2016 Prospectus Final.pub - East Northants Bible School

be equipped
ENabling Believers to Serve
Message from the Principal
About ENBS
Why Choose ENBS?
NCFE Accreditation
Meet the Team
Equipped 4 Life and Ministry
Spiritual Gifts and Supernatural
Personal Ministry Development
Alpha and Omega
New Perspectives - Equipping in
Prayer Ministry
Level 3 Award in Education
Level 3 Principles in End of Life Care
Level 3 Principles of Mentoring
Locations of UK Satellite Centres
Graduate Testimonies
East Northants Bible School is an exciting and life changing learning environment, where
transformation takes place because of the combination of the Word and Spirit teaching.
ENabling Believers to Serve is the God given mandate of East Northants Bible School.
Empowering and releasing the people of God to be everything that He has called them to be
is paramount if we are going to see the generations reached for Christ.
ENabling Believers to Serve
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
Message from the
It is with a great sense of anticipation and excitement
that I invite you to consider joining us at East Northants
Bible School.
The courses are suitable for Christians from all walks of
life whether you have been a Christian a long time or a
very short while.
It has been humbling to be involved in the plans and
purposes of the Lord as He has used our teaching and
ministry to transform the lives of students in past years.
I look forward to welcoming you as we together
cooperate with Him in 2016 -17!
The courses we offer are internationally accredited academically and they are quite simply
life changing spiritually! Our students discover their identity in Christ, some are healed and
set free, all learn to walk with the Lord and trust Him in a deeper way.
Our teachers and lecturers are academically well qualified and they are daily living out
their faith. Our courses expound the theoretical aspects of the studies and teach from a
Biblical perspective and all our teaching is grounded with training, practically applying all
that is taught.
Elaine Roberts
Rev Elaine Roberts Dip.Th. M.Th.
What’s Distinctive About ENBS?
East Northants Bible School has proven fruitful for the Lord time and time again, with the
student missions seeing hundreds give their lives to Jesus and the lives of the students
transformed for ever.
The distinctiveness of East Northants Bible School is that the curriculum offers teaching
combining both Word and Spirit. This is expressed through the teaching which lays a sound
Biblical foundation for ministry, whilst simultaneously focusing on practical equipping in the
context of prophetic prayers and Spirit led worship.
Whilst we do teach theology, the primary purposes of our courses are:
To get God's Word inside of you,
To get what is not God's Word out of you,
To fan the fire of God in you until it becomes an unquenchable furnace.
Our students are from all denominations, streams and expressions of the Christian faith and
we accept Christians of any denomination or none to enrol on the school.
You will note that within our prospectus there are several levels of accountability – the
photographs are of prayerful people who have invested large parts of their life into helping
the school develop scripturally and practically in response to God’s guidance.
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
East Northants Bible School is a place where impartation happens. Tools are put in your
hands and the fire of God in your heart to equip you for life and ministry enabling the
release of the precious calling and gifting of God in your life.
East Northants Bible School is for you, if you want to be used by God to make a difference
that will last for all eternity. It is the perfect opportunity to learn and receive from anointed
ministers of the Gospel who are bearing fruit in the UK and internationally.
Individually or collectively, the church cannot possibly engage in the cosmic task of the Great
Commission without divine enablement. East Northants Bible School serves the church by
equipping and releasing the saints to discover their spiritual gifts, enabling them to minister
with sensitivity and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The teaching stimulates revelation activating God’s Word into individual lives, resulting in
restoration, breakthrough and release. This has proven to be true time and time again, with
the missions seeing hundreds give their lives to Jesus and the lives of the students
Many former graduates have gone on to ordained ministry with Elim Pentecostal Church UK,
Baptist Union, Assemblies of God, Salvation Army and the Church of England.
Hundreds of others are faithfully serving their local church in key positions using their gifts
in teaching, in preaching, as cell group leaders, in worship ministry, as food bank leaders, as
street pastors, as disciplers, as evangelists, as initiators of new ministries within the church,
as children's workers, in prophetic ministry; whilst for others it has been a springboard to
Theological and Bible Colleges for further study.
ELIM Accredited
One year of completing Equipped 4 Life course and graduating from ENBS can earn ministry
applicants to ELIM Pentecostal Churches, one third of the required credits for ordination.
East Northants Bible School courses have been accredited under our NCFE Investing In
Quality (IIQ) Licence. The courses are benchmarked at Level 3 and Level 4, using Ofqual’s
QCF level descriptors. East Northants Bible School has been approved as an NCFE IIQ
Centre, to give formal recognition and accreditation to our courses. NCFE Accreditation gives
assurance that the contents of our teaching courses are of a high standard and meet the
rigorous quality assurance requirements of a National Awarding Organisation.
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
Rev Damian Carr
Rev Dr. Kate Coleman
Rev Dr. Mark Lees
Rev Ian Fall
Dr. Richard Harvey
Ivet White
Pastor - Hope Church Corby
Founder and co-director of Next
Minister for Missions and
Pastor - Rushden Mission Church
Senior Researcher
Jews For Jesus
Counselling Psychologist
Rev Elaine Roberts
Dip.Th. M.Th.
Matt Redfearn
Klaudia Cairns
Colette Barron
Agata Redfearn
Rob Bierton
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Director of Evangelism
Prayer Coordinator
Prayer Ministry
Diane Webb
B.Sc. Hons
Ruth Gibbs
B. Sc. Hons
Caroline Bates
Sarah Peters
Benjamin Luk
Sheila Luk
Dip. I.T.E.C. Dip. V.C.T.C.
Office Manager
Safeguarding Officer
Student Dean
Student Dean
Pastoral Student Dean
Faculty Manager
Rev. Linz Alexander
Warwick: Senior Lecturer
Rob Bierton
ENBS Spalding
ENBS Warwick
Rev. Chas and Marion Sandhu
Spalding: Senior Lecturers
Stephanie Bradley
Klaudia Cairns
Selina Ford
Rachel Henry
BA (Hons)
RN BA (Hons)
Sheila Luk
ENBS Falmouth
Rev. Sandie and Rev. Malcolm Ward
Falmouth: Senior Lecturers
Richard Cairns
Matt Redfearn
Colette Barron
Guest Lecturers
Rev John Glass
Rev Damian Carr
Rev Ian Fall
Dr Rev Kate Coleman
Dr Rev Mark Lees
Dr Richard Barrett
Dr Farid Abu Rhame
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
ENBS Courses
Spiritual Gifts and the Call to Serve
Discover what spiritual gifts are, and how the
body of Christ operates when activated and
released to operate in His power.
The Biblical Basis for Ministry
A comprehensive and thorough grounding of
how we are made to function in the physical
and spiritual world. Discover the authority you
have as a believer in Christ, learn how to
effectively disciple others.
Course: Equipped 4 Life
Validated by NCFE and recognised at the National Standard, NQF Level 4.
Equipped 4 Life equips you for Life and Ministry. This course unlocks ministries and attributes you
did not even know existed within you, equipping you for the ministry and releasing the calling and
gifting of God in your life. Equipped 4 Life has been continually refined to effectively bring you to the
cutting edge of Christian living.
Course Modules:
The Nature And Purpose of Man
Making The Most Of Your Story
Bible Based Ministry
Leading A Person To Christ
Evangelism And The Great Commission
Divine Appointments
Presenting The Gospel
Freedom From The Occult
House To House And Witnessing Results
The Power Of Praying And Fasting
Engaging With God’s Word
Creating Outreach And Mission Opportunities
Developing A Ministry Team
Community Services
Comparative Religions
Ministering To Muslims
Cross Cultural Ministry
Ministering To The Terminally Ill
What Happens When You Die?
Integrity In Ministry
Divine Healing
The Authority Of The Believer
Discipling Others
Healing The Broken Hearted
Keys To An Effective Prayer Life
Times: Once a month evenings 7 - 10pm, see below and Saturday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Commencing Friday 7th and Saturday 8th October
Choose one of our regional satellite centres closest to you Falmouth-Cornwall Friday, WarwickWarwickshire Thursday, Spalding-Lincolnshire Wednesday, or Clopton-Northamptonshire Friday
Course costs £950.00 payment terms available
This year has stretched me so much with all the teaching and
studying. I know I have a greater depth and certainty in my faith
and knowledge. Thank you so much.
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
ENBS Courses
Course: Spiritual Gifts and Supernatural Living
What they are: How to find them: How to use them.
Validated by NCFE and accredited at the National Standard, NQF Level 3.
Spiritual Gifts will teach you how to recognise the spiritual gifts God has given and how to step into
them. It will teach you how to recognise the voice of the Holy Spirit, understand who He is, what He
does and how He communicates. The modules are geared to empower you to be even more
effective and fruitful in fulfilling your ministry through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Course Modules:
The Purpose Of Gifts
Word Of Knowledge
Gift of Faith
The Discovery Of Gifts
Word Of Wisdom
Gifts of Healings
The Power Of Love
Gift Of Tongues
Gift Of Working of Miracles
The Value Of Personality
Gift Of Discerning of Spirits
The Influence Of Passion
Gift Of Interpretation of
Dreams And Dream
Interpretation And Visions
The Promise Of Ministry
Gift Of Prophecy
This course runs fortnightly for 18 sessions on Wednesdays
Commencing: Wednesdays 28th September 2016
Venue: Clopton
Time: 10am - 1pm
Course costs £325.00 payment terms available
Learn to differentiate your will from His
and discover the joy when you live in
your God designed destiny.
Course: Personal Ministry Development
This course is validated by NCFE and accredited at the National Standard, NQF Level 4.
This course is designed to develop personal ministry gifting and some callings.
Course Modules:
Imagine A Church
The Value Of Personality
Five Fold Gifts And Ministries
The Purpose Of Gifts
The Influence Of Passion
Laying On Of Hands
The Discovery Of Gifts
The Promise Of Ministry
Christian Counselling
The Power Of Love
Call, Or Desire ?
Prayer Ministry
Commencing: Next Year September 2017
Venue: Clopton
The knowledge that I have received did not only stay in the theoretical
realm, but it supernaturally moved me to act on it! Thank you very much
for everything! I will hope and pray, that I could take another course!
Every blessing. Justas
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
ENBS Courses
Course: Alpha and Omega
Validated by NCFE and accredited at the National Standard, NQF Level 4.
This course is for those who wish to understand the Biblical origins of man, explore the key stages of
Christianity and the Church from the Day of Pentecost to the present day, whilst at the same time
making the prophetic connection to eschatology.
Course Modules:
The Biblical Origins Of Man
The Second Coming Of Jesus
The Jewish Roots Of Christianity
What Happens At Death?
Development Of Christianity
This course runs Wednesday evenings for 10 Weeks fortnightly
Commencing: Wednesday 11th January 2017
Venue: Clopton
Time: 7-10pm
Course costs £495.00 payment terms available
ENBS equips you for ministry. It is a time of
impartation that puts the tools in your hands
and the fire of God in your heart.
Course: Level 3 Award In Education And Training
NVQ Validated by NCFE and accredited at the National Standard, QCF Level 3.
This course is for anyone who wants to be better equipped to teach others in their own specialist
Course Modules:
This course runs for 8 Saturdays and includes an end of course assessment to enable you to achieve
the Level 3 Award in Education.
Understanding Roles, Responsibilities And
Facilitate Learning And Development In Groups
Relationships In Education And Training
Understanding Assessment In Education And
Understanding And Using Inclusive Teaching And
Learning Approaches in Education And Training
Facilitate Learning And Development For
Understanding The Principles And Practices Of
Commencing: Saturday, 2nd September 2016
Venue: Clopton
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Course costs £350.00 payment terms available
I found the School invigorating, passionate, so encouraging and
enabling. From the passion and the personal sharing of the lecturers,
to the freshness of insight given to scriptures and the activity of God
in our lives. Paul
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
ENBS Courses
Course: New Perspectives - Equipping for Prayer Ministry
This course is non-validated and non accredited.
This course is designed to build a strong biblical foundation for those who feel a Godly call on their
life to see people set free from emotional and spiritual bondage.
Course Modules:
• The Biblical Basis For
East Northants Bible School Prayer Ministry
• The Blessings Of Obedience And Curses Of
• Heavenly Places And Spiritual Beings
• Barriers To Freedom – Their Roots And Causes
• Prayer Ministry Practice
This course runs once a month for five months on Saturdays
Commencing: Saturday 25th February 2016
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Venue: Clopton
Course costs £275.00 payment terms available
Course: Level 2 Award In Mentoring
NVQ Validated by NCFE and accredited at the National Standard, QCF Level 2.
This course is for anyone who wants to develop or enhance their skills as a mentor. Suitable for
pastors, leaders, teachers, youth workers and those interested in setting up a mentoring scheme in
the local church / organisation.
Course Modules:
• Role Of A Mentor
• Preparation For The Role Of A Mentor
• Demonstrating Mentoring Skills And Techniques
Delivered over three Saturdays, covering Biblical, theoretical and practical based teaching plus an
opportunity to practise your mentoring skills. In addition to the core days, there will be an end of
course assessment to enable you to achieve the level 2 Award in Mentoring.
Dates: Saturdays 21st January, 18th February, 18th March, final Saturday, 1 April 2017 (10am - 12pm)
Venue: Clopton
Course Costs £350.00 payment terms available
Course: Level 3 Certificate In The Principles Of End Of Life Care
NVQ Validated by NCFE and accredited at the National Standard, QCF Level 3.
This course is for anyone who wants to be better equipped both spiritually and practically when
ministering to those who are terminally ill and ministering to their carers.
Course Modules:
This course runs Monday evenings fortnightly for 10 sessions
• Understanding End of Life Care
• Spirituality and Faith During End of Life Care
• Communication During End of life Care
• Person Centred Approaches to End of Life Care
• Assessment and Care Planning in End of Life Care
• Caring During the Final Hours and Bereavement Care
Commencing: Monday 5th December 2016
Venue: Clopton
Time: 7-10pm
Course costs £350.00 payment terms available
I had a fantastic time on the school. It was fun challenging,
impacting and encouraging. I learnt a lot about myself and the call of
God on my life. Praise God for work of East Northants Bible School.
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
ENBS Satellite Centres
East Northants Bible School is now offering courses around the UK from one of three new satellite
centres. Call the office or visit the website to apply.
ENBS Spalding
The Lighthouse Pentecostal Church
10 Haverfield Road
PE11 2XP
ENBS Warwick
New Life Church
Friars St
CV34 6HA
ENBS Falmouth
Address TBC
The new ENBS Library is now open for 2016
students. Over 2,500 books written over 2000
years of Church and Christian life.
New Online Course in 2017 ‘Going Deeper’
We are excited to announce that from January 2017 a new online course ‘Going Deeper’ will be
running from East Northants Bible School. Going Deeper will be run over two years, involving online
tuition through video presentations, online assessments and activities and twice yearly ’hub
gatherings’ for personal support, face time mentoring and tuition.
‘Going Deeper’ is an introduction to Christian doctrine and is designed to practically engage in
Course Modules
• The Inspiration, Inerrancy And Infallibility Of
• The Atonement And What It Does
• The Power And Authority Of God’s word
• The Beginning And Completion Of Salvation
• The Nature Of God
• The Nature, Role And Function Of The Church
• The Nature Of Man
• The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ And Its
• The Nature Of Sin
• The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit
• The Deity And Humanity Of Christ
It is evident that this ministry has been a significant blessing to the
churches at home and abroad.
Rev John Glass
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
Graduates Testimonies
“A great opportunity that should not be missed at any age! Thank you” Kevin
“Life changing!” Karine
“A hothouse for spiritual growth.” Helena
I want to testify to the amazing difference East Northants Bible School has had in my life. My Biblical
foundations have been strengthened; clarified and energised. I am more confident in who I am in
Christ, and know that He is equipping me to do the works He ordained for me. I thank God for the
Godly team who have ministered into my life. Thank you so much for the influence you have all had
in my life - never the same again!” Sheilagh
“Highly beneficial, stimulating and extremely worthwhile. I highly recommend it to anyone at any
stage in their Christian walk. There is something for all of us.” Paul
“The School provides amazing teaching, takes you out of your comfort zone and shows you what
God has for you.” David
“I was helped to overcome shyness and fear and released into new gifting's and talents. A liberating
experience that pushed the boundaries of how I believed God could use me.” Louise
“When I first started the School, I really thought “what can you teach me?” Every time I find myself in
this position the Holy Spirit took over. At times I found it very rewarding. I am so glad that I was
able to attend.” Bill
”I honestly cannot describe how much this course has helped me. I have learnt so much about
myself that I never even knew existed. The sound Biblical teaching completely pierced my heart and
prepared me to enter the battle field. I want to thank you, all of you at the school, from the bottom
of my heart and soul for giving me the tools I need in order to build a solid foundation and to
continue to build a relationship with our Lord! The mission was a tremendous experience. It is
incredible to see what can happen when you simply allow God to move through you and use you.
God’s will was done and I couldn’t be more satisfied. Thank you all for this wonderful experience,
I will truly miss you, but I know we will most definitely cross paths again.” Martin
“Before coming on the course I longed to live out the book of Acts yet I had no real direction or idea
how to go about it. This course gave me just that. Through the School I have learned how to carry
out His will with confidence and assurance. The things that I have learned while on this course are
eternal! Kendra
“The school is led with a real submission to God which is reflected in the quality of the teaching. IT
“The school has helped me to grow and develop spiritually. It has birthed a new boldness and
leadership in me. It has perfected/is perfecting my character. The mission was ordained by God
and many seeds were sown and much fruit will come out of it. Every person had a specific part to
play and worked as a team in love and unity. To God be the glory!” Jenna
Thank God for ENBS! The schools have equipped many in our church
who are now discipling others and having a real kingdom impact!
Rev Damian Carr
ENBS 2016/2017 Prospectus
Take the next step on your journey!
To apply visit www.enbs.co.uk and click on Apply Now or call the office on
01832 720 177 for an application form.
How to apply?
To apply visit www.enbs.co.uk and click on Apply Now or call the office for more details
East Northants Bible School
Mandate House, Christian Training Centre, Clopton, Kettering, NN14 3DZ
01832 720 177 | www.enbs.co.uk | info@enbs.co.uk
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