How to Submit Final Grades in Voyager

The system will work best if your grades have been computed and you are ready to enter the final
values for the students in your class.
Proof your entries carefully before saving as saved grades will be collected and ‘rolled’ (Banner
language for posted) to academic history at regular intervals. You will not be able to change a
grade value once it is rolled. The grade roll will occur every 30 minutes – at the top and bottom
of the hour.
Five minutes of inactivity will cause the connection to the database to close and you will need to
log in to the system again.
The system will work with a variety of web browsers, but Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are
Only the primary instructor of team-taught classes will be able to enter grades. The primary
instructor is the first person listed on the class list in Voyager.
Under certain circumstances, automated e-mails will be sent to your Lawrence e-mail address.
Please check your e-mail often.
Log on to Voyager and navigate to the Instructor Menu. Select the menu item ‘Submit Final Grades –
End of Term’. Follow the instructions on the screen. Enter your Voyager user name in the first box
and your Voyager password in the second and click submit. If end-of-term grading is active you will
see a list of your classes.
The grade submission form consists of a number of sections or panes.
Select a Course – top left – This pane shows your classes open for grading. The ‘Grading
Status’ and ‘Rolled’ columns indicate your progress. Grey indicates no activity; yellow means
in progress; and green indicates done.
Course Details – top right – When you highlight a class (click on the row), this pane will
provide information about your progress and details about the class, including your grade
submission deadline.
Enter Grades – bottom left – When you highlight a class (click on the row), this pane displays
the students and shows their grade status. To enter a grade, click in the Final Grade column on
a particular student’s row. You may type in a grade or use the drop-down box to make a
selection from the valid grades for the class.
Student Details – bottom right – When you highlight a student (click on the row), this pane will
show information about the student, provide a link for you to e-mail the student, and provide a
link for you to leave a comment regarding missing grades or other student status issues.
It is very important that you
Proof your work as you enter each grade and SAVE every two or three minutes (click the
‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen). Saving your work will close the ‘Enter Grades’
pane and update the status bars. You can re-select the class and continue to enter grades. After
5 minutes of inactivity the session will be terminated and you will need to log back in to
continue. The ‘Reset’ button at the bottom of the screen will roll back all values to the last
values saved.
Enter an ‘NR’ in the grade column if you cannot provide a grade for a student and use the
‘Comment’ box in the Student Details pane to add a brief explanation.
Review the units listed for each student if you are grading music lessons or another class
offered for variable units. Do not provide a grade if the units are incorrect.
Errors – If you attempt to save an invalid grade (for example, submit an ‘I’), you will see an error
message box in the upper right of the display and the student’s row will be highlighted in red. You
will need to use the drop-down box to select and enter a valid grade for the student. ‘NR’ is equivalent
to a blank grade.
Log Out – Be sure to use the ‘Sign Out’ icon in the upper right corner of the screen to log off the
system when you are finished.
Shortly after the grade deadline passes, the class will be removed from the ‘Final Grades’ listing
(‘Select a Course’ pane). ‘NR’ will be inserted for all unsaved and blank grades and all unrolled
grades will be posted to academic history. With the exception of the pending grades of ‘NR’, ‘I’, and
‘IP’, rolled grades are considered posted and only can be changed through the regular faculty grade
change procedure. ‘NR’ grades are lapsed to ‘F’ shortly after the term ends; ‘I’ grades will be lapsed
shortly after the grade submission deadline assigned by the dean; ‘IP’ grades are replaced when the
final class is completed and graded.
Whenever a grade of ‘NR’ is posted to academic history, an automated e-mail will be sent to the
instructor with information about options for submitting a final grade. Notifications of
‘incompletes’ awarded through Student Academic Services will also be sent as e-mail messages.
As grades are rolled for individual students and class grading is completed, additional processing will
be done for S/U requests, ‘incomplete’ deadlines, late withdrawals, term withdrawals, ‘in progress’
grading, and late registration changes in preparation for the end-of-term academic action review and
the release of grades to the students.