Distributed Relational Database Service Quick Start Distributed Relational Database Service/Quick Start Quick Start Console operation The general development process of DRDS is to create a DRDS database by selecting a group of RDSs from the console, create tables and indexes on the console, and then execute function development and testing after connecting DRDS through a program or command line. Later we connect DRDS for data maintenance by maintaining the list structure and index generally on the operation platform. Other advanced functions such as duplication of short table and smooth expansion will be operated correspondingly on the console, while currently the operations of backup, binlog maintenance and other relevant operations need log on the rds console. Enter into the DRDS console (https://drds.console.aliyun.com) and get to init it. DRDS operation Application of DRDS DRDS is a server product. Its access mode is completely same as MySQL database for it is 100% compatible with MySQL in the protocol. The access mode between MySQL client and Java language is demonstrated as follows. 1. Application of MySQL client mysql -h${DRDS_IP_ADDRESS} -P${DRDS_PORT} -u${user} -p${password} -D${DRDS_DBNAME} DRDS_IP_ADDRESS, DRDS_PORT and DRDS_APPNAME are IP address, port and Libname provided by DRDS respectively. The user and password are the external access username and password of DRDS 2.Application of the MySQL driver of Java language Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://", "sample_user", "sample_password"); ... conn.close(); 1 Distributed Relational Database Service/Quick Start For all kinds of languages, such as C, C++, Ruby, Python, Perl and PHP, use their MySQL driver/client respectively to access to DRDS, and tested by Ali, DRDS is fully compatible with these clients. SQL supported by DRDS DRDS supports most MySQL syntax including SHOW DATABASES, SHOW TABLES and USE ${database}, and all kinds of statements including SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, REPLACE, DELETE, SHOW, QUIT and limited control commands nearly have no limitation, but considering performance, we will provide some special optimization ways for the distributed system, including duplication of short table and distributed index. To obtain the application scenarios and methods of the special optimization ways, please refer to our console. SET command support The supported SET command parameters are AUTOCOMMIT, AUTOCOMMIT, TX_READ_UNCOMMITTED, TX_READ_COMMITTED, TX_REPEATED_READ, TX_SERIALIZABLE, NAMES, CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT, CHARACTER_SET_CONNECTION, CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS and SQL_MODE. Show the execution plan EXPLAIN SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE can show the execution plans of the SQLs on the DRDS. Browse database SHOW DATABASES, SHOW TABLES and USE ${database}. Datatable structure DESC ${table}, SHOW CREATE TABLE ${table}. Involved transaction Support commands like START TRANSACTION, BEGIN and SAVEPOINT. The operations across the nodes are not supported by default. DML support Support the common syntax like SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, REPLACE and DELETE. Others Support importing data through LOAD DATA INFILE command in the case of single database and single table. At present, KILL_QUERY command is not supported. 2