ECPM calls to vote for the alternative resolution of the EFD to the

European Christian Political Movement
Utrechtseweg 1a
3811 NA Amersfoort
The Netherlands
ECPM calls to vote for the alternative resolution of the EFD to the ‘Lunacek report’
In recent weeks the “Lunacek Report” has been tabled in the European Parliament, officially
known as “EU Roadmap against homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation
and gender identity” (2013/2183). Adopted by the European Parliament Committee for Civil
Liberties (LIBE), the European Parliament will vote on this report next week on 4 February.
We agree that the Report rightly asserts that LGBTI persons should have the same human rights as
everyone else. This is an assertion that can be fully supported. The very purpose of Human Rights, the
European Convention and other international human rights documents is to grant a minimum level of
protection of the integrity of every person because everyone has equal worth and dignity.
However the ECPM has serious doubts regarding the strategy called for by this report1. Especially some
proposals that are fundamental for the report seem to create additional influence to the LGBTI community
outside the regular democratic process. These are the proposals (section A) that the EU institutions
should work together with LGBTI organisations (who are represented in the in section A mentioned
Fundamental Rights Agency) to ‘mainstream’ all policies of the EU when drafting future policies and
proposals or monitoring the implementation of EU law. Effectively this means that all policies are checked
on their effect on this specified minority together with those who represent them, even before they are put
before the EP.
The long-term consequences of special attention and additional rights for one discriminated minority have
to be considered. The logical question coming from this strategy is: which minorities, and on which
grounds are these selected for similar policy processes. Since there is no objective way to measure and
weigh whom to choose, every selection of a discriminated minority will be arbitrary. A more fundamental
question is whether such a process violates the core principle of democratic equality of all citizens if one
specific group is given more influence than other citizens. Another real concern is the unclarity of how the
mainstreaming itself will be conducted since it is not specified which issues will be taken into account and
to what extent.
Other proposals in the report go beyond the competence of the EU and are solely the responsibility of the
Member States (like proposals effecting legislation regarding marriage).
For these reasons the ECPM calls to vote for the alternative resolution that has been tabled by the EFD
group. This resolution simply
Calls on the Commission, the Member States and the relevant agencies, each within their
respective areas of competence, to work towards ensuring the full enjoyment of all fundamental
rights by all citizens;
Invites the Member States and relevant agencies to work on implementing fundamental rights and
to guarantee the balance between the right to equal opportunities and other fundamental rights;
We firmly believe that promoting fundamental freedoms for all is the best way to combat discrimination
combined with increased efforts for dialogue to encourage mutual understanding.
European Christian Political Movement