IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 51, NO. 4, APRIL 2004 569 Two-Dimensional Analytical Modeling of Fully Depleted DMG SOI MOSFET and Evidence for Diminished SCEs M. Jagadesh Kumar, Senior Member, IEEE, and Anurag Chaudhry Abstract—A two–dimensional (2-D) analytical model for the surface potential variation along the channel in fully depleted dual-material gate silicon-on-insulator MOSFETs is developed to investigate the short-channel effects (SCEs). Our model includes the effects of the source/drain and body doping concentrations, the lengths of the gate metals and their work functions, applied drain and substrate biases, the thickness of the gate and buried oxide and also the silicon thin film. We demonstrate that the surface potential in the channel region exhibits a step function that ensures the screening of the drain potential variation by the gate near the drain resulting in suppressed SCEs like the hot-carrier effect and drain-induced barrier-lowering (DIBL). The model is extended to find an expression for the threshold voltage in the submicrometer regime, which predicts a desirable “rollup” in the threshold voltage with decreasing channel lengths. The accuracy of the results obtained using our analytical model is verified using 2-D numerical simulations. Index Terms—Device scaling, insulated gate field effect transistors, short-channel effects (SCEs), silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOSFET, threshold voltage, two-dimensional (2-D) modeling. I. INTRODUCTION I N KEEPING with the progress in process technology, CMOS devices have been scaled down, continuously pushing the MOS technology into the deep-submicrometer era. However, when the channel length shrinks, the absolute value of threshold voltage becomes smaller due to the reduced controllability of the gate over depletion region by the increased charge-sharing from the source/drain. Therefore, the study of short-channel effects (SCEs) has assumed a significant role because both the threshold voltage rolloff at decreasing gate length as well as drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) at increasing drain voltage pose a serious challenge to the efforts for down-scaling the CMOS technology. Thin-film, fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOSFETs offer superior electrical characteristics over bulk MOS devices, such as reduced junction capacitances, increased channel mobility, excellent latchup immunity and reduced SCEs [1]. As a consequence, deep-submicrometer SOI circuit design and simulation are increasingly becoming important in very large-scale technology (VLSI) technology research. In contrast to the bulk device, the front gate of the SOI device Manuscript received June 23, 2003; revised November 18, 2003. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor R. Shrivastava. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 110 016 India (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2004.823803 has better control over its active device region in the thin film and hence charge-sharing effects from source/drain regions are substantially reduced. However, the thin-film thickness has to reduce to the order of 10 nm to significantly improve the device performance, which becomes prohibitively difficult to manufacture and causes large device external resistance due to shallow source/drain extension (SDE) depths Long et al. [2] recently demonstrated that the application of dual-material gate (DMG) in bulk MOSFET leads to a simultaneous transconductance enhancement and suppression of SCEs due to the introduction of a step function in the channel potential. In a DMG MOSFET, the work function of metal gate 1 (M1) is greater than metal gate 2 (M2) i.e., for an n-channel MOSFET and vice-versa for a p-channel MOSFET. However, the effects of the DMG structure have not been studied so far in the case of SOI MOSFETs, which play an important role in the present day CMOS design. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to study for the first time the potential benefits offered by the DMG gate in suppressing the SCEs in SOI MOSFETs using two-dimensional (2–D) modeling. In this paper, an analytical short-channel model for a fully depleted DMG SOI MOSFET is presented by solving the 2-D Poisson equation. The model is used to calculate the surface potential distribution in the SOI thin film under the two metal gates and to explain the unique attributes of the DMG structure in suppressing the SCEs “rollup” like hot-carrier effect, DIBL and threshold voltage in SOI MOSFETs. This model thus provides an efficient tool for design and characterization of the novel DMG SOI MOSFET. The effects of varying device parameters can easily be investigated using the simple models presented in this paper. The model results are verified by comparing them with the 2-D simulated results from MEDICI [3]. II. TWO-DIMENSIONAL MODEL FOR SURFACE POTENTIAL A schematic cross-sectional view of a fully depleted SOI MOSFET is shown in Fig. 1 with gate metals M1 and M2 of and , respectively. Assuming that the impurity lengths density in the channel region is uniform, and the influence of charge carriers and fixed oxide charges on the electrostatics of the channel can be neglected, the potential distribution in the silicon thin film, before the onset of strong inversion can be written as [4] 0018-9383/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE for (1) 570 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 51, NO. 4, APRIL 2004 1) Electric flux at the gate/front-oxide interface is continuous for both the metal gates for M1 (5) for M2 (6) is the dielectric constant of the oxide, where gate oxide thickness, and is the and where Fig. 1. Cross-sectional view of an n-channel fully depleted DMG SOI MOSFET. is the gate-to-source bias voltage, and are the front-channel flatband voltages of M1 and M2, respectively. 2) Electric flux at the interface of buried oxide and the backchannel is continuous for both the metal gates. where is the film doping concentration, is the dielectric is the film thickness and is the deconstant of silicon, vice channel length. The potential profile in the vertical direccan be approximated by tion, i.e., the -dependence of a simple parabolic function as proposed by Young [4] for fully depleted SOI MOSFETs (2) where is the surface potential and the arbitrary coeffiand are functions of only. cients In a conventional SOI MOSFET, the gate is made of only one material, but in the DMG structure, we have two different materials with different work functions, which are amalgamated together laterally. Therefore, the flatband voltage for the two and , the gates would be different, as it depends upon metal work functions of M1 and M2, respectively, which are given as for M1 (7) for M2 (8) where is the buried oxide thickness, is the potential function along the backside oxide–silicon interface, , where is the substrate and bias, and is the back-channel flatband voltage. 3) Surface potential at the interface of the two dissimilar metals is continuous (9) 4) Electric flux at the interface of the two dissimilar metals is continuous and (10) The semiconductor work function can be written as 5) The potential at the source end is (11) where is the Fermi potential, is the is the electron affinity, is the thermal silicon bandgap, voltage, and is the intrinsic carrier concentration. In the DMG structure, since the gate is divided into two parts, the potential under gate regions M1 and M2 can be written as for for (3) 6) The potential at the drain end is (12) where is the built-in potential across the body–source junction. The constants , , , and in (3) and (4) can be deduced from the boundary conditions (5)–(8). Substituting their values in (3) and (4) and then in (1) we obtain (4) The Poisson’s equation is solved separately under the two gate regions using the following boundary conditions. and (13) KUMAR AND CHAUDHRY: 2-D ANALYTICAL MODELING OF FULLY DEPLETED DMG SOI MOSFET where 571 The DIBL effect can be demonstrated by plotting the surface , as a function of the position along potential minima the channel for different drain bias conditions. The electric field pattern along the channel determines the electron transport velocity through the channel. The electric field component in the -direction, under the metal gates M1 and M2 is given as (18) and (19) The above two equations are useful in examining how the drain side electric field is modified by the DMG structure. where , and . The above equations are simple second-order nonhomogenous differential equations with constant coefficients, which have a solution of the form (14) (15) and . Now using boundary condiwhere tions (9)–(12) to solve for , , and , we obtain the equation shown at the bottom of the page, where and . The above expression for surface potential can be reduced to the form presented in [4] for a single material , and gate (SMG) structure upon substituting in (14). The minimum potential of the front-channel can be calculated from (14) as (16) The minima occurs at (17) and III. TWO-DIMENSIONAL THRESHOLD VOLTAGE MODEL FOR DMG FD SOI MOSFET is that value of the gate voltage The threshold voltage at which a conducting channel is induced at the surface of SOI MOSFET. In a fully depleted thin film SOI, it is desirable that the front channel turns on before the back channel. Therefore, the threshold voltage is taken to be that value of gate source , where is the difference voltage for which between the extrinsic Fermi level in the bulk region and the intrinsic Fermi level. In the case of DMG structure, due to the coexistence of metal gates M1 and M2, with different work functions, the surface potential minima is solely determined by the metal gate with higher work function. So the threshold voltage at which the minimum surface pois defined as the value of equals . Hence, we can determine the value tential by solving (16). of threshold voltage as the value of and , we can approximate and as When and and upon solving for , we obtain an expression of the form for the threshold voltage 572 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 51, NO. 4, APRIL 2004 where (a) and A significant result of this formulation is the ability to tune the surface potential by “gate-material engineering.” The dependence of surface potential and hence, threshold voltage on the difference between the gate material work functions of the two gate metals can offer another degree of freedom for the SOI transistor design. This has also been observed for the DMG structure on bulk MOSFETs [5]. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To verify the proposed analytical model, the 2-D device simulator MEDICI [3] was used to simulate the surface potential distribution within the silicon thin film. A fully depleted (FD) n-channel DMG SOI structure is implemented in MEDICI having uniformly doped source/drain and body regions. Typical values of the workfunction of gate metals M1 and M2 are chosen as 4.77 and 4.1 eV, respectively, for a DMG SOI, and 4.77 eV for the SMG SOI gate workfunction. All the device parameters of DMG and SMG are equivalent unless otherwise stated and are given in the figure captions. In Fig. 2, the calculated and simulated values of surface potential are plotted against the horizontal distance in the channel for channel lengths of 0.1 m and 0.2 m at different drain voltages. It can be seen from the figure that due to the presence of the DMG, there is no significant change in the potential under the gate M1 as the drain bias is increased even for channel lengths up to 100 nm. Hence, the channel region under M1 is “screened” from the changes in the drain potential, i.e., the drain voltage is not absorbed under M1, but is under has only a very small influence M2. As a consequence, on drain current after saturation and the drain conductance is reduced. It is evident from the figure that the shift in the point of the minimum potential is almost zero irrespective of the applied drain bias. This is a clear indication that the DIBL effect is considerably reduced for the DMG SOI MOSFET. The model predictions correlate well with the simulation results proving the accuracy of our proposed analytical model. In Fig. 3, the electric distribution along the channel near the drain is shown for SMG and DMG SOI MOSFETs with a m. It is evident from the figure that channel length (b) Fig. 2. (a) Surface channel potential profiles of a fully depleted DMG SOI MOSFET obtained from the analytical model and MEDICI simulation for different drain biases with a channel length L = 0:1 m. (b) Surface channel potential profiles of a fully depleted DMG SOI MOSFET obtained from the analytical model and MEDICI simulation for different drain biases with a channel length L = 0:2 m. The screening effect is distinctly visible. The parameters used are t = 5 nm, t = 450 nm, t = 150 nm, and V = 0 V. Fig. 3. Longitudinal electric field along the channel toward the drain end obtained from the analytical model and MEDICI simulation in DMG SOI and SMG-SOI MOSFETs with a channel length L = 0:4 m and a drain bias V = 1:75 V. The parameters used are V = 0:15 V, t = 5 nm, t = 400 nm, t = 100 nm, V = 0 V, and N = 6 10 cm . 2 the presence of a lower function gate at the drain side reduces the peak electric field considerably. This reduction of the electric field experienced by the carriers in the channel can be interpreted as the reduction of the hot-carrier effect at the drain KUMAR AND CHAUDHRY: 2-D ANALYTICAL MODELING OF FULLY DEPLETED DMG SOI MOSFET 573 Fig. 4. Variation of surface potential with position in channel for different L ) constant. combination of gate lengths L and L , keeping the sum (L + (a) Fig. 5. Variation of the front-channel minimum potential with channel length L ( L L ) for fully depleted DMG SOI MOSFETs for different silicon thin-film thickness, and with L constant at 0.1 m. The parameters used are V : V, t nm, and V nm, t V. = + = 0 15 =5 = 400 =0 end. As shown in the figure, the results from the analytical model are in close proximity with the simulation results. Fig. 4 shows the variation of surface potential with the normalized channel position for different combinations of gate and of M1 and M2, respectively, keeping the lengths sum of total gate length, ( ), to be constant. It is seen from the figure that the position of minimum surface potential, lying under M1 is shifting toward the source as the length of gate M1 is reduced. This causes the peak electric field in the channel to shift more toward the source end and thus there is a more uniform electric field profile in the channel. Moreover, it is observed that the channel potential minima for the three increases, a cases are not the same. This happens because as portion of the channel controlled by the gate metal with larger workfunction [6] is increased. The variation of the front-channel minimum potential as a ) for fully depleted function of channel length ( DMG SOI with silicon thin-film thickness and 50 nm is shown in Fig. 5. In the case of DMG SOI MOSFETs, the dependence of minimum channel potential on the thin-film thickas comness can be more effectively reduced by decreasing pared to the SMG SOI MOSFETs. This is due to the existence of a workfunction difference in the case of DMG SOI MOSFETs. The validity of model for the minimum surface potential under and of and the gate for different combinations of (b) Fig. 6. (a) Threshold voltage versus channel length for channel lengths up to mV. (b) Threshold voltage versus channel length for 100 nm with V mV. The parameters used are t nm, t nm, t V nm, and V V. 50 = 50 = 50 =0 =5 = 450 = is verified by the close match between the analytical results and the 2-D simulation results [3]. In Fig. 6, the calculated values of threshold voltage as a function of channel-length are compared with those obtained from 2-D simulation [3] extracted from the commonly used maximum transconductance method for two different values of . It is seen from Fig. 6(a) that the threshold voltage obtained from the analytical model tracks the simulation values very well but with an insignificant negative offset of approximately 90 mV whereas the offset is nearly 20–50 mV for Fig. 6(b). This small values is due discrepancy between analytical and simulated to the two different definitions of threshold voltage used for and . As is often done in litercomparison viz., as the threshold ature, in our model we have used condition while MEDICI calculates the threshold voltage from condition. The model results when compared the maximum to the simulation data, however, justify the validity of the model for channel lengths well up to 100 nm and as can be discerned from the figures, the predictions are in line with MEDICI results. In Fig. 7, the effect of “gate-workfunction engineering” on the threshold voltage is shown for a fully depleted DMG SOI ) 0.5 m for two MOSFET of channel length ( and . It is evident that with the indifferent ratios of creasing workfunction difference, threshold voltage increases 574 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 51, NO. 4, APRIL 2004 method of tilt-angle evaporation (TAE) [2]. With the CMOS processing technology aggressively pushing forward, fabricating sub-100-nm feature gate lengths should not preclude the possibility of realizing the substantial performance gains over conventional SOI and excellent immunity against SCEs that the DMG SOI MOSFET promises. REFERENCES Fig. 7. Threshold voltage variation with gate workfunction difference with fixed at 4.1 eV for the DMG SOI MOSFET a with channel length L ( L L ) of 0.5 m. The parameters used are t nm, t nm, cm . t nm, V V, and N = + = 50 =0 = 6 2 10 =5 = 400 but, for the same workfunction difference a higher ratio leads to a corresponding increase in threshold voltage. This is due to the increasing proportion of channel length , under the larger workfunction gate M1. [1] T. Ohno, Y. Kado, M. Harada, and T. Tsuchiya, “Experimental 0.25-m-gate fully depleted CMOS/SIMOX process using a new two-step LOCOS isolation technique,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 42, pp. 1481–1486, Aug. 1995. [2] W. Long, H. Ou, J.-M. Kuo, and K. K. Chin, “Dual material gate (DMG) field effect transistor,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 46, pp. 865–870, May 1999. [3] MEDICI 4.0, Technology Modeling Associates, Palo Alto, CA, 1997. [4] K. K. Young, “Short-channel effect in fully depleted SOI MOSFETs,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 36, pp. 399–402, Feb. 1989. [5] X. Zhou, “Exploring the novel characteristics of hetero-material gate field-effect transistors (HMGFETs) with gate-material engineering,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 47, pp. 113–120, Jan. 2000. [6] X. Zhou and W. Long, “A novel hetero-material gate (HMG) MOSFET for deep-submicrometer ULSI technology,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 45, pp. 2546–2548, Dec. 1998. V. CONCLUSION For the first time, we have examined the effectiveness of the DMG structure in fully depleted SOI MOSFETs to suppress SCEs by developing a 2-D analytical model for surface potential and threshold voltage and comparing the results with accurate MEDICI [3] simulations. The calculated values of the surface potential in the silicon thin film obtained from the proposed model agree well with the simulated results. Our results unambiguously establish that the introduction of the DMG structure in a fully depleted SOI MOSFET leads to subdued SCEs due to a step-function in the channel potential profile. The shift in the surface channel potential minima position is negligible with increasing drain biases. The electric field in the channel at the drain end is also reduced leading to reduced hot-carrier effect. Also, the variation of the minimum channel potential with decreasing thin-film thickness can be more effectively reduced in the DMG structure at shallow thin-film thicknesses. Further, it is clearly seen that the DMG structure gives rise to the desirable threshold voltage “rollup” with decreasing channel lengths. Thus, the introduction of the DMG structure opens up a new avenue to improve the short-channel behavior of the SOI MOSFETs over their single-gate SOI and the bulk counterparts. One of the difficulties in integrating DMG structure in the present CMOS technology maybe the increased constraint on lithography due to its asymmetric gate structure. Zhou [5] suggested two fabrication procedures requiring only one additional mask step for realizing the DMG FET in bulk CMOS technology. Wong et al. demonstrated a DMG HFET using the M. Jagadesh Kumar (SM’99) was born in Mamidala, Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, both in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, India. From 1991 to 1994, his postdoctoral research was in modeling and processing of high-speed bipolar transistors with Prof. D. J. Roulston, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada. During his stay at Waterloo, he also collaborated with Prof. S. G. Chamberlain on amorphous silicon TFTs. From 1994 to 1995, he was with the Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, IIT, Kharagpur, and later moved to the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT, Delhi, where he was made an Associate Professor in 1997. More than once, his teaching has been rated as “outstanding” by the Faculty Appraisal Committee, IIT Delhi. His research interests are in VLSI device modeling and simulation, IC technology, and power semiconductor devices. Dr. Kumar is a Fellow of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), India. Anurag Chaudhry received the B.E. degree (with distinction) in electronics and communication engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India, in 1999. He is currently pursuing the M.S. degree at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India. From 1999 to 2001, he worked as a Design Engineer in the FPGA Group, ST Microelectronics, Ltd., Noida, India. His work primarily involved proposing logic block architecture for an FPGA. His research interests include modeling and simulation of novel device structures on SOI MOSFETs.