Patients Name: NHS No: Plymouth Community Healthcare CIC Referral and Health Needs Assessment v1 Family name Title Gender Address and Postcode (please enter current address If different from home address) Employment status Phone number Given name Preferred name Date of Birth Marital status Preferred language Mobile number GP Practice & contact number Next of kin Relationship Tel no Address Risks (including self / others/vulnerable adult) Ethnicity Religion Other Relationship Tel no Address (access details – key safe, hard of hearing) Referral details (If self-referral address will be assumed to be as above. If in hospital identify person’s ward) Referral date & time Referrer name & designation Referral source Contact telephone number Confirmed date of Expected date of discharge discharge (inpatient only) st Date 1 visit required Urgency: (Community Nursing only) (indicate how quickly the referral must be actioned) Reason for referral Details: (Is there a prescription chart available) Is the client aware of the referral? (consider capacity) Yes/No If no why not? Required venue inline with referral only: Home Clinic (Include admissions to hospital) Relevant Medical History and Observations Allergies Response if no further action required: Printed name of clinician: Signature: Date: Designation: Referral and Initial Asessment DRAFT v3 Jan2012 Patients Name: NHS No: Plymouth Community Healthcare CIC Initial Assessment (to be completed with the person and/or advocate) Yes Problems Identified: Tick relevant box No N/A Mental Health issues to include psychological and emotional well being Behaviour Cognition Communication (including sensory impairment, hearing, speech etc) Mobility Nutrition Continence Skin and Tissue Viability Personal Care Breathing Pain and / or Symptom Control Printed name of clinician: Date: Signature: Designation: Referral and Initial Asessment DRAFT v1 Sept 2011 Page 2 Patients Name: NHS No: Plymouth Community Healthcare CIC Yes No Problems Identified: Tick relevant box N/A Sleep Pattern Work and Leisure Do you have any help / support at home (e.g. family, carer, care agency, other professions involved): Manual Handling Nutrition risk assessment Tissue Viability risk assessment Continence Carers Assessment Capacity assessment CHC eligibility considered Other: Have issues been If yes date assessment completed or who identified: referred to: Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Specialist Assessments: Current Medication Medication Dose Frequency Route N.B.This is not a prescription chart and only current on the date recorded for this assessment. Printed name of clinician: Date: Signature: Designation: Referral and Initial Asessment DRAFT v1 Sept 2011 Page 3 Patients Name: NHS No: Plymouth Community Healthcare CIC Patient/carer views: Action plan/ next steps Following this assessment we have agreed the following plan: Supplementary records kept at base ? Yes No N/A I agree that this assessment may be shared as needed to support my care: Yes Yes, but with Limitations No Unable to consent Details of any limitations: Patient signature Date Clinician signature Date Print name of clinician Designation of clinician Specialist assessment to be attached as an appendice Referral and Initial Asessment DRAFT v1 Sept 2011 Page 4