2015 In nternships - Spring and S Summer Terrms Public P Relatio ons & Marketing Comm munications IInternship Loccation: 3800 0 Paramount Drive, Nortth Charlestonn, SC 294055 NSIBILITIES S: RESPON Manage M a new w e-newslettter to raise aw wareness off the LGC am mong prospeective studennts, lo ocal employeers, and the tri-county t co ommunity. P Produce andd distribute ddigitally at leeast on ne issue. Update U markeeting collateral materialss in support of new proggrams, utiliziing the LGC C Logo L Style Guide G on colllaborative pieces workinng with partnner institutionns, e.g., Clemson, C Thee Citadel, etcc., both for print p and onlline access. Integrate refreshing reecommendattions from BlueKey, B stem mming from m its design aand launch oof the LGC’ss new web w site. Draft D news reeleases. Help p cultivate expanded e rellationships w with the meddia, area em mployers an nd related org ganizations (e.g., ( Charleeston, Berkelley, and Dorrchester Chambers C of Commerce, Charleston Regional Deevelopment Alliance, Diigital Corriddor, ettc.) Conduct C reseaarch in supp port of markeet developmeent plans in support of thhe launch off new prrograms of study s at the LGC L by parttner institutiions. Develoop recommenndations to thhe host institutio on, working with w new lau unch moniess provided bby the LGC. QUALIF FICATIONS/KNOWLED DGE/SKILL LS DESIRED D: Strong writing, visual, an nd organizatiional skills thhat might bee channeled iinto print annd digital platforrms for graphic commun nications Some experieence using grraphic desig gn software ssuch as Adobbe Photoshoop, Adobe In nDesign, Miicrosoft Publlisher, etc. Ability A to work independ dently and wiith a team An A interest in n communicaations, media relations, nnew program m/product deevelopment aand marketing m LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Valuable hands-on experience with developing and implementing branding and marketing communications strategies Strengthening of writing, graphic design, and critical thinking skills Creation of a portfolio of tangible projects that can be used to demonstrate acquired talents and knowledge to prospective employers Shaping of career interests and possible future pursuit of advanced training and degrees REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS: The intern will report directly to the LGC Marketing Coordinator. COMMITMENT: Work on site at the Lowcountry Graduate Center (3800 Paramount Drive, exit 15 on 526) approximately 10 hours/week, ideally twice weekly Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. throughout the term, totaling approximately 100 hours. This internship may qualify for credit, subject to Department Faculty approval. To apply: Email resume to Chris Duncan at duncanc@lowcountrygradcenter.org.