2: 5: SYS19: BASE2 PDFINFO 50: 95: 98: 100: JOB: CRTEST06-3070-0 Name: 5F-70 DATE: JAN 19 2006 Time: 6:17:19 PM Operator: JB Cord and Cable Fittings 5F TCP: 15001 Typedriver Name: TS name csm no.: 100 Cl. I, Div. 2*, Groups A,B,C,D Cl. II, Div. 1, Groups E,F,G Cl. II, Div. 2, Groups F,G Cl. III Wet Locations* 45° Angle Body Male Thread Sizes 1/2⍯ - 3/4⍯ Complete with gland nut and Neoprene bushing COLOR: CMYK Body only Neoprene bushing Gland nut Wire mesh grip CGD 45° With Gland Nut and Tapered Neoprene Bushing ‡ Thread Size 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 Form Cord Range Dia. Inside Body Dia. Complete with Gland Nut & Neoprene Body Bushingɍ Only Cat. # Cat. # Neoprene Gland Bushing Nut Cat. # Cat. # Wire Mesh Grip ɍ Cat. # B B B B C C .125 to .250 to .375 to .500 to .625 to .750 to .250 .375 .500† .625† .750† .875† .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 CGD192 CGD193 CGD194 CGD195 CGD196 CGD197 CGD:3832A CGD:3832A CGD:3832A CGD:3832A CGD:5636B CGD:5636B BUSH92 BUSH93 BUSH94 BUSH05 BUSH96 BUSH97 NUT94 NUT94 NUT94 NUT94 NUT95 NUT95 RPE417-115 RPE417-116 RPE417-117 RPE421-119 B B B B C C .125 to .250 to .375 to .500 to .625 to .750 to .250 .375 .500 .625 .750† .875† .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 CGD292 CGD293 CGD294 CGD295 CGD296 CGD297 CGD:3967B CGD:3967B CGD:3967B CGD:3967B CGD:5643B CGD:5643B BUSH92 BUSH93 BUSH94 BUSH05 BUSH96 BUSH97 NUT94 NUT94 NUT94 NUT94 NUT95 NUT95 RPE417-115 RPE417-116 RPE417-117 RPE421-119 * May be used in hazardous locations with specific cords and cables when installed in accordance with NEC/CEC requirements. † Remove sufficient outer covering of cord or cable to pass conductors through the connector body. ‡ A wide variety of connectors may be made up using combinations of bodies, gland nuts and Neoprene bushings, providing all parts are of the same form. ɍ Order wire mesh grip separately. Dimensions CGD assembly Cat. # CGD192 CGD193 CGD194 CGD195 CGD196 CGD197 CGD292 CGD293 CGD294 CGD295 CGD296 CGD297 70 US: 1-866-764-5454 Approx. Swing Radius 13⁄16 13⁄16 13⁄16 13⁄16 111⁄16 111⁄16 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 11⁄4 111⁄16 111⁄16 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Dia. 13⁄16 13⁄16 13⁄16 13⁄16 15⁄8 15⁄8 19⁄64 19⁄64 11⁄8 11⁄8 15⁄8 15⁄8 c 111⁄16 111⁄16 111⁄16 111⁄16 21⁄16 21⁄16 115⁄16 115⁄16 115⁄16 115⁄16 2 2 Copyright© 2006 Cooper Crouse-Hinds STIBOINFO((CRH:66008com:5F:70)) CH0 5 F - 0 9 S Crouse Hinds 1st Proof Authors Alterations A H M N Zoom: 100