Virtual Breadboarding Presentation

Virtual Breadboarding
John Vangelov
Ford Motor Company
What is Virtual Breadboarding?
 Uses Vector’s CANoe
product, to simulate MATLAB
Simulink models in a
simulated or real vehicle
 Allows for one or more ECU
models to be simulated
concurrently, to validate
required behaviors.
 Allows test vectors of varying
scope to be executed against
simulation (e.g.: White Box,
Black Box, Integrated
System Level)
What are the Benefits of Virtual
 A scalable solution that provides capabilities for prototyping,
development and validation.
 Uses tools that engineers are accustomed to using (Simulink,
Vector CANoe).
 Allows for importing existing Simulink test vectors into CANoe
 With Vector’s Test Automation Editor, a graphical interface is
available for easy test vector editing and creation.
 Ensures quality of testing with consistent test execution.
 Provides Test results in a common reporting format.
 Tests can be shared and executed consistently by different teams
 Automated reports can be used as validation results.
What are the Benefits of Virtual
Breadboarding? (continued)
• Simulink ports to CANoe models can be automated via script
• Mapping of CAN signals
• Mapping of digital or analog I/O
• Rapid prototyping with real ECUs on the breadboard possible
• Operate CANoe in Real Bus Mode
• Execute simulation of new algorithms concurrently with existing
• Reuse of existing test cases in CANoe provide additional value
• Use existing test cases as Acceptance Criteria when performing
Black Box ECU tests
Where does Virtual Breadboarding
 Virtual Breadboarding
supports the traditional
development of system
 Virtual Breadboarding
supports Rapid Prototyping
 Test vectors for SIL solutions
on the Left-Side of System V
can be used as Acceptance
Criteria for physical
components on Right Side of
System V
 Virtual Breadboarding applies
at all phases of the System V.
System V image
Virtual Breadboarding allows for simulation of
entire scope of Vehicle Network
Denotes a CAN Node executing a Simulink Model within CANoe
Process Overview
Data Stores
CANoe: CAN Networks
Model Validation:
Test Vectors
Steps for Creating a Virtual
Identify Matlab Model(s) to port to CANoe
Map I/O Interface to CANoe
Create DLL file for importing into appropriate CANoe node
Import the Simulink Model into CANoe
Importing test vectors as well as using TAE as an
 CANoe node with Matlab Model executing.
Identify Simulink Model(s) to port to CANoe
Data Store blocks
Inport/Outport blocks
Process is flexible and can work with models that use Data Store or Inport and
Map I/O Interface to CANoe
Simulink Library Browser
Add CANoe blocks that map to CANoe system variables to create the link
between both simulation environments.
Map hardware I/O Interface to CANoe
Map the Hardware I/O connected to CANoe to the appropriate System Variable,
aligned with its appropriate attributes.
Create DLL using RTW
Using Real-Time workshop, we use the code generation to create the DLL that
will be used within CANoe for simulation.
Import Simulink Model into CANoe
In the CANoe configuration for the module being simulated: Import the
MDL, INI, DLL files.
Import Test Vectors
Test vectors for the model or system are ported to CANoe’s XML format
using a Macro within the Signal Builder spreadsheet. Automated report
generated when testing is complete.
Modes of Virtual Breadboard Simulation
 In Offline mode:
 Simulink® operates the model as fast as possible.
 Simulink® is the timing master. (non-real-time simulation)
 CANoe operates in slave mode and simulates the CAN bus
while taking measurements relative to Simulink’s® time base.
 Simulation without hardware access.
 In Synchronized mode:
Simulink® slows down execution time to match CANoe.
CANoe is the timing master.
CANoe can operate in real mode.
Access to real hardware.
Use Cases
 Single ECU simulation
 Demonstrating CAN communication being generated and
processed by a MatLab model executing within CANoe
 Single ECU simulation
 Demonstrating both hardware I/O processing, in
conjunction with CAN communication
 Distributed feature functionality
 Demonstrating that models generated for two different
commodities co-simulate, and perform the distributed
feature correctly.
Use Cases
 DV Testing Activity using the Test Automation Editor to
generate test sequences for automated or semiautomated test execution.
 These tests can then be leveraged early in design to
verify system level requirements are being met.
 Connected Vehicle testing
 CANoe.IP allows for a node to not only work with CAN,
Hardware Inputs and Outputs, but allows for the
simulations to communicate with servers outside of the
scope of in-vehicle networks.
 The Virtual Breadboarding process allows for the use of existing
Simulink Models within in its representative target vehicle system.
 Test vectors for the Simulink Model can be leveraged within
• Testing can be performed at all phases of feature development in
SIL or Vehicle environment
Test reports are automatically generated and traceable
When the physical component is received, the test vectors
executed against the simulation are used as acceptance criteria
(ensuring requirements have been met)
 Simulink Models can be executed within the CANoe nodes, within
a vehicle, allowing the CANoe simulation to be treated as a rapid
prototype device.
Thank You!