33rd 65th Hogan e Reg n 282nd 172nd 222nd 12 9th 152nd 122nd Kane 182nd 162nd 145th 132nd r Ful le 82 n Linn 223rd 148th 148th 190th 232nd 135th Amisigger 72nd Bell 181st 122nd 136th 52nd 45th Ce nt er nt lP oi Ce nt ra Ostman s Pet e 122nd 60th 50th Cesar Chavez 26th 28th e R iv er sid ffo rd St a 105th 42nd 33rd 57th d 21st 27th 24th 15th 17th 32nd 23rd Pilkington Bryant Linwood 49th 72nd Hall Boone s Ferry Ladd Boones Ferry 32nd Capitol 80th 124th Or eg on Hill 17th 45th S Oles on olls Fer ry Sch 121st 135th 68th Murray 190th 175th d oo tH Roy Rogers un Mo Elwert nt P ie Or R d En DO Service to Canby canbyareatransit.org Service to Wilsonville ridesmart.com Divi s i on 32 OREGON CITY 99 CANEMAH BLUFF RI Lo Mc th WILLAMETTE NARROWS FOREST Wilsonville lin R CO OREGON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY R 33 h ug u So WILSONVILLE R COFFEE LAKE CREEK WETLANDS VE s 224 BARTON PARK RIVER ISLAND gw NEWELL CREEK CANYON Redland M ap l CLACKAMAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE k ee cr er av Service to Salem cherriots.org I ER a ll te F NORTH LOGAN NATURAL AREA a 30 to Estacada Be Service to Yamhill County yctransitarea.org TT E AT NORTH LL WI E AM W NG 2 154 M o u n tain Spr in PROVIDENCE WILLAMETTE FALLS Willa m et 30 rry Bakers Fe Ho e 1 Library ic cif 154 a lall 0 a Ba wy CLACKAMAS RIVER ela ne Leland Secure bike parking Hospital Cla cka ma s/H Oregon City Transit Center Mo School r ke Park & Ride rive Cas c a d Landmarks Clackamas-Boring b Blankenship Sc ha eff er DAMASCUS r Portland City Center CLACKAMAS HIGH m lco 154 Service to Sandy: ci.sandy.or.us/Transit te Sunset 32 WEST LINN HIGH r SAM BARLOW HIGH 84 24 Portland Streetcar n Lusted SPRINGWATER TRAIL HIGH EAST BLISS BUTTE as/Hwy 2 am ck Cla SHERWOOD Jennifer rry 79 o Beaverton/Wilsonville 97th SHERWOOD HIGH TOWLE BUTTE Sunny side gto n Arli Po w ell Valley HAPPY VALLEY be 35 Salam TUALATIN HIGH WES Commuter Rail WEST LINN 156 155 Carver/Hwy 212 30 GLADSTONE HIGH 33 MOUNT TALBERT NATURE PARK 80 81 156 29 Str aw 99 Sagert 96 Expo Center/City Center/PSU MARY S. YOUNG STATE RECREATION AREA d rlan Bo MAX Yellow Line nn Je PUTNAM HIGH KAISER SUNNYSIDE 79 n nso Lang er 76 Joh Airport/City Center/Beaverton ve r GLADSTONE LEGACY MERIDIAN PARK d 82nd MAX Red Line oo Roots gs in Ri MARYLHURST UNIVERSITY 35 so n hn Jo Milwaukie/City Center rw LAKERIDGE HIGH 34 TUALATIN e Sh Tualat in - ey McV er MAX Orange Line 36 Tualatin Thiessen 32 W ebst 94 93 n n Clackamas/City Center/PSU McEwa 30 hlin MAX Green Line Tualatin Sh uth o r e Sunnybrook CCC HARMONY CAMPUS 33 E 36 Harmony 152 tte me Hillsboro/City Center/Gresham ific Pac e sF ne 37 Hwy OSW rry LAK Clackamas Town Center Transit Center lla MAX Blue Line TUALATIN RIVER NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE C EGO LA SALLE HIGH Kellogg Creek Wi HERITAGE PINE NATURAL AREA n 99 34 84 GRESHAM We King 34 MT. HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Gresham Central Transit Center Cleveland Ave 14th WILLAMETTE NATIONAL CEMETARY SE Fuller 20 GRESHAM HIGH 9 GLENN TROUTDALE OTTO 81 LEGACY MOUNT HOOD Civic Drive JENNE BUTTE Idleman er er / at 29 Hwy i onal 2 Lak 12 e Lake Oswego Transit Center LAKE OSWEGO o Bo COOK PARK Rail Service 38 a arm 38 TIGARD HIGH 35 37 MILWAUKIE MILWAUKIE HIGH 72 Stark 87 BUTTES NATURAL AREA n t Scott 21 Gresham City Hall CENTENNIAL HIGH CO d el tfi Oa Rush-Hour Service s e Way r y Club 152 r King 33 R DO I RR REYNOLDS HIGH Ruby Junction/E 197th Bur nsid e h 7t 25 80 Glisan 4 10 Foster Mo u WOOD VILLAGE E 181st Rockwood/E 188th POWELL BUTTE NATURE PARK SE Flavel nC Pow ell Harold 19 WA eek TER ING SE Park 36 78 nso In t 96 LAKE OSWEGO HIGH Joh PROVIDENCE MILWAUKIE 17 Lents/SE Foster Flavel 71 75 9 14 Duke g Lou Standard Service Bo SE Holgate SPR Milwaukie/ Main TRYON CREEK STATE NATURAL AREA 17 Mc 20 Durham Beef Bend 78 ry Fer es on Cou nt Bonita 76 Frequent Service Kerr PCC SYLVANIA Kru 94 93 Gaarde 38 96 TIGARD Bus Service MILES 78 LEWIS & CLARK COLLEGE LEWIS & CLARK LAW SCHOOL SE Powell 70 34 71 10 W oodstock Ca r v ut Bull Mountain 4 12 Tigard Transit Center RIVER VIEW NATURAL AREA RIVERDALE HIGH 44 64 ur g 36 R ur Barb G re e nb 45 W a ln lls Ferry Scho 78 39 IVE ER 92 12 Taylors Ferry Barbur Blvd Transit Center 76 35 SE Division 25 E 162nd E 172nd 77 FAIRVIEW Halsey Division 4 Sandy 77 DAVID DOUGLAS HIGH WALLA WALLA UNIVERSITY ADVENTIST MEDICAL CENTER Holgate 87 20 Stark SE PORTLAND Steele to Burnside SE Main 72 21 23 Sacramen San Rafael Halsey 77 Gateway/NE 99th Transit Center Glisan 25 E 102nd E 122nd E 148th PCC SOUTHEAST Powell 9 SE Tacoma/ Johnson Creek 99 TT 92 62 Taylors Ferry 43 65 Rex WARNER PACIFIC COLLEGE FRANKLIN HIGH 75 REED COLLEGE ME Te al 43 94 1 Division SE Bybee 19 OAKS BOTTOM WILDLIFE REFUGE LLA COOPER MOUNTAIN NATURE PARK Washington Square Transit Center 39 ur rb Ba 96 64 96 WILSON HIGH 70 WI SOUTHRIDGE HIGH Hall/Nimbus 65 44 45 Garden Home 92 MT TABOR PARK Rose RI SP Brockman 56 1 Vermont Multnomah 64 15 BLUE LAKE REGIONAL PARK lch 62 35th 29th t ha 55 20 Stark Washington 71 Belmont 66 SE 17th & Holgate 99 61 19 Burnside Marine BIG FOUR CORNERS NATURAL AREA 22 VIBRA SPECIALTY HOSPITAL MULTNOMAH UNIVERSITY ort ra ba B ar Hall 88 76 ck tu 56 Allen 78 Hart B ray 158th Mur 90th 92 54 4 CLEVELAND HIGH SE 17th & Rhine MARQUAM NATURE PARK Hamilton 61 JESUIT HIGH Grand 11th 12th n ie l Saltzman Bethany 53 8 SW PORTLAND 55 19 66 Shaver 71 24 NE 60th Sand y PARKROSE HIGH 23 NE 82nd PROVIDENCE PORTLAND Airp 21 IA RI VE R s 198th 209th BEAVERTON HIGH 51 Clinton/ SE 12th 54 MADISON HIGH 14 ghlin Lou Mc Fa n Canyo a OHSU HOSPITALS CENTRAL CATHOLIC HIGH 15 10 st y d San 20 Hawthorne m gton rmin WETLANDS 58 Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy 61 54 BEAVERTON l ey Val tin a l a FERNHILL Tu n Patt o Vi GRANT HIGH Hollywood/ NE 42nd Transit Center 12 BENSON HIGH Milwaukie TUALITY FOREST GROVE 57 Baseline 58 20 Beaverton Central 52 CATLIN GABEL Beaverton Transit Center wy VALLEY CATHOLIC ALOHA HIGH 59 51 22 77 19 PORTLAND CITY CENTER 63 Washington Park Broadway Rose Quarter Transit Center a Macad Adair 57 Jen k Beavertonins Creek Millikan Way yH 20 17 MHCC MAYWOOD CAMPUS 12 Fremont 24 70 Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center er t 229th 19th 10th PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Tual atin Vall e B OREGON COLLEGE Merlo Rd/ SW 158th TUALATIN HILLS NATURE PARK 57 88 Taylor nes ar 75 6 side ur n Prescott 71 CO LU MB Ro b Sunset FOREST GROVE & CORNELIUS B St 174th 185th HILLSBORO HIGH 62 50 OF ART & CRAFT Sunset Transit Center PROVIDENCE ST. VINCENT Ced ar 197th 52 es Hill s 185th Shute 57 Cornelius Pass Brookw o o d 231st 1st wy Elmonica/ SW 170th 170th 25th Tualati n Valley H Wal ker 67 rn So Pas s lius rne Co 229th okw oo d 15th Bro CENTURY HIGH Willow Creek/ SW 185th Transit Center Ba AUDUBON SANCUTARIES NE PORTLAND 44 LEGACY GOOD SAMARITAN 72 r Hwy ive C ric olumbia R sto Hi HILLSBORO 59 Leahy 15 18 8 LEGACY EMANUEL Albina/ Mississippi 77 Alberta 6 87 Killingsworth an PCC WILLOW CREEK CENTER SUNSET HIGH 4 16 15 NW PORTLAND Cornell N Prescott Overlook Park M cD a 48 Quatama/ NW 205th 15 Cascades Jo rd OHSU WEST CAMPUS Going 85 n CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY 17 JEFFERSON HIGH rt NAYA ACADEMY Troutdale JACKSON BOTTOM WETLANDS PRESERVE Corn ell Yeo e 50 PCC CASCADE N Killingsworth 72 75 92n d 48 47 La Sk Tho m pson 44 35 Air po Mt Hood Ave bia Rosa Parks ley Main Washington/ SE 12th n Colu m Dekum DE LA SALLE HIGH 85 Bas i R ns Hawthorn Farm Fairplex/ Hillsboro Airport TUALITY COMMUNITY 57 to Forest Grove en Orenco/NW 231st Hillsboro Central/ SE 3rd Transit Center 47 70 N Lombard Transit Center 75 go on 72 67 rgr e Cornell VE OHSU BETHANY VILLAGE WESTVIEW HIGH KAISER WESTSIDE 48 Tuality Hospital/ SE 8th Eve 47 RI 16 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND Laidlaw 52 46 TE 4 ee Gr GLENCOE HIGH Hatfield Government Center Oak nion ET le He Baseline West U FOREST PARK M St 57 ille Sp r ingv LA yli n Glencoe 46 35 te Evergreen IL PCC ROCK CREEK Kaiser Service to Tillamook County: tillamookbus.com Willis Lom ba rd 75 me t 13th Wil l Vancouver Williams 44 W LIBERTY HIGH Portland International Airport Kenton/ N Denver MLK tow n Marine ROOSEVELT HIGH s hn Jo e St ridg B a G erman 6 Delta Park/ Vanport PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY Fe s sen den System Map COLUMBIA RIVER 11 N PORTLAND 11 4 Expo Center 82nd 75 bia 82nd lum Cla cka mas Rive rD Co PIER PARK trimet.org Service to Clark County c-tran.com JANTZEN BEACH ne tla nd 16 Ma ri 82nd 11 SMITH AND BYBEE WETLANDS NATURAL AREA Ne wb err y 16 to Sauvie Island MLK ns Interstate 11 le Po r Service to Columbia County columbiacountyrider.com He Lombard St OREGON CITY HIGH Service to Molalla southclackamastransportation.com 30