REAL TIME TRAFFIC MONITORING SYSTEM AND DRIVER ASSISTANCE 1 CHAITHRA M H, 2KANTHARAJU V, 3ANIL KUMAR B N 1.2 3 Assistant Professor, KNSIT, Bangalore Assistant Professor, BRCE, Bangalore Abstract- This paper deals with building a smarter vehicle which can assist the driver by giving real-time traffic conditions on a map and also provide additional features, such as lane-change detectors, blind spot monitoring, alcohol level measurement and collision avoidance/warning. All of the stated features will be embedded on a single device. A Raspberry Pi board along with IMU, sensors, LCD screen, GPS and ZigBee will be used to accomplish the above stated task. For any vehicle that will be using this device, a dynamic, p2p network will be set up with the help of Zigbee modules, which will help give the traffic conditions for any instance of time. By using a GPS module, the network topology can be interlace with pre-downloaded maps.For driver assistance various sensors such as Alcohol sensors, an IMU-Inertial Measurement Unit i.e. Triple axis Accelerometer, Gyro and Magnetometer, etc. will be used to provide assistance. This paper explains how real time traffic information can be derived through a network without the help of large scale infrastructure and at the same time also provide various driver assistance. Keywords- Raspberry Pi, IMU-Inertial Measurement Unit, LCD screen, Global Positioning system, Zigbee, Peer to peer (p2p), Ad-hoc and mesh network. I. INTRODUCTION II. RASPBERRY PI Traffic Jams are a common sight in almost all major cities around the world, in fact all cities face traffic congestions or jams on a regular basis. In India, this problem is compounded with poor and inefficient infrastructure planning, thus leading to jams that normally last for hours. The 2nd most populous country in the world also has the one of the highest number of vehicles being sold, be it two, three or four wheelers, which only makes the non-lane based traffic in India see a rise in the traffic problems. This situation exponentially grows during peak hours, where too much time and fuel are wasted. The existing traffic monitoring systems fail to provide any real time traffic information to a driver and these systems have a critical issue as to the correct and accurate estimate of the traffic on the roads. If the traffic network state cannot be estimated with reasonable accuracy, any predictions produced on that basis can be problematic. This can result in erroneous traffic advisory or control strategies that may cause the network to perform worse than the one without a real time system in place. The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The Raspberry Pi is manufactured in two board configurations. Figure 1 : Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi processor is a 700MHz Broadcomm system on a chip with a Videocore 4 GPU. That provides OpenGL ES 2.0, hardwareaccelerated OpenVG and 1080p HD video. There's 256MB of on-board RAM and sockets for HDMI, USB 2.0, RCA video, USB 2.0 and 3.5mm audio jacks, and power comes via a MicroUSB connector.The model B adds a second USB 2.0 port and a 10/100 BaseT Ethernet connection. There's no Wi-Fi in either version. It doesn't come with a case, either, and there's no hard disk or SSD - it's designed to use SD cards for booting and storage. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Scope: The section I, deals with the introduction of the concept traffic monitoring and traffic jams. Section II describes existing model Raspberry Pi Model B and how it is measured in IMU. Section III describes about the global positioning system in traffic monitoring and the working of GPS. Section IV briefs about the zigbee module. Section V briefs about the P2P, Ad-hoc and Mesh Network. Section VI briefs about the proposed system in the real time traffic monitoring state transitions and functions. Section VII briefs the conclusion and future enhancements. Proceedings of 2nd IRF International Conference, 21st September-2014, Vizag, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-53-7 35 Real Time Traffic Monitoring System And Driver Assistance An inertial measurement unit, or IMU, is an electronic device that measures and reports on a craft's velocity, orientation, and gravitational forces, using a combination of accelerometers and gyroscopes, sometimes also magnetometers. the time the message was transmitted and, Satellite position at time of message transmission Figure 3: Working of GPS The receiver uses the messages it receives to determine the transit time of each message and computes the distance to each satellite using the speed of light. Each of these distances and satellites' locations defines a sphere. The receiver is on the surface of each of these spheres when the distances and the satellites' locations are correct. These distances and satellites' locations are used to compute the location of the receiver using the navigation equations. This location is then displayed. Basic GPS measurements yield only a position, and neither speed nor direction. However, most GPS units can automatically derive velocity and direction of movement from two or more position measurements. Figure 2: Inertial Measurement Unit An inertial measurement unit works by detecting the current rate of acceleration using one or more accelerometers, and detects changes in rotational using one or more gyroscopes. And some also include a magnetometer, mostly to assist calibrate against orientation drift. Inertial navigation systems contain IMUs which have angular and linear accelerometers (for changes in position); some IMUs include a gyroscopic element (for maintaining an absolute angular reference). Angular accelerometers measure how the vehicle is rotating in space. Linear accelerometers measure nongravitational accelerations of the vehicle. Since it can move in three axes (up & down, left & right, forward & back), there is a linear accelerometer for each axis. A computer continually calculates the vehicle's current position. First, for each of the six degrees of freedom (x, y, z and θx, θy and θz), it integrates over time the sensed acceleration, together with an estimate of gravity, to calculate the current velocity. Then it integrates the velocity to calculate the current position. IV. ZIGBEE ZigBee is a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols used to create personal area networks built from small, low-power digital radios. ZigBee is based on an IEEE 802.15 standard. Though low-powered, ZigBee devices can transmit data over long distances by passing data through intermediate devices to reach more distant ones, creating a mesh network; i.e., a network with no centralized control or high-power transmitter/receiver able to reach all of the networked devices. The decentralized nature of such networks make them suitable for applications where a central node can't be relied upon. III. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a spacebased satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. A GPS receiver calculates its position by precisely timing the signals sent by GPS satellites high above the Earth. Each satellite continually transmits messages that include: Figure 4: Zigbee Module ZigBee is used in applications that require only a low data rate, long battery life, and secure networking. Proceedings of 2nd IRF International Conference, 21st September-2014, Vizag, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-53-7 36 Real Time Traffic Monitoring System And Driver Assistance ZigBee has a defined rate of 250 kbits/s, best suited for periodic or intermittent data The ZigBee network layer natively supports both star and tree typical networks, and generic mesh networks. Every network must have one coordinator device, tasked with its creation, the control of its parameters and basic maintenance. Within star networks, the coordinator must be the central node. Both trees and meshes allow the use of ZigBee routers to extend communication at the network level. module, the network topology can be interlaced with pre-downloaded maps. Hence the driver can get an even clear view of the various traffic flow on the roads around him/her as he/she drives around. V. P2P, AD-HOC AND MESH NETWORK A peer-to-peer (P2P) network is a type of decentralized and distributed network architecture in which individual nodes in the network (called "peers") act as both suppliers and consumers of resources. In a peer-to-peer network, tasks (such as searching for files or streaming audio/video) are shared amongst multiple interconnected peers who each make a portion of their resources (such as processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth) directly available to other network participants, without the need for centralized coordination by servers. Figure 5: Block diagram of proposed system For driver assistance, an alcohol sensor will be embedded at the steering wheel and another one near the window pillar, alcohol limits when the driver breathes. Similarly for lane change, sensors will be place in the front bumper, which will warn the driver in-case of lane change. A mesh network is a network topology in which each node relays data for the network. All nodes cooperate in the distribution of data in the network. The IMU-Inertial Measurement Unit i.e. Triple axis Accelerometer, Gyro and Magnetometer, will give the vehicle’s velocity, which will measure alcohol limits when the driver breathes. Similarly for lane change, sensors will be place in the front bumper, which will warn the driver in-case of lane change. A mesh network can be designed using a flooding technique or a routing technique. When using a routing technique, the message is propagated along a path, by hopping from node to node until the destination is reached. To ensure all its paths' availability, a routing network must allow for continuous connections and reconfiguration around broken or blocked paths, using selfhealing algorithms. A mesh network whose nodes are all connected to each other is a fully connected network. Mesh networks can be seen as one type of ad hoc network. Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) and mesh networks are therefore closely related, but MANET also have to deal with the problems introduced by the mobility of the nodes. The selfhealing capability enables a routing based network to operate when one node breaks down or a connection goes bad. As a result, the network is typically quite reliable, as there is often more than one path between a source and a destination in the network. Although mostly used in wireless situations, this concept is also applicable to wired networks and software interaction. The IMU-Inertial Measurement Unit i.e. Triple axis Accelerometer, Gyro and Magnetometer, will give the vehicle’s velocity, orientation. These sensors working in tandem to compensate the pitfalls of each other for giving a clean orientation using algorithm filtering. It enables the IMU to become a very powerful control mechanism for vehicles. We will process the data from the sensors, and calculate the direction of the vehicle along with is current speed. Through the p2p network, information will be transmitted to all other similar devices in the network. Using this data, other systems will calculate the distance between vehicles, the direction and the speed at which vehicles will be travelling. VI. PROPOSED SYSTEM This will help in achieving blind spot monitoring and collision avoidance/warning. The refresh rate of the data must be very high, as it will be used to detect any collision or danger of collision due to change of lane or overtaking, etc. caused by some other vehicle. For any vehicle that will be using this device, a dynamic, p2p network will be set up with the help of Zigbee modules, which will help give the traffic conditions for any instance of time. By using a GPS Proceedings of 2nd IRF International Conference, 21st September-2014, Vizag, India, ISBN: 978-93-84209-53-7 37 Real Time Traffic Monitoring System And Driver Assistance Figure 6: Real Time Traffic Monitoring – State Transitions and Functions The real time network topology will be display on a LCD screen, this will give the driver information about all other vehicles within the range of the Zigbee module. Thus, drivers can optimize their route based on the traffic conditions as they see on the screen, thus saving time and fuel. As an additional enhancement to the Real Time Traffic Monitoring (RTMS) we can use Enhancing driving efficiency and distributing traffic and easing congestions and traffic jams. the data to monitor and regulate traffic and at the same time study the vehicular traffic pattern across the city, using the same technology they will also be able to track stolen vehicles and also their own, similarly major companies can track their cabs used to pick and drop their employees, enhancing their security, etc. In case of accidents where traffic often end up in opposite lanes, fall off from great heights or turn over, using the information gathered from the device on board a message can be sent to various emergency services to take action as fast as possible. Similarly data can be gathered to investigate accidents by insurance companies and other departments. Lastly a collision avoidance system can be built using the device that will over come the delays present in ultrasound bases sensors and GPS bases collision avoidance system. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT This paper presents a real-time traffic monitoring system using wireless technology over Zigbee and at the same time also various driver assistance. This system will reduce existing physical and inadequate infrastructure by virtually removing most of it. By comparison it will be cheaper to existing technology as most of it uses open source technology and is available to anybody. It is quite easy to implement it and will be user friendly. The future enhancement will add versatility to the system by enabling it to send real time data to various public departments such as the police and hospitals and other emergency services if and when corresponding situation arise. The data collected from the vehicles can be uploaded online and made available to the traffic police, companies and hospitals. The traffic police can use REFERENCES [1]., 45620h3/ [2]. [3] volume2/issue4/ijcatr02041016 [4]. [5]. xpl/article Details.jsp? arnumber = 5708041&queryText%3DIMU tp=& [6]. 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