Commercial Drivers Licensing Procedure (TRAN-P002) 1.0 SCOPE: 1.1 This procedure describes the process in which the Transportation Department prepares prospective drivers for a Commercial Drivers License A / B, in the Washoe County School District. The online version of this procedure is official. Therefore, all printed versions of this document are unofficial copies. 2.0 RESPONSIBILITY: 2.1 Superintendent of Operations 3.0 APPROVAL AUTHORITY: (Approval signature on file) ______________________________________ Signature 3.1 Director of Transportation _____________________ Date 4.0 DEFINITIONS: 4.1 CDL – Commercial Drivers License 4.2 DMV – Department of Motor Vehicles 4.3 DOE – Department of Education (State) 4.4 DOT – Department of Transportation (Federal) 4.5 MRO – Medical Review Officer 4.6 NAC - Nevada Administrative Code 4.7 NEO – New Employee Orientation 4.8 NRS – Nevada Revised Statutes 4.9 MRO – Medical Review Officer 4.10 WCSD – Washoe County School District 4.11 Training Supervisor – Transportation Training Supervisor must have a Third Party Examiners Certification, a CDL License and current DOT physical, CPR and First Aid certification. 5.0 PROCEDURE: 5.1 The WCSD Transportation Department is charged with ensuring that all required drivers have a CDL license and are fully trained in transportation in WCSD. 5.2 If the driver applicant has been fully requested to return after an interview, the applicant must take a pre-employment drug test and complete the following forms: 5.2.1 The driver must sign the Driver Pre-Employment Controlled Substance Statement (TRAN-F001) required by Federal law. Date: 5/4/07, Rev. A TRAN-P002 Page 1 of 4 Commercial Drivers Licensing Procedure (TRAN-P002) 5.2.2 The applicant will receive the Classified Procedure Manual for Employees – Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing, Section C & E only (HR-M500) along with the CDL Handbook from the DMV. 5.2.3 The applicant will complete New Employee Information Sheet WCSD Transportation Department (TRAN-F002). 5.2.4 The applicant will also complete Alcohol / Drug testing Notification Form (TRAN-F003), which the applicant must take to designated drug testing location along with picture I.D. 5.2.5 The applicant will receive the Bus Driver Requirements form (TRAN-F004) which has dates, times and locations for all required finger printing, id badge, NEO, training and testing. If the applicant tests positive for drug testing, the designated MRO will contact the employee to verify test results. If applicable the MRO will contact the applicant’s physician for any medications the applicant may be taking to give a positive test result. 5.2.6 5.3 5.4 The MRO contacts the Transportation Department with the results of the test. The applicant must complete the following: 5.3.2 Obtain a DOT physical. WCSD supplies location for DOT physicals with cost. 5.3.3 The applicant is required to be finger printed by WCSD School Police, issued an ID card and attends NEO. 5.3.4 The applicant must provide a 10 year print out of their driving history from the DMV. The applicant must study the CDL Handbook before returning to the Transportation Department to begin training. 5.4.1 Applicant must apply for a CDL permit. 5.5 The first training received is Blood Borne Pathogens. 5.6 Behind the Wheel Training is mandatory and consists of, but not limited to the following: 5.6.1 Pre-trip; 5.6.2 Skills Maneuvering –backing, turning and parking; 5.6.3 Defensive Driving; 5.6.4 Mirror Use; 5.6.5 Emergency – brake – downs, accidents; and Date: 5/4/07, Rev. A TRAN-P002 Page 2 of 4 Commercial Drivers Licensing Procedure (TRAN-P002) 5.6.6 Chaining. 5.7 When approximately 40 hours of Behind the Wheel Training has been received, the applicant is to perform a CDL test given by a Third Party Examiner. 5.8 WCSD will issue paperwork that the applicant has passed the CDL test. The applicant must then have a CDL license issued by the DMV with the proper endorsements. 5.9 All training is filed in the Transportation Training files. 6.0 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS: 6.1 Driver Pre-Employment Controlled Substances Statement – TRAN-F001 6.2 New Employee Information Sheet form – TRAN-F002 6.3 Alcohol / Drug Notification Form – TRAN-F003 6.4 Bus Driver Requirements - TRAN-F004 6.5 Classified Procedures Manual for Employees (Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing, (Section D&E) – HR-M500 6.6 NRS 392.280 6.7 NAC 392.410 6.8 Commercial Drivers License Handbook 7.0 RECORD RETENTION TABLE: Identification Storage Retention Disposition Protection Employee Training Files Transportati on Office files 99 years Discard as desired Standard file cabinet in secured office Training Database Electronic Permanent Permanent Electronic Driver Pre-Employment Controlled Substances Statement Employee file Permanent Discard as desired Standard file cabinet in secured office New Employee Information Sheet Form Employee file Permanent Discard as desired Standard file cabinet in secured office Alcohol/Drug Notification Form Employee file Permanent Discard as desired Standard file cabinet in secured office Bus Driver Requirements Employee file Permanent Discard as desired Standard file cabinet in Date: 5/4/07, Rev. A TRAN-P002 Page 3 of 4 Commercial Drivers Licensing Procedure (TRAN-P002) secured office 8.0 REVISION HISTORY: Date: Rev. Description of Revision: 5/4/07 A Initial Release * ** En d Date: 5/4/07, Rev. A o f p ro ce du re * * * TRAN-P002 Page 4 of 4