GROUP NORMS The following norms are intended to be a starting point, but individual groups should consider making modifications or additions that reflect the values and needs of the group. (Note: Explanations in italics are suggested definitions only.) • Respect time: start/end on time; use time well during the meeting; be sensitive to the time constraints of others. • Allow others sufficient “air time”: monitor how frequently and how long you speak; allow others the opportunity to enter into the conversation (a good rule of thumb is to allow at least two people to speak before you speak again); pay attention to those who haven’t spoken and actively invite them into the conversation. • Use “I” statements: express your own opinions and experiences (“I think…”, “I’ve seen…”, etc.) and avoid generalizations (“some people think…”). • Listen well: give the speaker your full attention (do not engage in side tasks or conversations); if you have not understood a colleague, repeat what you heard or ask a question to clarify your understanding before responding. • Respect differences: recognize that everyone has a different perspective, which may lead to different perceptions and conclusions (an alternate formulation is “Assume good intentions”). • Encourage and support risk-taking for learning: be willing to take risks; ensure that it’s safe for participants to explore new ideas or go out on a limb in making suggestions without fear of being criticized. • Freely attend to personal needs: stand up, stretch, use the restroom, get drinks/snacks as needed or appropriate given the task at hand—but maintain respect for the work of the group; agree on text/email and cell phone use: e.g., silence ringer, step out for urgent calls or conversations. • Foster good humor: smile, laugh, don’t take things too personally or seriously; find ways to have fun and enjoy one another. • Maintain confidentiality: “what we say here stays here;” remind group of this norm before sharing particularly sensitive information 37 © Great Schools Partnership, November 2007 The staff of the Great Schools Partnership agrees to honor the following norms in all of our interactions and collaborative work. We are committed to using these norms in our daily work, and to revisiting and revising them when necessary, but at least every year. OPERATIONAL NORMS 1. Trust collective wisdom and give some time and thought to ideas before passing judgment. 2. Be conscious of your own assumptions, and always go to the source. 3. Assume good intentions, especially during busiest and most stressful times. 4. Respect one another when asking or being asked for assistance. 5. Generously recognize the value and quality of one another’s work; express appreciation. 6. Maintain confidentiality concerning schools, educators, and staff with whom we work. 7. Let off steam, but don’t crank open the valve. 8. Maintain a sense of humor. 9. Remember that each of us is more than our work. NORMS FOR MEETINGS 1. Create an Agenda: with clear outcomes, roles, and processes in advance, make sure there's enough time built in to debrief each segment. 2. Monitor Airtime: ensure comments are focused on the agenda's outcomes: build on ideas, don't repeat them; be conscious of how long and how often you speak. Use a public speaker’s list when necessary. 3. Respect your Colleagues: start and end on time, arrive in time to participate and come prepared. Listen to understand, support risk-taking, embrace different perspectives for deeper learning. 4. Stay Present: refrain from side conversations, turn cell phone ringers off; read/answer emails after the meeting. 5. Be Flexible: Don't worry about running the perfect protocol. Instead, ensure that the discussion is moving our work forward. 6. Reflect: on the group's process to ensure that meetings are productive and respectful. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Proposed Guiding Agreements The following agreements are proposed to guide our interactions in social, academic, and administrative settings with students, parents, teachers, and community: Participation is an expectation Be respectful, patient, and honest, even if we disagree Be prepared for all work Be open-­‐minded Be forward-­‐thinking and “lean into” discomfort Be concise/watch your “air time” in open forums Practice authentic listening Stay focused on tasks/topics/ school vision Recognize we are all here for the betterment of all members of the school community Trust one another Are there other guidelines that would be helpful to bear in mind to ensure your work with colleagues is as productive and rewarding as possible? 6/1/11