National Midwifery Formulary Project Governance subgroup Thursday 7 October 2010 11.30 – 13.30 Third floor meeting room Elliott House, Edinburgh Note of Meeting Present Geraldine Butcher, KCND Consultant Midwife and former Midwife Supply Order Project Manager, (NHS Ayrshire and Arran) Jenny Carson, Pharmacist, NHS Lothian Dorothy Finlay, Consultant Midwife, Greater Glasgow and Clyde June Grant, Pharmacist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Lucy Powls, NHS Education for Scotland Sherry Wright, Pharmacist, NHS Lothian Fiona Dagge-Bell, Team Leader, Clinical Development and Improvement, NHS QIS (Chair) Eleanor Stenhouse, Lead midwife, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Mary Vance, LSAMO and author Midwives and Medicines Maria Wilson, Chief Midwife NHS Lothian Apologies Laura McIver, Pharmacy Advisor, NHS QIS Margaret Nichol, Pharmacist and Pharmacy Manager, NHS Ayrshire and Arran In attendance Rosemary Hector, Programme co-ordinator 1. Welcome and Apologies Fiona welcomed Maria Wilson who had joined the group who had remained from the previous meeting on education. 2. Minutes of previous meeting and update on action points The action points from the meeting of the group on April 14 were reviewed; most had led to the framing of the current meeting. An error in the minute was noted; the revised midwife exemptions were issued from the MHRA (not the NMC as noted in the minute). File name: 2010 10 07 Midwifery Formulary Whole group meeting Gov Minute Produced by: RAH Version: 1 Date: 2010 10 08 Page 1 of 5 Review date/status: 3. Governance – what are the issues? There was some discussion around the drugs list which is to be sent to the group for final approval. It was also acknowledged that a monograph, particularly for a complex drug with training requirements for those supplying it, should not be framed in isolation from the context of its use. It was agreed that a contextual flow or scenario that showed the progress of a situation and the decision making process that would lead to this drug being used would be helpful. It was agreed that the individual drug monograph could be linked to this contextual information (particularly straightforward in an electronic document). The future of the formulary document was discussed and it was agreed that it should be produced with the aim of being refreshed and updated regularly. This process of maintaining its currency would also contribute to the buy in and ownership of the document. It was accepted that in some areas with dedicated pharmacy support for maternity and neonatal services the updating of any pharmacy documents in maternity units is part of the pharmacy role. It was suggested that a long term view of the formulary could be its potential to sit with the BNF rather like the paediatric formulary. The positioning of this work on NHS Board agendas also requires consideration and it was agreed that the Directors of Nursing were a significant and strategic group from which the heads of midwifery could secure support. Another key group from which to seek support for the formulary is the RCOG. It was also acknowledged that NHS Education for Scotland’s has a key role in • supporting the work at undergraduate level and • in supporting current midwives to maintain their skills and thus their fitness to practise. It was noted that if the Heads of Midwifery could approve and support this initiative it could be taken to the next level for support, as appropriate in a local context. The potential to use other initiatives such as service redesign, and other drivers such as achieving cost savings to support the formulary was observed. Action: The drugs list sent to the group for their final approval – questions from pharmacist identified and then sent to the midwives on the group who are in touch with operational concerns for answers and consensus. Action: FDB to secure slot for promoting this at Scottish Executive Nurse Directors’ group with support from MW and ES.. Other issues discussed included the incidence of drug-related errors and the potential use of this information for demonstrating impact of any formulary introduced into a service area. It was agreed that the Heads of Midwifery would consider some means of producing benchmark indices with would allow the introduction of the Midwifery Formulary and associated education resource to be evaluated in the light of measurable indices of practice. Possible indices suggested were; • A metric on how quickly a woman could leave hospital with the relevant medications File name: 2010 10 07 Midwifery Formulary Whole group meeting Gov Minute Produced by: RAH Version: 1 Date: 2010 10 08 Page 2 of 5 Review date/status: • • An index on pain control A measure around the identification and addressing of constipation Action: FDB to secure collective benchmarking indices with Heads of Midwifery to assess practice prior to the intervention of the Formulary. The branding of the monographs and use of the term ‘formulary’ was discussed since this had been raised within NHS QIS. This was not perceived as a problem by the group and it was agreed that June Grant would discuss this with the NHS QIS Pharmacy Advisor, Laura McIver. Action: June Grant to discuss terminology with NHS QIS Pharmacy Advisor. Other issues considered were the lack of knowledge across midwifery practice particularly in those supervisors and mentors who support operational midwives. Any improvement and education initiative would be required to address these midwifery leaders first. Action: Mary Vance to take this forward with her LSAMO colleagues The monitoring of the use of the mechanisms and procedures for the supply of medicines by midwives (application of knowledge) beyond registration was considered an area of concern. It was agreed that training of midwives currently in practice in Scotland (62% of whom are part time) is potentially costly and that if all midwives are to undertake this as a one off exercise then central funds will be required. Action: Lucy Powls to take this forward with Mr Parry at NHS Education for Scotland. In addition the traditional education issue of the tension between assessment and practice (securing a pass in the test, and subsequently demonstrating competence) was observed. The group concurred with the education subgroup which had met earlier that a performance in the final test at the end of the learning session of 100% was necessary. Although it is part of core practice, the supply and administration of medicines by midwives remains an area of variable practice across Scotland. The use of different doses of medicines in different NHS boards and how this might be recorded in the monographs was noted. It was observed that the proposed design of having monographs on the web to download and take through local committees for approval would allow local amendments to be made, prior to local approvals being sought. The discomfort many more mature midwives have in using IT was also noted as a challenge. It was acknowledged that some midwives struggle with their professional obligations to keep their knowledge current. The pre reading in the education course addresses this by reminding readers of this responsibility. It was acknowledged that the original publication supported by NHS Education, Midwives and Medicines, and authored by Mary Vance, covers all the considerations of governance and provides excellent foundation information and clear guidance for midwives. It was noted that this File name: 2010 10 07 Midwifery Formulary Whole group meeting Gov Minute Produced by: RAH Version: 1 Date: 2010 10 08 Page 3 of 5 Review date/status: document, well written and accessible for its target audience, contained nearly all the knowledge and support a midwife would require in using a formulary. The group agreed that it would be an efficient and effective step to have this document updated since is would support the work admirably. Mary Vance expressed a willingness to update this noting that there is a requirement to incorporate recent legislative changes. It was agreed that this would be a solution to providing the governance and additional information for those using the formulary, rather than reinventing a parallel document such as that drafted and sent out by RAH in advance to the group. It was agreed that this would be taken to Rob Parry at NHS Education as a relatively straightforward solution to the issue of providing surrounding information for the formulary and the education pack. Action: FDB to follow up suggestion for an updating of ‘Midwives and Medicines’ with NHS Education for Scotland Ways of incorporating the learning on the formulary into current learning and development structures was discussed. The use of KSF, supervisory structures, management structures, the Midwifery Passport and revalidation were all discussed as means of incorporating and implementing the learning and it was agreed that Lucy Powls would investigate the progress of the Midwifery Passport project. It was acknowledged that using any of these mechanisms would require local agreement and careful application to be employed successfully. Action: Lucy Powls to research progress of Passport project. 4. Towards a specification for the form (this acts as a means of requesting the drug, its control and the communication between the midwife, her supervisor and the pharmacist) At the outset it was noted that NHS QIS cannot be responsible for the design and subsequent printing of any forms and templates used across NHS Scotland but that a specification, stipulating what should be presented in such a document, could be secured. The potential for such a form to accommodate self-administration of drugs was also recognised. It was agreed that rather than invest energy in identifying components of an ideal form, good examples of current forms currently in use could be uploaded as part of the package addressing governance. This would assist NHS boards attempting to redesign their forms and systems. Action: RAH to request sample forms from Maternity forum members in NHS boards in Scotland. 5. Towards an agreed governance arrangement (this determines how drugs on the list are obtained by the midwife - or establishes principles which should be observed when these arrangements are made). Mary Vance informed the group that the current Midwife Supply Order for the controlled drugs is currently at the Scottish Government. This is being taken forward by the LSAMOs in Scotland as a consequence of discussion with the UK wide group of File name: 2010 10 07 Midwifery Formulary Whole group meeting Gov Minute Produced by: RAH Version: 1 Date: 2010 10 08 Page 4 of 5 Review date/status: LSAMOs. The group agreed that the use of this mechanism, although intended originally for opiates, could be extended to cover all medicines. It was agreed that the interface with Community Pharmacies and the current confusion around arrangements for midwives to access drugs for women should be taken to the Maternity Services Action Group (MSAG). It was observed that resolution of the current issues has the potential to make cost savings in NHS Scotland and that MSAG might be supportive of this, particularly if the CNO’s office is in support of this. It was agreed that key members of the group would refer this to MSAG and it was suggested that the NHS QIS Pharmacy Advisor, Laura McIver could also be invited to attend this meeting. Action: FDB to invite Laura McIver to MSAG and secure slot for all, including Mary Vance and Maria Wilson to take community pharmacy issues to MSAG. Action points/Agreements Action point Send the drugs list to the group for their approval. Who RAH To secure slot for promoting this at Scottish Executive Nurse Directors’ group. FDB To secure collective benchmarking indices with Heads of Midwifery to assess practice prior to the intervention of the Formulary To discuss terminology with NHS QIS Pharmacy Advisor FDB To discuss and progress education of supervisors and other midwifery leaders in medicines with LSAMO colleagues To raise suggestion of support for education for all midwives with Mr Parry at NHS Education for Scotland. To follow up suggestion for an updating of ‘Midwives and Medicines’ with NHS Education for Scotland To research progress of Passport project – update to RAH at NHS QIS RAH to request sample forms from Maternity forum members in NHS boards in Scotland. FDB to invite Laura McIver to MSAG File name: 2010 10 07 Midwifery Formulary Whole group meeting Gov Minute Produced by: RAH JG – ASAP and prior to RAH to Directors of facilitate Pharmacy meeting 16 December MV LSAMO meetings LP ASAP FDB ASAP LP ASAP RAH In line with forum agenda – by early December. Suggest MSAG following Directors of Pharmacy meeting on 16 December FDB FDB to secure slot for Mary Vance, Maria Wilson and Laura McIver to take community pharmacy issues to MSAG. By when a) 8 Oct (list a) b) 15 Oct Suggest new year once work under progress Next HOMs meeting Version: 1 Date: 2010 10 08 Page 5 of 5 Review date/status: