A Novel N-Port Series Divider Using Infinite Wavelength Phenomena Anthony Lai, Kevin M.K.H. Leong, and Tatsuo Itoh Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594. Email: antlai@ee.ucla.edu Abstract— A novel N -port series divider based on a composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line (TL) supporting a wave with an infinite wavelength is presented. This novel divider evenly divides power in phase to an infinite number of ports at its infinite wave frequency. In addition, it is shown that the novel series divider’s performance is not dependent on the location of its output ports. The basic operating principle is based on the fact that a CRLH TL is able to support a wave with an infinite wavelength. As a result, all points along the CRLH TL have the same magnitude and phase. A 3-port series divider consisting of a 8 unit-cell CRLH TL is shown to exhibit 0.22 dB maximum magnitude difference and 1.32◦ maximum phase difference between output ports at its infinite wavelength frequency. In addition, a 5-port series divider consisting of a 13 unitcell CRLH TL is fabricated and shown to exhibit 0.30 dB maximum magnitude difference and 6.3◦ maximum phase difference between output ports at its infinite wavelength frequency. Both simulation and experimental results are shown to support the authors’ claims. Index Terms— Metamaterials, composite right/left-handed, infinite wavelength, power divider, series-fed array. I. I NTRODUCTION Power dividers of various types are regularly used in microwave applications such as signal dividing for amplifier chains, antenna array feeds, or distribution to subsystems. There are two classes of dividers, parallel or series, each having their own advantages and disadvantages [1]. Both topologies are generally scalable to accommodate an N number of divisions. This usually comes with added complexity and larger size. Due to the parallel divider’s fundamental three port shape, parallel divider based feed networks are usually large in comparison to series divider based feed networks [2]-[3]. Series dividers are usually used over parallel dividers in applications where power needs to be equally divided to a large number of elements and where the physical area of the feed network is limited. For example, series dividers can be used to feed antenna arrays. In order to ensure that each antenna element with a predefined element spacing is fed with an equal amplitude and equal phase signal, a meander line is usually used such that power can be tapped from the series feed line at locations which are integer multiples of the guided wavelength. This meander line adds complexity to the series divider design and places spacing restrictions on the antenna elements in the array. Fig. 1. Infinite wavelength N -port series divider, element spacing (d1 , d2 , d3 , ...) and physical length (l) is arbitrary. In this paper, a novel N -port series divider is demonstrated with no limitations on the number of ports or the location of the ports along the divider for equal amplitude and equal phase power division. This novel series divider is based on a composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line (TL), which is able to support an infinite wavelength at certain frequencies [4]-[5]. The basic concept is illustrated in Fig. 1. The magnitude and phase at all points along an arbitrary length of CRLH TL supporting a wave with an infinite wavelength are identical. The physical length of the divider or the position of the power taps has no effect on the phase and power balance between each output port. Furthermore, the divider can be easily expanded to accommodate an N number of ports. The design concept is validated by fabrication and measurement of a 3-port and a 5-port divider with arbitrary signal tap spacing. II. T HEORY As mentioned above, the novel N -port series divider is based on the CRLH TL. By operating the CRLH TL at an infinite wave frequency (β=0, ω6=0), an infinite wavelength is supported on the CRLH TL. To achieve a standing wave with an infinite wavelength, a CRLH TL resonator is used. As a consequence, all points along the CRLH TL have the same magnitude and phase. A. CRLH TL Theory A CRLH metamaterial is a practical implementation of a LH material, which also includes unavoidable RH effects [4]. By modeling the CRLH as a periodic cascade of equivalent LC unit-cells consisting of a series LH capacitance (CL ), a series RH inductance (LR ), a shunt LH inductance (LL ), and a shunt RH capacitance (CR ), a ω −βc an infinite wavelength independent of the TL’s physical length, l. [5]. For both the open- or short-circuit CRLH TL, the infinite wavelength condition depends only on CL , CR , LL , and LR of the unit-cell and not on the number of cells (physical length of the CRLH TL) [5]. The infinite wavelength condition of the open-circuit CRLH TL resonator is determined by ωsh , while the infinite wavelength condition of the short-circuited CRLH TL resonator is determined by ωse [5]. Therefore, at the infinite wavelength frequency, the series elements of the open-circuit CRLH TL resonator appears to be short while the shunt elements of the shortcircuit CRLH TL resonator appears to be open. +βc ωΓ2 ω0 ωΓ1 β Fig. 2. Dispersion diagram of an unbalanced CRLH TL [7]. CRLH TL can be realized. The fundamental characteristics of the CRLH TL can be observed in its dispersion diagram shown in Fig. 2. At frequencies below the infinite wavelength point (β=0), the fundamental mode of the CRLH structure is LH and phase advance occurs (β<0). In contrast, in the frequency range above the infinite wavelength point, the fundamental mode of the CRLH structure is RH and phase delay occurs (β>0). In general, the product CR LL and the product CL LR of the CRLH TL are not equal (unbalanced) and a stop-band appears between the LH and RH ranges as depicted in Fig. 2. Therefore, the unbalanced CRLH TL has two frequencies that can support an infinite wavelength which are given by ωsh = √ 1 C R LL and ωse = √ 1 . C L LR III. I MPLEMENTATION In order to demonstrate the proposed idea, a 3-port, 8 unit-cell series divider and a 5-port, 13 unit-cell series divider are implemented. In the case of the 3-port divider, the output ports are evenly distributed, while for the 5port divider, the output ports are unevenly distributed. The results of these two circuits confirm the proposed idea. series interdigital capacitor 4.8 mm 9.9 mm 10.4 mm shunt stub to ground via (radius: 0.12 mm) (1) The CRLH TL supports a wave with an infinite wavelength at both ωΓ1 and ωΓ2 , where ωΓ1 =min(ωse , ωsh ) and ωΓ2 =max(ωse , ωsh ). At both ωΓ1 and ωΓ2 the group velocity (vg =dω/dβ) is zero and the phase velocity (vp =ω/β) is infinity. This unusual infinite wave phenomenon (β=0, ω6=0) is a unique property of the CRLH TL and is not possible in a purely RH or a purely LH TL. (a) (b) Fig. 3. CRLH TL resonator. (a) Unit-cell details; width of fingers are 0.3 mm, width of stub is 1.0 mm, and gaps are all 0.2 mm. (b) 8 unit-cell realization of resonator. B. TL Resonator Theory To realize the N -port series divider, a CRLH TL resonator is used in order to obtain a standing wave with an infinite wavelength. A conventional (i.e. RH) open- or short-circuit TL of physical length, l, can be used to realize a parallel resonator with resonance condition described by nπ , (2) l where βn is the phase constant of resonance mode n [5]. For the conventional TL resonator, n has to be a nonzero, positive integer. In the case of a CRLH TL resonator, n can also be negative or even zero. From (2), a CRLH TL resonator with n = 0, referred to as a zeroth order resonator (ZOR), is able to support a standing wave with βn = Fig. 4. E-field plots of CRLH TL at different resonant modes [5]. A. Design Methodology An open-circuit CRLH TL resonator comparable to the one presented in [5] is used to design the novel N -port series divider. The unit-cell used to realize the CRLH TL is depicted in Fig. 3(a). The interdigital capacitor provides CR and the short stub provides LL [6]. The substrate used is Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 with dielectric constant εr =2.2 and thickness h=1.57 mm. These dimensions are chosen to create a CRLH TL with an infinite wavelength frequency around 2.3∼2.4 GHz. Parameter extraction yields LC values of CL =1.27 pF, CR =1.45 pF, LL =3.27 nH, and LR =3.21 nH corresponding to fsh =2.31 GHz. Eight unitcells of Fig. 3(a) are cascaded to realize the CRLH TL resonator shown in Fig. 3(b). Coupling capacitors with values of 0.5 pF are used to increase the transferred power since weak coupling is not of interest for the divider design. In addition, Method of Moment (MoM) simulations are used to confirm Fig. 3(b)’s CRLH nature. A 2.28 GHz and 2.32 GHz infinite wavelength frequency is obtained by MoM and measurement, respectively. These results show good agreement between the predicted resonant frequency of 2.31 GHz and MoM/experimental results. In addition, Fig. 4 shows the CRLH nature of the implemented CRLH TL; at n=0 an infinite wave is supported and for n<0, wavelength is proportional to frequency. was chosen in order to connect SMA connectors to the 50Ω output ports. (a) B. 3-Port Series Divider 4.8 mm 2 3 4.8 mm 4 1.4 mm 0.2 pF SMT capacitor 25 mm 4.8 mm 1 1.5 pF SMT capacitor 103 mm Fig. 5. Layout of 3-port series divider. To demonstrate the novel series divider, the CRLH TL resonator of Fig. 3(b) was modified as shown in Fig. 5 in order to simultaneously maximize power to the output ports and not to detrimentally affect the resonance condition. Port 1 is used as the feed port and the other three ports are output ports. A 1.5 pF coupling capacitor is used at the feeding port to maximize the transferred power to the output ports. As seen in Fig. 5, the output ports are connected to the CRLH TL at the stub ends with 0.2 pF capacitors. Currently, the only limitation on port location is the size of the unit-cell used to realize the CRLH TL. In the limit that the unit-cells are infinitesimally small, the port locations can be truly arbitrary. A quarter-wave length transformer was used for the output ports in order to match the high impedance of the divider to the 50Ω output ports. Three output ports were connected at the second, fourth, and sixth unit-cells of the CRLH TL. This port distribution (b) Fig. 6. Simulation and experimental results for the 3-port divider of Fig. 5. (a) Magnitude response. (b) Phase response. Fig. 6(a) and Fig. 6(b) respectively show the output ports’ magnitude and phase responses. The MoM results were obtained from Ansoft Ensemble and the measured results were obtained from an Agilent 8510C network analyzer. At f =2.37 GHz , the 3-port divider has the following measured magnitude responses: |S11 |=-10.02 dB, |S21 |=6.64 dB, |S31 |=-6.42 dB, and |S41 |=-6.42 dB. In addition, the corresponding measured phase responses at f =2.37 GHz are: S11 =-93.01◦ , S11 =-94.33◦ , and S11 =-93.07◦ . The shift of the infinite wave frequency is attributed to the coupling capacitors at the ports. The associated loss at this frequency point due to radiation, capacitor, conductor, and dielectric losses is -1.12 dB. The magnitude and phase responses also show that the 3-port series divider’s output ports are nearly equal from 2.34 GHz to 2.52 GHz, corresponding to a 180 MHz bandwidth. C. 5-Port Series Divider 2 3 5 4 6 0.2 pF SMT capacitor 1 1.5 pF SMT capacitor 161 mm Fig. 7. Layout of 5-port series divider. In order to demonstrate that the novel divider presented has no limitation on the number or location of output ports, the 3-port series divider presented in Section III.B is modified to create a 5-port series divider as shown in Fig. 7. The 5-port series divider of Fig. 7 is composed of 13 unit-cells and has five output ports unevenly distributed along the CRLH TL. Port 1 is used as the feed port and the other five ports are output ports. The experimental magnitude and phase responses of the 5-port series divider respectively shown in Fig. 8(a) and Fig. 8(b) confirm the proposed idea presented in this paper. At f =2.37 GHz, the 5-port divider has the following measured magnitude responses: |S11 |=-10.39 dB, |S21 |=-8.32 dB, |S31 |=-8.56 dB, |S41 |=-8.48 dB, |S51 |=-8.31 dB, and |S61 |=-8.26 dB. In addition, the corresponding measured phase responses at f =2.37 GHz are: S21 =-96.04◦ , S31 =-100.17◦ , S41 =102.36◦ , S51 =-101.89◦ , and S61 =-100.59◦ . As mentioned above, the shift in resonance frequency can be attributed to the coupling capacitors. The associated loss at this frequency point due to radiation, capacitor, conductor, and dielectric losses is -0.90 dB. The magnitude and phase responses also show that the 5-port series divider’s output ports are nearly equal from 2.34 GHz to 2.40 GHz, corresponding to a 60 MHz bandwidth. IV. C ONCLUSION A novel N -port series fed divider based on the infinite wavelength characteristic of a CRLH TL is realized. Measurements of the 3-port and 5-port series dividers verify that equal magnitude and equal phase can be achieved without regards to the number or location of output ports. The series divider demonstrated in this paper can be used as a novel series fed array or for clock synchronization in microwave systems. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is part of the MURI program ”Scalable and Reconfigurable Electromagnetic Metamaterials and Devices.” (a) (b) Fig. 8. Experimental results for the 5-port divider of Fig. 7 (a) Magnitude response. (b) Phase response. R EFERENCES [1] W.L. Stutzman and G.A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1998. [2] D.M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 3rd ed. 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