Guidelines for medical alarm system software design

Altran Italia | Technology Review # 08
Guidelines for medical alarm
system software design
The methods presented in this article have been developed as general guidance to develop alarm system architecture in a medical electrical system.
1. Introduction:
Pasquale Sessa
The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood. The dialysis is a procedure to replace the renal (kidney) function through
Haemodialysis machine in people who suffer from
end stage renal disease. Haemodialysis machine
provide the fluids of dialysis for the cleaning of
the patient’s blood and removal of excess fluid.
One aspect to take care in the development of a
dialysis machine is the alarm system. Alarm systems
are important for safe and efficient operation of
many technical systems. However, it is vital that the
design of the alarms and the alarm system matches
the conditions and needs of the human operator.
During treatment multiple alarm can occur but
we must ensure that the alarm must be accurate, intuitive, and provide alerts which are readily interpreted. Audible alarms serve multiple functions in medical equipment, not
the least of which is that they protect
manufacturers against liability. This article is offered as to facilitate the improvement of alarm design; on the other hand give some tips to develop
alarm uniformity. In order to accomplish this, it is
necessary to approach the management of alarm
troubleshooting in a systematic manner. The title
of the article refers to the IEC 60601-1-8, a comprehensive international standard that specifies basic safety and essential performance requirements
and tests for alarm systems in medical equipment.
Medical equipment manufacturers usually develop
proprietary alarms for their products. Efforts to harmonize alarm systems in medical equipment had
been moving slowly over the last decade. As device makers continue to integrate more functions
into each piece of medical equipment, they must
also incorporate more types of warning sounds.
What defines a visual alarm?
It’s a good question. However, this changed in 2003
when international standard IEC 60601-1-8 was
issued. Although compliance is voluntary, it is expected that many medical equipment manufacturers
will eventually move toward adopting this standard.
In not following its guidance, manufacturers risk liability issues, but even more, they risk missing out
on sales to larger institutions that may soon begin
to require compliance to IEC 60601-1-8. The definitions of “alarm system” and “alarm condition” in
IEC 60601-1-8 are not really tight enough to exclude
an information message, since it is still to indicate
a potential hazard. It appears the scope statement
(clause 1.1) that the decision to use an “alarm system” is up to the manufacturer. Some particular
standards specify that an alarm must be provided,
also there are some Manufacturing Details Design
(MDD) essential requirements that specifically reference alarms. In all other cases the risk management
process will decide if an alarm is needed. Just for
additional justification, although nowhere stated,
the principle of IEC 60601-1-8 alarms is to bring
the users attention to the equipment generating the
alarm, in an environment where there may be many
medical devices or where the user may have their
attention on other things. In your case the user is
already sitting in front of the device, looking at the
screen, and has just made a change in setting that
might trigger the message. Thus, there is no need
to try and grab the user’s attention to your device,
such as by providing a lamp, audible sound etc. So
perhaps an improved definition of an “alarm system”
in IEC 60601-1-8 would indicate that such systems
are specifically intended to get the user’s attention
from a distance, through the use of audible and visual signals. The IEC 60601-1-8 is a collateral standard. It applies to all medical electrical devices that
provide audible or visual signals to reduce risk. For
the standard the alarms are any signal to prevent an
The IEC 60601-1-8 allows to modify the design or
eliminate some requirements.
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Why create a standard for alarms?
Identified problems included difficulty in identifying
the source of an alarm, alarms being too loud and
distracting, and high rates of false-positive or negative alarm conditions. The safety is improved, through improved perception (understanding) by clinicians. If the user understand the urgency and cause,
quicker action is taken. It is should be emphasized
that lower priority alarms are not unnecessarily distracting or disturbing.
The designer determines the priority of the condition being monitored by the medical equipment.
Any signal that is intended to alert users to a potentially harmful condition or situation so that action
can be taken to prevent harm is an alarm signal.
The equipment designer is responsible for gauging
when an alarm should trigger. In such cases, clause 201.3.1 requires that at minimum a visual alarm
must be generated.
A visual alarm is not necessary for alarm systems
that are worn, such a paging receiver. Whether audible or other type of signals are required is determined by risk analysis.
What are the situations that make alert the user to?
Any situations dangerous for patient health or used
to indicate the quality of the treatment.
The alarms can be divided into two macro types:
physiological and technical alarms.
The physiological class type contains all alarm conditions when a dialysis parameter value is out of
permitted range, exceeds a threshold and is dangerous for the health of the patient. The machine
control arterial pressure that is the pressure in the
arterial blood line between your needle and the blood pump. It is always negative because the pump is
pulling the blood from the needle. If the machine is
trying to pull blood from you faster than the needle
can give it, an alarm will activate (high arterial pressure). This alarm will stop the blood pump and close
the venous line clamp. In this example we show the
definition of the physiological alarm but is evident
the haemodialysis machine state after the alarm activation. Alarms that cause the blood pump to stop
should be managed as quickly as possible, because
if the blood is stagnant in the tubing for too long,
it will clot. Excessive clotting in the blood tubing
may result in needing to change the entire blood
tubing set, which is a time-consuming procedure.
The monitor parameters are different such as high
heart rate, low exhaled tidal volume (Ventilator) etc.
and the machine alarm state depends from there. To
classify the alarms clearly is necessary define some
attributes that following I want to deal. Instead the
technical alarms are failure of essential performance also during single fault condition or mechanical
failure resulting in a hazard or processing error (in
safety related). Anyway in both classes we need to
define other attribute to define clearly the alarms.
When we develop the software part of the dialysis
system we must remember that is needed to interact clearly with the hardware and mechanical parts
of the system and comply with the regulation the
machine state at the alarm activation is a safe state in the shortest possible time. However, in some
applications such as medical equipment, a person’s
life may depend upon the audible warning sound.
In all cases, the equipment designer should consider the desired characteristics of the audible alarm
at the initial design planning phase to obtain satisfactory performance and avoid costly redesign. The
first characteristic for a designer to consider is the
type of sound such as a continuous, intermittent, or
specialty sound. Other critical criteria include sound
level, frequency, current draw, quality, mounting
configuration, cost, and availability.
Even in this case the standard IEC 60601-1-8 comes
to the rescue, defined visual and audible alarm characteristics.
2. Methods: Determining Priority
Inadequate configuration and use of the alarm systems lead to unnecessary alarms on the one hand
and also result in critical situations not detected on
the other hand. Therefore, a higher general awareness, and increased knowledge, of healthcare providers regarding the function of the alarm system is of
interest. Determining serious injury of the patient,
probably could understand the exactly classification
of visual alarm of the medical device. For determining serious injury we start to study the typical symptoms and sign of patient. In the chronic renal therapy typical symptoms and signs of injury are:
- Breath
- Nausea
- First use syndrome
- Feel hot
- Feel funny
- Restless
- Headache
probably these list of sign required immediate first
aid to prevent serious injury and to mitigate the serious injury the machine raises an alarm. IEC 606011-8 gives guidance on whether a patient’s condition
should be assigned a high, medium or low priority.
This guidance is based on the potential result of a
failure to respond to the cause of the alarm condition and how fast the potential harm could happen
to the patient. The alarm signals priority is the following:
- low priority: operator awareness required;
- medium priority: prompt operator response required;
- high priority: immediate operator response required;
- reminder signal: if alarms are inactive;
- information signal: other than above and unlikely to be covered by the standard.
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IEC 60601-1-8 defines the different priority in the
clause 201.1.2. The risk analysis determines the priority of the condition based on severity and immediacy of required action.
The standard does not specify whether or not there
should be alarms. The circumstances which require
alarms is not specified in the standard. Is not defined the allocation of priorities alarms for specific
alarm conditions or the technology that generates
alarm signal.
be classified as following:
a- Onset of potential harm refers to when an
injury occurs and not to when it is manifested;
b- Having the potential for the event to develop
within a period of time not usually sufficient for
manual corrective action;
c- Having the potential for the event to develop
within a period of time usually sufficient for manual corrective action;
d- Having the potential for the event to develop
within an unspecified time greater than that given under “prompt”.
In the following Table 1 the values present in the
cells represent an example of alarm priority table
that follows the previous (a) , (b), (c), (d) reasons:
Onset of potential harm
Figure 1. Interface of dialysis system.
In the interface of the dialysis system figure (see Figure 1) all the interface are shown graphically. One
higherlevel interface is the graphical user interface
used by the medical staff supervising the dialysis
process. The user interface allows for the setting of
the operational values, e.g. dialysis fluid temperature and dialysis process characteristics, and provides
accurate information about the system operation.
Especially in case of alarm situations, the system
should provide up-to-date information and allow for
quick and accurate operation. Finally, the second higherlevel supports the interaction with medical information systems. This allow for the downloading
of the patient information, including patient specific
settings of the dialysis parameters.
A first point of view of the alarms classification
we should distinguish between the alarms of the
dialysis fluid circuit and the extra-corporal circuit.
In this case we separate circuits, because extra-corporal circuit is more highly prioritized for patient
safety than the dialysis fluid. This choice is correct
because during the alarms condition related to the
fluid the machine goes in bypass state, safe state
of the patient. But however an information signal
may also be used to indicate the potential result of
failure to respond in case of delayed or prompt or
immediate potential harm of the patient. The potential result of failure to respond of the nurse could
result of failure to respond
Immediate (b)
(within seconds
to a couple of
Prompt (c)
Delayed (d)
(at least several
(many minutes
to many minutes to hours)
have elapsed)
Death or
HIGH (a)
Minor injury
or discomfort
Table 1. Example Alarm Priority Table.
It is possible to study different alarm priority table,
based only choosing for comparison the operating
time of the nurse. In this case the table could be the
Onset of potential harm
result of failure to respond
(within seconds
to a couple of
(at least several
(many minutes
to many minutes to hours)
have elapsed)
Death or
Minor injury
or discomfort
Table 2. Example Alarm Priority Table.
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The cell of the table represent the different alarm
class decided. For each alarm class is defined a rule
and the color to apply by the user interface (the color
property is indicated in the Table 2). Another general rule could be that each alarm must be classified
depending on the countermeasures applied by the
machine (machine actions) after triggering that specific alarm without considering connected/related
alarms. The conditions which may cause “irreversible injuries” that could continue after the machine
action is applied will be classified high priority, because only the operator response can stop injuries.
Onset of potential harm refers to when an injury occurs and not when it is manifested. The standard ISO
3864-2:2004 (ANSI Z535.4-2002) is used to decide
the design of safety signs for products but also as a
starting point for the classification of the alarm.
This standard declare that the classification of the
alarms depends of severity of harm:
- death or serious injury;
- moderate or minor injury.
Serious injuries typically have one or more of the
following characteristics:
• result in permanent loss of function or significant disfigurement;
• requires substantial and prolonged medical treatment;
• involves considerable pain and suffering over
long periods of time.
Examples of serious injuries include amputations,
severe burns, and loss or impairment of vision or
The standard use, the meaning of the different hazard severity panels as following:
- danger - indicates a hazard with a high level of
risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury;
- warning – indicates a hazard with a medium
level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury;
- caution – indicates a hazard with a low level of
risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury.
1,4 Hz to 2,8 Hz 20% to 60%
0,4Hz to 0,8 Hz
20% to 60%
Cyan or
Constant (on)
100% on
Duty Cycle
(on/off time)
Table 3. Alarm Indicator Light.
Where does the alarm indicate/annunciate?
The standard specifies that the alarm indicate could
be as following:
• local (at device);
• distributed (remote from device);
• hardwired (e.g. hall way lights, nurse call);
• RF (e.g. pagers, mobiles).
In some cases may be both local and distributed.
The important thing to underline is that only the risk
analysis determines who needs to bealerted and locations they are likely to be. The typical signal word
selection process referring to ISO 3864-2:2004 is
summarized in the following figure 2:
2.1. Visual alarm signal characteristics
Visual alarm signals must at minimum alert the user
to the presence and cause of an alarm condition and
their priority according
Colour and other specific characteristics for visual
alarms are in Table 3.
Figure 2. Signal Word Selection Process.
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The Clause requires that where the visual
alarm is required to assure the operator will know
which device or part of the device requires attention,
the following characteristics must be provided:
- Indicate the priority of the highest active alarm;
- Perceived correctly from at least 4m away.
This indicator is necessary for alarm system that are
intended to be located in the proximity of the other
alarm systems.
The standard requires that visual alarms may be generated on displays and visual alarm “locator” light
or symbol identifies the specific alarm (LED next to
text, graphics display, etc.).
Also defines that the light/symbol used to define
the low priority and high priority may be perceived
correctly from 1m away or the operator’s position (if
defined). On visual alarm are some notes to specify:
• Determining that a visual alarm will be correctly
perceived is based on:
- 20/20 vision;
- viewpoint is operator’s position (if defined) or
30° cone from center of and horizontal to display
or other visual indicator;
- ambient light from 100 through 1,500 lx.
• It is acceptable to have a single visual alarm indicator if it meets all applicable requirements.
The guidance on visual signals advices to not use
flashing text, because is difficult to read so should
avoid. In case of the black text on white background
or white text on black background the use of flashing
text is allowed. We are needed of the audible and visual alarm system above all:
- when alarm system is in proximity of other
alarm system (i.e. in ER);
- not needed when worn (i.e. pager);
- as dictated by risk analysis.
The work involving human-machine interaction is
complex, but is essential in the medical device development. In fact there is no doubt that there is
a need for major research and development efforts
for medical device alarm systems to ensure easy
human-machine interaction to improve user greater
satisfaction. The entire chain, starting with the selection of appropriate alarm settings for a patient,
continuing with the signal acquisition and ending
with the communication of the alarm message,
needs to be carefully examined. The IEC 60601-1-6
(Usability) should be used when designing and must
be used to validate visual signals:
- meaning will be understood;
- priority will be recognized;
- location and required action will be understood.
Finally, it is important to acknowledge that nurses
are the best monitors. Providing them with the right
tools, such as mobile decision support systems or
personalized alarms, has high potential to improve
their situational awareness and efficacy, thereby improving patient safety. Special care should be taken
to avoid replacing experienced nurses with a combination of less experienced healthcare providers and
additional patient monitoring equipment.
2.2. Audible alarm Characteristic
How seen before the first step is to assign the priority of the condition that is being monitored by the
medical equipment then some characteristic requirements must be followed for the audible alarm. IEC
60601-1-8 gives guidance on whether a condition
should be assigned a high, medium, or low priority.
Audible alarm signals may be:
- prioritized and meet the characteristics defined
in clause to;
- generated by other means (i.e. voice synthesized), but these must be validated through application of 60601-1-6 (e.g. by clinical usability
An important note is that the alarm system for high
or medium priority alarm conditions that are not intended/likely to be continuously attended by an operator in normal use should generate auditory alarm
signals. For this consideration we understand that
visual alarms are not adequate alone and many times
an audible alarms in more than one location may be
The audible alarm requirements is defined in the
clause that requires:
- sounds are priority encoded;
- higher priority alarms must convey a higher sense of urgency;
- validated (e.g. clinical usability testing) or follows standard;
- may provide means to store a set of auditory
alarm signals in any alarm preset.
The clause also defines the characteristics for defined set of audible alarms, represented in the following tables (see Table 4):
Altran Italia | Technology Review # 08
150 Hz to 1,000 Hz
Number of harmonic
components in the
range 300 Hz to 4000 Hz
Not applicable
Not applicable
c) (td)
2.5 s to
15.0 s
2.5 s to
30.0 s
>15 s or no
in amplitude
between any
10 db
10 db
10 db
Minimum of 4
Effective PULSE duration
75 ms to 200 ms
125 ms to 250 ms
10% - 20% of td
FALL TIME(a) (tf)
tf < ts – tr
NOTE: The relative sound pressure level of the
harmonic components should be within 15 dB above or
below amplitude at the
a - Prevents overlap of PULSES
Number of
BURST (a,e)
1 or 2
1st and 2nd
Where x shall be a value between 50 ms and 125 ms
Where y shall be a value between 125 ms and 250 ms
The variation of x and y within a BURST shall be +- 5 %
MEDIUM PRIORITY td+y shall be greater than or equal to
a-See also Table 3 for characteristics of the PULSE
b-Unless otherwise specified in a particular standard
Table 4. Frequency and pulse alarm
Between 9th
and 10th
Between 2nd
and 3rd PULSE
Not applicable
Between 3rd
and 4th PULSE
Not applicable
Not applicable
Between 4th
and 5th PULSE
Not applicable
Not applicable
Between 5th
and 6th PULSE
0.35 s to
1.30 s
Not applicable
Not applicable
Between 6th
and 7th PULSE
Not applicable
Not applicable
Between 7th
and 8th PULSE
Not applicable
Not applicable
Between 8th
and 9th PULSE
Not applicable
Not applicable
Between 9th
and 10th
Not applicable
Not applicable
c-Manufacturers are encouraged to use the longest INTERBURST INTERVAL consistent with the risk analysis. Writers
of particular standards are encouraged to consider the
longest appropriate INTERBURST the auditory ALARM SIGNAL for the particular ALARM SYSTEM application. Long
INTERBURST INTERVAL can under certain conditions negatively affect the ability to correctly discern, in a timely
manner, the source of the ALARM CONDITION.
d-The generation of the auditory component of a LOW PRIORITY ALARM CONDITION is optional.
e-Unless inactivated by the OPERATOR, MEDIUM PRIORITY
and LOW PRIORITY auditory ALARM SIGNALS shall complete at least one BURST, and HIGH PRIORITY auditory ALARM
SIGNALS shall complete at least half of one BURST.
Table 5. Signal time alarm
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Clause has minimal requirements regarding sound pressure:
- lower priority alarms may not be louder than higher priority alarms;
- no requirements for minimum or maximum sound
pressure level:
• 45 > 85 dB is generally reasonable;
• should be based on background noise in use
environment (documented analysis in RMF).
The audible alarm signals requirements in the time
domain listed in IEC 60601-1-8 could be represented as following:
Figure 3. Representation of
the signal in the time domain.
In the following table is the IFU content:
time or time to TECHNICAL
Clause or
201.4.2 b)
statistics of distribution
mean time
statistics of distribution
power down
201.12 b)
power failure
201.12 c)
ALARM CONDITION, grouping 201.1.1
of each
Table 6. Relationship alarm argument
with clause or subclause.
Figure 3a. Example of the signal.
Just for clarification but in this article does not deepen the discourse the clause 6 of the standard highlights some rules to consider and to clarify in the
instruction for use:
• overview of alarm system;
• description of every possible alarm and, as appropriate for the user, how it is determined;
• inherent delays;
• expected operator position;
• how and when to verify alarm functionality;
• caution against setting extreme limits.
To end the overview of the audible alarm characteristic by standard is important to add some notes
on melodies and Annex EEE. Meaning of melody is
required to be consistent with the underlying alarm
condition or equipment category and may be used
only to indicate the defined conditions. Melodies
other than those defined are acceptable if they cannot be confused with the defined melodies, or the
defined alarm signals.
The standard defines generic melody for general
use as following:
Cause Any
Low Priority
Table 7. Generic melody.
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The characters c,d,e,f,g,a,d,C refer to relative musical pitches and C is one octave above c.
An examples of the different melody are represented in the following table:
Medium Priority
High Priority
c f# c
c f# c – c f#
Drug or fluid
Cdg- Cd
Equipment or
supply failure
Table 8. Alarms melody
musical pitches.
All pulses and bursts shall comply with the timing
and volume requirements of list element a) of The melodies may be sounded in different keys or octaves if the absolute frequency of
“c” lies between 150 Hz and 500 Hz. The “General”
burst may be used for any auditory Alarm signal in
any alarm system. A High priority alarm signal is generated with the five pulses shown, repeated once,
for a total of 10 pulses. There two type of exception
on some technical alarms and a information signals.
Audible alarms need not comply with the requirements of clause 201.3 if they are technical alarms
for indicating:
- power system failure;
- alarm system failure.
Information signals are up to design team and are
not regulated by the standard other than that it is
not possible to confuse them with alarm signals. IEC
60601-1-8 requires that an individual sound pulse must have a fundamental frequency (musically
known as pitch) somewhere between 150 to 1000
Hz, and there must be at least four harmonic sounds
from 300 to 4000 Hz as we can see in the following
figure 4 :
Figure 4. Example of an audible sound
that is compliance to standards.
The IEC 60601-2-16/ IEC 60601-1-8 standards impose some constraints on the sound pulses that build up an alarm sound, in terms of length, duration,
rise/fall time, spectral content and sound power.
We not expand on the frequency speech in this article, but say that the sound of the alarm requires
testing to be compliant to IEC 60601-1-8. According
the standard the audio file (high, medium, low) from
a spectral point of view, must be a minimum of 4
pulse harmonics in the range from 300 Hz to 4kHz,
the fundamental frequency of the pulses must lie
between 150 Hz and 1kHz, and the 4 harmonics
must have an amplitude between +/- 15 dB from the
3. A Software approach of intelligent alarm
The clause 201.2 describes intelligent alarm as:
• alarms threshold changes over time;
• determines an alarm condition (multiple variables, algorithms, fuzzy logic, etc.);
• generates signals for multiple conditions of
equal priority (ranking, effect on signal generation, etc.);
• changes delays (in recognition of or generation
of alarm);
• changes alarm signal characteristics (volume,
pitch, etc.);
The intelligent alarm system is a quite complex piece of software and are characterized by a higher
degree of different functionality. It determines the
different alarm condition and manages the different
condition to raise an alarm. It has a graphical user
interface to a dialysis machine and is able to describe generic information data using different kinds of
widgets. Essentially the three major software subsystems are the General User Interface (GUI), the Control System, and the Protective System (see figure 5).
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Figure 6. Sequence diagram of the Control Sequence.
Figure 5. Component Diagram of intelligent alarm subsystem.
The principal responsibilities of the GUI is to get user
input (nurse) and to resend data and alarms. Also
sends the treatment data and state of the machine
at the control system and protective subsystem this
allows to set protective and control mode in the correct states/modes. The control system supervises
the value set by the user according to the treatment
selected for the time being and is responsible for
maintaining/sending the correct values of the machine to the other subsystem (coordinator). The
control system and GUI collaboration is a tight-loop
process control system that allow to the machine to
change state and evolve. The responsible for detecting any hazard situation is the protective system.
The protective subsystem, checks the set values and
the current treatment values permitted in case of
the patient might be hurt ensure the safe condition.
It runs on a own tasks or process and is supposed
to be as separate from the other parts of the system
as possible. When detecting a hazard, the protective
system raises an alarm and engages a process of returning the system to a safe-state. The protective logic many time is redundant to ensure greater degree
of security that is required by standard. Usually, the
safe-state is stopping the blood flow or dialysis-fluid
flow. The documented structure of the system is no
more fine-grained than this and to do any change
impact analysis, extensive knowledge of the source
code is required. To achieve this requirements the
application architecture will be executed in pseudo
The device:
- collects the data;
- normalizes it using the normalizer parameter;
- calculates the new set values using the control algorithm parameter (as described in clause
The sequence control is implemented using periodic
object pattern (see figure 6).
The protect system monitoring process independently from other subsystem. If we think at the alarm
monitoring process as a device that is monitoring by
a second device (like supervisor), the Alarm Detector
Device becomes a single atomic module, which is
configured with a number of device-specific alarm
situations has arisen. If it identifies an alarm situation, it invokes the associated Alarm Handler which
then takes care of the alarm. The alarm detector device also is part of hierarchy of devices. If we want
to obtain major abstraction on the Device/Control
relations, the Alarm Detector Device represents a
specialization of the Device archetype. Components
of the Alarm Detector Device archetype is responsible for monitoring the sub devices and make sure
the value read from the sensors are within the alarm
threshold value set to the Alarm Detector Device.
When threshold limits are crossed an Alarm Handler
component is invoked. The Alarm Handler is the archetype responsible for responding to alarms by returning the haemodialysis machine to a safe-state or
by addressing the cause of the alarm. Components
are used to parameterize the Alarm Detector Device
components (see figure 7).
Figure 7. Class Diagram of dialysis
archetypes and their relation.
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The control system may utilize Alarm Detector Device to detect problem situations. Assuming this type
of architecture the protective subsystem is modeled
as a device hierarchy. In this case the entities related
to the hardware are modeled and complete system
is easily interchangeable. Also is possible to define
different controlling algorithm for every device. The
device becomes either a leaf device or a logical device.
Each controlling algorithm with a normalize represent a parameterized leaf device while more sub
devices with the controlling algorithm and the normalizer object represents a logical device. The device archetype stores the information relations and
configuration about controlling algorithm while the
controlling algorithm performs calculation for setting values of sub output device. The controlling algorithm gets values from input sub devices and the
control receives the value from encapsulated device.
So the computation is done in a separate archetype,
which is used to parameterize device components.
The object Normalizer is used to bring or make into
the same units values different units of measurement. Also a normalization archetype is used to parameterize the device components and as interface
for the different input values. The previous archetype may use to model the application architecture of
a haemodialysis machine (see figure 8).
is through interfaces to the lowest layer. This type
of architecture is based pseudo parallel execution of
the functionality. In the first step the device collects
the data then the normalizer makes different units of
measurement uniform, at last the new treatment set
value using algorithm (see figure 6). The alarm devices is used from the control system to detect alarm
condition. The protective system could be seen as
a group of alarm devices with different type of configuration. The process of alarm detect run periodically and the message to the control system of a
new calculation of the set value is sent periodically
(see figure 9).
Figure 9. Alarm Handler sequence
Figure 8. Example haemodialysis
Application Architecture.
This point of view represents the system with a layered view. The GUI subsystem is represented with
Haemodialysis Machine (HDF) treatment, while the
remains other components is in dashed region (Protective System in red, Control System in blue, Control
Hardware System in azure). The access to the device
Altran Italia | Technology Review # 08
Starting from the requirements the evaluation of the
software architecture is complicate without know
the context of the application. In this paper first we
tried to explain the salient features of IEC 60601-18. Then specified general requirements is given one
software development that follows the object 606011-8. In this article treated only some aspects of the
IEC 60601-1-8, highlighting some of the architectural design of a haemodialysis system. The aim is to
optimize the driving software quality requirements
are maintainability, reusability, safety, demonstrability during architectural design. In the other hand
provides some background to our experience. The
software maintainability is difficult to evidence, but
if the architecture easily incorporates new requirements. Also the code is atomic when needed corrects the defects and to study unit test. Finally testing the causes the maintainability of the software
developed is complete and reached high performance. Starting from the study of the reference standard the safety and demonstrability are conditions
of the IEC 60601-1-8. The device archetype used to
developed can be used again to add new functionality with slight modification. The parameterization
of the normalizer and controlling algorithm reduces
the implementation time and increases the software
reusability. The multi-layer architecture used makes
simplest the reuse of lines of code with different device and technology. There is no doubt that the software architecture with these requirements will add
cost, but is always easy to change the design cycles
of medical equipment. Also essential performance
of medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems that implement using these architecture
is most efficiently. In the long run the manufacturer
will gain a competitive advantage over their competitors and the time to improve new complete and
safe features reduces.
Haemodialysis: is a Renal replacement therapy used
to treat advanced and permanent kidney failure. The
principle of Haemodialysis is to filter waste products
from the blood and to restore normal constituents
to it, involving diffusion of solutes across a semipermeable membrane, where the dialysate is flowing in
the opposite direction to blood flow in the extracorporeal circuit.
Clause: in this use is smallest grammatical unit that
can express a complete standard. More complex
standard may contain multiple clauses, including
clauses contained within clauses.
MDD: manufacturing Details Design describe the
definitions for manufacturing or mechanical design
choices. Also MDD is a roadmap or a strategic approach as a manufacturing information of design
and noun informally refers to a plan or convention
for the construction of an object or a system.
LED: is a representation of 2 states (On/Off), in this
case we are referring to GUI LEDs that are used as indicator lamps in many devices and are increasingly
used for other lighting.
ER: in the USA represent Emergency Room in hospitals.
Pager: a pager (often called a beeper) is a simple
personal telecommunications device for short alarm
IFU: the act of using; the application or employment
of something for a purpose, the word is an abbreviation to indications for use.
API: an application programming interface (API) is a
particular set of rules (‘code’) and specifications that
software programs can follow to communicate with
each other.
Periodic Object Pattern: a description of an objectoriented design technique which names, abstracts
and identifies aspects of a design structure that are
useful for creating an object-oriented design. An
object has an internal state and provides a set of
services and sometimes, the set value of the object
‘A’ may depend on the set value of object ‘B’. Whenever ‘B’ changes, ‘A’ should recompute its state to
remain in Sync with ‘B’.
Altran Italia | Technology Review # 08
Pasquale Sessa,
tectures: adopting and evolving a product-line approach, May 1999
I. Jacobson, M. Christerson, P. Jonsson, G.
Övergaard, Objectoriented software engineering. A
use case approach, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
since November 2008 works
at Altran Italia for the Energy
(EILiS) Division. He has been
working as software and
the field of biomedical with
the Gambro Group since
2006 to present. The engage
as a consultant on behalf of the Research and
Development department of this leader biomedical
company led him to specialize increasingly in the
management of complex biomedical projects and
their staffs at international levels. He is graduated in
Electronic engineering in 2003, University of Naples,
with a master research investigated the automatic
construction of multimedia serial devices. He have
experience in: software development and design
for embedded system and in the last two years is
also developer of Human interface. He is a electronic
engineer expert informatics and automatic
measurement, interested in the construction and
implementation of a novel experimental protocol in
the biomedical field.
IEC 60601-1-8 Ed. 1.0 b:2005,
Medical electrical equipment
- Part 1-8: General requirements for safety
- Collateral Standard: General requirements,
equipment and medical electrical systems
Standard IEC 60601-1-8, 2006
ISO 3864-2:2004, Graphical symbols
- Safety colours and safety signs
- Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels
Standard ISO 3864-2:2004
The International Organization for Standardization
Dan O’Brien, Outside Sales Engineer, Mallory
Sonalert Products, Inc.Using Audible Alarms in Medical Equipment (IEC 60601-1-8)
Wirfs-Brock, B. Wilkerson, L. Wiener, Designing Object-Oriented Software, Prentice Hall, 1990.
J. Rumbaugh, M. Blaha, W. Premerlani, F.
Eddy, W. Lorensen Object-oriented modeling and
design, Prentice Hall, 1991
Jan Bosch Design and use of software archi-