Section 12. Parallel Slave Port HIGHLIGHTS 12 This section of the manual contains the following major topics: Introduction .................................................................................................................. 12-2 Control Register ........................................................................................................... 12-3 Operation ..................................................................................................................... 12-5 Operation in SLEEP Mode ........................................................................................... 12-6 Effect of a RESET ........................................................................................................ 12-6 PSP Waveforms ........................................................................................................... 12-6 Design Tips .................................................................................................................. 12-8 Related Application Notes............................................................................................ 12-9 Revision History ......................................................................................................... 12-10 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39512-page 12-1 Parallel Slave Port 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 PIC18C Reference Manual 12.1 Introduction Some devices have an 8-bit wide Parallel Slave Port (PSP). This port is multiplexed onto one of the device’s I/O ports. The port operates as an 8-bit wide Parallel Slave Port, or microprocessor port, when the PSPMODE control bit is set. In this mode, the input buffers are TTL. In slave mode, the module is asynchronously readable and writable by the external world through the RD control input pin and the WR control input pin. It can directly interface to an 8-bit microprocessor data bus. The external microprocessor can read or write the PORT latch as an 8-bit latch. Setting the PSPMODE bit enables port pins to be the RD input, the WR input, and the CS (chip select) input. Note 1: At present the Parallel Slave Port (PSP) is only multiplexed onto PORTD and PORTE. The microprocessor port becomes enabled when the PSPMODE bit is set. In this mode, the user must make sure that PORTD and PORTE are configured as digital I/O. That is, peripheral modules multiplexed onto the PSP functions are disabled (such as the A/D). When PORTE is configured for digital I/O, PORTD will override the values in the TRISD register. 2: In this mode the PORTD and PORTE input buffers are TTL. The control bits for the PSP operation are located in TRISE. There are actually two 8-bit latches, one for data-out (from the PICmicro) and one for data input. The user writes 8-bit data to the PORT data latch and reads data from the port pin latch (note that they have the same address). In this mode, the TRIS register is ignored, since the microprocessor is controlling the direction of data flow. Register 12-1 shows the block diagram for the PSP module. Figure 12-1: PORTD and PORTE Block Diagram (Parallel Slave Port) Data Bus D WR LATD or PORTD Q PSP<7:0> CK EN Q D TTL RD PORTD EN EN RD LATD One bit of PORTD Set interrupt flag PSPIF Read Chip Select Write Note: DS39512-page 12-2 TTL RD TTL CS TTL WR I/O pins have protection diodes to V DD and V SS. 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. Section 12. Parallel Slave Port 12.2 Control Register Register 12-1 is the PSP control register (PSPCON). The TRISE register (Register 12-2) contains the 4 bits for the PSP module found in some devices (such as PIC18C4X2) for compatibility with 40-pin midrange devices. Register 12-1: PSPCON Register R-0 IBF bit 7 bit 7 R-0 OBF R/W-0 IBOV R/W-0 PSPMODE U-0 — U-0 — U-0 — U-0 — bit 0 12 IBF: Input Buffer Full Status bit bit 6 Parallel Slave Port 1 = A word has been received and waiting to be read by the CPU 0 = No word has been received OBF: Output Buffer Full Status bit 1 = The output buffer still holds a previously written word 0 = The output buffer has been read bit 5 IBOV: Input Buffer Overflow Detect bit (in microprocessor mode) 1 = A write occurred when a previously input word has not been read (must be cleared in software) 0 = No overflow occurred bit 4 PSPMODE: Parallel Slave Port Mode Select bit 1 = Parallel slave port mode 0 = General purpose I/O mode bits 3:0 Unimplemented: Read as '0' Legend R = Readable bit - n = Value at POR reset 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. W = Writable bit ’1’ = bit is set U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’ ’0’ = bit is cleared x = bit is unknown DS39512-page 12-3 PIC18C Reference Manual Register 12-2: TRISE Register R-0 IBF bit 7 bit 7 R-0 OBF R/W-0 IBOV R/W-0 PSPMODE U-0 — R/W-1 TRISE2 R/W-1 TRISE1 R/W-1 TRISE0 bit 0 IBF: Input Buffer Full Status bit 1 = A word has been received and waiting to be read by the CPU 0 = No word has been received bit 6 OBF: Output Buffer Full Status bit 1 = The output buffer still holds a previously written word 0 = The output buffer has been read bit 5 IBOV: Input Buffer Overflow Detect bit (in microprocessor mode) 1 = A write occurred when a previously input word has not been read (must be cleared in software) 0 = No overflow occurred bit 4 PSPMODE: Parallel Slave Port Mode Select bit 1 = Parallel slave port mode 0 = General purpose I/O mode bit 3 Unimplemented: Read as '0' bit 2 TRISE2: RE2 Direction Control bit 1 = Input 0 = Output bit 1 TRISE1: RE1 Direction Control bit 1 = Input 0 = Output bit 0 TRISE0: RE0 Direction Control bit 1 = Input 0 = Output Legend R = Readable bit - n = Value at POR reset DS39512-page 12-4 W = Writable bit ’1’ = bit is set U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’ ’0’ = bit is cleared x = bit is unknown 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. Section 12. Parallel Slave Port 12.3 Operation A write to the PSP from the external system occurs when both the CS and WR lines are first detected low. When either the CS or WR lines become high (edge triggered), the Input Buffer Full status flag bit IBF is set on the Q4 clock cycle following the next Q2 cycle. This signals that the write is complete. The interrupt flag bit, PSPIF, is also set on the same Q4 clock cycle. The IBF flag bit is inhibited from being cleared for additional TCY cycles (see parameter 66 in the "Electrical Specifications" section). If the IBF flag bit is cleared by reading the PORTD input latch, then this has to be a read-only instruction (i.e., MOVF) and not a read-modify-write instruction. The Input Buffer Overflow status flag bit IBOV is set if a second write to the Parallel Slave Port is attempted when the previous byte has not been read out of the buffer. Input Buffer Full Status Flag bit, IBF, is set if a received word is waiting to be read by the CPU. Once the PORT input latch is read, the IBF bit is cleared. The IBF bit is a read only status bit. Output Buffer Full Status Flag bit, OBF, is set if a word written to the PORT latch is waiting to be read by the external bus. Once the PORTD output latch is read by the microprocessor, OBF is cleared. Input Buffer Overflow Status Flag bit, IBOV, is set if a second write to the microprocessor port is attempted when the previous word has not been read by the CPU (the first word is retained in the buffer). When not in Parallel Slave Port mode, the IBF and OBF bits are held clear. However, if the IBOV bit was previously set, it must be cleared in the software. An interrupt is generated and latched into flag bit PSPIF when a read or a write operation is completed. Interrupt flag bit PSPIF must be cleared by user software and the interrupt can be disabled by clearing interrupt enable bit PSPIE. Table 12-1: PORTE Functions Name RD WR CS Note: 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. Function Read Control Input in parallel slave port mode: RD 1 = Not a read operation 0 = Read operation. Reads PORTD register (if chip selected) Write Control Input in parallel slave port mode: WR 1 = Not a write operation 0 = Write operation. Writes PORTD register (if chip selected) Chip Select Control Input in parallel slave port mode: CS 1 = Device is not selected 0 = Device is selected The PSP may have other functions multiplexed onto the same pins. For the PSP to operate, the pins must be configured as digital I/O. DS39512-page 12-5 12 Parallel Slave Port A read of the PSP from the external system occurs when both the CS and RD lines are first detected low. The Output Buffer Full status flag bit OBF is cleared immediately indicating that the PORTD latch was read by the external bus. When either the CS or RD pin becomes high (edge triggered), the interrupt flag bit, PSPIF, is set on the Q4 clock cycle following the next Q2 cycle, indicating that the read is complete. OBF remains low until data is written to PORTD by the user firmware. PIC18C Reference Manual 12.4 Operation in SLEEP Mode When in SLEEP mode, the microprocessor may still read and write the Parallel Slave Port. These actions will set the PSPIF bit. If the PSP interrupts are enabled, this will wake the processor from SLEEP mode so that the PSP data latch may be either read, or written with the next value for the microprocessor. 12.5 Effect of a RESET After any RESET, the PSP is disabled and PORTD and PORTE are forced to their default mode. 12.6 PSP Waveforms Register 12-2 shows the waveform for a write from the microprocessor to the PSP, while Register 12-3 shows the waveform for a read of the PSP by the microprocessor. Figure 12-2: Parallel Slave Port Write Waveforms Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 CS WR RD PORTD<7:0> IBF OBF PSPIF Figure 12-3: Parallel Slave Port Read Waveforms Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 CS WR RD PORTD<7:0> IBF OBF PSPIF DS39512-page 12-6 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. Section 12. Parallel Slave Port Table 12-2: Registers Associated with Parallel Slave Port Value on POR, BOR Value on all other resets Port data latch when written; port pins when read xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu LATD LATD Data Output Bits xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu TRISD PORTD Data Direction Bits 1111 1111 1111 1111 ---- -000 ---- -000 Name Bit 7 PORTD PORTE (1) LATE TRISE (1) — Bit 6 — Bit 5 — Bit 4 Bit 3 — — Bit 2 RE2 Bit 1 RE1 Bit 0 RE0 — — — — — LATE Data Output Bits ---- -xxx ---- -uuu IBF OBF IBOV PSPMODE — PORTE Data Direction Bits 0000 -111 0000 -111 PSPCON IBF OBF IBOV PSPMODE — — — — 0000 ---- 0000 ---- INTCON GIE/ GIEH PEIE/ GIEL TMR0IF INT0IE RBIE TMR0IF INT0IF RBIF 0000 000x 0000 000u PSPIF ADIF RCIF TXIF SSPIF CCP1IF TMR2IF TMR1IF 0000 0000 0000 0000 PSPIE ADIE RCIE TXIE SSPIE CCP1IE TMR2IE TMR1IE 0000 0000 0000 0000 IPR1 PSPIP ADIP RCIP TXIP SSPIP CCP1IP TMR2IP TMR1IP 0000 0000 0000 0000 ADCON1 ADFM ADCS2 — — PCFG3 PCFG2 PCFG1 PCFG0 --0- -000 --0- -000 Legend: x = unknown, u = unchanged, - = unimplemented read as '0'. Shaded cells are not used by the Parallel Slave Port. Note 1: On some devices the entire PORTE will be implemented with I/O functions. In these devices, the TRISE register will contain the eight data direction bits and the PSP bits will be located in the PSPCON register. 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39512-page 12-7 Parallel Slave Port PIR1 PIE1 12 PIC18C Reference Manual 12.7 Design Tips Question 1: Migrating from the PIC16C74 to the PIC18CXX2, the operation of the PSP seems to have changed. Answer 1: Yes, a design change was made so the PIC18CXX2 is edge sensitive (while the PIC16C74 was level sensitive). DS39512-page 12-8 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. Section 12. Parallel Slave Port 12.8 Related Application Notes This section lists application notes that are related to this section of the manual. These application notes may not be written specifically for the Enhanced MCU family (that is, they may be written for the Base-Line, the Mid-Range or High-End families), but the concepts are pertinent, and could be used (with modification and possible limitations). The current application notes related to the Parallel Slave Port are: Title Application Note # Using the 8-bit Parallel Slave Port AN579 12 Note: 2000 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39512-page 12-9 Parallel Slave Port Please visit the Microchip Web site for additional software code examples. These code examples are stand alone examples to assist in the understanding of the PIC18CXXX. The web address for these examples is: PIC18C Reference Manual 12.9 Revision History Revision A This is the initial released revision of the Parallel Slave Port description. DS39512-page 12-10 2000 Microchip Technology Inc.