s Energy (Joule) Ratings Transient Protection System There are many different components used to control transient voltages. In various pieces of equipment, silicon avalanche diodes (SAD), metal oxide varistors (MOV) and gas tubes are utilized. The failure mode of gas tubes is primarily due to excessive current. This leads to the units being rated by maximum current it can safely conduct. MOV and SAD components typically fail due to excessive energy and most components are rated in maximum energy (Joules) or power (Watts), which can be dissipated. Power is work (energy) per unit time. By changing the time frame, the amount of power will vary. This is due to the one time nature of component rating. Energy will generally remain constant over a wide time frame. Both maximum power and maximum energy are calculated from measured current and voltage waveforms. As test pulse shapes change, so do the values for power and energy. Some of the test pulses used include an 8x20 ms wave shape, 10 x 1000 ms wave shape, 2 ms square wave, and a 5 x 50 ms wave shape. Each test pulse will yield a different value for the same component. So when comparing specifications, it is important to use the same units and the same test pulse. Seldom is this the case. The method of determining energy is to first define a failure condition then determine which test pulse to use and finally to simultaneously record the voltage wave and the current wave. The voltage multiplied by the current will give the power curve. This integrated with respect to time yields the energy value. As the test current is increased, the energy will increase. At some point, the device will fall into the fail condition. The value previously recorded will be the maximum energy measured in Joules. As one can see, there are many variables that may influence the net result or value. This all aside from the fact that the majority of surge suppressors currently available in the market place incorporate primarily nonlinear suppression components. This nonlinear characteristic further complicates matters of true evaluation and test. The following is excerpt from ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991: 6.5.5. Energy Delivery Capability. Recent surveys have addressed the issue of energy delivery capability in various manners. As discussed in section 7, the significant parameter is not the “energy contained” in the surge but the actual energy that can be deposited in a surge absorbing device. One survey author (Goedbloed, 1987[B14]) proposed an “energy measure” parameter, defined as the product of the voltage square by the time duration of the voltage. This approach is justifiable for a resistive load, where the power dissipated in the resistor is V2/R. For a nonlinear surge protective device, the relationship is not so simple. Furthermore, the concept of recording the “energy measure” may promote the arbitrary reporting of “surge energy” by assuming a value for the impedance and then quoting results in joules.” From this IEEE document, one can conclude that energy delivery capability of a surge can be difficult to calculate when that surge is absorbed or shunted by a nonlinear device. Why then is it necessary for SPD manufacturers to print energy dissipation figures in joules? Because they are utilizing linear devices; or are they? Typically, manufacturers that don’t advertise joule ratings are not utilizing this technology in their device. However, there are some manufacturers that do advertise joule ratings and the values they print are a calculation of the energy dissipation capability of each individual discrete component as listed by the manufacturer of that discrete component. These manufacturers often publish these joule rating values to disguise or distract from other less flattering values. Seldom do reputable manufacturers utilizing nonlinear components advertise joule ratings. This is primarily due to the fact that nonlinear components have a variable joule rating value that is influenced by the characteristics of a particular surge event. The manufacturers that do utilize nonlinear components and advertise joule ratings, tend to calculate their joule rating by virtue of summing the highest value in the scale of the joule values for that particular nonlinear component. This is truly a deceptive maneuver on their behalf. You will notice the variable values listed below. Page 1 Transient energy ratings are a source of some confusion in the industry. The rating, in joules (watt-second), is the maximum allowable energy for a single impulse of 10/1000 ms current waveform with continuous voltage applied. For cases where the transient is from a source external to the equipment, an approximation technique can be used to estimate the energy of the transient absorbed by (in the case of an MOV) or shunted by (in the case of a gas tube) the suppression device. The method requires finding the transient current and voltage through the device. To determine the energy absorbed (or shunted), the following equation applies: E= ∫V c(t ) I (t )∆ t t 0 = K V cIt Where I is the peak current applied, Vc is the clamp voltage which results, t is the impulse duration and K is a constant1 . From this it can be seen that energy dissipation is directly proportional to the clamp voltage and the duration of the impulse. The higher the impulse duration, the clamp voltage, or the peak impulse current, the higher the energy rating of the device. There is a trade-off here between low clamp voltage and high joule ratings. Since the object in surge suppression is to minimize the voltage spike that protected equipment experiences, it is much more advisable to focus on the clamp voltage as the primary quantity to specify. Most SPD units manufactured by reputable manufacturers utilize MOV technology. The larger the MOV, the larger its joule rating (the factor K above is a function of MOV size). On page 4-7 of the Harris manual, Figure 4-9 indicates that a 20mm MOV has a joule rating of 70 to 250 while a 40 mm MOV is rated at 270 to 1050 joules. All Siemens products utilize the larger 40mm MOVs and are thus able to provide higher peak surge ratings with lower clamping voltages. Whether or not the joule rating is an effective means of measuring a surge device’s energy absorption capability is up for personal speculation and evaluation, but one must remember that joule rating is not criteria defined by NEMA LS1 or ANSI/ IEEE as criteria deemed essential for a surge suppressor. Energy absorption characteristics are best defined and evaluated using “Maximum Surge Current” capability. The parameters surrounding this performance criteria are far more defined. 1 Reference: Transient Voltage Suppression Devices, Harris Corporation, 1992, USA, p. 4-3. Here is an “intriguing” quote from a manufacturer of SPD devices that advertises Joule Ratings in their literature: Joule Rating. For those who would apply a Joule Rating to a surge protector, we advise caution. While a high Joule Rating may describe the ruggedness of a protector and its ability to survive high energy surges, a high Joule Rating may not adequately describe the protective capability of the protector. A Joule is a Watt-second. A Watt-second is the product of the voltage in volts, the current in amperes, and the time in seconds. In the test situations prescribed by various ANSI/IEEE standards, the current amplitudes and the waveforms (i.e. time) are definitively specified. Only the foltage drip across the surge protector is the unknown. This voltage drop is referred to as the suppression voltage of the protector. The lower the suppression voltage, the lower the voltage appearing across the circuit or device being protected. Therefore the lower the suppression voltage, the better the protection; and the lower the suppression voltage, the lower the energy dissipation of the surge protector in Joules. Remember, the theoretical ultimate in proteciton would be a surge protector whose suppression voltage is zero relative to the normal AC system voltage. This would result in a Joule Rating of zero. Although Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. Manufactured in U.S.A. 20,000 amperes as ea does in its first. It should be noted th where surge currents v ampere peak specified installations, a protector current capability would 3. Suppression Voltage Voltage perhaps best d of the surge protector. Of primary importance the diversion of the high pass through the protec surge protector must have tive to that of the circuit and is being used to protect protector have a low ener load the transient source across both the protector The suppression voltage low-impedance charact ANSI/IEEE standard for use at service entrance surge current capability JOSLY The article then goes on to say: For those who are still intrugued by Joule Ratings, we include them in our specifications, but only to indicate the robustness of our surge protectors, a quality that is better defined by the maximum surge current capability. Protection Considerations: There are four primary considerations when choosing a surge or transient protection device. They are: 1. Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage 2. Maximum Surge Current 3. Suppression Voltage 4. Surge Life Without values for each of these parameters, it is impossible to compare surge protector capabilities. It is divvicult to put these characteristics in order of importance as they are all very important wouldnít you say. ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS A JOSLYN CO As one can see, Joule Ratings can be rather deceiving or erroneous information. We would caution the use of this data as a means of evaluating surge suppressors and their performance. Page 2