B a n n e r Student How to Cancel a Course This document includes tutorials for the links listed below. Click the link to go to the section you need. Click the section title to return to this menu. How to Change a Section Status to Cancelled | How to find a Course CRN Number How to Search for a Course Roster | Extract Course Roster Information How to Un-enroll Students from a Course/Section If you are CANCELING a course/section it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to un-­‐enroll all students in the class and NOTIFY THEM that the course/section has been canceled. **NEVER DELETE A CRN NUMBER WHEN CANCELING A CLASS** HOW TO CHANGE A SECTION STATUS TO CANCELLED 1. Access your INB account. 2. Enter SSASECT in the Go To... field. 3. Press Enter 4. Enter the term code in the Term field by either entering the correct code or by the search arrow to find the correct code. 5. Tab to the CRN Field. 6. Enter the Course CRN Number in the CRN field. HOW TO SEARCH FOR A COURSE USING THE CRN SEARCH ARROW a. Click the pull down menu next to the CRN field. b. Click or Tab to the Subject field to enter the subject. Internet Native Banner v8.4 u Office of the Registrar u East Carolina University u revised 9/30/2015 c. Click or Tab to the Course field to enter the course number. d. Press F8 to execute the search. e. Double click the CRN number of the section to add the course to the form. 7. Click the Next Block Button course information. on the Banner Tool bar to populate the fields with the 8. Under the “Course Section Information” Tab, Click in the Status Field. 9. Click the Search Arrow in the Status field to change the Status code. 10. Click the Cancelled code in the Section Status Code Validation Dialog box. 11. Click OK to change the code on the SSASECT form. 12. Click the Save Button on the Banner tool bar to save the record. **NOTE: IF YOU ARE CANCELING AND ENTIRE COURSE YOU WOULD NEED TO REPEAT THE ABOVE STEPS FOR EACH SECTION OF THE COURSE. CHECK COURSE ROSTER Once you have canceled a section/course, view the course rooster of the section/course to make sure NO students are in the course. Internet Native Banner v8.4 u Office of the Registrar u East Carolina University u revised 9/30/2015 IF STUDENTS ARE ENROLLED IN THE SECTION/COURSE YOU MUST UN ENROLL THEM. 1. Access your INB account. 2. From the Banner Main Menu, enter SFASLST in the Go To... field. 3. Press Enter 4. Enter the term code in the Term field. 5. Click or Tab to the CRN field to enter the course CRN number or use the CRN search arrow to search for a course. EXTRACT COURSE ROSTER INFORMATION 1. Search for course enrollment information following the steps above. 2. From the HELP tool bar menu. 3. Select Extract Data No Key . 4. You will be prompted to save or open your excel data file. HOW TO UN_ENROLL STUDENTS FROM A COURSE/SECTION NEVER CHANGE a student’s Registration AFTER the ADD/DROP Period. Only the Registrar’s Office should do this 1. Access your INB Account. 2. From the Banner Main Menu, enter SFAREGS (Student Course Registration) in the Go To... field. 3. Click the X to close the Distribution Parameters window 4. Enter term in the Term: field. Internet Native Banner v8.4 u Office of the Registrar u East Carolina University u revised 9/30/2015 5. Enter student ID in the ID field or search under student name by clicking the ID search arrow. 6. Click Next Block button on the Banner tool bar to populate fields. 7. Click Next Block button AGAIN to go to the Course Information section. 8. Click in or Tab to the Status field of the course that was cancelled. 9. Enter the Course Cancelled code: DD in the Status field. 10. Click the Save button 11. Click the Save on the Banner tool bar to save the record. button on the Banner tool bar AGAIN to process the fee Assessment. 12. Click the Roll Back button on the Banner tool bar to search for another student. 13. COMPLETE the un-enroll process for each student that is still enrolled in the course. ** BE SURE TO NOTIFY ANY STUDENT THAT WAS IN A CLASS THAT WAS CANCELLED** Internet Native Banner v8.4 u Office of the Registrar u East Carolina University u revised 9/30/2015