Reportfor: IN FO RM A TIO N Item N u m ber: 8 vii C ontains C onfid ential orE xem ptInform ation Title Responsible O ffic er(s) C ontac toffic er, job title and phone nu m ber M em berreporting ForC onsid eration B y D ate to be C onsid ered Im plem entation D ate if N otC alled In A ffec ted W ard s Keyword s/Ind ex N o –P artI Financ ialUpd ate A nd rew B rooker, H ead ofFinanc e, 0 1 62 8 7 96341 Richard B u nn, C hiefA c c ou ntant, 0 1 62 8 7 9651 0 C ou nc illorD u d ley C abinet 30 O c tober2 0 1 4 30 O c tober2 0 1 4 “A ll” S ervice M onitoring 1 . This reportprovid es an u pd ate to m em bers on the C ou nc il’s financ ial perform anc e atthis early s tage ofthe year. 2 . S ervices are c u rrently projec ting a £ 7 5kovers pend . This is red u c ed to £ 2 koverallby two non-s ervice varianc es . 3. Itrec om m end s thatS trategic D irec tors in c ons u ltation with L ead M em bers im plem entpropos als thatad d res s the pred icted s ervice overs pend before the yearend . In rec entyears the C ou nc ilhas d elivered s ignificantu nd ers pend s on the bac kofs trong bu d get m anagem entproc es s es and has s om e wellrehears ed proc es s es in plac e to ad d res s u nexpec ted financ ialpres s u res . There is therefore s om e c onfid enc e thatthe c u rrentovers pend willbe m itigated by the end ofthe financ ialyear. 4. O verall, the C ou nc ilrem ains in a s trong financ ialpos ition with healthy res erves . The C ou nc ils D evelopm entFu nd has been c reated from u nd ers pend s in previou s years . The fu nd c u rrently has a balanc e of £ 1. 20 8 m. 5. O fficers have s tarted workreq u ired to m eet2 0 1 5-1 6 s avings targets and early d elivery ofthos e initiatives will, inevitably, m itigate the im pac tofany ofthe projec ted overs pend thatc annotbe ad d res s ed . 145 If rec om m end ations are ad opted , how willresid ents benefit? B enefits to res id ents and reas ons why they will D ates by which they c an benefit expec tto notice a d ifferenc e 1 . A s s u ranc e thatthe C ou nc ilis m aking effec tive O n pu blication ofthe u s e ofit’s res ou rc es . report. 2 . A s s u ranc e thatbu d gets are reviewed O n pu blication ofthe regu larly. report. 1. D etails of Rec om m end ations RE C O M M E N D E D : ThatC abinet: i) ii) iii) A pproves the c hanges to the sc hools c apitalprogram m e ou tlined in paragraph 4. 7 . A pproves the ad d itionalIC T revenu e bu d getd etailed in paragraph 4. 5 and approves the u se of the c apitalfu nd to part fu nd it. N otes thatS trategic D irec tors in c onsu ltation with L ead M em bers willim plem entproposals thatad d ress the pred ic ted overspend . 2. Reason forD ec ision and O ptions C onsid ered O ption C om m ents A pprove the c hanges to the S c hool’s Rec om m end ed c apitalprogram m e. A s kthe S c hoolA c c om m od ation S ervice to inves tigate alternative propos als. 3. Key Im plic ations D efined O u tc om es Unm et M et E xc eed ed S ignificantly E xc eed ed General Fu nd Res erves <£ 5. 2 m £ 5. 2 m £ 5. 2 9m £ 5. 3m £ 5. 5m £ 5. 51 m £ 5. 8 m D ate they s hou ld be d elivered 31 M arc h 20 15 The GeneralFu nd Res erve is c u rrently projec ted to be £ 5. 1 33m and the balanc e on the D evelopm entFu nd is £ 1 . 2 0 8 m . The c om bined GeneralFu nd and D evelopm entFu nd res erves now s itat£ 6. 341 m . The 2 0 1 4-1 5 bu d getreportrec om m end ed a res erve levelof£ 5. 1 9m orm ore to c overknown risks for1 8 m onths . 146 4. 4. 1 . Financ ialD etails The D irec torof C hild ren’ s S ervic es reports a projec ted year-end overs pend of£ 7 2 kagains tan approved netbu d getof£ 1 7 . 7 1 0 m illion. This is a £ 2 4kinc reas e on the £ 48 kovers pend reported to C abinetin S eptem ber. This inc reas e inc lu d es a new c os tpres s u re of£ 1 40 kin the hom e to s c hooltrans portbu d getwhich is bas ed on the lates tanalys is of c ontrac ted jou rneys following the s tartofthe new ac ad em ic year. This pres s u re is the res u ltofa c om bination ofd ifferentfac tors –c hanges in the nu m berofm ainly high need s pu pils req u iring trans port, as wellas c hanges in ind ivid u alpu pils’ trans portneed s . There is also s om e evid enc e ofm arketforc es d riving u pc os ts where provid ers are u nable to take on new rou tes atthe low rates renegotiated as partoflas t year’s retend ering exerc ise. The s hortfallofinc om e arising from the S c hoolIm provem entteam ’ s ability to s ells ervices to s c hools in the c ontextofthe ad d itionals u pport to raise attainm enthas also inc reas ed in the las tm onth. Thes e new pres s u res are being m ainly c overed by a range of m itigating ac tions which inc lu d e reviewing allplac em entc os ts , and hold ing pos ts vac antwhere itis pos s ible to d o s o withou triskto vu lnerable c hild ren. D es pite the s m alloverallinc reas e in the projec ted overs pend , C hild ren’ s S ervices c ontinu es to expec tto c om e in on or arou nd bu d getatthe end ofthe year. 4. 2 . The S trategic D irec torforA d u lt& C om m u nity S ervic es reports an projec ted £ 6ku nd ers pend forthe year. This is a s ignificantly im proved pos ition from the £ 2 98 kovers pend pos ition es tim ated in S eptem ber. This im provem entarises from an expec tation thatL eisu re C entres will be able to m eetits s avings targets this yearfollowing c larification of the N N D R s tatu s ofthe M agnetand W ind s orL eisu re C entres ; and from ad d itionalinc om e thathas bec om e available to m eetthe c os tof s ervices to old erpeople and thos e with a learning d isability. Thes e s avings have m ore than offs eta pres s u re arising in the C onc es s ionary Fares bu d getwhereby the c os tofs u pportto bu s s ervices is c u rrently es tim ated to exc eed the bu d getby £ 56k. This bu d getreq u irem ent flu c tu ates yearon yearas itis d epend entu pon d em and which c an be influ enc ed by bad weather. 4. 3. The M anaging D irec torprojec ts a s m allovers pend pos ition of £ 1 2 k on the C orporate S ervic es 2 0 1 4-1 5 bu d getof £ 1 0 m , d ec reas ed by £ 1 7 kfrom las tm onth. This im provem entis d u e to m anaged vac anc ies in P roc u rem entand P olicy & P erform anc e. 147 4. 4. The S trategic D irec tor of O perations is again reporting a broad ly balanc ed projec tion (£ 3k u nd er)on the d irec torate 2 0 1 4-1 5 bu d getof £ 1 6. 1 m . There is no c hange in this pos ition s inc e las tm onth. 4. 5. RB W M has historically u s ed a nu m ber of O rac le d atabas es and in s pite of following the written ad vice of c ons u ltants a few years ago; there have been paym ents hortfalls forlicens es s panning a nu m berof years . The c os ts have been s u c c es s fu lly negotiated d own to £ 1 90 k by IC T with L ead M em bers u pport. Itis propos ed to pay this from IC T revenu e bu d gets fu nd ed by a c ontribu tion from the c apitalfu nd which wou ld have been u s ed to fu nd expend itu re ofthis natu re in the pas t. A s partof the negotiations ou rongoing s u pportc os ts have also been finalised at£ 42 k and a bu d getis req u es ted for 2 0 1 4/1 5 and fu tu re years . 4. 6. Revenu e bu d getm ovem ents this m onth: A pproved bu d getas at1 stS ept20 14 S everanc e C os ts fu nd ed by provision S tate visits u pplem entary es tim ate S ervic e E xpend itu re B u d getthis m onth 4. 7 . £ 000 8 2 , 366 26 25 8 2 , 41 7 C apitalP rogram m e A s u m m ary ofc apitalprogram m e is s hown in A ppend ix B . In ord erto m ake iteas ierto m onitors c hem e progres s , s c hem es thatare c ontinu ing from previou s years are s hown s eparately from new s c hem es approved for2 0 1 4-1 5 The approved 2 0 1 4-1 5 c apitalbu d getis £ 46. 90 4m , the projec ted ou ttu rn forthe financ ialyearis £ 46. 8 2 8 m . A s u m m ary ofthe c apital bu d getis available below with fu rtherd etails in A ppend ix B and C . A pproved B u d get V arianc es id entified S lippage to 2 0 1 5-1 6 P rojec ted O u ttu rn 2 01 4-1 5 4. 8 . E xp £' 000 46, 90 4 (66) (1 0 ) 46, 8 2 8 Inc N et £' 000 £' 000 (35, 30 9) 1 1 , 595 36 (30 ) 0 (1 0 ) (35, 2 7 3) 1 1 , 555 C apitalbu d getc hanges M aid enhead prim ary expans ion 2 0 1 4-1 5 -This s c hem e was in c as e an u rgentad d itionalc las s room was req u ired in M aid enhead forthe S eptem ber 2 0 1 4 intake. Ithas notbeen need ed . A pprovalis s ou ghtto rem ove from the c apitalprogram m e. 148 P os s ible ad d itionalc las s room s 2 0 1 4-1 5 -This s c hem e was forany u nfores een inc reas e in pu pilnu m bers c au s ing the need foran ad d itional c las s room anywhere in the borou gh. This need has notarisen yet. A pproval is s ou ghtto rem ove from the c apitalprogram m e. A llS aints Ju nior-There is £ 45kS 1 0 6 thatis earm arked in legalagreem ents forA llS aints S c hool. The planned expans ion s c hem e wou ld be appropriate forthis expend itu re. A pprovalis s ou ghtto ad d itto the expans ion bu d get. If, when tend ers are retu rned there are s avings on the overallbu d get, they will be taken from the D fE grantelem ent, releas ing m onies bac kinto the B as ic N eed pot. Q u een A nne s c hoolhas ju s tc om pleted a large and c om plex s c hem e that inc orporates expans ion ofc las s room s , rem od elling oftoilets , re-wiring and expans ion and refu rbishm entofthe kitc hen. 3 s c hem es d elivered as 1 c ontrac t. There are 2 pots ofs 1 0 6 which c an legitim ately be applied to as s istwith the fu nd ing ofthis s c hem e. A pprovalis s ou ghtto inc reas e the bu d getwith S 1 0 6 fu nd ing by £ 7 3k. 4. 9. O verallc apitalprogram m e statu s Reportto O c tober C abinet N u m berof S c hem es in P rogram m e Y etto S tart In P rogres s C om pleted O ngoing P rogram m es e. g. D isabled Fac ilities Grant D evolved Form u la C apitalGrants c hem es bu d gets d evolved to s c hools 7 51 1 3% 38 % 36% 5% 8% 5. L egal In prod u c ing and reviewing this reportthe C ou nc ilis m eeting legal obligations to m onitorits financ ialpos ition. 6. V alu e forM oney S ervice m onitoring ens u res a c ons tantreview ofbu d gets forec onom y, efficienc y and effec tivenes s . 7. S u stainability Im pac tA ppraisal The propos als in this reporthave no im pac ton s u s tainability objec tives . 8. Risk M anagem ent Risks Unc ontrolled Risk N one 149 C ontrols C ontrolled Risk 9. L inks to S trategic O bjec tives Res id ents c an be as s u red thatthe C ou nc ilis provid ing valu e for m oney by d elivering ec onom ic s ervices . 10. E qu alities, H u m an Rights and C om m u nity C ohesion This is a m onitoring reportwith no ac tions related to s taffors ervice provision. A n E q u ality Im pac tA s s es s m ent(E Q IA )has not, therefore, been c om pleted forthe prod u c tion ofthis report. A n E Q IA wou ld be req u ired s hou ld this reportgenerate any c hanges to policy. 11. S taffing/W orkforc e and A c c om m od ation im plic ations: N one. 12. P roperty and A ssets im plic ations: N one. 1 3. A ny otherim plic ations: N one. 1 4. C onsu ltation O verview and S c ru tiny P anels willreview this reportafterC abinethas m et. C om m ents have nottherefore been inc lu d ed . 1 5. Tim etable forIm plem entation This s ec tion is notapplicable. 1 6. A A A A 17 . ppend ic es ppend ix A ppend ix B ppend ix C Revenu e bu d gets u m m ary C apitalbu d gets u m m ary C apitalV arianc es B ac kgrou nd Inform ation B ac kgrou nd P apers : B u d getReportto C ou nc ilFebru ary 2 0 1 4 1 8 . C onsu ltation (M and atory) N am e of P ostheld and c onsu ltee D epartm ent Internal C orporate M anaging M anagem entTeam D irec tor, S trategic (C M T) D irec tors , H ead s ofL egalS ervices and P olicy & P erform anc e. C llrD u d ley L ead M em berfor Financ e C llrB u rbage L ead erofthe C ou nc il E xternalN one 150 D ate sent D ate rec eived S ee c om m ents in paragraph: 3Oct 20 14 9 Oct 20 14 C hanges inc lu d ed in finalC abinet report. 9 Oct 20 14 9 Oct 20 14 9 Oct 20 14 10 O c t 20 14 1 9. ReportH istory D ec ision type: Forinform ation Urgenc y item ? No Fu llnam e ofreportau thor Job title Richard B u nn C hiefA c c ou ntant 151 Fu llc ontac tno: 0 1 62 8 7 9651 0 Appendix A FINANCE UPDATE FOR OCTOBER CABINET 2014/15 Budget Approved Estimate Projected Variance £000 £000 £000 61,387 623 1,229 13,040 206 (76,894) 62,443 528 590 12,866 253 (77,087) 0 35 0 (45) 0 10 (409) (407) 0 246 767 1,899 651 501 1,467 1,867 5,189 2,654 2,178 7 666 244 610 1,903 1,309 501 1,284 1,775 5,173 2,643 2,141 7 527 0 188 140 75 0 (45) 180 594 (635) (430) 0 5 Total Children's Services - LA Budget 18,092 18,117 72 Total Children's Services 17,683 17,710 72 33,602 0 2,439 1,487 (2,188) 2,225 300 208 33,580 0 2,439 1,578 (1,920) 2,239 301 288 56 0 (72) 0 0 10 0 0 38,073 38,505 (6) 132 0 603 (272) 166 159 530 (3,008) 0 0 0 32 Total Operations 11,542 999 2,222 898 16,124 12,938 997 3,233 1,111 16,126 (45) 10 0 0 (3) Total Corporate Services 293 (1,369) 994 261 466 1,634 1,160 246 2,461 2,600 862 133 9,741 289 (1,366) 961 292 471 1,674 1,174 281 2,488 2,599 1,079 134 10,076 0 (17) (19) 0 (10) 0 20 (10) (17) 0 25 40 12 81,621 82,417 75 SUMMARY Individual Schools Budget De Delegated Schools Budget Central Provision within Schools Budget High Needs Pupils Early Years Dedicated Schools Grant Total Children's Services - Schools Budget Education, Strategy & Commissioning Central Costs Educations Standards Sufficiency and Access Strategic Commissioning and Practice Improvement Early Help & Safeguarding Central Costs Early Help-Youth Support Early Help and First Response Safeguarding and Children in Care Children and Young People Disability Fostering Service Berkshire Adoption Service Children's Services Management Adult Social Care Public Health Housing Leisure Services Leisure Centres Library Information Heritage & Arts Adult Management Total Adult & Community Services Director of Operations Operational Transformation Benefits & Business Services Strategic Asset Management Commissioning & Contracts Neighbourhood & Streetscene Delivery Services Community, Protection & Enforcement Services Customer, Resident & Relationship Services Director of Corporate Services Regeneration & Economic Development Corporate Management Communications Policy and Performance Democratic Services HR Legal Finance Technology & Change Delivery Planning Building Services TOTAL EXPENDITURE 152 Appendix A FINANCE UPDATE FOR OCTOBER CABINET 2014/15 SUMMARY Total Service Expenditure Contribution to / (from) Development Fund Pensions deficit recovery Pay Inflation Transfer to/from Provision for Redundancy Environment Agency levy Capital Financing inc Interest Receipts NET REQUIREMENTS Budget Approved Estimate Projected Variance £000 £000 £000 81,621 82,417 75 (220) 1,420 154 0 0 0 144 6,217 (770) 1,541 0 (26) 144 6,217 0 (50) 89,336 89,523 25 (944) (944) 0 Less - Special Expenses Variance on budgeted Council Tax Freeze grant (23) Transfer to / (from) balances 0 (187) (2) 88,392 88,392 0 Opening Balance 5,213 5,322 5,135 Transfers to / (from) balances 0 5,213 (187) 5,135 (2) 5,133 GROSS COUNCIL TAX REQUIREMENT General Fund Development Fund Opening Balance Transfer (to) / from other reserves Transfer from General Fund - sweep Transfer to General Fund - other initiatives 1,978 0 0 (770) 1,208 NOTE Service variances that are negative represent an underspend, positive represents an overspend. 153 APPENDIX B CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2014-15 Schemes Approved in prior years 2014/15 APPROVED ESTIMATE Portfolio Summary PROJECTIONS - GROSS EXPENDITURE Gross Income Net 2014/15 Projected (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) 2015/16 SLIPPAGE Projected TOTAL Projected VARIANCE Projected VARIANCE Projected (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (%) Corporate Services Property Management 926 (56) 870 926 0 926 0 0% Planning & Development 121 0 121 121 0 121 0 0% Policy & Performance 982 0 982 982 0 982 0 0% 1,136 (503) 633 1,136 0 1,136 0 0% 333 (8) 325 333 0 333 0 0% 3,498 (567) 2,931 3,498 0 3,498 0 0 CSC 70 0 70 70 0 70 0 0% Other 56 0 56 56 0 56 0 0% 1,515 (564) 951 1,515 0 1,515 0 0% Parking Schemes 547 (511) 36 537 10 547 0 0% Streetcare and Operations 981 (925) 56 981 0 981 0 0% Public Protection 350 (171) 179 350 0 350 0 0% 3,519 (2,171) 1,348 3,509 10 3,519 0 0 Regeneration & Economic Development Business Improvement Total Corporate Services Operations Local Transport Plan Total Operations Childrens Non Schools 426 (406) 20 426 0 426 0 0% 3,125 (3,052) 73 3,125 0 3,125 0 0% 762 (759) 3 762 0 762 0 0% 4,313 (4,217) 96 4,313 0 4,313 0 0 Adult Social Care 1,332 (1,202) 130 1,332 0 1,332 0 0% Housing 1,542 (1,511) 31 1,542 0 1,542 0 0% 24 (24) 0 24 0 24 0 0% 5 0 5 5 0 5 0 0% 675 (92) 583 675 0 675 0 0% 67 (60) 7 67 0 67 0 0% 158 (121) 37 158 0 158 0 0% 3,803 (3,010) 793 3,803 0 3,803 0 0 15,133 (9,965) 5,168 15,123 10 15,133 0 0 Schools - Non Devolved Schools - Devolved Capital Total Childrens Adult Social Care infrastructure Community Facilities Library & Information Service Leisure Centres Outdoor Facilities Total Adult Total Committed Schemes 154 1 of 2 APPENDIX B 0 15,133 New schemes Approved in 2014-15 2014/15 ORIGINAL BUDGET Portfolio Summary 2014/15 APPROVED ESTIMATE PROJECTIONS - GROSS EXPENDITURE Gross Income Net Gross Income Net 2014/15 Projected (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) 2015/16 SLIPPAGE Projected TOTAL Projected VARIANCE Projected VARIANCE Projected (£'000) (£'000) (£'000) (%) Corporate Services Property Management 420 0 420 1,290 0 1,290 1,290 0 1,290 0 0% 50 0 50 180 (130) 50 180 0 180 0 0% Policy & Performance 675 0 675 425 0 425 425 0 425 0 0% Regeneration & Economic Development 582 (10) 572 719 (22) 697 719 0 719 0 Planning & Development Business Improvement Total Corporate Services 196 0 196 186 0 186 186 0 186 0 0% 1,923 (10) 1,913 2,800 (152) 2,648 2,800 0 2,800 0 0 235 0 235 235 0 235 235 0 235 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations CSC Other Local Transport Plan 9,467 (7,366) 2,101 9,269 (7,344) 1,925 9,269 0 9,269 0 0% Parking Schemes 135 0 135 130 0 130 130 0 130 0 0% Streetcare and Operations 235 0 235 235 0 235 235 0 235 0 0% Public Protection 683 (325) 358 683 (325) 358 683 0 683 0 0% 10,755 (7,691) 3,064 10,552 (7,669) 2,883 10,552 0 10,552 0 0 Total Operations Childrens Non Schools 130 (100) 30 215 (175) 40 218 0 218 3 1% 14,695 (14,695) 0 15,253 (15,253) 0 15,184 0 15,184 (69) 0% 305 (305) 0 305 (305) 0 305 0 305 0 0% 15,130 (15,100) 30 15,773 (15,733) 40 15,707 0 15,707 (66) Adult Social Care 261 (261) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing 700 (350) 350 700 (350) 350 700 0 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Schools - Non Devolved Schools - Devolved Capital Total Childrens 0 Adult Social Care infrastructure Community Facilities 0% 0 0 0 800 (800) 0 800 0 800 0 0% Library & Information Service 204 (130) 74 154 (130) 24 154 0 154 0 0% Leisure Centres 395 (75) 320 228 (158) 70 228 0 228 0 0% Outdoor Facilities 508 (135) 373 764 (352) 412 764 0 764 0 0% 2,068 (951) 1,117 2,646 (1,790) 856 2,646 0 2,646 0 0 29,876 (23,752) 6,124 31,771 (25,344) 6,427 31,705 0 31,705 (66) 0 0 31,771 Total Adult Total Committed Schemes (£'000) Portfolio Total (£'000) (£'000) 29,876 46,904 46,828 (21,105) (29,133) (29,133) (2,500) (5,054) (5,054) (147) (1,122) (1,122) (23,752) (35,309) (35,309) 6,124 11,595 11,519 External Funding Government Grants Developers' Contributions Other Contributions Total External Funding Sources Total Corporate Funding 155 2 of 2 APPENDIX C Capital Monitoring Report -September 2014-15 At 30 September 2014, the approved Capital budget stood at £46.904m Approved Budget Variances identified Slippage to 2015/16 Projected Outturn 2014/15 Exp £'000 46,904 (66) (10) 46,828 Inc £'000 (35,309) 36 0 (35,273) Net £'000 11,595 (30) (10) 11,555 Inc £'000 Net £'000 76 Overall Projected Expenditure and Slippage Projected outturn for the financial year is £46.828m Variances are reported as follows Exp £'000 Non Schools CKTC Upgrade to the EMS/ONE Education System Schools - Non Devolved CH11 HMS Old Site CSDH Purchase of Winbury School CSEF Trevelyan re-wire and replacement lighting 2014-15 CSEG Cookham Nursery re-wire & replace lighting 2014-15 CSEH Windsor Girls urgent chimney stack repairs 2014-15 CSEK Holy Trinity Cook. class heat. improve. 2014-15 CSEN Homer bulge class 2014-15 CSEP Dedworth Green additional classroom 2014-15 CSER Datchet St Mary's bulge class 2014-15 3 (1) 1 13 (56) (23) 5 (39) (28) 50 8 (66) 0 0 56 (23) (5) 39 28 (50) (8) 36 (10) (10) 0 0 2 Small overspend will be funded by children's capital grants. 1 13 0 (46) 0 0 0 0 0 (30) Old invoices have come to light slight overspend £1K) School now has DfE funding. Costs to RBWM will cease. Overspend due to delays in site planning. Tender agreement has come in lower so a saving for the borough, releasing funds for further expansions. Tender agreement has come in lower so a saving for the borough, releasing funds for further expansions. Tender agreement has come in higher than the budgeted costs. Tender agreement has come in lower so a saving for the borough, releasing funds for further expansions. School is contributing £50K towards the cost so a saving will be made by the borough, releasing funding for further expansions. Tender agreement has come in higher than the budgeted costs. Tender agreement has come in higher than the budgeted costs. Slippage is reported as follows CB15 Car Pks-Repl Hand Held Enforce machines (10) Expenditure will now occur in 2015/16 (10) Overall Programme Status The project statistics show the following position: Scheme progress Yet to Start In Progress Completed Ongoing Programmes e.g.. Disabled Facilities Grant Devolved Formula Capital Grant schemes budgets devolved to schools Total Schemes No. 97 289 274 34 % 13% 38% 36% 5% 57 751 8% 100% 1 of 1 156