
Cord Attachment Exercise
There are cords - energetic channel that we have connected to them, and especially after you sleep with
anyone (or have deep intimate connections) I recommend you do this and you can do it with past lovers,
friends, family, deep intimate connection partners.
7 day Meditation Clearing
● You tap into the body sensations that come up when you think of this man/woman/scenario. Feel
free to allow in stories, visuals, etc around this person.
For example, when I thought of a former partner, i had feeling in my forehead and below my belly button
and above it around it. So those areas, were the main chakras he was tapped into.
● Guide yourself to gently literally with your hands (lay your hands on the chakra and/or pull energy
out from the body) go to each chakra from the root- front and back of your body.
● Gently unplug/unclog the energy in that chakra, removing that cord. Detach the current energy
circuit to that person. Visual it any way that comes up for the minds eye. Once you go through your
whole body detaching the cords, then you have a choice.
● Its decision time. How to do wish to remain connected? (YOUR FULL & COMPLETE CHOICE) With
some it will be not at all, you will remove all of the cord and attachment completely. If so then you
can proceed to the last part.
● But if the person and you are still dating, friends, its your mom, whatever, now its your turn to call
the shots. How can they stay linked? What energy will remained connected? AGAIN remember your
choice, guilt does not play a role here.
For example, again, with my past business partner, I left a thin chain, it was golden and sparkly from my
heart to hers, because I treasure our friendship and past together. I also saw a beautiful braided cord of
navy blue, bright blue and gold from my third eye and a another thin golden cord from my 2nd creation
chakra because I wanted to continue create with her from a business space.
It all really clearly came to me during the meditation. You may see different visuals, colors or have specific
body sensations. I have heard about clouds of energy, waves/vibrations and warm/cold/energetically pulls
like magnets. All are right, however your body can express the cord and then if you choose, rebuild it.
● And then the final piece: Is visualizing these two white (gold/silver work too!) hula hoops of energy,
mine had purple flames and they were to pass up and down your body to clear off the excess
energy. Like cobwebs and old lingering stuff, residue after the initial removing of the cord. Also
necessary so you are complete clean and clear and ready for whatever is next, so you can FULLY
RECEIVE what you are manifesting next.
● Give it a try for 7 days in a row. See how you feel each day, something about the evening before
bed hit the spot and was immensely empowering for me in releasing these energetic ties.
● You may need MORE days or less. Listen to your intuition if you go in and nothing is there, you
might be done. BUT I encourage you if you get triggered with 1-2 days to do AT LEAST 7 full days.
Also some cords are thick and built up, and might take more!
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The Big Factor