15.68 Issue of Stores-Before any non-consumable or valuable consumable store item is issued, it is to be given a serial number which must be painted at an appropriate place. The format will be thus (RS:1/code no./2001). An issue Register will be maintained with separate pages for each item. All items will be entered at the item of issue after noting down the serial no. of the item. The format of the Register is as follows:Item Name: ___________________ Item code no.__________________ S. No. S. No. of item (S. No., Code No. and Year) Issued to Date Issue of Signature of receiver with date Date return of In respect of valuable consumable stores such as inkjet cartridges, toner cartridges etc. a new item is to be issued only after the used item is returned and the outer packing is to be retained by Stores Section and destroyed in due course. Watch is also kept on consumption rate in such cases. Whenever any officer retires or any deputationist returns to his/her parent department, Stores Section must take back all consumable/non-consumable articles lying with him, NOC is issued, and relevant entries are made in the stock register. If any article is in a damaged condition, the order is obtained from the Secretary-General for condemning the same, if it has already outrun its normal life. In case repairs/replacements are possible under a warranty or contract, this is got done.