Nonlinear Poisson-Nernst Planck Equations for Ion Flux through Confined Geometries M Burger1 , B Schlake1 and M-T Wolfram2 1 Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, University of Münster, Einsteinstr. 62, 48149 Münster, Germany 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Nordbergstr. 15, 1090 Vienna, Austria E-mail:,, Abstract. The mathematical modelling and simulation of ion transport trough biological and synthetic channels (nanopores) is a challenging problem, with direct application in biophysics, physiology and chemistry. At least two major effects have to be taken into account when creating such models: the electrostatic interaction of ions and the effects due to size exclusion in narrow regions. While mathematical models and methods for electrostatic interactions are welldeveloped and can be transfered from other flow problems with charged particles, e.g. semiconductor devices, less is known about the appropriate macroscopic modelling of size exclusion effects. Recently several papers proposed simple or sophisticated approaches for including size exclusion effects into entropies, in equilibrium as well as off equilibrium. The aim of this paper is to investigate a second potentially important modification due to size exclusion, which often seems to be ignored and is not implemented in currently used models, namely the modification of mobilities due to size exclusion effects. We discuss a simple model derived from a self-consisted random walk and investigate the stationary solutions as well as the computation of conductance. The need of incorporating nonlinear mobilities in high density situations is demonstrated in an investigation of conductance as a function of bath concentrations, which does not lead to obvious saturation effects in the case of linear mobility. AMS classification scheme numbers: 92C35,92C30,35J47,35J60,35Q84,35J70,65M06 Submitted to: Nonlinearity Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 2 1. Introduction Mathematical models for crowded motion recently received strong attention due to various application in ion transport (cf. [1], [2], [3] ), cell biology (cf. [4], [5], [6]) and even human behaviour (cf. [7]). While various approaches for microscopic modelling, either based on equations of motions with forces accounting for finite sizes (cf. [8]) or on exclusion processes, have been investigated in detail, there are still open problems in the transition to macroscopic models based on partial differential equations. In equilibrium situations this transition and the resulting modification of entropies are investigated by various approaches (cf. [9], [10]). Away from equilibrium usually just standard equations with linear mobilities and the modified entropies are used, whose appropriateness remains unclear. The main reason seems to be the strong local interactions, which destroy propagation of chaos and thus the standard mean-field limit. Recently, several authors have demonstrated that it is more appropriate to use models with nonlinear saturating mobility instead of the classical linear mobility models, for single (cf. [7], [11], [12], [13]) and in few papers also for multiple species (cf. [7], [14]). Those results so far have been achieved for toy models rather than for practical applications and are hence still widely neglected in applied sciences and the simulation of real-life phenomena. In this paper we want to make a first step in this direction by discussing a modified macroscopic modelling of ion transport through confined regions, a problem of particular importance in physiology (membrane ion channels, cf. [1], [2]) and electrochemistry (polymer membranes and nanopores, cf. [15]). We present a modification of the classical Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations (cf. [16]) accounting for nonlinear mobility effects, provide a mathematical analysis of the arising equations, and discuss some practical implications. The classical macroscopic model for ion transport are the Nernst-Planck equations for the ion concentrations ci (each i = 1, . . . , M denoting an ion species with charge zi , diffusion coefficient Di , and mobility µi ) ) ( (1) ∂t ci = ∇ · Di (∇ci + µi ci (ezi ∇V + ∇Wi0 )) , in a domain Ω, where V is the electric and Wi0 an external potential. In order to obtain a self-consistent model we supplement the Nernst-Planck equations with the Poisson equation, given by (∑ ) −∇ · (ϵ∇V ) = e zj cj + f , (2) where ϵ denotes the permittivity and f a permanent charge density. Using the Einstein relation Di = µ−1 i ξi , this model can be written as a formal gradient flow ∂t ci = ∇ · (ξi ci ∇∂ci E(c1 , . . . , cM )) for an entropy functional of the form M ∫ ∑ ( −1 ) E(c1 , . . . , cM ) = µi ci log ci + ezi ci V [c1 , . . . , cM ] + ci Wi0 dx, i=1 (3) (4) Ω where V [c1 , . . . , cM ] depends implicitely on the concentration vector via the solution of the Poisson equation (2). The gradient flow structure (3) with a linear mobility has been frequently discussed in terms of optimal transport theory and Wasserstein metrics for probability measures (cf. [17]). It can be derived in a mean-field limit from microscopic particle Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 3 models (cf. e.g. [18], [19]). The rigorous derivation however breaks down if volume exclusion effects are included, an issue naturally arising in ion transport through channels and pores since available volumes are not orders of magnitudes larger than the ion sizes. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we review the modified entropy and arising modified Poisson-Boltzmann equations, before we sketch the derivation of a nonlinear mobility model for off-equilibrium computations in section 3. The resulting generalized Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations and their mathematical properties are discussed in section 4, as well as some aspects of dimension reduction in narrow regions. We turn our attention to a study of conductance close to equilibrium as well as current in the stationary case, which are computed numerically, in section 5. The latter will provide some insight into current saturation at high concentrations, which can only be included via nonlinear mobilities. 2. Equilibria and Modified Poisson-Boltzmann Equations In the following we briefly recall the computation of equilibria (i.e. if all ion fluxes vanish) by classical Poisson-Boltzmann equations [16] as well as the modified ones recently introduced by Li et al. [20, 9, 10]. Standard equilibria are obtained from zero flux in the Poisson-Nernst-Planck setup, i.e. eq eq 0 = Ji = Di (∇ceq + ∇Wi0 )) i + µi ci (ezi ∇V ( ) eq −1 eq = ξi ceq + Wi0 ) , i ∇ µi log ci + ezi V (5) (6) which can be solved for nonzero concentration to ceq i − = ki e ezi V eq +Wi0 −1 µ i , (7) with constants ki to be determined from the bath concentrations γi . The form of the equilibria is called Boltzmann statistics, they can also be computed as minimizers of the entropy (4). Inserting the equilibrium concentrations into the Poisson equation (2) yields the Poisson-Boltzmann equation ( ) ez V eq +W 0 ∑ − i −1 i µ i zi ki e −∇ · (ϵ∇V eq ) = e +f (8) i which is frequently studied in biochemistry. The Poisson-Boltzman equation is a nonlinear elliptic equation with a unique solution. It can numerically be solved using finite element or finite difference discretization and Newton iterations. In the case of transport through narrow regions an implicit solvent model seems more appropriate. Roughly speaking implicit solvent models assume that there is a maximal possible volume density, which is indeed achieved everywhere, since the remaining part is filled by the solvent. Taking the solvent as an electrically neutral species c0 implies a relation of the form 1= M ∑ αi ci , (9) i=0 where αi is the maximal volume fraction of the i−th species (volume of a particle times maximal density). For simplicity we set αi = 1 in the following (we refer to [10] Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 4 for the general case of species with nonuniform sizes). Then the solvent concentration is computed as c0 = 1 − ρ := 1 − M ∑ ci . (10) i=1 Instead of an entropy for the m + 1 species including the solvent, one thus obtains a reduced entropy functional M ∫ ∑ ( −1 ) 0 0 µi ci log ci + µ−1 E(c1 , . . . , cM ) = 0 (1 − ρ) log(1 − ρ) + ezi ci V + ci (Wi − W0 ) dx i=1 Ω The equilibria in the modified model can be computed from the first-order optimality conditions (taking into account the constraint from mass conservation) −1 0 0 λi = ∂ci E = µ−1 i log ci − µ0 log(1 − ρ) + zi eV + (Wi − W0 ), i with constant Lagrange multiplier λi ∈ R. Defining ki = exp( µλ−1 ) and W̃i = Wi0 −W00 0 we find −1 µ i −1 µ0 zi eV ci W̃i = ki exp(− −1 − −1 ). 1−ρ µ0 µ0 −1 If µ−1 0 = µi , then the equilibria can be computed explicitely in so-called FermiDirac statistics [8] eq ceq i − µW̃−1i ) ki exp(− ziµeV −1 0 0 , = ∑ zj eV eq W̃ 1 + j kj exp(− µ−1 − µ−1j ) 0 (11) 0 with constants ki to be determined from the bath concentrations γi . Equation (11) implies that 0 ≤ ci ≤ ρ ≤ 1 holds at each point. The associated modified PoissonBoltzmann equation (cf. [9]) reads eq ki exp(− ziµeV − µW̃−1i ) ∑ −1 0 0 + f , (12) −∇ · (ϵ∇V eq ) = e zi ∑ W̃ zj eV eq 1 + j kj exp(− µ−1 − µ−1j ) i 0 0 for which one still can show that there exists a unique solution. Throughout the paper, we assume in the following µ0 = µi = µ. Several other approaches have been proposed to compute the resulting entropy and consequently minimizers in the case of volume exclusion, e.g. mean spherical approximation yielding similar local functionals (cf. [21]) or density functional theory yielding nonlocal functionals with small support (cf. [2],[22]). Their qualitative behaviour is very similar to the implicit solvent model above. 3. Derivation of a Modified Model In order to compute flow through narrow pores an off-equilibrium description of ion transport is needed. A simple and frequently used way to do so is the transport gradient flow structure (3) with linear mobility (cf. [17]), which yields the standard PNP model in the case of the logarithmic entropy (4). For implicit solvent models the validity of a model with linear mobility is at least doubtfull for large volume densities Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 5 ρ, since one expects flow saturation due to volume filling. In order to illustrate the need for nonlinear mobilities we sketch the derivation of a nonlinear mobility model from a microscopic lattice-based model with volume exclusion, which serves as the basis of our subsequent investigations. 3.1. Derivation from hopping Model We derive a system of drift-diffusion equations from a self-consistent one-dimensional hopping approach modelling local interactions. The problem-setup is as follows: Let Th denote an equidistant grid of mesh size h, where every grid point can be occupied by a particle with charge zi . The probability of finding a particle with charge zi at time t at location x is given by: ci (x, t) = P (particle of species i is at position x at time t), where P denotes the probability. For charged particles the potential V (x, t) is computed self-consistently from the Poisson equation 1 ∑ −ϵ∂xx V (x, t) = e zi δ(x − xhi (t)) + ef (x), (13) N i where N denotes the number of particles and xhi denotes its position. Equation (13) converges to ∑ −ϵ∂xx V (x, t) = e zi ci (x, t) + ef (x) (14) i in the large N limit. In addition to the electrostatic potential, we model other forces via an external potential Wi0 . With Wi (x, t) = zi V (x, t) + Wi0 (x, t) the transition rates for each species are given by Π̃+ ci (x, t) = k exp(−β(Wi (x + h, t) − Wi (x, t))) (15) Π̃− ci (x, t) (16) = k exp(−β(Wi (x − h, t) − Wi (x, t))), where k denotes the normalization constant and β denotes the mobility constant. Taylor expansion up to order h2 and rescaling, gives Π̃+ ci (x, t) = P (jump of ci from positiom x to x + h in (t, t + ∆t)) Π̃− ci (x, t) = αi − hβi ∂x Wi (x + h/2, t), (17) = P (jump of ci from position x to x − h in (t, t + ∆t)) = αi + hβi ∂x Wi (x − h/2, t), (18) where α denotes the diffusion constants. We assume that the diameter of every ion equals h and take into account that neighbouring sites might be occupied. We include these assumptions in the simple model by + Π+ ci = Π̃ci · P (position x + h is at time t not occupied), + Π− ci = Π̃ci · P (position x − h is at time t not occupied). We make the closure assumption that the probability of a free site is ∑ P (position x is at time t not occupied) = 1 − cj (x, t), j Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 6 which corresponds to rigorous results for one species, cf. [12]. We mention here that the derivation of this model is also justified in the usual stochastic setting. Here we are able to show that the detailed balance condition is fullfilled up to order h2 . The probability to find a particle of species ci at position x at time t + ∆t is − ci (x, t + ∆t) = ci (x, t)(1 − Π+ ci (x, t) − Πci (x, t)) − + ci (x + h, t)Π− ci (x + h, t) + ci (x − h, t)Πci (x − h, t). Therefore we have (supressing the index ci in Π) ci (x, t + ∆t) − ci (x, t) = ci (x, t)(Π+ (x − h, t) + Π− (x + h, t) − Π+ (x, t) − Π− (x, t)) + (ci (x + h, t) − ci (x, t))Π− (x + h, t) + (ci (x − h, t) − ci (x, t))Π+ (x − h, t). We obtain after Taylor expansion up to second order that ci (x, t + ∆t) − ci (x, t) = ( ) h2 ci (x, t) h(∂x Π− (x, t) − ∂x Π+ (x, t)) + (∂xx Π+ (x, t) + ∂xx Π− (x, t)) 2 ( ) h2 + h∂x ci Π− (x + h, t) − Π+ (x − h, t) + ∂xx ci (Π− (x + h, t) + Π+ (x − h, t)). 2 In the following, all expressions are evaluated at (x, t) if not further specified. For the probabilities we have ( ( ∑ )) ∑ + Π− cj + 2hαi ∂xx cj + O(h2 ), x (x, t) − Πx (x, t) = 2hβi ∂x ∂x Wi 1 − ∑ ∂xx Π+ (x, t) + ∂xx Π− (x, t) = − 2αi ∂xx cj + O(h), ( ∑ ) Π− (x + h, t) − Π+ (x − h, t) = 2hβ∂x Wi 1 − cj + O(h2 ), ( ∑ ) Π− (x + h, t) + Π+ (x − h, t) = 2αi 1 − cj + O(h), which yields ci (x, t + ∆t) − ci (x, t) ( ∑ ) ∑ ) ∂ ( = 2h2 βi ci ∂x Wi (1 − cj ) + 2h2 βi ∂x ci ∂x Wi 1 − cj ∂x ( ∑ ∑ ) + h2 ci αi ∂xx cj + h2 ∂xx ci αi 1 − cj ( ) ) ∑ ∑ ∑ ∂ ∂ ( = 2h2 βi ci (1 − cj )∂x Wi + h2 αi (1 − cj )∂x ci + ci ∂x cj . ∂x ∂x Thus, with an appropriate scaling ( α2i ≈ Di , Di being the diffusion coefficient for species i) and time step ∆t = 2h2 , the resulting system of continuum equations reads ( ) ∑ ) ∑ ∑ ) ∂ (( ∂t ci = Di 1− cj ∂x ci + ci ∂x cj + µci 1 − cj ∂x Wi , ∂x i where µ is given by µ = 2β αi . An analogous derivation can ∑ be carried out in arbitrary dimension. Denoting the volume density by ρ(x, t) = cj (x, t) and the ionic current by Ji , we obtain the system ∂t ci = ∇ · Ji , Ji = Di ((1 − ρ)∇ci + ci ∇ρ + µci (1 − ρ)∇Wi ). (19) Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 7 3.2. Entropy We want to investigate the behaviour in time of the entropy. The entropy for this process is defined via E(x, t) = ∫ ∑( ) ci (x, t) log ci (x, t) + (1 − ρ(x, t)) log(1 − ρ(x, t)) + κ−1 i ci (x, t)Wi (x, t) dx i We apply so-called entropy variables, cf. section 4.3: ui (x, t) = ∂ci E(x, t) + const. We consider the first derivative of the entropy in time under the assumption that ∂t Wi (x, t) = 0, a similar argument holds for Wi satisfying the Poisson equation. Then we obatin ∫ ∑ ( ) (∂t ci log(ci ) − ∂t ρ log(1 − ρ)) + κ−1 ∂t E = i ∂t ci Wi dx = i ∫ ∑ ∂t ci ui dx i = ∫ ∑ (∇ · (Di ci (1 − ρ)∇ui ) ui ) dx i =− ∫ ∑( Di ci (1 − ρ) |∇ui | 2 ) dx. i Since 0 ≤ ci ≤ 1, 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1 and Di > 1 we conclude that the entropy is decreasing in time. 4. Modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck Equations After the motivation of a modified PNP model we would like to discuss its scaling and analysis. We recall that our modified PNP model is given by (∑ ) −ϵ∆V = e zj cj + f (20) ( ) ∂t ci = ∇ · Di ((1 − ρ)∇ci + ci ∇ρ + ezi µi ci (1 − ρ)∇V + µi ci (1 − ρ)∇Wi0 ) , (21) where ϵ = ϵ0 ϵr denotes the permittivity and e the elementary charge. 4.1. Scaling First of all, we transform the above equations into an appropriate scaled and dimensionless form, similar to standard scaling for PNP equations. Given a typical length L̃, a typical voltage Ṽ and a typical ion concentration c̃, we define the new variables x = L̃xs , V = Ṽ Vs , ci = c̃cis , f = c̃fs and Di = D̃Dis . The dimensionless formulation of system (20), (21) with an appropriatly scaled external potential Wi0 is given by (omitting the subscript s) ∑ −λ2 ∆V = zi ci + f (22) i ( ) ∂t ci = ∇ · Di ((1 − ρ)∇ci + ci ∇ρ + ηi zi ci (1 − ρ)∇V + ci (1 − ρ)∇Wi0 ) , (23) Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 8 with t = t̃ts , t̃ = L2 /D̃ and effective parameters ϵ0 ϵr Ṽ and ηi = eṼ µi . eL̃2 c̃ The factor 1 − ρ is already given in a scaled form, thus no further scaling is necessary. λ2 = 4.2. Boundary Conditions in Experiments In the standard experimental setup used with patch-clamp techniques, there are certain parts of the system where still no-flux conditions apply, but there are also parts that need to be modeled via Dirichlet conditions since the system is not closed. The concentrations are usually controlled in the left and right bath, which can be modeled via ci (x, t) = γi (x) x ∈ ΓB ⊂ ∂Ω. (24) On the remaining part of the system no-flux boundary conditions apply, i.e. Ji (x, t) · n = 0 x ∈ ∂Ω \ ΓB . (25) For the bath concentrations the restriction of charge neutrality applies, i.e. ∑ zi γi (x) = 0. (26) The electric potential is influenced via an applied potential between two electrodes. This can be modeled by Dirichlet boundary conditions V (x, t) = VD0 (x) + U VD1 (x) x ∈ ΓE ⊂ ∂Ω, (27) where U is the applied voltage. On the remaining part of the system no-flux boundary conditions apply, i.e. ∇V (x, t) · n = 0 x ∈ ∂Ω \ ΓE . (28) In a simple geometric setup one might choose ΓB = ΓE be the left and right end of the domain, see figure 1. ΓB ΓE ΓB x x ΓB x ΓE x x Figure 1. Experimental Set-Up x ΓB Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 9 4.3. Formulations of the Stationary Problem In the following we shall focus on the stationary problem, which is of high importance for computing flow characteristics such as current-voltage relations. The (scaled) stationary problem is given by ∑ −λ2 ∆V = zj cj + f, (29) j ( ) 0 = ∇ · Di ((1 − ρ)∇ci + ci ∇ρ + ηi zi ci (1 − ρ)∇V + ci (1 − ρ)∇Wi0 ) , (30) ∑ with ρ = cj and boundary conditions (24), (25), (27), (28). The above formulation of the stationary problem in the natural physical density variables is not necessarily the most suitable one for analysis and computation. As in the standard PNP equations there are two possible transformations (often used in semiconductor simulation), namely to entropy variables (called quasi-Fermi levels in semiconductor theory) and so-called Slotboom-variables. Fixing V , a natural entropy for the model is given by ∫ ∑ ) ( E(c1 , . . . , cM ) = ci log ci + (1 − ρ) log(1 − ρ) + ηi zi ci V + ci Wi0 . dx (31) i For the transient model with natural boundary conditions this entropy is decreasing in time and a natural Lyapunov-functional for the analysis of existence and large-time behaviour (cf. [23] ). Based on this convex entropy functional we can introduce a standard duality transform to so-called entropy variables (cf. [24, 25]) ui = ∂ci E + const = log ci − log(1 − ρ) + ηi zi V + Wi0 . (32) The explicit inversion of this transform can be obtained from the exponential form ( ) ci = exp ui − ηi zi V − Wi0 , 1−ρ yielding after brief manipulations ci = exp(ui − ηi zi V − Wi0 ) . ∑M 1 + j=1 exp(uj − ηj zj V − Wi0 ) (33) The stationary model (29), (30) in entropy variables can be written as ∑ zk exp(uk − ηk zk V − Wk0 ) = f, −λ2 ∆V − ∑M 0 j=1 exp(uj − ηj zj V − Wj ) k 1+ (34) exp(ui − ηi zi V − Wi0 ) )2 ∇ui = 0. ∑M 1 + j=1 exp(uj − ηj zj V − Wj0 ) (35) ∇ · Di ( A particularly attractive feature of the transformation is the elimination of crossdiffusion, the coupling only occurs in the diffusion coefficients. Consequently, a maximum principle holds for ui , it attains its maximum at ΓB , with the transformed boundary conditions ∑ ui = log γi − log(1 − γj ) + ηi zi (VD0 + U VD1 ) + Wi0 on ΓB , (36) j ∇ui · n = 0 on ∂Ω \ ΓB . (37) A second transformation that is routinely used in semiconductors is the one to so-called Slotboom-Variables, which we shall denote by vi in the following. In the Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 10 standard Nernst-Planck case those variables are simply obtained by multiplication with exponentials of V , which is not directly useful in the modified case we consider. However, this transformation can be related again to the entropy, namely by partly reverting the transformation to entropy variables. For the sake of simple reading we use the notation Fi for the functions Fi (c1 , ..., cM ) = log ci − log(1 − ρ) = ui − ηi zi V − Wi0 , (38) hence Fi−1 (u1 , ..., uM ) = 1+ exp u ∑ i . j exp uj (39) Now we define Slotboom variables via ( ) vi = Fi−1 (u1 , ..., uM ) = Fi−1 Fi (c1 , ..., cM ) + ηi zi V + Wi0 . This transformation can be written explicitely as ci = 1+ vi exp(−ηi zi V − Wi0 ) . 0 j vj (exp(−ηj zj V − Wj ) − 1) ∑ Hence, in the stationary case we obtain the transformed system in Slotboom variables as ∑ v exp(−ηk zk V − Wk0 ) ∑ k =f −λ2 ∆V − zk 1 + j vj (exp(−ηj zj V − Wj0 ) − 1) k ∑ ∑ exp(−ηi zi V − Wi0 ) vj ) + vi ∇vj = 0. ∇ · Di ( )2 ∇vi (1 − ∑ 0 j j 1 + j vj (exp(−ηj zj V − Wj ) − 1) Due to the fact that equilibrium solutions are minimizers of the entropy we obtain that both the entropy and Slotboom variables are constant in equilibrium. This property is very favourable for linearization around equilibrium situations, in particular for small applied voltages, since all the gradient terms drop out. As a consequence a certain decoupling with the linearized Poisson equation appears, we shall discuss this issue in detail below. 4.4. Existence In the following we shall verify the existence of weak solutions ci ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∩ L∞ (Ω), V ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∩ L∞ (Ω). For this sake we consider the transformed system in entropy variables, since the maximum principle is of fundamental importance for obtaining a-priori bounds. Throughout this section we shall make the following assumptions, which appear reasonable in the kind of applications we investigate: (A1) f ∈ L∞ (Ω), Wi0 ∈ L∞ (Ω) ∩ H 1 (Ω). (A2) VD0 ∈ H 1/2 (ΓE ) ∩ L∞ (ΓE ), γi in H 1/2 (ΓB ) ∩ L∞ (ΓB ). Note that assumptions (A1), (A2) imply that the transformed boundary values for the entropy variables are elements of the same function spaces. In order to prove existence we shall construct a fixed-point equation and apply Schauder’s theorem on the set M = {(u1 , . . . uM ) ∈ L2 (Ω)M | a ≤ ui ≤ b a.e. in Ω}, (40) Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 11 where a = min inf uD i (x), i x∈ΓB b = max sup uD i (x). i (41) x∈ΓB Here uD i denotes the Dirichlet boundary values for the entropy variables. In order to keep notation at a reasonable limit we set ηi = 1 throughout this section, the results remain valid for arbitrary constant ηi . We show existence by a fixed point argument. The corresponding operator is constructed in the strong L2 -topology, and split into two parts. We set F = H ◦ G, with operators G and H defined as follows: G: L2 (Ω)M (u1 , . . . , uM ) → 7→ L2 (Ω)M × H 1 (Ω) (u1 , . . . , uM , V ), (42) where V is the unique solution of the nonlinear Poisson equation −λ2 ∆V = ∑ k zk exp(uk − zk V − Wk0 ) ∑ +f 1 + j exp(uj − zj V − Wj0 ) (43) with boundary conditions (27), (28). We define H by H: DH ⊂ L2 (Ω)M × H 1 (Ω) (u1 , . . . , uM , V ) → L2 (Ω)M 7 → (v1 , . . . , vM ), (44) where the vi are the unique weak solutions of the linear elliptic equations (cf. (34), (35)) ) ( exp(ui − zi V − Wi0 ) ∑ ∇vi = 0 (45) ∇· (1 + j exp(uj − zj V − Wj0 ))2 subject to the boundary conditions ∂vi = 0 on ∂Ω\ΓD ∂n The domain of the operator H is set to and vi = uD i on ΓD . (46) DH = G(L2 (Ω)M ). Next we shall verify some favorable properties of G and H which are necessary in the existence proof. We start with the well-definedness of G. Lemma 4.1 Let M be given by (40) and K be a bounded subset of H 1 (Ω) × L∞ (Ω). The operator G is well defined by (42), continuous on M, and it maps M into M × K. Proof : Given (u1 , . . . , uM ) ∈ M, consider the functional ∫ ∫ ∑ λ2 2 J(V ) = |∇V | dx + log 1 + γj exp(uj − zj V − Wj0 ) dx. 2 Ω Ω j It is straight-forward to see that J is strictly convex and coercive on H 1 (Ω), thus there exists a unique minimizer V ∈ H 1 (Ω) (respectively on the subspace representing Dirichlet boundary condition), which is a weak solution of (43). Vice versa every solution of (43) is a minimizer due to convexity. This implies existence and uniqueness of a solution V ∈ H 1 (Ω). Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 12 From the structure of the right-hand side in the Poisson equation we see that ( ) 1 ∑ −∆V ≤ 2 |zi | + ∥f ∥∞ a.e. in Ω λ i and 1 −∆V ≥ − 2 λ ( ∑ ) |zi | + ∥f ∥∞ a.e. in Ω i hold in a weak sense. Thus the maximum principle [26] provides a uniform bound for V in L∞ (Ω). Moreover, by the Friedrichs inequality, ( ) 2 2 2 ∥V ∥H 1 ≤ C ∥VD ∥H 1/2 (ΓE ) + ∥∇V ∥L2 (Ω) 2C J(V ) λ2 2C 2 ≤ C ∥VD ∥H 1/2 (ΓE ) + 2 J(ṼD ), λ 2 ≤ C ∥VD ∥H 1/2 (ΓE ) + where ṼD is an arbitrary H 1 -extension of VD , we obtain a uniform bound for V in H 1 (Ω). Now let V and Ṽ be solutions of (43) for given (u1 , . . . , uM ) and (ũ1 , . . . , ũM ), respectively. To simplify notation we introduce the new variable R given by ∑ zk exp(uk − zk V − Wk0 ) k∑ R(V, u) = . 1 + j exp(uj − zj V − Wj0 ) Then, in a weak formulation we obtain ∫ ∫ ( ) 2 λ ∇(V − Ṽ )∇φ dx = φ R(V, u) − R(Ṽ , ũ) dx Ω Ω ∫ ∫ ( ) ( ) = φ R(Ṽ , u) − R(Ṽ , ũ) dx + φ R(V, u) − R(Ṽ , u) dx. Ω Ω Choosing the test function φ = V − Ṽ and using the monotonicity of the second term on the right-hand side we obtain ∫ 2 2 2 2 λ ∇(V − Ṽ ) ≤ λ ∇(V − Ṽ ) − (V − Ṽ )(R(V, u) − R(Ṽ , u)) dx L2 (Ω) L2 (Ω) Ω ∫ = (V − Ṽ )(R(Ṽ , u) − R(Ṽ , ũ)) dx. Ω With the Friedrichs inequality (note that V − Ṽ vanishes on ΓE ) and the CauchySchwarz inequality we finally conclude C ≤ 2 R(Ṽ , u) − R(Ṽ , ũ) 2 . V − Ṽ 1 λ H (Ω) L (Ω) Using the a-priori bounds for V in L∞ as well as those for ui defined by M, it is easy to use the Lipschitz-continuity of the nonlinearity to further conclude that √ C̃ ∑ 2 ∥uj − ũj ∥L2 (Ω) . ≤ 2 V − Ṽ 1 λ H (Ω) j Hence, G is Lipschitz-continuous on M. The next step is to analyze the properties of the operator H on G(M). Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 13 Lemma 4.2 Let Q denote a compact subset of M. Then the operator H : G(M) → Q is well defined by (44) and continuous on M × K. Proof: It is straight-forward to see that Ai = Di exp(ui − zi V − Wi0 ) ∑ ∈ L∞ (Ω), (1 + j exp(uj − zj V − Wj0 ))2 more precisely 0< ( Di exp(a − |zi |C − ∥Wi0 ∥∞ ) ) 2 ≤ A i ≤ Di , ∑ 1 + j exp(b − |zj |C − ∥Wj0 ∥∞ ) where C is such that ∥V ∥L∞ ≤ C on G(M). Hence, standard theory [27] for elliptic equations in divergence form implies the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution vi of ∇ · (Ai ∇vi ) = 0 in Ω with boundary conditions (46). Moreover, the maximum principle [26] for linear elliptic equations implies a ≤ vi ≤ b with a, b defined in (41). Thus, H is well-defined and maps into M. Due to the compactness of the embedding H 1 (Ω) ,→ L2 (Ω), H(G(M)) is precompact. To verify the continuity of H we consider the sequences V k → V in H 1 (Ω) and k ui → ui in L2 (Ω) . Then Aki → Ai in L2 (Ω) with the uniform bounds above. Let vik be the weak solution of ∇ · (Aki ∇vi ) = 0, then vi is uniformly bounded in H 1 (Ω) and hence there exists a weakly convergent subsequence vikl ,→ v̂i for all i. Then ∫ ∫ kl kl 0= Ai ∇vi ∇ϕ dx → Ai ∇v̂i ∇ϕ dx. Ω Ω for all test functions ϕ ∈ W 1,∞ (Ω). Since Ai ∈ L∞ (Ω) and W01,∞ (Ω) is dense in H01 (Ω), we conclude that ∫ Ai ∇v̂i ∇ϕ dx 0= Ω also holds for ϕ ∈ H01 (Ω). With the trace theorem we can pass to the limit in (46) and thus, v̂i is the weak solution of ∇ · (Ai ∇vi ) = 0 in Ω with boundary condition (46). By the uniqueness of the limit v̂i we conclude vik → vi weakly in H 1 (Ω) and thus strongly in L2 (Ω) which implies the continuity of H. We can now employ Schauder’s Fixed Point Theorem [26], which assures the existence of a fixed point of H(G(M)). This fixed point is a solution of (43), (45), which we summarize in: Theorem 4.3 (Global existence of stationary solutions) Let assumptions (A1), (A2) be satisfied. Then, there exists a weak solution (V, c1 , ..., cn ) ∈ H 1 (Ω)M +1 ∩ L∞ (Ω)M +1 Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries of −λ2 ∆V = ∑ zj cj + f 14 (47) j 0 = ∇ · (Di ((1 − ρ)∇ci + ci ∇ρ + ηi ci (1 − ρ)∇Wi )) , (48) with Wi = V +Wi0 and boundary conditions (27), (28) and (24),(25), such that further 0 ≤ ci , ρ≤1 a.e. in Ω. Proof: We proved the global existence of a solution to (34), (35). To show the same for (47),(48) the only thing left to do is to transform back to the original variables ci = exp(u − zi V − Wi0 ) ∑ i , 1 + j exp(uj − zj V − Wj0 ) (49) and on the used function spaces we obtain the system in original variables c1 , ..., cM . Thus, we obtain global existence for a stationary solution of (47), (48). 4.5. Regularity Next we show higher regularity for the existence result presented in section 4.4. Of course, improved regularity can only hold for smooth data. Thus, for the next two sections we make in addition to (A1), (A2) the following assumptions: (A3) Wi0 ∈ H 2 (Ω). (A4) VD0 + U VD1 ∈ H 3/2 (ΓE ), γi ∈ H 3/2 (ΓB ). With these assumptions, we obtain the following regularity for V, c1 , ..., cM : The righthand-side of (29) is obviously in L∞ (Ω) ,→ L2 (Ω), accordingly we have with (A4) that ∆V ∈ L2 (Ω) and this means V ∈ H 2 (Ω). For dimension n = 1, 2, 3 the Sobolev embedding theorem ensures that H 2 (Ω) ⊂ L∞ (Ω), cf. [28]. From (30) we conclude that (1 − ρ)∆ci + ci ∆ρ = −∇(zi ci (1 − ρ)∇V + ci (1 − ρ)∇Wi0 ) ∈ L2 (Ω), hence ∆ci ∈ L2 (Ω) and thus with (A4) (V, c1 , ..., cm ) ∈ H 2 (Ω)M +1 . 4.6. Uniqueness in simpler Situations In this section we take a closer look at the uniqueness of a solution of (29) and (30) in the stationary case. We consider two special cases in which simplifications can be made. In general, we cannot expect uniqueness and potential non-uniqueness may even be related to interesting phenomena appearing in practice such as gating. Unfortunately, the uniqueness proof cannot be performed for (V, c1 , ..., cM ) ∈ H 1 (Ω) ∩ L∞ (Ω). But the proof can be performed in H 2 (Ω), which is not a serious restriction due to the regularity results of section 4.5. As above, we consider the transformed system in entropy variables u1 , ..., uM with boundary condition ui = ηi (γ1 , ..., γM ) x ∈ ΓB ⊂ ∂Ω. Assumption (A4) leads to ηi ∈ H 3/2 (ΓB ) and thus, as ci ∈ H 2 (Ω), ui = log ci − log(1 − ρ) + zi V + Wi0 ∈ H 2 (Ω). Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 15 Let u = (ui )i=1,...,M and η = (ηi )i=1,...,M and F(U, η; V, u) : R × (H 3/2 )M × H 2 × (H 2 )M → H 3/2 × (H 3/2 )M × L2 × (L2 )M denote the operator V − VD0 − U VD1 ui − ηi ∑ exp(uk − zk V − Wk0 ) −λ2 ∆V − −f ∑M 0 j=1 exp(uj − zj V − Wj ) k 1+ ( ) exp(ui − zi V − Wi0 ) ∇ · Di ∇ui ∑M (1 + j=1 exp[uj − zj V − Wj0 ])2 on ΓE on ΓB (50a) (50b) ∈ L2 (50c) ∈ L2 (50d) with boundary condition VD0 + U VD1 ∈ H 3/2 (ΓE ) and ηi ∈ H 3/2 (ΓB ). The proof will be based on the implicit function theorem in Banach spaces [29]. Thus we have to show that F(U, η; V, u) is Frechet-differentiable with respect to V ,U ,η and u. For the sake of brevity we only detail the existence of the Frechet-derivative of the ith component of (50d) with respect to ui , which we denote with Fi′ (ui ) : H 2 (Ω) → L2 (Ω). We express this component as Fi (ui ) = ∇ · (Gi (u1 , ..., um )∇ui ) and conclude (suppressing the dependence of Fi of uj for j ̸= i) for ui , v ∈ H 2 (Ω) ,→ L∞ (Ω) ∥Fi (ui + v) − Fi (ui ) − Fi′ (ui )v∥L2 (Ω) ∥v∥H 2 (Ω) = ∥∇ · [G(ui + v)∇(ui + v) − G(ui )∇ui − G′ (ui )v∇ui − G(ui )∇v]∥L2 (Ω) ∥v∥H 2 (Ω) . (51) The enumerator of (51) can be written as ∥∇ · [G(ui + v)∇(ui + v) − G(ui )∇ui − G′ (ui )v∇ui − G(ui )∇v]∥L2 (Ω) = ′ 2 2 G (ui + v) |∇(ui + v)| + G(ui + v)∆(ui + v) − G′ (ui ) |∇ui | − G(ui )∆ui 2 −G′′ (ui )v |∇ui | − G′ (ui )∇v∇ui − G′ (ui )v∆ui − G′ (ui )∇u∇v − G(ui )∆v L2 (Ω) . Therefore we obtain ∥[G(ui + v) − G(ui ) − G′ (ui )v] ∆ui + [G(ui + v) − G(ui )] ∆v + [G′ (ui + v) − G′ (ui ) − G′′ (ui )v] |∇ui |2 + 2 [G′ (ui + v) − G′ (ui )] ∇ui ∇v +G′ (ui + v)|∇v|2 L2 (Ω) . (52) Note that H 2 (Ω) ⊂ W 1,4 (Ω) for n = 1, 2, 3 cf. [28]. This ensures that all product terms in (52) really are in L2 (Ω). 1 (52) ≤ G′′ (ξ2 )v 2 L∞ (Ω) ∥∆ui ∥L2 (Ω) + ∥G′ (ξ1 )v∥L∞ (Ω) ∥∆v∥L2 (Ω) 2 1 2 + G′′′ (ξ3 )v 2 L∞ (Ω) ∥∇ui ∥L4 (Ω) + 2 ∥G′′ (ξ2 )v∥L∞ (Ω) ∥∇v∇u∥L2 (Ω) 2 2 + ∥G′ (ξ1 )∥L∞ (Ω) ∥∇v∥L4 (Ω) . Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 16 Using the following L∞ -bounds ∥G∥L∞ (Ω) ≤ 1, ∥G′ ∥L∞ (Ω) ≤ 1, as well as the fact that ∥∇v∥L4 (Ω) ≤ ∥∇v∥L2 (Ω) , ∥G′′ ∥L∞ (Ω) ≤ 5 and ∥G′′′ ∥L∞ (Ω) ≤ 23, { } ∥v∥H 2 (Ω) ≥ ∥v∥L2 (Ω) , ∥∇v∥L2 (Ω) , ∥∆v∥L2 (Ω) and ∥v∥H 2 (Ω) ≥ c1 ∥v∥L∞ (Ω) , we have 5 (51) ≤ c1 ∥v∥L∞ (Ω) ∥∆ui ∥L2 (Ω) + ∥v∥L∞ (Ω) 2 23 2 + c2 ∥v∥L∞ (Ω) ∥∇ui ∥L4 (Ω) + 10 ∥v∥L∞ (Ω) ∥∇ui ∥L2 (Ω) + c3 ∥∇v∥L4 (Ω) . 2 As ∥∇v∥L2 (Ω) ≤ ∥v∥H 2 (Ω) and ∥∇v∥L∞ (Ω) ≤ c4 ∥v∥H 2 (Ω) , we conclude that lim ∥v∥H 2 (Ω) →0 (53) (53) → 0. Therefore Fi′ (ui ) is a Frechet-derivative. All other derivatives can be estimated using analoguous arguments. Next we prove uniqueness for small voltage and small bath concentration. 4.6.1. Small Voltage In this case, we assume that a small voltage U is applied at the right-hand side of the bath. In case U = 0, we obtain the equilibrium state. We investigated this case in section 2, one can show the well-posedness of this problem by standard techniques for elliptic equations. We regard the linearization around zero voltage or in turn linearization around equilibrium. The linearized system in entropy variables reads ∑ ∂cj ∑ ∂cj −λ2 ∆Ṽ − zj Ṽ = h1 ∈ L2 (Ω) (54) u˜k + zj ∂uk ∂V j j,k ( ) ki exp(−zi Veq + Wi0 ) ∑ ∇ · Di ∇ũi = hi+1 ∈ L2 (Ω). (55) (1 + j kj exp(−zj Veq + Wj0 ))2 The constants ki can be determined form the bath concentrations ηi via γi = 1+ ki ∑ j kj . It is again possible to show existence and uniqueness of a solution (Ṽ , ũ1 , ..., ũM ) via standard theory for elliptic equations (note the partial decoupling of the equations in the linearization). Furthermore, the left-hand side of (54), (55) is a Frechet-derivative of (34), (35). We are now able to prove well-posedness of the problem for small voltage: Theorem 4.4 (Well-posedness close to Equilibrium) Let assumptions (A1)(A4) be fulfilled and let ∥U ∥H 3/2 (ΓB ) be sufficiently small. Then, for each ηi ∈ (H 3/2 (ΓB ))M there exists a locally unique solution (V, c1 , ..., cM ) ∈ H 2 (Ω)M +1 of problem (29), (30) and the transformed, linearized problem (54), (55) is well-posed. Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 17 Proof: We already showed that (V, c1 , ..., cM ) ∈ H 1 (Ω)M +1 ∩ L∞ (Ω)M +1 and assumptions (A1)-(A4) imply that (V, c1 , ..., cM ) ∈ H 2 (Ω)M +1 , and thus u1 , ..., uM ∈ H 2 (Ω). The equation operator is Frechet-differentiable for ui ∈ H 2 . For U = 0, the problem is well-posed and its Frechet-derivative exists with continuous inverse in the respective function spaces. Thus, we can apply the implicit function theorem in Banach spaces to conclude the existence of a locally unique solution of problem (29), (30) around U = 0 and that the linearized, transformed problem is well-posed for small U . After back transformation exp(u − zi V − Wi0 ) ∑ i ci = 1 + j exp(uj − zj V − Wj0 ) we obtain the same result for (29), (30). 4.6.2. Small Bath Concentrations We now regard the stationary system around small bath concentrations γ. Due to the transformation, γi = 0 implies ηi = 0. In case γi = 0, i = 1, ..., M we can easily construct a solution: Lemma 4.5 Let γi = 0, i = 1, ..., M . There exists a solution (V, c1 , ..., cM ) ∈ H 2 (Ω)M +1 of problem (29), (30) which is given by −λ2 ∆V0 = f and ci ≡ 0 for i = 1, ..., M . Proof: The functions ci ≡ 0 satisfy (30) as well as the boundary conditions. Standard results for the elliptic equation −λ2 ∆V0 = f with Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions on ΓE and ΓB imply existence and uniqueness of the remaining problem. The resulting system for the linearization around zero bath concentration is ∑ ∂cj ∑ ∂cj zj zj Ṽ = gi ∈ L2 (Ω), −λ2 ∆Ṽ − u˜k + ∂uk ∂V j j,k = gi+1 ∈ L2 (Ω). (56) ∇ · (Di (∇c̃i + zi c̃i ∇(V0 + Wi0 ))) The equations are partially decoupled, thus the potential V0 is not computed via the Poisson-Boltzmann equation anymore. Equation (56) is the stationary NernstPlanck equation. After a change of variables, the Slotboom transformation known from semiconductor theory vi = exp(zi (V0 + Wi0 ))ci , we obtain the system of linear elliptic equations ∑ ∂vj ∑ ∂vj u˜k + zj Ṽ = gi ∈ L2 (Ω), (57) −λ2 ∆Ṽ − exp(−zi (V0 + Wi0 )) zj ∂uk ∂V j j,k ∇ · (Di (exp(−zi (V0 + = gi+1 ∈ L2 (Ω), (58) whose well-posedness can be analyzed by standard techniques for elliptic equations [30]. Existence and uniqueness of (58) is also found as a result in standard PNP theory [8]. Wi0 ))∇vi ) Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 18 Theorem 4.6 (Well-posedness for small bath concentrations) Let (A1)-(A4) be fulfilled and let ∥γi ∥H 3/2 (ΓB ) be sufficiently small. Then, for each U ∈ H 3/2 (ΓB ), there exists a locally unique solution (V, c1 , .., cM ) ∈ H 2 (Ω)M +1 of problem (29), (30) and the linearized problem (57), (58) is well-posed. Proof: Again, (V, c1 , ..., cM ) ∈ H 1 (Ω)M +1 ∩ L∞ (Ω)M +1 implies (V, c1 , ..., cM ) ∈ H 2 (Ω)M +1 and u1 , ..., uM ∈ H 2 (Ω). For η = 0, problem (29), (30) is well-posed. The Frechet-derivative of (34), (35) exists with continuous inverse in the respective function spaces. Furthermore, the equation operator is Frechet-differentiable, so that we can apply the implicit function theorem in Banach Spaces to conclude the existence of a locally unique solution of problem (29), (30) around η = 0 and that the linearized problem (57), (58) is well-posed for small η. After back transformation ci = exp(u − zi V − Wi0 ) ∑ i 1 + j exp(uj − zj V − Wj0 ) we obtain the same result for (29), (30). As mentioned above, global uniqueness cannot be expected. 4.7. Reduction to One Dimension The cross section of a filter inside an ion channel is much smaller than its longitudinal extension, which is, e.g. in the example discussed in section 5, about 1nm. Therefore transport through a channel is accordingly nearly a one-dimensional process. We try to approximate the three-dimensional model by a one-dimensional one. Such a model is faster and easier to handle computationally than the three-dimensional version. We assume a domain of the form Ωϵ = {x ∈ (−L, L), (y, z) ∈ Qϵ } where Qϵ = {(x, rϵ (x) cos θ, rϵ (x) sin θ) |0 ≤ rϵ (x) ≤ ϵr |θ ∈ [0, 2π)}, √ and y 2 + z 2 ≤ r. The boundary conditions are Dirichlet at x = ±L, i.e. ΓB = ΓE = {−L, +L} × Qϵ , and no-flux on the remaining part. We assume that the boundary values for the potential and the densities are constant in the two segments at x = −L and x = +L. We rescale the variables describing the channel as x, y ϵ = ϵy, z ϵ = ϵz with (y, z) ∈ Q1 . Starting with the Poisson equation, we rescale the potential V ϵ (x, y ϵ , z ϵ ) = Ṽ ϵ (x, y, z). The same scaling is used for the densities cϵi (x, y ϵ , z ϵ ) as well as for the transformed densities uϵi (x, y ϵ , z ϵ ). From the existence proof we have potential and densities in V ϵ (x, y ϵ , z ϵ ), cϵi (x, y ϵ , z ϵ ) uϵi (x, y ϵ , z ϵ ) ∈ H 1 (Ωϵ ) ∩ L∞ (Ωϵ ), with uniform bounds in ϵ in the supremum norm. For the Poisson equation we obtain ) ( 1 1 ϵ ϵ 2 ϵ ϵ ϵ 2 ϵ −λ ∆V (x, y , z ) = −λ ∂xx Ṽ (x, y, z) + 2 ∂yy Ṽ (x, y, z) + 2 ∂zz Ṽ (x, y, z) ϵ ϵ ∑ = zj cϵj (x, y, z) + f (x). (59) j Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 19 The weak formulation of (59) is given by ) ∫ ∫ ∫ ( 1 1 ∂x Ṽ ϵ ∂x φ + 2 ∂y Ṽ ϵ ∂y Ṽ ϵ + 2 ∂z Ṽ ϵ ∂z Ṽ ϵ dx dy dz λ2 ϵ ϵ Ω1 ∫ ∫ ∫ ∑ = zj cϵj + f φ dx dy dz. j With the special test function φ(x, y, z) = Ṽ ϵ (x, y, z) − g(x), where g(x) denotes a linear function of x in Ωϵ such that Ṽ ϵ − g vanishes at x = ±L, we obtain ( ) ∫ ∫ ∫ 1 1 2 ϵ ϵ ϵ ϵ ϵ ϵ λ ∂x Ṽ ∂x (Ṽ − g) + 2 ∂y Ṽ ∂y Ṽ + 2 ∂z Ṽ ∂z Ṽ dx dy dz ϵ ϵ Ω1 ∫ ∫ ∫ ( ) ∑ zj cϵj + f Ṽ ϵ − g dx dy dz = ≤ Ω1 ∑ j ϵ |zj | cj L∞ (Ωϵ ) + ∥f ∥L∞ (Ωϵ ) Ṽ ϵ − g L∞ (Ω1 ) j |Ω1 |. (60) The right-hand side is uniformly bounded and using the linearity of g we obtain ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ g(L) − g(−L) λ2 ∂x Ṽ ϵ ∂x g dx dy dz = Ṽ ϵ (x, y, L) − Ṽ ϵ (x, y, −L) dy dz, 2L 1 Ω which can be estimated uniformly in terms of the boundary values. We obtain an estimate of the form ) ∫ ∫ ∫ ( 1 1 λ2 |∂x Ṽ ϵ |2 + 2 |∂y Ṽ ϵ |2 + 2 |∂z Ṽ ϵ |2 dx dy dz ≤ k1 , ϵ ϵ Ω1 where k1 denotes a constant independent of ϵ. Thus, we conclude ∫ ∫ ∫ ( ∫ ∫ ∫ ( )2 )2 ∂y Ṽ ϵ dx dy dz ≤ ϵ2 k1 and ∂z Ṽ ϵ dx dy dz ≤ ϵ2 k1 Ω1 Ω1 as ∫ ∫well ∫ as( )2 ∂x Ṽ ϵ dx dy dz ≤ k1 . Ω1 Hence, for ϵ → 0 we have ∂y Ṽ ϵ 2 L (Ωϵ ) →0 and ∂z Ṽ ϵ L2 (Ωϵ ) → 0, and overall Ṽ ϵ is uniformly bounded in H 1 (Ω1 ). From that we conclude for ϵ → 0 along subsequences V ϵ (x, ϵy, ϵz) = Ṽ ϵ (x, y, z) ⇀ V 0 (x) in H 1 (Ωϵ ). (61) Next we consider the nernst-Planck equation in entropy variables with test function φ(x, y, z) = ũϵi (x, y, z) − g(x), where g(x) is again a linear function as above. We can use the uniform bounds in L∞ (Ω) to deduce that 0 < k2 ≤ ( exp(uϵi − ηi zi V − Wi0 ) )2 ≤ k3 , ∑ ϵ 0 1 + j exp(uj − ηj zj V − Wj ) Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 20 with constants k2 and k3 independent of ϵ, to derive analogous estimates for the functions ũϵi as for Ṽ ϵ . As above, we conclude for ϵ → 0 ∥∂y ũi ϵ ∥L2 (Ω1 ) → 0 and ∥∂z ũi ϵ ∥L2 (Ω1 ) → 0 and altogether uniform boundedness of ũϵi in H 1 (Ω). Thus, along subsequences for ϵ → 0 we have uϵi (x, ϵy, ϵz) = ũi ϵ (x, y, z) ⇀ u0i (x) in H 1 (Ωϵ ) cϵi (x, ϵy, ϵz) = c˜i ϵ (x, y, z) ⇀ c0i (x) in H 1 (Ωϵ ). and Choosing test functions φ(x, y, z) = φ(x), we have ∫ ∫ ∫ λ2 ϵ−2 ∇V ϵ (x, y ϵ , z ϵ ) · ∇φ(x) dx dy dz = ϵ ∫ ∫ ∫Ω 2 −2 ∂x V ϵ (x, y ϵ , z ϵ )∂x φ(x) dx dy dz→ϵ→0 λ ϵ Ωϵ ∫ ∫ ∫ 2 −2 λ ϵ ∂x V 0 (x)∂x φ(x) dy dz dx = Ωϵ ∫ ∫ ∫ λ2 ϵ−2 ∂x V 0 (x)∂x φ(x) dy dz dx = | {z } ∫ − λ2 ϵ2 a(x) ( ) ∂x a(x)∂x V 0 (x) φ(x) dx, with a(x) being the cross-sectional area of Ω1 at x. The right-hand-side of the Poisson equation can be derived from ∫ ∫ ∫ ∑ zj cϵj (x, y ϵ , z ϵ ) + f (x) φ(x, y, z) dx dy dz ϵ−2 ∫ → Ωϵ ∑ j c0j (x) + f (x) φ(x) ∫ ∫ ϵ−2 dy dz dx = ∫ a(x) j ∑ c0j (x) + f (x) φ(x) dx. j Accordingly, in the limit ϵ → 0 we obtain the one-dimensional Poisson equation ∑ ( ) c0j (x) + f (x) . −λ2 ∂x a(x)∂x V 0 (x) = a(x) j We proceed in a similar manner with the Nernst-Planck equations, using strong Lp convergence to pass to the limit in the nonlinear mobilities. The resulting simplified one-dimensional system is given by (suppressing the index 0 ) ∑ − λ2 ∂x (a(x)∂x V ) = a(x) cj + f , ∂x a(x)Di ( exp(ui − ηi zi V − Wi ) )2 ∂x ui = 0. ∑ 1 + j exp(uj − ηj zj V − Wj ) j Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries PP PP PP ΓL ΓN 21 channel right bath ΓR left bath PP PP ΓN PP Figure 2. Sketch of the computational domain 5. Numerical simulations In this section we shall illustrate the behaviour of the derived mathematical models with numerical results. In particular we discuss the following three situations: (i) Conductance close to equilibrium in a multi-dimensional model and its dependence on concentration. (ii) Concentration profiles for stationary solutions. (iii) Current in the stationary case and its dependence on concentration. (iv) Current vs voltage curves for the stationary system. (v) Current for a changing charge profile. We choose the following problem setup for all four problems if not mentioned otherwise. We consider an L-type calcium selective ion channel. We assume that the channel is modelled as cylinder with radius rc = 0.4nm and length lc = 1nm, which is embedded into two bathes with length lb = 2nm and outer radius rb = 2.4nm. The total length is accordingly L̃ = 5nm. We assume that the boundary is split into the following parts: ΓB = ΓE = ΓL ∪ ΓR (see also figure 2). We consider three species, Ca2+ , Na+ and Cl− inside the baths and channel, as well as one confined species O−1/2 , which represents the permanent charge inside the channel. The external potential Wi0 is set to zero, and, according to the thermodynamic understanding, we assume µi = 1/kB T . We consider eight confined O−1/2 particles in the channel, which represent the fixed charge. The physical parameters are given in table 1, N denotes the number of particles. We assume a particle radius of 0.15nm for all particles. According to that, the typical or maximal concentration is corresponding to 61.5mol/l. The resulting effective parameters after scaling and nondimensionalization are λ2 = ϵ0 ϵr Ṽ eṼ = 4.68 × 10−4 and η = = 3.87. 2 k eL̃ c̃ BT 5.1. Conductance close to equilibrium Here we consider the linearized stationary case for nonlinear PNP in a two dimensional rotationally symmetric domain in Slotboom variables given by: ∑ zj kj exp(−czj V eq ) ∑ −λ2 ∆V eq = + cO (62) 1 + kk exp(−czk V eq ) ∑ ( ) ) ∑ exp(−czi V eq )(1 + kj ) ( ∑ 0 =∇· ∇v˜i + ki ∇ṽj ) , (63) eq 2 (1 + kj exp(−czj V )) Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries Meaning Boltzmann constant kB Temperature T Avogadros constant NA Vacuum permittivity ϵ0 Relative permittivity ϵr Elementary charge e Particle radius Typical length L̃ Typical concentration c̃ Typical voltage Ṽ Diffusion coefficient Ca2+ Diffusion coefficient Na+ Diffusion coefficient Cl− Value 1.3806504 × 10−23 300 6.02214179 × 1023 8.854187817 × 10−12 78.4 1.602176 × 10−19 0.15 5 3.7037 × 1025 100 7.9 × 10−10 1.33 × 10−9 2.03 × 10−9 22 Unit J/K K N/mol F/m C nm nm N/l mV m2 /s m2 /s m2 /s Table 1. Parameters for computation where (63) holds for i = Na+ , Ca2+ and Cl− . The concentration cO denotes the fixed density of O−1/2 ions inside the channel. The parameters ki can be calculated using the initial condition V eq (ΓL ) = 0 on ceq i , i.e. cieq (ΓL ) = 1+ ki ∑ kj = γiL , (64) where γiL denotes the boundary condition on ΓL for ci . We want to compare the 30 nonlinear PNP PNP Conductance in 10 −20 S 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Concentration added in mol/l Figure 3. Linearized conductance for new model and PNP behaviour of the conductance of (62), (63) with simulations of the classical, linearized PNP model given by (after Slotboom transformation and linearization for PNP): ∑ −λ2 ∆V eq = zj vj exp(−czj V eq ) + f, 0 = ∇ · (exp(−czi V eq )∇v˜i ) , i = Na+ , Ca2+ , Cl− . Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 23 In this case, only the qualitative behaviour is of interest. Therefore we neglect the diffusion coefficients and assume the oxygens in the channel to be point charges in both models. The conductance is therefore given by ∑∫ σ=e zi J˜i · dn, Γ0 i∈I for I = {Ca2+ , Na+ , Cl− }. The function J˜i for the nonlinear PNP is given by ∑ ( ) ) ∑ exp(−czi V eq )(1 + kj ) ( ˜ ∑ Ji = ∇ v ˜ + k ∇ṽ ) i∈I i i j (1 + kj exp(−czj V eq ))2 and for linear PNP by J˜i = exp(−czi V eq )∇v˜i , i ∈ I. The simulations were done using Comsol 3.5. figure 3 shows a concentration versus conductance plot for several concentrations of species in the bathes. These concentrations range from zero conzentration for all species to 12.3mol/l for NaCl and CaCl2 . Due to the linearization, the boundary condition for ci are equal in both bathes. Note that the maximum values chosen in this simulation correpsond to the “full state” of the channel. The applied voltage is zero at the left-hand-side ΓL and U = 100mV at the right-hand-side ΓR . We depicted the concentration-current plot for the classical PNP system in figure 3 as well. Note that the current of the classical PNP model increases no matter how “full” the channel is. On the contrary the current of the nonlinear PNP model decreases to zero as the concentrations approach their maximum values, which correspond to the “full state”. 5.1.1. Analytical computation of conductance Next we would like to give an analytical explanation of the above detected phenomena. As we want to gain insight into the qualitative behaviour, we consider only one species and calculate the conductance and current analytically. The conductance for nonlinear PNP is given by the linearized ion flux in entropy variables k exp(−V eq ) σ= ∇ũ, (65) (1 + k exp(−V eq ))2 where k can be determined from (64), and we have set z = 1 and η = 1. We know that the transformed boundary values are ũ(ΓL ) = 0 and ũ(ΓR ) = 1, according to (32), which we have to derive with respect to the boundary value U for V to obtain boundary values for ũ. After integrating (65) and taking into account that σ does not depend on Ω we find (∫ )−1 (1 + k exp(−V eq ))2 σ= dω . k exp(−V eq ) Ω Using (64) we deduce that σ(γ) = (1 − γ)2 ∫ Ω exp(V eq ) γ(1 − γ) ∫ . dω + 2γ(1 − γ)Ω + γ 2 Ω exp(−V eq ) dω For 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1, γ = 0 and γ = 1 are the only zero points and the denominator is always larger than zero. For the Poisson Boltzmann model, it is not easy to determine the dependence of ∫ S(γ) = exp(±V eq (γ)) dω Ω Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 24 of γ. In the following, we neglect the Poisson equation and assume a linear behaviour of V , i.e. V eq = U x. This leads in the scaled domain to ∫ (exp(U ) − 1) exp(U x) dω = Γyz , U Ω ∫ ∫ where Γyz is given by y z dy dz. Using Taylor expansion for U , i.e. exp(U ) = 1 + U + O(U 2 ), we finally arrive at σ= γ(1 − γ) . Γyz The slope of σ is exactly as in figure 3. The current can be computed via I = σU + O(U 2 ). For the PNP model, we directly compute the current analytically. The current is given by I = c + c∇V = exp(−V )∇v, where v denotes the transformation in Slotboom variables,which is given for PNP via c = v exp(−V ). The boundary transforms according to v(ΓL ) = exp(V (ΓL ))γ. For consistency, we assume equal boundary conditions for the concentration here as above. Hence we obtain (exp(U ) − 1)γ I= ∫ . exp(V ) dω Ω Neglecting the Poisson equation and assuming V = U x, the current for the resulting Nernst Planck model is given by γU I= + O(U 2 ). Γyz As expected, the conductance, which is given by γ σ= , Γyz shows a linear behaviour on γ, as can be seen in figure 3. 5.2. Concentration profiles for stationary solutions Next we consider the stationary system in entropy variables in a one-dimensional domain ( ) ∑ zk exp(uk − ηk zk V )(1 − cO ) 2 ∑ −λ ∇ · (a(x)∇V ) = a(x) +f , (66) 1 + j exp(uj − ηj zj V ) k 0 exp(ui − ηi zi V )(1 − c0 )2 = ∇ · a(x)Di ( )2 ∇ui , ∑ 1 + j exp(uj − ηj zj V ) (67) for i ∈ I. Here, a(x) denotes the area function describing the cross section of the cylindrical channel and bath. The variable cO denotes the concentration of oxygen in the channel. This concentration is not transformed to the entropy variable uO Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries Potential V 25 Charge neutrality 20 −100 0 −200 −20 mV 0 −300 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 −40 1 0 0.2 20 6 15 4 2 0 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 10 5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 0 0.2 Chlor 60 0.15 40 0.1 0 0 −20 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 20 0.05 0 0.4 Oxygen 0.2 mol mol 0.6 Natrium 8 mol mol Calcium 0.4 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Figure 4. Stationary profiles for nonlinear PNP because it is zero in the bath. The contribution of cO to the transformed variables ui , where i denotes Ca2+ , Na+ and Cl− , is given by (1 − cO ). We solve (66) and (67) in an iterative manner: Let V 0 be the initial datum for the potential V and u0i the corresponding initial entropy variable (i) Given V j solve (67) for uji , i = Ca2+ , Na+ , Cl− . (ii) Given uji solve the nonlinear Poisson equation (66) for V j+1 using Newton’s method. (iii) Go to i) until convergence. We choose boundary conditions according to [2]: We assume 0.1mol/l for NaCl in both bathes. We have 5 · 10−3 mol/l CaCl2 in the left bath and 10−1 mol/l CaCl2 in the right bath. We assume that the external potential is set to zero and a potential of −50mV is applied in the left bath. The physical parameters are given in table 4. The area function gives the scaled cross section of the channel and bath, where the radius of the bath evolves linearly from 0.4nm at the channel to 2.4nm at the end of the bathes. The simulations were done in Matlab, we chose a mesh size h = 0.005. The stationary solution is depicted in figure 4. Note that the channel is in the region between 0.4 and 0.6 on the x-axis. The concentration of oxygen is high inside the channel. As the nonlinear PNP model prevents overcrowding, the charge neutrality condition is not fulfilled anymore inside of the channel due to the high concentration of oxygens. As a comparison, the stationary profiles for PNP are shown in figure 5. It can clearly be seen that the charge neutrality is fulfilled here, but the channel gets overcrowded as the total mass inside the channel is above the maximal admissable concentration. This overcrowding effect is a well-known problem for PNP. Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries Potential V Charge neutrality mV 0 5 −50 0 −100 −5 −150 −10 −200 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 −15 1 0 0.2 0.4 Calcium 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 20 mol mol 0.8 30 0.6 0.4 10 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 Chlor 60 0.15 40 0.1 20 0.05 0 0 −20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 Oxygen 0.2 mol mol 0.6 Natrium 0.8 0 26 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Figure 5. Stationary profiles for PNP 5.3. Current and its dependence on concentration We take a closer look on the dependence of current in the stationary case for the example of the L-type Calcium channel described above. The ion flux for the nonlinear PNP model ist given by Ji = −Di a((1 − ρ)∂x ci + ci ∂x ρ + ηi zi ci (1 − ρ)∂x V ), (68) or, in the transformed expression exp(ui − ηi zi V ) Ji = −Di a ( )2 ∂x ui . ∑ 1 + j exp(uj − ηj zj V ) (69) The current I flowing through the channel from one bath to the other, which can be experimentally measured, is given by ∑∫ I=e zi Ji · dn, i∈I Γ0 where Γ0 denotes the cross section of the channel and I = {Ca2+ , Na+ , Cl− }. The oxygen ions do not contribute to the flux as they are fixed inside the channel. The model setup is chosen as in the previous section. For the boundary condition assume an applied potential of 50mV inside the left bath, in order to obtain a positive current. As in the previous section, a solution containing 0.1mol/l NaCl is in both baths. In the right bath, we have 5 · 10−3 mol/l CaCl2 . During the simulation, we add CaCl2 to the left bath, starting from 1 · 10−3 mol/l up to 3 · 10−1 mol/l. The resulting curves of current versus concentration in the left bath are shown in figure 6. The ion flux for the PNP model ist given by Ji = −Di a(∂x ci + ηi zi ci ∂x V ) = −Di a exp(ui − ηi zi V )∂x ui . (70) Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 27 15 nonlinear PNP PNP Current in pA 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 mMol Ca2+ added Figure 6. Current for nonlinear PNP and PNP Due to the overcroding that takes place in the nonlinear model, the current of nonlinear PNP saturates. The current for PNP shows nearly a linear increase. Furthermore, the nonlinear current is remarkably less than the current for PNP. 5.4. Current versus voltage curves for the stationary system We are going to take a closer look at the current versus voltage relation, cf. [2]. We use the same setup as in section 5.2. figure 7 shows this relation. The voltage applied in the right bath is keep zero, and the voltage in the left bath is varied. As expected, the current of the nonlinear model lies again significantly below the current for PNP. 140 mod. PNP PNP 120 100 Current in pA 80 60 40 20 0 −20 −40 −60 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 Voltage in mVolt Figure 7. Current vs. voltage relation 40 60 80 Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 28 5.5. Current for a changing charge profile Finally we would like to take a closer look on how current is depending on the charge profile by varying the positions of fixed charges. We do not change the number of fixed oxygens, we simply contract them to the center of the channel. We affect the function describing the density distribution of oxygens in the following way: x < 0.5 − 0.1ϵ 0 0.5 − 0.1ϵ ≤ x ≤ 0.5 + 0.1ϵ f (x) = c0 /ϵ (71) 0 x > 0.5 − 0.1ϵ In case that ϵ = 1, the density of oxygens is constant inside the channel, which lies between 0.4 and 0.6 on the x-axis. If we decrease ϵ, the total density remains the same, but it extension in x direction gets smaller, therefore the top goes up. The smallest ϵ we use is 0.4. This value leads to concentrations inside the channel which is above the assumed maximal concentration. In figure 8 we show current versus 1 − ϵ for nonlinear PNP and PNP. It shows that if the concentration in the channel is large enough, nonlinear PNP detects crowding. The current breaks and gets zero in the crowded state. PNP is not able to detect these crowding effects. 12 nonlinear PNP PNP 10 Current in pA 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 1−epsilon Figure 8. Current vs. charge distribution 6. Conclusion In this paper we analyzed a nonlinear Poisson Nernst-Planck model which takes the size of ions into account. We presented the macroscopic derivation of this model, here the size exclusion effects resulted in nonlinear mobilities. First numerical simulations of ion channels with the modified PNP model showed interesting and promising features. As expected, one can observe several effects that arise due to crowding: The conductance, which acts like the inverse of the resistance, is linearly increasing in the PNP model but shows a decreasing behavior in the nonlinear case. This leads to current saturation which is experimentally measured, but which can not be detected using PNP. To detect the volume exclusion effects with PNP, several approaches like Nonlinear PNP equatios for ion flux through confined geometries 29 mean spherical approximation or density functional theory have proposed. Their qualitative behavior is similar to the nonlinear PNP model analyzed in this paper. Nonetheless, the derivation of this model is very intuitive and elementary and the computational cost significantly smaller. Several issues on this model remain open. The proposed model is based on the assumption that all ions have the same radius, this should be generalized to different radii. This point of high interest because the dimension of ions has an effect on the volume selectivity of the channels. However the calcium channel studied in this paper is indeed calcium selective, which is a result of the charge selectivity. Furthermore we would like to study whether the model is able to reproduce biological phenomena such as gating. For this purpose it is necessary to include a more detailed structure of the membrane into the model than performed in this paper. In particular the ability of the model to reproduce blocked states by relatively small changes of permanent charge is encouraging in this direction. This modeling approach is also interesting for other applications where size exclusion effects should be taken into account, like chemotaxis with different cell types, swarming or pedestrian dynamics with heterogeneous agents. Acknowledgments MTW acknowledges financial support of the Austrian Science Foundation FWF via the Hertha Firnberg Project T456-N23. MB and BS acknowledge financial support from Volkswagen Stiftung via the grant Multi-scale simulation of ion transport through biological and synthetic channels. The authors thank Z. Siwy (UCI) for stimulating discussions. References [1] V Barcilon, D-P Chen, and R S Eisenberg. Ion flow through narrow membrane channels. II. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 52(5):1405–1425, 1992. [2] D Gillespie, W Nonner, and R S Eisenberg. Coupling Poisson-Nernst-Planck and density functional theory to calculate ion flux. J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 14:12129–12145, 2002. [3] M T Wolfram. Direct and Inverse Solvers for Electrodiffusion Problems. PhD thesis, University Linz, 2008. [4] D Horstmann. Generalizing Keller-Segel: Multi-species chemotaxis models with attraction and repulsion between competitive interacting species. Technical report, University of Colone, 2009. Submitted. 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