos. 4 . Supply of 18 W, Philips/Wipro make CFL lamps. 5 . Supply of 40 W, 4'-0" Philips/Wipro make tube ordinary 6 . Supply of good quality calling bells of approved type. XIV. DOCUMENTS FOR APPROVAL: Professional charges for obtaining of power allocation including cosent for starting / execution of the works, for the preparation & submission of necessary forms, documents, schematic drawings, floor/physical drawings, final drawings/ as fitted drawings, completion report, etc; as per Electrical Inspectrate standards, precuring scheme approval from various statutary bodies, arranging inspection, getting energisation letter / safty certificate & power connection from K.S.E.Board & Electrical Inspectrate as per the above installations, including all incidental expences except actual statutory charges / fees. . Note: Statutary fees, deposits (if any, additional to landlord's scope) to be bone by the bank will be paid by the bank / refunded against recipt) TOTAL AMOUNT (For MSBs & Allied Electrification Works): 'A' Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. -------- 20 Nos. 6 Nos. 3 Nos. LS Rs. (Rupees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . only) Name and Signature of Tenderer with seal SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES FOR THE STRUCTURED / DATA CABLING WORKS FOR BANK OF INDIA ZONAL OFFICE ANNEX (1st FLOOR) AT KALOOR TOWERS, K K ROAD, KALOOR Item No. Particulars of Work Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Rs. Ps. Amount Rs. Ps. B) STRUCTURED / DATA CABLING & ALLIED WORKS The Structured / data cabling shall be got executed by a licensed, reputed contractor under proper supervision of a qualified personal, at the expences of the tenderer to the full satisfaction of the bank. Supply of all materials and structured / data cabling using CAT 6, 4pair PVC insulated UTP cable, CAT 6 information outlets, Mounting boxes with Face Plates, CAT 6 Mounting / Patch Cords, Patchmax panel, Mounting Wall Rack with Cover and Shelf, etc. (D-Link make) as necessary and required for the following items as specified for the cabling. NOTE: Rates quoted for same shall also include labour & cable laying charges, complete. 1 . CAT 6, 4pair UTP CABLE. 980 Mtr. 2 . CAT-6 Information Outlet Termination with RJ 45 terminal sockets with PVC mounting boxes. 3 . Face Plate - Singlex 30 Nos. 4 . Patch Codes - 1m 30 Nos. 5 . Patch Codes - 2m 30 Nos. 30 Nos. 6 . CAT 6, 24 / 12 port Patchmax Panel 2 Nos. 7 . Wall Mount 12U Rack 500mm deep with . a) Cable Managers - 6 nos. . b) Power Strip with 5/15A combined - 2 nos. . c) Cooling Fan - 2 nos. . d) Hardware Pack of 10 - 1 Pkt. (Size 12U) e) Acrylic Cover & Stationary Shelf 1 Nos. 8 . Fixing and termination of Information Outlet etc. TOTAL AMOUNT (For Structured / Data Cabling Works). 'B' 30 Nos. Rs. (Rupees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . only) GRAND TOTAL ('A' + 'B') Rs. (Rupees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . only) Name and Signature of Tenderer with seal