Multi-gate pHEMT Modeling for Switch Applications Ce-Jun. Wei, Hong Yin, Olesky Klimashov, Yu Zhu, and Dylan Bartle Skyworks Solutions, Inc., 20 Sylvan Road, Woburn, USA Abstract --- Multi-gate pHEMTs are extensively used in pHEMT switch circuits for wireless communication applications due to their size advantage. The intuitive modeling approach which considers a multiple-gate pHEMT to be a stack of single-gate FETs is far from adequate. Crucial factors in multi-gate pHEMT modeling include accurate leakage, CV below pinch-off, surface traps effects, and distribution features for large size switch FETs. In this paper we will address certain techniques to model both intrinsic FETs and extrinsic parasitic components. Our multi-gate pHEMT model was verified by comparisons of a variety of performances between modeled and measured data, including leakages, floating voltages, and CV curves on device level. In a switch application, comparisons of harmonics as a function of frequency at high driving power for both GSM and DCS bands show excellent agreement between model prediction and measured data as well. I. INTRODUCTION Switches in front-end modules are key components in modern wireless communications, specifically in 3G and 4G products. Multi-gate devices, such as triple or dual gate pHEMTs are frequently used to squeeze out more performance from a limited area. In certain designs, five, seven, and even 11 gate pHEMTs are also found. The advantages of multi-gate pHEMTs include less chip area occupancy and lower insertion loss compared to the single gate switch with the same gate number. With feed-forward capacitances, harmonics and distortion at high driving power can be much reduced even with a low control voltage. However, modeling a multi-gate FET switch is a challenging task. Distortion, such as harmonics under high input power, is very hard to predict. [1, 2] The modeling process involves several crucial issues. First, the internal channel nodes between neighboring gates are floating and their potentials cannot be determined unless all leakages and their partition are precisely modeled. Second, the nonlinearity source below pinchoff which generates distortion in off-state is a capacitance as a function of voltages and dispersion parameters. Furthermore, there are other issues regarding extrinsic channel resistances. The analysis, characterization methods, and modeling approach include leakages, dispersion, and external parasitic, and hence appear complicated. We have reported switch-related modeling work mostly on single-gate devices. [2,3,4] For a multi-gate pHEMT model, although we employ the core model of single gate device for each individual gates of a multi-gate device, more attention is paid on leakages and CV dependence below and near pinch-off.[2,4-6] Factors taken into account for multi-gate devices are listed as follows: • Leakages of gate to drain/source and leakage between drain to source and their partition; • Gate capacitances verse voltages and dispersion effect; •Separately characterize and model individual gate leakage and CV characteristics. The leakages and gate CV characteristics may be different for the gate junction on the source/drain’s side from that on the channel’s side. •Distributed models for parasitic resistances. Essentially the switch FET is a 3D device due to its large size. This is quite important for on-state device modeling. • Maximum current limitation of channel resistances. Unlike MOS devices, pHEMTs have access resistances with limited carrier supply capacity. We have to model the channel resistances that have maximum current limit. This turns out to be important during modeling of power collapse in on-state pHEMTs. • Dispersion effect brought by extrinsic currents flowing through channel resistances. We have developed the Skyworks’ pHEMT model for switch applications [2]. The model has many features including a comprehensive and distributed extrinsic model. The core model has been reported previously. [5] In this paper, we’ll address several modeling issues on multi-gate FET modeling. Our new model meets all challenges listed above, and has been incorporated into company PDK for ADS and Cadence. II. COMPROHENSIVE MULTI-GATE PHEMT MODEL An equivalent circuit of a triple gate pHEMT including intrinsic FETs and extrinsic parasitic is shown in Figure 1. In the figure, TG1 and TG3 are FETs formed by edge-gate junction, while TG2 is a FET formed by the center gate. Two equations-based linear SDD-based access elements, SP_Rd_Ld and SP_Rs_Ls are distributed elements that model access resistances, Rs/Rd and metal inductances Ld/Ls. Nonlinear equation-based SDD element Rgg1 and Rgg2 account for the gate-to-gate channel resistances that has a limit set for maximum channel current. Other parasitic capacitances are: Cds_ext as the electrode drain to source capacitance, Cdsi1/Cdsi2/Cdsi3 as intrinsic DS capacitance via channel of individual gates, Cgg1 and Cgg2 as the coupling gate-to-gate capacitances via air coupling, and Cds_ext/Cgg1 / Cgg2/Ls/Ld as other access elements which are generated by EM simulation or quasiphysical modeling. Cg1, Cg2 and Cg3 are parasitic gateto-ground capacitances outside the mesa area that can be calculated using equations based on quasi-physics. Drain Vgse=_Cc(Vgso)*Vgso+(1-_Cc(Vgso))*Vgs where Vgso is the DC component of Vgs. Effectively reducing the Vgs swing, _Cc is a bias-dependent parameter. SP_Rd_Ld Cg1 Rg Cg2 TG1 Cgg1W=W Nf=Nf Cgs (F) Cdsi1 Gate SDD_Rgg1 Cds_ext Cdsi2 Gate2 Rg2 Cgg2 Cg3 TG2 W=W Nf=Nf SDD_Rgg2 Cdsi3 Gate1 Rg1 TG3 W=W Nf=Nf SP_RsLs Source Figure 1. Equivalent circuit of a triple-gate pHEMT III. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION IN INTRINSIC PHEMT MODEL Intrinsic pHEMT Model has been reported in [4] and will not be addressed here. Nonetheless, we will focus on certain important effects that are correlated with multigate modeling. A: Intrinsic CV dependence and its dispersion Cgs (Vgs) and Cgd (Vgd) below pinch-off are the sole distortion sources and should be taken into account carefully. For multi-gate pHEMT, the gate facing onto the channel has different and lower Cg than the side gates facing toward Ohmic contacts have. Typical gate capacitance characteristics for different kinds of gates are shown in Figure 2. The CV dependence can be modeled by using fitting equations or simply look-up tables with proper extrapolation beyond measurement region [1, 5, 6]. The CV functions may be bias-dependent due to dispersion effect. Normally, the more negative biases, the flatter CV and the more positive pinch-off voltage. The detailed characterization requires de-embedment from pulsed Sparameters [6]. The dispersion can also be roughly modeled by introducing more parameters to specify the dependence in flatness of CV and Vp. The effective Vg would be: (1) 5.0E-13 4.5E-13 4.0E-13 Cgd red:TG-all gate connected symbol:drain side gate to drain 3.5E-13 blue:cent gate Brown: source gate to channel 3.0E-13 2.5E-13 2.0E-13 1.5E-13 1.0E-13 5.0E-14 0.0 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 Vg (V) -3 -2 -1 0 Figure 2. Gate CV dependence below pinch-off for different gates. Red: drain-side-gate, G-to-D; Dot: Source-side-gate, G-toS; Blue: center gate, G-to-channel; Brown: Source-side-gate, Gto-channel B.Leakages Both leakages between gate to channels and between neighboring gates must correctly be characterized and modeled. The floating voltage is determined by equating leakage across a gate to the leakage from channel to the gate. The gate-to-channel leakages can be extracted from single gate pHEMT with drain and source connected. The channel-to-channel leakage between neighboring gates can be extracted by fitting floating drain voltage as a function of Vgs to measured data of a drain-open testing structure. The GD, or GS leakage, is expressed as three components that respectively dominate at lower, medium and high negative Vg regions. igs_lk =i gs_lkl i gs_lkm /( i gs_lkl + i gs_lkm )+ i gs_lkh (2) where i gs_lkl is the gate channel leakage above pinch-off , i gs_lkm is the gate edge leakage below pinch-off, and i gs_lkh is the soft gate breakdown current. All of them can be modeled by diode equations. Drain-Source leakage near pinch-off is a 2-D function of vd and vg. The fitted gate leakage and floating gate-todrain voltage at drain open condition is shown in figure 3. The leakage characteristics are gate-dependent and are different between side gates and center gates. During our research, we employ a new testing structure in order to better model this effect. While characterizing one gate, we short and bond the other two gates to their nearest drain or source to avoid impact from floating gates on the channel potentials. Figure 4 shows the difference in gate leakage. The center gate leakage has smaller slope as Vg becomes more negative than leakage of side gates has. Measured (sym bol) vs modeled (line) floating Vg 0.5 Measured(symbol) vs m odeled(line) gate leak 0.0 0.0 -5.0E-8 -1.0 Ig_lk (A) Vgd_float (V) -0.5 -1.5 where nf is the gate finger number. Here Rs, Rmetal calculated based on device physical parameters. The impedance of one finger is: Z_1finger= Zo / tanh(β*UW) where β=sqrt( (j ωL+Rmetal)/Rs) Zo= sqrt( (j ωL+Rmetal)*Rs) are (3) (4) (5) -1.0E-7 -0.15 -1.5E-7 -2.0 -0.20 -2.5 -3.0 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -2.5E-7 -6 Vg1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 Vg1 Figure 3. Modeled (line) verse measured(symbol) gate leakage and floating voltage for a PCM pHEMT device. Insertion Loss (dB) -2.0E-7 -0.25 -0.30 -0.35 -0.40 -0.45 -0.50 -0.55 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 freq, GHz Figure 6. Simulated (line) versus measured (symbol) insertion loss for series 1mm SG-FET, DG-FET and TG-FET. The gate fingers numbers are all 8 and gate resistors are all 7.5 kOhm B. Parasitic gate impedance Figure 4. Gate leakages for different gates. brown: center-gate, red and broken lines: Source-side-gate, and drain-side-gate III. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION IN EXTRINSIC R MODEL A. Distributed model of access elements Important at higher frequency, distributed impedance is taken into account by considering resistances of electrodes and channel access regions Rs or Rd. The model of distributed impedance is shown in Figure 5. I1 L=Lmetal R=Rmetal L=Lmetal R=Rmetal R=Rs L=Lmetal R=Rmetal R=Rs V(0) L=Lmetal R=Rmetal R=Rs V C=Cds R=Rch C=Cds R=Rmetal L=Lmetal C=Cds R=Rs R=Rs L=Lmetal R=Rch R=Rmetal L=Lmetal R=Rch R=Rs R=Rmetal L=Lmetal R=Rmetal I2 Figure 5. Distributed effects of metal and channel resistances For the case of multiple fingers in parallel, the total impedance becomes: Z= Z_1finger /nf Any parasitic seen from the gate has great impact on the second harmonics in switch circuits. Assuming induced signals at all gate fingers have the same phase, these parasitic elements include the connections outside the mesa of active area and connection lines with gate-bias resistors. The equivalent parasitic impedance of those lines must be considered and calculated. C. Nonlinearity and Dispersion in Channel resistances Surface charges and their trapping effects in GaAs based pHEMTs play an important role in dispersion and transient performances. When the gate is biased below pinchoff, electrons diffuse to the surface vicinity of gate periphery and get trapped. These negative trapped surface charges result in a depletion region beneath the surface and hence reduce the channel carrier concentration. Consequently, when the gate bias suddenly changes from V(W) negative to positive, the extra negative surface charge cannot be discharge immediately, and these negative charges will not follow the voltage change on the gate. Figure 7 shows the schematic of our dispersion model. The access resistances, Rs and Rd, are controlled by voltage, Vsurface, which is determined by the capacitance, C_surface. This capacitor is charged up by gate voltage through R_surface. Meanwhile, the Rdtrap-Cdtrap circuit is used to model drain/source bulk trapping effects. -42 -44 -46 -48 -50 -52 -54 -56 -58 -60 1.70E9 1.75E9 1.80E9 1.85E9 1.90E9 1.95E9 2.00E9 Modeled vs measured H3 for D5-HB M odeled (s olid) vs m easured H3 (dBm ) M odeled (s olid) vs m eas ured H2 (dBm ) Modeled vs m easured H2 for D5-HB -40 -40 -42 -44 -46 -48 -50 -52 -54 -56 -58 -60 1.70E9 1.75E9 1.80E9 1.85E9 1.90E9 1.95E9 2.00E9 RFf req HB_meas..f RFf req HB_meas..f Figure 7. Equivalent circuit of access resistance controlled by surface charge The equation for current flowing through the resistance can be modeled as follows: I_r=Imax*tanh(vds/(Imax*Ro)) Imax=W*(Q_doped+Qledge-Qs-Qsm)*vs (6) (7) where Vs=1e7 cm/s is the electron saturation velocity; W is the gate width; and Ro is the access low-field resistance. Therefore, the movable charge Qsm is: Qsm=Vsurface*C_surface (8) and the time constant is Ts=R_surface*C_surface. IV. MODELED HARMONICS AT SWITCH CONDITION We validate our multi-gate device model in a real switch circuit. The circuit used for validation is a GSM SP4T switch with triple-gate pHEMTs in the enable arm and TX arms of low and high bands. The model is verified in terms of harmonics as a function of frequency at both low GSM band and DCS high band, as shown in Figure 8 and 9. Modeled vs measured H3 for D5 -42 -44 -46 -48 -50 -52 -54 -56 -58 -60 -40 -42 -44 -46 -48 -50 VII. CONCLUSION Several key issues in multi-gate pHEMT modeling for switch applications are addressed, such as CV below pinchoff, leakages, distributed, and dispersive parasitic. Their importance in accurate modeling and the corresponding modeling approaches are discussed. Some of these issues are associated with floating voltages of internal channel nodes. Although some hold the opinion that floating nodes in a channel should be avoided by setting contacts in internal channels, the effectiveness is in doubt due to the high channel resistance along the width direction. Moreover, floating nodes in a channel are favorable during high power application with capacitance feed-forward configuration because these floating nodes can be negatively biased to a greater extent as a result of self-biasing effect. The model was validated by comparison of modeled and measured data over a variety of performances both in device and circuit levels, particularly in terms of harmonics at low and high bands. The modeled and measured data show excellent agreement. -52 -54 -56 -58 -60 9.2E8 9.1E8 9.0E8 8.9E8 8.8E8 8.7E8 8.6E8 8.5E8 8.4E8 8.3E8 8.2E8 9.2E8 9.1E8 9.0E8 8.9E8 8.8E8 8.7E8 8.6E8 8.5E8 8.4E8 8.3E8 8.2E8 RFf req LB_meas..f Modeled (solid) vs measured H3 (dBm) Modeled (solid) vs measured H2 (dBm) Modeled vs measured H2 for D5 -40 Figure 9. Simulated (solid lines) verses measured (dashed) 2nd harmonics (left) and 3rd harmonics (right) as function of frequency at low DCS band. Pin=33dBm. RFf req LB_meas..f Figure 8. Simulated (solid lines) verses measured (broken lines) 2nd harmonics (left) and 3rd harmonics (right) as function of frequency at low GSM band. Pin=35dBm. All simulated harmonics agree with measured data within a range of 2dB. The model is also validated from other perspectives, including insertion loss, and isolation. The variation of harmonics vs frequency is due to the frequency dependence of external impedances of test circuit, even though their deviations from 50 Ohm are small but it significantly affects the harmonics. REFERENCES [1] M.A. Holm, D.M. Brookbanks,”Advanced Meander Gate pHEMT Model for Accurate Harmonic Modeling of Switch MMIC Designs,”, GaAs 2005 [2] C.-J. Wei et al, “Analysis and modeling on linearity of multi-thru TX/RX switches,” Proc. 3rd MAPE 2009, pp.5-8, Oct. 27-28,2009, Beijing. 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