assembly instructions

Tools needed:
You’ll need a ratchet with a 1/2” socket and a 7/16” socket. You’ll also need a 7/16” end wrench. Two people working together,
each with a ratchet, will make the job go faster.
Hardware included:
79ea – 5/16" washers
17ea – 5/16" - 18 x 1" bolts
3ea – 5/16" - 18 x 1-3/4" bolts
28ea – 5/16" NRS standard frame U-bolts
2ea – 5/16" fender washers
60ea – 5/16" nylon lock nuts
1ea – 5/16" - 18 x 2-1/2" bolts
1. Lay the Drifter out on a level surface, with room to move around it. Below, when referring to the left and right sides, look
from the stern to the bow.
2. Fully inflate the floor to 8-9 psi. Inflate the sidewalls until fully formed, but still soft. Arrange similar-looking frame pieces
3. Install battens, starting at the bow of the boat. Place the exposed 1” diameter side of the threaded T-nuts against the hull.
Slide all battens in, leaving about 1” from the boat floor.
4. “A” battens (20-1/4” long) go in the first two slots. Place the end with shortest distance from end to bolt hole downward.
5. “B” battens (21” long) go in the next four slots. Again, place the end with shortest distance from end to bolt hole downward.
6. Stern-most pair of slots: “B” batten goes in left slot. “C” batten (21” long, with attachment point for the Anchor Pulley) goes
in right slot, with shortest distance to bolt hole upward.
7. Now, install the green powder-coated thwarts. Use 1” bolts and washers. Put all bolts in finger-tight before tightening
any of the thwart bolts. This is VERY IMPORTANT to avoid cross-threading bolts.
8. First, install the #3 thwart (with NRS logo) over the floor drain. Logo can face forward or back.
9. Next, install the #1, #2 and #4 thwarts, in order, from bow to stern.
10. Now, in turn, push the thwarts down so the battens touch the floor.
11. Side Rails, Foot Bar, Seat Bar, Crossbar, Oar Mounts, Casting Platforms, Swivel Seat Bars and Supports, and Thigh
Hooks are attached with our patented LoPro™ Fittings. Secure each LoPro with two flat washers and two nylock nuts.
When tightening the nuts using the ratchet and 1/2” socket, switch back-and-forth between the two nuts to bring them
down evenly. Snug them securely, but there’s no need to over-tighten.
12. Place the two Side Rails (#5) on #2 and #4 thwarts. Add U-bolts, but leave them loose.
13. Now you can finish tightening the thwart bolts with a ratchet and 1/2” socket. Tighten the bolts until you feel resistance,
then make two quarter turns to finish tightening.
14. Starting from the bow, place the Foot Bar (#6) on the Side Rails. Add U-bolts, but leave them loose.
15. Place the Seat Bar (#7) on the Side Rails. Add U-bolts, but leave them loose. The word “Front” on the underside of the
seat plate shows which way to orient the Seat Bar.
16. Place the Crossbar (#8) on the Side Rails. Add U-bolts, but leave them loose.
17. Visually square the Side Rails, leaving same space on both sides of each pair of LoPros, then tighten these four U-bolts.
18. Add High-Back Drain-Hole Seat to the Seat Bar, using the four bolts and lock washers included with the seat.
19. Adjust distance between Seat Bar and Foot Bar for rower’s comfort, tighten U-bolts.
20. Place Oar Mounts (#9) on the Side Rails, approximately 12”-14” in front of the Seat Bar. Add U-bolts, and tighten. Add
Cobra Oarlocks.
21. Adjust Crossbar to best position for the cooler, and tighten U-bolts.
22. Install Front Casting Platform (#10). Square it side-to-side, and tighten U-bolts.
23. Install Front Seat Bar (#11), plumb and level, and tighten U-bolts. Add Angler Swivel Seat using the four bolts, washers
and nylock nuts included with the seat. You’ll need the 7/16” socket and 7/16” end wrench here.
24. Install Front Thigh Hook (#12), center it, and tighten U-bolts. Add Stripping Basket.
25. Install Rear Casting Platform (#13), center it, and tighten U-bolts.
26. Add Rear Seat Bar Supports (#14), snug U-bolts, but don’t tighten.
27. Add Rear Seat Bar (#15), add U-bolts, level plate, and tighten all four U-bolts. Add Angler Swivel Seat.
28. Install Rear Thigh Hook (#16), center, and tighten U-bolts. Add Stripping Basket.
29. Install the Remote Bracket with Jamb Cleat and Pulley (#17). Remove 2” LoPro bolt on right side of Foot Bar. Replace
that bolt with the 2-1/2” bolt, flat washer on both ends, and nylock nut. Tighten bolt.
30. Install Front Intermediate Anchor Pulley (#18) on top of “C” batten using 1” bolt and flat washer. Tighten bolt.
31. Install Rear Intermediate Anchor Pulley (#19) on outside of transom, right side. Use a 1-3/4” bolt, flat washer on each side
of transom and nylock nut. Tighten bolt using two ratchets with 1/2” sockets, or one ratchet and end wrench.
32. Install Anchor Mast (#20). Use two 1-3/4” bolts, with large fender washers on inside of transom, and with flat washers and
nylock nuts on the outside. Tighten bolts.
33. Finish inflating sidewalls to operating pressure (8-9 psi).
34. If you have any questions, give us a call at 800.635.5202.
35. You’re ready to fish! Have fun, be safe and send us some photos!
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48121 Ver. 1