All Fields marked with * are mandatory. Change Request 13 #: Assigned OGC 10-114 Document #: Name: *Steven Keens Organization: *PCI Geomatics Email: * Document Name/Version: *Policy Directives for Writing and Publishing OGC Standards: TC Decisions / 2.0.3 OGC Project Document: *06-135r7 If this is a revision of a previous submission and you have a Change Request Number, then check here: Enter the CR number here: Enter the Revsion Number that you are revising here: Title: Source: *Version number in Normative References to OGC documents *PCI Geomatics Work item code: Category: * D (Editorial modification) Reason for * change: The new policy regarding versioning of OGC standard is not clear on how to deal with version number in references to other OGC documents. For example, should a normative reference include the bug version number or just the major and minor version numbers? What version level should be added to the abbreviated references? Normative reference example: OGC 07-036, Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard, version 3.2.1 or OGC 07-036, Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Standard, version 3.2 Abbreviated reference example OGC-GML 3.2.1 or OGC-GML 3.2 1 of 2 Summary of * change: Include a sentence in clause 7 stating that "All references including a version number shall omit the bug version number." Modify the example abbreviated reference to GML to: OGC-GML 3.2 Consequences if Some level of confusion because references do not match the existing versioning policies for XML Schema and document not approved: Clauses affected: * 7 Additional Documents affected: Supporting Documentation: Comments: Status: Disposition: Assigned Reffered 2 of 2