BS POLITICAL SCIENCE (2016-2017) FOUNDATIONS CURRICULUM (42 s.h.) ENGLISH (6 s.h.) ENGL 1100; WI ENGL 2201; WI MATH (3 s.h.) MATH 1050 recommended SCIENCE (8 s.h.) including 1 lab S.H. 3 3 Term Grade 3 HEALTH & KINESIOLOGY (3 s.h.) HLTH 1000 KINE 1000 (1 hr) or 1001 (2 hr) HUMANITIES & FINE ARTS (10 s.h.) 1 from each HUMANITY (at least 1) S.H. 2 1 Term Grade FINE ART (at least 1) HUMANITY OR FINE ART SOCIAL SCIENCES (12 s.h.) 3 different areas NO POL 3 3 3 3 CORE COURSES (51 s.h.) NO course counted for the major may count for the minor! AMERICAN GOVERNMENT & POLITICS (9 s.h.) POLS 1010 National Government POLS 3240 State & Local Government Choose ONE from the following: POLS 3006, 3033, 3034, 3035, 3037, 3039, 3040, 3045, 3090, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3223, 3224, 3241, 3244, or 4321 S.H. 3 3 S.H. 3 Term Grade Term Grade POLITICAL THEORY, METHODS, SKILLS (12 s.h.) POLS 2090 Writing for Political Science; WI To be taken after ENGL 1100 and 2201 POLS 3031 Research Design for Political Science Fall S.H. 3 Term Grade POLS 3032 Statistical Methods (P: POLS 3031) Spring 3 Choose ONE from the following: S.H. Term Grade POLS 2070 OR 3008 OR 3042 OR 3050 3 MAJOR ELECTIVES (15 s.h.) S.H. Term Grade COMPARATIVE GOV’T & INTL POLITICS (9 s.h.) POLS 2010 POLS 2020 Choose ONE from the following POLS 3007, 3140, 3144, 3155, 3180, 3232, 3234, 3236, 3260, 3265, 3282, 3290, 3291, 3293, 3295, 3297, 4000, 4360, 4382, or 4383 S.H. 3 3 S.H. 3 Term Grade Term Grade PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION & PUBLIC POLICY (6 s.h.) Choose 1: POLS 3252 Public Admin or 3255 Domestic Policy S.H. 3 Term Grade Choose ONE from the following: S.H. Term Grade POLS 3009, 3041, 3242, 3252, 3253, 3255, or 4310 3 COGNATE (3 s.h.) S.H. Term Grade *COMM 2410 or 2420 (COMM 2020 or any POLS course can be substituted) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MINOR (18 – 30 s.h.) S.H. Term Grade 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 GENERAL ELECTIVES (estimated 0-6 s.h.) S.H. 3 Term Grade Completed? GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Writing Intensive Course (ENGL 1100 or elective) 3 Writing Intensive Course (ENGL 2201 or elective) 3 Writing Intensive MAJOR Course 3 Writing Intensive Course (elective) 3 OVERALL GPA must be 2.00 MAJOR GPA must be a 2.00 This checksheet is designed to assist you but is not meant to replace the undergraduate catalog. For complete list of graduation requirements, consult catalog. TOTAL DEGREE HOURS NEEDED TO GRADUATE (120 s.h.) Minimum of 25% must be completed through ECU; Minimum of 50% of total hours in MAJOR must be completed through ECU; Minimum of 50% of total hours must be completed through 4 year institution. BS POLITICAL SCIENCE (2016-2017)