Baldwin County Mathematics Pacing Guide Kindergarten Legal Authority for Course of Study §16-35-4 and §16-6B-2(f). The state board of education, on the recommendation of the state superintendent of education, shall prescribe the minimum contents of courses of study for all public, elementary and high schools in the state… Working Definition for Course of Study A course of study is a curriculum document containing academic content standards that specify what students should know and be able to do in a particular subject area by the end of each grade level course. Pacing Guide A pacing guide is a schedule of when required content standards will be taught over the course of the school year. Pacing guides are developed to help teachers cover all course of study standards in a timely manner before the end of the academic year and/or high-state testing. Components The Baldwin County Pacing Guide includes these components: Standards, Resources/Materials, and Vocabulary. The Standards are taken directly from the Alabama Course of Study for each grade level and content area. The content standards describe what a student should know and be able to do by the end of a grade level course; the standards address what is fundamental to the content. The resources listed under Resources/Materials are a starting point for instruction; not a mandate limiting instructional materials. The Resources/Materials section reflects where lessons for particular standards are located in the textbook as well as other supplemental materials. The change from textbook-driven to standards-based instruction is an important shift in the teaching paradigm. Professional teacher judgment is a vital component for building resources beyond the textbook to meet the needs of all students. The Vocabulary component may include content as well as standards/test vocabulary. Vocabulary development is critical to academic success. It is important that students are exposed daily to new content vocabulary and standards-based vocabulary. Page 1 of 39 Baldwin County Public Schools Elementary Mathematics Pacing Guide Year at a Glance Use with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math! Grade K Suggested Chapters by Quarter Quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Chapter Ch 9; Ch 10 (Lessons 7,8, and 9); Ch 12; Ch 1 Chapters 2, 3, and 4 Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 10 (Lessons 1-6) st Chapters 8, 11, and Getting Ready for 1 Grade Suggested Chapters by Month: Completed Month Chapter August: Chapter 9 - Identify and Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes September: Finish Chapter 9 Chapter 10 (Lessons 7,8, and 9) – Positional Terms Chapter 12 – Classify and Sort Data Chapter 1 – Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 0 to 5 October: November: ACOS/Common Core K.G.18 [CC.K.G.2] K.G.20 [CC.K.G.4] K.G.22 [CC.K.6] K.G.17 [CC.K.1] K.MD.16 [CC.K.MD.3] K.CC.1 [K.CC.1] K.OA.10 [K.CC.OA.3] K.CC.4c [K.CC.CC4c] K.CC.3 [K.CC.CC.3] Chapter 2 – Compare Numbers to 5 Finish Chapter 2 K.CC.6 [K.CC.CC.6] Chapter 3 – Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 K.CC.5 [K.CC.CC.5] K.CC.3 [K.CC.CC.3] K.CC.6 [K.CC.CC.6] K.CC.5 [K.CC.CC.5] K.CC.3 [K.CC.CC.3] K.OA.11 [K.CC.OA.4] K.CC.2 [K.CC.CC.2] K.CC.6 [K.CC.CC.6] K.CC.7 [K.CC.CC.7] K.OA.8 [K.CC.OA.1] K.OA.12 [K.CC.OA.5] K.OA.11 [K.CC. OA.4] K.OA.9 [K.CC.OA.2] K.OA.10 [K.CC.OA.3] K.OA.8 [K.CC.OA.1] K.OA.12 [K.CC.OA.5] K.OA.9 [K.CC.OA.2] December: Chapter 4 – Represent, Compare Numbers to 10 January: Chapter 5 - Addition Chapter 6 - Subtraction Page 2 of 39 February: March: April: Finish Chapter 6 Chapter 7 – Represent, Count, and Write 11 to 19 Finish Chapter 7 Chapter 10 (Lessons 1-6) – Identify and Describe ThreeDimensional Shapes Chapter 8 – Represent, Count, and Write 20 and Beyond Chapter 11 - Measurement May: K.NBT.13 [K.CC.NBT.1] K.CC.3 [K.CC.CC.3] K.G.20 [K.CC.G.4] K.G. 18 [K.CC.G.2] K.G.19 [K.CC.G.3] K.CC.5 [K.CC.CC.5] K.CC.3 [K.CC.CC.3] K.CC.2 [K.CC.CC.2] K.CC.6 [K.CC.CC.6] K.CC.1 [K.CC.CC.1] K.MD.15 [K.CC.MD.2] K.MD.14 [K.CC.MD.1] Finish Chapter 11 Getting Ready for 1st Grade (Resources for this at the back of the Planning Guide) Page 3 of 39 Baldwin County Public Schools Elementary Mathematics Pacing Guide Use with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math! Grade K Critical Area: Geometry and Positions CHAPTER 9 Identify and Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes Chapter Duration : 4 weeks Suggested Months: Aug - Sept Chapter Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 12 days 2 days 15 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. CC.K-12.MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 9.1 Identify and Name Circles; TE pg. 357A-360; SE pg. 357-360 K.G.18; K.G.19 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.2] Identify and name two dimensional shapes including circles. How can you Identify and name circles? 1. circle 2. two –dimensional shapes • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two- dimensional shapes; Counting Tape 1 day 9.2 Describe Circles; TEpg.361A-364 ; SE pg. 361-364 K.G.20; K.G 18; K.G.21 [CC.K.G.4; CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.5] Describe attributes of circle. How can you describe circles? 1. curve 2. circle • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; Counting tape 1 day 9.3 Identify and Name Squares; TE pg.365 A-368; SE pg. 361-364 K.G.18; K.G. 19 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.3] Identify and name two-dimensional shapes including squares. How can you identify and name square? 1. corners 2. sides 3. square 4. vertex 5. vertices • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 4 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 9.4 Describe Squares; TE pg. 369A-372; SE pg.369-372 K.G.20; K.G.18; K.G.21 [CC.K.G.4; CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.5] Describe attributes of squares. How can you describe squares? 1. sides of equal length • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 9.5 Identify and Name Triangles; TE pg.373A-376; SE pg. 373-376 K.G. 18; K.G.19 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.3] Identify and name two-dimensional shapes including triangles. How can you identify and name triangles? 1. triangle 2. two-dimensional shapes • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 9.6 Describe Triangles; TE pg. 377A-380; SE pg. 377-380 K.G.20; K.G18; K.G21 [CC.K.G.4; CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.5] Describe attributes of triangles. How can you describe triangles? 1. No new vocabulary • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 9.7 Identify and Name Rectangles; TE pg.381A-384; SE pg. 381-384 K.G. 18; K.G.19 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.3] Identify and Name two-dimensional shapes including rectangles. How can you identify and name rectangles? 1. rectangles • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 9.8 Describe Rectangles; TE pg.385A-388; SE pg.385-388 K.G.20; K.G.18; K.G.21 [CC.K.G. 4; CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G. 5] Describe attributes of rectangles. How can you describe rectangles? 1. No new vocabulary • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 5 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 9.9 Identify and Name Hexagons; TE pg. 389A-392; SE pg. 389-392 K. G.18; K.G.19 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.3] Identify and name two-dimensional shapes including hexagons. How can you identify and name hexagons? 1. hexagon • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 9.10 Describe Hexagons; TE pg. 393A-396; SE pg. 393-396 K.G.20; K.G.18; K.G.21[CC.K.G.4; CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.5] Describe attribute of hexagons. How can you describe hexagons? 1. No new vocabulary • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 9.11 Compare Two-Dimensional Shapes; TE pg. 397A-400; SE pg. 397-400 K.G.20;K.G.18[CC.K.G.4; CC.K.G.2] Use the words alike and different to compare two-dimensional shapes by attributes. How can you use the word alike and different to compare two dimensional shapes? 1. alike 2. different 3. two-dimensional shapes • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 9.12 Draw to Join shapes; TE pg.401A-404; SE pg. 401-404 K.G.22[CC.K.G.6] Solve problems by using the strategy draw picture. How can you solve problems using strategy draw a picture? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 6 of 39 Critical Area: Geometry and Positions CHAPTER 10 – Identify and Describe Three-Dimensional Shapes (Lessons 7, 8, and 9 only) Positional Terms Chapter Duration : 1 Week Suggested Months: Sept Chapter 10 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 3 days 1 day 5 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. CC.K-12.MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 10.7 Above and Below; TE pg. 437a-440; SE pg. 437-440 K.G.17 [CC.K.G.1] Use the terms above and below to describe shapes in the environment. How can you use the terms above and below to describe shapes in the environment? 1. above 2. below • Animated Math Models Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day 10.8 Beside and Next To; TE pg. 441a-444; SE pg. 441-444 K.G.17 [CC.K.G.1] Use the terms beside and next to to describe shapes in the environment. How can you use the terms beside and next to to describe shapes in the environment? 1. beside 2. next to • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 10.9 In Front Of and Behind; TE pg. 445a-448; SE pg. 445-448 K.G.17 [CC.K.G.1] Use the terms in front of and behind to describe shapes in the environment. How can you use the terms in front of and behind to describe shapes in the environment? 1. in front of 2. behind • Chapter 10 test Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Page 7 of 39 Critical Area: Measurement and Data CHAPTER 12 Classify and Sort Data Chapter Duration : 2 weeks Suggested Months: Sept Chapter Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 6 days 2 days 9 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. CC.K-12.MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 12.1 Classify and Count by Color; TE pg. 493a-496; SE pg. 493-496 K.MD.16 [CC.K.MD.3] Classify and count objects by color. How can you classify and count objects by color? 1. blue 2. category 3. classify 4. color 5. green 6. red 7. yellow • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 12.2 Classify and Count by Shape; TE pg. 497a-500; SE pg. 497-500 K.MD. 16 [CC.K.MD.3] Classify and count objects by shape. How can you classify and count objects by shape? 1. shape 2. category 3. classify • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day Page 8 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 12.3 Classify and Count by Size; TE pg. 501a-504; SE pg. 501-504 K.MD.16 [CC.K.MD.3] Classify and count objects by size. How can you classify and count objects by size? 1. big 2. size 3. small • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 12.4 Make a Concrete Graph; TE pg. 505a-508; SE pg. 505-508 K.MD.16 [CC.K.MD.3] Make a graph to count objects that have been classified into categories. How can you make a graph to count objects that have been classified into categories? 1. graph 2. category 3. classify • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; two-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 12.5 Read a Graph; TE pg. 509a-512; SE pg. 509-512 K.MD. 16 [CC.K.MD.3] Read a graph to count objects that have been classified into categories. How can you read a graph to count objects that have been classified into categories? 1. category 2. classify 3. graph • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 9 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 12.6 Sort and Count; TE pg. 513a-516; SE pg. 513-516 K.MD.16 [CC.K.MD.3] Solve problems by using the strategy use logical reasoning. How can you solve problems using the strategy use logical reasoning? 1. no new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Page 10 of 39 Critical Area: Number and Operations CHAPTER 1 – Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 0 to 5 Chapter Duration : 3 weeks Suggested Months: Oct Chapter 1 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 10 days 2 days 13 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. CC.K-12.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 1.1 Model and Count 1 and 2; TE pg. 13A-16; SE pg. 13-16 K.CC.1; K.CC.4a [CC.K.CC.1; CC.K.CC.4a] Model and count 1 and 2 with objects How can you show and count 1 and 2 with objects 1. one 2. two 3. match • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 1.2 Count and Write 1 and 2; TE pg. 17a-20; SE pg. 17-20 K.CC.1, K.CC.3 [CC.K.CC.1; CC.K.CC.3] Represent 1 and 2 objects with number names and written numerals. How can you count and write 1 and 2 with words and numbers? 1. one 2. two • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 1.3 Model and Count 3 and 4; TE pg. 21a-24; SE pg. 21-24 K.CC.1; K.CC.4a [CC.K.CC.1; CC.K.CC.4a] Model and count 3 and 4 with objects. How can you show and count 3 and 4 with objects? 1. three 2. four • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 11 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 1.4 Count and Write 3 and 4; TE pg. 25a-27; SE pg. 25-27 K.CC.1; K.CC.3 [CC.K.CC.1; CC.K.CC.3] Represent 3 and 4 objects with number names and written numerals. How can you count and write 3 and 4 with words and numbers? 1. three 2. four • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 1.5 Model and Count 5; TE pg. 29a-32; SE pg. 29-32 K.CC.1; K.CC.4a [CC.K.CC.1; CC.K.CC.4a] Model and count 5 with objects How can you show and count 5 objects? 1. five • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 1.6 Count and Write 5; TE pg. 33a-36; SE pg. 33-36 K.CC.1; K.CC.3 [CC.K.CC.1; CC.K.CC.3] Represent 5 objects with a number name and a written numeral. How can you count and write 5 with words and numbers? 1. five • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 1.7 Ways to Make 5; TE pg. 37a-40; SE pg. 37-40 K.OA.10; K.CC.5 [CC.K.OA.3; CC.K.CC.5] Use objects or drawings to decompose 5 into pairs in more than one way. How can you use two sets of objects to show 5 in more than one way? 1. pairs 2. and • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape; connecting cubes 1 day Page 12 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 1.8 Count and Order to 5; TE pg. 41a-44; SE pg. 41-44 K.CC.4c; K.CC.3; K.CC.5 [CC.K.CC.4c; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.5] Know that each successive number refers to a quantity that is one larger. How do you know that the order of numbers is the same as a set of objects that is one larger? 1. larger • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape; connecting cubes 1 day 1.9 Understand 0; TE pg. 45a-48; SE pg. 45-48 K.CC.3; K.CC.4; K.CC.4b [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4; CC.K.CC.4b] Solve problems by using the strategy make a model. How can you solve problems using the strategy make a model? 1. zero 2. fewer 3. more • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 1.10 Identify and Write 0; TE pg. 49a-52; SE pg. 49-52 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b] Represent 0 objects with a number name and a written numeral. How can you identify and write 0 with words and numbers? 1. zero • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math • Chapter 1 test Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 13 of 39 Critical Area: Number and Operations CHAPTER 2 – Compare Numbers to 5 Chapter Duration : 2 weeks Suggested Months: Oct - Nov Chapter 2 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment 1 day 5 days 2 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.6. Attend to precision. CC.K-12.MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Total 8 days 2.1 Same Number; TE pg. 61a-64; SE pg. 61-64 K.CC.6; K.CC.3; K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.7] Use matching and counting strategies to compare sets with the same number of objects. How can you use matching and counting to compare sets with the same number of objects? 1. same number 2. compare 3. match • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 2.2 Greater Than; TE pg. 65a-68; SE pg. 65-68 K.CC.6; K.CC.3; K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.7] Use matching and counting strategies to compare sets when the number of objects in one set is greater than the number of objects in the other set. How can you compare sets when the number of objects in one set is greater than the number of objects in the other set? 1. greater 2. compare 3. more • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 14 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 2.3 Less Than; TE pg. 69a-72; SE pg. 69-72 K.CC.6; K.CC.3; K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.7] Use matching and counting strategies to compare sets when the number of objects in one set is less than the number of objects in the other set. How can you compare sets when the number of objects in one set is less than the number of objects in the other set? 1. less 2. fewer 3. compare • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 2.4 Compare by Matching Sets to 5; TE pg. 73a-76; SE pg. 73-76 K.CC.6; K.CC.3; K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.7] Make a model to solve problems using a matching strategy. How can you make a model to solve problems using a matching strategy? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day 2.5 Compare by Counting Sets to 5; TE pg. 77a-80; SE pg. 77-80 K.CC.6; K.CC.3; K.CC.5; K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.7] Use a counting strategy to compare sets of objects. How can you use a counting strategy to compare sets of objects? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • Chapter 2 test Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Page 15 of 39 Critical Area: Numbers and Operations CHAPTER 3 – Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 Chapter Duration : 3 weeks Suggested Months: Nov Chapter 3 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 9 days 2 days 12 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. CC.K-12.MP.8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 3.1 Model and Count 6; TE pg. 89a-92; SE pg. 89-92 K.CC.5; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c [CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c] Model and count 6 with objects How can you show and count 6 objects? 1. six 2. match • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 3.2 Count and Write 6; TE pg. 93a-96; SE pg. 93-96 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.5] Represent 6 objects with a number name and a written numeral. How can you count and write 6 with words and numbers? 1. six • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 3.3 Model and Count 7; TE pg. 97a-100; SE pg. 97-100 K.CC.5; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c [CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c] Model and count 7 with objects How can you show and count 7 objects? 1. seven 2. match • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 16 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 3.4 Count and Write 7; TE pg. 101a-104; SE pg. 101-104 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.5] Represent 7 objects with a number name and a written numeral. How can you count and write 7 with words and numbers? 1. seven • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 3.5 Model and Count 8; TE pg. 105a-108; SE pg. 105-108 K.CC.5; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c [CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c] Model and count 8 with objects. How can you show and count 8 objects? 1. eight 2. match • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 3.6 Count and Write 8; TE pg. 109a-112; SE pg. 109-112 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.5] Represent 8 objects with a number name and a written numeral. How can you count and write 8 with words and numbers? 1. eight • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 3.7 Model and Count 9; TE pg. 113a-116; SE pg. 113-116 K.CC.5; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c [CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c] Model and count 9 with objects. How can you show and count 9 objects? 1. nine • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 17 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 3.8 Count and Write 9; TE pg. 117a-120; SE pg. 117-120 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.5] Represent 9 objects with a number name and a written numeral. How can you count and write 9 with words and numbers? 1. nine • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 3.9 Numbers to 9; TE pg. 121a-124; SE pg. 121-124 K.CC.6; K.CC.3; K.CC.5; K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.7] Solve problems by using the strategy draw a picture. How can you solve problems using the strategy draw a picture? 1. No new vocabulary • iTools • HMH Mega Math • Chapter 3 Test Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Page 18 of 39 Critical Area: Numbers and Operations CHAPTER 4 – Represent and Compare Numbers to 10 Chapter Duration : 2 weeks Suggested Months: Dec Chapter 4 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 7 days 2 days 10 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.6. Attend to precision. CC.K-12.MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 4.1 Model and Count 10; TE pg. 133a-136; SE pg. 133-136 K.CC.5; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b [CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b] Model and count 10 with objects. How can you show and count 10 objects? 1. ten 2. match • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 4.2 Count and Write 10; TE pg. 137a-140; SE pg. 137-140 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC.5 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c; CC.K.CC.5] Represent 10 objects with a number name and a written numeral. How can you count and write10 with words and numbers? 1. ten • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 4.3 Ways to Make 10; TE pg. 141a-144; SE pg. 141-144 K.OA.11; K.CC.5 [CC.K.OA.4; CC.K.CC.5] Use a drawing to make 10 from a given number. How can you use a drawing to make 10 from a given number? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape; Connecting cubes; Number and Symbol Tiles (back) 1 day Page 19 of 39 Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 4.4 Count and Order to 10; TE pg. 45a-148; SE pg. 145-148 K.CC.2; K.CC.4c [CC.K.CC.2; CC.K.CC.4c] Count forward to 10 from a given number. How can you count forward to 10 from a given number? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 4.5 Compare by Matching Sets to 10; TE pg. 149a-152; SE pg. 149-152 K.CC.6; K.CC.3; K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.7] Solve problems by using the strategy make a model. How can you solve problems using the strategy make a model? 1. No new vocabulary • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 4.6 Compare by Counting Sets to 10; TE pg. 153a-156; SE pg. 153-156 K.CC.6; K.CC.3; K.CC.5; K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.7] Use counting strategies to compare sets of objects. How can you use counting strategies to compare sets of objects? 1. No new vocabulary • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 4.7 Compare Two Numbers; TE pg. 157a-160; SE pg. 157-160 K.CC.7 [CC.K.CC.7] Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 How can you compare numbers between 1 and 10? 1. No new vocabulary • iTools • Chapter 4 test Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Page 20 of 39 Critical Area: Numbers and Operations CHAPTER 5 - Addition Chapter Duration : 4 weeks Suggested Months: Jan Chapter 5 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment 1 day 12 days 2 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. CC.K-12.MP.4. Model with mathematics. Total 15 days Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 5.1 Add to; TE pg. 169a-172; SE pg. 169-172 K.OA.8 [CC.K.OA.1] Use expressions to represent addition within 5. How can you show addition as adding to? 1. add • Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 5.2 Put Together; TE pg. 173a-176; SE pg. 173-176 K.OA.8 [CC.K.OA.1] Use expressions to represent addition. How can you show addition as putting together? 1. plus • Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question 5.3 Act Out Addition Problems; TE pg. 177a-180; SE pg. 177-180 K.OA.8; K.OA.9; K.OA.12 [CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2; CC.K.OA.5] Solve problems by using the strategy act it out. How can you solve problems using the strategy act it out? 1. is equal to 2. plus • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 5.4 Model and Draw Addition Problems; TE pg. 181a-184; SE pg. 181-184 K.OA.12; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.5; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Use objects and drawings to solve addition word problems within 5. How can you use objects and drawings to solve addition word problems? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day Page 21 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 5.5 Write Addition Sentences for 10; TE pg. 185a-188; SE pg. 185-188 K.OA.11; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.4; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Use a drawing to find 10 from a given number and record the equation. How can you use a drawing to find the number that makes a 10 from a given number? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 5.6 Write Addition Sentences; TE pg. 189a-192; SE pg. 189-192 K.OA.12; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.5; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Solve addition word problems within 5 and record the equation. How can you solve addition word problems and complete the addition sentence? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 5.7 Write More Addition Sentences; TE pg. 193a-196; SE pg. 193-196 K.OA.9; K.OA.8 [CC.K.OA.2; CC.K.OA.1] Solve addition word problems within 10 and record the equation. How can you solve addition word problems and complete the addition sentence? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 5.8 Number Pairs; TE pg. 197a-200; SE pg. 197-200 K.OA.10; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.3; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Decompose numbers within 5 into pairs in more than one way and record each decomposition with an equation. How can you model and write addition sentences for number pairs for sums to 5? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day Page 22 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 5.9 Number Pairs for 6 and 7; TE pg. 201a-204; SE pg. 201-204 K.OA.10; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.3; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Decompose 6 and 7 into pairs in more than one way and record each decomposition with an equation. How can you model and write addition sentences for number pairs for each sum of 6 and 7? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day 5.10 Number Pairs for 8; TE pg. 205a-208; SE pg. 205-208 K.OA.10; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.3; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Decompose 8 into pairs in more than one way and record each decomposition with an equation How can you model and write addition sentences for number pairs for sums of 8? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day 5.11 Number pairs for 9; TE pg. 209a-212; SE pg. 209-212 K.OA.10; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.3; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Decompose 9 into pairs in more than one way and record each decomposition with an equation How can you model and write addition sentences for number pairs for sums of 9? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day 5.12 Number Pairs for 10; TE pg. 213a-216; SE pg. 213-216 K.OA.10; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.3; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Decompose 10 into pairs in more than one way and record each decomposition with an equation How can you model and write addition sentences for number pairs for sums of 10? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math • Chapter 5 test Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day Page 23 of 39 Critical Area: Numbers and Operations CHAPTER 6 - Subtraction Chapter Duration : 3 weeks Suggested Months: Jan - Feb Chapter 6 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 7 days 2 days 10 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. CC.K-12.MP.2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 6.1 Subtraction: Take From; TE pg. 225a-228; SE pg. 225-228 K.OA.8 [CC.K.OA.1] Use expressions to represent subtraction within 5. How can you show subtraction as taking from? 1. subtract • Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 6.2 Subtraction: Take Apart; TE pg. 229a-232; SE pg. 229-232 K.OA.8 [CC.K.OA.1] Use expressions to represent subtraction. How can you show subtraction as taking apart? 1. minus • Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question 6.3 Act Out Subtraction Problems; TE pg. 233a-236; SE pg. 233-236 K.OA.8; K.OA.9; K.OA.12 [CC.K.OA.8; CC.K.OA.9; CC.K.OA.12] Solve problems by using the strategy act it out. How can you solve problems using the strategy act it out? 1. is equal to 2. minus • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 6.4 Model and Draw Subtraction Problems; TE pg. 237a-240; SE pg. 237240 K.OA.12; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.5; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Use objects and drawings to solve subtraction word problems within 5. How can you use objects and drawings to solve subtraction word problems? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape; connecting cubes 1 day Page 24 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 6.5 Write Subtraction Sentences; TE pg. 241a-244; SE pg. 241-244 K.OA.12; K.OA.8; K.OA.9 [CC.K.OA.5; CC.K.OA.1; CC.K.OA.2] Solve subtraction word problems within 5 and record the equation. How can you solve subtraction word problems and complete the equation? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 6.6 Write More Subtraction Sentences; TE pg. 245a-248; SE pg. 245-248 K.OA.9; K.OA.8 [CC.K.OA.2; CC.K.OA.1] Solve subtraction word problems within 10 and record the equation. How can you solve subtraction word problems and complete the equation? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 6.7 Addition and Subtraction; TE pg. 249a-252; SE pg. 249-252 K.OA.9; K.OA.8 [CC.K.OA.2; CC.K.OA.1] Understand addition as putting together or adding to and subtraction as taking apart or taking from to solve word problems. How can you solve word problems using addition and subtraction? 1. plus 2. is equal to 3. minus • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 25 of 39 Critical Area: Number and Operations CHAPTER 7 – Represent, Count and Write 11 to 19 Chapter Duration : 3 weeks Suggested Months: Feb - Mar Chapter 7 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 10 days 2 days 13 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.4. Model with mathematics. CC.K-12.MP.8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 7.1 Model and Count 11 and 12; TE pg. 261a-264; SE pg. 261-264 K.NBT.13; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.NBT.1; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.5] Use objects to decompose the numbers 11 and 12 into ten ones and some further ones. How can you use objects to show 11 and 12 as ten ones and some more ones? 1. eleven 2. twelve 3. ones • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 7.2 Count and Write 11 and 12; TE pg. 265a-268; SE pg. 265-268 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC.5; K.NBT.13 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c; CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.NBT.1] Represent 11 and 12 objects with number names and written numerals. How can you count and write 11 and 12 with words and numbers? 1. no new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 7.3 Model and Count 13 and 14; TE pg. 269a-272; SE pg. 269-272 K.NBT.13; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.NBT.1; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.5 Use objects to decompose the numbers 13 and 14 into ten ones and some further ones. How can you use objects to show 13 and 14 as ten ones and some more ones? 1. thirteen 2. fourteen • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 26 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 7.4 Count and Write 13 and 14; TE pg. 273a-276; SE pg. 273-276 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC. 5; K.NBT.13 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c; CC.K.CC. 5; CC.K.NBT.1] Represent 13 and 14 objects with number names and written numerals. How can you count and write 13 and 14 with words and numbers? 1. no new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 7.5 Model, Count, and Write 15; TE pg. 277a-280; SE pg. 277-280 K.NBT. 13; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.NBT. 1; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.5] Use objects to decompose 15 into ten ones and some further ones and represent 15 with a number name and a written numeral. How can you use objects to show 15 as ten ones and some more ones and show 15 as a number? 1. fifteen • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 7.6 Use numbers to 15; TE pg. 281a-284; SE pg. 281-284 K.CC 3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC.5 [CC.K.CC 3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c; CC.K.CC.5] Solve problems by using the strategy draw a picture. How can you solve problems using the strategy draw a picture? 1. no new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 7.7 Model and Count 16 and 17; TE pg. 285a-288; SE pg. 285-288 K.NBT.13; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.NBT.1; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.5] Use objects to decompose the numbers 16 and 17 into ten ones and some further ones. How can you use objects to show 16 and 17 as ten ones and some more ones? 1. sixteen 2. seventeen • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day Page 27 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 7.8 Count and Write 16 and 17; TE pg. 289a-292; SE pg. 289-292 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC. 4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC.5; K.NBT.13 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC. 4b; CC.K.CC.4c; CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.NBT.1] Represent 16 and 17 objects with number names and written numerals. How can you count and write 16 and 17 with words and numbers? 1. no new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 7.9 Model and Count 18 and 19; TE pg. 293a-296; SE pg. 293-296 K.NBT 13; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC. 4b; K.CC.5 [CC.K.NBT 1; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC. 4b; CC.K.CC.5] Use objects to decompose the numbers 18 and 19 into ten ones and some further ones. How can you use objects to show 18 and 19 as ten ones and some more ones? 1. eighteen 2. nineteen • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two-color counters; counting tape 1 day 7.10 Count and Write 18 and 19; TE pg. 297a-300; SE pg. 297-300 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC. 4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC.5;KNBT.13 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC. 4b; CC.K.CC.4c; CC.K.CC.5; CC.KNBT.1] Represent 18 and 19 objects with number names and written numerals. How can you count and write 18 and 19 with words and numbers? 1. no new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Page 28 of 39 Critical Area: Geometry and Positions CHAPTER 10 – Identify and Describe Three-Dimensional Shapes (Lessons 1-6 only) Chapter Duration : 2 Weeks Suggested Months: Mar Chapter 10 Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 7 days 2 days 10 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. CC.K-12.MP.7. Look for and make use of structure. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 10.1 Three-Dimensional Shapes; TE pg. 413a-416; SE pg. 413-416 K.G.20 [CC.K.G.4] Analyze and compare three-dimensional shapes by attributes. How can you show which shapes stack, roll, or slide? 1. flat surface 2. curved surface 3. roll 4. stack 5. slide • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; three-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 10.2 Identify, Name, and Describe Spheres; TE pg. 417a-420; SE pg. 417420 K.G.18; K.G.19; K.G.20 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.3; CC.K.G.4] Identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including spheres. How can you identify, name, and describe spheres? 1. spheres 2. three-dimensional shapes • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; three-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 10.3 Identify, Name, and Describe Cubes; TE pg. 421a-424; SE pg. 421-424 K.G.18; K.G.19; K.G.20; K.G.21 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.3; CC.K.G.4; CC.K.G.5] Identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cubes. How can you identify, name, and describe cubes? 1. cube • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; three-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day Page 29 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 10.4 Identify, Name, and Describe Cylinders; TE pg. 425a-428; SE pg. 425428 K.G.18; K.G.19; K.G.20 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.3; CC.K.G.4] Identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cylinders. How can you identify, name, and describe cylinders? 1. cylinder • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; three-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 10.5 Identify, Name, and Describe Cones; TE pg. 429a-432; SE pg. 429-432 K.G.18; K.G.19; K.G.20 [CC.K.G.2; CC.K.G.3; CC.K.G.4] Identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cones. How can you identify, name, and describe cones? 1. cone • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; three-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day 10.6 Two- and Three-Dimensional Shapes; TE pg. 433a-436; SE pg. 433-436 K.G.19 [CC.K.G.3] Solve problems by using the strategy use logical reasoning. How can you solve problems using the strategy use logical reasoning? 1. flat 2. solid • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; two- and three-dimensional shapes; counting tape 1 day Page 30 of 39 Critical Area: Number and Operations CHAPTER 8 – Represent, Count, and Write 20 and Beyond Chapter Duration : 3 Weeks Suggested Months: Apr Chapter Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 8 days 2 days 11 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.4. Model with mathematics. CC.K-12.MP.5. Use appropriate tools strategically. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 8.1 Model and count 20; TE pg. 309a-312; SE pg. 309-312 K.CC.5; K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b [CC.K.CC.5; CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b] Model and count 20 with objects. How can you show and count 20 objects? 1. twenty • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day 8.2 Count and Write 20; TE pg. 313a-316; SE pg. 313-316 K.CC.3; K.CC.4a; K.CC.4b; K.CC.4c; K.CC.5 [CC.K.CC.3; CC.K.CC.4a; CC.K.CC.4b; CC.K.CC.4c; CC.K.CC.5] Represent 20 objects with a number name and a written numeral. How can you count and write 20 with words and numbers? 1. twenty • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 8.3 Count and Order to 20; TE pg. 317a-320; SE pg. 317-320 K.CC.2; K.CC.4 [CC.K.CC.2; CC.K.CC.4] Count forward to 20 from a given number. How can you count forward to 20 from a given number? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day Page 31 of 39 Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 8.4 Compare Numbers to 20; TE pg. 321a-324; SE pg. 321-324 K.CC.6; K.CC.3 [CC.K.CC.6; CC.K.CC.3] Solve problems by using the strategy make a model. How can you solve problems using the strategy make a model? 1. No new vocabulary • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape; connecting cubes 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 8.5 Count to 50 by Ones; TE pg. 325a-328; SE pg. 325-328 K.CC.1; K.CC.2 [CC.K.CC.1; CC.K.CC.2] Know the count sequence when counting to 50 by ones. How does the order of numbers help you to count to 50 by ones? 1. fifty • Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary 8.6 Count to 100 by Ones; TE pg. 329a-332; SE pg. 329-332 K.CC.1; K.CC.2 [CC.K.CC.1; CC.K.CC.2] Know the count sequence when counting to 100 by ones. How does the order of numbers help you to count to 100 by ones? 1. one hundred • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary ARMT+ Connection Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 8.7 Count to 100 by Tens; TE pg. 333a-336; SE pg. 333-336 K.CC.1 [CC.K.CC.1] Know the count sequence when counting to 100 by tens. How can you count to 100 by tens on a hundred chart? 1. tens • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 8.8 Count by Tens; TE pg. 337a-340; SE pg. 337-340 K.CC.1 [CC.K.CC.1] Use sets of tens to count to 100. How can you use sets of tens to count to 100? 1. tens • Animated Math Models • iTools • Chapter 8 test Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Page 32 of 39 Critical Area: Measurement and Data CHAPTER 11 Measurement Chapter Duration : 2 weeks Suggested Months: Apr - May Chapter Daily Pacing Chart Introduction Instruction Assessment Total 1 day 5 days 2 days 8 days Practice Standards: CC.K-12.MP.1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. CC.K-12.MP.2. Attend to precision. Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 11.1 Compare Lengths TE pg. 465a-468; SE pg. 465-468 K.MD.15; K.MD.14 [CC.K.MD.2; CC.K.MD.1] Directly compare the lengths of two objects. How can you compare the lengths of two objects? 1. longer 2. same length 3. shorter • Animated Math Models • iTools • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 11.2 Compare Heights TE. Pg 469a-472; SE pg. 469-472 K.MD.15; K.MD.14 [CC.K.MD.2; CC.K.MD.1] Directly compare the heights of two objects. How can you compare the heights of two objects? 1. same height 2. taller • Animated Math Models • iTools Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; connecting cubes; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 11.3 Direct Comparison TE pg. 473a-476; SE. pg. 473-476 K.MD.15; K.MD.14 [CC.K.MD.2; CC.K.MD.1] Solve problems by using the strategy draw a picture. How can you solve problems using the strategy draw a picture? 1. no new vocabulary • Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Page 33 of 39 Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame Chapter, Lesson, pg. 2010 AL COS # [CC] Lesson Objectives Essential Question Vocabulary Digital Path Resources/Materials Lesson Time Frame 11.4 Compare Weights TE pg. 477a-480; SE pg. 477-280 K.MD.15; K.MD.14 [CC.K.MD.2; CC.K.MD.1] Directly compare the weights of two objects. How can you compare the weights of two objects? 1. heavier 2. lighter 3. same weight • Animated Math Models • HMH Mega Math Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day 11.5 Length, Height, and Weight; TE pg. 481a-484; SE pg. 481-484 K.MD.14 [CC.K.MD.1] Describe several measurable attributes of a single object. How can you describe several ways to measure one object? 1. heavier 2. lighter 3. longer 4. shorter 5. taller • Grab-and-Go Centers Kit; MathBoard; counting tape 1 day Page 34 of 39 Grade K Your AMSTI Connection Lesson# 1.1 1.2 GO Math! Lesson Hands On-Model and Count 1 and 2 Count and Write 1 and 2 1.4 Hands On-Model and Count 3 and 4 Count and Write 3 and 4 1.5 Hands On-Model and Count 5 1.3 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 21 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Count and Write 5 Hands OnAlgebra-Ways to Make 5 Hands On-Count and Order to 5 Problem Solving Understand 0 Identify and Write 0 ALABAMA COS Standard Support With Lessons in Unit.Sessions CC.K.CC.4.a U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3U6.1,2,3,4,5;U7.1,2,3 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1,U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC4.a U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3U6.1,2,3,4,5;U7.1,2,3 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1,U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC.4.a U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3U6.1,2,3,4,5;U7.1,2,3 CC.K.CC.4.b U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3U6.1,2,3,4,5;U7.1,2,3 CC.K.OA.3 U1.3;U2.1,U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC.4.c U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3U6.1,2,3,4,5;U7.1,2,3 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1,U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC.6 U2.2,U3.2,U4.1,3;U5.2;U6.3;U7.2 CC.K.CC.6 U2.2,U3.2,U4.1,3;U5.2;U6.3;U7.2 CC.K.CC.6 U2.2,U3.2,U4.1,3;U5.2;U6.3;U7.2 CC.K.CC.6 U2.2,U3.2,U4.1,3;U5.2;U6.3;U7.2 CC.K.CC.6 U2.2,U3.2,U4.1,3;U5.2;U6.3;U7.2 Hands On-Model and Count 6 CC.K.CC.5 Count and Write 6 CC.K.CC.3 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,1.6C,2,3;U5.2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 Hands On -Model and Count 7 CC.K.CC.5 Count and Write 7 CC.K.CC.3 Hands On-Model and Count 8 CC.K.CC.5 Count and Write 8 CC.K.CC.3 Hands On-Model and Count 9 CC.K.CC.5 Count and Write 9 CC.K.CC.3 Hands On-Same Number Hands On-Greater Than Hands On-Less Than Problem SolvingCompare by Matching Sets to 5 Compare by Counting Sets to 5 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,1.6C,2,3;U5.2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,1.6C,2,3;U5.2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,1.6C,2,3;U5.2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 Page 35 of 39 3.9 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 6.1 6.2 Problem SolvingNumbers to 9 Hands On-Model and Count 10 Count and Write 10 Hands On: Algebra-Ways to Make 10 Count and Order to 10 Problem SolvingCompare by Matching Sets to 10 Compare by Counting Sets to 10 Compare Two Numbers Addition: Add To Hands OnAddition: Put Together Problem SolvingAct Out Addition Problems Hands On: Algebra-Model and Draw Addition Problems Algebra-Write Addition Sentences for 10 Algebra-Write Addition Sentences Algebra-Write More Addition Sentences Hands On Algebra-Number Pairs to 5 Hands OnAlgebra-Number Pairs for 6 and 7 Hands OnAlgebra-Number Pairs for 8 Hands On Algebra-Number Pairs for 9 Hands On Algebra-Number Pairs for 10 Subtraction-Take From Hands OnSubtraction-Take Apart CC.K.CC.6 U2.2;U3.2;U4.1,3;U5.2;U6.3;U7.2 CC.K.CC.5 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.OA.4 U4.4;U6.1,4,5A.2 CC.K.CC.2 U3.2;U5.1;U6.1.3A,2,3,4,5A.1;U7.1,2,3 CC.K.CC.6 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC.6 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC.7 U2.2;U4.3;U6.3 CC.K.OA.1 U4.2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,4,5A.2 CC.K.OA.1 U4.2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,4,5A.2 CC.K.OA.1 U4.2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,4,5A.2 CC.K.OA.5 U6.1,3,4,5A.1 CC.K.OA.4 U4.4;U6.1,4,5A.2 CC.K.OA.5 U6.1,3,4,5A.1 CC.K.OA.2 U4.2,3,4;U6.3,4 CC.K.OA.3 U4.4;U6.1,4,5A.5 CC.K.OA.3 U4.4;U6.1,4,5A.5 CC.K.OA.3 U4.4;U6.1,4,5A.5 CC.K.OA.3 U4.4;U6.1,4,5A.5 CC.K.OA.3 U4.4;U6.1,4,5A.5 CC.K.OA.1 U4.2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,4,5A.2 CC.K.OA.1 U4.2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,4,5A.2 Page 36 of 39 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7. 10 Problems SolvingAct Out Subtraction Problems Hands On: Algebra-Model and Draw Subtraction Problems Algebra-Write Subtraction Sentences Algebra-Write More Subtraction Sentences Hands On: Algebra-Addition and Subtraction Hands On-Model and Count 11 and 12 Count and Write 11 and 12 Hands On-Model and Count 13 and 14 Count and Write 13 and 14 Hands On-Model, Count and Write 15 Problem SolvingUse Numbers to 15 Hands On-Model and Count 16 and 17 Count and Write 16 and 17 Hands On-Model and Count 18 and 19 Count and Write 18 and 19 8.4 Hands On-Model and Count 20 Count and Write 20 Count and Order to 20 Problem SolvingCompare Numbers to 20 8.5 8.1 8.2 8.3 CC.K.OA.1 U4.2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,4,5A.2 CC.K.OA.5 U6.1,3,4,5A.1 CC.K.OA.5 U6.1,3,4,5A.1 CC.K.OA.2 U4.2,3,4;U6.3,4 CC.K.OA.2 U4.2,3,4;U6.3,4 CC.K.NBT.1 U6.5A.3,5A.4,5A.5 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.NBT.1 U6.5A.3,5A.4,5A.5 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.NBT.1 U6.5A.3,5A.4,5A.5 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.NBT.1 U6.5A.3,5A.4,5A.5 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.NBT.1 U6.5A.3,5A.4,5A.5 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC.5 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,1.6C,2,3;U5.2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2 CC.K.CC.3 U1.3;U2.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U6.1,2,3,5A.2 CC.K.CC.2 U3.2,U5.1,U6.1.3A,2,3,4,5A.1;U7.1,1.7A,2,3 CC.K.CC.6 U2.2;U3.2;U4.1,3;U5.2;U6.3;U7.2 Count to 50 by Ones CC.K.CC.1 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.5 8.6 Count to 100 by Ones CC.K.CC.1 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.5 8.7 Count to 100 by Tens CC.K.CC.1 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.5 Page 37 of 39 8.8 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Count by Tens CC.K.CC.1 U1.1,2,3;U2.1,2;U3.1,2,3;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3,5A.5 Identify and Name Circles CC.K.G.2 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 U5.1,2,3 Describe Circles Identify and Name Squares CC.K.G.4 Describe Squares Identify and Name Triangles CC.K.G.4 Describe Triangles Identify and Name Rectangles Describe Rectangles Identify and Name Hexagons CC.K.G.4 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 U5.1,2,3 CC.K.G.2 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 CC.K.G.4 U5.1,2,3 CC.K.G.2 Describe Hexagons Hands On: Algebra-Compare Two-Dimensional Shapes Problem SolvingDraw to Join Shapes CC.K.G.4 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 U5.1,2,3 CC.K.G.4 U5.1,2,3 CC.K.G.6 U5.2,3 CC.K.G.4 U5.1,2,3 CC.K.G.2 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 CC.K.G.2 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 CC.K.G.2 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 CC.K.G.2 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 CC.K.G.3 CC.K.G.1 U5.1,2,3 U1.1,2,3;U2.1;U3.1;U4.4;U5.1,2,3 CC.K.G.1 U1.1,2,3;U2.1;U3.1;U4.4;U5.1,2,3 CC.K.G.1 U1.1,2,3;U2.1;U3.1;U4.4;U5.1,2,3 Hands On-Three Dimensional Shapes Hands On-Identify, Name, and Describe Spheres Hands On-Identify, Name and Describe Cubes Hands On-Identify, Name and Describe Cylinders Hands On-Identify, Name and Describe Cones Problem SolvingTwo and ThreeDimensional Shapes Above and Below Beside and Next To In Front Of and Behind Hands OnCompare Challenge Hands OnCompare Heights Problem SolvingDirect Comparison Hands OnCompare Weights Length, Height, and Weight CC.K.G.2 CC.K.G.2 U1.2,3;U3.1;U5.1 U5.1,2,3 CC.K.MD.2 U2.2;U4.1,1.6C CC.K.MD.2 U2.2;U4.1,1.6C CC.K.MD.2 U2.2;U4.1,1.6C CC.K.MD.2 U2.2;U4.1,1.6C CC.K.MD.1 U2.2;U4.1,1.6C Page 38 of 39 12.3 Hands OnAlgebra-Classify and Count by Color Hands OnAlgebra-Classify and Count by Shape Hands OnAlgebra-Classify and Count by Size 12.4 Hands On-Make a Concrete Graph CC.K.MD.3 U1.3;U2.1,2;U3.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2,3 12.5 Read a Graph CC.K.MD.3 U1.3;U2.1,2;U3.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2,3 12.6 Problem SolvingSort and Count CC.K.MD.3 U1.3;U2.1,2;U3.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2,3 12.1 12.2 CC.K.MD.3 U1.3;U2.1,2;U3.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2,3 CC.K.MD.3 U1.3;U2.1,2;U3.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2,3 CC.K.MD.3 U1.3;U2.1,2;U3.1;U4.1,2,3,4;U5.1,2,3;U6.1,2,3;U7.1,2,3 Page 39 of 39