Physic 30 – Electromagnetic Radiation Concept Check 3 Concept1. explain, qualitatively, various methods of measuring the speed of EMR Describe two of the ways that an experiment can be modified to help measure the speed of light. Light travels at a constant velocity, so speed, distance and time are related by d v = . You can change the distance the light has to travel, therefore making the t time easier to measure (Römer), or you can increase the precision of the device measuring time so that you can use a shorter distance. (Michelson) 2. Describe why Galileo failed in his attempt at measuring the speed of light, but Römer succeeded while using the same method. Neither had a precise time measuring device, and therefore had to rely on manipulating distance. Galileo had a very short distance to work (4 miles between two hills), which made the time much to short to measure. Römer used a large distance (Earth’s orbital diameter) so had a easily measured time (22 minutes) to work with. 3. Römer used the diameter of the Earth’s orbit ( 2.98 !1011 m ) to determine the speed of light. If he determined that light took approximately 22 minutes to travel that distance, his calculated speed of light was approximately_____ v= d t 2.98 !1011 m v= 60s % " $# 22 min! ' 1min & v = 2.26 !108 m s 4. To travel to the nearest star , Alpha Centauri, would take approximately 4.4 light years. A light year is the distance that light travels in one year. How far away is Alpha Centauri in kilometers? 1 year = 365.25 days × 24hours 60 min 60s ! ! = 31557600s 1day 1hour 1min d = vt d ≈ (3.00 × 10 8 m s)(31557600s × 4.4) d ≈ 4.17 × 1016 m d ≈ 4.17 × 1013 km Concept5. Calculate the speed of EMR, given data from a Michelson-type experiment What is the definition of period of rotation? The period of rotation is the time it takes to complete one whole rotation. ! time $ #" 1 cycle &% 6. How are period and frequency related to each other? ! #cycles $ Frequency is how often some event occurs per unit of time. # " 1 s &% It is the reciprocal of the period. 7. f = 1 T What is the frequency of rotation in RPM for an object whose period of rotation is 2.3 x 10-4 s? f = 1 T 1 2.3 !10 "4 s f = 4.3 !10 3 Hz f = 8. What is the time for one third of a rotation for an object rotating at 420 RPS? One third of a rotation will take one third of the period to occur. The frequency of 420 RPS is the same as 420 Hz. T= 1 f 1 420RPS T = 2.4 !10 "3 s T= 1 t= T 3 1 t = (2.4 !10 "3 s) 3 t = 7.9 !10 "4 s 9. Michelson used a rotating eight-sided mirror and a flat mirror a set distance away to determine the speed of light. How did he measure the time it took light to travel this small distance? He rotated the mirror fast enough so that while the light travelled to the flat mirror and back, the mirror would rotate 1/8 of a revolution. This would cause the mirror to be in the same orientation as it was originally. By measuring the frequency of rotation and determining the period, he was able to measure the time. 10. Determine the speed of light if an eight sided mirror rotates at 585 Hz in a Michelson-type experiment. The stationary mirrors are 30 km away. T= 1 f 1 585Hz T = 0.00171s T= 11. 1 t= T 8 1 t = (0.00171s) 8 t = 2.1!10 "4 s d t (2 ! 30000m) v= 2.1!10 "4 s v = 2.8 !108 m s v= Determine the minimum frequency of rotation of a six-sided mirror in a Michelson-type experiment if the fixed mirrors are 40 km away. What is the next highest frequency that the mirror could rotate? f = 1 , so need to find the period T . T d v (2 ! 40000m) t= 3.0 !108 m s t= "4 t = 2.7 !10 s 1 t= T 8 T = 8t T = 8(2.7 !10 "4 s) T = 2.1!10 "3 s f = 1 T 1 2.1!10 "3 s f = 469Hz f =