i / t x L . : •'^ /'x v ,> //■ /// 77''■ !, / 7 / 7 .'-■y x : ■': ,.V,. * 7 /;* :^ !^ ;;: 1 -■&■; 77/ V ‘•v.:; ••' ■<* ■v./ 7iH; ■'/■'/ U r X '7 / 7 7 * 7 7 / / 7 ' v :.IK • : V?'*'yfr’tw*i?7fyqi^,»,v?7*f»'-'■PJwte’** ' ^r~;"^T^r^‘- ::-T^'-- vh^T-47;w•?-•— :-»^^.v-.i•>*:->- :^ 7 .7 /7 ';/> t. .’*i/> ■$ ’L \ *-J , t* tenpages s» X* .} V T E K PA G E S >agAWDAaD.giiwtbiu^ed im .B O V E M E E R 13, 1916. The thlrd/graiie is' ‘ preparing a 5’banksgriying-progratn, ■T he first graderhaS*'ptarted’a; smalt rug Factory Imd is plittlbg, out sipall Wreck; Held Him Up- Several Hours and Chelsea Gets Some. ------- ------ -Advertising. ■'" ' That’s what. HartyBMdei, of .Albion, Ind., said about some hoga (lOObead) that he fed with HOG •TONE. He also sold r -*—yT n certa in ty w i l l n e v e r fe e d ou t uTotber h e r d o t h o g a w it h o u t , o a i n a A v a lo n F o r m e UOO* TONE.- Yott c u jtto t m ak e y o u r — EVERYTHINC/BUT THE .. AVAION FARMS - turkey ' ^Elaga^Grapes, lb . 7 . 20c ' New Soft Shell Walnuts, lb. .25o Fancy Oranges, (doz., . . . . . .fide. H O G Oysters,, solid meats, quart. . 00c Cluster Raisins, lb. . . . . . . . ,25c T O N E Persian Dates, packaged, . . 13c Mott's Sweet Cider, qt'.. ;'iJL^2dc_ by keeping your hogs free 0! worms, will- sid fn.firottetw g :them asalnrt Fancy Layer Figs; lb....... r,25econtracting Cholera, Rheumatism, - Scour8,ThumpsiEhterI{ls(IndJceBtion \T ..* -\r - i. .. > < 1 -aQd-theseorefrof diseases that attack--^ -7N U t-M e& t8r ftll kmdfc—r and destroy, hundreds of bogs every 'year. A safe,liquid remedy thoroughly Seeded Raisins, lb.............. 15c tested and proved on the wolMcnown Avalon Farms la northern Indiana, nearFtHVayne?- -A reAeay that weSeedless Raising, ‘Ibr/;/, ;. 717c know will destroy and expel all kinds of worms.. Hog-Tone. Is a splendid .goneraltonlo and conditioner, , vNonc-Such Minco Meat. . . . . 10c , Fancy-Cranberries, qt . . 77/712(7 j=tttizrri-fnr“u««- -HENRYH^EEKNCO^BRUGdttTS^ Chelsea. Michigan - ,/ x .l!^ 0 < 7 ■'.Chase ;&L Sanborn’^ fine i . ‘ 4 / Coffees, Jb . ' ;. ,2j5o, to 40o COMPANY Phone 63 Free Delivery * / g h o u ld b e o r d e r e d n o w .; W e c a n s u p p ly y o u r w a n t s !.A n p lu m p y o u n g c o u n t r y j f e d f o w ls in s iz e s fro m sjs-v e a ~ to t w e n t y p o u n d a , W e w ere a b le to c o n tr a c t f o r rh n ly a - l k i > k e d : n u f n b e r o f t h e s e rk o y s -th is -y o a r . TH te - d e tm m f l^ w lll Be f a r g r e a t e r t h a n t h e su p p ly , so t a k e o u r a d y l c c - a n d ' g e t y o u r .o r d e r ln ..e a r ly , 'F i r s t .com ei— fi r s t —s e r v e d * — \ V e ^ w tN — have p le n ty o f c h o ic e c h ic k e n s an d d u c k s . F r e s h O y s t e r s a n d F is h . ■ ■ Idlaie co u ^ e f r o m a n d C h e l s e a is t h e o t h e r s id e o f J a c k s o n a n d - t h e y d o n t p u t n o d i n n i n g 'c a r - o n t i l l t h e y g e t t o Jack so n j W e ll H a r v e y w e s t a y e d in C h e l s e a f o r liv e a n d a/ h a l f h q u T ^ ^ r ' l ’f T y d u e v e r g e t h a r d u p f a r a p la c e to s p e n d .y o u r S u n d a y m o r n i u g s d o il’t - pIcU —iin . C h e ls e a . A n d - t h e y .c o u ld e n t o f B e e n nobody in c h u r c h b e c a u a e T h e v w e re a i l d ow n to th e s e e n o f th e w re c k te llin g th e - R . R . m e n 'h o w t o d o i t . A n d w h e n We f in e ly g o t t o J a c k s o n I .w as a l l o u t o f t h e h a b i t -o f,, e a t i n g a n d d i d e n t k n o w h o w L f o . h a n d l e ^ t h e im —A u d - r t h a t ; a b o u t a l l t f i e r e is .to t h e s t o r y t h a t I s t a r t e d -o u t t o w r i t e , e x c e f t t a f e w d c " ta ils a bo u T t h e ’ d i f f e r e n t t r a i n s I w a s on, - r T h e o n e t h a t to o k u s f ro m A n n A r b o r tb TI t h a c a w a s ' I a t e . ~ r^ r - T h e -o n e t h a t t o o ^ us fro m I t h a c a to G e n e v a w as b e h in d tim e . T h e ~0 n e F h T i r t o o I m s - r f r o i i r ' G e n e v a fp-Ttji(Ya IrL w n s t o r ely.h Fl# T h e o n e t h a t t o o k u s f r o m .B u f fa lo t o N ile s w a 8 vf lv e -H o u rs a n d a h a l f b e ­ h in d s c h e d u l e w h e n i t u r o t t o N il.es,- -A-nd-the-one 1-eom e-o u 1 fro m' N ile s ;tojDld"ca7puvas;ht-t€h;= — 3 And rwcmldilkti to recommend“ to The Tribune that they go. and hire tile fellows that wrote them two rail­ road time tables to take: hold of the "line ol typbs Uof. WlilUl B. ETPTia Hl-g-vacatiom---- ---- Itespy.x - R C R EA M s tre e t, "W ed n esd ay , N o v e m b e r . - 2 2, 11) 10. H t s : d e a t h w a s c a u s e d b y a s tro k e o t-a p o p le x y . H e w as r e t u r n ­ in g f r o m t h e b a r n t o t h e h o u s e ' a n d fe ll a n d lif e ' w as e x t i n c t w hen_ h e lp a rr iv e d .- H e h a d b e e n in . f a llin g h p ftlttrfo r s e v e r a l y e a rs, H e w as a 'm e m b e r o f C o m p a n y A , WILBUR IIINDERER, Prop. Thirtieth Mlchlgah Infantry,' He wasantnember br TtrP.'~Cafpentcr P o s t, G . A . R ,# the Congregational s o c i e t y 'a n d t h e MaccabeMT He had Everything in Fnrniturejor^he Holidays^ vSeo our^nicQ. ne.w _ and up-to-date lino, i DOLLS Just ta remirid you -Hiftt-Dolls-Are..v.ery.-.gpar^..,and get, and that We have been quite fortunate in gel^ n8 8 n’... ment from the factory, and that wo can not get any more, what we have_at once and make your selections. * ^ r d w a r . — e l-UgS, ,, Everything that is.kept in a r r 'u p -to -d a te hardware sto Wo havo some bargainsun Hcftting^toves j nd Ranges. ___ ....*ri"!:-*TMy-i-»»-■»■ -a" >,iLM iLW .-Mu,L-i-iJi ^J) yiL-i.-..W. sn.H-U~uiu,smuaaMa»ft»= FIRST CLASS PLUMBIN^ AND TIN SflOP. HOLMES & WE WILL ALWAYS TREAT YOU RIGHT. Washtenaw County Association Here The secoud gradh ibst..ai' pupil, Jva - . Wednesday-Next Meeting ‘ "tn8ley^ 1m t” fDuigd^notlrerr'’M airr " "to be at DestRi m i s s i o n a r y t o I n d i a f o r s i x t e e n v e a r iT p r e s e n c e o f t h r e e — G r a n d - C h a p t e r t a l k e d t o t h e h i g h s c h o o l o n t h e l i f e o f f ic e r s , W o r t h y G r a n d . M a t r o n M is s ja m L c -U sto m s o f _ t h e p e o p l e o f I n d i a . - M in n ie K e n y o n ,— o f-- M a r in e —C i ty ; -Ph c l e c t u r e iv a V n i a d c v.er y . I n t e r e s t- W o r t h y G r a n d P a t r o n - W m . Q u a c k e n in g ! _ b y t h e d i s p l a y o f t h e d i f f e r ­ b u s h , Of M t. C l e m e n s , a n d ' G r a n d e n t a r t l c l e s 'w h l p h w e r e s h o w n , il l u s ­ S e c r e t a r y M r s . 13va G o o d r i c h o f A n n t r a t i n g t h e r u d e i m p l e m e n t s a n i l a ls o A r b o r . / theidrpfla* of thp naHvi»a nf Tnrlln. '. T h e . P a r e n t s - T e a c h e r f l L A s 8 o r .i a tln n l e g e i t c a n e a s i l y 's e e n t h a t “ J.ac k ^ ’ D u n n , a f o r m e r C h e l s e a h ig h - s c h o o l f o o t b a l l s t a r , w a s 1r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e u c c e s s o f tl i e S o u t h D a k o t a s t a t e t e a m . T h e s t a t e n n l y e t ^ ity - w ^ n '- t h e c h iith p ^ lo n s m p o f s o u th D a k o ta . ’ E a r l y in , t h e s e a s o n t h e s t a t e e l e v e n w as b e a te n by W is c o n s in a n d M in n e ­ s o ta ^ b u t t h a t w a s a s tf o r e g d n e c o n c l u h e w a s fiv e y e a r s /o f a g e . H e ^ w a s u n l t e d - l n - m a r r i a g o -w 1th—M i s s , S a r a h : IlUAi— M: V, v ' ,lv V .<'f-n<.>tf. Vv , .. •>,-‘A/ ■i -\ I• A lill I ... .. FI ! •< ■;\ i / • 1"J t-.... A y WE Are Here to Serve YOU7 ARCHIE B, CLARK. Pres. J. N, DANCER/Treas, J.B. COLE, SflC. d e f e a t s / ' - H o w e v e r , " w h e n ^ h ^ e ^ t e a t n s / ""7 ^ o f - th e - s a m e c la s s - a s s ta SUNDAY, NOV.; 2Q-. ■ th e y w e re h a n d le d r a t h e r ; ro u g h ly . Matinee and night, . H u ro n , Y e rm lllio n a n d N o rth D a k o td •First'episode of “The Grip of Evil” w e r e b e a t e n in t h r e e s u c c e s s i v e S a t ­ a series of dramas, fourteen In ab, u r d a y s r - D u n it- p i a y e d a t q u a r t e r —aH featuriTTg— Jaqkie Saunders and Ro­ ■ year, a n d b e s id e s d i r e c t i n g t h e t e a m land Bottomly, and showing the re jl1 in fin e s t y l e h e p l a y e d a g r e a t , cT efen- side-of'Humanity. - t ■II • " S! SATURDAY,, NOV._ 25, P a u j , W i l s t a c h ’s 's t o r y o f ~ Ip v e > a n d ie ts surviveirby hlff wife, one ‘Want Deed Sot Aside. m y s t e r y y “ W h a t H a p p e n e d a t 2 2 ?” son, W. 13. Canfield of Detroit, four Mrs. Jessie Flagler Green and Mrs. A F r o h m a n A m u s e m e n t C o r p . p r o .grandchildren and a number of neMaude Flagler Aiken; •.-both'of-Jack• 4uct-io«“8howingrtiow-A-.sma^^ -phewfr-ftwl-nieoea.— -— — son, are plaintiffs in a ease being tried. gi rl , brings- a ; The f u n a r a iiijH be held^tl0o!elock4 In the circuit court at.-Kalamazoo In downfall. S a tu r d a y r u io fn ln g " f roin the home, which J t Is asked th at the deed given JRev._ P. W. Dlcrbcrgfer ofllciatlng. bythelate Henry Flrtgler to rnterment at Oak Grove cemetery. housekeeper, Mrs. Mary A. Humph “The Double Resurrection,” fif­ ■ 1—1 > rcy, be set aside, , Claude Flagler, of teenth episode of “The Trou Claw.” Distressing Bronchial CiyifT .^'(ans, > and Weaken Foley’S lioney and Tar American Falls, Idaho, also petition‘d Pathc News' No. 84 and a comedy.the deed be set aside. Henry Flagler Stops Them TnupaDAY, NbvrflO. tvsa a- proralnent arctrtttrctr of- K7(ltF Both nlght and day, these wearying rncklng-eotighs-harass-Rfld-weaken- may,oo. He designed many of the The Equitable Film CoVp. jprcacitts their victim^. Th>y hang on all winter, finest buildings In "that city. For nearly fifteen years Mrs. Humplfrey the^Tniarming 15f5lfH"“ personality; Muriel Ostrlche, In “A Circus Ro* fe g jg p , r a ^ 7 r m f r ,,of,“tovej,ftfitt',uiicpoisw condition of the bronchial tubeB and warded for faithful service Mr, Flag* great white canopy. lungs, Foley’s Honey andTarnotpnly ler deeded her a farm of 120 acres he beneath the ■------r —— , stops these' distressing coughs, but The. next.; meeting of Cavanaugh had acquired In 1.0*10, The three IbMhtfBthetnflmncdalrpassagiss, raises children have now started' proceed­ Lpkc .Grange " i J r t n T n e g d a j r phlegm easily and heals raw and In­ ings alleging the father was incom­ evening, November 28, a t thfe home, flamed surfaces, stops hoarseness and petent and had becu influenced., The of Mr; and Mrs. James Richards. The tickling throat, It contains ho opiates* Flagler family were former residents election olf officers! will take place All,dealers everywhere sell It. All and a few Relecilons will be given, ,; of Cliel&a. druggists of Chelsea,—Adv. ; v. ir Princess Bookings/ t slve game, His running .back of punts “Rustic Venice,-scenic. was-one oMhVfeatures-ef—thfr-state- YtT ... TL'.*irha—‘Tadf elcven's play. Jac;k neyer; didTSTuclT free to all matinee and night/" kicking,-butthccoach-Yound himself ; MQN-PAY, NOV, 27, and .did if Tn fine style, He .drop- .v/m, A. Brady in aSssociatlon with klckcd pne oyer firnff^rtie/llH-yard-line^ rthe^World Film Cqrp. preseuts J2ran? livtfje Minnesota battle. ^ces^rN.elsdn— a n d — A r t h A sh 4e y - 4 r ■I l!l r\ ‘ j n e t i n t h e ^ h i g h - s e h o o l bulldlng^Tu~e~a7 Received promotion. d ay a fte rn o o n ,' T h e p r o g ra m w as f u rn is h e d b y th e s ix th , s e v e n th a n d R a l p h s. G i l d a f t , s o d o t M r . a n d e i g h t h g r a d e s . , 'D r . C r o z i e r a d d r e s s e d M r s . W . B . G l l d a r t o f W e s t P o r t e r th e . m e e tin g . A p i c t u r e L h a s b e e n s t r e e t , a .g r a d p a t e o f A lb io n c o lle g e , ( m r c h a f te d b y t h e - a s s o c |a t J d h T t o ' b e h a s j u s t b e e a p r o m o t e d f r o m th e - p o - Si aiflriu nf agBlBrant arivprTlftiwg HTTHTa? ing the greatest ■percentage; of par- ger to that of advertising manager of Machine Company, in g ,i - T h e ; p i c t u r e Is c a l l e d “ T h e of Beloit, Wisconsin. The Yates Com­ M a k i n g , o f t h e A m e r i c a n F l a g . ” I t pany, are thjb largestbranufactnrers w ill b e h y n g i n t h e k i n d e r g a r t e n of woodworking machinery (sawmills, r o o m 'd u r i n g t h e ' n e x t m o n t h . L ^ A f te r planing mills, etc.,) in the world, op­ manufacturing t h e p r o g r a i i i , p o p c o r n a n d . t a f f y w e r e erating 'extensive s e rv e d b y th e " c o m m itte e . ; plants in Beloit," Wiscdpsih, andHamilton, Ontario, with brahctLofflces in a l t J m p o r t b n t r t o r e l ^ W u n t r j e s r ' T h e' Jack Dunn Played Wonderful Game. . . / „ •■ , The South Dakota state -university c o m p a n y i s s u e s a h a n d s o m e b i - m o n t h l y ended-its most succesSfuUfootbaU sea- m a g a z i n e n i u s t r a t i n p - a n d a d v e r t i s i n g son.a week ago when it 1t rounced Norttr t h o l r ^ p r o d u o t s , - • M r .- G l l d a r t h a s b e e n D a k o t a u n i v e r |i t y _ _ l l t o \ A n d f r o m with the Yates Coppany now about r e p o r t s f r o m t h e ! l i t t l e w e s t e r n c o l­ 18 months.—Albion Leader/ . \ - The nippting will hr- , held in Dexter. X ..../ V , _ _ / / / . ft n; . i ; ■*J'. ’ m /-• X --/' Jl t l r m iiiiiiM ; " T n e aeitF C'o. uresenUXUritzl Bru. nette and other stars in, “Tntorthe V Northland,,ri'n three parts. J Wesley Canfield. The famous comedy team, ■ Harry -the Wesley Canfield- was born Myers and Rosemary Theby' in “The :S t a t e ^ o f - ^ f e w—Y o r k r - ^ S e p t c m h e r—5 r TormehtetTHusband;” —"': Sb>h1and:aabne::was:surprlseiJ^7tlL4. 1841.- a n d - d l6 U 7 a t h i s ~ h o in e -o n J a c k s o n WA make 1 a ■specialty of serving Sqciwl^ as wcll -as-Pnyatc. Parties. 7 :, nhrttpn T.inA n f F n iltA , Confectionery and Cigars._____ a H O . 17 endallF ■* The.High School LlterarrClub^has S p e o i a i s T B le T W e e K Chelsea had' 'a -distinguished, al­ announced a meeting for -nexttWed^ The tseetlng ' of Ttbe^Waaht' though enforced,1Truest recently, \ahd nesdiCy. An interesting program' has County Association, Order East ’ | I t «t |. t I • I f • • «I I SMlllo,! although the town lent its best" en­ been arranged! Star, was held^mMasonie—HrdPWed^ T._»*«■*J •>*', f The— slxth, seventh and eighth deavors to furnisib him with enter­ - Large Can P u m p k i n , ....... .................. ,........ lOo nesday afternoon and evening, and tainment, >even t^oing to the extent grMes 'are selling .dll of their old was one of the largestjittended meetta t Extra Cood RlceV .7/.... 7T1./.. . . >Jt. , - . ,T. . .4 pot|nds for 260’; of wrecking a t rain, he_ did; not ap* papers and are saving the money for^ ings ever4icltLby-the association.^; , Broken Ricjev. . . . • . . .*!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . pounds for 25o ^ preciate paid-entertaim’e nt, having some future u?e. The business meeting was held in - Pure Pepper, p o u n d . . . ..«"«*. «, . . . . . . . -*, . . , , . •. *30o.• just returned frtmi the scene of a In chemistry class: Teacher—What the "afternoon at which time' consid­ Three Packages Mince Meat. . . . . . . . .v r .~.; .......... - / . .......... '. 25o worse wreck, that of the hopes of the would happen if we breathed only erable official business was transact­ 1 Large Jar Mtist&fclt. «*. ». «. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ........ . . . . . .». XOo U, of M. football team by the Cornell pure oxygen? Brilliant Junior—Spon- ed. The election of officers was held fe T rm rr— ----------— — ---------* — 7 “------- a t thiBtime anirfesuited as follows: , LargeJair Peanut Butteri/T///^777!: !7/r!^7v/ ! . . ! . . . ! . - . . . . . .25c .■ The.d. gv was Ring.W. Lardner of T h e k i n d e r g a r t e n w a s s u r p r i s e d President-—Jane Mills/ Ann Arbor! Quart Can Apple Bptter.. 7.... .v............! . . . . . . . . . . .26c ^the Chicago Tribune, and the follow- l a s t . F r i d a y b y a b o x o f “ f r o s t e d a n i ­ F i rst Vico President-7A, J • War re n 6 Pounds Best Rplled Oats i «<li i • l • • • *;*i • i I r •26c lng..is.hls lament: / m a l ” c r a c k e r s * w h ic h w e r e s e n t b y Saline. / New Lima Bpans, per pound. . 7.; .. , / . , , . , r r ; r . '. .. 10c ; Friend Harvey:; I .wrote something s o m e k i n d f r i e n d in C a l i f o r n i a . Second. , Vice^ -Presldent~Anna “ Best"Seeciqd Raisins, per package...............7.V. 7VT. 77.. . 7.12c yesterday for .you to '.put, in^ today’s M r . W a l l i n g a t t e n d e d t h e m e e t i n g Phelps, Dexter! rissue, but when I lookccrat it in the o f e x e c u t i v e - c o m m i t t e e o f t h e a l u m n i Secretary and Treasurer—EdittrM. Large Pail-Syrup 40c paper 1. seen it was no good and I o f t h e M i c h i g a n S t a t e r N o r m a l Col.'*' Lowery, Manchester. *" \ ~ ~ _Pancake ’Fl our. . . . tu. I.* I. «-i-t,a..*_i »._* i a a aXOO says it was going to bercontInuetTb'ut "Marshal—AgnCs Matthews, YpsiIp g e l a s t F rid a y a f te r n o o n a t Y p sl J p6r !• *l • rt I «• f • • I a I •/» a i 111 *a • • aT a a l.( t «i i «* Jt.Jsent, I was talking aoout not ! l a n t l . lanti. ' " . —- — ; Quaker Oats, per box.............................................. . 7 . . . . .10c getting nothing to eat,in Ithaca.and Cbapiain—Mary L-Boyd, Chelsea. ,T h e f o u r th g r a d e ' h a F e le c fe d ^ b e .its a fact that I got nothing .to eat Extra Fancy Head Ricey. , , , , . . . . . ; . , . . . ; . .3 poundsfor 26o Organist—Florence Chapin, Milan; all day Saturday and when I woke up f o l l o w i n g o f fic e r s f o r i t s c l u b , T h e 1 At,the close of the business session Fancy Orchard R uiji Dried Peaches, per pound:-.. . . ' . x . . . . . . 13o Sunday A. M. I, hadYa fair appetite B u s y W o r k e r s : P r e s i d e n t , G e o r g i a dinner was served at the Chelsea A Good Tea, per pound.. . . . > . . . . . . !■. 7 . . . . . . ^ . . 26c and got up in a ihurry and drefsed S m i t h ; s e c r e t a r y , C l e t a H u t z e l ; t r e a s - Housey morerthdn two hundred pav-, u fe r^ fe ^ ra n c e s G o o d lin .' » -Fresh Roasted-Peanutarper^-potrad"; . . , . . . . . . . . ; -.10c-fast so as-to-get-l n-the-dian ing-eafttlcipating. ~:t ~" ' ■.■■ ~ I noticen we >was standing s till b ut " ^ T h e Y o u r t h g r a d e r s h a v e w r i t t e n a iAtter dinner the beautiful ritualBreakfast Brand Blend Coffee, per pound 26,o, 6 .pounds for $1.07^ “T he F i r s t istic work of the Order was excuipik th ou gh tAye;:w a 8 behind a block sig n a l c o m p o s i t i o n ; e n t i t l e d Of * ‘“‘“I ^ i^ o m e th in g b ut^ w h atr we w as be^ TimffkspylBf7^“ T h ly have made fledT the~cbairs beirig~bccupied~By i c c o v e r s in w h ic h t h e y h q y e placed h in d w a s a d o z e n f r e i g h t c a r s t h a t English VValnuts, Etc/7 officers of the various Chapters of s o m e b o d y . h a d c a r e l ^ b l y to s s e d o v e r t h e s e s t o r i e s , m a k i n g v e r y n e a t l i t t l e , the coqnty, Mr, land Mrs. 13, B. Ham­ j _. _i:_ i_ 1 " a m i o f - t h e - t r a c k s . . j “A n d t h e p l a c e b o o k s ;— i-— ~rf . ■■■■■ mond werethe 'ca ndidatesr------w e ‘ w a s w a s C h e l s e a , • M ic h .; ; w h e r e T u e s d a y a f t e r n o o n D r.- C r o z i e r , a The meetiflg was honored by the ^ ::?7:g^ l r F ! •t / F WE CAty FURNISH NEARLY s s a ^ ^ ® s ? f r w,,“ h V O K JM E 4 6 HU. wTlf©se hogs idea— wonderful gain” Seitz’ Old ;Stan,d ...Vj.,^..- ~z^ x P a y in g bills i^/^cRDck—Icnds preBtige tD vyopr business. “ It stpjnps you. as a person using every modern facility./ The-public /quickly recognizes these points. USE THIS STRONG BANK7 F a T m e rs T -fe -M e ro h a n ts Bankr In Need of Paints and Oils Sash* Doors and Glass . . ^ B huikets-and Robes —■ Harness and Halters Roofing and Building Paper a t A ltTim es— P1IONK 80-W r> iim'i '.nip H IN D ELA N G >r : & „ FAHRNER ----' - > ■ ' __ ' J_.. ■■ L;*___ ■J)___T H E C M E L S fiA S T A N D A R D . N O V E M B E R 2 3 . 1 9 1 6 . down below and see what l m we M Y - J H A N K S G l V l N a u t aadlet youknw r*' irsppoaied to th e iD O N ’T S U F F E R boy's deelra tor adventure and to the soldier's desire for information. So. F < * tD tfc fo o d u f M n sfo< <i, after eome reluctance and wlany cau­ , _F«t itt tU b M a p y nvi For «iwy Madly art a m .word tions! the boywas allowed to go. To ^ M I R E ” divert susplcion,for the turkey would . IlUafi TbsftUcd._______ ______ ..j attract more attention than the hOft When the Post Office au« Ith ta fc T V w r L o d l f r t tbstroAa Yank was permitted tojwompany him. thorttter ^'aullsd* t he Stand. Bcywd dwaawowwaiUalh aaa — The boy and the bird were farnttlar Ug*'" ? F « « I t i k e fc N « r P e r s o n ,* »rd Ssciiritlss Co^ In Now fSM' T e f id M (bod froai<Uyi«o m m , ores tn the neighborhood. , York, awhilo ago, among it gay* M r* , H a n a ilto n , Aad dw part* ' Three miles from home a voice wagon-load of. “Htoraturo" toll-, i i . laughed, h e r e ’s a turk fer your din* I t U o k 'I W L e r i f a r f a a f 'b a f dsys* ing how to muKo * budding doi., oer, captain," and Bob found he had -lap blossom Into many thou■KEW.CIaatte, IodtiB"From th»-tlm< t a lked into a hornets1 nest They took Fot pddianafiwmb BhYrinfinn w jn Sanaa qu(okly,j,wa« found s list wm eleven years old until I wuMven* Aad ia dw dukaoM ior tka.iayt * HV.L the two to a cabin a little back from of 100,000 namoa of poopio who (^iWTiHiinfiimiiuiiiifiini teen-Ifugewd Qf UgMssdJow* the pike and asked the boy a fewqueahavb bought or might; bo in­ month boI had to be tlonarwithout gaining any informatTonu .j • ^ duced to' buy govrleh-qulek .I in-b$d* I bad bead- Nop' did he loose his hold on Yank, ittM^TbMVeafocbottnolglooai, stocks, The inspsotoro sail this •cb», backache tod For cnaluig pM, aad datUmd moat III though the bird struggled to be free. A the most valuable "suoksr list" such,pains I would black-browed giant entered, jFor n the shadow Thoo didtt coat ' in . oxistsnoo. The Standard cramp double every To bad aad biaa. \ a Yank ‘ Co. actually sold more,. t han month* & I did not u p"There's o n u t o e , ridge - f " l! $ 2,900 ,000.00 worth of thelr __ w-what it was-. l a-fi -Ith^k-Tboelhrtthowdght d-duay— icabl nt ha WorttLiesa atock to the publlRX_: to be ^asy i minute. . ^bja-loogst biada-ayjaidVfiwwia{p-t ■’ ? N. ’ . * , My health w a• s-a lH fn'i *J “war® d;^ f~ jP ito «ho con coar, aad sotting sings— L1 ’em yonder on the I t would beiandn 8 ult^evcn to .. ll run down and the ^ Thy goiBo, O Lonll— , “ presume that your name was qn :doctora..djd^nQi^d<r; f1<ie .. th at - llah^- But-: are you sure_. good. / A _ "Y o u _ fellahs Thrt m* and mounUin. flower and tree,make a ride for it your money is so oorefully lu-1neighbor told my, mother about Lydia JTheir-moMgo bring to a* of Thee, i vested as to be immune from" £ . Pinkham'sVegetablq Compound and at sundown," said Aad fill my tool with octfaiy* the lure of such concerns’ wild i took it, and now I feel like a new the captain, "and ^ I thank Thee, Lord. promises? Is Ifr^as safely Inperson. I don't suffer any more and I grab that Yank. They are the fel­ ygsted asUt-woulcI be m one am regular every month. Mrs* Hazel And »o^rt ooly ob thUday, lahs that - hung of our 2100, f500 or' $1000' H amilton, 822 South 16th S t ' When aaayitcam thaaiwgiviag ay,‘ B%. QuaTanteed Elrsl Mortforty Jed Speed. ^ We'll But now forever and alway, haveaUtUehariggage Bond Certificates—every yeara^r^adily-gwwlug in .popularity i-W I thaak Tbaa, Lordl Ih^rrparty our? $1 of investment secured "by and influence, and tboupandar'upcn iilP ^w *A ivvyw w vw A ^vvw vyvyvA more than $2 of actual. Incomethousands, of women declare they owe selves." What could Bob producing Detroit Beal Estate their health to it, is it not reasona­ m nnfV* replu^twal a »i»l ble to believe that it is an' artlcleof do to warn hlefa*— ther? Run fdr it bat guaranteed by a company ®reatmerit? N Z H E S T W Familiar FigureainW with $ 200,000.00 puld-up cap* " m I f y o u w a n t special advice w rite himself? T h a t the Neighborhood. w a s hopeless, ltal? . t o L ydia E . P in k h a ru M edicine Hardly Then-be thought ofYank -<5o* (confidential), L ^ n n r Mass* Beautiful Plumage and. Large Ask_your banker about this: /-T o u r le tte r w ill b e opened, re a d ' knowing why, he -let-^go his hoi.dr Investment. 'If he don't know SIze Has Given This Tur» annYanswered b y a w o m an a n d There-was a squawk^and a flut-he. wiLLglndiy.find oat for you. ter, a man at the door was nearly lie ld ln s trlc tc o n fid e n c e , key First Place. . ^ And write us ifor complete de­ knocked from his fcct, and a feathere tails. s|Ft: With Sorrow,; ..... - . thJng that hair ran and half flew made I !r ;v. HE—bronze turkey hoids-^the A n e x a m p l e o f t h e g e u la U y n a i v e Is for thVpttcerrad ^ U rban place of-honor among its tribe. "He. got awayJ"/: ‘•Thar goes your -thje f o llo w in g , . d ip p e d f r o m u rie x ­ m It Is a cross between the wild change: . * ■ dinner, captain," and a half-dozen Realty .M ortgage m and-the~tamgrturkeyr-Ita-heau«^ — “ I t is w i th s o r r o w t h a t Ave~rnnrquiicc; shots aU^aroe-at-thirsam 6"tn"gtuntrA'ff on a^icfd eH f/ r t d " M r s " 'J o h n W h i tm a n , for the boy, he poured outdoors' with tifiil,'rich'plumage and its size have .Company m w if e o f t h e w e ll- k n o w n g r o c e r , w h o the rest and plunged Into the woods come from its wild progenitors. To maintain, these ^deslrabl^viquaUties-J- aek=of=the=cabInrT=*— — - .s e fls ^ th ro e ^ p o u n d s ri 4 & r-4 i -Two-hours later a1 turkev.-both of crosses are continually1made.—In-this- h e r a r o m h l - t h e - - y a F d - l n - f u n t h e o t h e r whose wings drooped now, the left one way the mammoth'size'has bfeen gain­ :/-.:.ev ien i tig .she s to p p e d o n n n o jd to m a to stained with blood, fluttered into the ed.- Their standard- weight-ranges can* a n d . s e v e r e ly i a c e r n t e d ; h e r - fo o t; Scott clearing. - To go to the boy was from 16 to 30, pounds, according to age S h o u ld b lo o d p o is o n in g fjet In a n d s h e the father's first thought, to go for help and sex, Probably more of this variety ■ -mx-*J;■ - ii ZES remov(Mrifrmn_our—midst—ttie Han-_|-the second and hetter one. It xvfis n are grown each year than of all others. Direct from th« Mumfoeturer The coloring of j this variety Is a ner wilt turn its column rules. n_s’ a bit risky, but over the ridge he went K . 1 A t a Saving o f 5 0 to 1 0 0 % down the, mountainside,-----;----- - - ground o f black, blazoned ?r shaded ’’p i ■ . " I tribute to licr." Bob circled q.nd crossed the pike a with bronze. This shading Is rich and- -2 0 -a « *qtl<ui Chrirtw.M. Cards, deaiafaed by •rtisw celebrated for their osqUlBlto tnete, edH llE lG . DON'T LOSE YOUR-HAIR . mile above. On a white stone b y the- ■glowhigrapd when^thefuttn's-rays-are fraveU endemboseedincolora,and encloaedla' ro’ad fie saw a drop of red. "Well, they reflected from these colors they shine dadlTldual eaveloyes fat $t.OO. Tbeee card* ... . If bought lo a retail etore Would cost up to 15b like polished steel. : i hit him hut didn't git him,’’ he sa|di H;: l m Prevent It by Using Cutfcura Soap-and ' ''! e a ch / Xnoiose $ |,0 0 hbl la envelope and mail TJiat evening, Just as the sun dipped The NaWagapsett tiirkeva are next today.- Card* will h* «*«t pr*p»trf, v . Ointment. Trial Free.. ’ . ^ '' vI y! « « r to the west, there was. another hor In size ta the bronze,i They aVe of packed. Money returned if not eatiafled. ’ M I^your scalp is irritated, ijtGhing-and njet3*~neBt orr t he ridge. But this time blackrground color , each-feather^nd- - - W m rG ^ J ohgatDflhGo^ M f r s ^ w<Ti ' burning and y6ur hair dry and falling It was the enemy that wallced-into-it. ing.wlth a band of /stqel gray, edged 1200 Ridge Ave* N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. m but in handfuls try the following treat­ There was time for only, a few.shots. with- black. This imparts, a grayish ment;, touch spots of dandruff and But the guerrilla captain heard them in cast to the! Entire surface plumage. “ ROUSH on M TS;,^ » a Itching with Cuticura Ointment and the valley below and decided that it Mixed with this Is the finish of .me­ would be well to move on, leaving..his tallic .black ..and ■Jmme.. follow with hqt shampoo of Cutfcura ~W.~N. U.^DETROIT, N0. 48--19t6. missing.men td jo in him as best they The standard weights of this variety Soap. Absolutely nothing better,' are, for 'unties, from. 24 to 80 pounds; ~Fr>p"s?ituple qach by fnail .wlth Dook.- could? But-they-n^er did,—Next-night,--20 for females, from 12 to 18 pounds. A^dress postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, miles awav.-the-cantaln turnfdj. tn on*. ^ pmo old .males of-both .thlH rih^L^thrr of-his men-ana-askett bronze variety weigh”over dO pound* —-Do you reckon that fool-bird had N o th in g Takes -the sth rc lrtru t of The buff lurkey'Ta not generally anything tp do with it? " ' s t-u c k u p g ir l H k e n n u n e x p e c t e d / k i s s . known throughout the country.-In i.c.j‘v- As forjfank, the'battle-scarred Vetr many locailtfes it Is almost unknown. eran, wHat-was-ohe-wing-mere-or-Iess-? The (standard calls for a pure buff col­ P eat Is. largely uped. in stoking the S ib 1 lived to- see, peace' return to fire railw ay engines of Sweden. mountains, and to all Tennessee,,and or throughout, but! this shade of colorto-the-natton—And you may bersure: irig i i seldom, aeeq.--AS bred for marne never- moved the principal part tn or light chestnut color mixed with :■.if -; fM & t: any Thanksgiving dinner, _LCflt)yrlirht, 1916, Western Newspaper Union.) white.and some dark shadings; They Ate highly valued In some localities for. - ■>7- • ’4 ' their quick growth and for the^r at-tr-acttveness-^w-hen{ dressed; —Their-ay* T h e M o n e y M a k in g erhge weight isT s'evera 1~poundl Tesa -^.4’,t;J. k j i . , than that of the Narragansett. Crop ,/t.i s . ; - . The slate turkesE^might-be^called a blue turkey. They about average iu O n T h e G u lf C o a s t size with the buffs "and blacks., They Dem'ft-nd growing fast. ..Crop Never~ffniis ..fllBHttg i-tfinr fn> p p f p n » T ^ r^ rf -alt1 -it^VyS I • is r n m m T” FREE FIB ORCHARD LOTS \ In largest and most unlqu^ ; Fig Orchard Development in America. A well-known, toog^^ eatabllshed Southern i-irohnrfl n»dland'development corporation—wants several hundred rolia- ble people, to co-operate In growing Figs for a canning plant and Is willing to give the Fig Orchard Jots to those - who will, plant Figs. Several hundred Michigan*, peopli'-nlretuly-have accepted lh)« —offer.— Kndorsed by ” prominent men. W rite for free booklet "FK? CITY'.’.and full particulars to RiTIOHa LACID SALES CO.— -StoHFfitrfiIdg.y OtpL A,^_ Constipation rA Vanishes Forever j,L‘j~U lq l . ^ ' J - '7T.fe> sfy irC‘i ,'-td -1 . Wy'J - .i '• Prompt R e lie f- Permanent Curd CARTER’S LITTLE ; LIVER PILLS never -laih-Pufcly^egeta4>le— act surely but gently on the liver. Ctop after dinner dis­ tress-cure indigestion,' improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. •SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE,' SMALL PRICE. ' G en u in e must bear Signature-..; to age And sex. The black color ranges I from.-small spots to larger markings^ but the less of this the better for ex­ hibition purposes. dt might be suirynlsed that ;the slate turkey- originated I from a cross- oTTwhite and black tu r­ Cause f o r T h a n k s . keys.—. .— There have been tlriies in tl>e history In,America the white turkey Is culled of thp country when-Thauksgivlng day thewh it eHollandturkeyr- Thereasonwas rather the occasion of expressions for this is not &pparept, thoqgh some of hopeTor.blesslngs to come.than_of._think-it-Js-so -called' because it origl gratitude for those being enjoyed, but nally chme from Holland. White tur­ even so- the nation has not been' un­ keys were formefly quite delicate and mindful' qf its peculiar position as the rather small, but now are more eerierH most forturiato of the countries of the ally developed. ; The standard of earth. Much more,, then, should there weight is less for the whites than for be thankfulness on every sldb today othervarletlea. " T h e / range from ld I I wh’eh flofl^nlyriro the peeple^laLtKe pounds for yoiugIHeas.Jto_29 pounds land enjoying peace while thousands for old toms.". In color of plumage mourn abroad, but with peace is plenty they should be white throughout (ex­ In contrast With the hunger that stalks cept that each has a black beard dh elsewhere ta cayy out the horror that the breast), with shanks.and toes pink­ ish white. : ' . .,r“ shot rindTholl did not complete, ^ ' Homs-^found Flour and Csrsais. )7tTrh»fllng7: wlieat to imike flour m ar t>e done at home as eEaliy as the grind­ ing of coffee. And thus n family may have-wliolewheat Hour,-freshlj^ ‘ a Ibhig that is. uauAlly-dlfflcult-tb-obs'tain. The -New -York.Medical Journal advises its readers- to buy-tUelr.whrat frora'seedsmeirrRthor than from gro* cers or feea stores oecfitise It wild cheaper ami more efficient. The grinder can he used also'fbr cracking-lvJieatr-cornr barley, oats, >ye arid other grains for: usd as breakfast dereals. And the cereoi&^vlU-oeed chewing,which- will.not only strength* eif the inusclbs of the chewers’ Jaws, but their teeth from’decay, UUC will.keep W1II J ls if they beglh as children. . omemnde cereals need long cookomem flreless cooker is utmost ipdlspeusahle, , sonf f OF IWTM6ST TO MOTHERS _ The cost of . food today is a serious matter ?o all of tyoii. To cat down oar food bills bad at the game time Improve the liealth of yprif family, serve them •kinritr’s Mgciaroni .and 8pafhettt two or three times per week. Children (love It -and thrive on I t— ItIs the best possible food for adults;. Write th« Skinner 'Mfg.:0o70mj&ov, | Nebr^ for beautiful cook book felllnf how to serve it dni a hundred ways, It’s free to every mother,—-Adv* ; GOSSIPING ‘OVER THE 'PHONE Ifc itE a W B ic lu c Itt you divhwvy work alr. dsw't Mt too much tarn. ■ m m ,itm v , th, « « M d iw ,,. .od u tta n T wosk Udnsys to throw off ufcZ} Tbousogdi recommend theia. >. A M ichigan P u n ^hadei; Haii u< Many Womens in Theta BnJoymonL ^ Friendly' Chat, forgot, the y '' ‘Rights pif Dthors. J Women do uqt meet aud mlngle to the. extent jh atjn en work J>r a t lionie, t i i o y n O O a v e the opporvlslnrig. ■Housewives? es» DEAD ON HIS FEET tunttles^fbrpecialty^uffgr frqm hot,tleil-vip social . GOLD MED^D Haarlem Oil .Capsules -mstinctsr -The most alfublo husband will3bring mew 4ife and quiokly relieve oiinnbt bo ongmfed in sorious coriversu-that ~Btoppgd-up?congeated- feeling. They-}tion-on manjHtopics-wlilrii-W^TOf a will thordugUly-cleanire—ahd“: wusli our mufiiLinterest to a wife ns a bowling thg kidneys ,and_bladder ...and^gently oft the ill effects of excesses of ail score; the home teams' pitching pros­ . The healing, soothing oil soaks pects or behavior o f the real estate right into the walls arid lining of 4im4cid- market, are to a man and his cronies. -levs and expe^B tt^e jpoisons in your svsSo the hnbit'orTJFOlonged gossiping . your „ idneys m go0< eep by daily u«o oof GOLD MEDAL Hnnrlcm over the telephone* brings about a nd tU-hfty^gqc jerimis probienHji service. The tqleF Gqm to youf Jruggfsl aCVnoO'ah^seiJure it phone coinpnny haif arranged* a cal­ package of this time-honored, world-wideremedy. It is not a "patent “patent medicine," It culating supervision of telephone^ con­ iB passed upon by. U. S. .Government versations, instructing operators to chemists - an< na declared 'pure before com- break in o h : those that monopolize 4ng into this country. GOLD (JULJ) MEDAL ib ty-llno systems whteh—other-^ubthe pure, original Han rlcm Oil, imports scrlbers are scfiilrmlng to make use of. direct. ffom the . apeient iaboratojaea' in Holland; where it is the National ^House- OAn impoi'tant male, trying to suiq.hold..Remedy of the sturdy Dutch.. Look., inou-a cab to c a td n rtra in , overhears for the •name GOLD MEDAL an every box. Accept- no-eubstituter-^-Ybur—drug­ a fragment .of >after-dinner telephone gist will gladly refund your money if hot conversation ibetween a pair of estim as represented. Adv. able mnldensj or matrons and becomes, fdr the moment' a violent antagonist . . — _ L o cal M ag n a te .-./.:/ of the: rTpvement for woman'» eqtmiity, "Are yon the postmaster?” The telephone coinpany, seeking to *‘Yep.’*~ _ justify. Its 'demand for heavier tolls "iGimme two stamps,” -l nrid to answer blttw criticism' of Its : "Here=.ye are. I also'soil dry goods, scr.vlce,-jdecl(Ics,ta .strlko-nt- tlu>.h en rt groceripsTThriVdware an’ comns. Need to-heart communications whfcli vibrate anything of th’ sort?” over the wires for-many precious' mo“No. I’m IJiist passing through hero; menter while the matter-of-fact public 'f^ct'Tsr4’m7otiiipy;wup-to-the"'stfttlon guasMs-rtS7t^th.'T-,Betr0tt-Ne\v8.now." “ : . — T' s~TT' . Jyrhat so?) -i operate th’,only hack A Cat and a Town. line in town; Sam, my driver, will take yer to ^ re depo' fbl^m quaFter^^IJlr- - A - d o g - t r e e d - n - c i i t ^ i n i o n iu u _ e le c trlo . llg h t p o le b e t w e e n L e x in g to n . an d mirigham .Age-tlernlf.1. --------— Mount Sterling anil made a: cross dr- S and cou d. hardiS any work ^ ff” rest was took** * Doan's m Kldneypfft _ -cured * Ji i-« « D O A N ’S « $ » fOSTERAIiLBURN CO« BUFFALO^ —*W. Uid*>, «h.ri i««ar«r• bffUivuayrMolt UMinW fta Yfry.N**Uilmpti^.U*bruald ,r •WW iril *MwoV,in«i^siir f*th,r»n«aifn„ * «KTthis whltky,.trior oihtr •Inh,!!, •tlatlulki- B o s c h e e ’s Has for the last 51 years been steadily. . torthe rapi^rehef of colds, coughs,bron^ thltls, throat and lung Irritation. No other remedy has, sue h a remarkable record of widespread dlai.-lhiitfan ^y, and75cr8izerardnixglsts everywhere- A B S O R B IN E *TkAdl mmhKHiG.ui.HAi.oh — Reduces BureaT Enlargemenu, c u l t “w h i 'C lr p lu n g e d M o u n t. S t e r l i n g in Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Important to Mothers . to t o t a l d a r k n e s s . T h e o ld - tim e o il Curbs,. Filled Tendons, So^ —Bxamlne-carefully every bottle of la m p w n s - i n nesa from Bruises or Straiosi O A S T u R I a , t n a t f a m o u s o ld r e m e d y , but one"‘cat; could not put out every stops Spavin Lameriesi, allays pain. f o r I n f a n t s a n d - c h ild r e n ,1a n d s e e t h a t , i f lamp in/town.—Louisville Courier-Jour­ Does not blister, remove the hair« Bears the nal. - - ' '■[ I- V; lay up the 'horser •f2.00'»~bouls-Signatureof at-druggiitf ordeiivered—Book 1Mfree. ABSORBINE, JR., for minkiad- M In-Use foiMJfer 80 Years. T he R esult. ' ■' antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, Wounds, Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria _'*I hear Dick Jones, Is a RhovCr.” ■ -strains, painful, swollen veins or elands. Ii ''He always was a~^sliiTtg^sort-of1 heairarid spotnes. >1700 a bottfe «t ' He Couldn't'Reisl8t, fellow, gists or ^stpaid. aid. Wifl tell you fnoi* if yoi> Dyspeptic Old Lady—What ought. I 5in the tL’^A .^by, write, to take for an add rising? Fernando El Cano of Santa Rosa, W. F.TOUNQ.P, D. F.. 310 T|«BI*Et.. 8prIn’flRaid,Hub Flip Drug Clerk—-An acid drop, Cal., snysr he l»i on§ hundred and fif­ lOBton.D.O. SooUtw*.r ' raadanr.— teen yenrs"oldr'-_ ____ fereqees.' BmI iw Mi me S - s T h e m a n w h o b o u g h t- t h i s s to c k a t $5.00 o e r s h a r e T a s t m o n t h b o u g h t i t w h e n th e c o m p a n y h a d n o e n te r s f r > r / - a r c t n s p e a k of, o n ly a n o p tio n o n th e ir p ro p o sed p l a n t ' a t W a y n e , a n d n o c a r b n e x h ib itio n .-------v -------- -------------—W ho bought^tjis-Stock? -Largely thtrauttmobile mart, andlthosc interested in tec business of building tars. Why? Because they know Ray. Harrouh and his associates and had faith in his and their ability and~honestv. -Th>v ltrif.^ TTe VidH t h p c a r h u n o r tn a o o ..— X. -— - —X - i i i ——- — had thc car, TT^hc car-was a wiHncr ^nd thj^pTicer wsS TigirC theH arroun M o t o r s ^ o r p o r a t i p n ^ w i t ^ p r d f t ^ n l t s ^ k T f o r ™ « . o 0^ 2 5 /d w le re t o u g h t _ a n d ^ i d J o r : a n d t t e .b a l a n e g o Y tW efffy -fiv e a C T e ^ w ^ ' t i n g ^ ^ e c t l S t f f i e ^ S t r ^ l e y b r b u ild in g s c o s tin g $ 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 a n d e le c tio n s ta rte d . M o n e y i d t h e D ^ t b l n k s f o r th e c o n tr a c t p a y m e n t s ,. ______ L _ m e u e t r a t Dames ror SAFEIY.-EIRST, ^ ^ C a n y o u b e a t th is record? it a d v a n c e s a g a in , n o d ie rs p a id . Is n o t th e sto ck a t th e p re se nt price a b a rg a in ? ~ 9ic t w g F n e x f T u e s d a y , th e 2 1s t, to secure th is s to c k -a t <fa ^n- ofv*t» W e h a v e b o u g h t a n d p a id fo r a lar g e b l o c k s W e r e c o m m e n d it a n d b e lie v e in It. P la c e y o u r of w ent to we can S th e n e x t a d v e i ^ s m e m a o o e a r o 1 “ W - u - , * - . o ffere d u s a1t th e t/i nfV m L f t ^ i ' d o w n th o u s a n d s j f S a r f e A . R. S H EFFER & C O . Established 1896^-STOCKS AND BONDS C h e rry 1 5 4 ^ ^ G r o u n d F lo o r, 3 4 U h l S s S t r e e t W , D E T R O I T , M I C H ; W?* ' T H E C H E L S E A S T A N D A R D . N O V E M B E R 2 3 ,1 9 1 6 . 1*l*/~4■ * He u sed a pebble l<S '7---- rar1"- 0 H In Ills day. to keep filriRoutlrinolst^" ^ B y L o u ts J o s e p h WE use CANYSlIlOlVE LOVg? PUZZLE? V a n ce B - M M 1 I Y oiT H heum atism , K idney, L iv er o r B la d d er^ F ro ttb ta?— — lag possible explanations. There's a third ,-Y i«- ■■- *■................. "WeUf' . , . “Be may bavewcelTediistronghlnt th a t. he was nominated teg that overtook young Ouster, Hamilton and Thurston! and sp planned to give, his dikappaarance.'tbe c o lo ro fa slml* lar end.” 0 H 9sin or dull scko in the back is. often nighty irritation, cadimonfr etc* evidence cl kidney trouble. It is Nature’* Lack of control, smarting, uric ad^ timely warning to show you. that the track disrincM, Indigeetion, aleeplcuneac, Mr** H b«dth is not clcar, ouascM, sometime* the. heart act*JMiy, rheumatism, bloating, lack of ambition* Danger ftlgnila.^ , m If thCM^ dasger .i^na)* sre nnbeeded ay be loss of ffesb* ^llow ob^plaxioa. ,more •eribnc^ rttu lt *Vmay bo espoeteds Provslonoy gt Kidney Dls**so« ;. kidney troublc in 3s wont fora may steal Most ,pw»lo, do not reallae the upon you. •— Tbousanda of people have tmtified that ing incseaes and remarkabU prerajeney tbe mUd and immediate effect of 8wrap- of kidney dieesie. '^bH ei kidaey._dif* Root, the great kidney, liver, and bladder orders are among the moat common remedy, 'iB ^ n real« ed --th at-lt -itanda dieeaeea that prevail, they are sometime* the hlgheat for its remarkable curative ‘the laat recogBi*bd,;^by" p&tienta,"wko effect jn the ' meet diitrctficg caaee. If vihy often contentthpnftlvt* w ith doctor* ........... J .......you snow Iiowd kave the ing tfU rftc ti. whiU (A* orig in al dittos* ron need a medicine. mav.-constantly underaihe the ayitem.^ ~~ Regular bottle* at all drug Stores, - Lame back f* only one of many symp­ toms of kidney trouble. Other eymp* Don’t make any mistake, but remtmbor, tome ehowing that you may need Swamp- the name, Dr. Kilraer’a Swamp-Root, *nd Jtoot-are^-being aubject to embirraMing the addrem, Binghamton, N. .Y., «wkicband frequent bladder trpublic day and yoiTwiirfind on eveflT|>ottle. ! ir SPECIAL NOTE—7ou may obtain a.eample eize^bottle of Swam^R<^ by epcloiing ten cent* to Dr, Kilmer 4 Co., Binghamton,. N, Y. This.givea you,the opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of thie medicine.. They.wilt also eend.you a book of valuable information, containing many «rf-the-^hOuaand*-orawtelid'blatters, reoeived,7; fromlLmen and women who say they found Swamp-Root, to be juat the. remedy; needed in kianey, liver and bladder troubles. The value-and Buccesa of Swamp-Root are so wall known that our reader* are advised to eend for a aamfile size bottle; Address Dr. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing b* sure and mention' this paper. ~-““ Wh*tJa lovot_«iiyhow7 l 8.Ht,J n tho m m of husband And wife, , respect and. admiration of oertaln spfrttustquslltles? Or, In your ex•perlence, la It puro physical attraction between a oortaln mah arid a . odrtaln women—with roapbot; and admiration aa ilde-llghte? Do you bollovo’that an intelligent woman' wpuld loye enough to live with him, the «n«n who years prevlovcty had married her. Just i^VTou "don't mean to say you think to save* her gbtfdtiamoM a glrl and,.then hg'd .disappeared? That Jo there" was any meth6d lh~thkt 'tralh of the problem confronting. 8era Low, the great actreM* In “The Destroytragedies?” . t Ing Angel/1 “I’m not la the feast superstitious, riimli Wlillwlmii »mi iiuMHmi i w uimm Jim nlii iiinniIn In : Tnyrdearrmanr-I-dotft-for^an, Instant live, by cmilfrat surgeons.- lia discovered a decent young woman In believe, as some people claim .to. that troubI©—iher h ^ d j^ ^ ^ jp t^ d ^ '^ e -g o o d deed-befoFO^ 1^10," ho eel*}^ara^awds^desttoyiag-angelrhound'’’I'll rparry thie frightened^child, and give her my respectable name. ed by a tragic fates that lier love la Then I'fl'go off-eomewhere and w i(ltJorthe end," Thie he dld—end equivalent to the deathi warrant of the man who wins it." v and healthy, and .started a hunt for the glrl-wlfe of other days. —"‘But -what do you thlnferthen?‘fc^ He dlecovere her. In 8ara Law, and muti/hl recognition across , “I think," said Ember slowly, nls the foottlghto stops a play. Martin Ember, former detective, cornea 'gaze on the table, “that someone with to Whitaker arid telta amazing facts, A big mystery looms, in this in­ a very strong Interest in: keeping the stallment ‘_ -----------:— young woman single—and on . the stage-^-V “— = “Maxi Impossible 1" Einber]shrugged."In human nature: CHAPTER Vlj—Continued. “It isn't blame—it’s superstition. no iua(lness_l8 impossible. There’s not J4 Listen . ;. ; “And: you found iidr and told Drum* Blnber ?bent-forward, holding Whit­ a shred of evidence against Jules Max. mond—■*?" . r. : aker’s gake .with Intent, "grave eyes And yet—he’s’ a gambler, AH theatrli Whitaker leaned over the table, "The first time,"' lie said In ,a rapid urn cal managers aro, of course; but Maxi W , “LTHE. SHOE-THAT HOLDS IT* SHAVE” studying the man’s face;with intense! dertone, “was a year or so uftey iier Is a card-fiend. >Tha tale of his plunge Interest. • - / ■ . . .• triumph as ' Joan Thursday. There, ing'runs llko wildfire up and down 83.00 83.BO 84.00 84.B0 & 8B.OO AfSVSBt* \ ~ W R IG L E Y ’S gives us a . “No—and yes. I found Mrs. Whit­ were then two inert openly Infatuated-* Broadway, day by day, A dozeji times Save M oney by W earing W, L D otulM aker. I didn't report to Drummond.’* with her, a .boy named Custer, and a ltd’s hedn ou the verge o f 1ruin, yet w h o le s o m e , a n tis e p tic ^ shoes. F p rsa te b y over9 0 0 0 shoe dealers. “But why^-in heaven’s name?" man I believe you knew—William always vhe has had Sara Law to roly T he Best. K now n Shoes in th e W orld, ■""" __ _ upon ;Talways_he’s_been,’able to-fall ■ Eiiiber~8m1led somberly; at the ;drobpT “Hamilton.” J " refre sh in g - c o n fe c tio n to W / . L, Douglas name and th* m ail price h stamped on die bot> . Ing ash of his clgur.: “There were sevr "I knew them both.*' ; * bac^TTipon that aksetr^sure"that her VY tom of all shoes at the factory. The value Is guaranteed and erul reasons. In the place 1 didn’t “Custer wns 'maklng the pace; the popularity would stave off bankruptcy. the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. " The t a k e th e place o f th e cave mail prices ate the same, everywhere.- They cost no more in San -have-to: .Lhacl asked.no rotnlner front a n n o u n e e h ie nt. o f Id a p n g n g o ;rm n t, to And he’s superstitious; he belleves-she FrancSco th a n tl^ do inT^ew Ydck. They ore always worth the is his mascot. I don’t accuse hini^I m a n 's p ebble. Drummond, and .1 rendered no_bl j^ L n w .was_confldently_antlfilpate.d. price-paid % ~thq^^. x what I-“hud' found outrwas-mlnerr'to He died suddenly; the coroner's’jury suspect, him, knowing him to bo -ca“r t * quality of W L. Dou^as product is guaranteed’vhy more pable of many weird extravagances, keep or to sell, as I chose. I chose.not decided'that he; hod misjudged the In­ WRAPPED A than 4o^yean experiencein making fine shoes.^’Ihe smart ; . . . Furthermore^ it’s a fact that IN We help teeth, breath, appetite, to sell because—^weil,—because' Mrs. tentions of a loaded revolver.. People Mox~wns a feHow^ssengerwitlr Blllywhispered a suicide, but dt didn’t look ^ n i t l i k e T b e g g e d me ..not to." are made in * welteouipped factory St Broritton».MasS->>. — d ig estio tta n d d elieio u sly soothe " :“Ah!’’ Whitaker “BrealEed, sitting pquite like that to .me. "However Hamllton when the latter disappeared i highest paid* skilled shoemakers, under the direction; and I back. ‘.'Why?" . . . . Hamilton stepped Into his In midocean." supervision fo f txptriauxJL tnea, all working with .an honest m ou th and . throat w ith this heard that"Snnr —^Euiber^paused— and— sat^-UpN-prepbra-r - determination to make the best sKocTIbr the price A at ~ l ‘,Thla^w m alt: can huyv after youryroarrlnger-MrSr Whitaker taw~was-to-marry him and leave-the tory'to rising. “All otLwhlchtli-he-com welcome sweetmeat. Ask your shoe dealer for W. I> Douglaa shoes; If he can­ rWi NAMES BROW N had tasted the sweets ef Independence stage. Hamilton had to go abroad on eluded, "explains why I have tree not supply, you-vrltm the klnd yon want, toko no other ANDI'MIN‘TOWN. and—got the habit.. She had adopted Imslness; on the return trip—tha wed- passed upon your patienpe and yoq^ makoi—Write for-Interesting Booklet eiplalnlnr how to V O E T -M E I etshoosoftho highest atnnaard of qunUtyforuMprloe* The Wrigley Spearmen want to send you "a prpfesslon lodked"upon with abhor1 ding waa set for tlnr any gftcrh^TTmd-' y return itmtl, postogo free. thelr Book of Gum-ptlon. Se.nd_apoBtal rence bv her family. ' She was already ed here—he disappeared, no one knew IX LOOK FOR W. L. Bue^essfui .ln-a smaH^wayTzhad-ltttle-}-how.— Presumably he feiLjO-verhoarff' S pries ^S M if tn r lr today. - Wm. Wrigley Jr.C o ., -nune and- the Vetiiil by accident one night; sane men with need of -the money she would get as e tamped on the bottom. 1 3 2 7 Keener Building, Chicago. claimant of your estate. She enlisted everything in-the world'.to live] for do my sympathy, and—I held my. tongue." -such things, you know—accerding-tothe newspapers." , j “That was decent of you ” u The man bowed a quiet ac'knowledg- ' “I understand you. Please go dm" Or Dlstomper In staUlfins, brood mares, colts and all others la —4M—I ■msst -Osstroatlvs. Ths garm.-osM sInyi thn (1l»>ns> mu»t .ha, rs» rhment—-“!■ thought you’d - tbink^BO., .; ^Approximately:— eighteen —,mnnthH moved from the body ol thi ftnlm&i To -prevent the trounl# later a man nora.ed“Tfmr aton—MItcliel b There was a third reason.'* the tame muat bo done. -Thurston- was cbnaldered-a dangorous ~He pnusetk. Until Whitaker CO M PO U N D WI1J do both—cure the sick and prevent thosej vexposeCr* from aspirant for the hand of Sara Law'. He aged him with a “Yes— -having —Kft anA ft n 'VifttllP! Ifi nnd 110* tM “Mr. Whitaker"—the query - came was exceedingiy-weii fixed in a money doxen. All druggldta, hiirnee* houB«e, or Tnnnufacturers.tCQMI.D TRUST H»S MEMORY HADNT BORED~ GUDSTONE -polftt-blank^--‘ -jdo-you-iove-youp-wlfer?— _way=a_sort-of dilettantish-architect, SPOON MBOICAL CO., Chemists, Goshea*; InA, .11, A A» with offices In the Metropolitan tower. ^-Whitaker-caught' his breathy "What M^ Wanamaker Able to Turn at Once 8tatesman, in FSct-, Thoroughly En- right—!" he began, and checked ab­ One day at high noon he left' his. desk Did Not Interest HlmT : ■ ■ Joyea Himself While “Heavy”. to Any Book on' Hla Miles “What did you learn at church to"ftrgo to lunch at Martin's; crossing ruptly. The,blood'darkened ihlB lean Recitation Was Rendered.Children WhoM SIcKlf day?" Bill- was asked, vlf having been . of 8helvea.-Madison": square, hersuddenly.fell dead* cheeks. When ytfttr child crie« E jt night, touct his'first experience, althoj.igfi .he had with a bullet In his brain. It was a W h ltn k e r g av A iq e t o n n d f tr—Mrs. fc>tleasly jn lf »le^Ps-l#-cop>tiD ate<l, fcv« Sir Charles Wyndham, the actor, wus often been~to Sumlity school,. As cquple of,weeks ago John Wanaerksh or oMAymptpmiof.worms*you feel rifle bullet, but though the square was stand that you didn’t. It wasn't hard worried. Mothers who Vmlue their own “Oh rthe minister talked and there i maker' did something which he said he once hsked to exploit a.certain reciter to nercelve. everything considered, that ■crowded, nd one had heard the report comfortftnd the welfareof their-jhlkdrtn, hums’* for tlierp u f -WflOJhg m ^ aad^nabdenebeforeof the ehouldntver buri tio.ut pose, art which Gladstone was present.~ -^But whatillfl the”minister sayT’C-'perlence as a merchant. He opened I should like to go to my grave rylng a rifle. The conclusion was that otlsm. M o t h e r G r a y ’s S w e et _“0 h he ’talked. a. lot about paying »nday—That will-inter--, ■Xt—wus n terribly; hot...afternoon) and 'with anything half-as-dionorablo— lo ll and -he-had been shot by sobiebody using a P o w d e rs fo r C h ild re n the rent; bjit I did not listen much." esfc you even less, than something else the - reciter; announced that lie would unselfish to my.credlti” gun with [ a Maxhn-sllencer, from a' (or oia tbroashoQt the i«s* give “Elaine," by Lord. Tennyson. E v e r y o n e w a s p p z z le d , b u t a t .la s t which Mr. Wanamak-er did that :after: «on. They land to Brctk J “I b e g -y Q U rlp a rd Q n f”_ W h i ta k e r . mnt-_ window on the south / _s_lde o f . the op ColdS, rallava FaverlihAfter the recital Slr"Cirarles:..weni t e r e d th ic k ly . It w a a c l e a r . . T h e ' m i n i s t e r h a d ta l k e d square. There were no olues.’f .noon and which whs told me by one of oeil, Comtlpation, Ttetha b o u t " t h e d u ty o f tile p a r e n t , a n d p r o ­ ■ ‘'And now Drummond 1" Whltdker iog Diiordera, tnova and. the ;dozen persons- who were present,- to Gladstone ana sa|tl, "I'm afraid “You" don’t, then?"' regolaia lha .Bowali and you’ve hndi a-trying time with all this n o u n c e d 'I t p a y m e n t. ... ... exclaimed in, , horror, “Poor fellow 1 writes “Girard" in the .Philadelphia .-“Love her.?.No," • -dsitrjBX_-Wori&a, " ppwdef• ars-flsi - JChere_a£as_a^Hllght.paBis&._/Qi_en,J i Poor woman!” ■Public.Ledger- There.had-beeh-. take and easyxbr ~^The"Cdnebo, Shlppo, Coconino and ner for a 'party of distinguished :Jap* ' “r‘N o r a r i i l l ; " :^wa9 th e - r e p iy T ; " ! h a'v e do,” said this extraordinarymofi, meet ' A slightly sardonic-expression thodt to give. They claauio ib# _ . „ . Ynhua tribes,' of Amazon Indians are, itomach, get on lha Liver Trade Mew. anese vlsitoVs, and Mr. W a n a m a k e r - ih a d - a - - c l\ a r m ln g _ ja f t e r n o o n . I • th a n k Ing Whitaker’s gaze openly. “I do," fled the_Hnes^of Ember’s, mouth. "So and give heelthful. eleep Don'X-accept still wearing clothes of grass,. y o u f o r a s k in g m e, a n d n o w a s I a m far as Mrs. Whitaker is concerned," he repented, flushing In his turn, “but volunteered to; show the oriental gen ;by regulatln* tb^ ehild^t ^anyeubetityta. q u i t e r e f r e s h e d I c u n r u n . b a c k t o th e . . . hopelessly . . . However, he said With .the- somewhat pedantic' tlemen the inside of his store. Uttdbymoihtrtfor29years.' Sold byell D r, P ie rc e ’s F a v o r ite P re sc rip tio n m akes .... . t>at wa8l'he 7third"reason," he pttr8ued: modejQf-SDcech-which Whitaker was to. Before..departlnlglrom the big gran- house.". ■' __ini(rsl#l8,,25.ct8. Sample mailed FREB ^ _ _ _ 4 ^ w e a k ^ w o m e n s tr o n g ,s ic k iw o m e n - w e lV n o g l P C h a rle s w a s elftted , f o r - t h e - m n - ^ in a'more level voice—"I thought you learn-tor^ssoclatrwtth'hlrinonreUtsTjf Addreae, Mother Gray Co;. Le Roy. N. Y: lte ^building M r.' Wanamaker •said to alcohol.. Sold in ta b le ts o r liquid.—A d v . Destroying ef'heavy-’/Elnlne" hud been a success ought -to know about It—that induced most serloug concentration-—“I echo * Be aura you oakfor and obtain the chief,gaest: ■ ---I n t h e heVd a .v o f h e r y o u t h a w o m a n : Hoiher Gray’s Sweet Powtlefrfor Children. afterallr—He— rqshed-do^.the— stage,. -theUsentlraentT-But -let-us— suspend ! me~tcrkeep"Sara"Law’s secret. . , “Baron, there Is a book here I ,wl|h. where he'found his guests waiting for ;l loved her from the day I-'Hound her. judgment on Drummond's case until privacy. It seemed only right that'you may be in the grass-widow class. you to "have." and for ten.. fghe h.as never looked twice at me. wejknow more. It Is-not as yet ;fln es­ should^-get the straight, undistorted Naming another book, Mr.- Wann- him CLEVELAND NEWS o\vhf\ t-h one,.to. yoil..., tnej_ .i story from an unprejudiced onlooker, . But that’s why I never lost-in^ tablished fact that he is dead.” K id n e y D is o rd e r crie W o give us ‘Elaine1 oh h dUJt 1HUT !terest.M* ..... ■ ' ■■■' ■ TgHTBlhUi IHHWM HOPH—" ' W T v e g f QiBr n n r a a u w u r u m hit.1 ■it. Then he proceeded to present to tlll -Cleveland, Ohio.—“Anurle- haa ceiv I B y D g r Y . M. P IE RCED3 j_ Snre|y .there was 'something vicetlL -Whitaker luok him tip" ~ ' " Tlieru’s doubt,^correcteZ nYou moanr each- gentleman -present-a■.volume—or= — T h e-m o a t sim ple methods~are~ usuf ta ln ly -bptm^ e f -^ o n d e r ful help^ _ “By-all meanSi" - ' " rdtfRdently—"you contInued"fo~Hh—?" acidly-p^doubt,- at least,. ln_my mind. ■two, in each instance naming what he lig h t e d to ch o o se. ,, ally the. m ost effective ^ e s r w h e n ^ ^ ^ ^ h g I ^ y liy ^ f ^ f join ts or^rheuSir: Clmrlcs.- T r “Courf her—as we say ? No." Em­ Y.ou se_q,'I saw Drummond in .the flesh, . "Have you told Max of your rei» treating any disorder o f the hum an m atic p a ln sr A T th e tlme_ I w iam enced_---_ “ L ig h te r !,f ech o ed -intended to give before he went to a ThTtt’s the trouble with you society. ber’s shoulders, lifting, emphasized the alive and vigorous, a good half ’hour tlops with Sara Law?" system.. T he m ere d rink in g'a cud o f t o . take.-AUurlc I had sharp paiag, in bookshelf to get. It, Which feat of fiennle^ou’re-Trll-Fc-frivoIous—I gave disclaimer. -^m-no-fooL I-have4iad after he Is reported to have leoped to SST a y k nee,Join ts w e r e .s a . “No." ' -------— ? hot- w ater________________ _ --------bad th at th ey m -memory''-caused my-lnfermant- t<r re1 ----------- =----- — os— — «««»hls-death^”^"Of-imybody^lBe?"" of- puro^ water all day, and: a little walked, aad^ “Where?’.’ Anurlc 'before every meal has beear 6,8 “No." She doesn’t know it, unless Max told me: “Coming. up the stairs from the found the most effective paeans of came so rheumatic “Then keep;the truth to yourself—at her agalnst my wish-; but.it was.I who afternoon." • ^— . ', ' • , . ‘ ^Thave seen John Watramaker do n .... -of course he had," was the rejoindowntown subway station in front of least until this coll is -straightened overcoming kidney trouble.. Death depend upon it at all in golngMp or him to, bring^ her before th ^ great manyiextraordlnnry things In 40 'dor, “forhe was asleep all the time. . Induced would occur if the kidneys did not; d(° ^ 8talr 8’y,Wf public, four years ago, ‘as Joan Thprs- the Park Avenue hotel.- lie wore a out." work das,, and night In separating sistency and at llmes shjawed a brlckyearst but hls ablllty to pick, hero and (Tny. Since then her destiny has heeir 4mt-pulled down over his eyes arid an — Ember got up. f“Qood: ntghLg-h» polsons-and uric add from the“hlood; ltke-sediment. Anurl’c has cured mo there a book'out of many thousands Are-They.. ReaMy Masters? ^ - rathe#,too big a thing for me to tam- old ove^coa^uttgned tight up to hja sahLpieasantly........... ^ ... i_ The danger signals are backache, these jymptoms of h troi> amazed me the moet." __ 1 4,f!n n y o u to ll m e w h e r e t n o p f o n i ? per with;'but I’ve watched and won- chip. He was carrying a satcherbefifT Whitaker took his hand, staring. depressions, pains, heaviness, drowgl* b)e and has restored me to a thy, i-—- "bFtl'bn- o f b ig a m y l ^ T e f e r r e r t o i n th e dered, sensing forces at work about lngthrlnitlals“OrSrD^-but was <other- “Good night,” he echoed blankly. “But ness, irritability,Tieadaches, chniIneprP^,slcal condition -I-wouUI Carried Boy on Cot Fifteen Miles. -—I say^-why keepJt_quletT!_______ 1 rheumatic twlDgea^-Bwollenljolnta or advise every man and, Oak Topr Bible?' askctl-ft-feutt{iay-School_tea£li£f-|-jiep__Qj__wjllch eVert- she-wa 8—unsus- wise'pretty_thoroughly_dlsgulsed^and* ■" Ters with any kidney,ailment to gtvo L-taudedt-anxlous' enough-to escape Ember,-turning to go, paused, his -ou* ^ f n m n l i c h ild r e n _________ nltfe- —Will 1eMtnrncdtatelr^hsWerea “YW glancy qiiletly quizzical.—“You- don’t Sine® It Is such-a dmplu marte^1^ Anaf4f7^ ^ ^ ^ i l ‘ Tv™ * l ^ bftraeV2de ybu^mea^?T’ l fbc° g b ^ _years old*-Jiad appendicitis, 20 men teacher. ‘No marncan servo two mas- w h‘What stsp lnto your'favorlte drug store and P«y ^.enV, ¥^-A N N A --M A Y ER, itntter. d emanded, m ystified. mean to"claim your wife?" “You’re positive about this?""' ®^-Woodland..As®.._... "volunteered to carry the boy on his cot “On the contrary, I expect to offer obtain Anurlc, anyonerwho^^-earnestly-®41Send “The man was Carter S. Drummond, “Did it strike you to wonder at the W cents to Dr. pierce, Buffalo* desires to regain health and new life iB niiles to a hospital, where he re- ters." don’t think I can he mistaken.” Jiojiefepso to. her action for-dlvorce," '-will1waste no tlme -ln beglnnlng thls Nj—Y., for trial packag«-of-Amirlc*** —celved-an operatlon. - The- mett-took - Every"sqwe ^mile of- sea ts cstis- -extraordlnarfcrmob-her-^farewelWper-. luo OT 'Q686 — “Which way did he ko?" ;— " formance .attracted "tonight?^ ““ xavr . "■■■■■ r latmeotr .their turns at the cot* mated ^ contain ab.out 120,000,000 fish. , .--“=why—yeSr^Itv8truck^me oa-rather l.-.-’iTOAVflrd-the-Eennsylvanlh.statlon,! “I presume so,*1.,TJust the same, keep it as quiet ns Unusual. But then, Max had done fan^y; that is, he turned west through Men are indlped to boast, yet* ao* Russians, are to colonize In South' nothlng but tell me of her tremendous Thirty-third street. I didh’t follow—I possible until the divorce Is granted. cording tonrtatlstlca three-out of four was getllng Info' taxi when I caught If you live till then . . . you may popularity." ‘. I . Amofiw;posslbly. continue to live, thereafter. ’ “That alone, great as It is, wouldn’t sight of him." have brought so many people together “But what did you think to see him and allow-yourself to become .. upset, nervous to stnre nt the w tH d^O f n^theftterr ■dlsgutsedt^^ldn’t - l t strike you—as What Is your opinion of this , and depressed. TBese condiu< tions usu ly_ indicate . a disep: The magnet Vris^^something stronger-- curious?" Drummond "suicide report? Do the morbtd curiosity of New Y^rk. _ “Very,” satd Ember dryly. “At- tho ive_system, which> if neglected, may. be ordered digestive you~ beltevq; ther-iffian Is -dead*»*lf Those, people- -wore waiting, thrilled All iamo tithe. it was none Ofjn y nfrair—_ liardTo remedy, Remove^he'disturbing element and put ■: he Isn’t, why the effort_to create with, expectancy, on tlptoq for the-sen­ then, Nor (dld It present Itself to me your digestive organs in good working^order by faking (the suicide Impression? ie Drum-. sation that presently cun;e to. them: as am atter ^orth nteddHng with until, In die making of G rape-N uts. th ere U added moiid a thief or a-madman?the report, of Drummond’s death." ' later, my suspicions wofe-nfon^ed hy 2 3 . r i c h n u t r i m e n t o f w hole w h e a t A e ram ^ flsv p ? "Whatrthtrdevli—.1’’ — the scene In the thOater-f-obvlously the “I’attencc 1 ThhHt-the thlrd^tlme It j-rtfsult of your appenranee-thef o f m a l t e d b a r le y , a c o m b in a tio n c r e a t m g a m o a t -ims-hepftwed—tlie-eama-Xhtogr-praOt-Atlll later,, when! heard :tho suicide r u a u a l l y ^ e l i a d u a ta s te . T h e r a l a t e n e v e r t . r e a o r iu ticnlly: Sara Law on the verge of port,1' Doctor—Did you sleep well? “But—" Whitaker passed a 'hand leaving the stage to marry, ft,fatnlncPatient—-Not a wink. . , ___ P e o p l e e v e r y w h e r e h a v e f o u n d t h a t --------- ------- — Tn6y gentlv stimulate the liver, act oil the bowels, tone cldontrlnltcrvcnlngr—Did-Max by any -across his dazed eyes. “What can It Doctor— *That is too bad. Sleep is the stomach1—purify the blood and regulate the system. chance, mention the nickname New mean? wAy should he do this.thing?" .’There are several possible explana­ our best friend and especially to the York litis bestowed on Bara Law?" These ^benefits are particularly marked by women at __ . ; ■ 7. , tions, » . . How long ha‘s Drum^; “Nteknamo?--Nol’i ~ - such times when nature makes, ifipefcial demands upon Patient—It is a friend like 'a t the "Thoy call her ;The Destroying mond known that you are, qllve?” their vitality. They act promptly ana safely.' ” * ■ others abandon yot^ at the mo­ , , Angeh*-11--------- — - — ---- ------ ••• “Blnce ..noon today." The next time you feel low-spirited and out of sorts, tike “May I ask, ^hat was the 'oxtient of ment when ono has most need of them, “What rot I" Beecham s Pills. Their sure, mild, thorough action wilt —Medical Pickwick. your propo/^y in fcds trust?" ; , Three j ’YeAi but what colneldence. lathe most-nutritious a n d ddiciou. ceftal food known. /- ---“A. couple of hundred thousands." men loved her—hnd orib by one they - Dear Ma, Yaat “And he believed you dead and wa?< died, , And now the fourth. Do you Evety table should have its da3y ration of Grape-Nut.. Utiahlelo find your widow ■,i /’ We often bear h great tragedy or a wonder v . .?*’ “Oh, but—The Destroying AogelWl” : “Ob, I don’t think that!" iWMtaker great sowow, rn^re caipilY than we do SpscUl Dtrsedeoi of •Jo* to W oSmm s a t wJUi S f m r l s k . ., . ■• ‘ya - the rather annoyances ox life. / Fleas' ■ Whitaker criqaindignsntir, “How bin •xpoutulnted,'':'' T h e re* • a R e a s o n ^ o r do r ^ r t T mereiy C ^ d t f . aP(9h j^< n fS ftH W ’ thsy blam# hef* ' , mpSwmshh y>|'i■»' ** 7 y ,I A Yf ‘: y ; . , ■/ t ■ 'H'W *' y*• . 0 ■*' /. ‘. s ■ ' . ‘ :: p y y y - \ 'y , y -.v , ' . ' ' *V•' ■i, iv. .V sV f ?”' j D o n ’t S u f f e r L o n g e r h* $5 ,is. . :i; 7 ’k ii. j, C titSL SB A STA N D A RD , ITOVBM BSR .'J5 Isea Standard ,pent g, t,mt,r ▲a tafcewdMt looal aavaptMr Mblblwd t & P. Vogel was the guest of Detroit' n*t7Ttati4Nr*ltonMM M alta oOm Ib Um relatives Sunday^_____________ BMulvil-lMtUiUtfi Mrs. J. S. Gormatt U speodlngtbls M tablets. •. • ;• •••• >. ■ __ . . ^i ,' week la Jackson. ," " r • O. T. HOOVER. .L^S-AUen, of-Soutb-Lyoo, -is the PBOPBDBTOH. guest Qt G. if. Davila^s l%h*u~4i,oo p»r imt\ six mofeUul, iftv ctaut Bert-McGlttn—of-^eveiand-spent . itox month*. t»wU4 w wall. Sunday at-bis horiie here, To forttan ooestita* ta^bpMjTMr. ary-and~AraaadaKbcfa~were Xatand m <oooiw1<)m < matter. Match «, 1908, Ana Arbor visitors Saturday. • Mjh* poatoOo* at ObttMi, Mtafctaaa, «*tar the. ^Irs. A. It. Weleb, of Pontiac, spent AcitfOottkimaor March s. i«V. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gil b e r t ___ -— ~ a ^ = = ^ t o - - -------------- -- - ™ ?* ’MrT'and Mrs. G3 R.Wiiliamsspent several days of; th,e past' week at Wllliamaton. **, iIt)$i K l j'.v'i1 h j PERSONALMENTION. Mrs. Rose Byons is* spending this tttmtmirninuuutimHiwmmmwiBW week in Jackson, where she was called ~nr g i pifo C a n Y p u B e D e c e iv e d ? W m Are your ears keener than the ears of the music critics of more than two hundred of America’s principal newspapers? These music critics can not tell the- human^voice from Edison’s Re-Creation of it by his new creation. ? ~ -■■, .-•■■'■ : . 7 ■- _ _ The .New Edison -------- A Superb Christmas Gift To Your Family f H # 3 PALMER ' MOTOR SALES CO. kni 111® ! fflm f.. i l l f k lR v : S lifP P iS t-- N o T im e L ik e t h e P r e s e n t ‘i W - r s l iA: . ; .- M a lS ife i Vern^ .Fordyce spent Sunday in by t,he ill ness ,’o f her son. Howell. ,____!_________ ■ t .___ Miss Leona B elsery o f Highland ~Mr'fc-- D C r^cL arentpent~Tue8dgY Park. W ent th ^ w e e £ e iife jy lth her: In Jackson. , .......... parents, Mr. and jslrs. P. H. Belser. * Mrs. Jas. Geddes spent Saturday in M.ri and Mrs. Fred Schaibje and Mr. Ami-Arbor..—^ — ^ r . _ . and Mrs.^Xharles Gro&^of-^Saline, "Mrs. G; P. Staffan spent .Saturday spent Sunday at the home o f Mr. afld> Mrs. Mlchael Heselscfiwerdt. in Anu Arbor. . ;, Carl Rutari, of Detroit, spent* Sun Cnnncil Proceedings:— > [day in Chelsea. . . . (OFFICIAL) •' r Mrs. O. J^ Walworth spent_.Satw*r — ~ . CQUNpIL ROOMS, lay in Ypsllanti. 4^V Cheiseaf Novenaber 20,1916. Miss Anna Eisele, of Detroit, spent Council met i^ regular session. ISunday in Chelsea. - . Meeting called to order by President MlssKatlirynHookew was aMack- ^ehuuan— RolLcalLbythe-elerk-.[son visitor Monday. ‘ Present—Trustees, Rirth. Dancer, Sob.oenhals, Frymuth| Ejapler, Palmer. Fred II. Lewis is spending several Absent—None. weeks in California. Mrs. Andros Gulde; was an Ann Ar­ Minutes of previous meeting read ahd approved. bor visitor Saturday. " . Thre~ to lio^ying^ bills were read by - ^ T h o m a s —F le -te h e r-.— o f - M a s o n j - ^ i s ;he clerk wI ^ i t i n g f r i e n d s h e r e . ' . QENKKAH FUN-Br M r s . F . c , K l i n g l e r w a s _ a n , A n n A r r ilector E. .Cooper, i mo. sal. . 32 GO b o r. v i s l t b r S a t u r d a y r Hector E. Cooper; telephone bills.;,...... ..............................r , 68 Mrs. Ray Aldrichs'pent the -first of t . STKKET FUND. [the week in Jackson. G.- BockreSf^-weeks st r eetv: :■ ;—---2fh00i j* M is s B e l l e H a l l is s p e n d i n g t h e G il^ a r tia ^ 71-hoursat-20v. w e e k in M a n c h e s t e r . Hubert McComb, laborstreet. 9i34 E. Ra nd, labor street. 5:05 1 — P e r ry - . F a lm c iy ^ b f . [AV e d n e s d a y - i n G h e l s e a . - "Twelve P h o to g ra p h s w m s^ .3 gifts, G q o .- B a c o h j o f F o r t W a y n e , s p e n t S u n d a y . i n C h e l s e a ^ ___ !— F . Z u m b o lt, la b o r s f f e e t . . . . . . M r s . A . M . 'C l J i u n b u a a s , . b o a r d fo r- s t r e e t - h e l p r r . f r f - . vttt .M r s . C . J . D e p e 'w , o f A n n A r b o r , M i c h j g . a n - C e a t r a l R ^ - R . C o . f t ; o n c a b le . ...v .. w a s r a C lre ls e a T v is ito r T u e s d a y . E r s n e i v e r , l a b o r s t r e p t ., M r s . F i n l e y H a u a t n o n d a n d d a u g h t e r E . H o o k e r , .10. h o u r s l a b o r s t . . E s th e r, s p e n t S a tu r d a y in D e tr o it. A r t S e h u l p / r W h o u r s a t 2 7 ^ .. . Mrs -.T « Pnmmlnffa Mro TP P e t e r Y o u n g , 39 h o u r s a t ‘‘2 7 ^ . ■ a , , » ; t t o i m e s , a i e r c a n t n e G o ., ?ml-sp&pLMondary—In—J -m e rc h a n d is e -: son.S , B l f m e r y - l O 'h o u r s a tr 27fr. m . W e lff, 4 l o a d s : g r a v e l 5 Mr.-and Mrs, H, R. Schoenhals W — h o u r s - l a b o r .-T7— ....... A n e a r l y , o r d e r l g ^ a i gw trniitfif> o f s a t i s f a c t o r y A vork- rf; T ^ v lfip Ip irp iW ^ 'P'tefL I n d .; __j K odak F ilm s D ev e lo p e d ,a n d P rin te d | spent the Week-end with 'Ann Arbor friends,, . .. ■ ..... —— ■ N . H . C o o k ~l e f t , S u n d a y f o r A r k a n s a s w h e rfe h e e x p e c t a - t o r e m a i n t w o in d n th s " . M rs . C h a s ; H a a g and d a u g h te r R u t h , o f T o l e d o , s p e n t S u n d a y in - -G lv e-lsear^ I e’A, - u 3• ■ s f e 'i f ; v y i i l i ! » vk.! Ilp-.fii'i. :,S3 i& m r:. y f f r r .• m ‘ m ■ ■ O w ing to m a n y a n d re p e a te d • re q u e s ts fropi I • p atroriS i and o t h e r ci tizens of (jh e lse a , th e m anage|~ -iil:eh "lmvc~U c e id-b(n r n r th e ir M otion .P ictu re S h o w - ■■ VT^'\ ^y;<: ' ‘y a n d E v e n in g s Be g i n n i n g Sundu-y—Nttt ^ rr— v n ^ yaf-.S^Q v^ in,:;:; .On th e n b o v e d a t e t h e first-.episode of uTheJGrm of Evil,^ a &eries of mo r al a n d s h o w n ,“(14 ih ~ alf)/- w ,l t t i s t i ( r 'Y e n j e e 7t “s^ehi"c pic-“ t u r e , and* ‘‘L u k e L a u g h s L a s t , ” (comic) will be* in-, e lu d o d -in th e p 'ro g ram . ‘ “ T h e (trip ro f F y i r ’ i^ n o t \ ~ | —eon tin u ed s to r yv:l5u-tnir s e rics7of d rai li a sT n e h ^ lill^ alin g ' w-ijlida-p ro b le m-o f i nodor n life ? a lid e a c h p o in tin g to * a p r o f o u n d m o ral. . _ T lie -4 tfsL ^ u n d a y slio w -f flo v . 20) will bo gt t e i r a b s o l u t e l y F R E E to alL_; E v e r y b o d y is w elco m e, — Wool Velour and Broadcloth^ Goats, very wide skirted, ‘i j na^y, black and nigger brown some full lined, others half lined, at $20.0 0 , $22.50 to $25.00. New stylish Coats? made oftfineH3heviot,-ft!eiton and Fancy Woven ^laterisls, beautiful garments, black and all Colors,-at £12.50, $15.00 and $17.j>0. ______ ' New'ebt *Plush coats, made of wool_ plush, ahd seal plush, alTweinined, some are plain and” others- are—livened up” : with a touch of fur or fancy plush trimming, $17.50 $2000 $25 00, $39.00. v ^ Goo^ heavy, warm, fancy Plush Coats; very servicable and good looking, $10.00, $15 00 and $18.50* lot,of genuine Seale.tte Plush Goats, ju st placed on sale^at $32*50. -Big-lot^of Chirdren-s-CoatS) all riow^styles and -made - this season;^ fcsrro $io;oo; Choice $5.00* _ AH sizes, F a s h io n a b le D r e s s e s o f S e r g e a n d S ilk s E le c tric L ig h ta h d W a te r C om ­ m is s io n . . . i . . , ----- - --- .47-50-1 8 62 | 2 00 12,10 M a n y B e c o m in g S ty le s in S e p a r a t e (Skirts. New fancy Worsted Plaid Sport Skirts at 87.50 and StS SO. —x . Poplins arid Serges at $3.50, $7.50 and $8.0 0 . v . . , > ^ Special lot or newest Skirts of Poplin, Panamas or Serges, were 16.00 and ■-Ifijssn.-' -liL clean up now-$5.0QT S p e c ia l B a r g a i n s , 100 0 0 ] TMoved bY Dancer, supported by_Fry^[I m.^th? that the bills be allowed-as f -*e^d-and orders drawn for the same. y e a s ^ P a lm e r ; E p p le r, D a n c e r, F r y ^ m u t h — H i r t h — S c h o e n h a l s ; ' ■■N a y s ^ q - N o n e . ■- C a r r i e d ; “ __ d arn e d ; 7 13 151 - M o v e d by. D a n c e r , s u p p o r t e d b y H ir th , t h a t we a d jo u rn . C a rrie d , W . -R —D a n i e l s , - V i l l a g e " C l e r k . Mryand Mrs. Emil, “Kantlehner, o: H ighiandFark,spent-the—firstof-the^ . VveeTc in C h e l s e a . . Clinton FAnk, of Detroit, called on SY LV A N . H A P P E N IN G S . | Rag Rugs, £9c and 98c3------. 78x90 Seemless Sheetsr 79c,^81-x90 Seeniluas Shbutij:"89ir -—45x36-GaSe8,-speclal values 2 lev. n "New LeatheFHand Bag^^TbO and $1.50. Women’s Pure Linen Hemstitched Hand­ kerchiefs,^ 5Cj—---------------- ■*— ■■ . New Wool Toques, 39c; 69c and 75c. About 4fl Children’s CoatsT all new*sty! iIL_LwQ-Jots,, now $2.98 and _3fi=inah^--Daisy,j’ --Bleached—^Cotton, -13r value, 11 ic. 45-inch soiled Dwight worth 33^ ow '23c7 Anchor iTubing,, T / H . S . H o lm e s M e r c a n t i l e Co. J M.. J. Huw^V uf Dfetroltr.apeiat-ttfg ■week ond at th c -trome of Mr .and Mrs. - Carl Kalmbach; of Hl glilatriM Park? James L. ;Wade. spent Sunday at the home of his par­ ' Mr. and Mrs^3fbB. Colyer and Jtjhn ents here. • .Colyer,-of D etroitrspent Sunday with Mrs, S. J. Trouten,. sea; called on Mr. and Mrs. Homer —Mrs, Ki.ttle^Bultiirr^F'Gre^Fy. -war l^oyd Sun'day. tile giiest of Miss Nettie Wilkinson Mr. and Mrsr ldtmre^ LaMatra, pL the first of the week Detroit, have beep spending several M r s , . E . B r o w n a n d M i s s e s N e l l i e days -with Mr. LaM atra’s parents, —— Marnnpy anil Rayfl Spoor wprp Anti M r . j i n d M r s ; R . J . W p a f ^ " A r b o r v i s i t o r s S a t ’u r d a y . . Frank Riggs, of Detroitr'had a fine M r s . M a r y W l n a n s h a s —r e t u r n e d - mopoment-pkeed-ori t heir 1family-lot from—Lansingr-where she has been in Maple Grove cemetery. - • spending several.weeks.,* Joseph Knoll, p. former Sylvan refliM r . a n d M r s . C h u r l e B ~ M c!b C T em ~ -frf Suriday-wItE" S o u t h L y o n , s p e n t S u n d a y w l i h —M r . j ajnotor^teuck and-moved- his -honse» ’a n d M T s. D . C . M c L a r e n . hold goods to Royal Oak where he expects to locate. M r . a r id M r s . L e o a ^ n , G r a h a m a n d s o n , o f; D e t r o i t , s p e n t S u n d a y w i t h M r . a n d M rsL J a s p e r G r a h a m . her individuality is the attractipn* our Coat Stock holds for it? many patrons.. Svery-preferenee in regard to fabric, every desire as to color and models to fill every figure-need are/here prp. sen ted. Prices represent the. unuspat in value-giving. ^ — ~ * __ 7 50 ELECTKIC LIOH'r AND \VATER FUN^ N one, .(,M -r^ a n d -M -rsr-^ E i-J-.-O tisp o f- D e t r o i t ; s u e n t R h e ^ w e e k - e n d - w i th - M rra rffd -M T s C. W . M a ro iie y . • ~i r ‘ - — -A widely diyereifted-varietyrof^styl^- w h ^ a-woraafi h a ^ T n r iir a ite d ^ p p Q r tu n il^ lte ^ ^ ig ^ 18 97 , Mr. and Mrs. It. ,D, Walkgr anc daughters spent' Sunday with rela-. M o v e d b y D a n c e r , s u p p o r t e d b y H i r t h , t h a t w e a llo w t h e F a ir * A s s o c ia tio n tives in Scio.i ■ ... t h e a m o u n t o f $ 1 4 5 .0 9 , t h e * a m o u n t o f Louis Burg, of Detroit,^ spent the t h e i r i n d e b t e d n e s s ; week end with his parents, Mr. and -v Y e a s — P a l m e r , E p p l e r , S c h o e n h a l s , Mrs. J.- L. Burg, . ,? ’ Er.ymuth^,Dancer,..:Hirth^===i=Nay8^ the first of the week at the home of his family here; i r I t ’s H i g h T im e to_ C h o o s e a W i n t e r C o a t *i--.-*—| ( Women’s beautiful £atin, -Taffeta—or—Vel vet Dreas@pmkde=by^one^bf^lre= l^ri^gw^Torir r. C . D u g a n , l a b o r s t r e e t . _ . . l l :e0j | ' ~ lna,t®rB-7T We offer ^ a fraction of city store prices. $ l5 .0 0 r$ 2 0 .0 0 , $ 2 2 5 0 and $52 00. ' J o n C u r tf s ,4 a b p r s f r e e f T T .3 r r a n k Z u lk e , l a b o r s t r e e t . . y . . 22.2011 * -Women's Serge Presses, well made, good styles, fn^navy a t$ 1 5 .0 0 ,$ 1 8 00 and $20.00r eo . C o x , la b o r s t r e e t . . . . . . . . . 4 !6 0 | ^lk-PopHnJDrgsses- in navy^^bro.wn, -.aliee—and1 greenrseveraFstylesp»now^$10700.— - 1—7 _H . A h n m l l l e r p l a b o ^ s t r e e t . ■■. ~ ~ 16:r6iQ M rs. F . A. H a n n h o n d -a n d d a u g h te r , H {jeul- S a t u r d a y i n D e t r o i t . v “ J u st a Few Weeks to Christmas* ,d- y$M— T-$m m , rm M -. m a k e t wel v e i n t i m a t e *• % 'n il U S II n » sniH iiiB ainiii ■■ n i l IF T IM E ^Vhon y o u b u y in. se a so n . S H O E S D o n ’t w a it until zero ___.. w e a t h e r ar r i v es b e fo re m a k i n g - _ y o u .L - J i y ^ -----jH rre h a se s, W e c a rry a full lino of Overcoats, H ats, Caps, U nderw ear; M ackinaw s, W ork Coats. S w e a te rs a n d F o o t W e a r n f Pn C a m p l e B t o o k ^ ^ 'B a l l '- B a i l 7 r ’-7ihg' ~C r^dric)i~‘‘lL ^ r M a '7 AlnM^T; B u y T h a t T L a u g sg iv in g S u it N o w - W e g n o w T h ^ W ill Please White’s Studio. Mr. ,\nd Mrs; Wade Hatntnerlck, of W hite’s Studio, Chelsea; will' be Cleveland, spent the week-end with open next Sunday morning from 9:30 Mr. and Mrs. Glory Denms. to 12. K d . E. WHITE. —Mm-Wr-S^MrLaren—and"daugfi Virginia, of Jackson, spent Saturday witii-Mr.^and Mrs. D. C^-McLaTen. , ^ O R SALE—-Six young pigs, .weaned, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hughes and child­ $3 apiece if taken soon. E. B. Smith, __ ren, of Highland Park, spent the welkin ■ phone 162-F3. * n A rn e hano ““ ( R E N T S , R E A L E S T A T E , F O U N D , ehd "with Mr. and Mrs, F. A. .Brooks7 ‘ LO ST, W A N T E D r ETC , ^ you h| r? b< ' Mrs. GcoTlSecKinger and son,* of: FOR SALE—Ftamlly driving horse, - W' LL fyfAxe WANT MaosJ single buggy, cutter, single harness, Jackson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. LQST-^r-ftu-kid glover- x. „ . uu, -lb rm d ~ b lan k H r“ A bargain j j ■-welMressed'Tpmrttif^f^ tween Vogcl’flstore-anAschdolhouse. I, taken at-once. Win. Schatz^Corder wcek.V"' ’ .' ^ __ Please leave at standard office. 17 [ Barber shop. i> 17 shop has been selected* with carc;^ Mrs.'It. W. W right,’ of~ Flint, and If you" select your, Thanksgiving Mrs. Gl McGonegab of Holly, spent TOR SALE-*Seve.ral , Ancona cock-J FOR SALE—My honie on east Middle ' Bird hero wc feel-sure that .your Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. C. W. 'erels, full blood. Prices reasonable. | street, Chelsea, good house, a l l 1 Inquire of Amanda' Merker; tfele-1 . modern Improvement; ham ami.lot / dinner will verify 'the vteeness of Maroheyl ' - ---- ---------- -— ■ phdmrlGO-FG, 17 Oysters. ............... . 8*12rods. w .S. McLd jdren, Inquire lqulr yO U r B h A n n in » ^7 choice, n h n l/in . C V S tS rt. shopping ‘---- ZL ' of D, O. McLaren. Mr; and Mrs. Hazen Bennett and lotf every day Fresh fish Fridays 'ttT 'T — rrY ~T "— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boot, of Ann Arbor, PORSALE—Horse, 8years old, weight about 1400 pounds. Will be sold ^ORSALlu— House and lot, ,7 rootns, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,, Geo, -cheap If-taken-atonce, -E.^ErSmRhr]—batj \Btea?1 heaj ’ ItD Improvements, a m ATYoung. ^ phone 102*F3. 17 good location; .inqulre a t Standard PHONE 41 FREE DELIVERY ' Officer ,15tf Mrs.; D, H. ■W urster entertained Mrs. O. J. Chandler, of vbetr! 0lt, and 0R SALE-Four .fullhlood Durham F oS sA L fi-T w o lots-on Elm avenue ° u]l caiXes» old. In- ior for saie sale or exenange; exchange; -water':and water and "1 about,one, year I"*1* u ,ua +n" Miss Otllla Schlotterbepk, of .Ciocino f ^ d clhert-SchenkT--ph,Oae4^-stfweg--oonnecttotte-ittr-vInquire ^ h tg ttro .vTCveTait igyf of ta te iree k it;:: ^ .w,£ j 0 . j . waiw>«h, . ? Bitf U r y S t a n d a r d WANT COI.IIMN Wovr .,A D EPPLER W ant Oolunuii ~Yon got r(WllM jL l . M A N O ff T H E 0 . W .R . SHREK r. DEAL m FINANCE A N D — Schcmo. Engineered by British' Ham dtere ctf the Budget Has Called ■ , Perth Borne Admiration*_____ : We E N E R G Y B Y A ID O F T A N LA C ___ inntn | „ H S is t o r ic know~nor"whar:the~diy dents are startling both inma&nltute We know not what the hoar msy abroad ana in chui'actor* War debts and'war Before our souls of fear and dread, * cost have reached proportions away And yet we take the road, perchance,. beyond human, (fomprehcnslou, but Eng* And trust to luck, and slug and dance.! land’s method of selling her own loans' *®not only comprehended but must be 7, ^ A tly-rndiiiirea;.. -Tim, United States We only know on idl our way aMf5broHtlgn,waa of^a.TppBt JiL rM lfljuL L W hV ^ wd|lmot’‘bur^noxrghPrbnch”flnd‘Eifgr l.^mat4i~wA^triUIWiad-if-w«~ptuy,---------oal to throw ■coal - . ... It...in the tire l would t ■almost -_v-v** scream -v.vi.minwith ttil tile Ult n a i n V ^ f d llsh bonds to pay for the supplies And If wltirair^odr sbul andlieart ■ .ini.jlra nt ft.ttmp T, wn’u n ot nkln-t.. . . . . I s ,* *Or. tW() th ree w e e k s a t a t j m e I w a s n o t a b ) e t o w o r k a n d w o u ld h a v e to h v Atr which those couufrtes purchased here.1 We keep the faith and play our part. ..gome of/ny f r i e n d s on t h e r o a d h a d t a k e n T A n la c a n d b r a ^ e d / b o i t t The Dnlted States wlllrhowevor, buy The rest-w ill come-ail true and '. straight' \ „ in sisted o i ^ m y t r y i n g i t . I w a s v e r y ^ a d t o h e a r o f a n y th liu ! aa unlimited amouut of tho stocks and [gain n* 1 had tried so tatmi things unsuccessfully. - * ! k X ®w - bouds of its own corporations which In spite of all the shards of fate, PTfow \frerfliie I have regained my former erlergy.. I <io nbt hum * are owned jn Europe. British drains know not what the end may be, oyolved a way, to buy these American ke tin ^ o O R U ig m thg Job. each day ,a iH U ^ 8umrlaed-rrtrthTv T u p p t n i } d ; tdlpay for tUom^witii E m U over,l)Cf6re U ca rccly roam , Jt._ _ 1 American-dollars - ^ ±,- Beside that greater hidden^thing . 7 &T>;i[qs i» »«y t)ack are bet'ter. '"Bechuse-I-want to do other*’anv Porllauvent has compelled British in-i Down in our days of grief, pnd glee, ; it I cmU wil1 a Q0W«r letters sent to me in regard to ttils nieiiiri™ » - vostors to turn over their American And yet how glad we are to sing TANf.AO CAN B « OWTAIMBD. securities, taking -now British.loans In ,And trust and wait—like you and me! H?FKNN-eO.- - - = ^ - ~ p payment, These Autorlcan securities —1?!oJgeiL'MfiKlnsey InuBalOmorerSun. -iw-tn?l ng sold nirmiiuiiy n r possible T a i ila c T O T r a l s o ije o b t a t n e d a t t h e - ’ f o n o w l i ^ s W e s : -Dextjev Pharmacy In the United tio;i ir,n,hiit.E,-.am,a,r, ,r,v:,iIW3BK,ia States, and the proceeds I D e x te r lv .G r a s s L a k e P h a r m a c y a t G r a s s L a k e . Ir. dollars ai'o used to pay for war sup­ plies, Never ..before did any nation’ Mother’ s Cook Book mobilize In this fashion the Individual; iy-owned stocks and'Wnirs; ofTtspoo_ r pie und-compol-t Uom-foM>x^i«H}ge-4liom T o tram a woman away Tcora a for Its own loans. It is good business woman’s home is to stunt her foMho British -_goveriniientt>and It Is possibility, American home lifefinest, -iHjijiiiif may also good business for the United ill.' i|U> H e re V a ||Sj lU'1 ti'i Ilf! C o f f e e f o r Y o u r C u p lM| ,# Coffee. - Wlnarydurhave fried one pack*' age o f-Nero *you will be. so comp le tc ly w o n - o v e r t o its d ili c io u s flav o r, s m o o t h t a s t e a n d r ic h c u p q u a lity t h a t n o o t h e r c p f f e e w ill d o . N ero Coffee . . i .. .i. 1‘hlludC ‘lplU a B u lilic L e d - Chocolate Gingerbread.- ^of^Gunsr- ■ , .j C a r e f u lly b l e n d e d b y ’ c o f f e e e x p e r t s r o a s t c d r d a 'l y 'a n d p a c k e d im m e d ia te ly , i t r e a c h e s v . , y o u in ’p e r f e c t , c o n d i t i o n . v - . Pleasant .............. . — wins i,n .___favor becauAe of .its delightfully * F«nH n in f» Ar h ^ , , / ° P| J h * ^ ,h d r c 5 ' Ji kwiriw-tlu^.vho,! h™iUH>I^m<.rt ^ good, OI°80rbroig *“cake vatl0'18 fM"ls wholesome* not too rich for cu n s to c k s a n d h o m f s : h e g o ls In llioi . . little people, The following_ Is. a change a lion upon iltls enip^p, Jor , Tjioa^ pleasant chungp from /the ordinary ■wfiese 'sftf.oty 5,000,000,in,cn liavis khoul--- 2 S C e n ts ■ itself is the. greatest school for the greatest manhood and womanhood.— t\ W, Gunsauius. / P l a c e In u m ix in g ; b o w l h a l f a i c a p . m HTINGALES ON FIRING LINE, / f u t o f in o lu s s e s , o n e t a b l e s p o o n f u l ;ea c h I g ■••■■..■ 'i" ■ j o f m e l t e d la rc l u u d b u t t e r , h u l f a cup* - W il l- I r w in H e a r s t h e S w e e t S o n g o t | i u L o t b r o w n - s u g a r, h a l f a te u s p ftp h fH f B ird B lendM ig W ith S o u n d i o f g r o u n d c in n a m o n ,, a q u a r t e r o f a among coffee-lovers. 'r e f r e s h i n g flav o r, -Trv a pnnnrl. w ith y o u r n e x t g r o c e r T o r d e r ...50o. 60c. 8Qc p erM h W e w o r o o u a v to r o d o f t! a n a r t i l l e r y o fllc er, o n th e I.sq n z ti f r o n t T 'O u t s i d o , I t w a s a s p rin g n i g h t of? th o i p o o ts^ T b o m o o n -ln u l c o m o -u p -lllc e -n -g rc a t-d ro p . o f h o n e y . N m .g iin vw a 's f l r i h g r f o r 'o n c e .- ..... d ’ l f t t l e wat<jV{ b le n d t h e in g r e d i e i i t s t h o r o u g h ly , T h e n s t i r In Q n g -te a a p n n n . ’- f u l o f - s o d a r - d ls s Q lv e d - in a c u p f u l - o f s o u r c r o a m r a d d f lo u r t o m o k e a t h i n cocoa-have^boon addedr- m always welcomes sew and-dependable-methods for impr&ving her table and shortening her hours of labor* -,' • A tea spoonful of fariioua flO-MAYDEBRBAD . IMPROVER added to the weter la which the yeast is. dissolved or diliited is positivi Miursaoe against Bake’ Day failures. Besides, HQ-MAYPE produces Isresr. whiter, smoother, and. sweeter loaves from the;. same materials. It shortens-tbe.Jime-Of-br.ead..making toi aoou.L four-hours.— -----—;----- 1 "’ ■, . • o HO-MAYDE. not only makes possible. more bread, but assures wonderfully good results when the cneaper grades of i flour 'are used, Thus the. > coat_ofJiving-is.rcduced.— ____ .:— ------- .■ HO^MAYDE Is guaranteed to be absolutely pure,--1whofesome ’and i dependablej -and. complie*“with thc-pure food-laws^ - If your grocer cannot supply you, we will send" you a large-package sufficient for 100 loaves for ISc. Write for/free sample.• > •MAYDE PRODUCTS CO„ DetroH, Mick. Marmalade Parfalt Jhree-quarteri3^)f a cupfuLcf cold .wa­ iter In a saucepan and stir over a mod* orate fire until the sugar is dissolved; then lef It cook slowly without stir­ ring.'until a little dropped in cold wa* ter will form a . bail. Remove .im; medlatejiy-from the-fire and^phur-slowiy. upon the stiffly beaten whites i of throe-eggs, hefttfng rnnatuntt cold; then-fold ln a pint' of whipped yards.'before rstopped agflTh. - I couTd cream and threo tablespoonfula i of stlil hoar him plainly i and another one', marmalade. .Do, not pour In j^ny of : in' the bottom of thiff ‘ I w o k e tw ic e t h a t n i g h t a n d l i s te n e d whipped, .cream dish. Four at, once f o r t h e s o u n d of- g u n s . T h e r e t h e / into a Ught^old -and bury in ice and w e re , o n ly v e r y f a r a w a y . B u t t h e salt for three houraJ>pfore serving, s o - h i s t y ^ s h - w o n d e r f u lly 'BWQct. t h a t I s to p p e d I n m y - tn ic k s .“ N ig h tin g n le ,” s a i d o ilr l i e u t e n a n t . ; M it c h - a s I h a d i r e a d c o n c e r n in g t b e s in g e r o f th e d e w y . m e a d s , ,P h a d n e v e r h e a r d h im b e f o r e — h e , ^ th e b i r d . o f p o e t s r n n d lo v e r s f — H e - s u n g - l l k e ’T o u i / o w n n ie n x te w " 1 u rk s; o f C a l i f o r n i a , , b u t h ig h e r , s w e e te r n h d ln fliifto lv s tr o n g e r ; W e h h d - w a lk e d o n iu ul-cuh-h u n d r e d s o f n ig h ti n g a le w a s ' s in g i n g s till, n e a r , a n d le u d ^ -A V ill—I r w i n , 1 In - S a t y r d a y - E v e * - p lr tg .P o s t. Tommy’s Mascote. Sunbonnet AUANft OLEOMABCAtUNt ECONOM Y M argarine _ u s e d ^ d a ily iby people w h o P U R E F O O D S . -— C olle re «fe t J t ^ --H r r vossp p iita L a ils s a n d ...w w » »ge o ws-p -i— c o o k in g , b a k in g , a n d a s a p e rfe c t sp re a d fo rb re a d Insist upon Sunbonnet Margarine, do not confbse it with ordinary brands. If.your dealer cannot supply you* we -will send ter* pounds direct express paid to any address for $25 ft Rogers beautiful silver free-to^Sun?. / bonnet users. G e o . R .Dotroit;v Micb. T ry T h e S t a n d a r d W a n t C o lu m n i t g iv e s ^ B a ^ s „ , LV>. > Ip h is personal story of life -in th e Brlth^h"" trenches^lT r Frnirce, f i n th e .World's- Work, j y illla t n ,:J. ■Itoblnsontells th e following story of h is “side p a rtn e r:” ' r “M y m a te b e g i n s t o i g r u m b le a b o u t th e w e ig h t o f h i s p a c k , b u t" he. h a s ' n o t h l n g J t o s n y a g a i n s t th o te n - p o u n d Hog Q U A L IT Y ■h^~nv» &s" i / ' s A, i ’n 'S .' \ j^ js0mkf; !v J. ( _rt! n H A n n rV where* a regicide/ of Charles I appeared >om; ■ ■:: ■1 nowhere "aitd_saved the panib stricken se f set'tlera f II M. I h ,. . , but the suddenness of the-.attack found thorn utterly demoralized. When the,, confusion was at its Might there suddenly appeared U yUvll illlUhv eil unknown UUftAlMtTAl mairof Mlwil .VA gi.wr I*UU vlUvl 1J UwCIaJUq} who-at-onceWUt/ ttb .UUwv^liUvK1 OI tho vXTw eituationr oIvUSvIOms in1 their midst C an gravev and^elderly"-bearing; took . vviUIllttUU command-of MJ AM H. rallied^he.defenders. MAIf*AM »nA' MA#A«t/(A«n aiiel M Min ■« short Mil A«M routed AJ ill AM aMAlMHa 1 iL.a - --- . fill. . .. —’■ — S. issuedorders, order the redskins-from the ^town.. T’henra* sud. denly as he had appeared; did the stranger effect his removal from the scehe," and his identity for mafly'years ! ^mnInnd a nom^arativot mystery. ' ’ It. was later established that the-deliverer of Hadley was general-William Goffe, one of the thre^ Ii^Lig regicides of^Charles I.'and for whose head a liberal bounty was offered. After years of pursuit from plad^ to ' place he found safe hiding under the hospitable roof of Pastor John Russelofthe Old Hadley congregation. It is believed‘.tlrat after his spectacular deliverance /)f th eT ' *' LL' ’ ' ’' " ' the^Russol household tmtil-^is^eath-some^ffvGyeaTeTaterr A beautiful takes thousands of antoista saoh year directly. by-the spot where General Goffe rallied the inhabitants OT’Old Hadley to/the defense of their homes. I m it ■vm S B p a T fe w P rin c e A lb e rt -■■ sm o k e s in to v o u r s v s te n n f You’ve-heard m any an earful Lhnnf J»ut^ !nUt a^cupfi Hgnr aj ,.,-i........... ybrn* e w T h e y s o r n e tln ie s TiheH a - p o s I t l o n - u p ! b a t t e r a n d b a k e 2 0 m i n u t e s In aT m od* yonderr-’^snld tlie.ai'lllloi7 olllcci' as we ‘ e r a t e o v e n . plover with boiled frostwnlked-nlong— *cI-oidy hope I -slmn’t lug, into.-which two~twbtesppoHfote~of~ after that; and suddfnrtyrihTft-thlcket on the W . W a t k in s N l d ^teaspoonful-nf-nutmeg, a teaspoohfuH ’of ginger, and two tablespoonfula of gbated chocolate mixed to a paste with b e - w a k e n e d - b y —w h li^ b o o in Jl!-— were .silent ffor We w e r e [ .s'Hcnt o r aa white w h ile T h o s . O ? P " r f *° s c le o c o 0P t h e S c h o o l n M a r la tie s' a t UHidern.to "jirlce.s w i t h th o p ro c o e d s o f . Its .u n e x a m p le d s n l o s j t l ’ n m te riu ls- a t sk y -h ig h p r ic e s . ’ B u t only, tim e c a n t o l l l f t h l s l s l l k o w l s & ( i ‘go<J(i;thiiigfo r t h e in d iv id u a l B r itis h . I n v e s to r ,’ A t a n y - r a t e , ' h o - h a s t h e s u t l s f a b tlo n n l d e r e d a rm s , «or. is a s u p e r i o r r n f f n a jN e r p M E o f f c e ■ U f o ttffl" w h ich ir r i ti'liiirlc l'tn m v n rn7 n iT in i->v briny, . > j Clark Dicky of 108 P rin c e A venue,Jackson, a fireman on the o w Laid to thfi M a ^ p e ^ n « t r a t o ^ i ^ | | i alwav(J have ^ ukanlac became it helped me through a, critical time and [ tlrinl V , X toier medicine • ^ ,K " 18 a <*My back would.hurt me and when I wasable to > o r k , tlu> ,in„ ", -iiS gSfc!'!*>!■ c e n e s [■-t 8 uri« h lne C a k e . Beut slx eg^whtfe~g~-uhlll-stlff. -Bon together a cupful of sugar and a qua rter of a cupful of water until It hairs, pour over the whites, beatJwell and cool. Thenbeattheyolksof"theoggsr add to tho whites and a cu PM: pustry flour sifted with a teaspc poon of cream of tartar and a pinch of salt, flavor had bake slowly for 40 to 00 minutes, Cover wl th ^r os ting when cool. pieke tTuini'B^dB -eCTrylnB. r« Pnnro A lK ^r patented process that cuts o u t bite and'parch and lets yOu * Stake your banicroil thatit proves out every hour of thjB day. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. W e prefer to give quality! pipe or your own, but y o u knowxhax youVe got ’ttr h a v e rthenright:tobaccnt— fog e-felE ^u ^-Prince—Albert- will bang—the-dobrs-wide open for you to come in on a good “tipe jh n n a tio n a l jo y gm o k e ^firing up every little, so often,, w ithout!a regret! Youll feel like your Smoke past has been wasted and will b£ sorry you, cannot back up for a fresh start* . ' j ^You swing on this say»so -like it was-a tip to a thousand-dollar bill! i It’s wbi^h that in happi­ ness and contentrhent to you, to, every man m whbi'rtenowsr"wlsat <can be . gotten out of a chtffnfny Jpj s -jimmy pipe or a makm’s 1 cig arette w ith Prince. Albert for ,fp a e k i n g *’ 1 i u n d e r o n e a n a , F-t r s t t t w n s .n r n n n r y . ___ Data and Tapioca Puddtrib. / ~"^Sttr a innf cupful uf quick tapioetth e ^ p lc k e d u p In a ru in e d -h tju s e -ln Y p ro s. H e c a r r i e d t h a t c a g e e v e r y ­ Intdo pintof boiling water salted with w h e r e h e w e n t f o r s ix w e e k s , u n t i l h e a half tenspoonful of salt, cook until fo u n d q- c h ttp ^ v lio - w a s - g o lttg - o n - le a y e ,- the tapioca is transparent, - adi a n d h o ftot. h lin t o d e liv e r t h e b i r d t o fourth of a cupful of sugar, the Juice i)f=a=lemon^and a hal£,pm!indJ)f=datea4— Ills ■ 'r r i l s s p . '— T i r e d :' It' w a s ' «t~ W h e r e h e - g o t - l t r - h e a v o m ’ o n ly : k n o w s , cu t. in quartern ..Fold in two beaten h u t l i e m im e d I t ‘L e v i tic u s ,’ n n d w a s eggs-and cook .ujatil. the egg is set. r e a d y . t o fight-, a n y n m n w h o h a d a ' Serve,hot or cold wlth cream. jv o w l- J o .^ a y - a g a in E t J il9 ..p e i.„ iT h e ; f e h lo w s s to o d f o r t h e g o n t ' n s lo n g a s t h e y ' c o u ld , b u t f lh a lly 'L e v i t i c u s ’ tu r n e d u p in ls s la g , a n d J I a v r y , m y . , m a te , w a s g o in g a r o u n d y i t h h is fiS ts d o u b l e<V-4i p . j i n d - b l o o d J n - d d s ~ o y e - £ o c - * -JGr^J, ituCdllmfif !^QflJWjandJ2aL, wha lmd two hives of bees, very much aliy6 so m e tim e . 'I f I -e v e r fin d th o b le e d e r Iris-—Frul tvale—avenue, , ■ w ot p in c h e d ^ y m a 's a ^ 'u v e ^ a ’e a r t - t o - '. e iirt t f lllr W o t l l f a a a d ^ c ^ y - t w ^ h l v e f r o M e a goln put fin In n o l d .w o m a n 's ’o m o fo r. t M victlins of an unsuccessful Verdun der o s t“ o rT ^ 1 )U u M lin ’ l i f e ,' H o w e v e r , Iris1 -fenso (against a- h orde-of-maraudhtg • ; ■ ' •■/■■■■ grief-, s o o n co o led , a n d n o w Iris alTec* nuts. ' ' What the flgbt-was.all about-is as tto n s / a r e nlf w r a p p e d u p In n d i r t y lit t l e m o n g r e l lie. c a ll? ‘F r i t z , ’ ‘F r i t z ’ obscure as the causes of the European war. Even the declaration of war'wns g e ts t h e b e s t o f a ll t h a t is g o in g , "hnd censored from liuthnn H a r r y w o u ld s t n r v e h im s e lf - r a t h e r r apparently M ak e Y o u r M o n ey " B rin g th a rt to se c t h e o b j e c t o f h i s n f f c o , knowledge because Doctor Oallen Only learned that the war was oh: after his m n t^ fl-w m it f o r a s l n g l e - t h l n g ” . r REYNOLDSTOBACCOC0. "WlMl4,-S*J»i, N. C." Thl* Uthe reran, •Me of Die ttdr Two Hives of Honeymate _ Slain In Battf^With»Ants. UlUiV un Albe> tldy A Alben red tin, and ~ln~ tact, every Prince - Albert p,ackAge.,ha,' a real me«Siiff6:to>»iou on Its reverse aidb^rou’ll . ^'-Jesd-pr’ProcesB........... July30th. 1907.” That mean* that the United States Govern— ment has granted a patent on the process by which PrlneF AIHermmade. And bywhich toniue bite snd throat parch are cuf ouf/ Everywtrere tobaccoIs aold you’llBnd Prlaoe-AUxrt-awaltlng-yotr— In toppy red baes.Je; tidy —red tlna. Ihc; harrdaomapound and half-pound tin humidors and in* that clever etyetal(tla»shumidor, with -—sponge «nvolatener .top, that keeps the tobacco In euoh flne> condition­ alwayel fttAT! 7*V WHY NOT _ / R E M T Y ou ----pefa weroTdlledi; ’ “ — r The Tevlitence shOws llyit the ants at* L o s e s F falth In F o r e o a a te r t, No f e e s ^ . _, A, n r o m ln e n tw o m n n ; liv in g h t - H v a n s* - taeked In solid mass formation.-carry* -—1^-trouB lc^ v lllc h a s - d o s t - fiU th in t n e U n l f e r lug ther bees’ first, seeond and thtrtT No lost time 7 States weather 'bureau, remarks the .lino,of trehdhes and then attacking All profit Indlnnnpofl8 News. Recently this/ . the entrance to tho hives. The little * Checks milled semi-annually wotimn hought.a jiewLJiatj Tqe..whlclL Thermopylae was.defended by_a.jfew. valiant bees, but they never had a aha paid a fancy price. The .day'af­ AsRola ivlmoBt t7;ooo;ooo. Write for ter the hat wnfl delivered she wished chance. When the entrance was chofcgd : financial report and booklet giving full To-go to~the linll giimb, and In order to the ants sat down’flndrterthe'Tesrof 'pftrtlcu!ftrt.: •“ ; , ^ . im o T W i j W ^ T r i h r r t t W rtip the the garrison starve. >The object of the 0AP1T0L, * local wenthei* bureau to see whether battle is still unknown. The vlcterl* SAVINGS & LOAN A8B'N It was going to rain that afternoon. ous ants just went hoqie!’after it was She told the observer that she had it oyer. J' . . . / Launng, Mioh, / new ha tv but If he thought lt-wa»fg»;ORS9^: ; Gueen Train* Girl*. -----■ -----ing f rnlq she would wenrher old one to the hall ghme. The wioather man / Among the many philanthropic la W. D. ARNOLD told her he was sure it was not going stltutions of the queen of Denmark is Chelsea, Mich. to rain, nnd that she would por- that for training young girls for serv* fectlv safe in woifring her new hat. IrA. In .pursuance of Uria plnn tho Sho took hi8.ndvlee, and it rained in head cook of the /oyal kitchen re* 'PRTN TW ^-The Standard torrents andjher, new hat was- ruined. calves puplls lh domestIc art, and the LEGALrequests Its patrcms who have^busiShe has been using a good many,ad­ very fact of having learned In the > ness with the Probate Olfice Yo.ask jectives since then In expre^slnjf her 'queert’aJritchen is enough to insure a the Judge of Probate to order the opinion of the weather mah. j gill’s analog constant amploym^at * priu^iuff-aent t 6 t^l».offlce.> M’ / l._ _ THE __ -1 .W/-' / N E W J S : / ./ TH E STA N D A R D 7 / ,qiu T rtp o U iftJ^ old trading pwts where the desert meats ^ , .th esea. She u the hub of a sprawling! west of here, Monday night ^ o d r l,^ - T i p * ptM v£~w tEH firnqffm 1^ i n M B n v y ! ^ *routes, striking. through the great cash and 1100 in postage stamps. \ A unfl ?Mpnliur Hum that ridK .... ..^.......................... ....... . «7.> ate over the' Mediterranean. ”” I ■ BUSSpILIiD—AI! of thj6 b s e t / t i t Ships steam Into the harhor, hatt»itl6n for the sugar-factory here have •?rfo oUaf. their-wag' behind the ! Iw»i»ol08ed‘‘ftod' 'in ■eonseyiei»ce‘‘'tfatr four tiro** m tagoaortf n£y protecting crescent headland that Ioffice force a t the niJU i&beiffg re* xwjlmn, wxkMMasaiStL. -Mfflta-ont galas ,fmm.,the north, for ^yced. The entire crop la!now, nrac* the, water IS Shallow and Studdediticallv. with, thti anhnlv IllcallY. delivered and with thV supply with sahd bars. To thejrtght the old on j,aod an^ in p its tb e mill w ltf be: B la c k S ilk Stove P o lish BUck Silk StowRo&k Work*, StarSiog. iHiaob. U»eBl*ekSlfc At*Drying bon Enua«l on grate*, reg* r,. ..6 work! Wfpoiiw; .au- i,^,/i.««?l J/A94, feiWai n .briUrantiurtaee. It haano eaualforuo^ooMtomotyjM, o th e r S. A. MAPES, Funeral Direotor and Embalmer, o r d s .C h e s te r i ie ld M I L D « p flO d y e t ^ o = e igai'a tte s . ^ I t -g<jes ■l Urth e r th a n pleasing yoRr taste—satisfy does lor your smokiog what a juicy- shce^pr hot roast bHef does lor your appetite C h e s te rfie ld s th e y le t a B u t . satisfy. This ia something totally new y o u th e y ’r e M IL D , to o - q h e a te r . a re I f y o u w a n tth is n e w c ig a r e tte d e lig h t w lis fy s y e t M le s te rfie ld s , b e c a u se , n o ^ c ig a re tte i n c o p y t h e C h e s te r fie ta lite n d . T h is b le n d is a n e n tir e ly n e w c p m b ip a p t i o n o f t o b a c c o s a n d th e b ig g e s t d is tio y p e ry in rc ig a re tfo b le n d in g in 2 0 y e a r* "Give me a package eif those cigarettes that SA T IS F Y ” :ln pap great' market There you 8ee ’driving ^ . ?ff *Jthe ? ecar e into aS? /* * y u ed. the/corner of a m o tle y concourse o f tra d e rs fr o m a ll i ^ t . n o rth e rn A f r ic a —A r a b s , T u r k * , Ita l- F *sk 8 P ° r^ « i o n w h ic h l i t t l e Arnold la a s rp H g y p tla a ^ N e g ro e s , J e w s ^ T h e y - I F l s k .a gjedtw o y e a r s a n d t h r e e ^ ontha TODA Y w a im ‘ homes of the wealthy stand In.thglr L ^ 6 1 °*W ^be ?A°?8 dera? y 8horter gardens.* To the left 1^ the Moham* ^ an . year‘ Advance medaa quarter, .with ^ita domes and ADRIAN—While Roscoe Patterson', [.ialnarets;:":— .-y j of^ddj.son, . was, teaching... Herman The hw rt^of Is. th the Fisk to drive-Patterson^aptomobile mosques, the beauty of Tripoli In the ln Mak^ vard Sundav ^piv^onn basts and the explanaUon of Tripoli P-0 ™* B w ) 9 iu f tUBti n v ra iiii G e t a C an I n . s it o r stand b y th e ir stacke d b a r e s t w a s s l t t l o g . T h e c h ild w a r i n s t a n t l y and’ b a rte r a fte r th e custom o f th e k l U e d r Y H e 'B a d In s iste d o ln 'i l t t l n g _on . Fine" Fuuerih Fundahioffs,. Oalla wuweredJ prompt^.night- - o r da? . Chelee*. .Mioblgno.| im m e m o ria l E a s t^ w h e r a A im e Is no -o b -1 t h & porcfy/so h e c o u ld wa t c h “ D a d d y .” j e e t i a n d c o n v e r s a tk )n --w ith > a U -a n I^ A ^ S N S t^ G ^ P ro rR T H ^ 8 u n d r y o n e _ o fth e p le a s u r e a o f life , H. M. ARMOUR ^ 7 , Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist TrlpoU has two of the finest mosques I ^ • Bead of the entomology depart In Africa, but the admission of Ohr!s*{ment of M. A. C., reports th at tlans" Is'not encouraged. :lt. ls werth l.white ants are again prevalent in the ' Fourteen years experience.. Also general auctioneering. Phone .i&^Reaidenoe, 110 East aU the’trouble, however, and' all the I southern part of- the sta te and are Middle street. Chelsea. / “ „ -•—• _ y _ ■ ..... * ■- black looks you, will, g e t; from' the doing great damage to property.. The loungers, at the gateways to. see the j white ant eats wood and works in A.-Ii. STEGER, Grand, vMosque. It is4 arranged^wlth .. ... ... .. . frame houses and. buildings, which are ■ Dentist.. — :-------- —r the simpUclty that chwacterlzes^the jQpjany cases"'undermined until they . Office. Kempt Bink Block. Chelsea, Michigan temples of Islam—a bare court, q C0]ianSe A few cases of whit ^ Phone. Office. 88.2r; Residence. 82.8r. nlche-taward-Mecca,-a. latticed- booth -??W ste^ . ^ lew cases^t_wtiit Sot tho womeri, end tte - » o lta n 'r b m -tace-b“ n|;:rePorte‘i fr™ th6-“<,rth<irn STIVERS A KALMBACH, but the proportions, the sweep of the Par1; of the state. ^ Attorneys at la w . ?*_Archways that end sharply HTT.LSDAr,^~HniatL-tif.7nil against “sheer tfled walls,; are beauti­ «e_ h a s re c e iv e d a n e w im p e tu s w h e n i t Huplio in the office. Offloe in Hatch-Dumnd fully restful and harmonious. i j e c a m e k lio w q h e r e t h a t L e w i s E m block; Chelsea, MiohUnn. Phone SS. There is a. mild thrill of adventure I e r v , o il m a g n a t e o f P e n n s y l v a n i a ’; In penetrating thus Into the sacred / <0. C. LANE ta lly , has—/agreed— to—share-^in j p iw ^ j o f r ^ financing one ^of more wells’ in -'th e Veterinarian’" • “ | There fs' a new, sensation, too, in feel* iiew itt oil fields autU ex pressed’ the Office at CJiaa.!Martin’s Livery. ’Barn. Phone rin g thati^the very touch of your foot No. 5-W. Call answered day or night. is regarded—by—many of- those—who-Rpinlon that oikin<large-quaufifi¥8^ih watch yon as a sacrilege and a do* all probability . exists here^ The CHAS. STEINBACH fllement; 1 i. Chamber, of Commerce has secured a H a r n e s s and Horse Goods .i 'I1 ■'■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■.■ < * lease to ten acres of the Dewitt field : <r . y [ ' - Repairing orsirsinds a a^ialtyr-Aleo dealer -n-Musical Instrument* of-ali kLnds and-8heet- 0 N D Mngior-rStcinbaehlMook. Ch<deoai v&m. I Reptl!e rHa* Proved to Bo ^Consider* beeri:cited as f a v o r i u ^ t h e sup'posi •bleiof a.Puxzle" to California tipn t h a t oil_w.i]L_be—fouud-'w hen_-a Natural late. Money' to Loah. Life and Fire Insurance. Office tti Hatph-Diminri block._Cheleea. Mlchi ' ■ ■s P P P W ^ « ^ i > ' ■TEiErai ppirilon ■ p ro je c t GEORGE W. IBECKWITH, Real Estate Dealer. ........... , M N E V O E S O M O U S -S N A K E ] and will a id, fu rth e r iu developing r ^ - p ro p e r Well ia d rilled ’ deeply enough polBonona wnake that reptile ex.J__ Y P S I L A N T . l — y h e b o a rd of H. D. WITHERELL, Attorney at Law. slon .of Edi Hambly and-JIaCk Horn, j until t he danger of..amalIpojfc*ls=pR8t. The snake wtuFCaught b f a Herican at Residents near tlie^N orm al-health pne of the road camps near Los Ange* I cottage are up in arms at alleged lax JAMES S. GORMAN, j . i u i . . ./fmethods used 'hy , the authorities. The snake has two fangs^ each about The ga - th t ^nSuectedTiLLa^ _i Attorney at Law. i ' one-eighth-of ah Inch long. In ^ n .""% -:;y.t!ia,: P ^ 's ^ ^ p e c te a ^ m a v ^ ' 1 •4SBp;.’j5i5-til. -fh-'tSsSKW’Y-^Office. Middle street east. 'Chelsea, Michigan effort to determine whether or not the b ^ ^ e a s e , . ^ o to the .first ftoor^of reptile is poisonous It- wa¥'I>raced3 n health eottage,. where the- nurse Mi2 an Inclbsure with a white rah The i» charge makes an examination. If g. W. DANIELB. General Auctioneer. , , raf was bitten and died In convulslonsl the nurse thinks the patient , has 111 __— 7.1 ,|_amaiLp.c?x. she is sentitoYhe office of-a L~ j ]i ahortly afterwafdl fa.i'AlV ;—~—~~ '-'UV'-fe "r -Lr:-“ '---- _ — adtisfactionQuarsnteed; Forinfonin formavion call I -~r one-half feet j physiciatrsix_blocks away^for eifamT-] Tfaer1$tinnlef*"offi?5srSraddreBaQregory.>IIch-1 , « . . , r 4fir'^7~ ' ------ ^at'TberStamt»moffi?Je^raadreBsGre< 1 I ' t S f l j i ; ' igan. r.f.d.2. A' ‘ ' ~ PhoneconnectlonB. 1 Apctionbiiti In length and olive greeh ln color. Its hiatibm Tjeverat- roaidenjs nri_Tnpa Sfij'i.i: '• /i'Ri'i : ■■ ’ , add tin cuds fumiehed free. . f ' ; Cplor changes t a a pale yellow—when |’day, met a g k l >yhose~iace was coyerOffl^eT. Freeman bfocV,. Chelaea. MiQbigan.. n CTD If IT |l i l t T r n i jfc j !W - i’,*•ti-'.. ^ n\ !■■<;f ;b^ 1 ,’T!. * — :— P O T T E ti^ P K W S FUNERAL TlESlOXfi. Elvira Clark-Visel Phone 180-F21 FLORIST SHOES F P 7 ' A Full Line of Work. Shnea^ Repairing a Specialty ~ 11-7 SCHMID. & SON, W, Middle St, A i v f f e i i I K K ^ i'P S ^ ' MR FARMER kt m tr-. If you are not using the STANDARD WANT ADS you’re a heavy loser. . :FJnd n buyer^n^your"pro^ duce, livestock or tools that you do not need. * Sell your farm or find Tatm —help. "' , ' The cost is small—results' »re mire, / *.ViiMw I' "w *'■***" r - m •'’If.,. .0 J t.hV V'<: ... f e s l n®aPl£* cd iwith !blotchesv f1ChiIdrehv passed"j fi»dbr8X S e p i l f e r . M ¥hew m & iH-1 ^ ^ ->* «w to 7:Mp. m. Foit Lansing 9:11 p. nii “ r^.EXI’BBSS CARS ~ - ‘---- - — Haynes ' . Otto Goet^ . Last Bound-^-T:3l a, m. and every tWo hours' 70SS brothers. Its .tall tapers to q fine [ to 'i :.‘A |). in M h o ^rhnci. irl'AH . John Schmidt, sr.’ pe>lnt audthem »tmk‘ e l tsstf-differs ~ln Mrs. Thos. /n»v Taylor West Bound- 10:10 a. m. and -every two hours tapist ' Mrs. Clara gtqniah to H:lA :p, m... Kxpresa, cars nmkeJ_ocaLa(jOjui shape from other poisonous reptiles ln Edward Staplsh wesrof Anri Arbor, that lt^ Is slender rather than thick- Theo. Bueihtevr Theo. Mohrlok LOCAL CAUN E. H. McKernau Martin Merkel ; -7-: —-... Bast-Bound—fi-facb’-mrrS m.-andlO :16 p.- bodied, HutaeT .............................ySc.................. ■It strlkes^vlthout colling and" ndovds -AW-n-BaldwIS West Bound—6:af) a. m., S:VH(t. m., 10:5l' p: m, w ith g r e a t s w i f t n e s s . Ed J. Parker and a' m. — :------ .— -------—-------While heing ey- 1ff v m ^ B e a c h zmCr Halst oars connect at Ypsilantl for Saline and at ^amlned It ejected a^tream of colorless RI. hr, Burkhart Fred Seitz 7: ? Wayne for Plymouth and Northrille........ , Chelsea Greenhouses Ip aneer BMWe«njackMn.choiM.. Aim Arbo., Ypsii,u,ti j doubl^'set ot scnles tliat , ’reTTo u u i% P f 1 “ “ f s e W e l l , —and_iietroit._----- ------— l-harfei&ss~varieties.— The sCatea—rarer | t have-gohit^Eaetern Standard Time. smooth and it pds extraordinarily long . iJ. [Notice to Hunters. jawbones. "Its eyes-are-the-round*pu* LIUITBD OARfl. ' 11' ___ W e , t h e u n d e r s i g n e d , w i l l n o t a l l o w For Detroit.8:45 a. m. and every’ two hours piled eyes of the harmless snake, and to 8:4s p. m, Itg I any, hu n t lug, jt£apping^pr__trespasslng For Kalamazoo 9:Ma,m. and every two’liours It has only one set of nostrils. p c *■ 1 IIICC I DETROIT UNITED LINES [Z ^ L Z Z :^ ■- i ’ ;:j> ■■ v7~ lite the T R A V E L E R S R A IL W A Y G U ID E PRIOR 85 QKMTS • 4 t t • . DCARBOMi *f:rOMI«AOO !7 ....7 7 '!^;;';r,:: ^" 7";... 7 7 ^ ? IOh"l^ e S S ^ rt^ se e le r. poison for a distance of 17 Inchfes. ft. T. Wheelock W; S. Plelemeler . ■ Dr, Charles L. Edwards, naturalist E. M. Eisemann Mrs3 Kate Neihaus fior the_ public fachools. Inclines to the 1C. D. Jenks - ^ belief that It may be related to the J o h n C . L e e m a n Henry Messner -A lbert Wldmayef. vipers. fitlntU -This time 1 -have .never JosejJh Wenk, jr Keed Estate known of a smooth-scaled snake which Christ A. B.-Sktnner Baas^ft 8..P-0l8pnbus,’’..he..sald,.._;. ..... ... „| Ghas-.-Hr BussWi Hr-Eisetnan .A —r—---- — j Geo. T. English Thomas Fleming How Qarnian -Army Horsei Are P yed.j Jolm McKernan ”S. A. Collins Eat. Because of the shortage of horses in , Saunders Jos, Llebeck Henry Luickl • William Fox . Germany It has been found expedient Walter Webb ' Mrs. H. Stanbrldge to and dappledm .‘ dye . . white . . Edward Doll P eter Werknef flold-gray, as already noted ln P o p la r Peter Gorman ’ . William Fritz Mechanics Magazine, - thereby giving J A, J. Greening them, the same protective coloring as the soldlejrs’ uniforms and muklng JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. 4Jhm--^gallabla--Tbr, military;;purpoaea.-| The coloring when flrst-appUed-gtvgs the horse- a violet hue, which later Which is Better-—Try an Experiment or changes Into greenish-brown by ret rofit- by a ChelseaLCitizen’s Exper­ of\,the chemical action of the sweat ience. retained in the hair.. A staff apothe­ -• Something new is an experiment. cary of the German army has found Must be proved to be as represented. that the best dye is a 1 per cent solu­ Thq.8tatem ent of a:manufacturer is tion of permanganate of potassium. not convincing proof of_tner1t,._ TlilSTf“applied to .GieZhead^Iegs,-and | Now supposing you had a bad back, upper part* of the body with, a brush A lame, weak, or aching one,_____ and to the more Sensitive, parts ;Wlth Would you experiment on it? a sponge. The coloring Is permanent. You will read of mahy so-called cures’, harmless, and costs about 60 cents per Endorsed by strangers from farhorse.—Popular Mechanics .Magazine. away places 4 t ’s different when the endorsement comes frotn home. Churoh Bervloe Sent Over Wire. Easy to prove local testimony, __A large church In Passaic. N. J.. has —Head this Ghelsea-cascr-----put on©' of the Ideas of the late Ed­ Charles HyzCr, stationary engineer, ward Bellamy, author of "Looking Madison St.i Chelsea, says: . “I was a Backward," into practical effect. It has sufferer from kidney trouble, I had recently connected a telephone with backache and pains through my Kdthe house Lot one of Its oldest’ ni ein- neys that made nfy work hard. Tf.I I couldn’t straighten again, ..bqirfrjm old lady pog-jihyj "Doan’s able to reach the church which she pmH wl+h rhoTTatrused ood rGnn results told me ka4 attended regularly tor over_ half tK„ldt?,e,t S I d k f f l they soon gave a century. A special telephone trans- I me-relief. me’relief. Three boxes cur cured mltter Is placed on the pulpit and 'tlie Price 60c. a t all dealers. Don’t connections.are so well arranged that simply ask.for a kidney remedy—get UUnU B IV iUUvJf 1.PTns--the1 .AHAD iUCi same BitUJC Ithat bUAt It" Is possible for-a number of persons, ! Doan’s Kidney grouped around the receiver, to hear cured Mr. Hayzer. Foater-MllburnCo., not only the sermon, but every sound 1Props., Buffalo, N. V.-r-Adv. of »the, church music in a house over Fori its,’ » uifle ffom the drarch. M o r e p o w e r—~35 h o r s ^ o w e r ^ m o to r . M o r e ro o m -—1 1 2 -in c h w heelbases ^ r e a t e r e o m fo r t^ -^ lo n g , 4 8 -in c H c a n tile v e r re a r s p r in g s a n d ^ - i n c h t i r e s . G r e a te r c o n v e n ie n c e — electrical c o n tro l, b u t —- to n s o n rs te e rittg c o lu m n . B ig g e r , s a fe r b ra k e s — service, 1 3 ^ x 2 ^ ; e m e r­ gency, 13 x2 B e tte r -c o o lin g — y o u n e v e r h e a rd o f a n O v e r - la n d m o t o r o v e r h e Q tm g , PHONE 90 . - ■ -v . -----------_ ,—0 _ o v e r a n y - ; t n in g t o b e h a d - i n - o t h e r c a m th a t^ s e U 7 ^ r = . ^ h e r e n e a r a 8 lp w a p n e e ,- ^ _ ____ 7 A n a th e y m a k e .it h a r d fo r u s t o k e e p u p w ith o rde rsj_____ L____ .. . . ___ T h e fa c t o r y has n e v e r y e t c a u g h t u p w it h th e dem ands , - r ------- ‘ J f p u o u g h t t o o w n one_of th e se cars— n o th in g . se so b ig a n d fin e fo r th e m o n e y . ■C o m e ir i a n d o rd e r y o u r s n o W , -Ii8-122-W EST..MID Tha Willys^>verland Conipany, Toledo, Ohio ----- ""Mud* in li. S. A?* / 7 1&-- t7 Tfy-4 / ' .." i'J :■< r‘ ■‘f'P: / -T H E -4 5 H ro ® A rS T A JID A R D i: !IO ro M B B B "M 7 ™ T 0 l^ " jpttm illliiiiiirViftiinii i i B. V^R. 0. will meet with Mrs; E. -R, Dancer-oo—Monday everiing^Ko*] vember 27.1 ,4 1 LOCAL- ITEMS. , J.7V1nee nt ■Burg-ba^-purehasod- t^ o ; vacant lots, corner Grant and Sum­ X-*" ^h a v h a rb ec o m ^ b fth e oldfashion- mit streets, ed family that aiwiys -b*ad eirps for . . r -------- ~♦4 ilk T a W I — Mrr-amr-jffs. ne^H m aelang^w nr occup^ Mrs, Elizabeth: Runciinan’s | residence on Jefferson street. _ Mrs. Geo. Kder entertained the L . Tin ■ b* ? t ^er home on Park street : Begular-meetihg-of-the-LiX>,-TrM., - T u e s d a y - e ^ n i n g . -----------------— TnSsday, NovfltobH 9gr28».,Alioiembewil n knJros Guide entertained~ttrc ar^ ^ M c te<Li!^fiumer4ne^tum fr.»n«ffe Club at her home ou' Garflelc Harry H. Lyons, of Jackson, son of | streetTuesdavevL-nlmr. - : Mrs7Rbse Lyons of”CEeIeea7 isTfl with Mrs,.W. c. Boyd entertained a nurn typhoid tever, but is reported asjm • . „ * ber of ladies at brklge Friday 1 even proving. >ng at he£ horae^lvllarrison street. ----- -------- —- .■ —---------.Mr. afad Mrs. A. P. Clark. Mr, and [J Mrsjrr^awettefT'tfcvtfge entfertlrtrietr C.-E. Clark, Mrer-N,^F," Prudden ; . anjJji£u|rbtex a n d J^ rG T ^ ^ H o o v e r -1 5-iMO U.e.r.of.frieuds at cards -at her •loine oiv south ,Main struct^Saturday attended the funeral of Wm.- Monroe, evening. ajtjjowell Satucday^K llllliiin iis w tw S S “TB®” t The Standard correspondents are re<iuestcd~to g et-th eir letters1 out earlier next week,. on account of Thanksgiving. We will go to press | Wednesday . .in order—to --g lv u s-a n JohnCoon had oih»oU ^ nhiiiids sever* opportunity to appease our appetite ^ burnotL'iHieHdiiyLovi'iilwg^Uv-an ex* for turkey_by_eating chicken. —__ Have com© to look upon dosion of gas In t hi i funmcor r Mi l s The, common council of Defter last ionic on south Mnlu street. week ordered the marshal to strictly this Store with a feelingT An autoujobllc on lire caused con­ enforce the following section of erne of reliability. siderable excitement at the corner of thpwillage ordinances: "Sec. 2.Xof Main and -Mlrldli. .y- No person or j)erao n ^ hall -ajiow hjg£ lu c k ily t h e d a m a g e w a s. s l i g h t , her or their ducks, turkeys, geese, ■You certainly must appreciate .havingiaiStore- in your town hens- crpother fowls to rhn at.large where you can buy with' full assurance that you are obtaining The Gable 2rs’ Union had ashort upon any of the streets, alleys,-iaues, ived strike.^ra^'gday afternoon. authentic ■style, ■; - - V r - ____ property of-hU^ber pr their neigh.a ir s w e r e ^ H S s t r a i g h t e n e d o u t , a n c bora in such manner as to become offenstve to the~pubricTor said neTglR Style is our study, we aim, for it because we'know, that good- ,-th e - w o rk -J s -g o l n g - a l o n g -m e r r i l y ^ clothes .become bad clothes unless tho proper style is present. - -||- Gabriel Boekres is coIihTed t„ hi. h o r s .” I f t h e r e w a s s u c h a n o r d l n a n c e i n f o r c e in ' t h e v i l l a g e o f C h e l ­ . |f ' . . ' ' * _ _ I “ 'the result oi an injury wh'icO s e a i t W o u ld r e q u i r e - m o r e t h a n - o n e And for this acouraoy in style, we do- fjot aslcyou to pay any I he received Tuesday evening* when .o ffic e r t o L - k e e p - l t - e n f o r c e d . ___ 1 : e r^ th a n —you—w ould-pay-. in a n y ~ o th e r store for ordinary | |-feHdown the porch steps, striking on * clothing........... ...... ' ' ...... ^ - IN ir tle a d : Have you seen iOffe of the new dimes | M. lim d u in a iih iiH b e e n d e t a i n e d a t h i s . h t> u n r (TirTfillTn. s t r e e t S e v e r n la y s 6 f t h i s w e e k liy'llifo'. I lb te s s o f h is lttiq jio n . ' — —^ (, ■ ,---- i ■— ... y j .i ■The Chelsea tire department was So if the_w orl_gtyle camfis__weight -with- you, and it should, I called .to-the home of Mr. and Mrs. you will understand that'thin- sto w 8hould-:h^owi-goialH-^— ^.1 Jobh Maier.ahontLnooniunday by a s l i g h t b la z e t h a t d i d a s m a l l a m o u n t o f rd a m a g e to th e ro o f ■{— -»l —Jk-J Here you find: the new materials and trimmings right from the-work shop, and you are1sure to get the latest in style.' ' ^ - + -• Here are Valour Ooata, Moiitagnac-Qoate^Broadel^th Ooats, Zrbeiine Coats^Seal Plusli Coats, ^.adopelt -Plush Coats, Black Velvet Coats, Monkey Skin Coats.; ALLpriced~heIow real Value— . r . , ■- . just issuefljiby thie government? The n e w c o in .'T s a s t r i k i n g p i e c e .of d e ­ s i g n e r ’s s k il l.; -O n o n e s i d e is a w i n g e d l e a d o f - t h e g o d d e s s o f . l i b e r t y , —s u r - rouhded-by^the-word-tll3iberty7u-with t h e s e n t i m e n t , “ I n '.G o d We T ru s t.” I - T h e L . O sr-T»-M . w ill g i v e a b i r t h d a y M ^ W ^ y e b r - o f i a s u e 7 _ 4 n - JLfin e r —l e i t e r is t h e e n g r a v e r 's i n i t i a l , a p r e s e n c e | p a r t v - a t t h e h n m p n f 'M r B ; B , T b r n i3 u ll. F r i d a y , N o v e m b e r 24. E v o r y w h ic h c a u s e d t h e w i t h d r a w a l o f t h e i r a t J a s u e -o f t h e L i n c o l n .. - p e n n y , 0 a ta e c a b e e - J a d y - in v lr e c h S c F ftb l u n c h H>e—reverse—appears the dqaomlHa7 P l e a s e b r i n g d is h e s T S'tf __ snappiest garments* shown anywhere this season. No two~alike,~ahd the best~of: air is "the Tact that every garment is under-priced^, You save from $5,00 to $10.00, and wear a garment right up to. snuff,^and as.olassy^as-they shdwin any city store. • ■ — : ;— - G o a ts P r ip e d a t $10.00, $14.00, $18.00, $22.00, $25.00 A ll t h e b e t t e r g a r m e n t s a rfl-s ra tlrr5} ..‘...4__ . ghout tion, th e country’s tirfirif*. th<>i a^nti. U n io n T h a n k s g i v i n g s e r v i c e s w ill i n e n t , “ E P l u r i b u s U n u m , ” w i t h a 1 b e h e l d "u T 't h c ~M.-- U 7 c h u i c l r : a r I t i h iin d le n f f a g g o t s , t j v o - g l l y c \v re t r H r an d a p o rtio h o f a b a t tle ax e, o ’c l o d s - n e x t ^ h u i l s d a y - m o T n i n g r - R e v P .. W . D ie rb e rg e r, p a s to r - o f - t h e Church Circles. C o n g r e g a t i o n a l - c h h r c h , w ill p r e a c h th e se rm o n . A N Q ER ►OPEN EVERY EVENING-®* .., ■» «»’, ■ i /• J udge o t P ro b a te M ur r a v jth o u rrh t - th ^ e _ w f i r .e _ d i8 c r e p a n 6 i e - M n - th e c o f ln t made by t he vnrinns Pl^Fin,> 1^ ^ ^ in t h e _ c o p n t y . - 'a n d - a s k e d ^ - f o r a- r e c o u n t. W h e n . t e n __p r p r i n r t s Wer e “c o u n t e d .a n d t h e r e s u l t s h o w e d , a g a i n o f e l g i i t v o t e s f o r l)is o p p o n e n t , t h e r e c o u n t w a s c a l l e d olf. D T ;ni CONGREGATIONAL. - Rev, P. W. plcrbcrger^Pastor, _ _ __ J^o rn in g 'worsFiip a t 10 o’clock with the sermon .by the. pastor, subject “ A Q u e s t i o n o f t h e lil v e n i n g ^ ’_ S u n d a y s c h p o l a t 1 1:15 o ’c l o c k a . m . 'J i a s s e s f o r a l l , . T h e p a s t o r w i l l - g i v e [ a p e rs o n a l e x p e rie n c e e n tltle d ^ W lie n ’ w a s a P o l i c e m a n . 1’ C h r i s t i a n E n d e a v o r m e e t i n g a t . 0 :15 j ), Store 4il,. ra. We h a v e - c o m p le te d ^ t h e ' in s ta llin g - M a t t e r - G r e g o r y j— - t h e M io b ig A n P o p u T ar S u n d a y e v e n in g s e rv ic e s a t C e n t r a l b r a l^ e m a n w h o / w a s i n j u r e d .:00 o ’c l o c k , ^ s u b j e c t M C hidesfci P e c u l i h e r e :;i--few -w e'6ks. a g o w h e n a ° l a d d e r a.t'ltlea.V T h e p a s t o r w ill e x h i b i t s o m e " o n a ir e i x r h t c a r- b r o k ty - l n t i i n g ^ h i m c u r i o s g a t h e re d ^ w h lle -iri-G h in a . fa-11 b e n e a t h t h e w h e e ls , d ie d " a t t h e of . B e a n | ; Max -e h i n e r y ^ t n - d m ,~-j<T6 ui^ £ i l - I - ahd~ aro^ ii o\yH i n . t h e m a r k e t fol*- h o s p i t a l in D e t r o i t th e - f i r s t o f t h e 'w e e k , f r o m b lo o d .'p o is o n in g . H e Is BAPTIST’. Church service a t 10 o’clock._ Serv survived by his wife und one child,' * mop by J. O. Staley, o f Ann. Arbor.' P ric e -- ' K e e l a n o f - t l i i s - p l a e e r 'n o w - a t th e - C o l l e g e o f D e n ta l- S u r g e r y , w as: a m o n g ■t h e n i a n y ^ & t t n g - i f u j l e H n - a t t e n d a t t c e selection of stylos—some single ‘breast- ' -ST1. PAUL'S.. . . R&v, A. A. Sohoon. Pastor. German services a t 9:30 a. m. This is rnemoriirFHundayr being the -last Bunday'bif lie'~ctiurd'li M wuuay u ‘ ttm : b u u tb ii year. v c cin>. : .Aivofff>r*fu i^ n e rr .• * C^-UrlcsoTT-and-soivAvUo- ^n^ H H ^ t a k e ii h a y e n e e n 'T s p e n d i n g s e v e r a l m o u t h s U elle.if f u n d . w ith h e r in o th e r ,' M r s . W e r o n e t c h S u n d a y s c h o o l S u n d a y a t T 0 ! 3 0 a r mV p r , w i l l ; r e t u r n t o t h e i r h o m e in L,os' T n t h e c o n t e s t t l m n o r t h s i d e w a s in A n g e le s , s o o n . • M rs,. . . F l e t c h e r w ill t h e l e a d l a s t S u n d a y . a c c o m p a n y 'th e m .! T h e y w ill v i s i t T e l i t t i v e s —iu z~ B e 11e v l 11e ~ l d r -:a - s h o r t 'MKTHODIS*ir EPISCOPAL t i m c i y g f g f c - t h T y le n v tc~ f o r t h e w e s t ttov. G, H. Whitney, PftBtor; ~ M r. a n d M rs. E d w a r d B r o w n w ill o c-M o rn in g s e r v i c e a t 10 o ’c l o c k . M rs . F l e t c h e r ’s r e s k l e n c e d u r i n g h e r B i b le s c h o o l a t - l l i l f i a . m . absence. -J u n io r L e a g u e -a t-3 -p r-m r Epworth League at 0 p, m, - v. Evening service at 7 o’clock. ; Thursday .prayer meeting 7 p.- m^ A cordial invitation to alb F r a n k H o w e ll, a g e d - a b o u t 35 w a s p l a c e d u n d e r a r f o e t in A n n A r b o r F r i ­ d a y by d e p u ty s h e r if f s ” r o r ^ M a r s h a l C o o p e iv - H o w e l l w jis c h a r g e d w ith fronr b o n d p o n d in g f u r t h e r in v e s tig a tio n . X U -th e ~ -tlm & -Q f-th e a l l n g c d - t h e f t U l i e we are urging you to join in a plan, for T hat the state board of health has ,a message of hope for the 20,000 ,or *30,000 persons in Michigan who a te -affiicted-wi.th-tuberculo4fd8-i8 show nby Uic statistics gathered from thh pres­ e n t state-wide tuberculous survey, The figures show th a t only 6,3 par S ~TTAl^M GF.RMAN M. K. OHURCUc NMAR FRANCISCO, Rev. G. O. NoUidurft, Ptvstor. Sunday echool-StmdnyfiiBQ-armr German worship 10:30 a. m, Epworth League 7:30 p. m. . -Engti»h=worshlp 8i0(>-p. m. ----- —7 -JSverybody most cordially invited. man was—assisting—Davfs—wjio—was moving to the rooms over the Farm ers aud Merchants bank. saving money that wiH enable you to ILCNo amount -iln|pisJijuai M ce^ to f^ e^ eH o M ^ iT ag n o ^M tu B ^ cuIoub are advanced^cases, th a t is, cases th at are pfobabiyJncurablq., For JtBe"6th h f 03:2^ p e r cent th ere Is plenty Card of Thanks, The children of the late Mrs. Hahn* TrrtMcr^vlsh1toirt hu fik1wm F’W p b o r s •and friends for their piany acts nf klrfdne'sb and -sympathy during, their recent bereavement,- also; Rev. A. A. 8choen and the choir. ■of-h<>po-for-pnrn»a nsa t...cuia... In the pVcsent tuberculosis survey of .the state board of health Lt1s found th a t’’ ftbout-80 per-cento^tlie-perspna dlag« White’s nosedJLl'tuberculQyi.are' female and open next about 40 per cent male. .. to 12. ~y~ fo r y o u w ith t h e u ia r - W e ’ll s h e w-.-y p -u a w o n d o r f n H ^ -*1 _ ~ fine ^ e d i 1 o t h e r s d o n b lo b r o p s t o d - ^ s G l l n t h o m ^ b ^ ^ v ^ jji^ e iL -b a c k s ^ iid ^ m n ^ u m 4 o o s (d y -— 1 d r a p e d . . : .__ ____ . ' The price of one of these Overqpats may be more or less tlian von expected- x— J^ p a y i - ..tho'-im portant-^tliing is that _every dollar_of tho .'price represents_real r ^ a l u e 7 7 $ 1 ^ 1 115, $ a r - a i T d l | 2^ _■♦. V r = Boys’ Overcoats in nobby styles, - - $.5.00 u p .-----------— ;---------- -------- —-------- — M eu’ff'xand ^Boys’ Ma c k in a w s —--—4 in largo range of patterns. jT Arc you going to. need-WoobUadarwear? If so, buy n&tf here (or elsew te e ) -as-Atiihin--4^1tor^-time-dt™w ill ’ notr be a-questioirof‘pric 0,'but eToryoM^ will be *unable to procure the goods. J K ^ h M ^ a ^ a Q d a s B Q i 't m o n i ^ a s ^ y c t - '- a t * ; , old p ric e s. t ■ \ ■■ > •A. 1 .1 ... ............ .. .. -«oP im tH fa t* lltr h J if lf l. J^larn &(Co. }■ ■' '1 . i ‘V-■. ' i Whlto’a -Studio, Studio, Chelsea, will be Sundajr thornlng fromfliSO ' D. E. WHITE; - IS ,. —x,.. v. ,i V rea d y *•1 \> ■ / a n d ...we’r e German preaching service, Sunday jbeforc' Justice ' Withercll Saturday a t 1:45 p . tu . •nfternoonr nnd~lct-go-tm-hls—personal ZIM M Sy-ScEobta^ OME day your lamp will ho burned out and your .earning power at an eridr^— J ircLh o tasking yon-tQ-spendIany...iiiOiic3r<^llji you, .iiutoo ij'wLir_‘' small* ~ - ~ ' vIll"InLot niii~ii nus ‘ '' explain "iimn ifiifiti i^to f t~'"‘ ’■ ST, JOHNte, FRA|NOISGO ___ Uov. A. A. Sohocn. Pastor, t h e h o m e o f H a r r y D a v is o n W e d n e s H a y ’d f 'l a s t w e e f t 7 ” H b w e ll w a s t a k e n -.N. O v o 'rc o a r w e a t h e r .w o r ld ’s b e s t fabrics^ in t h e . m o s t pop* . v. WM. BACON-HOLMES CO. R i g h t n o w " I t|f l S u n d a y s c h o o l m e e t s a t 11 o ’c l o c k ; O n T u e s t l i y e w e tiltig t h e c l e r i c a l , T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g a t , -0:45, c o t t a g e fo rc e o f th e d iil e r e n t ( le p r f rtm e n ts o f i f a y e r m e e t i n g .e v e r y w e e k — 'P h o n e th r e jU n tv e r s ity o f M ic h ig a n h e ld t h e i r N ; rs . U . P , C h a s e l o r th e p la c e fan c y d ress p a r ty a t th e ' h o m e o f M ie e tih g — — ,— r iVHH9^i“^ p js 3 & G h { ip in , a 1 p g a it; y. s t r e e t . A n n - A r b o r . - M is s l e a t h e r in n BRING IN Y O U R SAMPLES. eompfish"' wonderful results. _ ( •r1• I 4 ' - 1<‘ ’ vV<V \ ■> v 'y r * ;*tS' :-;f, **■-/- * j. ’’ ■ ■ ■•' * FR O M T H E - F O L K S A T H O M E ftdward 'jfiJJCTOeh/ a ‘ bardwars NOW PROSPEROUS mewhapt of Sbttydisb, committed sui­ cide at GoodHcVGeneseei county, by w! ■■< <>. . %< ' •hooting. _ :v' ;, • . * . ' . • 6 mb o f t h e m o s t * m o d er n thaalsa^^oatir-formar Sturgis man., F X R M S A 'R E 'O W N E D - * ' was crushed to death' In Chicago F O R M E D F IN N 8 . when a truck load of heavy furntlura ” „; _ .:._,. fell on him. \_ i v ' The state tax/oorainleslonwill hold AORIAN ASKS FOOD PROBE four reviews requested by the super* vlsora.ibt^Wayas^Jilonroe, Mackinac, and Iron,counties, , 1---C&amtofciv o f .C om m erce" A d o p ts Joel In ;• -‘ <4 •• • : ....................... ® , >;>%v11K MARKETQUDTA1 ->A■ AVSltlAN RULER :'■■« "' Live ;j ^ M PJBTROIT—I ffc'(kftcslpUi 8,341. ' DIES SUDDENLY Bbst' heavy- at^ers,>,$808.10;) best 1j*A* WAS known a « “MUROPro man r OF OORROW'V^AD RBACHBO T THR'AGC OF W YEARB- OCCUPIED THRONE 68 YEARS I Raw Many Rises and Falls Durlng^Hlf Long R e ig n — Record of .1. Elisha PhiUipo, of Hart, early set­ T ra g e d y. tler, was drowned, while working in a W ith C o n sp ira cy. field, .He tripped and feH.lnjo. ft pond and was unable to rise. London—Emperor Francis Joseph, qf Austria-Hungary, died at SchoenEast - Lansing—From strikers. In _stock di vIdpnd pf .$500,000 wSs‘debuhn-castle; accoTdtngztgJcRauter 1dlsby 1913. threatenli)g:to .destroy the prop- cleared__ at Ann Arbor__ _ the Hoover patch Just received hereyfrom Wlepna orttps of the iniivlna'interests-lB"the4 Steel ’Bgll ie g.rtgn)V paid holders o f , by way of Amsterdam. . upper peninsula* to prosperous farm- certificates on January 20< 1917.' ere, reformed and using every effort John, Moore, 'pi Palms, is- dead as^ a Ruled Nation 88 Years. to'war.ds_c_oiks_e_rylng capital and—not reau’t of, the fall from the house which. . JUS.doubtful If in all history th e fr destroying it, in T916; Is'what-: has hm was; building for his intended i has been an. active authenticated, been accomplished^ by the hundred or bride.- 'iHe:j\58 ..tflL2have 'beefl..m.arrled/reign longer than that closed, by the more of Finns 'following the .strike In" December 1. (Copyrlg|vti)__ death of Francis Joseph. , : the copper mines, according to Pro­ A county auction sale will be held At 19 years of age ho ascended the fessor; J: vVr Weston, state superln- at Boyne City-,-November -25 at-which M iiTSeH tAN D DA^ttESW SEA throne of Austria on the abdication o.f temIeh¥of“agrtcuttunri extensioiLwork -time' alP-'farmers of tho county will -Ids uncle, Ferdinand ITT"Docemljer 2, i n thp, upper peplnaula. . _ ---- b'ring their surplus stock; Implements, : Professor: Westoa-ds at lSast Lansing etc.-, to. Boyne City... The Start Was Made Without a Hitch 1848, lils death ending all active reign offrirdaTTy~~'68 yoarar all but the first attending^thJo keohrerenc6 of country Hundreds Watch U-Boat Leave,. Sarah VosburgroT" Grand ■- Rapids, 10 ’of which he w'as also Qpostojic agricultural agents, farmers' Institute King of Hungary. lecturers and .extension men. ■..He saya who sued the city of Grand Rapids for 110,000^damages for injuries sustatn*. . New London, Conn.-—1The ‘ DeutseliTradition says" that Pharoah ruled that the Pinna have really reformed. -ed-ln-ft riall-on-a,- defeethut-aidewalk, Jand-ls-off-again ror-^lefmariyvHVmid | for gtj years ■and" there 'Is ~the -moroDuring tlre^short^perioa since tne‘ I T S L O S S IS T H E M O S T S E R I O U S plaudits of hundreds of watchers on Strike, .they have changed their ld.ca» was given-a-?verdlct for $1,500. credible' -instance of- Raineses II.. hext_: l.ekjslature-^wil l be asked - B L O W S U F F E R E D B Y K I N G F E R ­ shore ahd a . goodbye demonstration seostris of the Greeks, whose reign is entirely because-they-have cpjpe-fa< fi’Om all the ‘craft-in the harbor, the" raputed' to have covered 67 years. D I N A N D ’S a r m y S IN C E RUfd face with the true meaning of capi­ to pass a law controlling trips by German undersea merchantman substale officers. .ouLsJde tho. state: the M A N IA ’S E N T R Y IN T O W A R l . tal, aud-now,~the& are exextinit-^ v Three-lhlm merged at their-little members of-the state and -Auditor-General O. B, Fuller utea later she appearedin the center farms. o f the channel, and cofivoyed by . the SO'ffierefTthe*moatrmOdern furnis in have-decidedr .ITTLE KiNGOOM FACES DOOM ttigs- Atfirt-and—Fr-Hr^Becku-tth?- of John,-iA, Nelson: wlurbas retlrod as crupper- peninsula ...._ are_v, owned by -the-Tr-A.-Soott^epmpany, which hail; the reformed Finns who are eager-to- keeper of the -Muskegon-coast guard adopt the scientific methods advocated station,!has been succeeded by George Their Only ExIt Leads Into Impassa- come up the river but a: few', minute,s before, started again tb her home port, by >Professor, Weston and his assist­ Catflfeld, kpeper of the Sturgeon Bay . ble JBvyamps—Must Cut Their.___ opwremep. ................ ‘ ---- ra n ts? 'P ro fesBorWeBton^saysthat^far. canal-statiorr—eaptr~N!felBon^ended-25" Way Out. .7 The start was made without a hitch, inerg In general In the .upper penlsnu- yeurs In-the service. As the big craft appeared jii the har•fa^ arre adopting scientific methods of- Thirty-prisoners were-panic strieteenfarming: in”the=cotnrty“jsifTiTa TIT*]‘Fltnt~as~thn- r^ ” London—Craiovar Vitar..nerve of "the" wheel anil Captain Paul Koenig was, e u l t o f th e r e m o v a l1 bof f W illia m H a r r is , strategic railway'net of western Ru­ at his side on deck. < A d r ia n A s k s P o o d .P r o b e a N e g r o , h e l d f o r v i o l a t i n g t h e lo c a l Adrian—T. M. Joslln, .'former Pro- o p t i o n la w , w h o w a s f o u n d t o b e s u f- mania, fell to. the army of General The tugs took up positions on each vnn Fflikfinhay.il. _tIts loss Is the most eide^ ofvthe—submarine—^which-startedgresslve.? p f e 'serious, blow suffered by King Fer- ,at a speed of eight to. ten. knots down Resolution which he offered ito the d o . 0 „ w a s r e - dthandte army, since Rumanla-’s-l nter.-Chamber Of Commerce and which that c e nJ .tlyC.^ aCV avral ar dnedd. —ot hf eT- oc le •thre harbor. The tugs had orders to b n t r a c t —f o r - i n vention-b n th e AllteB’jBide^ • body adopted, urges^that -A grand. Jury acco m p an y v . th e D e u ts c h la n d to th e jn ihfl grip nf.. a. vlae-of-steel.-whose_. - t h r e e - m i l e H m ltr’- a - p o lh ^ o f f - R f f c e R o c k be .called in I^nawpe-rnuniy tn invest­ s t a l l i n g a / m o d e r n a n d c o m p l e t e B e w e r only exit leads into impassable In the Race, about the apot -wherfi last. igate an alleged railroad conspiracy s y s t e m in O a k w o o d a t a .c o s t o r O O tb rT h e -w b r k - ia . to b e s t a r t e d a t o n m f swamps and with a deep thrust cut to-r-alse prices of foodstuff*tand other. Friday the Deutschland rammed- rind M r^JosUn-declared—th at and th e-een tra c t^ a lla for ItB ^oom- into th'iTWallachlan plain. wiiuse^Fro^' aank the tug T, A.-Scott,-Jr.r -Oii-her. - n e c e s s itie s . pletion by June^inBlTT^* d n o t B f e e d i t s , p e o p l e , .t h e m o s t fflr-- flrRt. venture 1out to 00a. — seda G^orge"JWelbounreT'“18'' years—'old? inie"'sectlbn o n h e - "BallraTi^kingdomloaded dars on side tracks in order • R e e ilu tlo n 'C h a rg in g R a ilro a d s (MOYATAUS IN TEUTONS HANDS hi'Hi m &m m m ^ iw zrrzz f c lllllf t S l tor create an impression of^scnroltyr ~ M w d -h e-eit.ed -seA ceral_ l n s t a h c e 8 In this t e r - r e s i d l n g —a b o ttt - f o u r - - H g c T f n ^ f n r f l t n f m r a -T y fth -7 w tftt& -T h n m i m il e s f r ^ m » C e d a r S p r i n g s , w a s s h o t At Craiova the -Teutons stand 120 a n d . f a U lly .. w u u u d c d w h lIe~j:.1 funCtTfg~ miles due west of Bucharest in^con^}^-- $375,000,000 FOR U. S. NAVY "coifnty_where i wheat xarX have been left standing on side tracks for sev. -with Mfs; Ila Wilson hear his home. a! • ;' ■ 'i i ii l t' I. -r- ■ ■ mm « I ■ tv; . •iv.••J’-.'--V >‘jS t r ES< -k.U; r\J m i f M iVW r.*'1 . !M';K ,7-: ; I 'P # I « : ;;;,A t >4 M g » $w k : l ^.WTi-'4-F a : — • . - ■ **T;- * f ' i g l ■ 5t3T t^t6r ■ w * i ‘M1' avH^vr IIIU G liW A • ...........................................■ -T H E C H E L S E A SX^ iin iM i n n ir f v i M tC M G A N d 4 i M * i i ! H M $ ■ ;■ : EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH. "OLD PAPERS u! [y olive MAjtiiij. steers, $7®7.75; dy weigh; irjl.' $808-60; jaoj/ed 'Swera and handy ..light--butoh*ers^,$5J50o^: ./light- butchers, $6.2606,75; ; i ^ e n f loV kT o^ t? l 9ea!^OIll,, ; light butql $6.50:08:86;"'____ _____ v commdtt ‘eows,' IM $$^$04.76) Ik foows,' 6 0 4 .4 . -- v «BNtt : «3.5O04;i5; h«it fae*Y^ bull®,' $5,600 ^trectandBidewaik. A$5i:-hologoa bulls, $505.60; stock . . "How -v . /time flies!: me, fisj faehonb $60$.W; the monthi wus- soOfaf S B, . 84,6006; farai00gi4 Alnna JJ • apdj spi^.[|beOA so busy.with the wmoaS? 9 kbrs, 1506; mtlkers >lt th a tlV sS f^ - Jt®w„hahjt^hospltal ers, tiosman. $40080.___ 1 F. ■'’’S1 t o t the days."-----best selling Calves, receipts. 1,380; at $11011,60) medlume $8.50@10; She turned to the window wish those little boys would hiim^ heav y , $4.6006. ' Sheep and* lambs, receipts 10,983; thelir wogons; it's after one-no^ best- lambs $11.50; fair lambs, $100 there’s so m uch........ ch to-do," -M 10.60; light to common lambs, $90 - In a fe^y minutes a noisy ]lttr'e(^ 9.50;fair “to good sheep. $6,2507.25; ^ H _ o u n a tlio. f l i y i u y , cullfrund"commonr$405. tlonS _ - Hogs, receipts 21^,782; pigs selling- The crowd dopurtod and lofcj t-$&@8.25»j^mLjnlxed .‘grades. 600 looked, fondly after- her lltfi^.ijj^ 9.35, with bulk of the good ones at meht people, Ifor life was 3 ‘I lP $9^0h—:—:— '------- l-_= (things-now, chttflty-anr^oMri^ that kept -her busy and hw tlci EAST - BUFFALO—Cattle’-^lUftselpts on. tnB „a8t . half h.,If dozen ... „ off ,.the past. . A 250 cars; prime grades steady, othem, ft greatiragedv lmd 15c lower; choice to _p rime native ^ tragedy laid come Ink 'Steer&r $9.50@10V2B; fair-to-good, $8,25 »ho returned to plain, $7.G0@8; vary* coarse and common - saw you., ■butcher steers', $8,2508,5O;. fale _t.o.lj...... ,,, a-day Hke-thls, hut somehew-it dii Good, $7.6008; best handy steers, $7.57 seem cold like today.. Jlio world« 08.50; fair to good, $6.7507.50; light and common, $6 0 6.50; yearlings, without; tho sunshine was rosy primft.-$&,50@10.25: fair to good, $8.50 warm and, glowing because I waswi 09; best handy butcher heifers, $7.40 07:60; ' fair' butcher heifers, $5,750 wanted to say.i---- ----- UI1U1. 6.25; light and common, $505.50: best What was }t, dear? l)id I-guosi heavy .fat cows. $6.7607; Kood butoh- LDhl- you really' love we and you tried_to till? Then-v cr co.ws, $606.50; medium- to—fair,- ihatyou-go-aivay?" "05.50; cutters, $404,6OT...cauners, The little wagons filled and i $304; fancy heavy bulls, $6.7507; g o o d —b u t c h e r ., h u l l S j —$ 6 - 2 5 0 0 L5Q,L-Sau- were made, to Miss Lorena’s sage bulls, $5.5006,25; light bulls, pofClfwliere th~e contents. 'were emptfe $4.2505.25; ■best ’ "feeders. . $707.15; In-wheterogeneous innssdhat dellghfi common to lair, $5.25 05.60;. best her heart, "Why. klddles, It looksa«l stockers. $6.5007: common to good, we were going to get a good nun $505.50;' milkers and springers, $650 iR jnara^oO heiifqeiicK 'H ^ on Inside now and wntm your finger .100. Hpga—Receipts, 180-cars; market. _____ 15c lower; heavy, $9.80; yorkers" and f ^ sermons. Such a lot of writing aa mixed, $ 9 . 5 0 pigs,. $8.2608,36; ‘ Sheep and lambs—Receipts, 60 cars; pounds and, pounds of fiaper." a market .25c lower; top lambsf $11.50; picked up a sheet and read. ‘‘It's all about stars! And It's J yearlings, $909.60; wethers: $8 08.50; and dusty, an old mnttuscrlpt aomelri ewes, $7,5007.75. Calves—RecelptBr,900; steady; tops? has thrown-out. I-thlnk-Pll take it $13y •falrto good, $110T2; fed calves, andHoe^lt-overi-I-veaiwaysdevedi tronomy 1" $505.60. : Lo^ena settled herself on therugb fore-the" fife to look over her dhCT Q ra lrti - E t c r DETROIT—Wheat, nnsh, Nn. 2 red- ^rv, to w a rd jthe south we see that tb wheat, $1.82 1-2 December, opened with~;trgararof^L2b - at-$ i^ tr-i-2r~adr v a n c e d t o .$ 1 .9 1 a n d d e c l i n e d to $ 1 .8 8 ; h o r izo n — " " T h e pTOtfirgraph ;eade M a y o p e n e d a t $ L 9 6 , g a l n e d - 1 2 o -a n d : itb ru p tly rim d -th e -re s t of the page m trol of four of; the most important declined to $1.93 1-2; No. 1 white; blank except for a footnote. "Pintlrt New Naval Appropriation BUI Asks But In, recorded history -tthere cer­ and ra n 't write anv more.; .Lore# lines of communication, their headlong $1.81 1-2. oral .days. tainly has been no reign . equa( in p er/ ' $30,000,000 More' Than Last Year. advance holds menace of sUjktng the Com— -Cash-No. 3, $1.06; No.. 8 dear, good-nlght.V The resolution provides that.evilod of time of. that of thgi. Hapeburg' white,:$L08; No.i a^yello $1.08; No. greatest strategical blow of the war. She sprang to her feet with a o dence bearlng fon the question be subV It, thfeatenB the''bulk of the^Rumanian 3"wRTtero9- l-2cN o7_2- wnite, 58 1-ZC. Clutch 1ngj,the p a p e O l g h h mltted b v the iChamber~ot' Commerce Rve—Cash ' No, 2:—$1T50." ■. , breasts "army still battling south ofIhe "Trans­ “ Washington—Exceeding- last- yearV 'F«he"e",- wa8"liomiMlly' king for"" 71 _tQ_thn pmaprntlng ntfnrnftv ylvanian Alps, and particularly the re- totul by more. Uian $20;000;000, the years.' He actually occupied the Seeds—Prime, red clover, $10.80v Robert Culver, returning from b t S to p Vio le q ce in M lik .b o y c o tt'.. treating' forces irt tRb Orsova- region, new naval appropriation bill 4p be in-. throne for little more than half a December,$10.90; alsike, $10.40; timo* daily, trip to the Jtbrnry, went late\ TfuT troducedrin congress .at th ^^ Cftheetnr isUnl’.ury.-- A dluner rival 'u‘iid tligTinly i ffy.'•22.50.: alfalfa.: $9 010: ~ -study and-^opened-n—araw^-ot -Battle—Creek^Baine-i.?reeK:8 mil boycott continues, with few changes valley, with"bblng completely cut off ring" session- will calL for an expendi- me <>t modern times, was Que,en VicFeed—In 100-lb sacks, Jobbing lots: tl^ s k . I t was"~etnpty-l;^Hefflfled ture of $376.000,000.’ Chairman 1 Pad- forfa,-Whoretg7red"tbF64 years.__— l. Brandt30 , ^standard— -f a • t h e - s i t u a t i o n . T h r e e - d e a l e r s I h a v e - ^ e r ,— - T h e y ^ B a v e —b e e n n o t i c e d — middlings, $31,504- puRed out anotner, it was also fine middlings, $35; craoked com, $46; In factrevery, drawer, wns pe innoce granted the producers’ demands , of ceplance for state Reward of two miles For these sorely shattered forces, es- gett-of the house naval kffatts'.-oom-B a w -M a n y - Rises a n d - F a l l a .- $2.26 a>'hundred. pounds, but the rest of highway -in Nnvl,.twa in Lyon, two tlmated^at=100,000::men, a-last-desper* mlttee, stated.. QfJthie^sum 3275.000,coarse=:commeal,-$42; corn and oat_ -of-paper-og-foc. Snhara desert of 000 .will be^devoted totnew ships and are i holding out,-buying milk out of. in White Lake, one and a half in ate stand in and open battle against He- strode_ hurriedly to the kitcb -Francis1Joseph's reign was as event- crop;J$29. per ton. town 'ahd-fetaiiing It-^t 8" c'dfltl-ra Rose,-two in Avon, four in Gomntercei overwhelming odds In numbers of men rio^paymapW-xta-Contracts^already^^ ex- ful as-it was long. From h1s Imperial" —Flour^Per l 96 ribs.-in eighth paper "Nanny, where arc the rihaouscil and-guns-on-surrender, 1b the only'al­ Istlna- add >100.000.0001for purpose' of rvantagg- - point. lie saw the French- -sacks-:——Best—patent^ $9.80; second- That were in my desk?" ;• q u a r t. T h e p ro d u e e p s -a re -t-u m in g -th e -b idepartmlental-administtation^ -sprlngu s u a l - m il k s u p p ly i n t o S u tfc rT T h e r e Alleging that her son was so badly ternative unless amiracTe?happ"em monarchy- go-down, the seebn'd,. empire' patent, $9 "Why, sir," ■iFs'liVfr.'Jd|rjrn’"MMi The Fore River Shipbuilding Cor­ rise wheat, $10.60; rye flour, $8.30-per bbi. They came and said- they needed, h a s i b e e n - n p 'm o r e d u m p in g 7o r-k e R o s'en * beaten by Selen Lancotir that he died ;-The^ whole fighting in nortbwesterii and crumble, the commune flare, Hay-r-No; 1 timothy, $14016; stand papers-to make -a^-hosplta! with > 1'H iagTolf. m ilk s i n c e t h e v a r r e s t o f e i g h t trom the-.effects, arid'that'the assail­ Rumania as the' result of tl*6 Teuton poration, Quincy, Mass;, will construct brieily^arfd the^epubllc of-today-rise . ‘ ■ '''D attl'e C r e e k to w n s h i p f a r m e r s , ant was thrown into a murderous state gash inty Wallacbja has 1Assumed the eight and thg"riJn1ra- Iron‘ Works Co^ on its .aehes; he saw "the black pin-. ard timothy.! $13.60014; No. 2 tim­ they ,were so old and dirty I (hoo of mind by liquor sold to.hitfi by Fred character of a race'for the railways. San Francisco, 'six torpedo boat de Ions of the Prussian eagle stamped othy, $12013; light-mixed, $13.60014; you’d forgotten them andj gavetiH , l;..-Waalit enaw Recount S to p p e d . "NetBOffr a~S~aiO(!jnkHeper-rin—Keweenaw ~tn~the-Jl'utgtTrtfrivrotru-valtey8-the-Lyeu*- stroyera .authorlzedlUv-the^lasUblll. on the flagrdf...the. new-Qerman empire rye—straw; $5.50® 9;-wheat'and'oat > land Arbor—With birt,i,Jtt,t;le change county, "Mrs. Catherine O’Brleh has'be tons wop e race wReir tHey reached. J Phe-tworiowbtddera'for'b attlcghips, ■later to tower rihroateningly—over straw; $7.6008 per ton in. canots/ rio-tho boys H o - w e n t!' to . the door ^ Ihe New York Shipbuildings: Co. and* ‘ ' resulting from the recount for probate gun Bult against the Michigan Bond-, theip -main goal, Craivoa. Austria‘itself; he saw the papacy Detroit. -down-the street.--The-coldjvLndWei the Newport News-Shipbuilding & sjudge in 10 county precincts, Judge W. ing &• Surety company, charging that fine .snow into1his eyes, but he w Drytfock Co., stood out at first at the shorn of its'territorial demesne, while Hi,Murray, Democrat,.'who asked for a the firm; which ; furrfished bonde *Wr General Markets. about it d bickering family of petty feel either.' His work, the study navy’s stipulation, for electric pro* recount,' halted proceedings and con- Nelson contributed toThe?deatn-of her: P A S S E N G E R S S A F E L Y L A N D ED princlpalltleB wps-wielded. into .united Nuts—Chestnuts, 18020c po'r lb? -y*?1 * 0, yna.^npl || J„JIM , a nhlnn, <adcdrffhn-p4netlflB; Italy; he "sawrifoaln. once the greatest: Fineapple8“ $4 ©4,56 per crate. -SttddeblyrimspicfMwo. amuii.^ departmen^s(Former Judge Emery- pel an’d,“Tle public Judge Smith haB'issued an erder American 8teamerT=BH>iriamDriven- On PearB—^Common. 76c0$1 P01* ^ tiAp Wlll build two battleships, raqr.hing of colonial powers, lose the last of puHlhg ~a Wftgon T...r,w.—through • „ tv can. bQ-lhfl at.t^irfiRyfl nf the-Oakland^-Bar —— the Reeks by Fierce Gale.,.—~ its own-understanding with the elec-. her dependencies, in two oceans; he CranberrteBT~$3.25 per-bti and_$9.75 They might know of gontethuig* j™ ~ ; ~ out waiting for hat or coat he folio— eretrical eouinment companies furnishing saw“Japan opened to ^west ern civiliza* permynSHOflTSMAHW HirFHIlMTIMR payments Grapes—Concord$, 28030c fdr 8-!b tion7 arid later defeat' the sprawling as fast as ho could. -FtfLyrihrce-passengers-aiid" rihe propulsion machinery. lebandsreas^ordered^Iby- -t lasketsf- pony^Catawbas, ■22c. — **ello, hoys i do ,. _ court and., turn them bvereto jthe di- crew of the~stranded American steam-• Rrfte—Acctdentaily—^xpiodeT~Whlta vorced wives, itbr ..to settle cases .in er Sibiria were Tanded'aTTJo.veThy the RACING CAR- K It X S . FOUR the_m ost -absolute-despotisms—Russl a,! Apples—Fancy. . $3x5Q.0 i;^ —choice. thftt’s-colleeting -papors-arounl^ J ’urkey and Persia—concede represen­ $2.60 0 3.50 per bbl; No, 2 76c01 per "We are. Have you got any! "f C lea n ing— B a il S trik e s C o m p a n ion 1 a........ wnich the nusoana has been arrested Kingstown lifeboat tation to the people; he saw at a dis­ bushel, after our third load/’ , . It was during a violent southeast­ In B<ack. for non-payment of alimony. Ho 8ald tance the United States cement 'its __ Dressed HogaM-12 1-4©13c per lb. “No, I’m -afraid you jot au s from the bench that £he county clerk erly /gale^thatLrihe Si.lbiria was driven Driver and Three, Others MeetJDeeth federation with 'the blood of a great- "Toinatoes^-HothoUke, 16017c per lb iVhere are you taking ashore n^ar the spot where the Italian Celery—Kalamazoo, 18026n pay TJ’To^dlssLorefl^HewIckOP When Auto 8trlkes Tree. Trout_Lake-t-James Nickles. of would be required to look after All MeamshiiLVal Sdlice, whose, crew was doz,----------Buch^matters-and— keep records ofbrother Meximilfan, prove ^tharnmdfii' 8ault Ste. Marini wa& shot and klUeJ more street?? T- ^ :-----:— —---- —- res'euedreAritemptB made -by the-Deak Cabbage—$2:75©3 per bbl.. $1.25 peY SrChy coQTd not take new root on nxan_named. Warner, ttt •thero. — "Lqrena Herjlck’s?1 and “ Ramsgate lifeboats 1 to resduo Los Angeles—Four persons were bushel. 7, Flborn quarry', about six miles west -Mrs. -John-Allan- saved the life-of- those o~n~the~6rfdge"'of the Slblrla wefe kiUedoutrrght:aodtwo:'others;.mEus-; American soil. , «houtedi--Ho stood looking o f. h^re...Nickles and:Warner had been her two small children when her home fUtU©r^l---—------------------------------ - !y-4njured-when Marmoni car 1 Nor-24? T l r e h l B W f f ^ W i T ’h e ^ H c M n h T e K —Dressed Calves—Fancy, "ri9-—t«20 riFtoWsKflhb r T f f l W W ^ ff -e<-tho*^uriou»_e.ves-tnm«H)a14er,iNo. 2, 11012c per for caught fire, at Durand; burshe will hunting n|1 day. Voluntesra^yerejicalled^forrto^An drtveirljy.^ Lewis Jackson^making his nal • dissensions—and- external- aggresPotatoes—In carlots: Bulk, $1,(1 die. The home-was two-frelgfit cars dmr hts weapon when the eun 1explod-Btnnding bareheaded in the ,tbe aouth-Downs-boatrrtfae-only one thirteenth lap in the classic interna­ ed, the ball striking Nickles in. the containing three famllfes; All made remaining intact. A British patrol tional tfarone. By the war of 1859 with 1 65; n rona Herrick 1 The "oa®6. , prize race? crashed Into; France and Sardinia he;-was forced to Honey—Fancy white, \4 ©15c; am* been buried In his heart f back and coming, out jus.t below the their escape but Mrs. Allan; She boat towed the lifeboat as near as pos a tree grand at Seventh street and San VIheart, Nickles lived for about 30 found the door to the room where she slblfi to^he SLblrla. The searchlights cisnte boulevard cede Lombardy to Italy ; by force of ber, 10011c; extracted, 7©8c per lb. Then suddenly the words ^ and then plowed Into Lcttuce-^Head lettuce. $1,50@1.?S trd~yflzod“U pat'hh)1 trorifl utwl and her two-'-childreir-wcre ■ sleepingminutes 'after the .accident. -arms and -treaty- he loot the duchy of locked, but threw the Children out of -of the-patrol-boat were fixed on the a. group of spectators. Johnny Attken H!oIsteIn "td Prussia and; Venice of per case; hothouser-H>0 l 2c- per-lb7 the bottom "of the othenvlsj Bweet Potatoes—Virginia, $3,400 tvagon. Tlloro ■it lay, old, a window and. then tried to follow Sibiria, showing all but t,he bridge had won the race; „ Earl Cooper was sec Italy; and by the revolt•of KoBsuth, 3.50 per bbl; Jersey, $1.35_pey harapi. "soiled', but .the inscription Hertblothing had eaught-flre- and be­ disappeared. While trying, ito get ond, and Patterson third. MICHIGAN STATE ITEMS the Hungarian patriot, he barely es­ ( e.* $4.60 per ’bbl; 'Jersey, $1.36 per out plain. “Miss Lorenft fore 'she could be pulled through she alongside the steamship, the lifeboaj caped having his dual empire cut in „ was thrown on itS>slde by the heavy $4.50 per bbi. and , $L50' per Sycamore streetr, Drc\yton, * .was.terribly-.: burned. .. ...... ... . -tWO.-- ------ ----- :-----------— ---------- T hamper, bushel, _____ . ■ _Clint Lynn, 35, and Scmuyjer. Par- —Heavy shipments- of-ore from Mre sea ahd jilled'with water,,but righted ITEMS OF STATE !NTEREST stamp Whs.uiK-dimplettauu ^^^^ ihoTo'mew; 11, of .’Monroe, Mich., be- nominee range and continued "cold itself. Tho fight continued until the Live Poultry—Spring chickens, 160 hts owp. He picked It up _ . — M oved to . lia v c - b e e n - lo s t- o m lti r t k o - li r ic r , weather (have blocked the Northwest­ resume was effected: Gcoi W. Hatch, 84 years old, of Carl­ 17c; No; 1 hens, 16017c; good1hens; “Where did this oouio m0!' .1'. < a r e - s a f e r / T h e y d r ir t e d ^ to - - W e H t -S is - ern' and St. Paul ore'docks atTEsca-Cnpt. F, E. Curtis^of the^Amerl- Ton township, in a stuto of despoil- 13014c; small h e n 'ft^ ^ is c ; ducks, fallen “Pon’t knoy, Muscn, t e r — I s l a n d a n d / w e r e - p ic k e d —up , b y h — Thirteen,hunters, have been-killed' c a n s t e a m e r C o l u m b ia n , s u n k o ff t h e riUnlpyuutuskd. by infirmities of.old at»u, 15 1-2016 l-2c; goose, 15016c; tUi’- something," -c a m e th e 5 «earching" party: cars to unload and several hundred in Michigan since the hunting sea_spn " c o a a friif . S p a i i r b y t h e U -4 9 , w a s '^ b o ffT committed Biiiclde by hanging himself keys, 22023c per lb: for Miss llol'rl1d<,M(1«8W in S a g in a w , Choose—Michigan fiats, 14 Two skeletons were iinearthod' hv more than usual in the vardft. Thn opened October: !. l-2c; _tO“It’s to.,a . trro. . He. wnH-one-oMlio oldest Now York flats, 24 h 0 lV’ lie tnriied^HHLstm^ workmen/excaVating at Midland. They St. Paul has eight hundred oars in the -~:Xlrant. Hudson, president,- of the Hinghftmtbn, Ni Y.—Ruth Bancroft" native; born residents "of "Michigan? horns, 27o; .Wisconsinl-2fb26ci-riongLorona st™>U d&laios, 27cy are thought tb be the remains of Hen yards, 400 more than usual at this Michigan Anti-Saloon league, has de­ Ijaw-broko-the.“Arrierlcan“crossoi ving- boen-horn- 4n-Gttawa-cotmtyrin rv Ashman, h^flbree_____ - JlraLJJmfl-Of year.- A large uiumbo re of- cided that his- organixirtion-^wiHr-fnak^ uourstop rerord In hefiritt^mpied*sun- 1832. Ho ypsidad nnvA^Janm; lit La- MichigaiT daisies, 24 1:?©25c;. import­ .Midland sheriff and county clerk, mines on the Menominee' range hav^> no. effort to secure a statutory pro­ risc-to-sunset aeroplane flight y from m o n t f o r . 60 y e a r s b e f o r e c o m in g to e r Sms bTW® G06;“ Hornost ic ' SwlisT' 27 ftgaros dahclivR In tlio ^ ©33c; brick 24c; llmburgor, 1-tb pkgs -descendant of Chief Pontiac, and an­ practically closed temporarily because hibition law effective May 1 next. B a r r y 'c o u n t y , » Chicago to, N6w York. 23o; do 2-lb pkgs, 22 '1.-2* per lb. . T l . ^ f n i n t . d a w . a ^ 'S , other Indian rosldeht.' -y . of shortage of ore pars. Detroit was chosen for the 1917 con­ aao Robert A movement commemorating the By the terms of the will of the late Onions—Spanish, $1.75 per crate; Circuit Judge George W. Smith, of I^gs id-Grajid Rapids n'nil many Dr. Harris 13. Osborn, a pioneer“phy- vention pf the Michigan, Sunday establishment of rural free .dellvory lmtless, snow--; , . fniimf, .Oakland county, has made formal tin- near-by fcownsmps muqt ,be kept ’in slclan of Kalamazoo, any heir *who School Association at the annyal meet- aervlcie in 'Michigan at Climax De- Michigan, ycllpw, $3.7503.85 per 100* Lovona drew Jb-sackr— --------— —— -. ' iitavfft'C Tdhr m r rijuSriiftt,inc for so days, nuntihgvor nd becomes addicted to the use 6f in Ing of lhaT’organlzWon" aT^6THiv57 cember ;7, !9IB, will be erected at Hie suddenly broke A date to succeed himself- on the bench hunting. This edict was given by W toxlcatlng liquors before the will is Henry Geerllngs, former mayor of intersectionpf two main streetsifthe Hifiek—No. 1 cured 24c; No. 1 green at the primary election next March R, Harper, secretary of the state, live­ probated shall forfeit the right,to sare Holland, was elected president' of the proposal of the CHmax, Men’s Fellow 21c; No.‘ 1 cured, bulls, 17c;' No. .1 ^ “You've come for- this, of oh the Republican ticket stock commission, to guard, against a in the estate, which ls va\yed at $150, association. ship .club i is acceptod by the town green. J>ulls, 16c; No. • 1 • cured~"vcar She held out tho , 1_ green veaL-klp,--25ni - Responding ,tp (a request frohi Rich- Hpread of rabies, The townships af­ 000. e o u p c lL .__ s_._____ '........... ....... ........ --------------ie, «««* ■■" > boa.i^ -of countyreftnvftsserR In : fii ',1’**Yi " * : ' w■ cured murrain, 20c; 'No. l^reen *ard K. Campbell, commlssiondr of na- fected are Alpine^ Walker, Plainfield, Traffic on the Mackinaw division of session at $ltandish recanvassed the The coal situation is growing -worse tn.ufraln) you. HeJ fJ ‘,n,Ii*iiiii«l; 18c; No. 1. cursid calf, 88c; for (Cascade, Ada, Cannon, P&rls, W/oraturallzation in the federal department nefer was posted!- «•'“ J(ltcsj the Michigan C ^ tral nraltiwd- Was vote for sheriff which showed one ma­ In P o n tic and- itrproinlses to ba ser No* 1 green c$lf, 86o; No, 1 horse* ing andGaines. / * . of labor:* Mayor Amt Elllfson will call gar that I am. Am I tee . blocked between Frederic and Waaters^ jority tor Charles E. Glasure, Repub­ lous all the winter months- Coal deal­ a mass meeting..pf Muskegon resi­ vMdre than $250,000 in bond pay-: ^Seven ears loaded with merchandise lican. Hasty. his Denr^ocratlc^^pjfkin ers are unable to get new shipments hides,; $8; No. 2 horsehldes, $7; No after six yenw’" . .A BD'jiori» ond No, 2 kip and cal dents of foreign birjh who desire 'to ments and bond interest .will, b r .die- wefo rihrewn crosiwisc of/the track, ent, gaining one vote bn th ^ rijount For answer, sh* held »P nd Cho supply on hand Is rapidly van- J 4hlnd0* W p p e .oltlseqs but are dubious about Jmriedlfrom the offtcers ef the. Miohi-. tearing up tha traek-for a distan'ce of 4naklag-4h4le-4>f-$i ishlnat Th>, urine oB cdkm'Uum lowf r tbftn the above; shopK their chances to pass the citizenship gan' Trust company , is Grand Rapids county w ilt' he recounted again. (OspyrifhL ■it, ; . ,'V- ■ ,«tr ea’r l v 'l h '^ e m ^ "•• • teete/ WelbouVne frightened a rabbit out of a thicket and\ cried to Mrs. Wilson to shoot. Her shot went wide* and pinrhed-Welbourne's—lungs;—He~died; four hours later.- — — - -— ^ • The, county road commissioners of Pontiac - are having trouble In comin imJne county because of the freezing, weath- -jC .— -_ -/*■?•__ W ’ L - ■: £ • , ^._.‘ ’ ‘ •-■•»;.' .. a• -t . . /hi, *, ■A'j) .i. _' .-• " ‘ ............ . ■mi»»«i»««»rwr.i— »f>v. *•* THE CHELSEA STANDARD. NOVEMBER 23, 1916. AAuthoro f * j w y WMf tofteoh* -to ^hoW y w *SS 5 » * « ■ * after tbts/' ; i[ i ®re ala>t oo pplrrtte mixed up I?»ru •dsal* tdv’norrwfcq-tipped off *®at,^un^ o’-®*Me to all this inside gossip she Handed Red?” solemnly qu.?ir!ed the wld^yed thug. . 1 ■:Ua)aM l miss my guess there's a dictaphone planted In thin room andr ,’ii r ig h t N o w , hr, y t r re a d y f o o m e ; im provised fro m e re d beudantsa beedecro*» wid—” ' v , kerchief knotted over hla shoulder. The funmab'a worde wer# i-nddenlyf “You can let that work go end come dipped abort by the sharp cradr of a *aloag with -ue,*- Golden foplledi ond pistol. A look' of surprised copsterna-1at he _oaught. sUht' .of the. stalwart tlon came into Red Eagan's face-rfor 'figure of one of the* undergardeners wHt^ $ sn jflM 'M tt, that tottsrtag flgurs name 'avalanching:, down tfi* “ T H E OCCA. chimney, and' landing on the narrow S IO N A L O F . ledge,' gripped at Oavy as a drowning FENDER.’ T H E m^n clutches a floating bit of wreck­ age. " ■, .* WIRETAP. a moment he swayed unsteadily jm amid the shrubbery-be added, reflect The interlocked antagonlsts hurtledrERS," “C U N crupbied into Jlycly.J'anrt bring Peter-w l1 dlOBg—dowg-^tbe- shaft:- lnto--theRUNfoERS.'m" a heap of inanlroste clav. into the F is h in g in the depths o f a m h ld y hiav flreplace of the gunroom. It was dub to flndti it it takes* week/’ startled'vision of his companion came D * v y d rew o u t a h e a vily w eighted to the ttcjt that Legar's nicked aesasN tixlittilftm . 1 said Legar,— * black limousine furiously racing g u n n y eack?v w hich clanked m usically sin bad landed underneath, th e pa th e th, andhrok- M OR£ B U H E R F A T IN C R E A K . lost no time In making good this along the highway, the evil face qf to the ears o f the russet-faced police en the force of Davy's fall, that the PHOTO PLAY declaration, fishing , under the, fur* Legal: plainly discernible as he leanejd c aptain. . ' badly shaken, secretary owed $!» fife. 8horthorn»r^ Jer*«ys and Guemeeyv O F ,T H E nltuft* along the. moldifigs and lb far out :£oija, the. awaying vehicle, . ‘ ‘X h is is. jo in *, to m a k e som e s tir a t At- that—instant- a—volley, of . staccato Give Milk" With Larger Fat v sa m e nam e. the dark coders of the room with emptying his automatTc Ih tfidr direc­ h e a d q u a r te r s ," fife 'g lo a te d .te u d e r ly ^ ,QtobulM. Than Other Cowa, n. reports,','like those of a gatllng gun; -*»afvnu.iiwm inmi - that prehensile Iron hook which' tion. There wad •not a moment to p la c ln g th e y e llo w 'm e ta lle d d in n e r se t; going into aotion smotq their ears, seemed almost endowed with human l^aeV Snatching the crlma^n-stqined “ an’ I’v e g o t a hunch th a t one-arm ed ntes rtefe. Toughness no more Indicates 8YN0P8I8. ve stolen the MerQury,” cried neaa intelligence. Suddenly he -gave a gut- paper from under the limp body of c ro o k ain/t. so fa r , offi . W e l l send th e the"Tliey In cream tha^ lt fdoes in pairtjrfi JimPlv^inthl ft*0' ^ W ‘ 116 syratGd frantic millionaire, "and if they've to the;H{?t>fi"Wkpre fie lay for tural bark of triumph—under the the ■slain gunman, the womanran swag up to, the - house, an’ then heat The; more shortening in the pie-crust# , (fa windward Island PaiWori Intrigues aJimply Stopped to put the Arrow put of com­ moment in dazed uncertainty. ■Then heavy Iron safe backed Against the, swiftly toward tbp. old barn, reaching every inch of the gully tor this bunch tin Golden' into an appearance of evil mission they cau show a clean pair Of up/ to a reasonable amount, the crisper I which causes flolden to oapture and tor- with a vindictive oath ho tugged loose wall he found the object of hie search that sanctuary Justus Legar and hi a of rattlesnakes.” , and mellower it will be. The less but* JSe the Italian by branding.his,face and h e automatic and fired point-blank heels to anything on the lake/: andja few moments’ work sufficed to confederates ‘ swarmed out of the uihlhg^Wa hand.-PaUdori floods the iaThis plan met with Golden's approv- 'i l o Enoch Golden's intenAO-reUef, the.. terfat in the cfeam, the less tough .lt nd^nU-kldnaps-Golien’i lltUeLdaughter the tell-taie thread of wire-back. limousine in hotyfursult,-Through the to the old gardener: muchinery—of= the high-power'ed Aj- win be .as if'general ruler [girgBfv. Twelve years later In yew Jfork Jit ihe_gardqnia face-bending:ovef ffimT tracp Mnk 'of Holstein and Ayrshire eow* tfuaBked One rescues Margery from Le- oT^Uri!le*vldl!t clo^ e<1 the-gunman’s t » ' the' storeroom, -where' the'-5'up­ sagging portals and up ^the rickety wfio was Btandlng wiffi mbuth agapeT row had not been tampered with and 15,7 n,id takes her to her father's home, aim and the bullet spent Itself with a ended packing case and unlocked sky­ qtalra_8he. darted, th e 1wolfish rack usually has small fat globules, 'and ■'Here, Tim,” ' he ordered, "takb; iVhence she—is—recaptured, -Margery’s w f t . plunk - tn the plastered filling. light told their own story. ‘_ ■ _ _ , -dose at her-beels. For a briot inetafft Fetor and Negus and/gfet this bag up. ebon the chase was on.' — inother fruitlessly implores.Golden to find Uhelr daughter. The-: Laughing* Mask. B^fqre_Efigan could-ftrera- second time," -That oughTtb: answer your rav­ she surveyed her surroundings.. Be,* to the house. Tell Miss Margery I 7" The delicate mechanism, or the Mer­ IZttln Uikea Marger/raway from Leguiv that terrible-iron-projoctiio?attached ings,” was Legar’s quiet-toned com­ hind the heavy oaken door ot the harp want it Idckofl iiTthe gunroom safe, cury revolted at the unskilled han­ tLesar sends' to .Golden a warning and a rdemanu tor a poruen or xne onart or to ttic Stump of Legar’a arm descended ment to..his bewildered lieutenant, ncss-room Bhe knew Margery and her and keep that sate guarded carefully dling of her clumsy-fingered engineer.' She began to miss badly, .while her again with;ilghtniiig speed and sent and- then he added maltciovislyi father had taken refuge In accordance until we get back." speed perceptibly diminished. Legar 1tween Manley.and one of Legar’s bench- the revolver spinning to the other side •‘there will be some uninvited guests with..her instructions, and she must in It was with much, dubious headcaught up bis glasses and for a mo[inn, but Is recovered by the Laughing of the room. * *■ at- the next seance of yourvhigh- no way Jeopardize their safety, shaking that old Tim accepted this -oa-comlng ^inteirtly= pi lubtusa friend, and somehow FStVe At the staccato bark of the pistol Close by a broken window, over­ apparently’irnwelcomw7trustr a k f hotF Arrow, whlch'Was evidently gaining. Iclaims to have xnieanim. Golden1. a feeling that she-and Red are going bled off in company with Petetv who Ill dynamited during a masked wialLLe- the statuesquo eavesdropper In the to: Join those departed spirits fnsldo looking the depths of the rocky bore Then, with- a quick twist of the the.treasure sack on: his shoulder, gorge,. stopd. a shabby old-fashioned, storeroom had stiffened with rigid ex* fmt escapes but Da EspareB Ib erushed in .-steering -wheel, he sent the racing of the next twe»ty*four hours.” i'ue-ruliut^_Margery rescues the Laughing pectatlon1_hut_,_when_l,egar's lnclslye It took but a moment for the while the ' perturbed' Negus trailed: FM&ek from thepcurarManley finds1Mar- tones againt broke fn on her oars she - Tlre“unBuspeotlng- obJect- of-fcegar1fl- trunk, power boat heading directly for- the harried fugitive to^scramble into that close behind wfth hfs rifle. As they? (•try not Indifferent tehlB love. He saves [her from Maukl’s poisoned arrows.' Man- displayed a sudden and-startling ac­ leylty, with her features still heavily ancient receptacle, but even as she reached the graveled driveway swing­ nearest shore. Even, as her sharp {ley plane- a mook funeral which falls to tivity. Throwing off her metallic shrouded as -on the preceding night, lowered the cover Legar and bis. ing ip a gracefuLhalf circle under’the prow, grated vover: the shelving beach [.MomuHsh the desired purpose., the cap W ^ f t he Iron-Glaw-iin^lfa '" dgear^she—quickly upended an stepped-ont-of-the sagging-doorway of ■henchmen .stormed-up the narrow Rolumnefl porte-anRharB the head-gar Leggr and.hls vlllalnous-crew swarmed - ery is saved from, death at the hands of oblong packing case and, balancing a weather-stained old barn whlob clung stairs. The quick eye of the master dener stopped as though struck by a oVer' the side, carrying thex fettered ie Iron Claw by the Laughing Mask. An girl'and-the burlap sack with them, (attempt by the iron Claw to blow up the on .this shaky pedestal, worked loose dizzily to the brink of a precipitous crook caught the movement of that Budden thought. ^hey scrambled hastily up the e o and .rock-toothed ravine. As she ap­ r"Bo gorry!'’ he ejaculated, f-'thr madclosing trunk cover. Grinning with [of time. The Laughing .Mask discloses tbie rusty hasp securing the heavy proached the, formal- Italian garden ijankmentTjf"the railroad tracireklrtth e f clane forgot he kapes that safe unholy exultation, he turned to his |M e idontlty) Margery utpi overfllfi-JU Vlimj:a1ito «V. Margery. j a anueagiy • skyllghtrForcing the yielding framd-. log the lake,— Just^ati the enraged bears the police’s plan to take the Laugh- work gradually upward with hnr locked" up entolrely, nary a soul but aoout a musically cascading unsavory crew of followers; IjjfTa^strTn'tBonei^and hastens- to~warn- and shoulders, she wormed and un. fountaiirsh'e perceived a golden-bairefr “Take that trunk^and throw it out himself kno^ln* th' comblhatlcn—^Na^" blm. ‘They , escape both the ' police and* [ths lron Claw. Later Lau * ‘ the ‘ e Laughing Mask dulated her way to the-flat tin roof. girl seated ion one of the rustic the window," snarled Legar. "We’ve guS, be a good lad and run back an* the pulsating Arrow apd sprang has­ j ■ ill i almost ...taken- while with Margery at benches. enged our bird all right, and’ when ask' him what’ll we be doin' with th* tily ashore. lPer noma. no. eludbs capture;-Margery's ■Catlike she took tho ton-foot-drop to Hampered by hfs captiveand the sack.” Presently an elderly, white-haired Jfather tellp her that 4he_Mask has met the roof of the adjoining house, land­ she hits those rocks she won’t feel [4eMh. •y.. ' / ing lightly on her feet, and, soudding man,- whose deep-lined face and trou-' like meddling with my business for Tim and his companion' entered the heavy sack of loot, the master schem­ Champion Shorthorn Cow. house and .made their way along high- er realized he could not hope- to out* through a door opening upon a sfalr- bled eyes bore mute witness of past some time to come." strtp his opponents by .ordinary methF IF T E E N T H EP IS O D E mental strife, came slowly down the ly nollahed floors to the gunroom at __Afl-holledThla-murderous-band-out_way^mada-heriway-dawn-to-the-fitreet, odsror-mght;— Bunhe^evii^-gefirerpt A few moments later the'meditative graveled walk.and stopped beside.'the of the old* building toward the bd- the further end of the imposing hall, of the man was equal to the occasion, thin. Accordingly it often tests much disconsolate figure on the rustic runtlv fllnning-wali df the ravine, thrffWere they found Margery .Golden, who R e d R a g a n , w a lk in g slmviy p e r o a s - th a The Double Resurrection. At a ilttle distance- dowu the t rack1a better than one would suppose from benchr _ -door—ofUjthe_ harness room slowly listened -with!amused interest to the ddzen^ltaHan=faborers-wer^rbusy=-refe the depth o f the cream l a y e r a r g g y s , o u m u s t n ’t [ta k e t h i s BdTTd"H eSrlf opened"and Enoch^Golden stepped out, old Irishman’s”voIuble_deBcrIpti6n of As Legar leaned back in the dim llght tap on his shoulder. ■Ho wheeled Guernseys, and . Shorthorns give ‘rnilST pairing the roadbed, under the super­ ■i [seclusion *of his smoothly running sharply in his.tracks, Ills hand reach­ M a rg e ry '^ -if D a v y , c o u ld s p e a k f r o m closely followed by' his horror-stricken the treasure, i , with larger fat globules, trnd therefore vision of a burly Irish foreman. The th e g r a v e h e w o u ld t e l l y o u t o b e “There was ino.necessity for sending daughter. [limousine he permitted his scar-rav­ ing Instinctively toward his empty their cream separates and churns more handcar on which these men. went to , s a k e - ^ a n d a s . f o r —t h e “ 1 could -see plainly through~^that Negu&^>aekr,’|aheexGlaImed,—Iknow and from their Work had-been set off thoroughly1than_that of the Holstein, aged ■-features the rare' luxury of a gun pocket He quickly realized "he bl arua vg eh _i nf ogr hMi salsk‘— th a t u n m i t i g a t e d prack In the door,51 murmured the -the combination of the (safe'4,quite as had nothing'to fear,.from this, yelled [twisted smile, s c o u n d r e l an d i h ^ 0 ^ 6 ia n ’t w o r t h ■well-as. father,” _____ ----------------- to one side, of the track near'where and Ayrshire. sring face tne actiye Legar was standing-. one of your_tears. [brain was -marshaling certain past himT hh'd wlio-j n-mrway" ro sembled an ^ .T h o r e p ly t r e m b l i n g o n M a r g e r y ’s trled =to ;hide In a-trunk and [Legar .^>A startling! transformation sudden­ "Get1Ithat handcar back on the rails [events and geherating. certain future emissary—from- th at—th>med—batldln%- Ups remained [.unspoken, for at that had his men drop her from theTwTtT ly took place In tha perHon-of-olrt TIm. [gfla^h^qulciraljout lt^'Tsanro his sharp e e s r S P E E D .F O B S EP A R A T O R S dow." . !-■:.! [ - . The ’ Stoop •vanished-frotrH-his ^iiaekT 1schemes.—One fact—was indisputable known as headquarters. She ’silently -the- men. With his -buxv Loss of Cream Due to U Tne aistressed look in her ;eyes motionedhimtoward a sechfdod -in the past two .men had-htockedden' he leaped aboard and wafe laugh* Appallino vcrsal Tendency of Operator to:; im'^at 1everytuin. — These— enemies-— near byi_Pronji> te(I by:_a_yagiio iim^at -every-i ,turn.—T-hese-enemiesb la c k v e i l i n g i s te p p e d o u t f r o m :-Work-Maehine-8tow.lyiment. From "ouFVof the cobwebbed his'slde~Thq~mext- moment-that-left lng atihls pursuers as he raced away. mouth of a grain ~chute, overrtwhjetr ul'in/bBlirlng a heavy hook of wrought, I t w a s n o t u n til th e y w e re s e a te d t h a t [ dead.^ A t P u rd u e u n iv e rs ity th e e xp e rim e n t l¥ qu are dolng the Laughing, Mask the trunk .had-heen reaHng. anneared iron," crashed down, upon the skull of vintage,' driven by a stupid rustic, r.f’ «p»l/7T omnu whuOiHiiB1up the-high way, whlolr ji^ g r a v e - l d ju a t lc Q ^ E n q c h QoUle n A flh e l i-velled'N e v e r m in d ho w I k n o w , b u t y o u southward through , the ’ deepening of data showing the appalling. loss in Wlth^a panther-Uhe spring the meta­ paralleled the railroad. witlwa c r ie d in a c l e a r a n d - r i n g i n g v o ic e , s t r a n g e r . , i A s S h e r e g a i n e d - h e r foot-_ | shadows- ofrthSTtimc^t” deserted ave* have1a heavy-seeFe-to-sottle— We-warit--to -catch -a=handcar_that. cream^due to-the-universal tendency of“ a n d e v e n n o w if y o u a n d ? y d tir d a u g h - lh g :o n th [ a r o u g h 'b o . a r d e d f lo o p s h e morphosed gardener "was upofTth e be1 [uue. It tOmed iritp a mean side street o h e - a rm e d m a n .c a llin g r h lm so lf rjifle's t e r i w ill a c c o m p a n y m e b u t a s h o r t d r e w f r o m th e - I n s i d e o f h e r : b l a c k wlldered girl bending1 over the safe. Just went up the/track!’: shouted Gol-~ separator—operators to^turu the toa[and drew—up-4-beaide the curb, well L e g a r - ^ I c a n h e ln you in th is .” d is t a n c e - ! i w ill p la c e- i n y o u r h a n d s g o w h -T T r -c ru m p le d a n d ' b lu o d -B ta ln e d ■snd^gam that” cruel iron claw shot den.: !'I will pay you. $100 to help us." chtnq too slowly. Their bulletin No. J16, beyond the range of the -sputtering-arG- - u A t - l t h a t . m o m e n t th is Legar “had congratulated hlmsell volume 13, was a revelation to many, indisputable^proof of what I say;" paper. 'This shq qute.tly handed'to the out, clutching her arm as in a vise. f e r e n c e w a s a u g m e n te d b y . a i t h i r d flight too-saon on -the .eaae of h'lS—escapA, many-dalrymen,_whO-had-beemJ0fllng. startled-girl.-. -With-a.derisive laugh>of-triumiph LerAs8uddonly=^reahlmated Margery= ■/fwo s k i r tk ih g f i g u r e s s i d le d o u t o f p e r s o n ? ”w b o ~ to b k u j r h i ^ s t a n d b e h in d ^ “ the "handcar started toilln anywhere up to glOO per year worth of -JiHercJS-thenroof-i.promised: you." g a r to re o ff "his fa ls a tra pp in g s, h is sprang to-her feetr^She :turned-to-tho | a gloom y a r e a w a y . a n d a p p r o a c h e d t h e a^ th ic k - b o le d •mapre", w b e fe “h e [co u ld w e T e -h e r-lo w -to n e d w o rd s r thin lips “gave a"-shrI117 penetrating longj^graduftl grade; he looked back buttqrfat, simply by turning their sepa­ unknow'n intruder and cried impetu­ j llni’o u sin e a s L e g a r g o t ■o u t. T h e s e h e a r .e v e ry w o rd s p p k e n .’ L e g a r, s u r ­ “But how’ did? you escape from the whistle. In response to this signal a and saw the automobile loaded with rators below speedr ously: ,“Oan you really show that w orthies; a n s w e r i n g t o t h e a p p e lla - m is in g t h e m u tin o u s g u n m a n w as in ■thft r.ftiigblng Maaio wan Itinocent of trunk ?" interrogated the still be wild faint shuffling noise, came from the armed men In' hot pursuit. . But he At the fairs recently, a leading to ' Htlr - u i )~ tro u b le , h a d , d la checked _hla_nmttered-ioath.— as_thaI -speedometer manufacturer bad- thoujilrectlon-idt-the-flrnplace.and-two-of ered Margery. *'W ho_are7you?— And Uil-tnoBe-^terrlhl&^charges? If you i Louie,- werefpfrthat primordial tyjfe p a tc h e d O ne-L am p' L o u ie '" to s h a d o w can,!please, please take us jquickly to why , did you risk your life to clear Legar’s followers,: with , faces black- sputtering car struck the hill, slowed sands of tests run to get further proofs [which recognizes . only the /ln r-o f - h f a - f e r m e r - p a L the name of"the- LaughIng^Mask?"— " ined-ltkerimps-oftd arknessj-sprawled -down ^nd. finally came to-a-ilead-4top/ -poslttve^at-a^gregLTgajerityo fo p where you have the proof. "The plan. Is a simple one-r-your ^jLWalt,fMargery^_cautloned_th%ex>brute force. So it was • t hat . Red out. At a curt command from their The heavy load, had proved too much- erators turn, their machines below The woman replied calmly. ; ; !Sagan, mistaking Legar’s^tw isted; master hlas made It appear thaj: a num­ perl^nce-saddened banker, t “First’ let -"Half tlie bottom of the-^trunk was grim-faced leader they=quickly bound' T dr^the ttmc^re^TengiirB7=-"Legw speed, - Over 95 per cent of the dairyz [smile for soihethnfg approaching good ber of-terrible crimes were perpe­ thisdveiled.person.tell us who she is broken away and It was easy for me; the. shrinking girl, and, tying a hand­ could see hie opponents -getting out men turned their machines too slotj^y, fhumorT'attempted an unusual dfegree trated "by his enemy-r-the Laughing and -where' she wants to take us. ttrslldjrthrough the opening into that kerchief over her mouth, dragged her of 'the balky automobile, which, re­ And a majority turned them so far be* Mask.! Even the police have been per This’ may be' one, of Legar’s tricks, for grain chute. As to who I am, tfie across the -floorinto the. flreplace. Le­ lieved of its burdeh, 'started crawl- low speed that they- were losing of.fwnlliartty; raise2-'euaded“"tp-7jtake“t-hat:--vlew,--.-But--you- all time has~ come~ whsn r~I-am ready to gar caught.up the sack of -disputed: :Ing_:up7theihni,7with v1t8 passengers pounds-and pounds of butterfat every jve? know.” ’ — r ;' “. k n o w , a n d J know , th e r e a l g u ilt lfeS week| a holler, but that swell buzz wagon "Lam a Well-wisher ,of the Laugh- reveal my identity." The woman of plunder, and, clawing his way Up the hurrying behind it. ” '' Then the handcar reached the cresf must eat u p a pile of swag."__ ^ 1 _ w ith iL o g a r. - T h is m a p m u s t b e jng Mask. Beyond that l cannot dls-: mystery, wlth a qulck movement, tore fagged lining of the ’murky chimney of t^e rise and went rapidly coasting Legar replied curtly? with darkon- b r o u g h t tb J u s tic e a n d th e . -n a m e o f close nay identity,” came the guarded off her heavy vell and with it a wig uervanlshed. L a u g h in g M a s k ’ c le a re d ; e v e n Even as the quaint personality/of down- the incline on the other -alder HANDLE . IS EASILY APPLIED pf dark hair, disclosing a clean-cut I'lngface. : 1 ' ' ^ reply. ‘T am unarmed and ask-you. ^ K & -lio -c lo a (L . T h i n c a n b e d o n e old Tim merged— into— that viciously ■-ghare of "the-sthg. o n ry f iy - s h o w ia g In d etaiL Jh o w t h e s e ^cngo^ohiyras-far-ag t he-old-bara on- and^-boyishly handsoiho face, An In credulous gasp of surprise burst depraved character, Jules Legar, the must-be overtaken. .Human sinews Eagan, ^no mow and no less. But c r im e s w e r e e o m n iitto d — IL y o u w ill youfown-estate.” in Any Desired Position there are times when that -kind of -WTlr e t r a t ~H w se d e ta ils -to n lg lit—a n il. Still'questioning the outcome of from Margery's lips—-“Davy!" she baffled group of searchers returning tri could not prevail against the- powerand Liquid Poured. talk might prove unhealthy,; and the p la c e thertt- in m y h a n d s to m o r r o w this dubious venture, the stem-facfe^T 'shrilled joyfully. “Oh, Davy; you have the^old- .barn haw approaching ..them driven vehicles of his ^enemies.:,--/ ‘ the rheumatic stooped figure of the old __u . . -finally mmn hftck'tn do»dback*to " us from the dead,’* At that moment there^beST in. upon 'A handle and’coveTt&r milk bottles sooner the fact penetrates your thick I w lil s e e t h a t y o iir s c o re w ith J u l e s mllllonaifo yielded us to from Mar­tbocome gardener who carried his left"hand In his ears the long-drawn screech of a and other llke contalners cor 'Yes, I have come back to you,” gery’s earnest Importuning, and, foU Skull-the better.” L e g a r i s paid in f i i n j t T h a ...w o i» a n , a^-red-handanna. allngn locomotive whistling ' fnr- A -r.rnBsing/ ,gBi9W uriga"~ttre“" r Bmn! l i'eut' c d Manleyr The trio cautiously approached _a r n,1RPd ' nmL tb i^ ,^ H p u c d -eYldont- lowing trio black-,garbeq~figUre ofthelf "What does tms mean, Tim r1Enoch -With a-look of jlendlsh hate, -Legair . y in g..- -a—d iffe re n t, t a /if applied to the bottle and as quickly 4:y■—tr c t ^ —"If l f _ yvmiou .now unless we are, to fall into, Golden Interrogated stemljfct,fI thought stooped and lifted Margery Golden detached., With i t the bottle may be ' slon, and slipping Into this dubious do-what. fajtnMiyrI-^fil--al80- Btond before- the dilapidated old build­ but Inlnfntioa f\t ar\A hia hftndl I told you ..to guard the safp untll we from the_r.ough flooring'of the Jolting, [rabbit warren, crossed;the halK'dtnrty"oQ{1 your -share- of'tho~roet ing-tottering on tne-, brum-of-the Ira^ ■ M 1 i ' we ••-must —leave * -T alTir^ JiandcarTflndjjropped her between the of_^utthrnatfl— this1lit by one sickly ga's Jet. As they nA; ^ ^ ^ rirmsiv took wlnga_afld. vine. At that moment Va jthlck-feet. - "Faith an’ I don* know phwat ye glistening rails. flat-flooted - individual shuffled int0\ building at once,"' i e r a E f r nm' T<*r**'» ***«■ Ru t r‘6“ »Ia«.— motght be talkin’ about. Mlsther Gol- In a breathing space his - victim <s —fhdi—viflnfi- L—I-j--- .|| ■- 0 : ^ view along7tfio=dusty7r0adpth«tsisp_r Uy veiled voung woman came hastily member—*!-have -the of hls’ca^ppullcd low-over hirinaley- — A—little later Manley sat on-the den;"-reJolned the old inan quentloua- would bfe-ground'-to death beneath-the out of one of the rooms on the “top .as well as to reward. . olent rilue-jowled face and his beefy white-pillared veranda relat ing--hl» iy, “th’ new docthure ver _was afther ponderous ‘driving-wheels of the on floor.- She leaned for a moment over "Como to a place in Jersey called sendin’ to look at me hand gave me the rickety balustrade., striving to Roaedale—whon you get off the train fists Jerking uneasily. as ho walked-. strange story to a group of listeners. a shlfipln’ powdher to relave th’ pain gine rushing down upon her, B utin The woman In black turned to her "I remember ja tearlble explosion," nnLsaid ’twas ye’er ordhera to stay in that brfeathtng space An incomprehenPierce the half gloom etrehrouding the turn to the left_and follow the high: companions,_an^l,*_indlcatlng- th ls u u ; slble thlng took, place. —. ,. . _ lie gstd~rgftect@lyr~,-,then,,;tife ; msu- me bed th' wholle." identity of the oncoming visitors. way until you -'seala. Mg~whltg. housepainty ftgttrerspoke rapidly, soleum -came-^tumbilng. down— about ■ r ' » ,tt / . m i A « R rtlM lffi ig-about—the young : woman Into-the-ftces of-hls startle'.LHsten- - At some dlstance-beyond-the-foot-of darted swiftly through one of the half t h e road you w ill se e an old barn on —"I have.every-reason to believe that my-^ars like a house 5f cardfe. After era flashed bewildered- amazement/ the incline the rails, sweeping in' • Handle and Coven | dozen doors off the hallw.ay. Her the edgeJif a,deeM uny“ f ^0 ° cl° ^ man has kept faith with me, and if I that everything Beamed, to get dark, then they rushed ; with one accord wide curve, around a bend in the rpad, -refuge-proved to be-a-wlndowlesa ^fomorrhSt/tnorning-J-wilL-meat. .you am right I shall be able in a few min- and. about a week ago 1, came to my toward the distant manor house, Davy were lost to sight. It so happened held in any position and the liquid? -»alled-room^luttere(Lwltl^iiapIdatcd-^^uV‘^ ^ 0-that-opi-barn. I will have, utes to place in your- hands the* proof senses lying on a cot In a hospital, wae—already-throwing his slender that just around this bend the switch- posted. -An: added *feature consists of Tou must- have mistaken soxne“other throw freight ver-whlch-ls adaptedtooVerlayae^ trunks and useless relics of bygone mbKcy and Bliirtt expect you-4e of" weight—; hft* treachery I w ish: to fa ce it, alone. poor beggar for me, and,' while every* trains on to a siding was undergoing have" The^written statement dlsclos-curatqly the bottle top, A rear ward! v ~ Igors. calling out words . , „ .... You will find that the harness room in one thought I was dead, ‘It seemed "the-rgunroom-and of encouMgement-tp-~the~gentic--gtrlprojectrng thumbpiece enables the user / '■ in a -L e g a r’s c rim e s, , From the depths of an ancient cab­ the lo ft o f th e ham h as a strong-doOr_ _ U k 6 -a -jo o d ^ zth a n e a -ta -c a tc h -Le g a r off Jeaned track walker, This man, all. To lift the cover.-a't- wlll.—Popular Me* A g a in s h e n u t a t e d a n d thfen. h p p : inet, the veiled stranger drew forth he believed .wasJn that_ ■ room. ITfie. \Pfthiheavy1)oTtB. please w a it fo r m e his guard. I got the paper I wanted, mrconacimrr-oi fe-hetmefc—As-ahe-qulckly "ln'rto“ piay^i^^nn-8 apparent cre- thorf,'and at the first sound o r trou but I guess I've stirred up a hornet's strong-arraed police captain, seizing had finished Ws labors and was wip"The spirit of ’ho dead. a medieval battle ax whi^y>mament*djusted the microphones over—her dulity, added. "Tho spirit ble, barricade^ yourself until help nest." ing his grimy hands on- a plece- of ed the wall, smashed in The locked cotton waste. ears she heard' the, sound of voices. Laughing Mask is working with me, cimes from the bouse." One of the listeners was a bujl- Suddenly ho . became DRY PASTURES RAISE PRICED The'Voices, restrained and low-toned He will watch your ev®ry movo^uniftcked' individual with a reddish- door with a coupled of well-directed conscious of a motionless figure stand­ "This sounds like a tfap," Returned blows. The men stormed across the * first, rapidly hecimTloTirSfnr-qtrer- mi thAt naper Is In my hands. More General Uee of 8II0 on Dairy tho millionaire, with emphatic disap-, brown complexioni wearing the uni­ threshold of the gunroom, then ing beside him.* JSlaome, ThU S w im to; proval, "Como, Margery, come back form-of a captain ;.of police. He now Farm Would Have 8aved Many As he glanced up he saw the stranstopped short In blank surprise. The T_he angry-tonearwere-those-oLlulfiflsuperstitious:^ yeggman, . — Bablea ln Larae Gitiee.__ _ to-the house at oncer ' ' shuffled his feet uneasily. ^ r ’s’ -facevwas ceverqd- hy a mas Eegar and Red Eagan. The storm fearing no corporal ertemy, l>o "That’s all very interestin’; young windows were shut dhdTastbnedTroff silt by a grotesquely laughing mouth. But Margery Golden proved to have heated words centered about’ the* 'H u K o n l n V dm d m . « « « ! : a will ,of her own As well as a surpris­ man " he broke In v^ith an air of im- the inside, the limp and sprawling Pe- Without a word, this strange figure Dry pastures have raised the price hfetvy iron- safe standing in one cor- savoring of the supernatural. Casting ing faith in that mysterious defender patience, "but I’ve come all the way terJay where he had heeo dropped in; bent” and grasped the long lever con of milk In many—citles-this-year,Dp to a compara- an apprehensive look about bim, he of the Laughing Mask. Taking her to this Jumpin’ off place from head­ his tracks, but. of Margery Golden and trolllng the switch and the train rolled which means that many a; poor littlo her of the k >l _ ago this safe had bloated out In terror: flyely short ti city :bnby has starved for lack of this father's arm she half coaxed; half led quarters to get that Van, Horn loot the burlap sack there was no trace. " onto tho elding* d’B sake, call off the spin „ -th^proteatingJnaster.-.Qf.flnancQ^intOIt was Davy who, eagerly circling ______ _______ la pertain valuyou aav you lifted out of Legar's safe, ^ —The half-conscious girHfeltrherselt^ life-giving fluid, bles iooted by^Red-Bagan and Gne^ ’ve got a -couple-ot shoo fly cops the room, "picked up by the fireplace Itfted by tfetsdor-arras-antHald—on-a- Itils a long way from a slum' baby tho TSfiMhachl® old structure-whiqh ^A»p Louie, under Legar’s directions, bore llttife semblanee tO-A^cltfideLof from Jersey City workin’ with ’me <m a dainty fequare of filmy lace, and rec soft bed of grass. A hazy figure bent to a silo, but the more general use ot ■™ct v 85 op m ln8t defense. > this Job and It’s time we got down to ognlzcd It as that same handkerchief over-hor, cutting..away the cruelly,... th e s U q on the d a ir y fa r m w o u ld h ave from a palatial unoer Fifth avenue which a little earlier had fluttered its buslnfess.” fesidence. The safe dpor now Btooa no spooks.* B © far everything had gone in ac­ bltlng thongs ahd””genVty“chaflnf her- g a ve d m a n y little l iv es, p a s tu res a re who. had been "All jlght, Captain Brackett," rS' friendly message to. him from Mar* wristr, Then she feit a kis.s Imprint- poor things to depend on In dry years. epen—its contents scattered promis­ cordance' with tho carefully laid plans ji brtlie“ffiQffled-itratcgl8trand with- a^Holned ihe^smllihg- Davy-as-he-roso gery'a-hand as she Atood. on the ve* cd oirher”aching ha/nlrbut^whenJshe cuously about the floor, but- of the ; Horn1family plate there was no feeling that , victory was within her to his feet, "we can get the "stolen, randa. His quick- eye noted the opened'1'her . eyes the stranger was trace. reach, she quickly approached Red plate whenever , you’re ready. The. marks of grimy fingers on t^e wood­ gone. In his place came the figures GOOD FEED FOR DAIRY COWS 'Sagan, who waa.waiting near by trlth stuff is down at the old bam hidden work and the uyftr of dislodged soot of her' tortured -fatherr- the anxious • a * he reported in : detail jus in one T>f the feed^bins. We had coating the brick flooring of the firfer Davy and tho solemn-faced police cap* *8weet Clover la Rich In NutrHfvat; undisguised impatience. , 1,1 the inside dope, fo r sure,” w ad s n o r te d in .d e ta iL.n iB Quaiitlee and Does Not Bloat-* place. The next moment he dived Into Red Fagan’q >muttered comment. I " ? 10” “V ind the%olled- 8uMdi.n ' "Sure, I got'what yer lookin’ fer, Nfegus, the second man., mount guard the tain. Watoh for Frotte. gloomy throat of t he Chimney and over it with, a rifle until you came." lady/’ ns answered in reply to her , "Are you -trying to insinuate this "What * you say Is Impossible/’ gained a narrow ledge formed by the S m a r t e d U w»« . As. the group moved toward tho iftA it. of .interrogation,, "M t. bst.wqen 0 s Plan to dnuhie-oross you and Enoch Golden said soothingly, "Th*. Sweet clover hae bceq found to be he S r a d m 1nu1light them spirrits an’ a cramp in too mitt, steps of the yeranda a stooiy-shoul Junctlon of the gunroom chimney with man Louie?” queried Legar. is jlead.'’ ' a good feed for dairy cows, not only one leading to another wing of the S « S S w «»r Of M r W J J J j J dered old gardener-pottering over a "I ain’t insinuatin’ nothlnV* wad the Aftnfrere. But these vaporish fancies Pve had one >11 of a night” "Bui it vo* the 1/e.ughtnk, Mask, I in respect 'to Us nutritive qualities, house. * Reaohing Into, an inner, poeket Red nearby tulifi bed straightened file ctfior’s surly response, "but who else dlspelltd i t .«■ * or* ,( T ‘ Eagan draw out a grimy lnk-splaShed b{uaoveralled flgure and touched his. Cautiously peering about for some tell you,” Margery wearilyt answered. but becauie lt is said not to bloat, was hep to where the stuff wan and besides, ««.««, «be ■■ There harts however, been cases re­ cap respeoifully. His patriarchal beafd, sign of hie unseen foe, Davy Caught ■"I1 saw him plainly, ***« paper. wilted ?*• ’ a brief gldnce of it •Wayini fehauowy j Waled my hand before be wept awky’ corded Of bloktlng from eatiof^sweet >j ’T M i 'ere d ockym en t w lll p u t th* streaked with gray, almost coverrd . J P k e Answer Red Bgan received was d o v sr that has been frpettd- Watch figure norohod hlih above ttigy Thr 1TO B U T qOUTOttim } anm which he boi* in a olios [ •Mh prompt and^effeoti^ ’Ai heavy irr _blifl-lett -.37 -- — F— . ..f* .. •. .r. vrajMtffe qaught film » bu®** » ■- r> Mi !i |. TTTrg/rW e « 1 - ;'V‘3K.- ^!l&-4S” 1111 ■jj — 7 111 13 * / Sunday at the home of Mr. apd Mrs*' B u y . J e w e lr y F o r. _G itya, R S. Whaha'p.' Mra.C. C.Dorr visited her daughter,; liiTahdld^i^FlbydTlbycT^d^acm r |Mr«t4iov- Davidson iuCUotoaSuoday of“ Ander8pb"8peht”SUS’dsy‘- at the F. *A. iWgasou and family, of Clin homp 6f Mri and Mrs. P. E. Noab., tQ0,.iwere.'£ueat8 ofMrs. EL Ifoeiia Mr* and Mrs, M-JfDunkel and ebild^ and see howmuohftnore genuine ple^uie you receive byt of tforiv Sunday. ■* ren, of Chelsea, were callers at' the giving. You will be euipriaed wbat only a small amount will Mrs.'Elsie Cottrell, of Grass'Lalce home of Mtt and Mrs! John Hinchey buy here in reliable Jewelry. , * vlaifcecMhe h , B. Qnlway family Sunday. Sunday* - ‘ 1-7= — *’ Mf» and Mrs. ThomasStanfteldfcMws You ban Buy Something Beal Worthy Misses Ethel Krause and Ine* Alber Eugene Mclnt’ee and daughter Rose, ^ t^ettded-arecital-iti’Jackwu" Friday o r feyBaoB'i'weyffSahday^pegtgTjf'Mrgr For as lowaaBOo', $ 8‘ evening. James Hankerd and.family. Tli« xaeetiUffa^Rt the sebooi bouse Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Noah ai»d Mrs. O u r gift offerings have been chosen with care from a wide coutluuewlthincreaflioginterest.aad d. P’. Noah -visited a t the home, o : market where experience is needed to distinguish the worthy jrom attendance. their cousin^ ^Qeorge-GraBam -aet -tho-worthless-—We~offer boUi icbnon^and-satisfaction.- . We familyr of Manchester, Saturday. Miss Dorotby Gurtis has returned to enable you to see what you^ buy before-you pay^for it. ■ We lire Grass Lake bighechool; baying been Mrs, Lucy Wood, who has beet here to please you, « absent on account''of trouble with her spending^ the ; past week with her ■ lE lg l ;i ■r i , ' I P m i Ji?- « . 1h i v; j l If ^ f l 7 7 (t B ■ V' m ' A, . I' 4 ■je--.y1 g sfe. bJi-i.-te.il. v : n. i w f e 1 • m -w ■f*r r^. teeth. granddaughter, Mrs. Floy’d Boyce, oi A T ew Gifts of EearW orth Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Dreseelhouae Anderson, returned to her home here Will and Hazel; were guests at the Sunday. Watches Rings . Silverware home of Elmer Dresaelhouse in Jack Mr. and Mrs.; George W. Webb, Mr diamonds son Sunday. ; : " .. hnd Mrs. 1%. C. Glenn and family, Miss Fountain Pens Clocks Chains Necklaces Mesdames Augusta and P.' A. Cooper Mary Whalian and C. J. Tremrael.at Charms Toilet S ets' c*""1 Cut Glass Bar Pins entertained tb e Women’s Home Mis- tended the football game a t Ann Soarf Pins . sionary Society in a very pleasant Arbor Saturday. Crosses and Rosaries. Silver Novelties Lavallieres manner Thursday. . -Mr^ and Mrs* Bennett French anc . Come in and look over our gift stock, before buying elsewhere^. . -^Jdr.,and_M rs,^Ja£ob-Leltmaa--ana children, of Ann Arbor, Mr.•and.Mrs family, of Chelsea, and Mr. and Mrs Ernest Hopkins and Mrs, Celia Hop See the articles you buy and know just what you are paying for, Elmer Lehman'aiid^famiiy, of Sylyan ktusrof D'exteiv were Su.nday visitorsi \ .w spentSunday at the home of Mr; am a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ful lerr Mrs. Fred-Lehmani-——— -—1— S p e c ia l P ric e s , An entertainment under the super Mrs. Wm, Nebol, who has been a on all goods laid^away^ during^ Norvemberrr^Artioles-purchased resident of this township for many visieTTof^MrsT Wood mansee7 moth r\-f 4-iia v\nn4> nt* «ilTl ahIiiam Friday! » pastor,, will be given year's,'died Sunday a t the Pome of hqr’ brtlTe now, onwhich a small deposit has been made, wiIFBe~held until daughter, Mrs. August Linde, with evening;.December 1st, at the North you want them. whom ahe has lived since her declfe iiake-ohurebv ing years bave made it impossible for and other forms - of amusements. 6 r-to-llv& on-he^—farnir -S h e - is-sur. Everybody invited.—Admission 10 and W ^ F r K A N T m H N E F r vived by her dggghter,; Mrs. August 20 cents,! Linde, one son, Frank e1jplr of Detroit, and thtee grandchildren, her “The Jew elry Gift Center” FRANCISCOVILLAGE. CORNER MAIN AND MIDDLE STREETS, CHELSEA passed on before. The funeral was held at t.he.home of August Linde on Mr. and Mrs.' Gus Gochis spent Sun­ “Where Gems and Gold are Fairly Sold.’' Tuesday afternoon, Rev. H. Jv John­ day in Detroit, v --son, O-f Manchester, officiating and Louis iWalz dnd family visited Mr, the interment took place at Sharon ftnd Mt'SrBcn Straub north 1 town Jenter cemetery.Supday. iTohn-Helle and family spentSunday -REPQBTrOF^TBB-eOy&raiON o f t h e with—Mr*—and- Mrsv- Herman BobneWATERLOO DOINGS. K e m p f C o m m e rc ia l & S a v in g s B a n k west of townr— Michigan, at the close, o f business Nov. 17th, 1016, bb called for by the Mrs. Emma Haves, of Jacksonrvlait— TCommiBaioiier of the Banking Department t > ' ' G e o . W . - B e e m a n s p e n t l a s t 'W e d ed. her parents, /'Mr.. and_MrB7"Jolnr RB80UHCB8. nesday and Thursday in.Jackson. fcoarrrand discounts: Hi :■■ Mrs. Wm. -Barber-^and son-spent S.eid, part of itmt week. Commercial Departmen t...... . . . . . . . . . . .............. . -$»fc«I2-» Afl^89uLU=S212,60W9 Savings Department.. Miss Tina Weippert, of Grass Lake, Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bond a, mortgagesahd securities, viz:— jfteRt-FHlday-and-^aturday , with Mr-. GommerclalBepartment.. . ... G—A; Barber. dHf908 64 Savings Department . . 82t,7I9t(>-"a4C,OM' ;Mrs. Henry Bohne. ' ,\ Premium A ccount...,,............ L. L, Gordon was in D etroifiast Fri­ 8,310 21 Overdrafts. ..................... W alter Scramhlin.ls assisting his day and returned home with a new Banking house............. . 10,00000 Furniture and fixtures. 5,000 00 brother,iPr-in Scramblin', ln_piacing a tord touring car.' fHtior fflal ____ 5,00468 cement floor in his barn.....: . . DuefromoilierbankFSnd bankers.., _The__remainS PliVJohn-Gates-w&reItems lu transit.. , .......... 77 -=^S32"30—r Reserve. .— Commercial.——Savings brought here for burial in Mt. Hope ( 2.600 00 UntfedTJtates Bonds :•........ :t:7 •cenrertery Sunday. 51,347 49 Due from hanks in reserve cities. ;$"4,682 19 Exchangee for clearing house,. .. .. . . - 123' 7.r> Mr.-and Mrs-Fred Durkee and-broth Mr. and M rs. 0 . H . P low .e. • 7^71622 00 - UrSrand-National hank currenoyrT; GTKHTOOGold coin,.. .1. ; ........... ‘M i 00 10.170 00 Mr. and Mrs..Chris\Kalmbach and er Floyd, and Milton Rtethmiller ■ • .3^0070Silver jCoin, . . Niokels and cents .— —26886mot«red-feo^Jackson-Si«idayi—"— 110,780 49 $70.347-49-__93,633 98 The Gabel Bros., of Detroit, . spent Mr.^arid Mrs._Morris-'Hammpnd, Cheoks, and other cash items................. — ■— —- .-20374 Mr./and Mrs. Wm. Horning entjer; a qouple of days of last week at the ■ T o ta l........'.,.,................ i . . . . . . . . . . ..1707,780 51' tained the Cleaners a t ’ their home: home of Mr. and,Mr.s...August Koelz. , . T.IABIUT18S souths of town Wednesday- evening Little .Kenneth Moeckei returned Capital stock paid in. 1 .......................... . $40,00000 Surplus, f u n d . . » ; . . . . . . . . rr. , . vn ■i rn-m'. 40.00000 tof his-home—in—Stdckbr idge "Supd^y A pleasant meeting:wa8-heldr Undivided profits*net.. . ; . . . . ■■. 25.386-18. Mr. and Mrs. John Kilmer and Mr. a f t e r s p e n d in g ;a p o rtio n o f l a |t w eek Dividends unpaid. . . . . . . . ..... .............. . 8100 Commercial deposits subject to c h e c k . , 1100.320 62 - w i t h - h i s g r a n d p a r e n t 8“h e r e y 7’ —l y - and-Mrs^Otto-Mjryetj-ofSharourwcre — 43.0t m — .Commercial certificates of;deposttr^ Certified checks,,, 619 47T h e c h i Id r e n a r id I. g r a n d c h i l d r e n o f guests Saturday of My.: /-add Mrs. 0 " 7" • - ;; 5.000 00 Geo: Archenbronn gave him a pleas­ H. Plowe. • -408;H54»* Ray Blgcraft and: son, Bernhardt; Savings certificates of deposit : ■,. ant surprise Sunday, it being his 7Qth -45;210:90=-C02.318 3C of Jackson, spent a few days with Mr. birthday. A dinner was served and Total ........................................ .............. .......... ;I7Q7,780 51 the afternoon was spent with -visiting. arid Mrs. Mofris Hammond the first State of Michigan,-County of Washtenaw, ss. __ ■ItJoturL.Fletcher, cashier of the abovo named bank, do solemnly swear that the ' .'r J-— -—:------andfmusic. ;lH_e_w_as.presented with a Of the week.. above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and correctly represents handsome leather, chair as a rememthe- true state of the several mattersi 1therein contained, as shown by the books, of the Ernest Benter is suffering from'blood Ft nmnnria.,Cashier.. brtii!.c_y_uf uiij 'udffiiyiuft. — — poisoning in his hand, the infection m m i 1—s ... .n. ♦m. 191c. t VL. Rogers1,Notary Public. ■ 'arising from an injury he received -My commission expirtaApril 18^4919. While shoeing a horse. Correct attest ;------ _ _7 ——. _ —D, 0 . McLaren NORTBPRANCISCO. Mrs. Martha Taylor entertained her . H. H. Holmes | pPiteotorB. ii LTF.Vogel . sisters,:Mrs. Shelly, of; Grass Lake, 7_Mrs. Lewis K.lllm.e.r,ds_c.Qnfi.ned to Mrs.TTrSibgristrqf Jackson, and Mrs. her-home by-illaessT. • . -=--==f Cbitrles^liprst, o.t Stockbrldge; "one --M;rrand.vMr8r:Dr-B; McKenzie* and day last wiek. son and Mrs. Dean, of Stockbrldge,' Miss Augbsta Benter^ of Chelsea thM R Kruse. Bpent Sunday with'Mrs. ______ , REPORT- OF..THK CONDITION OF.THE ., ___ . .... who-has been’ spending a few days Mr. and Mrs, John Alber and Mrs. -W-lth'-bervmother-was.cailed-to Detroit ------— —— —F a r m e r s - & —M e r c h a n ts B a rif e ______ — - ■W-mr^WdlfErOf-GheJaears'p en t-fSundayWedne'sday by the iltness of her slaterAt Chelsea, Michigan, at the close of buslness_Nov. 17th. 1918, as called for by the' with’ Miss Martha Rlemenschneider. n-law, MrsTvAlbert Benter T : __ Commissioner ot-the Hanking Department :- ; .——■—- —■ MrT and' and; Mrs. Victor Moeckei,; of . ” RtSSOURCBR. .... Loans and discounts, viz Waterloo, and Leigh Beeman, of LynCommercial Department................. . . . . ' . . . . . . I , . . . . . . . . . , , . . ......... .. | 83^61466 ' • Savings Department:..'........ 24,10000—1107,014 50 don, spent Sunday with H. J. Lehmann — :----Bondsrmortgagcsa u d sccurlties.Tlz:— . -----;— ------ —— r— •— — U M A7T0WNSHIPNEWS7 anclfamily, Commercial D e p a r t m e n t , - , ...... ...'............. 20,28001 r ‘ —Havings Department,-,;.., ■■. mi .■w...■. ■....,. ............'—243,019.05— 203.90050 The-Ladles’-Aid Society will glvc-aPremium account............................... ...........;.......................... ............. 400-00 - Overdrafts ....----- S5B8... John Stpinbach spent Thursday .in church fair and Thanksgiving supper Banking-hOUSerTT-rrrr.-■—:■ ...........................,v; ■.■■.: ....... ■."‘Ai.. : 0780000— Ann Arbor* at the hoihe of Mr. and Mrs. John* Furniture and fixtures. ............................. ......... 1,500 00 Due from otheV'Banks and Bankers... . . . . . . ........-----------------------------------Vliller on'Thursday evening, Novem­ Mrs. A. B. Shutes spent Saturday Items In - t r a n s i t ^ . ...... ...................................................... -~3,0OOQO; - Ucservo.-_i. __ ' • Commercial Savings. -' > ber 30, All are invited. . n Ann Arbor. Dutrfrombank84H_KServe c l t l e s T T . . . . . . . $13,04499 ■$35.50000* . Wm. H. and Aurleit Lehmann ac­ Mrs. Carrie Smith spent Thnriafl Exchanges for.clearing house.............. ........ . 890 00 U. H. and National bank currency . ..... ......... . 4.8T600 8,00000 companied by Mr: and Mrs. Fred Dur- n Ann Arbor. ' ^ Gold coi n. f i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.. 1,170 00 12,000 00 1 Silver coin......................... ..... ......................... ........... j 1.480 00 "'•1.500 00 <ee and Miss Laura Moeckei, of Reuben apd Edwin Kacrchcr spent Nickels and o c n t s . . i . ........ .4C9 30 11381 >• . i ^ a t c r too^-a ttcM edr rthe Michigan ______ "• ■ $^91425 $5241881- 7:1,02800* Pennsylvania football game in Ann Thursday and Friday i n Ann Arborr Checks, and other cash Items............................................................. ............. . Rudolph Widmayer spent Sunday Arbor Saturday. * - ■ vTotal I ,. , . . . , . . . . . . .-.t. mm .-77-. .- . . , 11 .. .T, . $452.W 387ii■■ Rally Day was observed i n ‘Salem evening-with Mrrarid Mrs~ M\ Bre 1 . ... , LtABtUTlKS.' German M, 10. church lastSunday morn ngcr. Capital stock paid i n . ........................... ................. ....................... . $25,000 00 , , Hurpltu......................... ....................... .................................................................. . .22,-00000 ng. A_shorL.program.-w.a8- rendered, =J?]hyton Ward i8 having a,ae_w_.iur».|__ - ‘~ iip a iig ^ ^ tefiia L T fei.± ~ :;.^ ^ . ftswra:" Dividends unpaid ............. ................. .................... . ............................... . . 15,00 Arde-a-Loveland and Robert Fahrner h ac6 khd b a th ro o m o u tfit* in sta lle d in Commercial deposits aubdect to Check .„ ..............VS.. . T i V 78,855 89 * , ' " graduated from the cradle roll. to__the iis residence. Commercial certificates 4>fdeposited, rrrrtT«-t»-fTrr-,nT-i-vi »ri ij i ittv»i♦■v-:.-——— ' —‘ 1■ • — Certified checks . . . . . . . . . . i , . . , ................. TT......... 430 00 irltn,Try department, Mrs. Herman Fletcher and daughCkublarsl-cheoks outstandlufc— ._^._...^«,..^;.,^.i_»1.9124!5„__ ________ ftsndnkrdepostla-dbbok acoountel . . / , . . , . . . . , ...... 274,471 01. fprs/ Llel'a antf Catherine jVprint Sat* Havings certificates Of'deposit................. i ........... . 45,862 45— 896,031 70/lurday In Ann ArliorT FREEDOM ITEMS. - Totah.Tr.r.-r.T.r.;r.V,. . . . . . . . . ....................... ............................. S.......... . $452,988 78 Mr. and Mrs* Emanuel Sodt arid State of Michigan, Coimte of Washtenaw, as, ' ■ / ' ' I, P. G.Hchalb'o, cashier of the abovo named bank, do solemnly svrear that tho above daughter, of A«n Arbor spent Friday statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and correctly represents the .Barney Rertke spent Wednesday at with Mr. and. Mrs. Martin Koch^----traejtateof.khp_several matters therein.contained, as shown by^Uw bonks'-of the bank, Jacks on. v \ ---------- -r----- ^— 7------ r................. P. G. SCRAtSMI. Cashier,. Bubcoribed and sworn to before me this 2?nd day i f NoV, 1916. Mrs. John. Buss, who resides' with 6 ' Her Dutfe$. ............................. ' John B. Cole, Notary Public, her son Charles H. Buss, is reported „ . : . ,- •• My commission expires ObteMsr 23,1919. “Yon advertised a s , ebanffeurette' a* feeing seriously ill; ----John Kalmbaoh } /. / .Annlkant -TQt^.SltuajtlQfl« LewtaOckBr------ VDtfMKon.----- --------- * ■ A ~x* ----MrsrHannah Koffbtirg c r gpcTTf ’ISaT lVes, msdariie." “What ware your du* F^yaltrons V week with'her brother,. Rev, Theo. ktat^ttur.iAst-place ?!’..fTdrov«-«4 / Bisen and family at Shndusky, Ohio. cleaned the ears single-handol’' “Arid Fred Bertke, of Lincoln, Neb:, Is a maid1" "I took down my lady visiting hi$ brother, Barfiey. bertke •t night arid assembled her In, the T ry Standard Want Oolumti. .You. get reBUlte and otherRelatives In thlB vicinity. .V — tnornlng, madame/'r-Panoh, ■ r 'Ncoicfor . ___________ ______ _ _ blizzard these.Hulx-Marlfc Fpur^ucWe Qver^ shoes keep tb e feet dry and warni Both heaVy-aRd lightw eight. w m ? fle?ce-lined a»aw w l^ s a n d beelJri excluders. withtough,wear-! X ^7 - v-• *w, lyjOx V; - John PfobateOMer—Jr^l Famous for Icing w ear |n d comfort. -Hub*Mark RubberFootwmn and styles to cover the stormy w boys and girls in town or country. St a t e , o f Michigan tenaw* 86. At a SMslonof coun X^-Nqwmbsr; 'W nine hundred and sixteen -In the-roatter of the Kjmiwl*deceased. On reading and fllltur thn T tu Jiu b - M rkk your valuemafJU 00( It- is ordered, that tho fcii a.*®'? mt heforenooMtn Th^World's Standard Rubber Footwear F o r sale |?y all g o o d d e a le rs. WaahUnaw; .... [ A t e S " H' MUnUAM ^ o H g u sa ABMBavaTBBi Rexljter. "Chancery NoticeV We are paying Elgin_Prices for Cream, instead of one cPnt below.a s heretofore.* '** 7 . P rice This oe T h i s \W eek 4 0 G ents DELIVERED WEDNESDAY OR SATURDAY _ . DE e-^fTay this -pric e d i^Why—ser\d TOWAR’S CREAM STATION, CHELSEA, MICHIGAN S ?.f.yjD°flA 0|‘6?Ar5jOr' O,ltlle')6th Ama 8. Webber, plaintiff w '■ WehheT, defendant,———— ■- ” In this causo, it aiimrinx tbit ttedft feadatot, Edward E. WcbbeMi n?t r?**i otMlchlganbut that*htere at CWaholwu Minnesota, tliertfore.on, Ititordered t h a t ^ S S ^ pearan«» Jn said cause within nromThe date of this order ■and*tSi^W tw n t^ fstee^ n tiff'ca u seT h js o*r prlnted^^mtMtBbcdte said Cou'nu ^ S said, publication continued onw¥« week for «lx weeks in succession, Sd iu perendant bis .-'last uwvuuwuv at av uw -wsv known Known iwaicffloiS iKJStofflce of th ftrd ^ ma l wUhlMt<n(la” {Countersigned] .Walter Laubengayor, Dcimty Clerk. Cavananjrh-& HurkT: Attorbcjs Tor , Business address: Ann Arbor Mich, y - Probate Or^er ■ STATE O.F MICHIGAN, naw, ss. Ai a session of the'. . . . said County.of.Washtenaw held aYthe P» OfBoe in the city of Ann Arbor, oixtbeSlit of October, In the year one IbouaoJ .hundred and sixteen. "' Present. William It. Murray, JudgeofIS - In the -matter of tlieestateof Charles4 H Kerapf.deceased. ) $ 3 Q O ;p O D ; ( k l: P ar Value per Share. $ 10.0.0 Full Paid-Non.Assessable N o B o n d s—N o D ebts The comppny-has a plant at Coudersport, Pa., all paid jfor and are making bearings every day on which aubstaritial- profits: _a rf beingmadev- - ---- ■ 77^ : - ' ^ - —-"77 On readinafand filing.the,duty verfWpi of Clarence J. Chand^r. ntjiying thatvpa papcr,:inJvtlUfig-now-on-Ole^in this court; porting to be 1 the lasf will and. testae: Cla r ies Henry Kompf-ho admitted to bi id_that^!iarenoe.-J*JtoiiftU(iler-_the_ta ............ " ’ .......... _ftnd_tIiat_Ci namledlin-aald wlll, 1or sobie other Ruilahls 8t>n oe appointed executor, ana mat appal ru and commissioners be appointed, It-hrurduml, tliuL iin1 natinmy 01to next, at ten o'clock, m the lorenocn, U Probate Office __ be appointed ..... .... for ae&riai petition. ■{ And it is further ordered, that tf copy order be published three successive weekr *k»| lous to saI(K*Eteafi. of hearing, in ike>CM Standard a newspaper printed nnd clrc-nlste said County oMWaslitenaw.. . WILIJAM H. MUHltAY, JudgeoIPNbtj» [A true copy] - —. Ellaa/ArmhMtstnrr Register. Commissioners’ Notice. Descriptive'chwlars can bb obtai^d atrthir^tandard office. • -FoiFfullrnartietflars address^ ~ T~~^ y .. ~ - E . J* F O L E Y , R e g is te r e d A g e n t 1 2 5 4 P e n a b s c t> fc r B i d g . ■s P e tro itvM ic h * STATE-OF1 MICHIGAN, County.of Will naw, ss. TI10 undersigned Imvingbecniwit ed by the-Pfebatc CTnitt-for saM County misstoners to receive, examine and claims and demands of nil persons again* estate of-Maria B,.B.o.h«lbJo, into of said deceased, hereby give ^otice that four® fromdate are allowed, byorder ol said.'*™ Courtr for- creditors-to -present-theif against the estate of said deo»9ed*sMthey will meet at the Farmers &Mercluskl In-^the Village .oC' (i]io|sca, in..said c* on the r6tB>tfay orD'cw-niinT"41faontM “day of February next, - n t. ten o'clocTT ....--—^ of each of said days to rcceivo, exaratoet adjust said-claims.".'. Dated, Octoberiir, 19KV, ■ ■ . _• ■ -. . Nbi.vin Coat, 18 , . 1218 Probate Order, R h »I>?01D ItETROlTXvnWiAL ElVXK MXMBtAraoXMAU RH8RVB 86N$ flftyER $60.000.000 nf rfisonrrAft W banksa strength and dobiin’ance that are -reflepted intheservice it isabkto givetoitsoliento. ^on^Mndence is invited frombanking institu-.. tions olr- general business concerns to- whom a D e tro it connection Is desirable. D -E T A O L T f>.;uu(l.8cuena ........ .....................(*>»“' ;ST a TK OF MICHIGAN,“counlj ofW session of Cow naw, ss. At ftma wiuiM 'i the' Probate rr'iVpmim said Connty.of Washtciuuv, held nt IW.U UlfiWlftm liliv Ul AlllUAibiii, «nllu.ill™ of 'November. ■fn the year ono thousand hundred and sixteen. ’ . , - ^ p^ Yftsteht; WtlUamH. Murray, Joufft^honltt In the matter of the estate kinson, deceaseel klnson.deceaseel. , , t h reading and filing the du yvcdW pW oLThoniftB Mi TVi1kinsot: t.rayliiKdhat tratioaoTsaid.estate may be g«"Rd W wrwnvinoort nr Oine * W,"Wilkinson or M Hom e other aitltROloP— That appr*l«era4inAcomui^9ion^.w»lW rt Is ordered, tlmt-thD-ntltW:®! «9 next, at ten o’clock nl tlto Probate Office be appolntctl for nwini. And"it'1bfurther Ordered, that » order bopubHsliod three success ve ous to said tlmo of hearing. In , Standard a-nowatiapor iirmtcd:»na.cu in said County oLVyBBbtenawr_ WILLIAMH^UltK AY, AEU8A true copy] ,, ABMBBUSTHB.* Heglslcr, jisttiri STANDARD \MN_t A you're, a heavy loser Find a buyer for your duce, llvestock'or tools you do ndt-ncsjL— __ Sell your fa^m or help. ^ _ small' The cost is are sure. ■7 Use the t r a v e l ® P R rc ra » -e M t» ol( $2*«) 4A1 • , DVAMOftN 8T.. Chelsea * TOET OCrm y TOPANI^ : ^ . Paul r16-cent ofnny: ......... TryTThe s ta ndard W ant q^im ^ FUNERAL DE811 Elvira Clark-Visel Phone 18Q-F2i FLOB^ V /"-