Wireless ECG/EEG with the MSP430 Microcontroller Tamas Hornos Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering University of Glasgow A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science 2009 I would like to dedicate this thesis to my loving parents ... Acknowledgements I would like to thank my first supervisor, Dr. Bernd Porr, for introducing me to the ECG signal processing techniques and for his help with the design of the circuit’s analogue part. I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of Colin Waddell, who wrote an MSP430 wiki page which was a great help in setting up the MSPGCC toolchain under Ubuntu GNU/Linux. I am indebted to Prof. John H. Davies, the author of the MSP430 Microcontroller Basics book, which served as a good starting point. He has always been available to answer my MSP430 related questions, and provided me with his development tools which eased the project work. Abstract This thesis details the design of an ultra-low power wireless EEG and ECG monitoring device working at 868MHz frequency and capable of short range transmission. The motivation behind the project was the need for a small, portable and ultra-low power wireless EEG recording system that is built from commercially available electronic components, to help the research of animal behaviour and learning. There are many implementations of portable EEG and ECG monitoring devices, but most of them were designed using special ASIC or custom built integrated circuits. These were either never commercialised or are far too expensive to be used in academic researches. This work is part of a wider university project that was initiated to research the implications of schizophrenia in brain activity. This thesis work aims to help support the rat experiments by providing a neccessary tool and lowering the research expenses. The paper starts with the specifications that point out the most important respects of the hardware and software design. In the forthcoming chapters the building elements are introduced, and the choice of microcontroller and wireless transceiver chips are discussed by highlighting their features that make them suitable for the purpose. The main parts of the project are hardware and software design. Both the designed schematic and layout are described, along with the significant parts of the software. Code snippets are provided to exhibit the techniques that take advantage of the capabilities of the ultra-low power chip architecture. Finally, tests and measurements that were carried out to benchmark the device are presented, to show how the whole system performs in the real, “noisy” environment. Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Device Specification 3 2.1 2.2 Signal Processing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Portability Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Microcontroller 3 5 7 3.1 The SD16 A Sigma-Delta ADC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.2 Low-Power Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3 3.4 Serial Communication Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 13 4 The Transceiver Chip 15 4.1 Important Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2 Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5 Hardware Design 5.1 Monitor Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 21 5.1.1 Schematic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5.1.2 Layout Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Receiver Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 6 Software Design 6.1 Embedded Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 33 5.2 6.1.1 Monitor Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6.1.2 Receiver Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 iv CONTENTS 6.2 CONTENTS Computer Side Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 7 System Benchmark 7.1 ECG Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 45 7.1.1 ECG Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 7.1.2 Placement of ECG Leads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 7.1.3 Signal Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removal of Baseline Drift . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 48 Removal of 50Hz Hum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Acquired Raw Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7.1.5 Signal Post-Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measured System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 54 7.2.1 Time to Send a Packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.2.2 Time to Receive and Forward a Packet . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.2.3 Power Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 7.1.4 7.2 8 Future Directions, Improvements 57 9 Conclusions 59 A Appdx A 60 References 62 v List of Figures 2.1 Comparison of A/D converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3.1 3.2 Block diagram of a sigma-delta A/D converter . . . . . . . . . . . Typical current consumption of the MSP430 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 11 3.3 Variety of MSP430F2013 packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.1 4.2 Block diagram of the CC1101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packaging of the CC1101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 18 5.1 Functional block diagram of an EEG/ECG recording device . . . 20 5.2 5.3 Detailed block scheme of an EEG/ECG recording device . . . . . Schematic with highlighted blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 22 5.4 Voltage inverter circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5.5 Input and output of the voltage inverter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.6 5.7 Instrumentation amplifier, high-pass filter and the pull-up circuit . Output of the instrumentation amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27 5.8 Top and bottom layers of the layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.9 Top and bottom layers separately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.10 MSP430 Experimenter board with the modified CC1101 module . 32 6.1 Flow chart of the monitor software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 6.2 6.3 SD16 interrupts and RFSendPacket() function . . . . . . . . . . . CC1101 packet format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 38 6.4 Flow chart of the receiver software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 6.5 RFReceivePacket() calls in the receiver software . . . . . . . . . . 41 6.6 Flow-diagram of the serial port reader program . . . . . . . . . . 42 vi LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF FIGURES 6.7 Converting SD16 sample to Intel compatible 16-bit integer format 43 7.1 Monitor node on the breadboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 7.2 Normal ECG tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 7.3 7.4 Frequency spectrum of the ECG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recorded raw ECG signal in time domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 50 7.5 Frequency spectrum of the raw ECG signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.6 Amplitude and phase characteristics of the bandpass filter . . . . 52 7.7 7.8 Frequency spectrum of the filtered ECG signal . . . . . . . . . . . Filtered ECG signal in time domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 53 7.9 Return time of the RFSendPacket() function . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.10 Return time of the RFReceive() and BlastString() functions . . . 55 vii Chapter 1 Introduction Electroencephalogram recordings have traditionally been carried out using a massive recording device, connected to the patients by several leads and tying them down to the bed or seat. These peaces of equipment were perfectly fitted to their purpose back then and they were great examples of the state-of-the-art biomedical electronics design. As wireless telecommunication and manufacturing technology have rapidly advanced, small mobile electronic devices have appeared on the market and have soon become widespread thanks to their portability and ease of use. They have not just become part of our everyday life, but they opened new opportunities for scientific experiments to leave the four walls of the laboratory. Wireless communication is taking over the old wired solutions in the EEG and ECG recorders too. Brain activity monitoring is not just becoming more convenient, but will also be possible during exercise or on freely moving subjects. A joint project has been initiated by the medical and electronics departments in order to monitor, record and research the brain activity (EEG, ECoG, LFP and Single Unit Activity) of schizophrenic rats. This interdisciplinary research area involves both electronics knowledge and deep understanding of the processes in the brain. The whole project is far beyond the scope of this paper, that is why I do not discuss the physiological aspects here in details. However a minimal understanding of the human body, heart or brain models was necessary to lay down the specifications of the built system. I am going to touch on those aspects in a chapter to help the reader getting familiar with the topic and the challenges I 1 1. INTRODUCTION faced during the design. The electrocardiography, — better known as ECG — will help in doing this, as it is far more suitable for demonstration purposes, as many of us have already seen his/her own ECG traces and are a bit familiar with the signal curves. The choice to test the whole system by monitoring my heart activity was influenced also by the Digital Signal Processing course lectured in the autumn semester by my supervisor, Dr. Bernd Porr. The system specifications start the thesis and point out the more important respects of the hardware and software design. The forthcoming chapter introduces the used microcontroller by highlighting the features that make it fit for the role. Wireless communication cannot be implemented without a wireless transceiver. The reader is provided with a short general description of the today available transceiver chips to review their functioning and then focus on the chip of my choice. To unfold the advantages of this chip its performance and capabilities are compared with its ancestor. I put more emphasis on the hardware and software design as these made up the majority of my project work. The schematic and layout are described along with the significant parts of the software. Code snippets are provided to exhibit the techniques taking advantage of the capabilities of the chip architecture. The following chapter about testing the ECG recording and benchmarking the device serves as evidence that the entire system works as expected and ready to be utilised for the rat experiments. An overview of today’s similar EEG/ECG monitoring solutions and areas for potential future improvement are also presented before the last conclusion chapter closes the dissertation. 2 Chapter 2 Device Specification 2.1 Signal Processing Considerations Proper EEG or ECG signal acquisition is carried out using filters for noise suppression and amplifiers to enlarge the signal amplitude as much as possible, while keeping it within the input voltage range of the analogue-digital converter (ADC). The task of the ADC is then to digitise the analogue voltage with a resolution high enough to represent the original signal. In other words, the quantisation is the process of mapping a continuous range of values by a finite set of integer values. These values can then be collected by a microcontroller (MCU) which maintains the connection with the wireless transmitter. It is always dependent on the application, what we consider to be high enough voltage resolution. In EEG and ECG measurement the biggest challenge is the elimination of the body’s DC offset and the 50Hz1 hum, that the human body —as an antenna— collects. An instrumentation amplifier is a type of differential amplifier, and as such it perfectly fits this application. Its differential inputs —with very high common-mode rejection ratio— eliminate much of the DC offset and the interference picked up from the AC mains. Often the preferred implementation of signal amplification consists of two stages. The first differential amplifier gets rid of a substantial part of the noise while amplifying the signal. It is then further filtered before is fed into the second amplifier, which augments its amplitude close to the 1 It is 60Hz in the USA, and needs extra attention during the hardware or software design, if we are to tackle both. 3 2. DEVICE SPECIFICATION 2.1 Signal Processing Considerations input range boundaries of the ADC. When it comes to measurement, instrumentation amplifiers are often used thanks to their great accuracy and stability of the circuit, both short- and long-term. These features make them desirable in our monitoring device. Once the signal is filtered and amplified, we are intent on recording with maximum accuracy on a battery powered device. In order to achieve that, we have to choose an A/D converter offering high resolution along with reasonable conversion time. The sigma-delta (SD) converters1 distinctive characteristics are high precision and relatively low speed, whereas successive-approximation-register (SAR) analogue-to-digital converters offer sample rates up to ≈ 5 megasamples per second with a bit less voltage resolution. Observations show that a sample frequency2 of 1kHz is suitable and sometimes even sample rates down to 500Hz can be used. I provide the reader with a simple chart (Figure 2.1)—comparing these two major features— that also helped making the choice in between these three widely used A/D converters. Here is a list summarising the features that the EEG/ECG recording device has to have as far as the signal conditioning is concerned: • High voltage resolution • Moderate conversion speed • Differential amplifier • Two amplifiers • High-pass filter • Low-pass filter 1 The original name “Delta-Sigma” was coined by the inventors Inose and Yasuda in 1963, who provided the first published description of its basic properties. Later the converse form also became widely known and nowadays both notations are used. 2 In case of a sigma-delta converter, do not confuse it with sampling frequency or modulator frequency, which is the rate of the output stream generated by the sigma-delta modulator, and can be a few orders higher than that. 4 2. DEVICE SPECIFICATION 2.2 Portability Considerations Sigma-Delta Succ. appr. Flash 8 16 bit resolution 24 Sigma-Delta Succ. appr. Flash 10 1K 100K 10M Conversion speed (log) Figure 2.1: Comparison of A/D converters 2.2 Portability Considerations When looking for adequate components to use in the design, we have to keep in mind that the final product will be secured onto the back of a rat. Average sized rats weigh 100 to 200 grams and can easily carry 10% of their own weight. Obviously the smaller the size, the better, but reducing the dimensions to the possible minimum is not the primary goal of the project. However, I think when significant size reduction can be achieved with not too much effort, it is worth it. Unfortunately the board manufacturing and component soldering technologies available in the departmental workshop set a lower limit to the board dimensions. All in all, the board size is roughly equal to the dimensions of a two pence coin1 would certainly be more than satisfactory under these conditions. The word “portability” also refers to the way the device should be powered. It is desired to be able to function from a small single battery for at least a day to a few days. Commercially available lithium coin batteries have capacities of 150 – 300mAh, while weighing less than 5 grams. They seem to be perfect for this application, if we can keep the total power consumption at a low, or more ideally 1 The diameter of the coin is 25.9mm and of course I had no intention to make the board round. 5 2. DEVICE SPECIFICATION 2.2 Portability Considerations at an ultra low level. I did not search for an ultra-low power microcontroller and wireless transmitter chip for too long. Most of the ultra-low power MCUs are built on an 8-bit architecture, while the MSP430 family from Texas Instruments (TI) offers true 16-bit architecture. There is another telling argument for the MSP430: the MSP430F2013. It has a built in high precision 16-bit sigma-delta ADC, which is exactly what I need, in one chip. The other important building element is the wireless transceiver. Again, there are plenty of standalone chip solutions on the market, but two of them seemed to do the job with surprisingly low power consumption. One of them is the product of Nordic Semiconductor, the other one is the CC1101, from TI. I opted for the latter, partly because there is an extensive communication library written for it. Transmission range was not really an issue for concern, as long as it was over 5 metres. The following bulleted list concludes the key attributes the device should have, regarding portability: • Ultra low power consumption → single battery power supply • Small size and weight • Wireless transmission range of a few metres • Reasonable wireless data throughput → in the order of kbps In chapter 3 the microcontroller of my choice is introduced to the reader by looking into the modules and features I make use of in the device. 6 Chapter 3 The Microcontroller The MSP430 is the family name of the ultra-low power 16-bit mixed-signal RISC1 processors from Texas Instruments. The 16-bit central processing unit (CPU), the peripherals and the flexible clock system are combined by using a Neumann2 architecture with common memory address bus and memory data bus. Both the address and data buses are 16-bit wide, as well as the registers. They can be used interchangeably for either data or memory addresses. This makes the microcontroller unit (MCU) simpler than any 8-bit processor with 16-bit addresses. The MSP430 has 16 registers, and the ability to perform arithmetic directly on values in the memory. C compilers can benefit from this and produce more compact, efficient code. Texas Instruments (2006) issued a competitive benchmarking document that contains a comparison of the MSP430 with a range of other microcontrollers. Their performance was measured by compiling and executing the source code of a bunch of frequently used applications. Why does the MSP430F2013 fit this particular application? I partly touched on the topic in chapter 2, but the features are discussed in detail in this chapter. The chapter aims to cover only the most important hardware modules or features 1 High performance is achieved using a reduced (simplified) instruction set, that is executed very quickly. 2 Neumann Janos (in Hungarian) (December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian mathematician who made major contributions to a vast range of fields, including set theory, functional analysis, quantum mechanics, ergodic theory, continuous geometry, economics and game theory, computer science, numerical analysis, statistics, as well as many other mathematical fields. 7 3. THE MICROCONTROLLER 3.1 The SD16 A Sigma-Delta ADC of the microcontroller regarding the goal of the project. Davies (2008) is an extensive resource and easy to understand book introducing the MSP430. I found it very handy for the project work. For the full documentation see the device specific user guide (Texas Instruments, 2008b) and data sheet. (Texas Instruments, 2007b) 3.1 The SD16 A Sigma-Delta ADC The SD16 A is a single-converter 16-bit, analogue-to-digital conversion module implemented in the MSP430x20x3 series. It is made up of one sigma-delta analogue-to-digital converter and an internal voltage reference. It has eight fully differential multiplexed analogue input channels, of which three are internal. The inputs to channel 7 are short-circuited together, allowing the measurement of the system offset voltage. The operation of sigma-delta converters is totally different from the successive-approximation ADCs. The idea behind them is to reduce the analogue-to-digital conversion to 1 bit1 and to take samples a few order faster than the desired sample rate to compensate for its very poor resolution. The magnitude of the analogue input is then represented by the mean value of the produced fast bit-stream. The average is then digitally processed to output the samples at the specified rate. Figure 3.1 shows the architecture of a sigma-delta converter. It can be broken down into two parts: The first with the feedback loop is responsible for the analogue-digital conversion, while the second converts the fast bit-stream to the desired sample rate. The bit-rate of the first part is called modulator or oversampling frequency (fm ). This is usually much faster than the sample rate (fs ) at the digital output. The decimation filter is a comb type digital filter with selectable oversampling ratios (OSR = fm /fs ) of up to 1024. The filter is also called sinc filter, because its frequency response is alike the sinc(x) = sin(x)/x function. The comb filter is the sigma-delta converter’s characteristic feature, which has to be taken into account during the design stage. One may think it is a downside, however when it comes to anti-aliasing or notch filtering, it can be utilised by 1 It is often called “the comparator”. 8 3. THE MICROCONTROLLER subtractor + integrator _ 3.1 The SD16 A Sigma-Delta ADC fm ADC low-pass filter fs fm decimator analogue input digital output DAC decimation filter modulator Figure 3.1: Block diagram of a sigma-delta A/D converter sensible software design. It is described in more details in chapter 7, section 7.1. There are other properties of the SD16 A module that needs to be mentioned here. Its differential inputs, for instance. The ADC converts the ∆V = V+ − V− voltage difference between a pair of inputs, rather than the voltage between a single input and the ground. If this feature is not wanted, the V− should be tied to ground. Sigma-delta converters often provide a programmable gain amplifier (PGA) on their inputs, which may eliminate the need for additional external operational-amplifier. These are plain op-amps with feedback resistors, and they do not provide high input impedance. Their analogue input voltage range is dependent on the actual gain setting, which can be increased up to 32 in the SD16 A. The maximum full-scale range for Vref = 1.2V and GAINP GA = 1 is ±VF SR , where VF SR is defined by: VF SR = Vref /2 1.2V /2 = = ±0.6V GAINP GA 1 (3.1) A side effect of the averaging applied in the digital sinc3 filter is that the output does not react promptly to the change of the input. It needs 4 periods of Ts to elapse, until the reliable value appears. This is called latency, and sets probably the most severe limitation of sampling frequency when more than one channel is used. 9 3. THE MICROCONTROLLER 3.2 Low-Power Operating Modes The built-in 1.2V reference can be used both inside and outside the chip. It comes in handy not only for the SD16 A, but for any external component that needs regulated voltage source. It can supply currents up to ±1mA, but a 100nF – 470nF stabiliser capacitor is recommended to be connected to it. There is also the possibility to use an external reference voltage between 1.0 and 1.5V, but in a digital or mixed circuit device it may be an additional burden on providing good decoupling. 3.2 Low-Power Operating Modes The MSP430 family is designed for ultra-low power applications and offers five low-power modes, of which two are rarely utilised (Texas Instruments, 2008b). The most important modes are: Active mode, LPM0, LPM3 and LPM4. The comparison chart below shows the typical current consumption of each mode for Vcc = 3V and Vcc = 2.2V , while the DCO1 is running at 1MHz and the LFXT12 at 32KHz from a crystal. All five low-power modes are software selectable. An interrupt event can wake up the chip from any of them, service the request, and restore back to the low-power mode upon return from the interrupt routine. The MSP430 starts up in Active mode with the CPU, all clocks and enabled modules being active. It consumes ≈ 300µA at Vcc = 3V , but the current can be reduced to ≈ 200µA by running the MCU at 1.8V, which is its lowest supply voltage. It is rational to do so, as it lessens the current and provides longer battery capacity. The essential features of the operating modes are listed in Table 3.1 along with the current consumption at 1MHz DCO and 32KHz LFXT1 frequency at Vcc = 2.2V . For supply currents at different temperatures and more details, see the device specific data sheet. 1 Digitally controlled oscillator. One of the aims of the design of the MSP430 was to provide a rapid clock start from low-power mode. The settle time in the MSP430F2xx family has been reduced to ≈ 1µs. Its temperature-stability and accuracy have also improved a lot, but are still not as good as a crystal’s. 2 Low- or high-frequency crystal oscillator. It is usually used with a low-frequency (32KHz) watch crystal. 10 current consumption @ 1MHz [uA] 3. THE MICROCONTROLLER 3.3 Serial Communication Interface 300 315 270 225 180 135 90 45 2.2V 3.0V 200 55 32 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.7 LPM4 LPM3 17 11 LPM2 operating mode LPM0 active Figure 3.2: Typical current consumption of the MSP430 When the CPU is required, active mode must be used. An interrupt automatically switches the microcontroller from any low-power mode to active mode, and returns back after the interrupt is serviced. However, sometimes it may be desired to stay in active mode after waking from low-power mode. Probably the most important mode is the LPM3, when only ACLK remains active. It is used when the device must wake itself up regularly to quickly execute a series of commands before returning to “sleep” mode. The DCO then has to be started, which takes more time, than starting from LPM0. It is around 1.1µs, which is a very tiny interval. 3.3 Serial Communication Interface The MSP430 family offers three types of serial communication peripherals: • Universal Serial Interface (USI) • Universal Serial Communication Interface (USCI) • Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) The last one has been around for a while and can even be found in older chips. It has been superseded by the USCI modules in newer devices. The USI 11 3. THE MICROCONTROLLER 3.3 Serial Communication Interface Table 3.1: Operating modes, current consumption, CPU and clock status Mode Current consumption [µA] CPU & Clock Status CPU is active Active ≈ 200 All clocks are active CPU is disabled LPM0 ≈ 65 ACLK and SMCLK remain active MCLK is disabled CPU is disabled MCLK and SMCLK are disabled LPM2 ≈ 22 DCO’s dc-generator remains enabled ACLK remains active CPU is disabled MCLK and SMCLK are disabled LPM3 ≈ 0.7 DCOs dc-generator is disabled ACLK remains active CPU is disabled MCLK and SMCLK are disabled LPM4 ≈ 0.1 DCOs dc-generator is disabled ACLK is disabled Crystal oscillator is stopped peripheral is a lightweight module, included in the chosen F2013 MCU. It provides basic functionality to support synchronous communication, such as SPI or I 2 C. Even though it is the simplest communication peripheral, it is perfectly enough for interfacing with any device supporting the same communication standards. EEPROMs, flash memory modules, sensors, transceivers and many more devices become easy to interface with, by exploiting the USI interface of this microcontroller. In its simplest form, USI is an 8- or 16-bit shift register that can be used to output data streams, or with minimal software, can implement serial communication. USI includes additional built-in hardware functionality to ease the 12 3. THE MICROCONTROLLER 3.4 Packaging implementation of 3-wire/4-wire SPI or I 2 C communication. The USI provides interrupt support, which reduces the software overhead in the serial communication and maintains the low-power capabilities. Its clock generator contains a clock selection multiplexer, a divider and the ability to select clock polarity. The module can be utilised both as master and as slave, which further broadens its usability. 3.4 Packaging As electronics manufacturing technology advances, more functionality becomes available on a single chip. Microprocessor shrinkage plays a great role in the device miniaturisation race, as well as in the reduction of power consumption. The MSP430 microcontrollers also follow the trend and are available only1 in SMD (Surface Mount Device) packages. Chips with less pins come in SSOP2 , SOIC3 or QFN4 packages, while the big siblings are marketed mainly in QFP5 , QFN or BGA6 packages. The first two have their leads on two sides of the package, while the rest have leads on all four sides. To be more precise, the QFN and BGA packagings have contact pads instead of leads. The BGA type has the smallest footprint among all, and can only be soldered using professional soldering machines. Even huge manufacturing companies choose this packaging rarely, as the optical inspection of the contacts is impossible. The MSP430F2013 is available in three different types of packaging (Texas Instruments, 2007b): PDIP7 , TSSOP8 and QFN. Figure 3.3 illustrates all of them with different aspect ratios. Their respective dimensions along with their package area are listed in Table 3.2. For comprehensive package information see Texas Instruments (2009f). 1 The only exception is the MSP430F20xx series. Shrink Small-Outline Package 3 Small-Outline Integrated Circuit 4 Quad Flat No leads 5 Quad Flat Package 6 Ball Grid Array 7 Plastic Dual In-line Package 8 Thin-Shrink Small Outline Package 2 13 3. THE MICROCONTROLLER 3.4 Packaging Figure 3.3: Variety of MSP430F2013 packaging Table 3.2: Package dimensions and area Package type PDIP TSSOP QFN Length [mm] Width [mm] 19 5 4 6.3 4.4 4 Pin/Pad width [mm] 1.5 0.25 0.3 14 Pin/pad distance [mm] 2.54 0.65 0.65 Package area [mm2 ] 119.7 22 16 Chapter 4 The Transceiver Chip The CC1101 is a sub-1GHz transceiver designed for low-power wireless applications. It is intended for the ISM1 and SRD2 frequency bands at 315, 433, 868, and 915MHz, but is capable of operation at other frequencies in the 300-348MHz, 387-464MHz and 779-928MHz bands. The major modules making up the chip are depicted in Figure 4.1. CC1101 features a low-intermediate frequency (IF) receiver. The incoming RF signal is amplified by the low-noise amplifier (LNA) then down-converted to the IF3 , where it is digitised by the ADCs. Channel filtering, automatic gain control and demodulation bit/packet synchronisation are performed digitally. Direct synthesis of the RF frequency is carried out in the transmitter part. The frequency synthesiser includes an on-chip VCO, which is used for the down-conversion mixers in receive mode. (Texas Instruments, 2009b) 4.1 Important Features When power consumption is a major concern, one has to keep an eye on both the current consumption and the operating conditions. The CC1101 is able to 1 Industrial, Scientific and Medical frequency bands, that have later become popular in unlicensed communications. 2 Short Range Device 3 Typically to the megahertz range. The technique is widely utilised in FM receivers and mobile phones. 15 4. THE TRANSCEIVER CHIP 4.1 Important Features Figure 4.1: Block diagram of the CC1101 function at operating supply voltages down to 1.8V, without significant changes in its general characteristics. A few typical parameters are tabulated in Table 4.1 to illustrate the capabilities of the chip. The parameters were measured at 3V supply voltage, with the carrier frequency set to 868MHz and at transmission speed of 250kBaud. The CC1101 was designed with the intention to keep the number of necessary additional components low. The transceiver chip has balanced RF input and output, sharing two common pins. The receive- and transmit-switching is controlled by a dedicated on-chip function. Antenna matching in both receive and transmit modes is ensured by combining a few external passive components with the internal termination circuitry. The external components convert the differential RF signal at the RF N and RF P pins to a single-ended RF signal, then an appropriate LC network matches the impedance to a 50Ω antenna. This is the most often followed scenario. The circuitry transforming the single-ended signal to differential is called balun1 . It makes up a crucial part of the whole 1 The name comes from the combination of the words BALanced and UNbalanced. 16 4. THE TRANSCEIVER CHIP 4.2 Packaging Table 4.1: Characteristic numbers of the CC1101 1.8 − 3.6V −40 − 85◦ C Operating supply voltage Operating temperature Current Current Current Current consumption consumption consumption consumption in in in in power down mode receive mode transmit mode 0dBm transmit mode -6dBm ≤ 165µA ≈ 16mA ≈ 16.8mA ≈ 16.4mA −95dBm 86.5 + j43Ω Receiver sensitivity Differential load impedance circuit. Fortunately some manufacturers noticed the demand for these circuits, and marketed their integrated equivalents to help further shrinking the printed circuit boards. The key features of the CC1101 —regarding the EEG/ECG monitoring application— are tabulated in Table 4.2 for the sake of readability. 4.2 Packaging The CC1101 transceiver chip hit the market in 2007. As it is a recent model, TI chose to manufacture it solely in the small no-lead quad-flat-pack, abbreviated QFN. Although it is good news for those who build high quality surface mounted boards, some of the potential customers may fall away as a result of difficulties with soldering. The packaging dimensions are 4.1mm*4.1mm, and the height is slightly below 1mm. It comes with contact pads at the sides of the bottom of the package and a large ground/thermal plane in the middle. Although soldering it by hand proved to be possible, to create proper contacts with the printed circuit board (PCB), reflow soldering technique must be used. This technique is widely used in manufacturing plants, where all technological steps are accomplished by machines. Figure 4.2 depicts the outlines of the QFN packaging. (Texas Instruments, 2009b) 17 4. THE TRANSCEIVER CHIP 4.2 Packaging Table 4.2: Analogue, digital and low-power features of the CC1101 Analogue features Digital features Modulation modes: 2-FSK, GFSK, MSK, OOK, ASK Programmable data rates (from 0.8 to 500kBaud) Programmable output power (from -30 to 10dBm) Fast settling frequency synthesiser (90µs) Support for packet oriented systems (separate 64-byte RX and TX FIFOs) Hardware support for sync word detection Hardware support for address checking Hardware support for CRC checking Flexible packet length handling 4-wire SPI interface for easy configuration and FIFO read/write Programmable sync word length for protection against false detection Per-package link quality indicator 200nA sleep mode current consumption Low-power features 240µs startup time from sleep to RX/TX Wake-on-radio for low-power RX polling Figure 4.2: Packaging of the CC1101 18 Chapter 5 Hardware Design The requirements that the EEG/ECG monitoring device have to meet have been already partly touched upon in chapter 2. That chapter served as a starting point for the final hardware design. It is now necessary to lay down the whole spectrum of the intended functionality of the device. In other words, the full specification has to be defined, so that the complete block scheme can be drawn. Once the entire system is given, and all the connections between the blocks are known, the task can be broken down into the implementation of the separate parts. (Chen, 2008) Figure 5.1 illustrates a functional diagram of the whole system, including the monitor node, the receiver node and the computer. The role of the monitor node is to acquire the samples at the specified sample rate. The receiver node is responsible for the reception of the samples and forwarding the samples to the computer. The digital signal post-processing and recoding is than carried out on the more powerful PC. I intentionally pushed all the resource hungry or lengthy operations to the computer side to lighten the load on the battery powered node. There are some ECG applications though —such as arrhythmia monitoring or cardiac alarm systems—, where it is necessary to pre-process the raw data real time on the monitor side. This is not the case in “passive” monitoring, which saves some valuable energy and CPU time. The block scheme presented in Figure 5.2 depicts all the connections between the different functional modules in the system. The following two sections deal 19 5. HARDWARE DESIGN Computer Electrodes GUI for visualisation and recording Amplifier High-pass Filter Serial Port Low-pass Filter Amplifier A/D Converter Serial Transmitter Wireless Transmitter Wireless Receiver Monitor node Receiver node Figure 5.1: Functional block diagram of an EEG/ECG recording device with the introduction of the monitor side and the receiver side. They describe the necessity and, objective of each block and how they are implemented. voltage regulator voltage regulator Figure 5.2: Detailed block scheme of an EEG/ECG recording device 20 GUI port/file handler COMPUTER serial port MSP430xxx crystal crystal voltage inverter SPI RF circuit balun CC1101 balun SPI RF circuit CC1101 SPI PGA 16-bit ADC MSP430F2013 high-pass filter instrumentiation amplifier INA126 RECEIVER NODE SPI UART MONITOR NODE 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 5.1 Monitor Node Monitor Node The monitoring subsystem received a lot attention during the design, as it is the main part of the project. All the size and power consumption requirements I mentioned earlier applied to this device. When it comes to hardware design, finding the golden balance between size and functionality is not a straightforward task, and a few iterations might be necessary to get a satisfactory solution. Only the finalised schematic and layout are presented here, although other implementations may also be operable and adequate. Since the two major elements of the design have already been selected (the MSP430F2013 microcontroller and the CC1101 transceiver), the task got a bit easier. The objective was to keep the number of additional components low, and consequently the size small. 5.1.1 Schematic Design The first step of the hardware design (KiCAD, 2009) is to set out the hierarchy of the elements. It is sensible to follow the hierarchical order when looking for the way to connect them together. Obviously the two main parts stand on the top, and the instrumentation amplifier follows them. The remaining three blocks are the high-pass filter, the voltage regulator and the voltage inverter. All of the blocks are circled and highlighted on the schematic in Figure 5.3. As it has been mentioned before, the MCU and the transceiver both support SPI communication. SPI is a master-slave type of communication, where the master initiates the data frame. Multiple slave devices are allowed with individual chip select line. The microcontroller’s USI peripheral supports only the 3-wire SPI natively, while the CC1101 uses 4-wire SPI interface. This problem can be overcome easily by utilising one of the 10 general I/O pins of the MSP430 as the chip select line. The four lines used for the interfacing are as follows: MISO1 , MOSI2 , SCLK3 , CSn4 . An interrupt line is also necessary in between the two chips, to signal to the MCU when packets have been received. But why would 1 Master In – Slave Out Master Out – Slave In 3 Serial Clock 4 Chip Select negated 2 21 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node Figure 5.3: Schematic with highlighted blocks 22 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node we want to use the transceiver on the monitor node for receiving? The answer is simple; Although it is not used yet, it can give extra features to the device later, such as remote controlling or remote setup capability. As for the amplifier and the voltage inverter sub-circuit, the INA126 precision instrumentation amplifier was chosen because of its wide supply range, that allows its operation even at ±1.35V . (Texas Instruments, 2005) Unfortunately as a differential amplifier, it sets an extra challenge in design. Negative voltage has to be produced for its negative supply, in order to exploit the negative (differential) input voltage range. Commercially available charge pumps could be used for this purpose, but they occupy too much space with their two additional capacitors. A simpler and smaller solution would be preferred, as usual. Luckily, there is a tiny voltage inverter circuit (Figure 5.4), that may be suitable instead. Figure 5.4: Voltage inverter circuit The two diodes look like half of a rectifier bridge, but they work in a different way than the common diode bridges. When the input square-wave is high (VCC), diode D1 conducts and charges the C13 capacitor (diode D2 blocks). As the signal toggles low (D1 blocks), the positive side of the capacitor becomes the zero-volt level. Since there is still charge in C13, the other side must be minus VCC 1 . In turn, D2 starts conducting and C13 is charging C12 with a negative voltage. C12 serves as a smoothing capacitor. The oscilloscope figure proves that a smooth -1.9V negative voltage can be generated by feeding a ≈1KHz 2.5V (peak to peak) square-wave into the circuit. The ripples on the output (80mV peak to peak) can be diminished by choosing 1 VCC – D1 threshold to be accurate 23 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node Figure 5.5: Input and output of the voltage inverter the capacitance of C12 to be higher. The advantages of the circuitry are its simplicity and the fact that it can be driven with a square wave, which is easy to generate with one of the timers of the microcontroller. The gain of the amplifier still needs to be set to fulfil both the EEG and ECG signal amplification requirements. To find the best fitting value, the signal levels in section 3.2 are used in the calculations. The whole EEG voltage range lies within ±100µV . Dividing this range up into 212 = 4096 levels would give satisfactory voltage resolution (VR): f ull eeg range 200µV = = 0.0488µV ≈ 0.05µV (5.1) usef ul bits 2 212 For conditioning reasons the signal gets amplified in two steps: in the instruVR = mentation amplifier and in the programmable gain amplifier. This gives us the freedom to vary their gains while leaving their product intact. The PGA in the microcontroller offers a gain of 1 to 32 in powers of two. The gains are not particularly accurate. For instance, the 32 setting gives a real gain of 28.4 ± 1.4 in the MSP430F2013. (Texas Instruments, 2007b) The instrumentation amplifier has an adjustable gain between 5 and 10000, which can be set with a single external 24 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node resistor. In real situations, some of the LSB bits are affected by noise, which leads to the degradation of effective resolution of the conversion. VR = P GA f ull input range 2ef f ective bits ∗ GAINtotal (5.2) where the PGA full input range is ±500mV → 1000mV (per datasheet). Equation 5.2 has been rearranged to give the following formula for the GAINtotal : P GA f ull input range (5.3) 2ef f ective bits ∗ V R In a noise-free environment, conversion with 16 bits, desired sensitivity from GAINtotal = Equation 5.3: GAINtotal = 216 1V = 312.68 ≈ 320 ∗ 0.0488µV (5.4) The ECG voltage range lies within ±5mV . Dividing this range up into 212 = 4096 levels would allow nice signal reconstruction. Voltage resolution (VR): f ull ecg range 10mV = = 2.44µV ≈ 2.5µV (5.5) 2usef ul bits 212 In a noise-free environment, conversion with 16 bits, desired sensitivity from VR = Equation 5.3: GAINtotal = 216 1V = 6.2536 ≈ 10 ∗ 2.44µV (5.6) The differential low-noise instrumentation amplifier along with thoughtful layout design can suppress substantial part of the ambient noise. So I used the results of the ideal cases to determine the gains of the amplifiers. For the EEG and ECG monitoring gains of 320 and 10 should be used, respectively. Setting the gain of the external amplifier to 10 and the PGA to 32, is adequate, for instance. 20 and 16 would also fit. I chose the former, since a single 16KΩ resistor is enough to set the gain of the instrumentation amplifier. Once the signal gets amplified, it may contain notable amount of DC component. This has to be eliminated before it is fed into the PGA. Otherwise the second stage would amplify the DC drift as well, resulting in a signal that falls 25 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node out of the input range of the analogue-digital converter. A simple first order highpass filter with a wisely chosen cut-off frequency is eligible for the task and adds only two extra components to the circuit. The cut-off frequency should be below the lowest frequency component of the EEG/ECG signal, which is ≈ 0.05Hz in diagnostic mode. It is calculated with Equation 5.7. The equation confirms that the chosen values yield the proper cut-off frequency. fcutof f = 1 1 = = 0.0482Hz 2π ∗ R ∗ C 2π ∗ 1M Ω ∗ 3.3µF (5.7) The SD16 A module of the MSP430 should be used in bipolar mode to utilise its entire differential input voltage range: ±Vref /(2*GAIN). However in a system with single positive voltage supply, it is only possible if the middle point of that voltage range is pulled up from the GND by at least Vref /(2*GAIN), to keep the signal from falling below zero. Figure 5.6 depicts the amplifier, the high pass filter and the pull-up resistors too. Pin no. 4 supplies the 1.2V reference, which is divided by R3 and R4. The 0.6V is connected directly to the negative input pin of the SD16, while the positive pin is pulled up to 0.6V with an 500KΩ resistor. This way when the input pins of the instrumentation amplifier are shorted, both the negative and positive inputs of the channel will see 0.6V. Since the SD16 is equipped with a differential amplifier, zero will be digitised. Input and output signals of this sub-circuit are shown in Figure 5.7. The yellow trace with roughly 78mV amplitude peak-to-peak is the signal going to the differential inputs of the amplifier. The blue trace represents the amplified output signal, which goes through the high-pass filter and is pulled up to 0.6V to give the purple trace. Unfortunately the massive noise on the input spoils the accuracy of the measurement, thus the ratio of the measured peak-to-peak values is not exactly equal to the gain, which was set to 5. The effect of the pull-up resistor is clearly visible. The aim of having a voltage regulator in the circuit was dual. Firstly, it provides stable +2.5V for the amplifier and ensures that the negative supply voltage (generated using square waves from the microcontroller) stays at -1.9V. Actually, until its absolute value is higher than 1.35V, the amplifier should work well. Secondly, it ensures the proper functioning of the SD16 A module, which 26 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node Figure 5.6: Instrumentation amplifier, high-pass filter and the pull-up circuit Figure 5.7: Output of the instrumentation amplifier 27 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node needs higher supply voltage (≥2.5V) than other peripherals in the MCU. Without the voltage regulator, it might happen, that the CPU worked (needs minimum 1.8V), but the sigma-delta converter did not. Failures like this are annoying and can corrupt the samples sent to the computer. The role of the balun component has already been mentioned in chapter 4, section 4.1. The circuit and the passives it substitutes can be found in the reference design of the CC1101 transceiver module. (Texas Instruments, 2009c) (Texas Instruments, 2009a) Finally, the three connection points for the programmer, the ground and the Vcc of the battery and the two connections for the electrodes have to be added to the circuit. 5.1.2 Layout Design The best way to start the layout design is to search for all the elements —listed in the bill of materials— on distributors’ website. The same components are usually sold in different packings. It is recommended to choose components according to their availability and the ease of soldering/surface mounting/PCB manufacturing. I chose the “0603” case style for all the passives, as it is easier to solder than the “0402”, but is not substantially bigger. The components and their cases are tabulated in Table 5.1 for the sake of readability. Once all the components are picked and the respective footprints are found in the CAD software, the component placement and wiring can commence. This is an intuitive part of the design, and certainly takes a few iterations before the “close-to-optimal” solution is found. The important technological settings are listed in Table 5.2. The technology used for board manufacturing and soldering has to be taken into account when choosing the above settings. In this case hand soldering and handmade vias set the lower limit on size. If the via diameters and drills were any smaller, they could not have been soldered by hand. The 0.3mm line width was the narrowest that could be laid out in the departmental workshop, so I paid attention during the design not to draw the tracks closer than that. 28 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node Table 5.1: Components and their chosen case styles Component Case style capacitors resistors dual-diode NX3225SA CC1101 MSP430F2013 INA126 TPS71525 0896BM15A0001 0603 0603 SOT23-3 NX QFN QFN 8-MSOP SOT23-5 special Figure 5.8: Top and bottom layers of the layout The power lines are slightly wider than the signal lines, and they do not run close to each other for long. There are only 45 bends in the lines, as 90 turns have 29 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node Table 5.2: Technological settings Track width Clearance Mask clearance Via pad diameter Via drill Connector pad diameter Connector drill Antenna width Copper zone clearance Copper zone min. thickness 0.3mm 0.15mm 0.15mm 1mm 0.5mm 2mm 1mm 0.5mm 0.4mm 0.254mm higher electromagnetic radiation. I paid attention to place the filtering capacitors of the CC1101 as close to the chip as possible. The connection points of the electrodes and the battery were placed at the edge of the board for convenience. The two sided board in Figure 5.8 was designed to have ground planes as large as possible on both sides. The plains are connected together using vias at a few points. Although placing components on the bottom side could reduce the board dimensions, I did not put any there for a good reason. It is best to solder the surface mounted components using a reflow oven, which heats up the whole board. While slightly displaced components on the top are pulled to their proper place by the surface tension of the melted solder, components on the bottom fall down. The original board design used the smallest 50Ω-matched antenna solution provided by Texas Instruments (2008a) for 868MHz communication. It consisted of a chip antenna in conjunction with a special PCB trace. Unfortunately it proved to be hard to obtain the component, so another solution became necessary. A pure PCB bent monopole antenna was designed in place. The most important attribute of a quarter-wavelength monopole antenna is its length. It has to be calculated for the particular frequency it will be used at. For 868MHz the length is given by the following equations: 30 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.1 Monitor Node Figure 5.9: Top and bottom layers separately c 3 ∗ 108 [m/s] = = 0.3456[m] = 34[cm] f 868 ∗ 106 [1/s] (5.8) λg ≈ 0.75 ∗ λ0 = 0.75 ∗ 0.3456[m] = 0.2592[m] (5.9) λ0 = 0.2592 λg = = 0.0648[m] = 6.48[cm] (5.10) 4 4 where λ0 is the wavelength in free air, λg is the approximated guided wavelength and L is the approximated physical length of the printed square-wave L= monopole antenna. As the antenna is intended for short range communication, proper 50Ω matching —thus sticking to the accurate theoretical length— was not crucial. Keeping the size low, was more important as long as the communication would be functional. The length of the antenna on the final design is 3.79cm, which is ≈ 60% of the theoretical length. The size of the ground plane also has an effects on the impedance. Experiments show that bigger ground plane requires a shorter antenna. 31 5. HARDWARE DESIGN 5.2 5.2 Receiver Node Receiver Node The receiver node was built up from the genuine TI MSP430FG4618/F2013 Experimenter Board (Texas Instruments, 2007a) and the modified CC1101 transceiver module. The goal was to have a properly functioning wireless receiver equipped with RS232 connectivity. Its USCI interface takes care of the serial communication with the computer, while the USART is responsible for interfacing with the CC1101. Figure 5.10 shows the entire receiver subsystem, that suits these requirements. The high-end MCU on the board is far feature-richer than necessary, the receiver side can be build from middle-class MSP430. Figure 5.10: MSP430 Experimenter board with the modified CC1101 module 32 Chapter 6 Software Design In this chapter the implementations of three different pieces of software is presented. All are written in the general purpose C programming language. (GCC, 2009) Two of them are embedded software, compiled for MSP430 microcontrollers, the third one runs on the most commercially successful x86 architecture. The objective is to introduce their structure and to portray their high level code flow models. Code snippets are provided only where necessary. 6.1 Embedded Software Both the monitor and the receiver side programs can be broken down to two parts. One part takes care of the wireless communication, the other part is responsible for the rest. It is more challenging to implement the previous, that is why TI provides an interfacing library to speed up development time. The MSP430 CC1101 library (Texas Instruments, 2009d) served as a good starting point in code writing. Unfortunately it is a bit contrary to TI’s another application note and contains a few bugs as well. Table 6.1 lists the low-level functions of the library. These are used in both nodes. 6.1.1 Monitor Node The subsystem carries out signal acquisition and 16-bit analogue-digital conversion at a specified frequency. The 16-bit integer numbers are collected in the 33 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.1 Embedded Software Table 6.1: Low-level functions utilised in both wireless endpoints void TI void TI void TI void TI Low-level functions char TI void TI char TI void TI CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC SPISetup(void) PowerupResetCCxxxx(void) SPIWriteReg(char, char) SPIWriteBurstReg(char, char*, char) SPIReadReg(char) SPIReadBurstReg(char, char *, char) SPIReadStatus(char) SPIStrobe(char) meantime, then sent to the receiver in packets, to be forwarded to the computer. The code architecture is interrupt driven to provide the most opportunities to power down the device. The functions taking care of the SPI and thus the wireless communication are tabulated in Table 6.2. A flow-chart of the written software is depicted in Figure 6.1. It is a minimalistic program, that later can be easily extended with new features. Table 6.2: High-level functions of the monitor side software High-level functions void writeRFSettings(void) void RFSendPacket(char *, char) The program flow starts with port and peripheral initialisation. Once the communication interface is initialised, the CC1101 is reset and configured to start up in receive mode. The TI CC SPIWriteBurstReg() function is called to put the predefined configuration data into the respective registers of the transceiver. The Global Interrupt Enable (GIE) flag is set. The sigma-delta converter is then started for one conversion on channel no. 7 to measure the offset of the PGA for later compensation. Channel no. 4 is selected for the SD16 A before the MCU is taken into low-power mode 3, to wait there until an interrupt is triggered. I ought to mention that it is very important to put the microcontroller into LPM3 mode between conversions at high frequency. The single clock that remains 34 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.1 Embedded Software MAIN() START ISR Interrupt Service Routine (periodic wake-up) initialise I/O ports, peripherals, the CC1101 and variables modify SR contents on the stack, to keep CPU awake after return measure offset enter sleep mode (LPM3) return from interrupt conversion, offset compensation store sample in TXbuffer NO Enough samples collected? YES send samples in packet Figure 6.1: Flow chart of the monitor software 35 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.1 Embedded Software active in that mode is the slow ACLK, —as it is seen in Table 3.1— which is not fast enough to provide ≈ 1MHz CLK for the SD16. An external clock signal has to be fed in to the TACLK input pin of the MSP430, to resolve this problem. The crystal of the CC1101 is useful in this situation. Its accurate 26.000MHz frequency can be divided down by 24 (26MHz/24 ≈ 1.083MHz), and can be output to the GDO2 I/O pin of the transceiver chip. The highest clock frequency the converter can operate at is ≈1.1MHz. The SD16 A module is configured with OSR = 1024, to achieve the best resolution but the slowest conversion. Although it is relatively slow, the 1.083MHz/1024 ≈ 1.058KHz sample frequency is still perfect for EEG/ECG recording. An interrupt is triggered with the mentioned frequency to return the CPU to active mode and carry out the necessary tasks. Such as saving the content of SD16MEM0 into a register, subtracting the earlier measured offset from it, saving the result into the RXbuffer, checking if the buffer is full and a packet can be sent. Listing 6.1 shows the infinite loop making up the major part of the program. Listing 6.1: Infinite loop in the monitor side software for (;;) { for ( i =0; i < TX_PAYLOADSIZE /2; i ++) { average = 0; for ( j =0; j < NSAMPLES ; j ++) { _BIS_SR ( LPM3_bits ); average += ( int16_t ) SD16MEM0 ; } // averaging = low pass filt // sleep mode ( low power ) // accumulate sum average /= NSAMPLES ; // calculate mean // subtract offset result . sixteenBitReg = (( int16_t ) average ) - offset ; txBuffer [0] = TX_PAYLOADSIZE + 1; txBuffer [1] = DESTIN_ADDR ; txBuffer [2* i +2] = result . twoByteReg . upperByte ; txBuffer [2* i +3] = result . twoByteReg . lowerByte ; 36 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.1 Embedded Software } RFSendPacket ( txBuffer , aa ); // send value over RF } A big advantage of the true 16-bit architecture is that the 16-bit arithmetic on registers is both simple and fast. It is important that the enumerated tasks have to fit into the 1/1.058KHz ≈ 945ms time-window to get finished before the next interrupt is triggered by the peripheral. Figure 6.2 shows the time it takes for the RFSendPacket() function to return. The 600µs was measured with TX PAYLOADSIZE = 4, meaning that two samples were collected into one packet, and transferred to the CC1101 for sending. The period of the squares (≈1.900ms) confirms that the RFSendPacket() is called after two samples. Figure 6.2: SD16 interrupts and RFSendPacket() function The packet format utilised in the communication is portrayed in Figure 6.3. The preamble is an alternating one-zero sequence which precedes the 4-byte sync word. Byte synchronisation of the incoming packet is provided by the latter. The CRC field is appended to all, while the hardware filtering makes sure that the incoming packets failing at the CRC check get discarded and the entire RX FIFO flushed. The horizontal arrow shows the fields included in the CRC calculation. 37 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.1 Embedded Software Listing 6.1 it is seen that the first byte of the payload indicates the size of the data field for the receiver. Though it might seem unnecessary overhead, as the packet size never changes, it gives high flexibility to the system, which allows easy improvement later. The second byte contains the destination address, which is intended for use in a wireless network. Although it is absolutely optional in this case, it lessens the probability of false packet detection still further. CRC calculation preamble sync length address 1010...10 word field field (32 bits) (32 bits) (8 bits) (8 bits) data field (n * 8 bits) CRC (16 bits) Inserted automatically in TX, processed and removed in RX Figure 6.3: CC1101 packet format 6.1.2 Receiver Node The receiver endpoint is built on the MSP430FG4619 MCU and the CC1101 transceiver module. It is a high-end member of the MSP430 family equipped with 120KB Flash and 4KB RAM memory. Besides the many communication peripherals, it features a 3 channel DMA too. The experimenters board offers much more than is required for a wireless-RS232 gateway. Thanks to the GDO0 output of the CC1101, packet reception is signalled to the microcontroller to call the service routines that handle the incoming data. An interrupt based program best fits this particular application. A power-on reset is followed by the initialisation of the I/O ports, the peripherals and the transceiver chip. The latter is started in receive mode, then the MCU is taken into low-power mode 3, to wait until a received packet triggers some action. Figure 6.4 depicts the flow-diagram of the written software. The blocks on the left side represent the tasks carried out in the main() function, whereas the other side contains the actions to be taken to handle the incoming samples. High-level functions used in the receiver software are listed in Table 6.3. 38 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.1 Embedded Software MAIN() ISR START initialise I/O ports, peripherals, the CC1101 and variables Interrupt Service Routine (externally triggered by falling edge of GDO0) enter sleep mode (LPM3) NO Packet received? store payload in RXbuffer NO Enough packets collected? YES send cumulated packets through RS232 Figure 6.4: Flow chart of the receiver software 39 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.1 Embedded Software Table 6.3: High-level functions of the receiver side software High-level functions void writeRFSettings(void) char RFReceivePacket(char *, char *) The GDO0 output of the CC1101 is toggled low when a packet is received. The interrupt service routine is immediately called to read in the data from the transceiver. RFReceivePacket() function returns either the contents of the RX FIFO, or zero, if it was a false signalling. The data fetched are collected in the RX buffer and when enough packets are received, they are forwarded to the serial/USB port of the computer by calling the blastString() function. Listing 6.2 shows the instructions executed in the ISR upon packet reception. Listing 6.2: Interrupt service routine of the receiver side software ISR ( PORT1 , port1_isr ) { switch ( P1IFG ) { case TI_CC_GDO0_PIN : TI_CC_GDO0_PxIFG &= ~ TI_CC_GDO0_PIN ; // clear flag manually // fetch packet if ( RFReceivePacket ( rxBuffer +( RX_PAYLOADSIZE + 1)* i ,& len )) { TI_CC_LED_PxOUT ^= TI_CC_LED3 ; // toggle LED3 i ++; if ( i == RX_PKT_NO ) { blastString ( rxBuffer , len -1 , RX_PKT_NO ); i = 0; } } break ; default : P1IFG = 0; break ; // we should never get here // clear ISR flag register 40 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.2 Computer Side Software } } The serial communication proved to operate reliably at 230.4KBaud when the CPU ran at 4MHz. Figure 6.5 portrays the periodic calls of the RFReceivePacket() with RX PKT NO = 8 setting. The function returns in 160µs when blastString() is not called, and it takes roundabout 1520µs when 8 packets of two samples are transmitter through the RS232 port. The periodic time is ≈1.9ms, which matches the time measured on the transmitter side, and is ≈380µs longer than the worst case interrupt return time. Figure 6.5: RFReceivePacket() calls in the receiver software 6.2 Computer Side Software The third program aims to collect and store the acquired samples on a GNU/Linux operating system. (Foundation, 2009) It is designed to provide only serial port and file handlers, while Gnuplot (Gnuplot, 2009) served as a temporary plotting application. The code is meant to be lightweight to make its later integration into the Comedi framework (Comedi, 2009) as easy as possible. Real time data 41 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.2 Computer Side Software plotting is out of the scope of the project work, but is highly desired. Figure 6.6 illustrates the flow-chart of the software. MAIN() START closing raw-data file binary open raw-data file write reception summary to stdio configure modem Enough packets collected? open raw-data file YES read raw-data into buffer NO read in packet from serial port open file for Gnuplot samples converting 16-bit samples to Intel format write buffer to file in Gnuplot format close file writing raw-data into file STOP Figure 6.6: Flow-diagram of the serial port reader program The serial port handler features character oriented input processing, also known as non-canonical. Fixed amount of bytes are read each time in asynchronous input mode. The advantage of using the read statement in this mode is that it returns immediately with the number of characters successfully read (without blocking the subsequent instructions). If there were no bytes read it is zero. The definitions at the start of the file set the number of bytes expected to arrive in a burst (PKT LEN), the number of packets to be received before closing the connection (PKT NO) and to specify the serial/USB port the device 42 6. SOFTWARE DESIGN 6.2 Computer Side Software is connected to. Before any reading is started, the destination files and the port buffer are opened. Once this has occured, packet reception commences. Packets are collected and are promptly written to the binary raw-data file until the desired number of samples is reached. Figure 6.7 shows how the incoming 2-byte samples are converted to an Intel compatible format. Intel conventionally regards the first byte of a 16-bit integer as the least significant byte. Sample from the SD16 MSB LSB Intel format (16-bit integer) LSB MSB Figure 6.7: Converting SD16 sample to Intel compatible 16-bit integer format The contents of the raw-data file are copied to a new file in a Gnuplot compatible format. Each line consists of a sample number and the actual 2-byte integer. Gnuplot can plot the contents then without additional input arguments. 43 Chapter 7 System Benchmark An ECG recording and various system parameter measurements were carried out to benchmark the built device and give a picture of its capabilities at its actual form. Since the small prototype board has not been printed out and soldered at the time of writing, benchmarking was performed on the system built up on a matrix breadboard. However, it has to be mentioned that, the device is fully functional, and its circuit differs only at a few points from the prototype the aim of the test was to show it working rather than to demonstrate its real signal conditioning and noise suppression abilities. The breadboard itself, through hole components, poor soldering, unoptimised and aerial wiring and the lack of extensive ground plane all contribute to noise susceptibility. The tested device “featured” all of these, and therefore had very poor performance in noise diminishing. A picture (Figure 7.1) of the measured device was taken to show its dimensions and imperfection. The layout of the prototype can be seen next to it, in 1:1 scale. The analogue part is the source of most problems. It contains signal and power supply wires running side-by-side for long, noisy, through-hole capacitors and unshielded long electrode cables, that work also as an antenna. Being aware of the limitations of the circuit is crucial, when it comes to testing. The results always have to be assessed by taking them into account, and treating the outcome accordingly. The upcoming sections introduce the important concepts in ECG recording to help evaluate the recorded ECG trace. 44 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1 ECG Recording Figure 7.1: Monitor node on the breadboard 7.1 ECG Recording The heart is —in simple terms— the blood pump of the body made up of muscle tissue. Its regular contraction is controlled by the sinus node which generates the electrical stimulus every time the heart beats. This special area is located in the right upper chamber (atrium) of the heart, and is connected to the lower chambers (ventricles) by conduction pathways. Its generated energy travels down and causes these lower chambers to pump out blood. A healthy person’s sine node generates roundabout 60 – 80 heartbeats in repose. The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a simple but crucial tool in clinical practice. It is a non-invasive recording produced by an electro-cardiographic device, and particularly useful in diagnosing rhythm disturbances. Electrodes are placed on different parts of the skin over different parts of the heart to measure the electrical activity mentioned above. An ECG displays the voltage difference between pairs of electrodes which not only indicates the rhythm of the heart, but weaknesses or damage in certain parts of the heart muscle. Its importance is undisputed. The following sections of the chapter introduce a normal ECG tracing, briefly discuss the importance of lead placement and summarise the signal conditioning techniques. 45 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1.1 7.1 ECG Recording ECG Tracing A typical ECG tracing of a normal heartbeat consists of a P wave, a QRS complex and a T wave. (Klabunde, 2004) A small U wave is normally visible in 50 to 75% of ECGs. The baseline voltage of the electrocardiogram is called the isoelectric line. Figure 7.2 beneath is the schematic of a normal ECG. QRS Complex R ST Segment PR P Segment PR Interval T Q S QT Interval Figure 7.2: Normal ECG tracing Most people have seen this curve, but only a few know what it means. The first little bump is called the “P wave”. It indicates that the atria are electrically stimulated to pump blood to the ventricles. The following part is a short downward section connected to a tall upward section. This is called the “QRS complex”. It indicates that the ventricles are electrically stimulated to pump out blood. The next short flat segment is called the “ST segment”. The ST segment indicates the amount of time from the end of the contraction of the ventricles until the beginning of the “T wave”. Finally the T wave indicates the recovery period of the ventricles. Once this tracing is recorded it is up to the cardiologist to evaluate it and find any deviance from normal. It is beyond the scope of the thesis to further analyse the curve. The objective during testing in chapter 7 from page 44 was to get a 46 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1 ECG Recording similar tracing recorded on myself as the ideal depicted one. Partly because it means the device works properly and partly because it shows that my heart has not stopped as a result of software debugging. 7.1.2 Placement of ECG Leads The ECG is recorded by placing an array of electrodes at specific locations on the body. These locations are conventionally on the arms, legs and six of them are at defined places on the chest. Three types of ECG leads are recorded by the electrodes: standard limb leads, augmented limb leads and chest leads. These electrode leads are then connected to a device that measures the potential differences between chosen electrodes and plots the characteristic tracings. For the sake of simplicity I disregard the latter two types of leads and present only the standard limb leads here: • Lead I: Positive electrode is on the left arm and negative electrode is on the right. It measures the potential difference across the chest between two arms. • Lead II: Positive electrode is on the left leg, while the negative is on the right arm. • Lead III: Positive electrode is on the left leg and the negative is on the left arm. These leads form a triangle around the heart and are called Einthhoven’s triangle1 . If a wave of depolarisation is travelling toward the left arm, it gives a positive deflection, which is maximal if the wave propagates parallel to the axis connecting the left and right arms. If a wave of depolarisation is heading away from the left arm, the sign of deflection is negative. With the triangle arrangement of the 3-lead recording an experienced cardiologist is able to conclude the states of different parts of the heart. With the 12-lead recording an expert can visualise the heart in 3 dimension. 1 Willem Einthoven (Semarang, May 21, 1860 — Leiden, September 29, 1927) was a Dutch doctor and physiologist. He invented the first practical electrocardiogram in 1903 and received the Nobel Prise in Medicine in 1924 for it. 47 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1.3 7.1 ECG Recording Signal Conditioning The most important requirements an ECG recorder has to meet are to be as accurate as possible and to be able to maintain this accuracy even in a fairly noisy environment. Considerable attention has to be paid to the design of the device in order to suppress unwanted ambient noise without corrupting the ECG signal. The designer has to be aware of the frequency characteristics of both the electrocardiogram and the nearby noise sources. (Leif Sornmo, 2006) The frequency components of a human’s ECG signal fall into the range of 0.05 – 100Hz (for EEG, the range is 1 – 60Hz). If the recording is carried out for diagnostic reasons, then only the full frequency range ensures that the tracings allow the assessment of “QRS” morphology and tachyarrhythmias. Otherwise, for monitoring purposes the narrower 0.5 – 40Hz band is used to reduce environmental artefacts. As far as the noise is concerned, it is generated by the muscle movements, mains current and ambient electromagnetic interference. Hence, noise filtering represents an important objective of ECG signal processing. The main difficulty is that the signal voltage level is as low as 0.5 – 5mV (for EEG it is 10µV – 100µV 1 ) and is susceptible to artefacts that are larger than itself. However a substantial portion of this noise is common-mode and can be eliminated using a differential amplifier. Figure 7.3 illustrates the unwanted additional noise coming from the mains, the electrically charged air and environment. I highlighted the baseline drift and the 50Hz hum by circling them. Both types of disturbance imply the design of a narrow band-pass filter. Removal of Baseline Drift One source of ECG corruption is the DC offset of the patient. This low-frequency (0 – 0.5Hz) artefact is mainly caused by body movement or inhomogeneous electrical potential distribution in the room. It can raise the input signal high enough to reach the output limit of the amplifier and get clipped. The DC drift phenomenon has to be eliminated by a high pass filter with cut-off frequency of ≈ 0.5Hz. 1 Adult human EEG, when measured from the scalp. 48 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1 ECG Recording Figure 7.3: Frequency spectrum of the ECG Removal of 50Hz Hum Electromagnetic fields generated by the mains represent a common noise source in the ECG that is characterized by 50 or 60 Hz sinusoidal interference along with its harmonics. It can be seen in Figure 7.3 that hum adds notable amount of noise energy to the signal. Although measures can be taken to reduce the effect of power-line interference, —such as removing nearby electrical devices or shielding the location— further signal filtering may still be necessary. However, this can be expensive —in terms of arithmetic calculations or the number of extra components— on a tiny battery powered wireless recording device, therefore it is preferably to implement this on the more powerful receiver node or on a computer. In this project I opted for the computer, as I could take advantage of the customisable filter functions I wrote in MATLAB/Octave for the DSP1 assignment. (Hornos, 2008) 49 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1.4 7.1 ECG Recording Acquired Raw Data A recording was carried out on myself using the breadboard device and —as was anticipated— a substantial amount of noise was collected. Figure 7.4 shows the digitised values that have been converted back from integer values to their original millivolt range using the formula in Equation 7.1. Figure 7.4: Recorded raw ECG signal in time domain IN T ∗ Vref [mV ] IN T = 16 (7.1) ∗ GAIN T OT 2 ∗ 20 where INT is the integer representation of the sample, BITS is bit resoluSIGN AL[mV ] = 2BIT S tion of the A/D converter and GAIN TOT is the product of the gains of the instrumentation amplifier and the programmable gain amplifier. To see the characteristic frequencies making up significant part of the signal, it had to be Fourier transformed. Figure 7.5 depicts the frequency spectrum of the recorded ECG signal. High peaks at 0Hz and 50Hz can be easily spotted. The few others at 100Hz, 150Hz, 200Hz, 300Hz are the harmonics of the 50Hz hum. The source of these disturbances was discussed in subsection 7.1.3. 50 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1 ECG Recording Figure 7.5: Frequency spectrum of the raw ECG signal 7.1.5 Signal Post-Processing The recorded ECG was heavily distorted by the high noise level. In order to remove this distortion, it was necessary to carry out the steps mentioned in subsection 7.1.3. A 1-35Hz finite impulse response (FIR) bandpass filter was designed with 2000 coefficients, to provide steep edges at the cut-off frequencies and relatively low ripples. The filter function utilised was originally written in Matlab/Octave for my DSP assignment, and was useful here as well. A short list briefly sums up the design steps: 1. Designing the frequency response of the ideal filter 2. Obtaining the impulse response of it by inverse FFT 3. Mirroring and shifting 4. Applying a selected window function to it (shortens and forms the response) 5. Using these values as the coefficients of the filter, filtering 6. Comparing the filtered signal with the original 51 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1 ECG Recording 7. Transferring the signal into frequency domain to see the eliminated frequencies Its frequency response is plotted in Figure 7.6. Applying it to the signal nicely omitted all frequency components out of the 1-35Hz band (Figure 7.7). Unfortunately it is impossible to separate noise and signal components from each other inside the band, so it is better leaving that part intact. Figure 7.6: Amplitude and phase characteristics of the bandpass filter Once these steps were taken, and Figure 7.7 confirmed the effect of filtering, the signal could be inverse Fourier transformed back to time domain. Figure 7.8 depicts a two second slice taken from the filtered signal. Even though the trace contains ripples, as the artefacts of noise, the characteristic peaks described in subsection 7.1.1 are all recognisable. So the result is good, and no doubt, that the prototype board along with shielded electrode wires will perform better in the same environment. 52 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.1 ECG Recording Figure 7.7: Frequency spectrum of the filtered ECG signal Figure 7.8: Filtered ECG signal in time domain. 53 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.2 7.2.1 7.2 Measured System Parameters Measured System Parameters Time to Send a Packet It is certainly one of the most important parameters of the recording device. The packet transmission has to take place between the conversions of two consecutive samples, thus the RFSendPacket() function has to return before the next interrupt is triggered. Since the sample rate of the recording node is set to ≈1058Hz, the maximum available time is 1/1058 = 945µs. The following chart in Figure 7.9 shows the time elapsed from the function call till its return, using the CPU at 6 or 12MHz frequency. SPI communication with the CC1101 was tested first by using the USI hardware peripheral, then by using the software implemented “bit-bang” SPI function. Figure 7.9: Return time of the RFSendPacket() function 7.2.2 Time to Receive and Forward a Packet The entire system would not be functional, if the receiver node could not handle the incoming packets as fast as they arrive. Packets are sent after every two 54 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.2 Measured System Parameters samples, allowing ≈2*945µs = 1890µs for packet reception and forwarding to the computer. Figure 7.10 illustrates a diagram comparing the time necessary for these tasks to be completed. They were measured using different serial port baudrates, while the CPU ran at 4 or 8MHz frequency. It is seen that raising the CPU frequency does not have any effect on transmission time, whereas the baudrate sets the limit for the return time. Figure 7.10: Return time of the RFReceive() and BlastString() functions 7.2.3 Power Consumption It was one of the main goals of the project to keep the power consumption of the whole system at a low level. Since the circuit of the breadboard does not exactly match the circuit of the prototype, the measured current consumption can only be considered as an approximate value. There are differences in resistor values, capacitances and a small one in software as well. The current was measured with 2.5V supply voltage, 1KHz sample frequency, 250KBaud transmission rate and 0dBm RF output power. A 17mA average current was measured, which is a bit more than I estimated, based on the datasheet values. This would provide 55 7. SYSTEM BENCHMARK 7.2 Measured System Parameters roundabout 10-20 hours uptime using a single coin battery with ≈250mAh service capacity. 56 Chapter 8 Future Directions, Improvements Even though the prototype meets all the project specifications, and the device works as expected, there are still several ways to further improve upon it. The ability to carry out recording in a number of channels is one of these. Additional channels could add the ability to monitor several areas of the brain simultaneously. This use of an extra channel may be achievable without changing the layout of the circuit. However, if more channels are desired, a hardware multiplexer can be utilised to feed more than one differential input pairs into the already used input channel. Hardware multiplexers are very sophisticated pieces of hardware, working at a high frequency and would introduce a very small amount of extra noise into the system. For experiments that use brain stimulation, it is also desirable to give remote controlling functionality to the monitor node. I already touched on this aspect in the paper, and wrote the monitor side software in a way that can easily be modified to accommodate this functionality. Remote controlling can also be used for changing the configuration settings of the sigma-delta converter or the gain of the programmable gain amplifier. This project is a great example of how fast microchip technology advances. At the start of the work, the combination of the MSP430F2013 and CC1101 was chosen to provide a compact, flexible and extensible solution for the EEG/ECG recording. During the time that I was working on the project, Texas Instruments marketed two new microcontrollers that combine all the functionality of 57 8. FUTURE DIRECTIONS, IMPROVEMENTS the CC1101 and the MSP430 in a single chip. It is called the CC430 (Texas Instruments, 2009e), and unites the advantages of an orthogonal 16-bit architecture with packet oriented wireless communication. Having the two chips integrated into one package could reduce the size of the designed layout, and could furthermore broaden the features and the working sample frequency range. Its three channel Dynamic Memory Acces (DMA) module would eliminate the current limit in sample frequency introduced by the packet transmission latency. Last but not least, it would make the software design and debugging much easier than it was with the SPI communication interface between the two modules. 58 Chapter 9 Conclusions The focus of this thesis has been to design a compact wireless EEG/ECG monitoring device using commercially available electronic components. The project work is presented starting with the objectives and the specifications that were laid down. The following chapters then introduce the main building elements of the designed circuit, and support the decisions that were made regarding component selection. The layout of the monitoring device prototype was also designed, taking into account the fabrication technology available in the departmental workshop. The dimensions of the board could therefore be further reduced if the board manufacturing and component mounting steps were to be carried out by professionals. The monitoring node was built on a matrix breadboard, while the MSP430 Experimenter board from Texas Instruments was used along with a CC1101 transceiver module to provide wireless reception. The communication between the receiver and the computer is facilitated by the standard RS232 serial cable. A lightweight serial port handler program was written to collect the incoming samples, and store them in a Gnuplot compatible format. The primary goal with the computer side software was to implement a simple solution for for data collecting, that can be later integrated into the Comedi framework to plot the EEG/ECG signals in real time on the computer screen. The prototype of the monitor node has not yet been mounted at the time of the submission deadline due to the global availability problems of the transceiver chip. For this reason all the measurements and benchmarks were carried out using the fully functional but not optimal device built on the breadboard. 59 Appendix A Appdx A 60 References Chen, J. Z. N. R. D. L. W. (2008). Design of Pre - processing Circuit for Wireless ECG Monitoring System. International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics. 19 Comedi (2009). Linux Control and Measurement Device Interface. 41 Davies, J. H. (2008). MSP430 Microcontroller Basics. Newnes. 8 Foundation, F. S. (2009). GNU Operating System. 41 GCC (2009). GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection. 33 Gnuplot (2009). Gnuplot Utility. 41 Hornos, T. (2008). Assignment: ECG filtering. Digital Signal Processing 1 Course. 49 KiCAD (2009). KiCAD EDA. 21 Klabunde, R. E. (2004). Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts. Williams and Wilkins. 46 Lippincott Leif Sornmo, P. L. (2006). Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal processing. 48 Texas Instruments, J. T. (2009a). Johanson Technology Matched Balun Filter optimized for CC1101 868/915MHz. 28 Texas Instruments, T. (2005). Micropower Instrumentation Amplifier Single and Dual Versions (Rev. A). 23 61 REFERENCES REFERENCES Texas Instruments, T. (2006). MSP430 Competitive Benchmarking. 7 Texas Instruments, T. (2007a). MSP430FG4618/F2013 Experimenter Board. 32 Texas Instruments, T. (2007b). MSP430x20x1, MSP430x20x2, MSP430x20x3 Mixed Signal Microcontroller (Rev. D). 8, 13, 24 Texas Instruments, T. (2008a). Compact 868/915 MHz Antenna Design. 30 Texas Instruments, T. (2008b). MSP430x2xx Family User’s Guide (Rev. E). 8, 10 Texas Instruments, T. (2009b). CC1101 Data Sheet (Rev. E). 15, 17 Texas Instruments, T. (2009c). CC1101EM 868 and 915MHz Reference Design. 28 Texas Instruments, T. (2009d). Interfacing CC1100 - CC2500 to the MSP430. 33 Texas Instruments, T. (2009e). NEW CC430 technology platform. 58 Texas Instruments, T. (2009f). Package Reference Guide. 13 62