IVAP FACTSHEET - KP Temporary Dislocation Profile (as of 21 Sept 2014) IVAP Profiling in Khyber Pakhtunkwan (KP) Province IDP Vulnerability Assessment and Profiling (IVAP) was established in 2010 to gather data on the location and humanitarian needs of temporarily dislocated people (TDPs) in Khyber Pakhtunkwan (PK) province, Pakistan. IVAP conducts a multi-cluster assessment based on door-to-door familylevel interviews. IVAP aims to guide humanitarian response that is targetted towards the needs of the most vulnerable TDPs. This IVAP Factsheet is based on the data collected under the IVAP 4 (Feb-Dec 2013) and IVAP 5 (Feb-Dec 2014) phases of the project. Data collection acitivies under IVAP 5 started in August 2014 will run till December 2014. Data on an additional 55,000 TDP families is expected to be collected. For more information and to access the IVAP live database go to www.ivap.org.pk Key Figures 85,511 437,277 TDP families profiled by IVAP individual TDPs profiled by IVAP Family head 94 % of TDP 4 % of TDPs families intend to return reported having a physical disability Dislocated from (current notification status) 3 % De-notified areas (since 2012) 0.5 % TDPs reported having a mental illness Gender < 1 % Non-notified areas !"#"$%&'(%")%'*%*"" 6% +"#",)-(*")%'*%*" 23 % Kurrum (partial) ./"#"&'(%")%'*%*" Femaleheaded 49% 24 % Khyber (partial) 21 % South Waziristan (partial) 27 % Orakzai (partial) Female 1 % North Waziristan (full) !"#$#%&'()&# Profiled TDP families by host district1 IVAP 4 IVAP 5 >)**5" Age (individual TDPs) Total registered2 49,624 </)1.)==)" 16,471 8)*95" 16,230 1,107 43/)7" 13,155 21,197 451156" 9,789 9,609 230./-1)" 3,705 8,998 ,-./)0)1" 20,653 ()*+" !" #!$!!!" %!$!!!" &!$!!!" 715 30,124 1,931 71,308 1,337 12,660 '!$!!!" Note that figures for total registered reflects the total number of registered temporarily dislocated families verified by NADRA. The figures for IVAP 4 and IVAP 5 TDP families profiled, by contrast, is based on a more inclusive definiton of internally displaced persons derived from the Guiding Principles. 1 Source: UNHCR, KP and FATA IDP Statistics, 10 September 2014 Feedback: stephanie.matti@rescue.org Female Male 3"&"()*+," 1,525 :";"4/)*" 2 *+#$#'()&# -/2"()*+," #/%1"()*+," %0/-#"()*+," -./#!"()*+," '"#!"()*+," !" IVAP is funded by ECHO and DFID #!$!!!" %!!$!!!" %#!$!!!" &!!$!!!