9. FAMILY WEDDINGS Last June, five brothers married five sisters on the same day, in the same church, five different ceremonies. The five brothers are Earl, Virgil, Lester, Leroy, and Ray. The five sisters (and brides) are Betty Lou, Peggy Sue, Mary Jane, Sally Jo, and Cindy Lee. From the clues given, try to determine the composition of each couple and the order in which the ceremonies were performed. 1. Lester was married after Cindy Lee and Mary Jane but before Earl and Leroy. 2. Betty Lou was not Lester's bride. 3. The first and last couples to be married featured Cindy Lee, Sally Jo, Virgil, and Leroy. w w w z 0 ;:::) w ..J (/) c( 0 ..J .., ;:::) > .... .... > CJ CJ .., > Q a: � ..J w w c( c( z m Q, :::E (/) 0 EARL VIRGIL LESTER LEROY RAY FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH FIFTH > Q z Q (/) 0 a: a: (.) w i: u: (/) .... .... ::1: .... a: ::1: ;:::) 0 LL .... LL u: v X X X Lx )< X X v X X ,..)( L>< X ...; -/ X X X y X vIX X IX rx X v )< X 'f. )\ "J,. ,; X X )<. X )t. / X: ;<:;;, v X X X v X X )( ,X X X X _ \/ X X ../ X � � ../ )<. >( X A ../ x IX J( -r l..... X XIX v )< }""'?!