Aircraft Manifest and Weight and Balance ___________________ Date of Flight: __________ Manifest Serial #: __________ Aircraft:____________ / CE-501 From: _________________________________________ Via: ________________ To: ___________________________________________ Distance: ____________ Example Only CREW/PAX WEIGHT AIRCRAFT STATUS PIC: __________________________ ______________ Calendar Event: ______ SIC/Pax:_______________________ ______________ Tach Event: ______ Pax: __________________________ ______________ Pax: __________________________ ______________ Altimeter System: ______ Pax: __________________________ ______________ ATC XPDR Due: ______ Pax: __________________________ ______________ ELT Insp. Due: ______ Pax: __________________________ ______________ Pax: __________________________ ______________ BAGGAGE ______ WEIGHT ____________ Baggage: ___________________ Example Only FLIGHT (WEATHER) BRIEFING: FAA FLIGHT PLAN 1. TYPE OF FLIGHT PLAN 2. A/C IDENT. 3. A/C TYPE/ SPEC. EQUIP. 4. TRUE AIRSPEED 5. DEP. POINT 6. DEP. TIME (Z) PROP. ACTUAL 7. CRUISING ALTITUDE VFR IFR C500 / DVFR KTS FT 8. ROUTE OF FLIGHT 9. DESTINATION- NAME OF AIRPORT AND CITY (ID) 10. EST. TIME ENROUTE HOURS 12. FUEL ON BOARD 13. ALTERNATE AIRPORT(S) 11. REMARKS MINUTES 14. PILOT’S NAME, ADDRESS & TELEPHONE NO., AIRCRAFT HOME BASE Example Only HRS 15. NUMBER ABOARD MINS 17. DESTINATION CONTACT/TELEPHONE (Opt.) 16. COLOR OF AIRCRAFT CLOSE VFR FLIGHT PLAN WITH _______________ FSS UPON ARRIVAL Preflight inspection completed. Maintenance discrepancies cleared or MEL-deferred. I have checked this manifest, including the weight and balance data and calculations. I have found the manifest and all associated data and calculations, as shown, to be complete and correct. Date _________________ Time __________ PIC Signature __________________________ COPYRIGHT © 2013 by FlightComp Systems and its licensors. All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER: FlightComp Systems accepts no liability of any kind for any loss(es) or damage(s) caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, as a result of using this manifest form. WARNING: This form is based only on “generic” references including TCDS No. A22CE as published online in the FAA Regulatory & Guidance Library (RGL). This form cannot be used for actual weight and balance control purposes unless it is first checked and modified in accordance with information contained in the aircraft’s official FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM). Any use of this form constitutes unconditional acceptance of the above standards and policies by the person(s) or other legal entity(s) using it. Page 2 - Manifest Serial #: _________ Cessna CE-500/501 (Cessna Citation I ) - Weight and Balance ( Serial Numbers 500-0303 to 500-0689 (and 500-0001 to 500-0302 with Cessna Service Bulletin upgrades ) Aircraft ____________ (i.e., N12345) Weight (Lbs.) Arm (In.) Moment (In-lbs.) TCDS No. A22CE Typical Empty Weight: 7084 Lbs. Basic Empty Weight - Weighing Due ________ Pilot-in-Command 131.0 Second-in-Command 131.0 Seat #3 Occupant 207.0 Seat #4 Occupant 207.0 Seat #5 Occupant 241.0 Jet A / A-1 6.75 PPG Seat #6 Occupant 241.0 JET B / JP-4 6.5 PPG Seat #7 Occupant 267.0 JP-5 6.8 PPG Seat #8 Occupant 267.0 JP-8 6.7 PPG Nose Baggage Compt. - 350 Lbs Max 74.0 Aft Cabin Baggage Compt. - 650 Lbs Max 286.3 Example Only Approximate Fuel Densities @ 15E C AVGAS 100LL AVGAS 100 / 80 6 PPG 5.8 PPG Zero-Fuel Weight - 8400 Lbs Max FUEL TANKS (Ramp) Gals 256.0 Max. Useable Fuel: 564 Gallons Ramp Gross Weight - 12,000 Lbs Max Example Only FUEL TANKS (Takeoff) Gals 256.0 Fuel to Taxi: 209 Lbs. every 10 Mins. Gals 256..0 Fuel used, Takeoff to Landing: Takeoff Gross Weight - 11,850 Lbs Max FUEL TANKS (Landing) Landing Gross Weight - 11,350 Lbs Max CE-500/501 - Center of Gravity Limits vs. Gross Weight Gross Weight (Lbs) [ C.G. Range (Gear Extended): 11,850 Lbs: +250.0 to +255.9 / 7,500 Lbs or less: +246.4 to +255.9 ] (Straight line variation between points given). + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 11850 Lbs. + 250.0 > <2 55.9 Max Takeoff Weight: 11850 Lbs. + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 11250 Lbs. + 249.5 > < 255.9 Max Landing Weight: 11350 Lbs. + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 10650 Lbs. + 249.0 > < 255.9 + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + .. 10050 Lbs. + 248.5 > < 255.9 + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 9450 Lbs. + 248.0 > < 255.9 + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 8850 Lbs. + 247.5 > < 255.9 + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 8250 Lbs. + 247.0 > < 255.9 + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 7650 Lbs. + 246.5 > < 255.9 + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 7050 Lbs. + 246.4 > < 255.9 + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . + . 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 Center of Gravity - Inches Aft of Datum Example Only EXTREME CARE MUST BE EXERCISED TO ENSURE THAT THIS DATA IS EXACTLY APPLICABLE TO ANY AIRCRAFT FOR WHICH IT IS TO BE USED. COPYRIGHT © 2013 by FlightComp Systems and its licensors. All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER: FlightComp Systems accepts no liability of any kind for any loss(es) or damage(s) caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, as a result of using this manifest form. WARNING: This form is based only on “generic” references including TCDS No. A22CE as published online in the FAA Regulatory & Guidance Library (RGL). This form cannot be used for actual weight and balance control purposes unless it is first checked and modified in accordance with information contained in the aircraft’s official FAA-approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM). Any use of this form constitutes unconditional acceptance of the above standards and policies by the person(s) or other legal entity(s) using it.