Agenda Item: Enclosure E Board of Directors Meeting Report Subject:Integrated Performance Report - Exception Summary Report Date: 7th November 2013 Author: Lead Director:Jacqui Tuffnell, Director of Operations Executive Summary Performance Summary: September 2013 Monitor Compliance Performance for September 2013 has resulted in the Trust reporting One Monitor compliance point for Clostridium Difficile Infection .For the period April to September the Monitor target was 13, this is based on the trajectory submitted, and the Trust is reporting 17 cases during the period. The Trust is reporting an MRSA case for the month of September 2013 but due to remaining below the deminimus this overrides any compliance point. From October 2013 onwards MRSA is no longer part of the targets and indicators with the Monitor Assessment Framework and will be reported within the Acute Contract section of the IPR only. As a consequence of the Trusts financial and governance risk ratings the Trust remains in breach of its authorisation with automatic over-ride applying a red governance risk rating. Acute Contract RTT The Trust has continued to achieve the bottom-line position for all three RTT standards in September 2013. 90% Admitted had all reportable grouped specialties achieve the respective target. However, both Incomplete 92% and Non-Admitted 95% had specialties under achieve against the targets. The Trust reported zero patients on an Incomplete Pathway waiting over 52 weeks which is the first instance since March 2013. The Trust has reported in-month specialty breaches of the 95% non-admitted standard. Five specialties are underachieving against the 95% target. The Trust has shared revised specialty level recovery action plans and trajectories with the CCG which indicate the Trust delivering the specialty level targets for the month of February 14 onwards. The trajectories calculate a substantial level of breach patients to be treated during Quarter 3 and January 2014 to ensure a sustainable future position this places significant risk on the Trust delivering Non-Admitted bottom-line 95% during the period October 2013 to January 2014 which would result in a Monitor breach point for the in the relevant quarter. Due to the high volume of breaches on the T&O Incomplete admitted pathway to aid a sustainable backlog position the performance against the 90% standard for this specialty will fall below the target during Quarter 3, this will not impact Trust bottom-line achievement. The CCG have been informed of the position and have agreed to the recovery plan and timescales, this has been confirmed in email correspondence received 11th October 2013, a formal letter will be sent. However, if the Trust fails to achieve the recovery plans and trajectories a Failure to Deliver a Remedial Action Plan notice will be enacted along with the financial consequences, which is 2% of clinical income. Work has been undertaken to understand the activity volumes required in mitigating a Monitor breach point but considerable operational and administrative changes are required. ED The number of ED un-planned re-attendances for a further month is above 5% for August 2013; this is again a marginal improvement from the previous month. The department to continues to reiterate messages to patients regarding when to return, displaying messages to patients in the waiting room, working with high volume service users and revisiting advice leaflets to offer more specific advice. Specific work continues to being undertaken with CCG/Primary Care around paediatric emergency attendances and reinforcing communication regarding the use of Out of Hours Primary Care Services before re-attending at the Childrens Emergency Department. A piece of work is being undertaken to establish SFH performance against local and national Trust performance for this indicator alongside a patient audit to establish themes. Un-coded Activity The level of un-coded admitted patient care spells at the 5th working day of the month has slightly increased from 20.59% to 22.22% (+1.63%) against the Clinical Commissioning Group target of 20%. Despite the marginal increase this is the first consecutive month period which the Trust reported an un-coded volume below 25% for this financial year. The Clinical Coding Team continues to assess processes further improve the un-coded position. All four substantive trainee Clinical Data Capture Coders have now joined the department and are beginning their training programme. The Trust continues to monitor the level of un-coded activity at the first Secondary Users Service submission point in line with PbR guidelines and is currently on trajectory to meet the 98% coded position in April 2014. ASI Rates For the third consecutive month the Trust reported a Choose and Book Available Slot Issue (ASI) rate of 8% against a target of 5%. Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, T&O, Pain Management, Paediatric Allergy, Haematology, Neurology and Vascular Surgery were the main contributing specialties. Current performance for October 2013 indicates the Trust being at an ASI rate of 6% which is a considerable improvement from the September 2013 position with Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Gastroenterology and Pain Management all reducing their ASI rates. Quality The monthly Quality and Safety Report written by the Executive Director of Nursing and Executive Medical Director will cover key quality domains. HR/Workforce A summary of the key workforce issues are grouped below, these will be expressed in more detail within the HR paper: Workforce Numbers & Cost – The budgeted establishment in month was 3729.32 wte an increase of 42.98 wte and staff in post was 3482.15 wte an increase of 30.96 wte. Pay spend in month was £13.84m (decrease of £250k), of which £11.95m was fixed pay spend and £1.59m was variable pay spend (decrease of £300k since last month) which equates to 11.49%. Sickness Absence – Staff absence levels have decreased in month. In August 2013 total absence was 4.39% decreasing by 0.26% to 4.13% in September 2013. Short term absence has increased from 2.15% to 2.42% (0.27%) and long term has decreased from 2.24% to 1.71% (0.53%). The month rate is 4.13% with the rolling 2012-13 12 month rate at 4.87% which is 0.29% higher than 2011-12 (4.58%). Absence must be effectively managed in order to ensure levels of care are maintained and cost levels are reduced. Agenda for Change Appraisal Completion – The current appraisal rate is 70.28% which has increased since last month by 6.77%. Work is on-going to validate the data and managers have now been enabled with a number of opportunities to validate the data. Since April 2013, appraisal rates have increased by 10.62% from 54.60%. September 2013 Successes The Trust continues to achieve the ED 4 hour target with performance in September 2013 and YTD being at 96.69%, this being despite of high volume attendances and capacity and flow issues being experienced. The Trust continues to receive ‘excellent’ for the NHS Friends and Family Test, with a consistent performance above the national thresholds. For the month of September Grade 2 Pressure Ulcers (post admission/avoidable) has seen a further reduction, the reported volume for Quarter 2 2013/14 totals 20 which is a 50% reduction against Quarter 1 2013/14. Q3 13/14 Forecast Risks Achievement of the Choose and Book appointment slot issues (ASI) continues to rely heavily on waiting list initiatives to meet shortfalls in capacity. The target agreed with commissioners is 5%. Non-Admitted RTT Trust bottom-line 95% achievement is a potential risk for quarter 3 as the Trust begins to clear breach patients within the four underachieving specialties. Achievement of acquired C. Difficile infection against trajectory. Root cause analysis of cases has taken place and does not suggest any issue with cross-infection. Most of these are sporadic cases and further investigation of themes is underway. Recommendation For the Executive Board to receive this high level summary report for information and to raise any queries for clarification. Relevant Strategic Objectives (please mark in bold) Achieve the best patient experience Improve patient safety and provide high quality care Attract, develop and motivate effective teams Achieve financial sustainability Build successful relationships with external organisations and regulators Links to the BAF and Corporate Risk Register Details of additional risks associated with this paper (may include CQC Essential Standards, NHSLA, NHS Constitution) Links to NHS Constitution Financial Implications/Impact Legal Implications/Impact Key Quality and Performance Indicators provides assurances on delivery of rights of patients accessing NHS care. The financial implications associated with any performance indicators underachieving against the standards are identified. Failure to deliver key indicators results in Monitor placing the trust in breach of its authorisation Partnership working & Public Engagement Implications/Impact Committees/groups where this item has been presented before Monitoring and Review Is a QIA required/been completed? If yes provide brief details The Board receives monthly updates on the reporting areas identified with the IPR. TRUST KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Monitor compliance September 2013 Target Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 In month Change Q2 2013/14 Q1 2013/14 YTD 13/14 Q4 2012/13 Q3 2012/13 2012/13 Admitted Patient Care (90% of patients treated within 18 weeks) >=90% 94.37% 94.83% 97.22% 94.39% 95.33% 93.57% 94.36% 95.49% 94.95% 93.34% 86.44% 88.86% Non Admitted Patient Care (95% of patients treated within 18 weeks) >=95% 95.18% 95.88% 95.89% 96.07% 95.50% 95.15% 95.59% 95.65% 95.62% 95.52% 93.91% 94.71% Incomplete Pathways (92% of patients complete pathway within 18 weeks) >=92% 95.52% 95.71% 95.11% 95.06% 94.59% 93.83% SFHFT (% <4 hour wait) >=95% 93.50% 98.20% 98.47% 96.37% 97.81% 95.77% 96.66% Kings Mill (% <4 hour wait) >=95% 91.20% 97.74% 98.11% 95.26% 97.04% 94.13% Newark (% <4 hour wait) >=95% 98.42% 98.67% 98.80% 97.99% 99.06% 99.29% 2 week wait: All Cancers >=93% 93.59% 94.25% 94.55% 94.47% 92.67% 2 week wait: Breast Symptomatic >=93% 97.67% 97.67% 97.44% 95.35% 31 day wait: from diagnosis to first treatment >=96% 100.00% 100.00% 99.15% 31 day wait: for subsequent treatment surgery >=94% 100.00% 100.00% 31 day wait: for subsequent treatment drugs >=98% 100.00% 62 day wait: urgent referral to treatment >=85% 62 day wait: for first treatment screening MONITOR COMPLIANCE FRAMEWORK Ref. Referral to Treatment: A&E Clinical Quality: Total Time in A&E Dept Cancer Data Completeness: Infection Prevention Control: 95.24% 93.51% 95.24% - March 13 Snapshot position December 12 Snapshot position March 13 Snapshot position 96.73% 96.69% 93.43% 92.74% 94.34% 95.48% 95.67% 95.58% 91.13% 90.66% 92.85% 98.75% 98.63% 98.69% 98.78% 99.13% 99.20% (94.38%) (93.86%) 94.13% (93.98%) 95.48% 96.23% 95.83% 93.33% (96.43%) (95.05%) 97.60% (96.46%) 95.08% 94.87% 95.54% 100.00% 99.11% (98.78%) (99.37%) 99.70% (99.54%) 99.30% 99.39% 99.43% 88.89% 100.00% 100.00% (100.00%) (100.00%) 96.67% (97.87%) 100.00% 100.00% 98.65% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% (100.00%) (100.00%) 100.00% (100.00%) 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 89.66% 88.06% 95.83% 90.00% 86.51% (89.71%) (88.83%) 91.37% (90.07%) 89.29% 89.56% 90.78% >=90% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% (100.00%) (100.00%) 100.00% (100.00%) 97.67% 90.57% 94.95% Community Referral to Treatment information >=50% 78.47% 82.42% 84.31% 86.41% 86.10% 85.24% 85.92% 81.81% 83.84% 78.46% 72.94% 74.35% Community Referral information >=50% 54.00% 54.12% 54.34% 53.82% 54.20% 54.77% 54.26% 57.42% 54.21% 54.28% 54.03% 54.37% Community Treatment activity - and care contact >=50% 76.38% 76.58% 77.08% 77.11% 76.85% 77.36% 77.11% 76.69% 76.90% 67.82% 68.54% 68.77% MRSA Bacteraemia (No. of cases attributed to Trust) 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2/0 1/0 3/0 0 0 0 Clostridium Difficile Infections (No. of cases attributed to Trust) 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 9/7 8/6 17/25 12/9 8/9 29/36 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 RED RED RED RED Access to Healthcare for people with learning disabilities CQC Compliance compliance points relative to site visits Compliance 0 Compliant 93.83% Sept 13 Snapshot position 95.11% June 13 Snapshot position Monitor Compliance Points Governance Risk Rating (GRR) N/A N/A TRUST KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Acute Contract Performance September 2013 Target Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 In month change Q2 2013/14 Q1 2013/14 YTD 2013/14 Q4 2012/13 Q3 2012/13 Full Year 2012/13 SFHFT (% <4 hour wait) Total Time in A&E Dept >=95% 93.50% 98.20% 98.47% 96.37% 97.81% 95.77% 96.66% 96.73% 96.69% 93.43% 92.74% 94.34% Unplanned re-attendance rate within 7 days of original attendance <=5% 6.24% 4.93% 5.44% 5.51% 5.46% 5.36% 5.45% 5.53% 5.49% 5.02% 5.94% 5.70% Left without being seen rate <=5% 1.70% 1.63% 1.63% 2.10% 1.58% 1.46% 1.73% 1.66% 1.70% 1.73% 2.11% 2.08% Time to Initial Assessment for patients arriving by emergency ambulance (95th percentile Mins) <=15 35 27 26 29 26 27 28 29 28 33 42 39 Time to Initial Assessment for patients arriving by emergency ambulance (Median Minutes) <=16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 7 6 Time to Treatment (Median minutes wait from arrival to treatment) <=60 54 51 50 57 40 42 46 52 49 55 57 56 CONTRACTUAL PERFORMANCE METRICS Ref A&E Clinical Quality: Ambulance Turnaround Times Average Clinical Handover Time (%) >=65% 55.84% 65.34% 63.80% 59.72% 61.89% 64.79% 62.16% 61.52% 61.85% 54.69% 51.17% 55.64% Delayed Transfer of Care Trust Total % (at snapshot position) 3.50% 3.54% 4.78% 5.38% 4.65% 4.94% 4.37% 4.65% 4.54% 4.59% 3.63% 6.75% 5.97% % Of elective admissions <=0.8% 0.41% 0.36% 0.47% 0.39% 0.29% 0.64% 0.45% 0.41% 0.44% 0.82% 0.98% 0.71% % Breached 28 day guarantee <=5% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 11.11% 0.00% 2.22% 0.00% 1.14% 0.00% 0.95% 0.75% Diagnostic waiting times <6weeks % >=99% 99.49% 99.64% 99.49% 99.84% 99.82% 99.84% - - - - - - Choose & Book: Ratio: Slot issues per booking <0.05 0.05 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.08 - - 0.08 Cancelled Operations: SUS data: Referral to Treatment: % uncoded within 5 days of month end <20% 36.51% 26.53% 39.66% 27.92% 20.59% 22.22% - - - - - Admitted Patient Care (90% of patients treated within 18 weeks) >=90% 94.37% 94.83% 97.22% 94.39% 95.33% 93.57% 94.36% 95.49% 94.95% 93.34% 86.44% 88.86% Non Admitted Patient Care (95% of patients treated within 18 weeks) >=95% 95.18% 95.88% 95.89% 96.07% 95.50% 95.15% 95.59% 95.65% 95.62% 95.52% 93.91% 94.71% Incomplete Pathways (92% of patients complete pathway within 18 weeks) >=92% 95.52% 95.71% 95.11% 95.05% 94.59% 93.83% - - - - - - 18week RTT for direct access audiology completed pathways (treated) >=95% 99.68% 99.63% 99.64% 99.47% 99.63% 99.62% 99.56% 99.65% 99.60% 99.35% 99.75% 99.69% 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 - - - - - - 2 week wait: All Cancers >=93% 93.59% 94.25% 94.55% 94.47% 92.67% (94.38%) (93.86%) 94.13% (93.98%) 95.48% 96.23% 95.83% 2 week wait: Breast Symptomatic >=93% 97.67% 97.67% 97.44% 95.35% 93.33% (96.43%) (95.05%) 97.60% (96.46%) 95.08% 94.87% 95.54% 31 day wait: from diagnosis to first treatment >=96% 100.00% 100.00% 99.15% 100.00% 99.11% (98.78%) (99.37%) 99.70% (99.54%) 99.30% 99.39% 99.43% 31 day wait: for subsequent treatment surgery >=94% 100.00% 100.00% 88.89% 100.00% 100.00% (100.00%) (100.00%) 96.67% (97.87%) 100.00% 100.00% 98.65% 31 day wait: for subsequent treatment - drugs >=98% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% (100.00%) (100.00%) 100.00% (100.00%) 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 62 day wait: urgent referral to treatment >=85% 89.66% 88.06% 95.83% 90.00% 86.51% (89.71%) (88.83%) 91.37% (90.07%) 89.29% 89.56% 90.78% 62 day wait: for first treatment - screening >=90% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% (100.00%) (100.00%) 100.00% (100.00%) 97.67% 90.57% 94.95% 62 day wait: consultant upgrade >=91% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% (100.00%) (100.00%) 100.00% (100.00%) 86.36% 91.67% 93.64% MRSA Bacteraemia (No. of cases attributed to Trust) 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2/0 1/0 3/0 0 0 0 Clostridium Difficile Infections (No. of cases attributed to Trust) 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 9/7 8/6 17/25 12/9 8/9 29/36 Patients on an Incomplete Pathway waiting 52 weeks & Over Cancer Infection Prevention Control: denotes when the target is a contractual and Monitor performance target that is replicated in the Monitor compliance dashboard TRUST KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 18 Weeks September 2013 REFERRAL TO TREATMENT (RTT) - 18 WEEKS Monitor Compliance For the month of September 2013 all three RTT targets achieved the required standard for Monitor compliance, however there are in-month specialty breaches within Incomplete Pathway (T&O) and Non-Admitted. Quality For the month of September 2013 zero patients on an Incomplete Pathway were waiting beyond 52 weeks. As part of the week 18 Week Delivery Group the RTT Action Plan and Risks and Issues Log are reviewed in detail with key focus areas being identified and monitored. The Trust has produced and shared revised specialty action plans for those specialties failing the nonadmitted target along with trajectories detailing achievement timeline of February 2014. The Trust has recently reviewed the RTT delivery plan with the CCG and IST to review progress against agreed action and have agreed the following key actions: • RTT Training to be undertaken across clinical specialties • Actively monitoring diagnostic pathways on a weekly basis and tacking remedial actions • Outsourcing work ( if clinically appropriate) within T/O • Clinic outcome forms work continues – some specialties had been done. The Trust was targeting the failing specialties first. There was good clinical engagement. • To reduce waiting times within a patient pathway for an Inter Consultant Referral clinical teams have agreed for an appointment to be booked immediately based on the referring consultants clinical grading. • SOPs are being developed for the administrative teams to ensure processes are clear, followed and the relevant administrative event is captured to aid capturing where a patient is on their pathway. The first phase is covering Outpatient Dictation including letter outcomes, Inter Consultant Referrals, Inter Provider Transfers and Correspondence Actions. Operational Management to achieve the 92% target continues to impact upon delivery of the 95% non-admitted target for particular specialties as evidenced in the adjacent table. The backlog to be cleared indicates a significant impact to the Trust bottom-line achievement of the Non-Admitted 95% standard which will result in one Monitor breach point for Quarter 3 and potentially Quarter 4. RTT meetings continue to monitor progress and drive delivery including; weekly performance meetings with the CCGs, weekly waiting list management group, patient waiting times meeting and departmental communication cells. The weekly Patient Waiting Times meeting attended by operational teams representing all points across a patients pathway track and progress patients on their RTT pathway, currently the focus is at an individual patient for those waiting 24 weeks and over. This will continue to reduce over the coming weeks. The RTT validation team review every incomplete patient pathway for patients waiting beyond 18 weeks with a view to prevent extensive waits and take any potential issues to the weekly patient waiting times meeting for resolution. The team has also introduced reviewing patients between 12 and 17 weeks on specialties which have potentially multiple diagnostics to ensure patients are being progressed. The CCG continue to monitor with the Trust patients waiting 42 weeks and beyond to establish the actions being taken on individual patient pathways. Referral to Treatment September 2013 Summary RTT Specialty General Surgery Urology T&O ENT Ophthalmology MaxFax Plastic Surgery Cardiothoracic Gastroenterology Cardiology Dermatology Respiratory Medicine Neurology Rheumatology Geriatrics Gynaecology Others Total Incomplete 92.48% 93.35% 88.68% 94.21% 97.38% 93.14% 97.14% 100% 92.44% 92.38% 97.16% 96.44% 96.86% 98.13% 99.21% 96.31% 93.15% 93.83% RTT Standard Admitted Non-Admitted 90.94% 94.14% 91.54% 92.44% 90.67% 87.76% 95.40% 97.93% 95.76% 98.27% 94.92% 98.18% 100% 96.15% 100% 90.00% 97.84% 100% 95.71% 90.38% 93.57% 86.81% 96.19% 97.98% 90.45% 93.34% 98.72% 98.63% 96.86% 95.54% 95.15% Acute Contract The Trust has failed to deliver the national quality standard for non-admitted patients at a speciality level and will incur penalties. The total RTT penality reported within the finance position as at September 2013 is £84,976. TRUST KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Quality & Safety September 2013 Target Ref. Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 In month change Q2 2013/14 Q1 2013/14 Q4 2012/13 Q3 2012/13 2012/13 YTD 2013/14 2.5 1 1 4 0 0 3 3/2.5 6/2.5 3 6 13 9/7.5 2 4 2 7 1 2 3 5 10/12 10/12 13 19 32 0 0 12 1 2 0 0 0 1 1/12 3/12 1 0 2 Other Urinary Catheter Associated Bacteraemia (No. of hospital acquired cases) 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0/1 2/1 1 0 3 Surgical Site Infections (Total Knee Replacement surgery) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 0/1 0 0 0 Surgical Site Infections (Total Hip Replacement surgery) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 1/1 0 0 2 Medication, storage and custody >90% >85% <85% 94% 79% 96% 93% 97% - 95% 90% 94% 93% 94% 95% Infection control/privacy & dignity >90% >85% <85% 97% 93% 94% - - - - 95% 98% 95% 96% - 95% 97% - 96% 99% 99% - 99% 89% 91% - 90% 88% 90% 88% 87% 90% 86% 88% - 87% 90% 86% 89% 88% 87% 93% 93% - 93% 90% 82% 87% 86% 93% 81% 85% - 83% 94% 94% 96% 94% 83% QUALITY & SAFETY METRICS Infection Prevention Control: G A R MSSA Bacteraemia (No. of hospital acquired cases) 0 0 E Coli bacteraemia (No. of Hospital acquired cases) 0 E. Coli Urinary Catheter Associated Bacteraemia (No. of hospital acquired cases) Infection control Data not available prior to use of FOCUS IT Privacy & dignity Data not available prior to use of FOCUS IT >90% >85% <85% 89% 85% 90% Pain Management >90% >85% <85% 89% 86% 93% Nutritional Assessment >90% >85% <85% 97% 82% 91% Tissue Viability >90% >85% <85% 92% 95% 97% Falls Assessment >90% >85% <85% 97% 92% 91% 92% 95% - 94% 93% 94% 96% 96% 94% Continence Assessment >90% >85% <85% 97% 93% 92% 88% 84% - 86% 94% 93% 94% 93% 86% 0 - >0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 <21 21-27 >28 14 14 6 9 2 5 16 34 32 31 98 50 Catastrophic-Death *(Live reporting system-updates can affect numbers on daily basis) 0% - 0% 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (<1%) 0 (0%) 2 (<1%) 3 0 2 3 6 3 Severe harm *(Live reporting system-updates can affect numbers on daily basis) Never Event (number of reported events) Serious Incidents (reported externally to CCG) Medication related incidents Data not available prior to use of FOCUS IT Patient observations/ACAT Nursing Metrics: Patient Safety Incidents Data collection method and source has been updated to FOCUS IT. Pilot in July 2013, new data format will be provided for August 2013 period 0% - 0% 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (<1%) 0 (0%) 1 (<1%) 4 (<1%) 1 1 0 1 3 2 Moderate harm *(Live reporting system-updates can affect numbers on daily basis) <=5% - >5% 20 (4%) 21 (4%) 19 (4%) 22 (4%) 15(3%) 73 (10%) 110 60 20 52 154 170 Low harm *(Live reporting system-updates can affect numbers on daily basis) <=23% - >23% 62 (12%) 80 (14%) 86 (17%) 82 (14%) 82 (15%) 159 (21.8%) 164 228 90 240 787 392 No harm *(Live reporting system-updates can affect numbers on daily basis) >=72% - <72% 437 (84%) 458 (82%) 398 (79%) 488 (82%) 426(81%) 492 (67.4%) 1406 1293 473 1325 4152 2699 0.06 Number of medication errors per 1000 occupied bed days resulting in serious harm - - - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.29 0.11 0.00 New methodology agreed for 2013/14 Falls rate per 1000 occupied bed days - - - 7.90 7.77 6.64 7.90 7.99 7.30 7.76 7.46 New methodology agreed for 2013/14 7.58 Falls rate per 1000 occupied bed days resulting in harm - - - 1.17 1.29 1.44 1.85 2.38 1.54 1.80 1.30 New methodology agreed for 2013/14 1.44 Grade 2 *(Live reporting system-updates can affect numbers on daily basis) <5 >=5<=10 > 10 14 13 16 8 7 5 20 43 54 30 135 58 Grade 3 *(Live reporting system-updates can affect numbers on daily basis) <2 >=2<=4 >4 5 4 2 0 1 0 1 11 9 6 23 12 Grade 4 *(Live reporting system-updates can affect numbers on daily basis) 0 - >=1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1.28 1.30 >1:30 01:30 N/A N/A 1.28 01:34 01:33 01:32.1 1.28 Slips, trips and falls Pressure Ulcer (post admission/avoidable *from April 2012) Midwife to birth ratio Cardiac Arrest Calls (outside of ICCU)- 1-5 per 1000 admission) Number of Calls to Outreach Team <3.5 per >3.5 per 1000 1000 1.7 2.5 2.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 1.6 2.2 2.1 3.1 3.0 1.9 - - - 131 108 102 111 116 111 338 341 362 359 1309 679 Acute - - - 101 71 70 73 74 79 226 242 258 233 844 468 - Information Governance (Scores for IG Toolkit) Eliminating Same Sex Accommodation Breaches (No of breaches) - - 30 37 32 38 42 32 112 99 104 126 465 211 >=70% scored at Level 2 - <70% scored at Level 2 72% 72% 72% 72% 72% 72% 72% 72% 72% 49% 64% 72% 0 - >=1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59 57 53 60 72 65 197 169 219 174 683 366 0.15% 0.14% 0.13% 0.13% 0.19% 0.16% 0.16% 0.14% No of complaints received in month <=0.10% 0.11% >=0.20% 0.19% % against activity complaints received in month New methodology agreed for 2013/14 0.15% >=96% 81-95% <=80% 94% 33% 79% 100% 100% 100% 100% 69% 77% 84% 89% No of contacts - - - 660 613 569 649 667 659 1975 1842 1933 2141 8531 3817 Compliments - - - 140 98 79 58 80 93 231 317 240 246 915 548 Comments - - - 249 228 211 247 238 233 718 688 847 788 3593 1406 263 278 259 347 334 319 1000 800 779 1052 3822 1800 0.65% 0.66% 0.66% 0.77% 0.88% 0.77% 0.80% 0.66% New methodology agreed for 2013/14 0.73% 17 15 25 12 15 14 41 57 0.04% 0.04% 0.06% 0.03% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.05% (Acknowledgement) PALs >5 per 1000 Total Follow Up (seen by critical care on discharge from ICCU Improving Patient Experience 1.28 Concerns - volume received <=0.10% 0.11% >=0.20% 0.19% Concerns - % against activity First Line Complaints - volume received <=0.10% 0.11% >=0.20% 0.19% Complaints - % against activity 67 55 201 New methodology agreed for 2013/14 98 0.04% NHS Friends and Family Test (5 start rating scoring) >=4 >=3.5 <3.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.8 4.5 4.6 4.6 2012/13 data not collected in Five Star rating method NHS Friends and Family Test (proportional score) (DH deem above 50 as excellent) 50 45 40 61 63 61 60 61 60 60 61 2012/13 data not collected in Five Star rating method N/A N/A Heart Attacks Secondary Prevention >90% 90% <90% N/A 98.42% 99.60% N/A N/A HSMR <=100 - >100 N/A 96.8 118.5 N/A N/A Net Promoter Denotes not applicable at time of report Not available at time of report publication Monthly Trend Improved Performance In line with previous period Deterioration in Performance Achieving threshold improving performance Achieving threshold deteriorating performance Failing threshold improving performance Failing threshold deteriorating performance 96.32% N/A N/A TRUST KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS HR/Workforce September 2013 Code HR WORKFORCE METRICS Target effective from 1st April 13 (establishment target based on end of year target requirement) G Establishment Staff in Post A < or = 3666.58 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 In month change Q2 2013/14 Q1 2013/14 Q4 2012/13 Q3 2012/13 Q2 2012/13 YTD 2013/14 >3666.58 3653.84 3668.10 3678.00 3687.56 3686.34 3729.32 -1.22 3701.07 3666.65 3484.59 3489.59 3490.96 3683.86 R - - - 3389.19 3412.90 3433.86 3437.74 3451.19 3482.15 13.45 3457.03 3411.98 3346.16 3352.58 3337.64 3434.51 < or = 7.50% > 7.50% & < 10.00% >10.00% -264.65 -255.20 -244.14 -249.82 -235.15 -247.17 14.67 -247.17 -254.66 -138.44 -137.01 -153.32 -249.36 <9.45% >9.45% & <10.40% >10.40% 0.95% 1.46% 2.33% 3.09% 3.88% 4.99% 0.79% 4.99% 2.33% 9.73% 7.35% 4.96% 2.78% <1.52% >1.52% & <1.68% >1.68% 3.02% 2.48% 2.66% 2.48% 2.15% 2.42% -0.33% 2.35% 2.72% 2.73% 2.63% 2.23% 2.54% <1.64% >1.64% & <1.82% >1.82% 1.81% 2.15% 2.05% 2.21% 2.24% 1.71% 0.03% 2.05% 2.00% 2.44% 2.56% 2.00% 2.03% <3.51% >3.51% & <3.85% >3.85% 4.83% 4.63% 4.71% 4.69% 4.39% 4.13% -0.30% 4.40% 4.72% 5.17% 5.19% 4.23% 4.56% - - - £264,339 £220,772 £175,504 £214,666 £148,755 £205,686 -£65,911 £569,107 £660,615 £658,287 £654,933 £548,542 £1,229,722 - - - £161,228 £189,457 £209,172 £189,805 £160,488 £159,064 -£29,317 £509,357 £559,857 £613,486 £660,186 £476,994 £1,069,214 Workforce Numbers Vacancies (Diff between Bud. Est. & SIP) Turnover Rate (%) Sickness Absence (%) - Short Term Sickness Absence (%) - Long Term Sickness Absence (%) - Total Absence Cost (£) - Short Term* Absence Cost (£) - Long Term* Attendance and Wellbeing - * This is the cost of salary paid to those who were absent due Absence Cost (£) - Total* to sickness. - - - £425,567 £410,229 £384,676 £404,471 £309,243 £364,750 -£95,228 £1,078,464 £1,220,472 £1,271,773 £1,315,119 £1,025,536 £2,298,936 Absence 12 month rolling rate (%) - Short Term <1.52% >1.52% & <1.68% >1.68% 2.51% 2.56% 2.58% 2.59% 2.61% 2.61% 0.02% 2.60% 2.55% 2.43% 2.33% 2.20% 2.58% Absence 12 month rolling rate (%) - Long Term <1.64% >1.64% & <1.82% >1.82% 2.27% 2.24% 2.25% 2.27% 2.27% 2.26% 0.00% 2.27% 2.25% 2.28% 2.29% 2.38% 2.26% <3.51% >3.51% & <3.85% >3.85% 4.78% 4.80% 4.83% 4.86% 4.88% 4.87% 0.02% 4.87% 4.80% 4.70% 4.62% 4.58% 4.84% - - - 88.24 89.85 87.51 85.86 86.02 82.41 0.16 84.76 88.53 87.33 88.50 88.82 86.65 - - - £61,866 £62,106 £62,232 £62,713 £61,932 £61,971 -£781 £62,205 £62,068 £62,514 £62,187 £61,917 £62,137 Absence 12 month rolling rate (%) - Total Maternity (WTE on maternity in month) Annual Clinical Income per WTE (£) Income and Staff Costs Staff Performance Annual Average Salary per WTE (£) AFC Rolling 12 month Appraisal completion rate Mandatory Training Completion - - - £46,483 £46,263 £45,907 £46,099 £46,190 £45,815 £91 £46,035 £46,218 £45,752 £45,221 £45,672 £46,126 >79% >79% & <71% <71% 54.34% 54.97% 60.82% 65.07% 65.15% 70.28% 0.08% 70.28% 60.82% 46.81% 48.00% 47.00% 70.28% >98% >88% & <98% <88% 75.00% 75.00% 75.00% 76.00% 76.00% 75.00% 0.00% 75.00% 75.00% 74.00% 71.00% 73.00% 75.00% TRUST KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Workforce/Human Resources September 2013 Workforce Summary Key Issues:a. Workforce Numbers & Cost – The budgeted establishment in month was 3729.32 wte an increase of 42.98 wte and staff in post was 3482.15 wte an increase of 30.96 wte. This is to support an initiative set out in the annual plan to translate variable pay to substantive posts to reduce the reliance on alternative costly staffing options. Pay spend in month was £13.84m (decrease of £250k), of which £11.95m was fixed pay spend and £1.59m was variable pay spend (decrease of £300k since last month) which equates to 11.49%. b. Sickness Absence – Staff absence levels have decreased in month. In August 2013 total absence was 4.39% decreasing by 0.26% to 4.13% in September 2013. Short term absence has increased from 2.15% to 2.42% (0.27%) and long term has decreased from 2.24% to 1.71% (0.53%). The month rate is 4.13% with the rolling 2012-13 12 month rate at 4.87% which is 0.29% higher than 2011-12 (4.58%). Absence must be effectively managed in order to ensure levels of care are maintained and cost levels are reduced. c. Agenda for Change Appraisal Completion – The current appraisal rate is 70.28% which has increased since last month by 6.77%. Work is ongoing to validate the data and managers have now been enabled with a number of opportunities to validate the data. Since April 2013, appraisal rates have increased by 10.62% from 54.60%. Workforce Numbers a) Budgeted Establishment - In comparison to last month, budgeted establishment has increased by 42.98 wte to 3729.32 wte. Budgeted establishment (3729.32 wte) is consistent with the annual plan projection of 3729.54 wte, which is the first occurrence for financial year 2013-14. b) Staff in post - has increased by 30.96 wte to 3482.15 wte in September 13 from 3686.34 wte in August 13. c) The number of vacant posts is currently 247.17 wte which is an increase of 12.02 wte since August 13. The Trust vacancy rate is 6.63%, the majority of vacancies continue to be in registered Nursing (112.25 wte/9.13% vacancy rate). d) Comparison with 12/13 - The current budgeted establishment is 3729.32 wte which is 237.92 wte above than the budgeted establishment position of 3491.40 wte at September 12. When comparing current staff in post 3482.15 wte is 151.05 wte above September 12, 3331.10 wte. e) Against Annual Plan - In terms of annual plan, we are in line with projections of 3729.54 wte and are under plan by 0.22 wte. f) Turnover - current FYTD turnover is 4.99% which is consistent with the rate for the same period 12/13 of 4.96%. This does not include junior doctors leaving for rotation. Attendance & Wellbeing a) In Month - Trust absence levels have decreased in month by 0.26% to 4.13%. When comparing against September 12, the absence rate was 4.24%, with absence for September 13 0.11% below the same period last year. b) Rolling 12 Months Absence - The rolling 12 month period absence is currently 4.87% which is 1.37% above the target of 3.50%. This is 0.29% above the same period for October 11 to September 12 of 4.58% c) Absence Cost - The cost of salary paid to absent staff for September was £365k, for the 12 month rolling year this equates to £4.86m. This is the direct cost of paying staff whilst they are on sick leave and does not account for additional hours/overtime/bank/agency used. d) Occupational Health activity - During September 13 there have been a total of 81 referrals to Occupational Health to support staff at work/returning to work, this is a decrease since last month of 8.64%. e) Sickness Actions - Monthly confirm and challenge sessions continue with managers of high absence areas to present challenge and also receive feedback on issues preventing the effective management of absence. All managers continue to provided on a monthly basis absence dashboards to assist them in the management of sickness absence within their area of responsibility. f) The top three absence reasons for all staff : 1) Anxiety/ stress/ depression/ other psychiatric illnesses (19.03%), 2) Gastrointestinal problems (10.25%) 3) Other Musculoskeletal problems (9.87%). Workforce Productivity & Staff Costs a) Clinical Income - Current financial year to date clinical income is £62k per WTE which remains static with August 13. b) Average Salary - Average salary per WTE of £46k in August 13 which remains static since January 13. This is expected to increase in October due to the number of increments which are due in month (260 staff). c) Pay Spend - In month the total pay spend was £13.84m, of which £11.95m was fixed pay spend. Total pay spend is below total pay spend plan of £13.89m by £0.05m. d) Variable Pay - spend was £1.59m for September 13 (11.49% of total pay spend), which is a decrease against last month, however remains above the variable pay spend plan of £0.75m. Staff Training & Development a) Mandatory training - the current rate is 75% which is a 1% decrease from the Aug 13 position of 76%. b) The Trust will be undertaking its annual Deanery accreditation inspection of Post Graduate Medical Education on 23rd October 2013. c) From the 1st April 2013 to the end of August 2013, a total of 414 mandatory training places have been wasted due to staff not turning up on the day. This is the equivalent of 4 mandatory training courses being lost or the equivalent of £12,200 in staffing and room costs being wasted. This is receiving focused attention via Team Brief. d) A new persistent offenders report has been developed which in July 2013 identified that there were over 400 staff who were at least 3 months out of date with their mandatory training and over 242 of these staff were at least 6 months out of date. Recruitment & Selection a) New Consultants: - No Consultants starters to report. b) Consultants Leaving: - No Consultants leaving to report Workforce Change a) The CIP target of £13.3m requires workforce savings of £9.6m. There are approximately 90 schemes in progress in terms of workforce related CIP schemes. There is still a requirement for more CIP schemes relating to workforce to be scoped and these need to be commenced through the workforce change cycle to ensure they are implemented to meet the saving requirement; variances of those plans scoped against the annual plan will be analysed to understand where more schemes are required to close this gap. Activity needs to commence to commence planning for 14/15 CIP schemes. Health & Safety a) There has been no formal contact between the Trust and the HSE this month. Fire & Security a) Following a burglary that took place on 18th September at Newark hospital, in which two people attempted to steal the till from the cafeteria, justice has prevailed and one the individuals involved received a 6 month custodial sentence. The other is being referred for social reports prior to sentence. Serious Disciplinary & Tribunal Cases a) Activity Summary - As at the end of September 2013 there are 17 formal cases in process with HR under Trust Policies, of which 6 have been disciplinary related, 2 case relates to capability issues, 4 harassment/bullying cases, 3 referrals, 1 grievance and 1 whistleblowing. There are currently two employment tribunals underway. Workforce Performance Indicators Key Issues - September 2013 – – – – – Summary – Staff Numbers and Pay Spend Progress - Pay spend and staff numbers remain within plan. Risk – % of Variable pay against total pay spend has reduced since last month, however still remains high. In October 2013 a high number of staff (260) are due increments, of which 213 have had an appraisal within the last 12 months and will move through to the next incremental point impacting on the pay expenditure from October 2013 and will be reported in next months information. Action Required - Recruit to posts substantively where possible to avoid use of variable pay. Currently under spending on fixed plan. – – See Dashboard 1 – Sickness Absence Summary Summary – Sickness Absence Progress Absence total rate (4.13%), decreased in month by 0.26%; short term absence (2.42%) has increased by 0.27% since last month and long term (1.71%) has decreased by 0.53%. Absence has decreased month on month since July 2013. Areas of concern have been identified and HR are working with managers to support in appropriate absence management of those concerned. Risk - Absence continues at the rate of last year this impacts on clinical care and cost, despite an increase in support to managers and performance management meetings. If last three year trend is repeated, it is anticipated that there will be an increase in absence in October 13 (from 2010 there has been an average increase in Sep to Oct of 0.58%). – – – – – – Summary – Appraisal Completion Progress - Appraisal rate has increased from 63.51% in August 13 to 70.28% in September 13 by 6.77% Risk - Appraisal rate is still below the target of 79% by 9%, however if the number of appraisals continues to run at the same completion rate, it is expected that we will have achieved this by the end of the calendar year (based on an average monthly increase of 3.14% since April 13). Action Required - Managers need to ensure they have appraisals completed & reported and future appraisals scheduled. HR to continue to assist managers with the return of information to enable a fuller reporting picture. Dashboard 1: Sickness Absence Summary - September 13 6.00% 5.50% Progress since last month/ RAG Rolling 12 Measure In month FYTD month Short Term 2.42% 2.66% 2.61% Long Term 1.71% 2.06% 2.26% Total 4.13% 4.71% 4.87% Direct cost of paying staff whilst absent from work due to sickness Short Term £205,686 £1,264,688 £2,577,908 Long Term £159,064 £1,034,018 £2,307,690 Total £364,750 £2,298,706 £4,885,598 Sep-13 TOTAL Top 3 Staff Groups In Month Progress 5.95% Unregistered Nursing £53,142 Scientific & Professional 5.43% £40,227 Technical & Other £23,584 In Month Progress 4.98% DRD £113,033 4.13% 3.90% PCS £111,671 3.81% ECM £101,676 £364,750 3.64% Corporate £38,371 SHORT-TERM 4.50% 4.00% 3.50% 3.00% 2.50% 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 12/13 ST Absence 13/14 ST Absence 12/13 LT A bsence 13/14 LT A bsence 12/13 Tota l A bse nce 13/14 Tota l A bse nce Mar Last month the highest absence staff groups w ere 1) Nursing Unregistered 2) Ancillary 3) Technical & Other The rank of divisions last month, the areas w ith highest to low est absence w ere: 1) DRD 4.81% 2) ECM 4.64% 3) PCS 4.38% and 4) Corporate 2.95%. 5.24% Divisions 5.00% Top 3 SMT's In Month DRD - New ark 7.63% DRD - Support Services 5.12% DRD - Pathology Services 5.12% PCS - Trauma & Orthopaedics PCS - Support Services PCS - Maternity & Gynaecology 4.74% 4.32% 4.05% ECM - Community Services ECM - Gastro Endocrine ECM - Support Services 4.92% 4.64% 4.01% Corp - Inf ormation Services Corp - Nursing Services 7.19% 6.40% Corp - Finance 5.20% Progress No change Top 3 Staff Groups In Month Progress 4.22% Ancillary £3,453 3.92% Technical & Other £17,937 Unregistered Nursing Divisions 3.45% £30,797 In Month Progress 2.83% 2.42% DRD £62,567 80538 2.52% PCS £70,832 2.19% £205,686 ECM £54,137 1.78% Corporate £18,148 LONG-TERM Top 3 SMT's In Month DRD - New ark 3.64% DRD - Pathology Services 3.37% DRD - Support Services 3.27% PCS - Support Services PCS - General Surgery PCS - Paediatrics & Neonatal 3.18% 2.79% 2.46% ECM - Community Services ECM - Cardio-Respiratory ECM - Emergency Care 3.28% 2.53% 2.41% Corp - Corporate Services Corp - NHIS Corp - Human Resources 3.72% 2.73% 1.85% Progress Top 3 Staff Groups In Month Progress 2.51% Unregistered Nursing £22,345 Scientific & Professional 2.45% £18,578 1.88% Admin & Clerical £36,633 Divisions In Month 2.15% 1.71% DRD £50,466 1.87% Corporate £20,224 1.61% £159,064 ECM £47,539 1.38% PCS £40,839 Progress Top 3 SMT's In Month DRD - New ark 3.99% DRD - Therapy Services 2.06% DRD - Support Services 1.85% Corp-Information Services Corp - Nursing Services Corp - Finance 7.08% 5.78% 5.03% ECM - Support Services ECM - Gastro Endocrine ECM - Community Services 2.36% 2.27% 1.64% PCS - Trauma & Orthopaedics PCS - Maternity & Gynaecology PCS - Paediatrics & Neonatal 2.29% 1.62% 1.51% Progress Dashboard 2 - Appraisal Sum m ary - Septem ber 13 188 149 667 517 -150 -22.49% 146 113 98 81 321 270 -51 -15.89% 104 985 94 967 108 1127 76 1106 344 3650 300 3657 -44 -12.79% 87.02% 88.86% 73.74% 80.04% 55.96% 65.18% 71.93% 77.67% 70.11% 76.56% 80.62% 80.99% 67.03% 73.68% 50.05% 58.84% 65.04% 72.33% 63.51% 70.28% Corporate 80.99% DRD 73.68% ECM 58.84% PCS 72.33% SMT Aug-13 Cardio-Respiratory 39.41% Community Services 83.67% Emergency Care 57.14% Gastro Endocrine 49.64% HCOP 66.03% Non Acute Medicine 57.89% Support Services 34.55% Sep-13 45.41% 73.27% 68.28% 55.97% 77.48% 57.89% 42.26% Progress 6.00% -10.41% 11.14% 6.34% 11.46% 0.00% 7.71% Req Im pr. 33.59% SMT Anaesthetics General Surgery Head & Neck Maternity & Gynae Childrens Services Support Services T&O ProgSep-13 ress 41.46% 3.66% 76.16% 9.49% 65.52% 2.61% 67.07% 0.14% 72.93% 9.70% 77.81% 2.89% 78.74% 5.46% Req Im pr. 37.54% 2.84% 13.48% 11.93% 6.07% 1.19% 0.26% 10.72% 23.03% 1.52% 21.11% 36.74% Staff Group A &C AHP Ancillary Nursing Reg Sci & Prof Students Tech & Other Nursing Unreg Staff Group A &C AHP Ancillary Nursing Reg Sci & Prof Students Tech & Other Nursing Unreg Staff Group A &C AHP Ancillary Nursing Reg Sci & Prof Students Tech & Other Nursing Unreg Sep -13 ProgReq Sep-13 ress Im pr. 47.59% 1.81% 31.41% 86.18% 6.45% -7.18% 91.04% 14.18% 85.11% 5.94% 71.82% 1.77% 7.18% 81.55% 13.13% -2.55% Jul-13 Aug-13 45.78% 79.74% 76.87% 79.17% 70.05% 68.42% -2.08% 12.33% PCS Aug -13 SMT New ark Pathology Radiology Sexual Health Support Services Therapy Services -1.00% Staff Group A &C AHP Ancillary Nursing Reg Sci & Prof Students Tech & Other Nursing Unreg ECM Jun-13 Req Im pr. 30.35% 31.94% Apr -13 ProgSep-13 ress 48.65% -5.64% 47.06% -12.46% 88.10% 2.05% 84.03% 2.84% 80.00% -2.76% 99.25% 8.27% 81.08% -2.70% 66.67% 2.38% DRD May-13 Aug-13 54.29% 59.52% 86.05% 81.20% 82.76% 90.98% 83.78% 64.29% Central Jan-13 SMT Corp Dev Corp Services Finance HR Info Services NHIS Nursing Services Strategy & Dev 11.08% -3.40% -1.20% 12.51% AFC Divisional Appraisal Rates 85.00% 80.00% 75.00% 70.00% 65.00% 60.00% 55.00% 50.00% 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% Feb-13 Req Im pr. 12.86% -4.57% Dec-12 ProgSep-13 ress 66.14% 2.37% 83.57% 14.20% 86.79% 1.61% 67.92% 4.72% 82.40% 12.96% 80.20% 5.96% 66.49% 4.37% Nov-12 Aug-13 63.77% 69.38% 85.19% 63.20% 69.44% 74.25% 62.13% Oct-12 Staff Group A &C AHP Ancillary Nursing Reg Sci & Prof Tech & Other Nursing Unreg Aug-13 37.80% 66.67% 62.90% 66.93% 63.24% 74.92% 73.28% 10.87% 191 Appraisal Rates 70.28% 252 242 A ppra is a l R a t e s e xc ne w to po s t Trust Progress ECM PCS Grand Total Aug-13 Sep-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 493 569 733 800 2318 2570 Mar-13 Appraisal Corporate DRD Status Aug-13 Sep-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 1) Completed 362 375 730 826 2) Outstanding >12 months old 46 39 191 138 4) No Appraisal date reported 8 8 69 68 5) Appraisal Not Due - New to post 33 41 99 89 Grand Total 449 463 1089 1121 Total ProgReq Rate ress Im pr. 76.75% -0.71% 2.25% 100.00% 77.78% 0.00% -2.22% -21.00% 1.22% 73.33% -13.33% 5.67% Rate 67.77% 81.73% 80.00% 60.38% 76.47% 74.29% 68.00% ProgReq ress Im pr. -4.59% 11.23% 12.88% -2.73% 13.33% -1.00% 10.07% 18.62% 8.05% 2.53% 7.81% 1.67% 4.71% 11.00% ProgReq Rate ress Im pr. 42.37% 6.66% 36.63% 83.33% 50.00% -4.33% 68.75% 0.00% 10.25% 54.26% 5.83% 24.74% 82.35% 35.29% -3.35% 71.83% 59.53% 2.82% 8.56% 7.17% 19.47% ProgReq Rate ress Im pr. 40.00% 0.70% 39.00% 75.00% 0.00% 4.00% 92.86% 3.57% -13.86% 73.10% 3.29% 5.90% 87.30% 18.55% -8.30% 0.00% 0.00% 79.00% 106.25% 11.66% -27.25% 68.89% 1.00% 10.11%